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Facies architecture and bedding patterns of the Kimmeridgian Pozuel Formation (Iberian Basin) evidence that this 50–70-m thick oolitic-grainstone unit conforms to the Infralittoral Prograding Wedge (ILPW) model instead of the classic models used for interpreting oolitic grainstones sandbodies on carbonate ramps or platforms (i.e., bank-margin shoal complexes, beaches and beach ridges).Ten lithofacies have been distinguished in the Pozuel Formation: 5–10° dipping clinobedded oolitic grainstone foresets passing to tabular oolitic packstones-grainstones, which interfinger the muddy basinal bottomsets. Landwards, the clinobeds pass into subhorizontal topsets composed of trough cross-bedded to structureless oolitic grainstones; oolitic-skeletal grainstones with stromatoporoids and coral-stromatoporoid-microbial mounds. Siliciclastic lithofacies and oncolitic/peloidal packstones occur at the innermost position. These lithofacies stack in strike elongated, 5–20-m thick, 0,5–2 km dip-oriented wide, aggradational-progradational packages with complex sigmoid-oblique geometries.Lithofacies, depositional geometries and stacking pattern permit to summarize the main characteristic of such Upper Jurassic oolitic infralittoral prograding wedge potentially to be applied in other oolitic sandbodies both in outcrops and subsurface: 1) sediment production within the wave action zone, 2) grainstone-dominated textures, 3) prograding basinward onto basinal muds, 4) laterally (strike) extensive, paralleling the shoreline, 5) variable thickness, commonly of few tens of meters, 6) broadly sigmoidal to oblique internal architecture, with topsets, foresets and bottomsets, 7) dip of foresets close to the angle of repose, 8) topsets deposited in shallow-water, extending through the shoreface, from the shoreline down to the wave base, 9) mounds, either microbial or skeletal, may occur in the topsets.The coated-grains factory was along the high-energy, wave-dominated outer platform (topset beds), from where the mud was winnowed and the grains transported both landward to the platform interior, and seaward to the platform edge, from were the grains cascaded down the slopes as grain flows and mass flows, forming clinobeds. This genetic model can be applied to other grain-dominated lithosomes, some of them forming hydrocarbon reservoirs, e.g., the Jurassic Hanifa Formation and some Arab-D (e.g., Qatif Field) in Arabia, the Smackover Formation in northern Louisiana and south Arkansas, the Aptian Shuaiba Formation (e.g., Bu Hasa Field) and the Cenomanian Mishrif Formation (e.g., Umm Adalkh Field) of the Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The Kaimiro Formation is an early to middle Eocene, NE-SW trending reservoir fairway in Taranaki Basin, and comprises a range of coastal plain through to shallow marine facies. A time of regional transgression is observed across the Paleocene–Eocene transition, which is linked to a general global warming trend and to regional thermal relaxation-related subsidence in New Zealand. The earliest Eocene transgressive deposits pass upwards into a series of cyclically stacked packages, interpreted as 3rd and 4th order sequences. Maximum regression occurred within the early Eocene and was followed by punctuated retrogradational stacking patterns associated with shoreline retreat and subsequent regional transgression in the middle Eocene.The Kaimiro Formation is considered a good reservoir target along most of the reservoir fairway, which can largely be attributed to a consistently quartz-rich, lithic-poor composition and reasonably coarse sand grain size. Correlations demonstrate that within the early Eocene the main reservoir facies are channel-fill sandstones overlying candidate sequence boundaries in paleoenvironmentally landward (proximal) settings, and upper shoreface/shoreline sandstones in relatively basinward (distal) settings. Middle Eocene reservoir facies are not represented in distal wells due to overall transgression at this time, yet they form a significant target in more proximal well locations, particularly on the Taranaki Peninsula.Depositional facies is one of the principal controls on sandstone reservoir quality. However, while reservoir facies have been proven along the length of the reservoir fairway, it is evident that diagenesis has significantly impacted sandstone quality. Relatively poor reservoir properties are predicted for deeply buried parts of the basin (maximum burial >4.5 km) due to severe compaction and relatively abundant authigenic quartz and illite. In contrast, good reservoir properties are locally represented in reservoir facies where present-day burial depths are <4 km due to less severe compaction, cementation and illitisation. Within these beds (<4 km) the presence of locally occurring authigenic grain-coating chlorite (shallow marine facies) and/or well-developed secondary porosity are both favourable to reservoir quality, while pervasive kaolinite and/or carbonate are both detrimental to reservoir quality.These results illustrate how an interdisciplinary approach to regional reservoir characterisation are used to help reduce risk during prospect evaluation. Assessment of both reservoir distribution and quality is necessary and can be undertaken through integrated studies of facies, sequence stratigraphy, burial modelling and petrography.  相似文献   

Brisk, persistent easterly trade wind influences define Holocene patterns of carbonate sedimentation across the Caicos Platform (southeastern Bahamas). Resultant predictive sedimentary facies models based on trade wind influences are more widely applicable to the exploration for subsurface carbonate plays than are existing models based on the northern Bahamas facies patterns, which are characterized by gentle trade winds and strong platform-margin-related oceanic processes (swells and tidal currents). The Caicos Platform relationships may be more applicable because many ancient shallow carbonate depositional environments were within the trade wind belts and commonly within broad intracratonic seas that were little influenced by oceanic processes.The grainstone-dominated Caicos Platform exhibits reservoir potential over much of its surface, in contrast to northern Bahamian platforms, where oceanic tidal currents or swells and gentle easterly trade winds confine higher energy environments with reservoir potential to platform margins. Strong easterly trade winds across Caicos Platform promote widespread Holocene platform-interior oolitic, skeletal and grapestone grainstone bodies on this platform. Orientations of ooid sand bodies vary depending on preexisting topography, water depth and bottom energy. Shallow subtidal ooid sand shoals orient parallel to these winds. Ooid sands developed along older shorelines orient parallel to the shorelines but prograde perpendicular into these winds. Deeper platform-interior oolitic sands exist as widespread, sheet-like deposits. These trade winds allow reefs and ooids to coexist in many settings, permit isolated linear reefs to flourish on certain leeward platform margins, and promote effective off-bank transport of carbonate sands that create onlapping grainstone wedges. These relationships are very applicable to the rock record.Strong trade wind influences, such as seen on Caicos Platform, better explain the occurrence of Cretaceous reef and/or oolitic grainstone reservoirs developed well in from platform margins (Fairway Field in East Texas; Black Lake Field in Louisiana) than do existing northern Bahamian models. Depositional models based on conditions in the northern Bahamian models would predict low-energy facies in these platform-interior settings. A trade-wind-driven depositional model, characterized by strong persistent easterlies, also better explains the origin of the onlapping wedge of skeletal grainstones at Poza Rica oilfield in Mexico.The Caicos Platform easterly trade-wind-driven depositional model should generally apply to any ancient shallow carbonate environment that developed 5–22° north or south of the paleoequator, whether or not a platform margin was near by. Future carbonate exploration or exploitation should always factor in not only geological age, but also physiographic, latitudinal and climatic setting at a global and local scale.  相似文献   

The demise of the high-relief, steep-slope, prograding Ladinian-Early Carnian carbonate platforms of the Esino Limestone (Central Southern Alps of Italy) is marked by subaerial exposure of the platform top associated with different erosional (mainly karst-related), depositional and diagenetic processes (Calcare Rosso). The exposure-related deposits consist of three major facies associations: 1) residual soils with thin lenses of conglomerates with black pebbles, and, locally, weathered vulcanites; 2) chaotic breccia lenses irregularly distributed in the uppermost part of the Esino Limestone carbonate platform, interpreted as collapse breccias in karstic setting: 3) inter-supratidal carbonate cycles with dissolution and development of paleosols and tepee structures.Facies distribution follows the sub-environments of the underlying Esino Limestone. Facies 1 and 2 typically characterize the core of the platform, covering the underlying inner platform facies. Facies 3 instead develops toward the edge of the platform, above reef-upper slope facies of the prograding facies of the Esino Limestone. The thickness of facies 3 decreases toward the core of the platform. Facies distribution reflects differences in the accommodation space and sedimentary processes from the rim (highest accommodation, favouring the deposition of peritidal-supratidal carbonates) to the core (reduced accommodation, causing pedogenesis and karstification) of the carbonate system.The observed thickness changes may be controlled by different factors: 1) syndepositional tectonics, 2) subsidence induced by magmatic activity or 3) differential subsidence controlled by the stratigraphic architecture of the Esino Limestone platform and adjoining basins. As evidence of tectonics was not observed and the presence of volcanic bodies is only documented tens of km away from the study area, the scenario involving the creation of accommodation space by compaction of the basinal sediments (resedimented, fine-grained calciturbidites) during the progradation of the carbonate platform is here investigated. Numerical modelling was performed to verify the compatibility of compaction-induced subsidence with the observed depositional architecture. The models were built to simulate the architectural evolution of the platform by progressively adding layers from deepest to shallowest, while compacting the underlying sediments, in order to evaluate compaction-induced subsidence (and accommodation space for the Calcare Rosso) after the deposition of the youngest platform strata. Modelling results allow us to conclude that the wedge geometry of the Calcare Rosso, deposited on top of the extinct Esino carbonate platform, can be explained by subsidence controlled by compaction of the basinal sediments present below the early-cemented, fast prograding platform slope deposits.  相似文献   

Consolidated to friable carbonate rocks found in the Lee Stocking Island area in the Exuma Cays include: (1) reef rock, (2) channel stromatolites, (3) shallow-water hardgrounds, (4) beachrock rimming the islands and (5) Pleistocene bedrock.

The most common cement fabrics observed are: aragonitic fibers, which include acicular fan-druse and square-tipped coarse fibers cementing beachrock and stromatolites; and an isopachous needle-fiber rim cementing hardgrounds and stromatolites.

Less common are high-Mg calcite bladed textures of the reef rock and stromatolites. Two types of blades are present: the more common stubby variety of either high-Mg or low-Mg calcite, and an elongated variety of high-Mg calcite which was found in only three beachrock samples.

Aragonitic micrite envelopes usually surround grains in beachrock, hardgrounds and stromatolites, but only in association with fibrous cement. An aragonitic crust cements the surfaces of lime mud beds of the tidal channel, while a high-Mg calcite cryptocrystalline cement occurs in all the rock types. Calcified algal filaments of high-Mg calcite, from the abundant green and blue-green algae in the area, are a primary cement in stromatolites and a secondary cement in hardgrounds and beachrock. A low-Mg calcite equant spar cements the Pleistocene samples and is associated with meteoric diagenesis and cementation of the Pleistocene surface.

Cement precipitation coincides with the path of the cool oceanic water from Exuma Sound as it warms and loses CO2 and moves up onto the bank near Lee Stocking with the incoming tide. Cryptocrystalline cement is the first and commonest cement forming to the seaward while platformward, fibrous cements become predominant. As suggested by their crystal size and location on the shelf margin, we think that the reef rock cryptocrystalline material are the fastest forming of the cements, where the incoming oceanic water is more saturated with respect to calcium carbonate and undergoes the most significant warming. The rate of the warming and degassing process is thought to increase in the tidal channel though the cementation rate is thought to fall slightly in response to a reduced availability of calcium carbonate. On the platform interior further warming and degassing are believed to cause cement precipitation and the development of hardgrounds, but these may form at a slower rate than that of the margin, though this rate is still quite high. Cementation gradients occur from the tidal channel to the intertidal zones of: (1) west Norman's Pond Cay, where cement fabric suggests a reduced calcium carbonate availability, and (2) west Lee Stocking Island, where a change in mineralogy suggests a change in water chemistry.

Thus, a sequence of cement fabrics and mineralogies can be traced. Micritic textures occur in a more seaward position; fine, fibrous aragonite fibers in a more lagoonal and levee position; and coarser aragonite fibers and Mg-calcite cements in the intertidal and supratidal position. This sequence is thought to track the evolution of the water mass.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2007,236(1-2):61-77
Cabo Pulmo, Mexico, is often cited as the eastern Pacific's northernmost coral reef. We investigated sedimentary dynamics to verify whether the system functions sedimentologically as a reef, which would mean that it retained internal sediment in a framework and exported peri-reefal sediment creating clearly identifiable facies dominated by reefal fauna. We mapped distribution of sediments using grab samples, the acoustic ground-discrimination systems QTC View and Echoplus at 50 kHz signal frequency and an IKONOS satellite image. Morphologically, the bay of Cabo Pulmo can be divided into intrusive dikes and rocky hardgrounds in less than 10 m depth and a sandy interior with rocky outcrops sloping to over 40 m. Reefal fauna without lasting framework-building but with production of typically reef-associated carbonate sediments, as well as a patch-reef facies were found on the dikes and hardgrounds. Sediments in the bay were a mixture of carbonates and siliciclastics and were influenced by a seasonal river near the bay's center that imported siliciclastic material. To the north and south sediments had a higher carbonate content, although overall the bay was characterized by > 50% siliciclastics. The shallower subtidal sands were dominated by mollusk fragments, whereas in depths > 30 m planktonic foraminiferal sand was found. Acoustically and optically remote-sensed maps were used to differentiate between the rocky and sandy areas and to identify the presumed off-shelf transport pathway of reef-derived carbonates. Overall, the sedimentary system is characterized by carbonate production, but the coarser reef derived carbonates (coral and reef-dwelling mollusks) are transported off-shelf along a steep depth gradient and little typical peri-reef sediment remains. This transport is likely aided by storms. Since no sediment retaining frameworks are formed, the dikes cannot retain internal sediment, and the reefal fauna was not dominant in sediments throughout the bay, we conclude that Cabo Pulmo sedimentologically functions only in a limited way like a coral reef.  相似文献   

The Yuanba Gas Field is the second largest natural gas reservoir in the Sichuan Basin, southwest China. The vast majority of the natural gas reserve is from the Permian Changhsingian reef complexes and Lower Triassic Feixianguan oolitic shoal complexes. To better understand this reservoir system, this study characterizes geological and geophysical properties, spatial and temporal distribution of the oolitic shoal complexes and factors that control the oolitic shoals character for the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in the Yuanba Gas Field. Facies analysis, well-seismic tie, well logs, seismic character, impedance inversion, and root mean square (RMS) seismic attributes distinguish two oolitic shoal complex facies – FA-A and FA-B that occur in the study area. FA-A, located in the middle of oolitic shoal complex, is composed of well-sorted ooids with rounded shape. This facies is interpreted to have been deposited in shallow water with relatively high energy. In contrast, FA-B is located in flanks of the oolitic shoal complex, and consists of poorly sorted grains with various shape (rounded, subrounded and subangular). The oolitic shoal complexes were mainly deposited along the platform margin. From the early Fei 2 Member period to the late Fei 2 Member period, the oolitic shoals complexes on the platform margin gradually migrated from the southwest to the northeast with an extent ranging from less than 100 km2–150 km2 in the Yuanba Gas Field. The migration of oolitic shoals coincided with the development of a series of progradational clinoforms, suggesting that progradational clinoforms caused by sea-level fall maybe are the main reason that lead to the migration of oolitic shoals. Finally, this study provide an integrated method for the researchers to characterize oolitic shoal complexes by using well cores, logs, seismic reflections, impedance inversion, and seismic attribute in other basins of the world.  相似文献   

Anomalously high porosities up to 30% at burial depth of >3000 m along with varying amounts and types of carbonate cements occur in the fluvial channel sandstone facies of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Central Graben, Norway. However, porosities of the Skagerrak Formation are lower in the Norwegian sector than in the UK sector. In this study, petrographic analysis, core examination, scanning electron microscopy, elemental mapping, carbon and oxygen isotope, fluid inclusion and microgeometry analysis are performed to determine the diagenesis and direct influence on reservoir quality, with particular focus on the role played by carbonate cementation. The sandstones are mainly fine-grained lithic-arkosic to sub-arkosic arenites and display a wide range of intergranular volumes (2.3%–43.7% with an average of 23.6%). Porosity loss is mainly due to compaction (av. 26.6%) with minor contribution from cementation (av. 12.1%). The carbonate cements are patchy in distribution (from trace to 20.7%) and appear as various types e.g. calcretes (i.e. calcareous concreted gravels), poikilitic sparite and sparry ferroan dolomite, and euhedral or/and aggregated ankerite/ferroan dolomite crystals. This study highlights the association of carbonate precipitation with the remobilisation of carbonate from intra-Skagerrak calcretes during early burial stage i.e. <500 m. During deeper burial, compaction is inhibited by carbonate cements, resulting high intergranular volume of up to 32% and 29% for fine- and medium-grained sandstones, respectively. Carbonate cement dissolution probably results from both meteoric water flow with CO2 during shallow burial, and organic CO2 and carboxylic acid during deep burial. The maximum intergranular volume enhanced by dissolution of early carbonate cements is calculated to 8% and 5% for fine- and medium-grained sandstones, respectively. Compaction continues to exert influence after dissolution of carbonate cements, which results in a loss of ∼6% intergranular volume for fine- and medium-grained sandstones. Reservoir quality of the Norwegian sector is poorer than that of the UK sector due to a lower coverage of clay mineral coats e.g. chlorite, later and deeper onset of pore fluid overpressure, lower solubility of carbonate compared to halite, and a higher matrix content.  相似文献   

西非下刚果盆地为一典型被动大陆边缘含盐盆地,下刚果盆地北部海域在白垩系海相碳酸盐岩层系获得丰富油气发现。研究区海相碳酸盐岩领域油气勘探面临的核心瓶颈问题,即白垩系碳酸盐岩的沉积模式、演化规律、储层特征以及沉积储层发育控制因素。综合钻井、地震、区域地质等资料,分析认为自下向上相对海平面的上升控制了沉积演化,沉积体系演化模式为浅海碳酸盐岩台地→浅海混积陆棚→半深海-海底扇。下刚果盆地碳酸盐岩储层展布在纵向及平面上均可以划分为内中外3个储层发育带,碳酸盐岩储层最主要发育于下白垩统Albian阶下Sendji组。该时期研究区整体发育浅海碳酸盐岩混积缓坡台地沉积体系,沉积亚相可进一步划分为混积滨岸、后缓坡、浅水缓坡以及深水缓坡4种类型,其中浅水缓坡亚相颗粒滩微相与后缓坡亚相台内浅滩、砂质浅滩微相储层最为发育。碳酸盐岩储层岩性组合主要包括颗粒灰岩、砂岩、砂质灰岩、白云岩4种类型;储层发育主要受沉积相带的控制,并受成岩作用的影响。  相似文献   

The Loppio Oolitic Limestone is a lithostratigraphic unit of the Early Jurassic Trento Platform in the Southern Alps, Northern Italy, which deposited over an area of ca. 3500 km2. It appears as a roughly tabular or wedge-shaped sedimentary body with thickness gradually increasing from 0 to ca. 100 m toward the western platform margin. We investigated the sedimentology, petrography and bulk carbonate carbon isotope geochemistry of the Loppio Oolitic Limestone in order to shed light on its depositional setting and origin. The Loppio Oolitic Limestone is made almost exclusively of oolitic grainstone, and can be subdivided in two parts. In the lower part, ooids are poorly sorted and sedimentary structures are scarce or absent. In the upper part, sorting becomes good and sedimentary structures are common. The vertical succession of sedimentary structures and the upward increase in sorting suggest a shallowing upward trend within the oolite. A reddened surface, meteoric cements and dinosaur footprints occur at the top of the unit, testifying for a subaerial exposure which is also confirmed by carbon and oxygen stable isotopic data. In terms of sequence stratigraphy, the Loppio Oolitic Limestone represents a Highstand Systems Tract, bounded at the top by a subaerial exposure surface. Bulk carbonate stable carbon isotope curves across the Loppio Oolitic Limestone from 7 stratigraphic sections could be correlated over distances of tens of km on the whole Trento Platform. This correlation suggests that the deposition of ooids was nearly synchronous across the platform. A negative excursion of carbon isotopes with magnitude of ca. 1‰ VPDB was identified within a lime mudstone unit (“Nodular lithozone” of the Monte Zugna Formation) immediately below the Loppio Oolitic Limestone, which can be correlated to a global perturbation of the carbon cycle in the mid-Sinemurian. The flooding of a wide area of formerly peritidal carbonate platform below the wave base was interpreted as due to an ecological crisis that caused a drop of carbonate production. We suggest that the subsequent recovery of carbonate production is marked by the shallowing upward succession of the Loppio Oolitic Limestone, which quickly occupied the accommodation space formed in consequence of the crisis, thus preventing the platform drowning. The Loppio Oolitic Limestone deposited as an initially highly porous oolitic sand that was then topped by a clayey interval (base of the Rotzo Formation), giving origin to a structural and stratigraphic configuration that could be favourable for the accumulation of hydrocarbons in the subsurface. The recurrence of similar facies superpositions, formed in consequence of perturbations of the carbon cycle with documented climatic effects, is discussed with regard to the Tethysian record of Mesozoic carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

New high-quality multibeam and high-resolution seismic data reveal new observations on sediment transfer and distribution and margin morphometrics in the uppermost slope of Northeastern Little Bahama Bank between 20 and 300 m water depth. The echofacies/backscatter facies show an alongslope sediment distribution forming successive strips. The upper part of the uppermost slope corresponds to the alternation of several submerged coral terraces and escarpments that could be related to Late Quaternary sea-level variations. The terraces could either be related to periods of stagnating sea-level or slow-down in sea-level change and therefore increased erosion by waves, or periods of accelerated sea-level rise since the Last Glacial Maximum. Terraces could therefore be related to coral construction and drowing. The medium part corresponds to the marginal escarpment, a steep cemented area. The lower part of the uppermost slope shows a discontinuous Holocene sediment wedge with varying thickness between 0 and 35 m. It is separated from the upper part by a zone of well-cemented seafloor associated with the marginal escarpment. Passing cold fronts result in sediment export caused by density cascading. The associated sediment fall-out and convective sedimentation can generate density currents that form this wedge and eventually flow through linear structures on the upper slope. The survey reveals the presence of recently active channels that extend over the entire uppermost slope and interrupt the wedge. The channels connect shallow tidal channels to submarine valleys connected to the proximal part of canyons. They directly feed the canyons with platform-derived sediment forming low-density turbidity currents and could supply the deepest part of the system with coarse-grained sediment directly exported from the carbonate platform.  相似文献   

The Eocene Sant Llorenç del Munt fan-delta complex developed in the Ebro foreland basin. The stratigraphy of this succession, about 1000 m thick, has been described as made up of several transgressive–regressive composite sequences, each composed of a stack of fundamental sequences, in turn made up of a transgressive systems tract and an overlying regressive systems tract. Systems tracts are composed of several facies belts: proximal alluvial fan, distal alluvial fan, fan-delta front, carbonate platform, and fan-delta slope and prodelta.  相似文献   

在大量前人研究的基础上,通过野外实测,运用沉积相分析方法,结合露头层序地层学、生物地层学、储层成岩作用等方面研究,初步对湖北兴山大峡口二叠系剖面进行了沉积相分析研究,认为该剖面由下至上可划分为两个沉积体系单元,即碳酸盐缓坡沉积体系(相)和碳酸盐台地沉积体系(相)。同时,初步总结出了该剖面的沉积相模式。海平面的升降变化是控制该区沉积相发育和分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

The main reservoir of the Humbly Grove Oilfield comprises variably dolomitic grainstones and packstones representing the Bathonian Great Oolite Group. The Bathonian sequence commences in Lower Fuller's Earth claystones which coarsen upwards into oncolitic claystones and skeletal packstones probably equivalent to the Fuller's Earth Rock. Above is a variable succession of wackestones and thin packstones which have a distinctive sandstone at their base. This sequence is named here the Hester's Copse Formation. The succeeding Great Oolite Limestone is predominantly oolitic and cross-bedded on a variety of scales. It exhibits both coarsening and fining sequences which have locally well-developed capping hardgrounds and burrowed horizons. The Great Oolite Limestone is subdivided into three Members: the lowest (the Humbly Grove Member), and the highest (the Herriard Member) begin with massive shoal oolite deposition, but each then pass upward into more interbedded sequences representing a more transgressive environment. The middle member (the Hoddington) is a thin but widely correlatable wackestone. The overlying Forest Marble commences abruptly in claystones, but there is an upward increase in both the incidence and thickness of discrete oolitic limestones. Both the Great Oolite Limestone and Forest Marble were affected by early fresh-water dissolution and cementation in addition to the localized development of submarine cements. The top of the Great Oolite Group is represented by the Cornbrash. The Lower Cornbrash is a thin micritic limestone while the Upper Cornbrash is a calcareous claystone which passes upwards into the Kellaways Clay. The Bathonian sequence overlies the dolomitic limestones of the Inferior Oolite, the Lower Fuller's Earth claystones being interpreted as a basinal marine mudstone sequence, marking a substantial deepening and transgressive phase at the opening of the Bathonian. These mudstones shoal upwards into the quiet, but photic, water deposits of the Fuller's Earth Rock. The Hester's Copse Formation represents the temporary development of wave-dominated terrigenous shoreface and lagoonal conditions. Renewed transgression established a high-energy, tide-dominated, carbonate shelf upon which the Great Oolite Limestone was deposited as a series of shoal oolites, channels, tidal deltas and spill-overs. Periodic exposure of the carbonate sand-bodies led to the production of early dissolutional and cementation fabrics that post-date (and largely obliterate) submarine cements. The Forest Marble opened with a further phase of deepening, and the temporary establishment of muddy facies. Subsequently discrete tide-dominated ridges and linear channelized oolitic sands prograded into the area. The latest Bathonian is marked by subsidence of the carbonate ramp to the south of the London Platform, the Cornbrash-Kellaways Clay sequence accumulating under progressively deepening waters.  相似文献   

This work focuses on the 3D modeling and structural analysis of the Monte Testo syn-sedimentary structure, developed in the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi Group of the Trento carbonate platform (Southern Alps, Italy). Significant changes in the facies architecture of the platform sedimentary units, occurred across a global perturbation of the Carbon cycle at the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary, are associated with evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonics. In particular, an early cemented oolitic sedimentary body with a high initial porosity (Loppio Oolitic Limestone) was broken-up and tilted by a pulse of rifting and overlain by tight marls and marly limestones (lower Rotzo Formation) that display sharp changes in thickness across the syn-sedimentary faults. This complex setting creates conditions potentially favorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. In this work, the Monte Testo structure is presented as a conceptual analogue of a hydrocarbon reservoir that may develop thanks to the overlap of the effects of extensional tectonics and climate change-induced modifications in the carbonate platform facies. A 3D geo-model was realized to obtain information about the genesis and tectonic evolution of the structure. Hence, a potential porosity distribution in the 3D model was evaluated showing that such extensional structure, which has a vertical extent of 500 m and covers an area of 15 km2, could have been associated to a total pore volume of 2.24 × 107 m3 at the time of its formation. Results suggest that in rifting contexts the combined effect of syn-sedimentary faulting and facies variations related to perturbations in the global carbon cycle could generate potential reservoirs in carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Triassic platform-margin deltas in the western Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Early to Middle Triassic in the Barents Sea was dominated by prograding transgressive-regressive sequences. Internal clinoform geometries indicate that sediments were derived from the Baltic Shield in the south and the Uralian Mountains in the east and southeast. These systems were formed in a large, relatively shallow epicontinental basin, where modest variations in relative sea-level relocated the shoreline significantly. This study shows the development of strike elongated depositional wedges that thicken just basinward of the platform-edge. Seismic facies and time-thickness maps show the position and development of platform-margin delta complexes within each sequence. Seismic clinoforms and trajectory analysis show significant lateral variation from the axis of the delta complex to areas adjacent to the main delivery system. Frequent toplap geometries are observed in proximity to coarse-grained deposits, while aggradation of seismic clinoforms characterizes areas laterally to the platform-margin deltas. Complex shifts in depocenters are revealed by large-scale compensational stacking pattern and relict platform breaks. Locally, relict breaks are created due to pre-existing paleo-topography. Platform-margin deltas can be identified by careful mapping of clinoform geometries, clinoform angles and trajectories. However, seismic analysis of prograding clinoform units indicate that the shoreline and delta complexes commonly are positioned landward of the platform-edge. Deposition of platform-margin deltas is sometimes caused by locally increased sediment supply during slightly rising relative sea-level, and occasionally caused by a regional drop in relative sea-level with significant shelf bypass.Development, position, thickness and facies distribution of platform deltas and platform-margin deltas of very broad low-relief basins, like the Triassic of the epicontinental Barents Sea basin, are strongly sensitive to changes in relative sea-level due to rapid emergence and submergence of wide areas, and to changes in position of major rivers supplying sand to the delta systems. In this respect, the depositional model of the present study deviates from models of clinoform successions obtained from small and narrow basins or siliciclastic platforms with high coarse-clastic sediment supply.  相似文献   

Fractured reservoirs are of prime interest as fracture networks control most of the fluid flow and/or accumulation. However, characterizing 3D fracture patterns from subsurface data remains challenging. Studying fractures on outcrops is a good substitution to 1D data from subsurface exploration tools. In addition, outcrops allow deciphering the nature, origin and conditions for fracture formation through the geodynamic history. In this paper, we aim at characterizing the true 3D fracture patterns and determining the genetic role of facies, diagenesis and rock physical properties. We targeted a platform–slope transect within a carbonate reservoir analog, the Maiella Mountain in central Italy, where implications for analog hydrocarbon reservoir can be discussed.Fracture patterns are sorted based on geometric and kinematic criteria from field measurements and petrographic analyzes on thin-sections. Sedimentary facies, pore types and rock physical properties have been characterized in order to establish the impact of early diagenesis on rock evolution. Diagenetic sequences have been unraveled and correlated to the fractures. Fracture sequences have been determined considering the cross-cutting relationships and compared with burial–uplift history. In the two studied formations (platform and slope carbonates), we interpret a stage of fracturing perpendicular to bedding, formed at shallow depth and occurring prior to major regional tectonic events. The studied carbonates have undergone early diagenesis during fast and shallow burial, conferring early brittle behavior. The amount of stylolites is not correlated to burial depth but to fracture density, porosity and free air P–wave velocity. It means that fracture development, mechanical and petrophysical properties are acquired during early diagenesis.Both studied formations have undergone the same geodynamic history and their brittle response is different and not related to folding but to burial and early cementation. Deciphering the close relationship between sedimentary facies, diagenetic and geodynamic history has allowed unraveling the controling factors on rock properties and therefore on fracture pattern.  相似文献   

Significant volumes of the known hydrocarbon reserves are found in carbonate rocks, many of these dolomitized. The spatial distribution of diagenesis on these rocks is one of the main challenges in oil reservoir modeling. Reactive transport models can be a powerful tool to understand the active diagenetic processes and their effects on the quality of these reservoirs. In this study it was used, for the first time, the CMG-GEM simulator to model diagenetic evolution of a carbonate sequence, subjected to compaction-driven and geothermal flow in a simulated period of 200 thousand years. It was simulated carbonate cementation, dolomitization and dissolution, with and without presence of faults. Among the analyzed variables, the volume of circulating fluid was the most important factor. For both mechanisms, flow simulated velocities obtained had magnitudes smaller than 10−6 m/day. Diagenesis was insignificant for these low speeds at simulated time interval. Only dolomitized facies presented relevant diagenesis in form of calcite dissolution and dolomite precipitation. Simulations with flow rates of 1 m/day revealed a considerable increase in observed diagenesis, especially in carbonate cementation and in porosity enhancement. Diagenesis was more pronounced in more permeable sediments, highlighting the role of fluid flow in diagenetic reactions. Relative dissolution was greatly reduced during simulations performed with absence of dolomite and dolomitization reactions. The presence of faults strongly influences spatial distribution of diagenesis, especially relatively to dissolution. More permeable facies were more dissolved near fault, decreasing with increasing distance. Low permeability facies, as mudstones, are not dissolved, even near fault. Spatial distribution of diagenesis would then be dependent mainly on the quality of original pore structure, of fault presence and mineral composition of rock.  相似文献   

A progradational sedimentary body, the infralittoral prograding wedge (IPW), has been developing from the mean fair-weather wave-base level to the storm wave-base level between the onshore (beach) and the offshore (inner continental shelf) depositional zones along the Spanish coast during the Late Holocene. The main sedimentary body is composed of large inclined master beds which prograde seawards parallel to the shoreline, formed by sediments swept offshore by waves from shallow-water littoral environments. The inclined beds downlap onto finer-grained offshore sediments and, in turn, are overlain by shoreface deposits. The IPW is generated by downwelling storm currents and associated seaward transport of sediment. It represents a new depositional model for clastic wave-dominated coasts, and its identification requires a new subdivision of the nearshore environment. Received: 10 June 1999 / Revision accepted: 15 February 2000  相似文献   

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