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We propose that steady-state two-phase flow in porous media may be described through a formalism closely resembling equilibrium thermodynamics. This leads to a Monte Carlo method that will be highly efficient in studying two-phase flow under steady-state conditions numerically. This work was partially supported by the Norwegian Research Council through grants nos. 154535/432 and 180296/S30.  相似文献   

One of the driving forces in porous media flow is the capillary pressure. In standard models, it is given depending on the saturation. However, recent experiments have shown disagreement between measurements and numerical solutions using such simple models. Hence, we consider in this paper two extensions to standard capillary pressure relationships. Firstly, to correct the nonphysical behavior, we use a recently established saturation-dependent retardation term. Secondly, in the case of heterogeneous porous media, we apply a model with a capillary threshold pressure that controls the penetration process. Mathematically, we rewrite this model as inequality constraint at the interfaces, which allows discontinuities in the saturation and pressure. For the standard model, often finite-volume schemes resulting in a nonlinear system for the saturation are applied. To handle the enhanced model at the interfaces correctly, we apply a mortar discretization method on nonmatching meshes. Introducing the flux as a new variable allows us to solve the inequality constraint efficiently. This method can be applied to both the standard and the enhanced capillary model. As nonlinear solver, we use an active set strategy combined with a Newton method. Several numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency and flexibility of the new algorithm in 2D and 3D and show the influence of the retardation term. This work was supported in part by IRTG NUPUS.  相似文献   

The representer method is applied to a one-dimensional two-phase flow model in porous media; capillary pressure and gravity are neglected. The Euler–Lagrange equations must be linearized, and one such linearization is presented here. The representer method is applied to the linear system iteratively until convergence, though a rigorous proof of convergence is out of reach. The linearization chosen is easy to calculate but does not converge for certain weights; however, a simple damping restores convergence at the cost of extra iterations. Numerical experiments are performed that illustrate the method, and quick comparison to the ensemble Kalman smoother is made. This research was supported by NSF grant EIA-0121523.  相似文献   

A space-time discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is proposed and applied to a convection-dominant single-phase flow problem in porous media. The numerical scheme is based on a coupled space-time finite element discretization allowing for discontinuous approximations in space and in time. The continuities on the element interfaces are weakly enforced by the flux treatments, so that no extra penalty factor has to be determined. The resulting space-time formulation possesses the advantage of capturing the steep concentration front with sharp gradients efficiently. The stability and reliability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by numerical experiments. The author is grateful to the DFG (German Science Foundation—Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) for the financial support under the grant number Di 430/4-2.  相似文献   

We review and perform comparison studies for three recent multiscale methods for solving elliptic problems in porous media flow; the multiscale mixed finite-element method, the numerical subgrid upscaling method, and the multiscale finite-volume method. These methods are based on a hierarchical strategy, where the global flow equations are solved on a coarsened mesh only. However, for each method, the discrete formulation of the partial differential equations on the coarse mesh is designed in a particular fashion to account for the impact of heterogeneous subgrid structures of the porous medium. The three multiscale methods produce solutions that are mass conservative on the underlying fine mesh. The methods may therefore be viewed as efficient, approximate fine-scale solvers, i.e., as an inexpensive alternative to solving the elliptic problem on the fine mesh. In addition, the methods may be utilized as an alternative to upscaling, as they generate mass-conservative solutions on the coarse mesh. We therefore choose to also compare the multiscale methods with a state-of-the-art upscaling method – the adaptive local–global upscaling method, which may be viewed as a multiscale method when coupled with a mass-conservative downscaling procedure. We investigate the properties of all four methods through a series of numerical experiments designed to reveal differences with regard to accuracy and robustness. The numerical experiments reveal particular problems with some of the methods, and these will be discussed in detail along with possible solutions. Next, we comment on implementational aspects and perform a simple analysis and comparison of the computational costs associated with each of the methods. Finally, we apply the three multiscale methods to a dynamic two-phase flow case and demonstrate that high efficiency and accurate results can be obtained when the subgrid computations are made part of a preprocessing step and not updated, or updated infrequently, throughout the simulation. The research is funded by the Research Council of Norway under grant nos. 152732 and 158908.  相似文献   

We present a method for solving steady‐state flow with a free surface in porous media. This method is based on a finite volume approach and is halfway between a fixed and an adaptive mesh method, taking advantage of both approaches: computational efficiency and localization accuracy. Most of the mesh remains fixed during the iterative process, while the cells in contact with the free surface (free surface cells) are being reshaped. Based on this idea, we developed two methods. In the first one, only the volumes of the free surface cells are adapted. In the second one, the computational nodes of the free surface cells are relocated exactly at the free surface. Both adaptations are designed for a better application of the free surface boundary conditions. Implementation details are given on a regular finite volume mesh for the case of homogeneous and heterogeneous rectangular dams in 2D and 3D. Accuracy and convergence properties of the proposed approach are demonstrated by comparison with an analytical solution and with existing references. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with numerical methods for the modeling of flow and transport of contaminant in porous media. The numerical methods feature the mixed finite element method over triangles as a solver to the Darcy flow equation and a conservative finite volume scheme for the concentration equation. The convective term is approximated with a Godunov scheme over the dual finite volume mesh, whereas the diffusion–dispersion term is discretized by piecewise linear conforming triangular finite elements. It is shown that the scheme satisfies a discrete maximum principle. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology for a coupled system that includes an elliptic equation and a diffusion–convection–reaction equation arising when modeling flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media. The proposed scheme is robust, conservative, efficient, and stable, as confirmed by numerical simulations.   相似文献   

模拟裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项彦勇 《岩土力学》2005,26(5):750-754
描述了一种计算裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法。这种方法忽略裂隙的毛细作用,设定一个与某孔隙饱和度相对应的综合饱和度极限值,并假定:(1)如果裂隙多孔介质的综合饱和度小于该极限值,水只在孔隙中存在并流动,而裂隙中则没有水的流动;(2)如果综合饱和度等于或大于该极限值,水将进入裂隙,并在裂隙内运动。分析比较了等效连续体模型的不同计算方法,并给出了一个模拟裂隙岩体中变饱和渗流与传热耦合问题的应用算例。结果表明,所述方法具有一般性,可以有效地模拟裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的基本特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiscale technique for the simulation of porous media flows in a flow-based coordinate system. A flow-based coordinate system allows us to simplify the scale interaction and derive the upscaled equations for purely hyperbolic transport equations. We discuss the applications of the method to two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media. For two-phase flow simulations, the use of a flow-based coordinate system requires limited global information, such as the solution of single-phase flow. Numerical results show that one can achieve accurate upscaling results using a flow-based coordinate system.  相似文献   

A pore-scale numerical model based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is described for modelling fluid flow phenomena in porous media. Originally developed for astrophysics applications, SPH is extended to model incompressible flows of low Reynolds number as encountered in groundwater flow systems. In this paper, an overview of SPH is provided and the required modifications for modelling flow through porous media are described, including treatment of viscosity, equation of state, and no-slip boundary conditions. The performance of the model is demonstrated for two-dimensional flow through idealized porous media composed of spatially periodic square and hexagonal arrays of cylinders. The results are in close agreement with solutions obtained using the finite element method and published solutions in the literature. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modeling the flow in highly fractured porous media by finite element method (FEM) has met two difficulties: mesh generation for fractured domains and a rigorous formulation of the flow problem accounting for fracture/matrix, fracture/fracture, and fracture/boundary fluid mass exchanges. Based on the recent theoretical progress for mass balance conditions in multifractured porous bodies, the governing equations for coupled flow and deformation in these bodies are first established in this paper. A weak formulation for this problem is then established allowing to build a FEM. Taking benefit from recent development of mesh‐generating tools for fractured media, this weak formulation has been implemented in a numerical code and applied to some typical problems of hydromechanical coupling in fractured porous media. It is shown that in this way, the FEM that has proved its efficiency to model hydromechanical phenomena in porous media is extended with all its performances (calculation time, couplings, and nonlinearities) to fractured porous media. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Average nonuniform flows in heterogeneous formations are modeled with the aid of the nonlocal effective Darcy's law. The mean head for flow toward source of instantaneous discharge in a heterogeneous medium of given statistics represents the fundamental solution of the average flow equation and is called the Mean Green Function (MGF). The general representation of the MGF is obtained for weakly heterogeneous formations as a functional of the logconductivity correlation function. For Gaussian logconductivity correlation, the MGF is derived in terms of one quadrature in time t and it is analyzed for isotropic media of any dimensionality d and for 3D axisymmetric formations. The MGF is further applied to determining the mean head distribution for flow driven by a continuous source of constant discharge. The large time asymptotic of the mean head is analyzed in details.  相似文献   

Multiphase flow modelling is a major issue in the assessment of groundwater pollution. Three-phase flows are commonly governed by mathematical models that associate a pressure equation with two saturation equations. These equations involve a number of secondary variables that reflect the fluid behaviour in a porous medium. To improve the computational efficiency of multiphase flow simulators, several simplified reformulations of three-phase flow equations have been proposed. However, they require the construction of new secondary variables adapted to the reformulated flow equations. In this article, two different approaches are compared to quantify these variables. A numerical example is given for a typical fine sand.  相似文献   

We derive a compositional compressible two-phase, liquid and gas, flow model for numerical simulations of hydrogen migration in deep geological repository for radioactive waste. This model includes capillary effects and the gas high diffusivity. Moreover, it is written in variables (total hydrogen mass density and liquid pressure) chosen in order to be consistent with gas appearance or disappearance. We discuss the well possedness of this model and give some computational evidences of its adequacy to simulate gas generation in a water-saturated repository.  相似文献   

饶登宇  白冰  陈佩佩 《岩土力学》2018,39(12):4527-4536
在考虑相变的热能平衡方程和非饱和水分迁移质量控制方程的基础上,建立温度场-水分场的耦合模型,并采用一种无网格粒子算法(SPH)进行数值求解。其中,耦合方程中考虑了水流传热以及温度势对水流的直接驱动,在不考虑相变的情况下,该耦合模型可退化为常温下的水-热耦合模型,故可用于模拟冻融循环的相关问题。从求解热能平衡方程中的含冰量出发,实现解耦并对半无限单向冻结条件下介质内非稳态温度场和体积含水率分布场进行模拟,将耦合作用下的温度场与不耦合的解析解进行对比,反映出水分迁移对温度场存在较大影响。最后,求解了路基边坡在季节性周期温度边界下,温度场、水分场分布的演变规律,并评估了边坡阴阳面受热不均对水热两场分布的影响。计算结果基本能反映土冻结相变的实际物理过程,光滑粒子算法可以用于尝试解决冻土领域的其他相关问题。  相似文献   

In this work, we report diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA)-type Montecarlo computations of a stochastic model of displacement of a viscous fluid by another that preferentially wets a porous medium, for the case when both fluids are immiscible in the absence of buoyancy forces. The model has the aim to simulate cooperative invasion processes found in experiments of immiscible wetting displacement. The model considers the nonlocal effects of the Laplacian pressure field and the capillary forces via hydrodynamic equations in the Darcy regime with a boundary condition for the pressure at the interface. The boundary condition contains two different types of disorder: the capillary term, which constitutes an additive random disorder, and a term containing an effective random surface tension, which couples to a curvature (it constitutes a multiplicative random term that carries nonlocal information of the whole pressure). We generate different displacement patterns for different setting of the parameters of the model. We analyze these patterns by studying the scaling properties of the interface that separate the two fluids and calculating the fractal dimension of the interface. The results show the existence of three distinct regimes of scaling. One regime at the smallest-length scales is due to the multiplicative random disorder together with the nonlocal coupling; it reveals itself in a roughness exponent α ≈ 0.80. Additionally, we find a DLA-type scaling regime with a roughness exponent α ≈ 0.60 at the largest scales and intermediate scaling regime with α ≈ 0.70 corresponding to invasion percolation with trapping. Each regime has definite scaling ranges that depend on the capillary number and the relative wetting tendency of the fluids. The behavior of the fractal dimensions of the interfaces of the aggregates constitutes a further confirmation of the existence of three scaling regimes and the multi-self-affinity of the perimeter of the interface boundaries.  相似文献   

Multiscale finite-volume method for density-driven flow in porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method has been developed to solve multiphase flow problems on large and highly heterogeneous domains efficiently. It employs an auxiliary coarse grid, together with its dual, to define and solve a coarse-scale pressure problem. A set of basis functions, which are local solutions on dual cells, is used to interpolate the coarse-grid pressure and obtain an approximate fine-scale pressure distribution. However, if flow takes place in presence of gravity (or capillarity), the basis functions are not good interpolators. To treat this case correctly, a correction function is added to the basis function interpolated pressure. This function, which is similar to a supplementary basis function independent of the coarse-scale pressure, allows for a very accurate fine-scale approximation. In the coarse-scale pressure equation, it appears as an additional source term and can be regarded as a local correction to the coarse-scale operator: It modifies the fluxes across the coarse-cell interfaces defined by the basis functions. Given the closure assumption that localizes the pressure problem in a dual cell, the derivation of the local problem that defines the correction function is exact, and no additional hypothesis is needed. Therefore, as in the original MSFV method, the only closure approximation is the localization assumption. The numerical experiments performed for density-driven flow problems (counter-current flow and lock exchange) demonstrate excellent agreement between the MSFV solutions and the corresponding fine-scale reference solutions.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of cement suspensions flow in granular porous media considering particle filtration is presented in this paper. Two phenomenological laws have been retained for the filtration rate and the intrinsic permeability evolution. A linear evolution with respect to the volume fraction of cement in the grout has been retained for the filtration rate. The intrinsic permeability of the porous medium is looked for in the form of a hyperbolic function of the porosity change. The model depends on two phenomenological parameters only. The equations of this model are solved analytically in the one‐dimensional case. Besides, a numerical resolution based on the finite element method is also presented. It could be implemented easily in situations where no analytical solution is available. Finally, the predictions of the model are compared to the results of a grout injection test on a long column of sand. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the numerical modeling of fluid flow in heterogeneous geological media, large material contrasts associated with complexly intersected material interfaces are challenging, not only related to mesh discretization but also for the accurate realization of the corresponding boundary constraints. To address these challenges, we developed a discontinuous approach for modeling fluid flow in heterogeneous media using the numerical manifold method (NMM) and the Lagrange multiplier method (LMM) for modeling boundary constraints. The advantages of NMM include meshing efficiency with fixed mathematical grids (covers), the convenience of increasing the approximation precision, and the high integration precision provided by simplex integration. In this discontinuous approach, the elements intersected by material interfaces are divided into different elements and linked together using the LMM. We derive and compare different forms of LMMs and arrive at a new LMM that is efficient in terms of not requiring additional Lagrange multiplier topology, yet stringently derived by physical principles, and accurate in numerical performance. To demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the NMM with the developed LMM for boundary constraints, we simulate a number of verification and demonstration examples, involving a Dirichlet boundary condition and dense and intersected material interfaces. Last, we applied the developed model for modeling fluid flow in heterogeneous media with several material zones containing a fault and an opening. We show that the developed discontinuous approach is very suitable for modeling fluid flow in strongly heterogeneous media with good accuracy for large material contrasts, complex Dirichlet boundary conditions, or complexly intersected material interfaces. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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