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This work focuses on the 3D modeling and structural analysis of the Monte Testo syn-sedimentary structure, developed in the Early Jurassic Calcari Grigi Group of the Trento carbonate platform (Southern Alps, Italy). Significant changes in the facies architecture of the platform sedimentary units, occurred across a global perturbation of the Carbon cycle at the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary, are associated with evidences of syn-sedimentary tectonics. In particular, an early cemented oolitic sedimentary body with a high initial porosity (Loppio Oolitic Limestone) was broken-up and tilted by a pulse of rifting and overlain by tight marls and marly limestones (lower Rotzo Formation) that display sharp changes in thickness across the syn-sedimentary faults. This complex setting creates conditions potentially favorable to hydrocarbon accumulation. In this work, the Monte Testo structure is presented as a conceptual analogue of a hydrocarbon reservoir that may develop thanks to the overlap of the effects of extensional tectonics and climate change-induced modifications in the carbonate platform facies. A 3D geo-model was realized to obtain information about the genesis and tectonic evolution of the structure. Hence, a potential porosity distribution in the 3D model was evaluated showing that such extensional structure, which has a vertical extent of 500 m and covers an area of 15 km2, could have been associated to a total pore volume of 2.24 × 107 m3 at the time of its formation. Results suggest that in rifting contexts the combined effect of syn-sedimentary faulting and facies variations related to perturbations in the global carbon cycle could generate potential reservoirs in carbonate platforms.  相似文献   

Brisk, persistent easterly trade wind influences define Holocene patterns of carbonate sedimentation across the Caicos Platform (southeastern Bahamas). Resultant predictive sedimentary facies models based on trade wind influences are more widely applicable to the exploration for subsurface carbonate plays than are existing models based on the northern Bahamas facies patterns, which are characterized by gentle trade winds and strong platform-margin-related oceanic processes (swells and tidal currents). The Caicos Platform relationships may be more applicable because many ancient shallow carbonate depositional environments were within the trade wind belts and commonly within broad intracratonic seas that were little influenced by oceanic processes.The grainstone-dominated Caicos Platform exhibits reservoir potential over much of its surface, in contrast to northern Bahamian platforms, where oceanic tidal currents or swells and gentle easterly trade winds confine higher energy environments with reservoir potential to platform margins. Strong easterly trade winds across Caicos Platform promote widespread Holocene platform-interior oolitic, skeletal and grapestone grainstone bodies on this platform. Orientations of ooid sand bodies vary depending on preexisting topography, water depth and bottom energy. Shallow subtidal ooid sand shoals orient parallel to these winds. Ooid sands developed along older shorelines orient parallel to the shorelines but prograde perpendicular into these winds. Deeper platform-interior oolitic sands exist as widespread, sheet-like deposits. These trade winds allow reefs and ooids to coexist in many settings, permit isolated linear reefs to flourish on certain leeward platform margins, and promote effective off-bank transport of carbonate sands that create onlapping grainstone wedges. These relationships are very applicable to the rock record.Strong trade wind influences, such as seen on Caicos Platform, better explain the occurrence of Cretaceous reef and/or oolitic grainstone reservoirs developed well in from platform margins (Fairway Field in East Texas; Black Lake Field in Louisiana) than do existing northern Bahamian models. Depositional models based on conditions in the northern Bahamian models would predict low-energy facies in these platform-interior settings. A trade-wind-driven depositional model, characterized by strong persistent easterlies, also better explains the origin of the onlapping wedge of skeletal grainstones at Poza Rica oilfield in Mexico.The Caicos Platform easterly trade-wind-driven depositional model should generally apply to any ancient shallow carbonate environment that developed 5–22° north or south of the paleoequator, whether or not a platform margin was near by. Future carbonate exploration or exploitation should always factor in not only geological age, but also physiographic, latitudinal and climatic setting at a global and local scale.  相似文献   

The main reservoir of the Humbly Grove Oilfield comprises variably dolomitic grainstones and packstones representing the Bathonian Great Oolite Group. The Bathonian sequence commences in Lower Fuller's Earth claystones which coarsen upwards into oncolitic claystones and skeletal packstones probably equivalent to the Fuller's Earth Rock. Above is a variable succession of wackestones and thin packstones which have a distinctive sandstone at their base. This sequence is named here the Hester's Copse Formation. The succeeding Great Oolite Limestone is predominantly oolitic and cross-bedded on a variety of scales. It exhibits both coarsening and fining sequences which have locally well-developed capping hardgrounds and burrowed horizons. The Great Oolite Limestone is subdivided into three Members: the lowest (the Humbly Grove Member), and the highest (the Herriard Member) begin with massive shoal oolite deposition, but each then pass upward into more interbedded sequences representing a more transgressive environment. The middle member (the Hoddington) is a thin but widely correlatable wackestone. The overlying Forest Marble commences abruptly in claystones, but there is an upward increase in both the incidence and thickness of discrete oolitic limestones. Both the Great Oolite Limestone and Forest Marble were affected by early fresh-water dissolution and cementation in addition to the localized development of submarine cements. The top of the Great Oolite Group is represented by the Cornbrash. The Lower Cornbrash is a thin micritic limestone while the Upper Cornbrash is a calcareous claystone which passes upwards into the Kellaways Clay. The Bathonian sequence overlies the dolomitic limestones of the Inferior Oolite, the Lower Fuller's Earth claystones being interpreted as a basinal marine mudstone sequence, marking a substantial deepening and transgressive phase at the opening of the Bathonian. These mudstones shoal upwards into the quiet, but photic, water deposits of the Fuller's Earth Rock. The Hester's Copse Formation represents the temporary development of wave-dominated terrigenous shoreface and lagoonal conditions. Renewed transgression established a high-energy, tide-dominated, carbonate shelf upon which the Great Oolite Limestone was deposited as a series of shoal oolites, channels, tidal deltas and spill-overs. Periodic exposure of the carbonate sand-bodies led to the production of early dissolutional and cementation fabrics that post-date (and largely obliterate) submarine cements. The Forest Marble opened with a further phase of deepening, and the temporary establishment of muddy facies. Subsequently discrete tide-dominated ridges and linear channelized oolitic sands prograded into the area. The latest Bathonian is marked by subsidence of the carbonate ramp to the south of the London Platform, the Cornbrash-Kellaways Clay sequence accumulating under progressively deepening waters.  相似文献   

The demise of the high-relief, steep-slope, prograding Ladinian-Early Carnian carbonate platforms of the Esino Limestone (Central Southern Alps of Italy) is marked by subaerial exposure of the platform top associated with different erosional (mainly karst-related), depositional and diagenetic processes (Calcare Rosso). The exposure-related deposits consist of three major facies associations: 1) residual soils with thin lenses of conglomerates with black pebbles, and, locally, weathered vulcanites; 2) chaotic breccia lenses irregularly distributed in the uppermost part of the Esino Limestone carbonate platform, interpreted as collapse breccias in karstic setting: 3) inter-supratidal carbonate cycles with dissolution and development of paleosols and tepee structures.Facies distribution follows the sub-environments of the underlying Esino Limestone. Facies 1 and 2 typically characterize the core of the platform, covering the underlying inner platform facies. Facies 3 instead develops toward the edge of the platform, above reef-upper slope facies of the prograding facies of the Esino Limestone. The thickness of facies 3 decreases toward the core of the platform. Facies distribution reflects differences in the accommodation space and sedimentary processes from the rim (highest accommodation, favouring the deposition of peritidal-supratidal carbonates) to the core (reduced accommodation, causing pedogenesis and karstification) of the carbonate system.The observed thickness changes may be controlled by different factors: 1) syndepositional tectonics, 2) subsidence induced by magmatic activity or 3) differential subsidence controlled by the stratigraphic architecture of the Esino Limestone platform and adjoining basins. As evidence of tectonics was not observed and the presence of volcanic bodies is only documented tens of km away from the study area, the scenario involving the creation of accommodation space by compaction of the basinal sediments (resedimented, fine-grained calciturbidites) during the progradation of the carbonate platform is here investigated. Numerical modelling was performed to verify the compatibility of compaction-induced subsidence with the observed depositional architecture. The models were built to simulate the architectural evolution of the platform by progressively adding layers from deepest to shallowest, while compacting the underlying sediments, in order to evaluate compaction-induced subsidence (and accommodation space for the Calcare Rosso) after the deposition of the youngest platform strata. Modelling results allow us to conclude that the wedge geometry of the Calcare Rosso, deposited on top of the extinct Esino carbonate platform, can be explained by subsidence controlled by compaction of the basinal sediments present below the early-cemented, fast prograding platform slope deposits.  相似文献   

The Middle Eocene deposits in the Fayoum Ranges are composed of complex alternative clastic (claystone and sandstone) and carbonate (limestone and dolostone) facies and dominated carbonate (limestone) facies. Facies are arranged mainly in regression and shallowing upward (emergence) cycles and sequences. Field stratigraphic and microfacies analysis of the study area permits recognition of four major sequences, reflecting 3rd-order cycles. Depositional sequences and cycles are bounded by subaerial erosive surfaces or caliche deposits, ferruginous crust, and by their correlative conformities. Sequence-1 consists of two shallowing-upward cycles (dominate carbonate facies), each of which starts with nummulitic wackestone, capped with nummulitic packstone including Globigerinatheka subconglobata subconglobata biozone. These cycles were deposited under tropical to subtropical conditions as evidenced by the carbonate nature of the rocks and the abundance of nummulites, which need warm conditions for their flourishing. Sequence-2 consists of four emergence cycles based with claystone and capped with wackestone including Morozovella lehneri biozone. The duration (Ma) of sequence-2 (Morozovella lehneri zone) is 3.05 Ma (44.25 Ma for the upper of TA3 3.3 to 41.2 Ma for the lower of TA3 3.5). Sequence-3 includes three rock units (includes Trucorotaloides rohri biozone). The lower unit involves lowstand systems tract, the middle unit contains transgressive systems tract and the upper rock unit includes highstand systems tract. The lowstand systems tract consists of emergence cycles of mixed clastic- carbonate facies, clays at the base and capped with wackestone and packstone facies. The transgressive systems tract consists of dominant carbonate facies, wackestone at the base and capped with packstone facies. Sequence 4 involves transgressive systems tract. The duration of both sequence-3 and sequence 4 has been estimated as 1.8 Ma.  相似文献   

To improve the understanding of the distribution of reservoir properties along carbonate platform margins, the connection between facies, sequence stratigraphy, and early diagenesis of discontinuities along the Bathonian prograding oolitic wedge of the northeastern Aquitaine platform was investigated. Eight facies are distributed along a 50 km-outcropping transect in (1) toe-of-slope, (2) infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge, (3) platform margin (shoal), (4) open marine platform interior, (5) foreshore, and (6) terrestrial settings. The transition from shallow platform to toe-of-slope facies is marked in the field by clinoforms hundred of meters long. Carbonate production was confined to the shallow platform but carbonates were exported basinward toward the breakpoint where they cascaded down a 20–25° slope. Ooid to intraclast grainstones to rudstones pass into alternating marl-limestone deposits at an estimated paleodepth of 40–75 m. Three sea-level falls of about 10 m caused the formation of discontinuities corresponding to sequence boundaries. Along these discontinuities, erosional marine hardgrounds formed in a high-hydrodynamic environment at a water depth of less than 10 m, displaying isopachous fibrous cements and meniscus-type cements. The cements pass landward into meniscus and microstalactitic forms along the same discontinuities, which are characteristic of subaerial exposure. During the deposition of transgressive systems tracts, carbonate accumulation remained located mostly on the shallow platform. Energy level increased and carbonates were exported during the deposition of highstand systems tracts forming the infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge. During the deposition of lowstand systems tracts, carbonate production fell to near zero and intraclast strata, derived from the erosion of hardgrounds on the shallow platform, prograded basinward. Early diagenetic cements are related exclusively to discontinuities that are not found within the prograding wedge because of the continuous high sedimentation rate under lower hydrodynamic conditions. This absence of early cementation within the infralittoral prograding oolitic wedge was conducive to porosity conservation, making such features good targets for carbonate reservoir exploration. This study proposes a novel sequence stratigraphy model for oolitic platform wedges, including facies and early diagenesis features.  相似文献   

It is usually very difficult to identify and quantify the relative influence of tectonics, eustasy and climate on carbonate system evolution from sedimentary records. In order to improve our understanding of these mechanisms, we have traced for the first time, the evolution of the eastern Paris Basin platform throughout the entire Jurassic period. This carbonate platform underwent eight successive growth and demise phases, with different depositional profiles ranging from ramps to flat-topped geometries. The eight carbonate growth periods are compared with the standard sea-level curves, local tectonic regimes and recently published oxygen-isotope and/or clay mineralogy databases. Prograding heterozoan facies along ramp profiles mark periods dominated by second-order eustatic sea-level rise, relatively cool sea surface temperatures, and mesotrophic and humid conditions (Hettangian, Pliensbachian, late Oxfordian, Tithonian). During these periods, variable detrital contents in the sedimentary succession hampered the efficiency of shallow-marine carbonate factories. Higher sea surface temperatures, oligotrophic and humid conditions associated with either eustatic sea-level rise or very high local subsidence occurred during the early Bajocian and the mid-Oxfordian. These seawater properties seem to have favoured the aggradation of scleractinian corals forming dome-shaped bioherm buildups. An oolitic and lime-mud carbonate system, deposited during the Bathonian second-order eustatic sea-level fall, is characterised by miliolid-rich micritic facies on a rimmed-ramp under stable, cooler and drier conditions. The second-order maximum flooding associated with a sea surface temperature decline and/or a seawater eutrophication caused at least five carbonate demise periods (i.e. Toarcian, earliest late Bajocian, Callovian/Oxfordian transition, earliest late Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian).  相似文献   

结合区域构造、地层概况、岩相古地理等方面的背景资料,对宣汉盘龙洞上二叠统长兴组生物礁地层剖面进行了观测描述。通过室内镜下岩石薄片鉴定分析,识别出主要岩石类型为礁灰岩、礁云岩、生屑灰岩、颗粒灰岩及晶粒白云岩。根据露头观察和室内镜下岩石薄片鉴定分析,结合岩石学、古生物等沉积相标志的研究,认为该剖面发育开阔台地、台地边缘生物礁和台地边缘浅滩三种沉积相类型,其中台地边缘生物礁发育,可进一步识别出礁基、礁核和礁前亚相,礁核以骨架礁和障积礁为主;台地边缘浅滩进一步划分为粒屑滩、鲕粒滩等亚相。初步总结出了该剖面的沉积相模式,并对该剖面的沉积演化序列和识别标志进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This work illustrates the evolution the Lower Jurassic shallow-water carbonates known as the Calcare Massiccio Formation in the Central Apennines (Italy). The Calcare Massiccio is characterized by lateral and vertical variability in the facies associations, related to an articulated physiography of the Triassic to Lower Jurassic carbonate platform and to its tectonic evolution. This work documents the depositional environment changes during the platform evolution. Quantitative analysis on samples collected from three stratigraphic sections were performed through the Calcare Massiccio succession allowed up to the overlying Pliensbachian pelagites. Two type of carbonate sedimentation have been recognized: in the peritidal and shallow subtidal environments (Calcare Massiccio A) the carbonate production is dominated by microbial activity, while the carbonate sedimentation in a deeper environment of middle to outer ramp (Calcare Massiccio B), is dominated by a bioclastic sedimentation.The evolution from the Calcare Massiccio A to the B can be interpreted as the product of increase of accommodation that in turn produced a backstepping of carbonate facies belt, the photic microbial dominated peritidal facies developed on the persistent Latium-Abruzzi Platform while the bioclastic carbonate production factory settled on the structural highs resulting from the dismembering of the platform by syn-sedimentary tectonic.The bioclastic carbonate factory was not efficient in filling the available accommodation space produced by Sinemurian extensional tectonic. This inefficiency was amplified by the restricted area available for this factory in the small structural highs. These conditions were sufficient to predispose the platform to the drowning without invoke change in the trophic resource or change in the palaeoceanography.  相似文献   

贺兰坳拉谷奥陶纪岩相古地理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大量野外地质工作,结合测井资料,分析认为,贺兰坳拉谷以浅海碳酸盐沉积为主,其次可见碎屑岩、火山碎屑岩等,以碳酸盐岩占绝对优势.主要的碳酸盐岩类型为泥晶灰岩、泥质灰岩、鲕粒灰岩、竹叶状灰岩及晶粒白云岩、泥质白云岩,局部地区可见叠层石灰岩及云斑灰岩等.泥云坪、局限台地、开阔台地、浅海陆棚、海底扇等为典型沉积相类型.贺兰...  相似文献   

Subaerial erosion and continental sedimentation interbedded with shallow-water carbonates are unequivocal stratigraphic records to evaluate paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate evolution of emerged landmass.Stratigraphic analysis of the Cretaceous Monte Gallo section of the Mesozoic Panormide carbonate platform, in the northern side of the Palermo Mountains (NW Sicily) records a peculiar continental-derived clays that interrupted the shallow-water carbonate sedimentation. These clays rest, with lenticular geometries, above the tectonically-enhanced subaerial erosional unconformity of the Barremian-Lower Aptian Requienid limestones and are covered by the Upper Cretaceous Rudistid limestone.Sedimentological investigation combined with mineralogical and petrographic results reveal the occurrence of alkaline to saline lake clays deposition in pond-filling depositional environment recording stressed conditions (evaporation) especially in its final living phase. They were formed when a half graben/tilted-block tectonics produced footwall uplift of the Gallo faulted-blocks carbonate platform.Paleoclimate evaluations of the continental-derived clays highlighted that a period of warm-humid conditions, which favoured their formation, interrupted the uniform warm climate conditions highlighting a greenhouse climate phase.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed seismic analysis of a hitherto undescribed Permian succession interpreted to consist of interbedded anhydrite and carbonate from the northern flank of the Loppa High, western Barents Sea. The Fafner succession forms a locally restricted transgressive unit down-dip on the rotated Loppa High. It is subdivided into four seismic sequences each interpreted to be composed of a basal transgressive anhydrite overlain by highstand carbonates. Fafner seismic sequences 2 and 3 include well-developed buildup complexes which in map view form polygonal patterns.Analysis of attribute maps indicates that the Fafner succession is overprinted by two dissolution systems related to two prominent events of subaerial exposure, creating numerous paleo-sinkholes, breccia-pipes, and collapsed composite cavern systems.The stratigraphical position of the Fafner succession, below the Mid Sakmarian – Artinskian Bjarmeland Group and above the Top Ørn unconformity, resembles that of the Lower Permian Gipshuken Formation on Spitsbergen, and the Fafner succession is thus regarded as its offshore equivalent.  相似文献   

The “red beds” of the Triassic succession outcropping at Tejra-Medenine (southern Tunisia, Saharan Platform) have yielded rich fossil assemblages of both freshwater and brackish-marine invertebrates and vertebrates. The new discovered fauna indicates an Anisian-Lower Ladinian age for the Tejra section. Its lowermost part is considered as equivalent of Ouled Chebbi Formation, while the medium and upper parts are considered as equivalent of the Kirchaou Formation. Both sedimentological characteristics and fossil assemblages indicate the increasing marine influences within the middle part of the section and the migration of brackish and freshwater fauna into the lacustrine/playa environment at the top. The marine fauna-rich interval of the Tejra section correlates well with the well-known Myophoria-rich carbonate stratigraphic marker confirming the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) major transgression well recorded eastward in the Tunisian Jeffara basin and in Libya. The use of this Ladinian stratigraphic event in addition to the Carnian carbonate transgressive events of the Jeffara escarpment outcrops was of great help for regional lithostratigraphic correlations between the Triassic outcropping series and those currently buried in Ghadames and Berkine basins. The age of the sandstones of “Trias Argilo-Gréseux Inférieur” (TAGI) which forms the main oil and gas reservoir in the Saharan domain is attributed to the Anisian-Carnian and considered as coeval of Ouled Chebbi and Kirchaou Formations of the Dahar escarpment. An updated synthetic stratigraphic chart is proposed for the Triassic of Saharan Platform domain on the basis of the compilation of the new obtained results and the subsurface data taken from published literature.  相似文献   

The Yuanba Gas Field is the second largest natural gas reservoir in the Sichuan Basin, southwest China. The vast majority of the natural gas reserve is from the Permian Changhsingian reef complexes and Lower Triassic Feixianguan oolitic shoal complexes. To better understand this reservoir system, this study characterizes geological and geophysical properties, spatial and temporal distribution of the oolitic shoal complexes and factors that control the oolitic shoals character for the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation in the Yuanba Gas Field. Facies analysis, well-seismic tie, well logs, seismic character, impedance inversion, and root mean square (RMS) seismic attributes distinguish two oolitic shoal complex facies – FA-A and FA-B that occur in the study area. FA-A, located in the middle of oolitic shoal complex, is composed of well-sorted ooids with rounded shape. This facies is interpreted to have been deposited in shallow water with relatively high energy. In contrast, FA-B is located in flanks of the oolitic shoal complex, and consists of poorly sorted grains with various shape (rounded, subrounded and subangular). The oolitic shoal complexes were mainly deposited along the platform margin. From the early Fei 2 Member period to the late Fei 2 Member period, the oolitic shoals complexes on the platform margin gradually migrated from the southwest to the northeast with an extent ranging from less than 100 km2–150 km2 in the Yuanba Gas Field. The migration of oolitic shoals coincided with the development of a series of progradational clinoforms, suggesting that progradational clinoforms caused by sea-level fall maybe are the main reason that lead to the migration of oolitic shoals. Finally, this study provide an integrated method for the researchers to characterize oolitic shoal complexes by using well cores, logs, seismic reflections, impedance inversion, and seismic attribute in other basins of the world.  相似文献   

An integrated petrologic-sedimentologic-stratigraphic-seismic study of the Lagoa Feia Group, rift section of the Campos Basin, has shown that rift sedimentation was dominantly intrabasinal (carbonate and stevensitic deposits), with siliciclastic deposits restricted to the proximity of graben border faults. The bivalve bioclastic rudstones (“coquinas”) that constitute the rift reservoirs show commonly limited abrasion of the bioclasts, and were deposited both on basement highs and lows throughout the rift section. Although in situ deposits of stevensite ooids and peloids occur dominantly at the base of the succession, these particles are ubiquitous to the entire rift section, mixed in variable proportion with siliciclastic and carbonate sediments. The environmental conditions required for the formation of stevensite and the growth of bivalves are mutually exclusive, as stevensite forms only at pH greater than 10, while bivalves cannot tolerate pH greater than 9. The common mixture of well-rounded basaltic rock fragments with angular, granitic-gneissic rock fragments and feldspars in the sandstones and conglomerates indicates recycling of epiclastic deposits from the early rift section, combined with first-cycle contribution from the plutonic basement. The studied cores show no evidence of subaerial exposure, and there is a lack of bioturbation, suggesting harsh environmental conditions. The rift deposits are dominantly massive or faintly-laminated, with diffuse facies boundaries. Structures indicative of unidirectional or oscillatory flow are subordinate. Integration of seismic, sedimentologic and petrographic evidence indicates that the Campos Basin rift section is formed mostly by re-sedimented gravitational deposits. The onset of the rift sedimentation occurred in synformal depressions, where bivalve banks or stevensite ooids were formed in shallow lacustrine environments under variable alkalinity conditions. With the development of half-grabens and concentration of the tectonic activity along the border faults, recurrent tectonic events promoted the mixing and gravitational re-deposition of stevensitic, clastic and bioclastic sediments in deeper, fault-bounded troughs. Large-scale units, hundreds of meters thick, were generated by major tectonic events, whereas compositional variations in the scale of meters were possibly a product of lake-level climatic fluctuations. Thus, due to syn-rift and mainly to post-rift erosion (the Neo-Aptian unconformity), the preserved rift section of the Lagoa Feia Group comprises mostly sediments deposited in the central troughs of the half-graben structures. Marginal sediments were extensively eroded and re-sedimented as gravity-driven mixed deposits. This new model, constructed form the integration of seismic, stratigraphic, sedimentologic and petrologic data, diverges substantially from the presently accepted model for the sedimentation of the rift section, opening new possibilities for the exploration of Campos Basin, as well as of similar settings, as in the adjacent Santos Basin.  相似文献   

Subsurface Upper Triassic sediments of northern Jordan represent part of a regressive evaporitic-clastic succession that marks the shrinkage phase of the Late Triassic basin in the northern parts of the Arabian Plate. Sabkhas developed along the basin margin, whereas, oolitic shoals formed on the deeper parts of the carbonate platform. The basin reached a drewdown stage in the Risha, Palmyra and parts of northern Iraq, where halite was precipitated. Local shales, marls and argillaceous limestones are the major source rocks. The total organic content values of the shales and carbonates range between 0.5–1.9%. The main reservoir rocks are the oolitic limestones with porosities of 8–20% and permeabilities that range between 0.01–80 md. Regional swells and troughs that were cut by normal and strike-slip faulting are the main structural styles in the area. Favourable conditions for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation may be found under the Hauran Basalts in NE Jordan.  相似文献   

The Kachchh sedimentary basin in the western continental margin of India is a peri-cratonic rift basin which preserves a nearly complete rock record from Middle Jurassic to Recent, punctuated by several stratigraphic breaks. The Cenozoic sediments exposed in the western part of the Kachchh mainland extend offshore into the present-day continental shelf. The unique feature of the outcropping area is a nearly complete, richly fossiliferous and easily accessible Cenozoic succession. Detailed field mapping and litho-biostratigraphic studies have made it possible to identify the chronostratigraphic units, map them in the field and extend the correlation into the offshore, aided by the development of continuously recognizable key biostratigraphic horizons and time boundaries. Detailed field mapping of key sections integrated with the litho-biostratigraphic information has helped in working out a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Cenozoic succession in the basin. The succession comprises a first-order passive margin sequence. Excellent biostratigraphic control has enabled identification of unconformities of various magnitudes which in turn have helped in mapping 5 second-order and four third-order sequences. Each sequence is discussed with respect to its extent, nature of sequence boundaries, sedimentary fill, key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and depositional setup, to understand the Cenozoic sequence stratigraphic architecture of the basin.  相似文献   

Short-term imbalances in the global cycle of shallow water calcium carbonate deposition and dissolution may be responsible for much of the observed Pleistocene change in atmospheric carbon dioxide content. However, any proposed changes in the alkalinity balance of the ocean must be reconciled with the sedimentary record of deep-sea carbonates. The possible magnitude of the effect of shallow water carbonate deposition on the dissolution of pelagic carbonate can be tested using numerical simulations of the global carbon cycle. Boundary conditions can be defined by using extant shallow water carbonate accumulation data and pelagic carbonate deposition/dissolution data. On timescales of thousands of years carbonate deposition versus dissolution is rarely out of equilibrium by more than 1.5 x 10(13) mole yr-1. Results indicate that the carbonate chemistry of the ocean is rarely at equilibrium on timescales less than 10 ka. This disequilibrium is probably due to sea level-induced changes in shallow water calcium carbonate deposition/dissolution, an interpretation that does not conflict with pelagic sedimentary data from the central Pacific.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene succession of the Venice area represents part of the infill of a foreland region located between three mountain chains: the Northern Apennines, the Southern Alps and the Dinarides. This structural setting favored the development of a complex stratigraphic architecture of the succession, mostly due to the conveying of sediments from the Southern Alps to the north and the Northern Apennines to the south, in particular since the activation of strong subsidence related to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep in the early Pleistocene. Accordingly, the studied succession is composed of five third-order sequences mostly controlled by tectonics, the most recent of which display complex patterns due to the interfingering of sedimentary bodies showing contrasting directions of progradation and pinch-out. Despite this, the sequence stratigraphic method still can be applied in the present context, allowing to recognize diagnostic stratal architectures and reconstruct the relative sea-level history of the region. Moreover, the recognized peculiar stratigraphic architecture of the basin fill may serve as an analogue that needs to be taken into account to predict the distribution of porous coarse-grained sedimentary units in similar contexts, aiding for a profitable exploration and production of reservoirs and source/sealing rocks.  相似文献   

Whilst the relationship between stratigraphic development and carbonate cementation within siliciclastic succession has been documented through a number case studies, these studies have been generally restricted to observations upon individual sequences and/or limited sub-surface data. In this paper, long-term (5 million years), large-scale (>200 km) stratigraphic controls on carbonate cementation patterns are documented from the Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue Member, Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone exposed in the Book Cliffs in Utah and Colorado, USA. Together, these comprise eight progradational wedges of sandstones, which interfinger with the Mancos Shale, deposited within the Western Interior Seaway foreland basin. Petrographic analyses of ferroan dolomite cement bodies within these sandstone wedges show that the ferroan dolomite cements are all early, relative to burial diagenesis within the host sandstones. Stable isotope analyses indicates that a significant meteoric component was present in precipitating fluids and this is consistent with the observation that cements, are always present down-dip of sequence boundaries and/or leached whitecaps beneath coals. In addition, the lateral distribution of cement bodies increases consistently up-succession from less than 5 km in extent in the older sequences, to 30 km in extent in the youngest sequences. These changes in distribution are in response to the increased progradation and increased and more aerially extensive sequence-boundary development in younger sequences. The implications of these data are that whilst localized spatial patterns of diagenesis, and in particular carbonate cementation, are predictable and controlled by the nature and presence of individual stratal surfaces, systematic diagenetic alteration patterns are also present at the sedimentary basin scale and controlled by the nature of larger-scale stratigraphic development and basin evolution. This evolution may be driven by eustatic shifts, or through tectonic or climatic driven base-level shifts. These observations allow an improved insight into the basin-scale processes that control the macroscopic diagenetic properties of sedimentary successions and sub-surface hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

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