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通过对滇东北山区坡耕地3类代表性土壤-红壤、黄壤和紫色土建立标准试验小区并进行连续3年实测,建立起计算滇东北山区坡耕地土壤K值的修正诺模公式;在确定各个土壤参数基础上,计算了滇东北山区坡耕地主要土壤的K值,为建立坡耕地土壤流失方程、进行土壤侵蚀预测预报、制定水土保持措施奠定了可靠的基础。 相似文献
为探明植被恢复对乌兰布和沙漠土壤风蚀可蚀性的影响,以乌兰布和沙漠内不同沙地固定阶段的8种典型植物群落及群落内表土作为研究对象,对土壤物理因子(可蚀性颗粒含量、土壤含水量、有机质含量)、土壤结皮因子、植被因子3类土壤风蚀可蚀性因子指标进行监测,分析土壤风蚀可蚀性因子在不同植物群落类型间、沙地固定阶段间的差异。结果表明:(1)在乌兰布和沙漠典型植物群落中,沙蓬、沙生针茅、盐爪爪等草本植物群落的土壤风蚀可蚀性最强,白刺、梭梭、沙冬青等灌木植物群落土壤风蚀可蚀性弱于草本植物群落,说明灌木林能显著降低土壤风蚀作用。(2)随着沙地的不断固定,土壤结构不断发育,土壤可蚀性不断降低,土壤风蚀可蚀性强弱表现为固定沙地<半固定沙地<流动沙地。(3)土壤可蚀性颗粒含量、土壤有机质含量、土壤含水量、土壤结皮、植被因子与植被类型及沙地固定阶段具有显著相关关系。因此,在沙区生态建设工程中,为了减少土壤风蚀量,不仅要考虑物种的选择,还要促进人工生态系统的演替和恢复,从而有效降低土壤风蚀可蚀性。研究结果可为乌兰布和沙区植被生态系统服务功能的科学评价、防沙治沙工程的建设与管理提供一定参考。 相似文献
青海湖流域土壤可蚀性K值研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
以土壤亚类为基础,依据青海省第二次土壤普查资料建立了青海湖流域土壤亚类理化性质数据库.使用Wischmeier建立的通用方程计算土壤可蚀性K值,利用三次样条函数插值方法转换不同粒径标准的土壤质地;分别使用土壤有机质含量和土壤最小饱和水力传导率来确定土壤的结构和渗透级别.根据计算结果,建立了青海湖流域土壤可蚀性的分级指标.结果显示,中等和高等可蚀性K值的土壤面积分别占流域土壤总面积的72.1%和15.5%,土壤易于侵蚀.使用Arc/Info对青海湖流域土壤地图进行数字化得到值的K空间分布图,分析了流域可蚀性K值的分布规律及其土壤沙化原因,这对青海湖流域水土保持及流域长期规划具有重要意义. 相似文献
滇东北山区坡耕地土壤可蚀性因子 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
通过对滇东北山区坡耕地3类代表性土壤———红壤、黄壤和紫色土建立标准试验小区并进行连续3年实测,建立起计算滇东北山区坡耕地土壤K值的修正诺模公式;在确定各个土壤参数基础上,计算了滇东北山区坡耕地主要土壤的K值,为建立坡耕地土壤流失方程、进行土壤侵蚀预测预报、制定水土保持措施奠定了可靠的基础。 相似文献
对采自内蒙东胜、河北张家口、山西离石和湖北通城、秭归等不同自然地理环境区的92个土壤样,分别进行了其各项物理、化学特性的测定,和崩解、溅蚀、贯入试验,发现不同土类的试验结果与其理化性状之间存在规律性,它们是土壤抗蚀性的反映。文中还对不同土壤的抗蚀性大小进行了讨论。 相似文献
河北坝上农田、退耕地和天然草地土壤的可风蚀性 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
对河北坝上农田、退耕地和天然草地土壤干团聚体稳定性(DASt)、土壤可蚀度(EF)和理化性质进行分析,讨论了这3种土地利用类型土壤风蚀可蚀性的差异及其与土壤理化性质的关系。结果表明:农田和天然草地EF与DASt值差异性显著(P<0.05),天然草地和退耕地、退耕地和农田差异性不显著,对于EF和DASt,天然草地 > 退耕地> 农田;对于平均粒径,农田≈退耕地>天然草地;对于土壤机械组成黏粒与粉粒含量,天然草地 > 退耕地 > 农田;对于砾石含量,农田 > 退耕地 > 天然草地;对于土壤有机质和全氮含量,天然草地 > 退耕地 > 农田。农田、退耕地、天然草地的DASt、EF系数与砾石含量、平均粒径有着显著相关性,有机质、全氮含量和DASt在天然草地上极显著负相关;EF与有机质、全氮含量在3种地类显著负相关。坝上地区草地和退耕地土壤肥力较高,但表层土壤具有很高的风蚀潜力,因此要限制开垦草地,在必要的地区继续退耕还林还草,提高地表植被的覆盖度,防风固沙,提高土壤肥力,减少土壤风蚀。 相似文献
Soil erodibility and processes of water erosion on hillslope 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
The importance of the inherent resistance of soil to erosional processes, or soil erodibility, is generally recognized in hillslope and fluvial geomorphology, but the full implications of the dynamic soil properties that affect erodibility are seldom considered. In Canada, a wide spectrum of soils and erosional processes has stimulated much research related to soil erodibility. This paper aims to place this work in an international framework of research on water erosion processes, and to identify critical emerging research questions. It focuses particularly on experimental research on rill and interrill erosion using simulated rainfall and recently developed techniques that provide data at appropriate temporal and spatial scales, essential for event-based soil erosion prediction. Results show that many components of erosional response, such as partitioning between rill and interrill or surface and subsurface processes, threshold hydraulic conditions for rill incision, rill network configuration and hillslope sediment delivery, are strongly affected by spatially variable and temporally dynamic soil properties. This agrees with other recent studies, but contrasts markedly with long-held concepts of soil credibility as an essentially constant property for any soil type. Properties that determine erodibility, such as soil aggregation and shear strength, are strongly affected by climatic factors such as rainfall distribution and frost action, and show systematic seasonal variation. They can also change significantly over much shorter time scales with subtle variations in soil water conditions, organic composition, microbiological activity, age-hardening and the structural effect of applied stresses. Property changes between and during rainstorms can dramatically affect the incidence and intensity of rill and interrill erosion and, therefore, both short and long-term hillslope erosional response. Similar property changes, linked to climatic conditions, may also significantly influence the stability and resilience of plant species and vegetation systems. Full understanding of such changes is essential if current event-based soil erosion models such as WEPP and EUROSEM are to attain their full potential predictive precision. The complexity of the interacting processes involved may, however, ultimately make stochastic modelling more effective than physically based modelling in predicting hillslope response to erodibility dynamics. 相似文献
论水土流失与土壤侵蚀及其有关概念的界定 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
水土流失、土壤侵蚀、水土保持等是水土保持学科和山区园土整治的常用概念,但长期以来对这些概念的解释可谓五花八门,即便正规教材、词(辞)典、知识性普及读物也是如此,这种状况极不利于山区水土流失防治工作的开展。本文在对土壤侵蚀过程、水土汉失内涵、土壤侵蚀量与流失量计量单元等关键性问题进行探析、并对现有国内外对这些概念的种种解释进行评述基础上,从水土保持的根本目的、特殊任务以及《水土保持法》的精神实质出发,按通俗性、大众性和可操作性的要求,对水土流失、土壤侵蚀、水土保持等基本概念进行了合理、可行的界定,得出了一些基本认识和体会,愿有助于山区水土流失防治工作的正常开展和水土保持学科的健康发展。 相似文献
不同雨强对裸露坡地水土流失的影响研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
运用坡面径流小区法,研究了闽北裸露坡地水土流失与不同雨强的关系,结果表明:1)裸露坡地径流量受雨强的影响较小,小雨和中雨时径流量与雨强呈线性相关,大雨时径流量与雨强不相关.2)雨强对土壤流失量的影响高于对径流量的影响.在降雨量相近的情况下土壤流失量与平均雨强呈线性关系.3)各时段雨强与裸露坡地的土壤流失量的相关性表现为... 相似文献
无定河流域侵蚀产沙过程对水土保持措施的响应 总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28
以黄河中游多沙粗沙区代表性支流无定河为例,研究了降水量变化的背景下水土保持措施对无定河流域侵蚀产沙的影响。从总体上看,年输沙量和年径流量都表现出随时间而减小的趋势,梯田、造林、种草和淤地坝拦沙造地4项水土保持措施面积随时间增大的趋势极其显著。全流域面平均年降水量和汛期 (6~9月) 降水量则略有减少的趋势,但其减少趋势的显著性远低于水土保持措施随时间变化的显著性。产沙模数与梯田、坝地、造林和种草面积的关系,均表现出明显的负相关。对基准期 (1956~1969年) 和措施期 (1970~1996) 进行了比较,结果表明,实施水土保持措施以后,产沙模数、径流系数和汛期径流能够被降水所解释的百分比,分别由69%、80%和77%,下降为26%、31%和54%。说明在后一时期中,水土保持措施起了很大作用,因而降水变化对于产沙模数、径流系数、汛期径流量变化的贡献率大大减小了。以1956~1996年间41年的资料为基础,建立了全沙产沙模数与径流系数、汛期降雨量、最大一日雨量、最大30日累积雨量、梯田林草面积和坝地面积之间的多元回归方程,该方程表明,全沙产沙模数随汛期降雨量、最大一日雨量、最大30日累积雨量的增大而增大,随梯田林草面积和坝地面积的增大而减小, 随径流系数的增大而增大。为了区分人为因素与气候变化对侵蚀产沙变化的影响,采用对数据进行标准化处理之后再进行多元回归分析的方法,来确定相对贡献率。结果表明,降水变化和水土保持措施变化对无定河全沙产沙模数变化的贡献率大致相等,前者占50.3%,后者占49.7%。文中还建立了粗泥沙产沙模数与上述影响因子之间的多元回归方程。 相似文献
Soil erosion has been recognized as one of the major forms of human-induced soil degradation. Due to land use changes in Iran, erosion has increased 800% between 1951 and 2002, calling for urgent action. But erosion research and policy development are hampered by a lack of information on the underlying factors controlling erosion. Soil types vary in their inherent susceptibility to erosion; but, like most countries, Iran lacks a network of field plots where erodibility is measured. A proxy for erodibility based on existing data and supplemented by an easily measured minimum data set is therefore needed. In this study, we use geological mapping and cluster, principal component, and factor analysis to group soils in the Taleghan Drainage Basin in Iran and subsequently determine their erodibility. First, a geological map of the area was prepared by photogeological methods and on-the-ground verification. Then, three soil profiles were investigated within similar landform units of each geological formation, and soil samples were taken. Physical and chemical properties that might impact soil erodibility (soil texture, pH, electrical conductivity, CaCO3, and soil organic matter) were used to create a matrix of soil properties and parent material. Application of cluster analysis and factor analysis to the data allowed identification of three geological (parent material) clusters. To investigate the mutual effect of land use and parent material on soil erodibility, a soil erodibility factor was obtained for three land use types in each cluster: rangeland, cropland (irrigated), and dry-land farming (nonirrigated). Geological cluster 1, consisting of marl, gypsum, and gypsiferous mudstone, was the most erodible; geological cluster 2, consisting of recent alluvium, alluvial fan, and landslip deposits, was of intermediate erodibility; and geological cluster 3, consisting of igneous rocks, dolomite, and conglomerate, was the least erodible. Within each geological cluster, dry-land farming was the most erodible, cropland was medium erodible, and rangeland was least erodible. The study suggests that geological and land use maps provide a useful framework for assessing soil erodibility. This work can guide future soil erosion studies and direct soil conservation policy to areas most susceptible to erosion. 相似文献