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激变变星中的快速光变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中综述了激变变星中快速光变的研究进展,讨论了闪变,相干振荡和准周期振荡的观测特征和可能的产生机制。  相似文献   

介绍了双得统计演化的方法和手段,并对激变星的形成进行了Monte-Carlo模拟,模拟显示,激变变星的诞生度、白矮子星质量分布、轨道周期分布的理论结果与观测结果保持一致。另外,还研究了激变变星的形成与模型参量之间的关系,这些参量包括公共包层抛射效率、双星初始质量比分布、年龄、金融丰度等。  相似文献   

我们对周期小于周期分布空缺段的激变变星,重新进行了周期分布统计,使用了比Warner等人更多,更新的资料,统计中发现一个AMHer型CVs:GRUV1偏离了Warner等人的统计结果,我们给出了CVS新的周期分布图和相应于此分布的随机概率。虽然结果与Warner等人的不同,但周期分布同磁场仍呈现一定的相关性,磁激变变星与非磁激变变星同样显示出成团趋势。  相似文献   

仅在过去的10年中,由于采用了地面和空同时的光谱观测激变变星中正处于吸积过程的白矮星,在激变变星(CV)的研究方面出现了全新的途径。这些光谱探测开拓了恒星包层、角动量团儿CV演化中吸积物理学研究的新前没中。这篇评论包括了激变变星中的白矮星研究的方方面面:(1)表面温度;(2)吸积加热和冷却的不;(3)在高度倾斜的CV中吸收幕帘(盘的上面的大气)的影响和特点;(4)白矮星光球的化学丰度;(6)吸积带;(7)吸积的模拟。  相似文献   

我们于1989年11月30日晚对PG0027+260进行了时间分辨率为108秒的高速CCD测光,得到了一条完整的光变曲线,从而确认其为激变食变星系统,轨道周期0.146~d  相似文献   

潘翠云  戴智斌 《天文学报》2019,60(4):103-119
激变变星(Cataclysmic Variables, CV)的典型特性是其存在3种周期振荡现象,周期振荡指准周期性的光度快速变化.按光变时标由短到长, CV的周期振荡可分为矮新星振荡、长周期矮新星振荡和准周期振荡.对3种不同振荡在观测上的特征以及在不同亚型CV中的表现进行了介绍,并阐述了可能产生3种周期振荡的物理机制.这些振荡现象为人们研究白矮星的吸积和几何提供了丰富的信息和线索.  相似文献   

我们对周期小于周期分布空缺段的激变变星(CVs),重新进行了周期分布统计,使用了比Warner等人更多、更新的资料.统计中发现一个AM Her型CVs:GRU V1偏离了Warner等人的统计结果.我们给出了CVs 新的周期分布图和相应于此分布的随机概率.虽然结果与Warner等人的不同,但周期分布同磁场仍呈现一定的相关性,磁激变变星(MCVs)与非磁激变变星(NMCVS)同样显示出成团趋势.  相似文献   

矮新星AB Dra中的吸积盘模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李宗云  丁月蓉 《天文学报》1995,36(4):385-393
对矮新星AB Dra的最小二乘拟合表明,黑体吸积盘模型预言的连续谱能粗略地拟合该星在爆发期间的IUE观测,较小的偏差可以归因于光学薄气体的复合辐射或/和热斑的黑体辐射,拟合给出了一组吸积盘参量的合理值。  相似文献   

We obtain a class of transformations between Brans–Dicke (BD) scalar field conformal factor of the metric and the Klein–Gordon (KG) wave (its amplitude and phase), such that the BD action described by conformaly flat (CF) metrics is reduced to the KG action. We then present a modified theory as a causal Bohmian quantum gravity by using the quantum potential back reaction effects on the Minkowski background spacetime. We also derive Hamilton–Jacobi equations of the modified theory which is useful for obtaining its de Broglie pilot wave.  相似文献   

We present results of evolutionary computations for massive close binaries with the Brussels simultaneous evolution code for conservative and non-conservative Roche lobe overflow (RLOF). We discuss mass transfer in massive close binaries during phases of RLOF, common envelope, spiral-in and merging. We examine the effects of stellar wind during successive stellar evolution phases and the final fate of primaries. We show how our library can be used to explain well-known binaries such as the WR + OB system V444 Cyg, HMXBs Vela X-1 and Wray 977, LMXBs like Her X-1, and binary pulsars. More details on the evolution of massive close binaries can be found in “The Brightest Binaries” (Vanbeveren et al., 1998).  相似文献   

The number of confirmed and suspected close T Tauri binaries (period days) is increasing. We discuss some systems with enhanced emission line activity and periodic line profile changes. Non-axisymmetric flows of plasma in the region between the circumbinary disk and the stars can be generated through the influence of the secondary component. Such enhanced activity is found around binaries with eccentric as well as circular orbits. We discuss our observations of the T Tauri stars RW Aurigae A and RU Lupi, which may host very close brown dwarf companions. Model simulations indicate that non-axisymmetric flows are generated around close binaries with circumbinary disks, also in systems with circular orbits.  相似文献   

I review the current knowledge on binarity accompanying intrinsic variability of different types, according to the existing classification scheme. In many cases, binary nature not only accompanies but causes intrinsic variability.  相似文献   

We discuss whether the hypothesis that “all (or most) subdwarfs are in close binaries” is supported by the frequently reported observations of photometrically or spectroscopically composite character of many hot subdwarf stars. By way of a possible counter-argument, we focus on resolved companions (optical pairs) of hot subdwarf stars. On a statistical basis, many of these are physically associated with the hot subdwarfs, i.e. they are common proper motion pairs. These resolved pairs make a several percent contribution to the catalog of hot subdwarf stars per decade in projected separation. If they are just the relatively wide members of a binary population similar to the local G-dwarf binary population (A&A, 248, 485), which has a very wide distribution of orbital separations, then many of the unresolved but composite hot subdwarf binaries may not be “close” in the astrophysical sense. In that case, binary channels for hot subdwarf formation may be less important than expected, or must involve companions (white dwarfs) that do not result in a composite spectrum system.  相似文献   

A project is presented which aims at high-precision determination of absolute parameters of close early-type eclipsing binaries in the LMC. We will use multi-object spectrographs (MOS) to measure RV curves of a large number of program stars selected from the MACHO archive. Spectroscopic mass ratios will be used as input for our light curve analysis code MORO. Application of the Simplex-based algorithm FITSB2 will achieve spectrum disentangling and fitting of NLTE model (TLUSTY) atmospheres, yielding orbital and atmospheric parameters. The method was extensively tested by application to time series of synthetic binary spectra for the expected range of S/N and MOS instrumental resolution. log g and T eff were reestablished with a precision of better than 5%, radial velocity amplitudes with errors of <3%. An important by-product of our project will be the improvement of the distance modulus of the LMC, a topic which is still being intensely discussed.  相似文献   

Results are presented of an analysis of eclipsing binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The sample of close OB-type stars was taken from the MACHO microlensing survey. The present study was restricted to systems with orbital periods shorter than 2 days and V and R light curves with large eclipse amplitudes, high S/N and homogeneous and dense phase coverage. Problems encountered during the analysis are discussed, especially with respect to the degeneracy of photometric mass ratios and other parameter correlations.  相似文献   

We discuss implementation of light time effects in a general binary star program that solves for third body orbit parameters and binary star parameters together. The program combines radial velocities and light curves within a coherent analysis and can use data that are very unevenly distributed over time. By analyzing whole curves, the program has access to more information than only from eclipse timings. Results for λ Tau and VV Ori are shown.  相似文献   

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