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Studies of tectonic landforms associated with Caloris Basin on Mercury suggest that isostatic adjustment has occurred in response to basin excavation, and that the smooth plains inside Caloris were emplaced significantly before isostatic equilibrium was attained. Combined with dynamical considerations, this leads us to propose that the Caloris region is characterized by a circular negative or zero free air gravity anomaly centered inside Caloris, and an annular positive anomaly which coincides with extensive tracts of young smooth plains outside the basin. This proposed gravity pattern differs markedly from that associated with mare-filled basins on the Moon. 相似文献
Pulses of CO2 injected into the martian atmosphere more recently than 4 Ga can place the atmosphere into a stable, higher pressure, warmer greenhouse state. One to two bar pulses of CO2 added to the atmosphere during the past several billion years are sufficient to raise global mean temperatures above 240 or 250 K for tens to hundreds of millions of years, even when accounting for CO2 condensation. Over time, the added CO2 is lost to carbonates, the atmosphere collapses and returns to its buffered state. A substantial amount of water could be transported during the greenhouse periods from the surface of a frozen body of water created by outflow channel discharges to higher elevations, despite global temperatures well below freezing. This water, precipitated as snow, could ultimately form fluvial valleys if deposition sites are associated with localized heat sources, such as magmatic intrusions or volcanoes. Thus, if outflow channel discharges were accompanied by the release of sufficient quantities of CO2, a limited hydrological cycle could have resulted that would have been capable of producing geomorphic change sufficient for fluvial erosion and valley formation. Glacial or periglacial landforms would also be a consequence of such a mechanism. 相似文献
The tectonic system of the southern margin of Central Ovda Regio, a crustal plateau which straddles Venus equator, has been interpreted as a dextral strike-slip array, on the basis of evidence clearly identifiable, as are Riedel fracture patterns of different scales, en échelon folds and brittle strike-slip faults. This transcurrent regime developed two main shear belts (Inner and Outer, on respectively thicker and thinner crust), whose minimum dextral displacement has been estimated in 30-50 km. Since the up or downwelling models for plateau formation cannot easily explain tectonic shears of this magnitude along their margins, an alternative hypothesis has been built, which stands on the proposed collisional belt which could form Ovda northern border (King et al., 1998, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 29, Abstract 1209; Tuckwell and Ghail, 2002, Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 33, Abstract 1566). Within this framework, the shear would represent a transcollisional transcurrent zone, similar to the strike-slip zones produced in the foreland of the Himalayas-Tibet collision front. Eastern Ovda would be an independent area of thickened crust, pushed to the SSE by the northern collision, with the deformation concentrated at its margins, and experiencing a shear strain on its southern margin. None of the data, however, either supports nor helps to discard theoretical subduction events as a cause of the collision. On the contrary, image relationships could be interpreted as evidence that the main shear deformation took place during the last global resurfacing event on the planet. 相似文献
H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,44(3):745-751
Both geologic and free-air-gravity data suggest that the positive mass anomaly associated with the Tharsis volcanoes may have reoriented Mars' lithosphere by as much as 25°. Since Mars is oblate (with flattening ), rotation of the lithosphere over the equatorial bulge by 25° produces membrane stresses of several kilobars, large enough to initiate faulting. These stresses were first evaluated by F.A. Vening-Meinesz (1947, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union28, 1–61) who treated the lithosphere as a thin elastic shell. The fracture patterns which result from these stresses are determined by the relation between stress and faulting proposed by E.M. Anderson (1951, The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh). Plots of the magnitude and direction of stresses in a reoriented planet show that near Tharsis the dominant fault type should be north-south- trending normal faults. This normal fault province is centered about 30°N latitude and extends about 45° east and west in longitude. Similar faults should occur at the antipodes, north of Hellas Planitia. The polar regions should be occupied by roughly north-south-trending thrust faults which extend close to the equator south of Tharsis and north of Hellas. The regions between Tharsis and Hellas are subject to compression on a NE-trending axis and extension along a NW axis east of Tharsis (west of Tharsis the directions are NW compression and NE extension), thus predicting a zone of NNW and ENE strike slip faults east of Tharsis (NNE and WNW west of Tharsis). Although these patterns, except for the north-south normal faults north of Tharsis, have not yet been recognized, the discovery of such a tectonic system of the same age as Tharsis would provide strong support for the reorientation idea. Stresses due to reorientation appear to have little to do with Valles Marineris, since the stress normal to the axis of the Valles is predicted to be compressive, whereas geologic evidence suggests extension. 相似文献
J. Raitala 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1980,23(3):307-321
A structural analysis is presented of the mare ridge pattern in an area of about 1 000 000 km2 in the central parts of Oceanus Procellarum.The penetration of magmas through the crust at the Marius Hills and Aristarchus Plateau/Harbinger Mountains volcanic complexes may have happened along pre-existing deep zone of weakness. Associated with these zones are present mare ridge ranges, some of which can be regarded as having formed radial or subradial ridge swarms to the complexes as they were strengthened by stress field changes caused by upward doming and penetrating magmas.The present moonquake epicentres within this area seem to be connected with mare ridge ranges. Focal depths from about 800 to 1000 km indicate a decreasing trend of tectonic activity. One shallow moonquake epicentre also lies within the mare ridge sets. 相似文献
George E. McGill 《Icarus》2004,172(2):603-612
A major ongoing controversy concerns the style of crustal evolution on Venus. At one extreme is a directional model that proposes a sequence of depositional and deformational events that occur at specific times in the evolution of the crust and that are global in extent. At the other extreme is a model that argues for different ages of these events in different places on the planet. A test of the directional model is here focused on whether wrinkle ridges formed at a single time in the recorded crustal history of Venus. Where sets of wrinkle ridges intersect it commonly is possible to determine that one set is older than the other. Also, the deformation responsible for wrinkle ridges is, in places, clearly progressive with respect to stratigraphic material units. These observations are not consistent with a specific single time for the formation of wrinkle ridges within the stratigraphic sequence. Within an area including about 1/3 of the surface of Venus 15% of craters that are younger than regional plains are older than wrinkle ridges, 85% are younger than wrinkle ridges. Taking 750 myr as a reasonable mean age for the regional plains, this implies that the mean age of wrinkle ridges is ∼110 myr younger than the mean age of plains. Solomon et al. (1999, Science 286, 87) propose that the emplacement of a large volume of plains lava would lead to a major atmospheric temperature increase. Their model predicts thermal stresses in the lithosphere that, at shallow depth, would reach peak compressive stresses in about 100 myr, a number very similar to the time lag between plains emplacement and wrinkle ridge formation indicated by the crater data. The thermal compressive stresses responsible for wrinkle ridges would be maintained at a level sufficient to deform basalt for at least 100 myr and possibly for as long as 350 myr. These time intervals are not really short compared to the mean age of the plains. Finally, because wrinkle ridges are demonstrably younger than the plains they deform, they cannot be related to the processes that formed the plains and thus should not be used to define a “plains with wrinkle ridges” unit. 相似文献
A large number of shock recovery experiments that address the ease of impact melt formation as a function of peak shock pressure lead to the conclusion that impacts at 5 km/sec into fragmental, porous surfaces will produce agglutinate-type glasses; no shock melts are produced at these velocities in dense silicate target rocks. While agglutinitic glasses dominate lunar surface soils, they are virtually absent in gas-rich, brecciated meteorites. This apparent paucity—if not complete lack—of agglutinate-type glasses is also inferred from remote IR-reflectance spectroscopy. The need to identify mechanisms that inhibit agglutinate formation on asteroidal sufaces was recognized previously and was predominantly attributed to lower projectile velocities and different gravitational environments.We will argue in this paper that additional mechanisms may be required. Specifically we propose that spall processes at a target's free surface play a major role in asteroidal surface evolution. At 5 km/sec collision velocity, a target (RT) to projectile (RP radius ratio of delineates the boundary between an “infinite half-space” and a “finite”-sized target. In the first case, collisional energy is expended in a pure cratering regime; in the latter, additional displacement of target material in the form of spallation products occurs. The spall volume may exceed the crater volume by an order of magnitude. Therefore fragmental impact deposits on small planetary bodies may be entirely controlled by spall products, rather than crater ejecta. Because tensile failure occurs at <0.2 GPa stress, spall velocities are measured in meters per second (contrary to crater ejecta) and therefore spallation products are efficiently retained even in low gravitational environments. Spall products are also more coarse grained than crater ejecta; they are also highly biased toward petrographically “unshocked” (<0.2 GPa) rocks.Thus asteroidal surface deposits should be more coarse grained and less shocked than lunar ones—consistent with meteorite evidence and remote-sensing observations. Because spall volume exceeds crater ejecta volume, the total growth rate of asteroidal surface deposits is accelerated, leading to relatively short surface residence times of individual meteorite components, another significant difference between lunar and asteroidal surface materials. 相似文献
S.J Weidenschilling 《Icarus》2003,165(2):438-442
For standard cosmic abundances of heavy elements, a layer of small particles in the central plane of the solar nebula cannot attain the critical density for gravitational instability. Youdin and Shu (2002, Astrophys. J. 580, 494-505) suggest that the local surface density of solids can be enhanced by radial migration of particles due to gas drag. However, they consider only motions of individual particles. Collective motion due to turbulent stress on the particle layer acts to inhibit such enhancement and may prevent gravitational instability. 相似文献
Stephen Justham Philipp Podsiadlowski Zhanwen Han Christian Wolf 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2010,329(1-2):3-10
Variations in the mass loss from single stars have been used to explain the existence of hot subdwarf stars and the existence of single low-mass white dwarfs (LMWDs). Hence remaining uncertainty in mass loss from single red-giant stars is important to the understanding of these problems. However, natural formation channels for hot subdwarfs and single LMWDs have also been proposed which do not rely on unexplained mass loss from single red-giant stars. We outline these, and discuss how the different mechanisms could be distinguished. For example, a formation channel for single LMWDs which involves the break-up of a binary system by a type Ia supernova should produce a population of single LMWDs with a distinct kinematic signature. If that population is found to exist, it could be used to study one of the popular single-degenerate formation channels for type Ia supernovae in a previously impossible way. In addition, we examine the formation of helium-rich sdO stars—which are shown to emerge from one of the previously existing binary formation channels for hot subdwarfs. Both the SN Ia formation mechanism for single LMWDs and the formation channel for He-sdOs are a natural consequence of existing models. Hence if these formation channels do not work at all, then the result is a significant one. 相似文献
Spyros Basilakos 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,395(4):2347-2355
We study the dynamics of the Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) flat cosmological models in which the vacuum energy varies with time, Λ( t ) . In this model, we find that the main cosmological functions such as the scale factor of the universe and the Hubble flow are defined in terms of exponential functions. Applying a joint likelihood analysis of the recent Type Ia supernovae data, the cosmic microwave background shift parameter and the baryonic acoustic oscillations traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxies, we place tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters of the Λ( t ) scenario. Also, we compare the Λ( t ) model with the traditional Λ cosmology and we find that the former model provides a Hubble expansion which compares well with that of the Λ cosmology. However, the Λ( t ) scenario predicts stronger small scale dynamics, which implies a faster growth rate of perturbations with respect to the usual Λ cosmology, despite the fact that they share the same equation of state parameter. In this framework, we find that galaxy clusters in the Λ( t ) model appear to form earlier than in the Λ model. 相似文献
Abstract— The properties of compound chondrules and the implications that they have for the conditions and environment in which chondrules formed are investigated. Formulae to calculate the probability of detecting compound chondrules in thin sections are derived and applied to previous studies. This reinterpretation suggests that at least 5% of chondrules are compounds, a value that agrees well with studies in which whole chondrules were removed from meteorites. The observation that adhering compounds tend to have small contact arcs is strengthened by application of these formulae. While it has been observed that the secondaries of compound chondrules are usually smaller than their primaries, these same formulae suggest that this could be an observation bias. It is more likely than not that thin section analyses will identify compounds with secondaries that are smaller than their primaries. A new model for chondrule collisional evolution is also developed. From this model, it is inferred that chondrules would have formed, on average, in areas of the solar nebula that had solids concentrated at least 45 times over the canonical solar value. 相似文献
Laboratory and theoretical studies have been made of the effects of ultraviolet photolysis of interstellar grain mantles which consist of combinations of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen — dirty ice. It is shown that processes involving photolysis (photoprocessing) of interstellar grains are important during most of their lifetime even including the time they spend in dense clouds. A laboratory designed to simulate the interstellar conditions is described. This is the first time such a laboratory has been able to provide results which may be directly scaled to the astrophysical situations involving interstellar grains and their environment. The evolution of grain analogs is followed by observing the infrared absorption spectra of photolyzed samples of ices deposited at 10 K. The creation and storage of radicals and the production of molecules occur as a result of reactions within the solid. A large number of molecules and radicals observed in the interstellar gas appear in the irradiated ices. Energy released during warm-up is seen from visible luminescence and inferred from vapor pressure enhancement which occurs during warming of photolyzed samples relative to unphotolyzed samples. The evolution of a grain and its role as a source as well as a sink of molecules is pictured as a statistical process within dense clouds. The gradual accretion on and photolysis of an individual grain provides the stored chemical energy the release of which is sporadically triggered by relatively mild events (such as low velocity grain-grain collisions) to produce the impulsive heating needed to eject or evaporate a portion of the grain mantle. An extremely complex and rather refractory substance possessing the infrared signatures of amino groups and carboxylic acid groups and having a maximum mass of 514 amu has been produced at a rate corresponding to a mass conversion rate of interstellar grains of between 2% and 20% in 107 yr. The shape and position of the astronomically observed 3.1 m band is duplicated in the laboratory and is shown to be a natural consequence of the processing of grain mantles.Invited contribution to the Proceedings of a Workshop onThermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, 6–8 September, 1978. 相似文献
Walter S. KIEFER 《Meteoritics & planetary science》2003,38(12):1815-1832
Abstract— Radiometric age dating of the shergottite meteorites and cratering studies of lava flows in Tharsis and Elysium both demonstrate that volcanic activity has occurred on Mars in the geologically recent past. This implies that adiabatic decompression melting and upwelling convective flow in the mantle remains important on Mars at present. I present a series of numerical simulations of mantle convection and magma generation on Mars. These models test the effects of the total radioactive heating budget and of the partitioning of radioactivity between crust and mantle on the production of magma. In these models, melting is restricted to the heads of hot mantle plumes that rise from the core‐mantle boundary, consistent with the spatially localized distribution of recent volcanism on Mars. For magma production to occur on present‐day Mars, the minimum average radioactive heating rate in the martian mantle is 1.6 times 10?12 W/kg, which corresponds to 39% of the Wanke and Dreibus (1994) radioactivity abundance. If the mantle heating rate is lower than this, the mean mantle temperature is low, and the mantle plumes experience large amounts of cooling as they rise from the base of the mantle to the surface and are, thus, unable to melt. Models with mantle radioactive heating rates of 1.8 to 2.1 times 10 ?12 W/kg can satisfy both the present‐day volcanic resurfacing rate on Mars and the typical melt fraction observed in the shergottites. This corresponds to 43–50% of the Wanke and Dreibus radioactivity remaining in the mantle, which is geochemically reasonable for a 50 km thick crust formed by about 10% partial melting. Plausible changes to either the assumed solidus temperature or to the assumed core‐mantle boundary temperature would require a larger amount of mantle radioactivity to permit present‐day magmatism. These heating rates are slightly higher than inferred for the nakhlite source region and significantly higher than inferred from depleted shergottites such as QUE 94201. The geophysical estimate of mantle radioactivity inferred here is a global average value, while values inferred from the martian meteorites are for particular points in the martian mantle. Evidently, the martian mantle has several isotopically distinct compositions, possibly including a radioactively enriched source that has not yet been sampled by the martian meteorites. The minimum mantle heating rate corresponds to a minimum thermal Rayleigh number of 2 times 106, implying that mantle convection remains moderately vigorous on present‐day Mars. The basic convective pattern on Mars appears to have been stable for most of martian history, which has prevented the mantle flow from destroying the isotopic heterogeneity. 相似文献
STEVEN J. K. SYMES DEREK W. G. SEARS D. GLEN AKRIDGE SHAOXIONG HUANG PAUL H. BENOIT 《Meteoritics & planetary science》1998,33(1):13-29
Abstract— Crystalline lunar spherules (CLS) from three thin sections of Apollo 14 regolith breccias (14318,6; 14318,48 and 14315,20) have been examined. The objects have been classified and their abundances, size distributions, bulk compositions, and (where possible) plagioclase compositions determined. By number, 64% consist predominantly of very fine-grained equant plagioclase grains but can also contain larger (~50 μm) feldspar crystals (type X), while 22% contain plagioclase lathes in a fine-grained mafic mesostasis (type Y). Plagioclase in both spherule types displays bright yellow cathodoluminescence that is conspicuous among the blue CL of the normal feldspar of the breccias. Type Z spherules (5%) contain feldspar with blue CL and minor amounts of olivine and pyroxene. Type Q spherules (4%) contain feldspar with yellow CL but in a luminescent mesostasis (of quartz or feldspar?). A few spherules are mixtures of type Y and type X textures. Most type X spherules, and a few type Y spherules, have fine-grained opaque rims. Compound objects were also found and consist of two or more CLS that appear to have collided while still plastic or molten. The CLS are thought to be impact spherules that crystallized in free flight, their coarse textures suggesting fairly slow cooling rates (~ <1 °C/s). The abundance of the CLS resembles that of chondrules in the CM chondrite Murchison, and their cumulative size-frequency distributions are very similar to those of the chondrules in several meteorite classes. The bulk compositions of the CLS do not resemble regoliths at any of the Apollo sites, including Apollo 14, or any of the common impact glasses, but they do resemble the bulk compositions of several lunar meteorites and the impact glasses they contain. The Apollo 14 site is located on a region containing Imbrium ejecta, and we suggest that the CLS derive from the Imbrium impact. Ballistic calculations indicate that only impact events of this size on the Moon are capable of producing melt spherules with the required free flight times and slow cooling rates. Smaller impacts produce glassy spherules and agglutinates. As has been pointed out many times, the CLS have many properties in common with meteoritic chondrules. While much remains unclear, difficulties with a nebular origin and new developments in chondrule chronology, studies of asteroid surfaces and impact ejecta behavior, and the present observations indicate that meteoritic chondrules could have formed by impact. 相似文献
S. Yabushita 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1992,54(1-3):161-178
Claim for periodicity in the crater formation rate is reinvestigated using a criterion proposed by Broadbent, and data sets of Rampino and Stothers and of Grieve are shown to satisfy the periodicity criterion (P 30 Myr).On the other hand, currently observed impactors are mainly asteroids, while long and short periodic comets whose fluxes may vary by external disturbances occupy only a small fraction. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, constraints are obtained for the dispersion Q(Myr) from an exact periodicity and for the periodic components (F
tp) in the signals for their periodicity to be detected. It is found that for = 5, 6 and 7 Myr, F
tp, would have to be 40% or greater, 60% or greater and 80% or greater, respectively. These constraints are used to discuss whether the giant molecular cloud perturbations can give rise to the periodicity in the impact events. The amplitude of the solar Z-motion need to be some 100pc for = 6 Myr, which requires the periodic component (SP and LP comets, if the former originate from the latter) to be 60%, while for = 7 Myr, the periodic component need to be 80%. The GMC perturbation model consistent with the periodicity appears to be the one where the amplitude is 100pc and the periodic component - 60% of the impactors. If SP comets mainly originate from a source such as the hypothetical Kuiper belt, the GMC perturbation would not be consistent with the periodicity. 相似文献
H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,43(3):334-337
Tidal deformation of the lithosphere of a synchronously rotating planet or satellite produces stresses that may result in a distinctive tectonic pattern. The lithosphereis treated as a thin elastic shell which maintains the equilibrium shape of a tidally distorted body. Stresses develop as the equilibrium shape changes during orbital evolution. E. M. Anderson's theory of faulting is used to translate this stress pattern into a tectonic pattern of faults on the planet's surface (The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1951). On a body such as the Moon, which has receded from the Earth, an originally large tidal bulge has collapsed. The predicted tectonic pattern includes N-S striking thrust faults over an area extending roughly 30° in latitude and longitude around the sub-Earth point and its antipode. The polar regions above roughly 70° latitude exhibit normal faults striking from the near side of the Moon toward the far side. Strike slip faults, with offsets consistent with east-west compression, occur near the limbs. Stress differences are largest at the equator on the limbs, and may have reached several hundreds bars over the last few billion years of the Moon's history. The existence of such a tectonic pattern on the Moon can only be resolved by photogeologic mapping. At present, there is little evidence of this pattern; however, the crucial evidence probably lies in the poorly mapped lunar polar regions. These tectonic patterns, which could provide geologic evidence for large tidal distortions, may also be present on the Galilean satellites of Jupiter. 相似文献
An analysis of the tectonic features (grooves and prominent troughs) comprising grooved terrain on Ganymede shows a global tectonic framework. Domains of grooves, bordered by deep structural boundaries that controlled their extent and orientation, developed along preferred orientations. Some of these directions are much more prominent than others and appear to coincide with at least two great circles with pole locations at 152° long. 55° lat. and 65° long. and 50° lat. The great circle hypothesis is in good agreement with several statistical tests of the data set. Several mechanisms for the emplacement of grooved areas along great circles are discussed. A plausible mechanism is a pattern of equatorial-symmetric rising and descending convection cells. Because the studied areas represent only a small portion of Ganymede, interpretations of global tectonic patterns and models of formation must remain tentative. 相似文献