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The petroleum system of the Kunsan Basin in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin is not well known, compared to other continental rift basins in the Yellow Sea, despite its substantial hydrocarbon potential. Restoration of two depth-converted seismic profiles across the Central Subbasin in the southern Kunsan Basin shows that extension was interrupted by inversions in the Late Oligocene-Middle Miocene that created anticlinal structures. One-dimensional basin modeling of the IIH-1Xa well suggests that hydrocarbon expulsion in the northeastern margin of the depocenter of the Central Subbasin peaked in the Early Oligocene, predating the inversions. Hydrocarbon generation at the dummy well location in the depocenter of the subbasin began in the Late Paleocene. Most source rocks in the depocenter passed the main expulsion phase except for the shallowest source rocks. Hydrocarbons generated from the depocenter are likely to have migrated southward toward the anticlinal structure and faults away from the traps along the northern and northeastern margins of the depocenter because the basin-fill strata are dipping north. Faulting that continued during the rift phase (∼ Middle Miocene) of the subbasin probably acted as conduits for the escape of hydrocarbons. Thus, the anticlinal structure and associated faults to the south of the dummy well may trap hydrocarbons that have been charged from the shallow source rocks in the depocenter since the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton composition and distribution were investigated by Juday net hauls in the Pechora Sea (south-eastern Barents Sea) in July 2001. A total of 66 taxa were identified. The total mesozooplankton abundance varied between 2416 ind m−2 in the northern part and 1458?935 ind m−2 in the south. The biomass ranged between 81 and 19?078 mg DW m−2. Three groups differed greatly in composition, abundance and biomass as delineated by cluster analysis. Copepod species Calanus finmarchicus, Pseudocalanus species and Limnocalanus macrurus dominated in terms of the total biomass within each single cluster. There were significant Spearman rank correlations between mesozooplankton abundance and oceanographic variables, and phytoplankton concentration. Salinity was the main factor affecting the mesozooplankton distribution in the coastal waters, while temperature had greater influence on the abundance and biomass in the central and northern parts. The mean mesozooplankton biomass in the region was higher in comparison with some previous investigations probably due to higher water temperature in summer 2001.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Knurr Sandstone deposited along the southern slope of Loppa High and overlain by the Kolje and Kolmule seals forms an attractive play in the Hammerfest Basin of the Barents Sea. Late Jurassic organic-rich Hekkingen shale directly underlies the Knurr Sandstone and acts as a source to provide effective charge. Three wells, 7120/2-2, 7122/2-1 and 7120/1-2, have proven the Knurr-Kolje play in structural traps, with an oil discovery in 7120/1-2. Prospectivity related to stratigraphic traps is, however, highly under-explored.In order to document and map the reservoir distribution and stratigraphic-trap fairway, the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary package containing the Knurr Sandstone is divided into a number of depositional sequences and systems tracts using key regional seismic profiles calibrated with logs. Mapping of the key surfaces bounding the Knurr sandstone has been carried out using all the seismic vintages available from Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).The thick massive nature of the sandstone (123 m in well 7122/2-1), sedimentary features characteristic of gravity flow deposits, high-resolution internal seismic reflections and stratal geometries (truncations and lapout patterns), and sequence stratigraphic position of the Knurr Sandstone on seismic profiles confirm that the lobes identified on the seismic section are gravity driven base of the slope lobes. These Knurr lobes and slope aprons were formed as a result of uplift of the Loppa paleo-high in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times which caused subaerial exposure and incision. The characteristic mounded, lobate geometry evident on the seismic can be mapped along the toe-of-slope and records multiple stacked lobes fed by multiple feeder canyons. Lateral partitioning and separation of the lobes along the toe-of-slope could potentially create stratigraphic traps. The existing 2D seismic coverage is, however, not sufficient to capture lateral stratigraphic heterogeneity to identify stratigraphic traps. 3D seismic coverage with optimum acquisition parameters (high spatial and vertical resolution, appropriate seismic frequency and fold, long offsets and original amplitudes preserved) can allow for the reconstruction of 3D geomorphologic elements to de-risk potential stratigraphic traps prior to exploratory drilling.  相似文献   

The results of field work on drift ice during wave propagation are analyzed and presented. The field work was performed in the Barents Sea, and the main focus of the paper is on wave processes in the MIZ. A model of wave damping in broken ice is formulated and applied to interpret the field work results. It is confirmed that waves of higher frequencies are subjected to stronger damping when they propagate below the ice. This reduces the frequency of most energetic wave with increasing distance from the ice edge. Difference of wave spectra measured in two relatively close locations within the MIZ is discussed. The complicated geometry and dynamics of the MIZ in the North-West Barents Sea allow waves from the Atlantic Ocean and south regions of the Barents Sea to penetrate into different locations of the MIZ.  相似文献   

本文采用1900—2010年ECMWF海冰密集度、海面温度、风场和NCAR北极涛动等长序列资料,运用EOF分解、线性回归和相关分析等统计方法,分析了巴伦支海海冰年际变化特征及其与影响因子之间的关系。结果表明:巴伦支海海冰面积4月最大,9月最小,每年减少约1653km^2;面积距平正负位相交替出现,1969年后以负距平为主,冰情先重后轻;密集度逐月不同,明显降低的区域呈现“中部偏东—中部—东北部—西北部—中部偏东”转移特点,部分区域每年减少0.006以上;密集度变化的空间特征可由密集度EOF第一主模态表示,与温度的相关系数高于风场;海冰面积与AO呈负相关。我国以往单独针对巴伦支海海冰变化的研究较少,本文丰富了这方面的资料,对浮式平台开发冰区油气资源提供初步参考。  相似文献   

The Goliat field consists of Middle to Late Triassic reservoirs which exploit an elongate anticline (the Goliat anticline) in the hanging wall of the Troms-Finnmark Fault Complex (TFFC), offshore Norway. The area is affected by a dense network of multiple trending fault populations which historically have inhibited seismic resolution owing to persistent fault shadow. Seismic investigations utilising a multi-azimuth three-dimensional survey (EN0901) allow much crisper delineation of seismic features previously unattainable by vintage single-azimuth surveys. Three dominant fault populations are identified in the area, two of which parallel TFFC segments, the Alke–Goliat (WSW–ENE) and the Goliat–Tornerose (NNE–SSW) segments. The Goliat field is located within a zone of intersection between both segments. A third E–W trending fault population, the Hammerfest Regional population, is likely influenced by the offshore extension of the Trollfjord-Komagelv Fault Complex (TKFZ). A local NW–SE trending fault population, the Goliat Central, affects the Goliat anticline and partitions Alke–Goliat and Goliat–Tornerose subsidiary faults resulting in curvilinear traces. Several cross-cutting relationships between fault populations are observed and may provide fluid compartmentalisation in the reservoirs. Compilation of regional transects and the EN0901 survey provides new insight into the evolution of the Goliat anticline which is underlain by a fault-bound basement terrace that became established in the Late Palaeozoic. The structure is interpreted to have formed due to vertical segmentation of the TFFC and cores the overlying broad anticline. The western limb of the Goliat anticline likely formed by differential compaction, whereas the eastern limb is primarily a result of hanging wall roll-over linked to variable listric to ramp-flat-ramp fault geometry. Rifting took place in the Palaeozoic (Carboniferous to Permian?), and in the Mesozoic, possibly as early as the Late Triassic, with a major event in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Minor reactivations continued into the Late Cretaceous, and possibly the Early Cenozoic. Mesozoic syn-kinematic geometries in the hanging wall of the Goliat–Tornerose TFFC segment are consistent with deposition during up section propagation of a blind fault, over which, a monocline was established and later breached. Jogs (abrupt orientation changes) in fault traces, transverse folds (associated with displacement maxima/minima) and vertical fault jogs suggest the TFFC existed as a greater number of segments prior to amalgamation during the Late Triassic to Jurassic. A phase of Barremian inversion created local compression structures above blind extensional faults, and deeper seated buttressing against large faults. Polygonal faults affect the Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic successions.  相似文献   

Dense water formation and circulation in the Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dense water masses from Arctic shelf seas are an important part of the Arctic thermohaline system. We present previously unpublished observations from shallow banks in the Barents Sea, which reveal large interannual variability in dense water temperature and salinity. To examine the formation and circulation of dense water, and the processes governing interannual variability, a regional coupled ice-ocean model is applied to the Barents Sea for the period 1948-2007. Volume and characteristics of dense water are investigated with respect to the initial autumn surface salinity, atmospheric cooling, and sea-ice growth (salt flux). In the southern Barents Sea (Spitsbergen Bank and Central Bank) dense water formation is associated with advection of Atlantic Water into the Barents Sea and corresponding variations in initial salinities and heat loss at the air-sea interface. The characteristics of the dense water on the Spitsbergen Bank and Central Bank are thus determined by the regional climate of the Barents Sea. Preconditioning is also important to dense water variability on the northern banks, and can be related to local ice melt (Great Bank) and properties of the Novaya Zemlya Coastal Current (Novaya Zemlya Bank). The dense water mainly exits the Barents Sea between Frans Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, where it constitutes 63% (1.2 Sv) of the net outflow and has an average density of 1028.07 kg m−3. An amount of 0.4 Sv enters the Arctic Ocean between Svalbard and Frans Josef Land. Covering 9% of the ocean area, the banks contribute with approximately 1/3 of the exported dense water. Formation on the banks is more important when the Barents Sea is in a cold state (less Atlantic Water inflow, more sea-ice). During warm periods with high throughflow more dense water is produced broadly over the shelf by general cooling of the northward flowing Atlantic Water. However, our results indicate that during extremely warm periods (1950s and late 2000s) the total export of dense water to the Arctic Ocean becomes strongly reduced.  相似文献   

通过计算机图像测定系统测定、计算获得海冰细菌的大小、面积和碳含量,研究了北极巴伦支海和拉普捷夫海的浮冰中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布及其与海冰微藻生物量的关系.细菌在冰心中是非均匀分布的,至少有两种不同分布类型:第一类有单一的丰度峰值,在冰心底部或在冰心中部;第二类有两个丰度峰值.海冰中细菌的丰度为0.4×105~36.7×105个/cm3.不同类型海冰中的细菌大小变化极大,在多年冰中,最大的细菌与叶绿素a最大值出现在同一层,而在一年冰中,细菌大小几乎没有垂直变化.整柱冰心的细菌生物量变化为19.2~79.2mg/cm2,细菌与海冰微藻生物量之比为0.43~10.00.对固定冰比较和研究的结果发现,海冰冰心中细菌大小、丰度和生物量的垂直分布差别极大.据此,分析了对目前海冰研究采样方法的局限性,并提出了规范采样方法的设想.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the Barents Sea euphausiids populations in the warm period (2000–2005) based on the study of their structure dynamics and distribution under the influence of abiotic and biotic factors. For estimation of their aggregations in the bottom layer, the traditional method was used with the help of the modified egg net (0.2 m2 opening area, 564 μm mesh size). The net is used for collecting euphausiids in the autumn–winter period when their activity is reduced, which results in high-catch efficiency. The findings confirmed the major formation patterns of the euphausiids species composition associated with climate change in the Arctic basin. As before, in the warm years, one can see a clear-cut differentiation of space distribution of the dominant euphausiids Thysanoessa genus with localization of the more thermophilic Thysanoessa inermis in the north-west Barents Sea and Thysanoessa raschii in the east. The major euphausiids aggregations are formed of these species. In 2004, the first data of euphausiids distribution in the northern Barents Sea (77–79°N) were obtained, and demonstrated extremely high concentrations of T. inermis in this area, with the biomass as high as 1.7–2.4 g m−2 in terms of dry weight. These data have improved our knowledge of the distribution and euphausiids abundance during periods of elevated sea-water temperatures in the Barents Sea. The oceanic Atlantic species were found to increase in abundance due to elevated advection to the Barents Sea during the study period. Thus, after nearly a 30-year-long absence of the moderate subtropical Nematoscelis megalops in the Barents Sea, they were found again in 2003–2005. However in comparison with 1960, the north-east border of its distribution considerably shifted to 73°50′N 50°22′E. The portion of Meganyctiphanes norvegica also varied considerably—from 10% to 20% of the total euphausiids population in the warm 1950s–1960s almost to complete disappearing in 1970–1990s. The peak of this species’ occurrence (18–26%) took place in the beginning of warm period (1999–2000) after a succession of cold years. The subsequent reduction of the relative abundance of M. norvegica to 7% might have been mostly caused by fish predation during a period of low population densities of capelin. This high predation pressure may therefore have been mediated both by other pelagic fishes (i.e. herring, blue whiting, polar cod) but also by demersal fishes such as cod and haddock. Similar sharp fluctuations in the capelin stock (the major consumer of euphausiids) created marked perturbations in the food web in the Barents Sea in the middle 1980s and the early 1990s.  相似文献   

The present study of five wells from Upper Albian to Lower Maastrichtian succession in the southwestern Barents Sea yields the first dinoflagellate cyst-based palynological event biostratigraphy for the area. The research focuses on the Upper Cretaceous Kveite and Kviting formations due to the lack of formal palynological documentation, and enables the formation of a biozonation of greater resolution than currently achievable by micropalaeontology. Four new interval zones and one abundance subzone are described, from base upward: Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides and Palaeohystrichophora palaeoinfusa Interval Zone (intra Early Cenomanian–intra Late Cenomanian), Dinopterygium alatum Interval Zone (?intra Early Coniacian–Late Santonian), Palaeoglenodinium cretaceum Interval Zone (Early Campanian), and the Chatangiella bondarenkoi Interval Zone (Late Campanian) encompassing the Heterosphaeridium bellii Abundance Subzone (intra-Late Campanian). The zones are well correlated to existing palynological zonations from the Norwegian–Greenland Sea, where the previously described Subtilisphaera kalaalliti Interval Zone (intra Late Albian–?intra Early Cenomanian), Heterosphaeridium difficile Interval Zone (Middle Turonian to ?intra Early Coniacian) and Cerodinium diebelii Interval Zone (Early Maastrichtian) are recognised. These data also reveal the presence of three significant unconformities of Late Cenomanian–Early Turonian, Middle Campanian and Late Maastrichtian–Paleocene age.  相似文献   

The shrimp spawn in autumn, and the females carry their eggs as out roe until spring when the larvae hatch. Within a period of 2 months the shrimp larvae settle to the bottom. It has been claimed that the year-class strength probably is determined during the larval phase. Today's assessment and forecast of the shrimp stock productivity and potential fishing yields are weak. This is partly due to poor knowledge on population dynamics from hatching until the shrimp are caught in the fishery at the age of 3 or 4 years. We, therefore, here identify the most important abiotic and biotic factors that affect recruitment in addition to spawning stock biomass. Since 1995, a net attached to the underbelly of the survey trawl used at the annual cruise in the Barents Sea has caught juvenile shrimp. The abundance of settled shrimp larvae varies in time and space. The recruitment to the fishery has been quite stable with the exception of the 1996 year-class, which was observed as 1-year-olds but has not been registered since. The temporal pattern of the three youngest year-classes is studied in relation to abiotic factors such as sea temperature, ice index and North Atlantic Oscillation, as well as biotic factors such as spawning stock biomass and presence of copepods, euphausiids and predating cod. Recruitment indices and factors identified by the Spearmann correlation to be significantly correlated with recruitment were used as input in a principal component analysis (PCA) and a generalized additive model (GAM) was applied. Abundance of 1-year-old shrimp is positively correlated to spawning stock biomass the previous year and to temperature of the previous winter, and negatively correlated with the number of 1-year-old cod. Two-year-old shrimp show significant correlation with temperature, whereas there is a strong negative correlation with euphausiids. Three-year-old shrimp are significantly correlated with the number of 2-year-old shrimp the previous year but negatively correlated to temperature at sampling time. This is probably due to less overlap with the main predator cod when cold. Ricker functions indicate an increased density-dependent mortality with age. When predicting the recruitment of shrimp to the fishery, the spawning stock biomass, the abundance of cod and euphausiids, as well as the temperature should be included.  相似文献   

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