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通过统计方法利用一套海洋同化数据分析了热带太平洋次表层的盐度变化特征.结果表明次表层盐度的年际变化与ENSO相关,且次表层盐度信号区域呈东西方向“跷跷板”的分布.对影响这些次表层的盐度信号区域平均的纬向平流、经向平流、垂直运动和淡水通量异常等因素进行了分析,并且与影响表层盐度年际变化模态的影响因素差异进行了比较,结果表明,纬向平流的异常对表层盐度的异常变化影响较大,而对次表层盐度异常有较大影响的是海水的垂直运动异常.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2)and the concentration of the total dissolved CO2(TCO2) in surface water during the expeditions in Nov.-Dec. 1991, the world ocean circulation experiment (WOCE) and Oct. 1992-Mar. 1993, the tropical ocean-global atmosphere coupled ocean-atmosphere response experiment (TOGA COARE) in the western tropical Pacific and of the comparison with data from 1986 to 1990 TOGA expeditions and that from Japan Meteorological Agency, the response of CO2 in surface water to ENSO event is proved. The CO2 signals indicated that the air-sea system in the western and central tropical Pacific from 1991 to 1993, except for a short period in autumn of 1992, was in a strong state of ENSO.
The change of CO2 in the floating stations near 2°S, 155°E from Nov. 1992 to Mar. 1993 reflected the change of currents, water mass and its thermal and salt content during the forming and developing of ENSO.  相似文献   

热带太平洋西部及赤道暖水区的初级生产力   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
描述了对热带太平洋西部(1991年11月WOCE调查)及赤道暖水区(1992年11月至1993年2月的TOGA-COARE调查)的叶绿素a分布和初级生产力(C),及其与理化环境的关系.西部海域叶绿素a平均总量达19.79mg/m2,暖水区为2.168mg/m2;暖水区的潜在初级生产量高于西部海域,量值分别为228mg/(m2·d)和171mg/(m2·d),次表层最大值成为调查海域水体叶绿素a分布的一个明显特点.叶绿素a总量平面分布趋向表明:高生物量主要位于巴士海峡邻近、菲律宾以及伊里安岛的近岸站位,此外,在2°~4°N之间的观测区.低生物量主要位于外洋海域.生物量的分布与不同海域的物理过程变化有关,而海水涌升可能是导致温度、盐度和营养盐分布产生变化,并因而导致高生物量的一个重要的物理过程.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBystudyingchlorophyllandprimaryproductivityinocean ,eitherinthebig scaleorinthesmallscale ,theproductivitydistributionandvariationofmarineorganicmaterialinthetempo ralandspatialcanbeunderstood .Theseaareas ,situatinginthewesterntropicalPacific…  相似文献   

用美国马里兰大学提供的海洋同化(SODA)月平均资料,分析了赤道太平洋次表层海温异常年际和年代际变率的演化特征,讨论了它们对ENSO循环的影响.结果指出,赤道太平洋次表层海温异常年际和年代际变率具相似的ENSO模分布和演变过程,二者均以赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温显著的异常中心与赤道东太平洋表层海温异常中心显著反号为主要分布特征,其演变过程通过赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温异常中心沿海洋气候温跃层向东向上传播来完成.赤道西太平洋暖池次表层海温异常年际变率决定了ENSO循环,年代际变率对ENSO循环也有重要影响,其影响主要在中太平洋, 造成ENSO模的年代际变化.当年代际变率处于正常状态时,ENSO循环基本上是东部型冷暖事件之间的转换;当年际和年代际变率位相相同时,ENSO事件强度将会加强和持续,并出现中部型ENSO事件;当二者位相相反时, ENSO事件强度将会减弱.  相似文献   

利用Argo剖面浮标观测资料,对2001-2004年11月期间西北太平洋热带气旋经过后海洋上层的响应作了分析研究.结果显示,热带气旋经过后,55.6%的观测剖面其混合层深度会加深,范围在0-60m,并且在气旋过后5d内更为明显;由于混合加剧,大约有77.8%的观测剖面其混合层温度会下降,最多达5℃;61.1%的混合层盐度会下降,平均降盐约0.12;表层流速增大的占54%,平均增大30cm·s,表层流速的变化与风速的大小呈正相关,相关系数仅为0.06;混合层内温度变化与热带气旋风速呈负相关,相关系数为-0.15;混合层温度下降有明显的右偏现象,在气旋路径右侧50-150km处,温度下降尤为明显,而混合层盐度在气旋路径两侧的变化基本呈对称状分布;混合层深度在气旋路径右侧加深更为明显,在右侧100 150km范围内达到最大;混合层深度的变化与气旋经过前混合层的初始深度呈明显的负相关,相关系数达-0.42.  相似文献   

张艳慧  王凡  臧楠 《海洋学报》2008,30(6):17-23
利用20世纪80年代和90年代WOD01(World Ocean Database2001)中的CTD温盐剖面资料和2000年以后Argo资料,对比分析了热带西太平洋次表层和中层水团分布的年代变化特征。分析结果表明,在这两个时期,起源于南北太平洋中高纬度海域的各次表层水和中层水,在热带西太平洋分布特征和交织在一起的总体态势基本一致,水团性质的年代变化不大。这与上述两个时段全球海洋-大气耦合系统趋于正常状态相吻合。通过辨识和跟踪表征次表层水性质的盐度极大值,发现南太平洋热带水沿西边界向北扩散程度有所加大,由前一时期的5°N,进一步扩散到6°~7°N;北太平洋热带水在西边界附近的向南扩散程度有所削弱,在2002-2005年间只向南扩散到4°N,而前一个时期则可向南扩散到2°N。通过辨识表征中层水性质的盐度极小值,南极中层水在西边界附近向北扩散程度有所加大,在2002-2005年到达13°N附近,而前一个时期只到达11°N;同期,北太平洋中层水在西边界附近的向南扩散程度有所削弱。上述年代变化与全球水循环强度的变化之间有何关系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The impact of assimilating Argo data into an initial field on the short-term forecasting accuracy of temper- ature and salinity is quantitatively estimated by using a forecasting system of the western North Pacific, on the base of the Princeton ocean model with a generalized coordinate system (POMgcs). This system uses a sequential multigrid three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) analysis scheme to assimilate observation da- ta. Two numerical experiments were conducted with and without Argo temperature and salinity profile data besides conventional temperature and salinity profile data and sea surface height anomaly (SSHa) and sea surface temperature (SST) in the process of assimilating data into the initial fields. The forecast errors are estimated by using independent temperature and salinity profiles during the forecasting period, including the vertical distributions of the horizontally averaged root mean square errors (H-RMSEs) and the horizontal distributions of the vertically averaged mean errors (MEs) and the temporal variation of spatially averaged root mean square errors (S-RMSEs). Comparison between the two experiments shows that the assimila- tion of Argo data significantly improves the forecast accuracy, with 24% reduction of H-RMSE maximum for the temperature, and the salinity forecasts are improved more obviously, averagely dropping of 50% for H-RMSEs in depth shallower than 300 m. Such improvement is caused by relatively uniform sampling of both temperature and salinity from the Argo drifters in time and space.  相似文献   

热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量的CSEOF分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于月平均Argo温、盐度剖面、纬向风和Ni o3.4指数等资料,利用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)分解法、最大熵谱分析和相关分析等方法,研究了热带西太平洋海域上层(0—700m)海洋热含量的时空变化特征,并探讨了其年际变化的可能原因。结果表明,热带西太平洋海域上层海洋热含量距平场具有显著的东-西向反位相振荡,且这种振荡除了具有较明显的季节变化外,还存在着较强的准2a振荡。此外,热含量距平场还存在着负-正-负的三极式经向模态,该模态除了具有明显的季节变化外,还存在着显著的准4a振荡。进一步分析表明,热含量的准2a振荡与ENSO事件的发生有着非常密切的联系,并对赤道西太平洋纬向风异常有1—2月的滞后响应。  相似文献   

基于1996—2012年西北太平洋Argo剖面浮标盐度观测资料,利用合成分析方法研究了海表面盐度对台风的响应特征。结果表明海表面盐度对台风的响应具有明显的非对称性:台风过后其路径右侧的海表面盐度显著上升;左侧的则在R50内上升,R50外区域普遍下降。进一步分析显示台风强度、移动速度和海洋混合层深度对海表面盐度响应特征均有较大影响。强度大或移动缓慢的台风能造成大范围的海表面盐度上升;强度小或移动快速的台风只在路径右侧造成海表面盐度上升,左侧的则普遍下降。夏季(6-9月)台风过后,海表面盐度在混合层浅的区域普遍大幅上升,在混合层深的区域则在台风路径左右两侧2R50范围内小幅上升,在远离台风路径左侧区域下降。  相似文献   

Abstract-Heat content of the upper layer above the 20℃ isotherm in the tropical Pacific Ocean isestimated by using the sea temperature data set with a resolution 2°latitude×5°longitude (1980~1993)for the water depths (every 10 m) from 0 m to 400 m, and its temporal and spatial variabilities are an-alyzed. (1) The temporal variability indicates that the total heat in the upper layer of the equatorial Pa-cific Ocean is charcterized by the interannual variability. The time series of the equatorial heat anomaly5 months lead that of the El Nino index at the best positive lag correlation between the two, and theformer 13 months lag behind the latter at their best negative lag correlation. Therefore the equatorialheat content can be used as a better predictor than the El Nino index for a warm or cold event. In addi-tion, it is also found that less heat anomaly in the equator corresponds to the stronger warm events inthe period (1980~1993) and much more heat was accumulated in the 4 years including 1992/1  相似文献   

本文以Argo轨迹资料计算的赤道太平洋中层流(1 000 m深度流场)作为实测数据,从空间结构特征和时间变化特征两方面对5套常用海洋模式产品(OFES、LICOM、HYCOM、ECCO2和SODA)进行了评估。Argo流场显示赤道太平洋中层流呈条带状结构,且存在明显的西强东弱和南强北弱特征。此外,赤道太平洋中层流存在明显的季节变化且其相位关于赤道对称。5套模式产品的评估结果表明,SODA流场与实测流场最接近,其时空变化特征都与实测流场基本一致;其次是ECCO2流场,除流场动能偏小以外,其他各方面都与实测流场一致;OFES、LICOM和HYCOM流场的模拟效果较差,但都能再现条带状结构特征。  相似文献   

基于1980~2015年的全球简单海洋资料同化分析系统(SODA)、全球海气通量(OAFlux)和全球降水气候学计划(GPCP)等海洋、大气观测再分析资料,采用线性拟合、经验正交函数(EOF)分解、相关分析和波谱分析等数理统计方法,分析了热带西太平洋海表盐度(SSS)和淡水通量时空变化特征及其关系.结果表明,SSS与淡水通量的气候态及长期线性变化趋势有较好的空间对应关系,两者均有多种时间尺度的EOF模态,其年代际变化模态有较好的正相关关系,并与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)有密切的滞后相关.分析表明,PDO可能通过影响Walker环流的变化来影响热带西太平洋的淡水通量分布,从而影响SSS的时空格局.  相似文献   

INTRODUCFIONTheknowledgeoffinestructureandmicrostructureplaysamajorroleintheresearchofoceanicdiapycnalmixing.Sofarastheliteratureisconcerned,finestructuresareroughlydefinedassmallstructuresdistributedonverticalscalesfromImto100m(Munk,1981),whereasmicrostructureshavesmallerscales.Forsimplicity,thesetwofeatureswillbecalledfinestructures ThestudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractsNo.49376257,No.4950/6071andNo.49676275,andtheResearchFundfortutorialPngr…  相似文献   

Based mainly on TOGA COARE data, that is, the CI''D data from R/V Xiangyanghong No.5 (Pu et al.,1993),the temperature and current data from the Woods Hole mooring and other deep current data, the layered numerical profiles of buoyancy frequency and mean current components are figured out.A numerical method calculating internal wave dispersion relation without background shear current, used by Fliegel and Hunkins (1975),is improved to be fit for the internal wave equation with mean currents and their second derivatives.The dispersion relations and wave functions of the long crested internal wave progressing in any direction can be calculated inveniently by using the improved method.A comparison between the calculated dispersion relation in the paper and the dispersion relation in GM spectral model of ocean internal waves (Garret and Munk, 1972) is performed.It shows that the mean currents are important to the dispersion relation of internal waves in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and that the currents make the wave progressing co-directional with (against) the currents stretched (shrink).The influence of the mean currents on dispersion relation is much stronger than that of their second derivatives, but that on wave function is less than that of their second derivatives.The influences on wave functions result in the change of vertical wavenumber, that is, making the wave function stretch or shrink.There exists obvious turning depth but no significant critical layer absorption is found.  相似文献   

The existing high-resolution hydrographic data in the western tropical Pacilit; Ocean are used to explore the spatial distribution and primary characteristics of thermohaline intrusions in the thermocline. Statistics show that the vertical scales of intrusions are 20-40 m in the upper thermocline (22.0-26.0δ0) and 40-80 m in the lower thermocline (26.0-27.2δ0). In the upper thermocline, the most intensive intrusions exist at the equatorial front (EF) where north/sonth Pacilic water masses converge, anti Ihe westward spreading of the north Pacilic tropical waler (NPTW) in the Philippines Sea also produces patches of intrusions surrounding its high-salinity tongue. In the lower thermocline, intrusions are also strong at the tropical front (TF) which is the boundary between the north Pacilic subtropical/tropical waters. At the bottom of the thermocline (at about 27.0δ0), intrusions mainly exist near the western boundary, which are produced by intermediate water convergence through the advection of subthermocline western boundary Ilows. Most strikingly a "C"-shape distribution of intrusions at around 26.4δ0 is revealed, covering the vicinity of the EF the TE and the Mindanao Current (MC), i.e., tile western boundary pathway ol the norlh Pacilic subtrnpical cell (STC). Synoptic section analysis reveals that intrusions are more prominent on the warm/sally flank ot the fronts, implying more cross-front tongues of cold/fresh water. Among the intrusions, those at the EF are of best lateral coherence which implies a unique driving mechanism involving near-inertial velocity perturbations near the equator.  相似文献   

We have investigated interannual-scale variations of oceanic and atmospheric anomaly fields, such as upper ocean heat content (OHC), sea surface temperature (SST), latent heat flux (LHF) through the sea surface, sea level pressure (SLP) and wind stress curl (WSC) in the tropical Pacific and their relationships to El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. The results reported here show that the OHC and SST anomalies are almost in phase and lead LHF anomalies in the western tropical Pacific (WTP) region, which are preferable to the generation of subsequent atmospheric anomalies in the WTP. We also describe linear relationships between the amplitudes of these variables in the WTP. In addition, the results show that the both WSC and LHF anomalies are in phase with the temporal trend of OHC anomalies in the WTP, and suggest a combined effect of the local WSC and LHF anomaly in the WTP and ENSO-related, off-equatorial, westward propagating OHC anomaly to generate a large OHC anomaly in the WTP. In contrast to the WTP, OHC and SST anomalies are not in phase to the east of the WTP. The results also indicate that OHC anomalies in the WTP have a potential effect on the generation of an equatorial OHC anomaly via both a reflection of waves at the western boundary and atmospheric variations, which force the enhancement of western equatorial OHC anomaly. Therefore, the WTP is a key region where ENSO events are significantly modulated, and OHC anomalies in the WTP play an important role in the subsequent ENSO event.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWindsWithhorizontalshearareliabletoinduceoceanicupwelling.Forexample,theresPOnseoftheoceantotheatmOSphericjetasshowninFig.Ihascausedacurlthatinducesupwellinginoneregion,downwellinginanother.IftheoceanisinfinitelydeepandhasconstantBrunt--V...  相似文献   

The sea surface salinity (SSS) derived from a network developed at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD/Nouméa) has been analyzed during the period 1995–1998 in the tropical western Pacific. The measurements were made with thermosalinographs installed on merchant ships selected for their regularity and routes. The western tropical Pacific was sampled mainly along three regular routes across the equator leading to an average of a one month frequency. We analyze here how such a network can be efficient in monitoring the SSS at time scales longer than one month. For this purpose we have used results derived from the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) which is forced by the surface flux of National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data. The interannual variability of the simulated SSS exhibits very similar features to (sub-sampled) observations despite its being weakly damped to a climatology in order to avoid biases. Even smaller time scale phenomena can be simulated, like the erosion/reconstruction of the region composed of low density waters lying within the Pacific warm pool. The agreement between the observational data and the simulations indicate that the network sampling is sufficient to monitor the SSS variability of the western tropical Pacific from three-month to interannual time scales. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

利用1986/1987ENSO事件前后的深水CTD资料,计算了热带西太平洋(141°~165°E,10°N~10°S)相对于不同等压面的势能空间分布和时间变化。结果表明,ENSO期间热带西太平洋单位面积上水柱的势能明显减小,而热带西太平洋势能的经向变化明显大于纬向变化。经向变化的特征是赤道外势能大于赤道上的势能。势能最大值位于4°N和4°S,而最大年际变化则发生于7°N,远大于赤道附近。最后,还分析了热带西太平洋势能分布的地域性特征,并指出了这些特征与海洋水文特征的联系。  相似文献   

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