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汶川地震区北西向断裂带遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用北京一号小卫星遥感影像判读汶川地震区的断裂构造,发现了一系列100km左右等间距排列的北西向断裂,结果已部分地得到实地考察验证。龙门山断裂与北西向断裂的交汇部位发生强烈地震的几率较高。这些新发现将对汶川Ms8.0级地震发生机理、龙门山断裂带活动性分段、断裂同震位移自南西向北东、由右旋走滑逆断层向右旋走滑断层转变等重大问题提供了新的合理解释。  相似文献   

The piedmont zone, located between the foothills of Darjeeling Sub-Himalaya and the flat plains of North Bengal is elongated from west to east and its average height varies from 150 m in the north to 50 m in the south. Morphologically, the region is divided into three distinct physiographic units. Many large and small rivers originated from the Darjeeling Sub-Himalayas intersect it. Most of these rivers have their large catchment area in the mountainous tract. The study area has about 350 cm of annual rainfall and peak discharge in the rivers is very high during monsoon period. Rivers carry large amount of sediments, gravels, and pebbles both in suspension and traction and these materials are deposited in the foothills of the Sub-Himalaya as fan deposits and on the riverbeds making braided channels. Landforms in the study area are mainly complex and their origins are influenced by neotectonic and fluvial activities. Many rivers terraces, palaeo-channels, out wash plains, valley-fills and channel bars are formed in the region due to both erosion and depositional processes. These processes and modifications of landforms are still going on in the region.  相似文献   

渤海湾海岸带遥感监测及时空变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渤海湾沿岸快速的工业化和城市化使得该区土地利用和海岸线发生了巨大变化,研究选用2000年、2005年和2010年的Landsat TM \ETM遥感数据,通过人机交互解译方法和GIS空间分析技术,完成了海岸线的提取和渤海湾沿岸部分区域的土地分类,全面分析了渤海湾海岸线变迁和土地利用的空间变化特征,并将定量分析与定性分析相结合,揭示了该区域海岸线变化和土地利用的幅度、速度和区域差异.研究表明:渤海湾海岸10 a内发生了大幅度的变化,变化趋势是由陆向海推进,陆地面积增加了约322 km2,海岸线增长了约331.6 km;从沿岸的土地利用类型来看,人工建筑和建筑未利用地不断增加,天然裸地,湿地等资源大幅减少,滩涂损失最多的区域是天津港地区(89%),盐田坑塘养殖池被占用最多的是天津汉沽段(55%).2000-2005年天津港地区的海岸线和陆地面积变化明显加快,2005-2010年曹妃甸港围填海速度最快,2005年以后渤海湾地区的变化速度快于前5 a.这些变化的主要驱动因素是人类经济活动带来的过度开发.  相似文献   

赵燕  骆磊  万红  吴强  刘传胜 《遥感学报》2021,25(12):2488-2506
本文以巴音布鲁克世界自然遗产地为研究对象,基于卫星遥感影像、气象站点观测信息、地面调查资料等多源数据,完成了1992年-2020年遗产地突出普遍价值OUVs (Outstanding Universal Values)关键要素空间制图,并从景观尺度分析OUVs关键要素及景观格局的时空变化特征,讨论影响其变化特征的主要驱...  相似文献   

Remote sensing activities in Japan are reviewed under three sectors; the government, private and universities. International activities are also reviewed.

The largest governmental activity is the launch of earth observation satellite by National Space Development Agency (NASDA). Apart from that, remote sensing technology is utilized in many government research institutes.

The first level activities in private companies are research, design and development of rockets, spacecrafts, sensors and receiving stations which are carried out by five big electronic companies. Aerial survey companies and oil exploration companies are presently utilizing technology of remote sensing.

University professors are bearing the responsibility for research and education as well as advising the government and private companies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study for linking remotely sensed data with property tax related issues. First, it discusses the key attributes required for property taxation and evaluates the capabilities of remote sensing technology to measure these attributes accurately at parcel level. Next, it presents a detailed case study of six representative wards of different characteristics in Dehradun, India, that illustrates how measurements of several of these attributes supported by field survey can be combined to address the issues related to property taxation. Information derived for various factors quantifies the property taxation contributed by an average dwelling unit of the different income groups. Results show that the property tax calculated in different wards varies between 55% for the high-income group, 32% for the middle-income group, 12% for the low-income group and 1% for squatter units. The study concludes that higher spatial resolution satellite data and integrates social survey helps to assess the socio-economic status of the population for tax contribution purposes.  相似文献   

A remote sensing-based approach was applied to study the impact of changes in cropping system on the exploitation of water resources in two districts namely Ludhiana in central Punjab and Muktsar in South-Western Punjab. Rice-wheat remained dominant rotation in Ludhiana while cottonwheat rotation was replaced partially by rice-wheat in Muktsar within a span of over five years (1998–99 to 2003–04). The solo rice-wheat system in Ludhiana district has resulted in large-scale ground water exploitation as is evident from the faster decline in water table (up to 0.9m year−1) and higher tube-wells density (440 per 1000 ha). As a result, nearly 60 per cent of the total area of Ludhiana district has the water table depth greater than 10m and in some blocks, it has reached to a depth of 22 m. In Muktsar district, corresponding rise in water table is 0.2m per year and tube well density is 114 per 1000 ha. Irrigation water associated with paddy cultivation in Ludhiana and adjoining areas moves laterally through the buried paleo-channels of Sutlaj in the deeper soil profile and gets accumulated in the basin lands of Muktsar and adjoining areas and causes an extra water flux and subsequent rise in water table, recorded at 3 to 7m depth. To minimize the hydrological imbalance of the state, it is suggested to diversify some of the area in the central districts from irrigation water intensive rice-wheat system to less water intensive cropping system.  相似文献   

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing -  相似文献   

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing - Development activities must be compatible for possibilities and limitation of natural environment and resources. Predevelopmental analysis must...  相似文献   


Change detection study has been made for the mangrove forest of the Sunderbans (Bangladesh) using remote sensing and other ancillary data (1933–1987). At the advent of the British rule the forest was double their present extent. Its present area is about 6000.0 Sq. Km. The productive land area has been increased from 1960. Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha)‐Sundri (Heritiera fames) cover type areas have been increased at the expense of pure Sundri type. Height classes of the forest have been changed, basal area/ha has decreased. It is observed that there is a net decrease in Sundri standing volume of the order of 40% and that of Gewa 45% over the past 25 years (1960–1985). Total timber volume for all of the species has been reduced to near about a half. Timber volume/ha and basal area/ha for Gewa have increased in the Sharankhola Island of the forest. Sundri tress are being replaced by Gewa. CIR aerial photographs have been found most suitable for cover type analysis and other change detection study. Regular monitoring of the changes of the forest using remote sensing technique has been suggested.  相似文献   

Landform constitutes one of the important factors in establishing a firm relationship between soil development and pertinent morphological characteristics. Therefore, an understanding of the geomorphological processes helps to initiate studies in the characterisation of soil scapes. Landscape-soil relationships also assist in mapping soils rapidly and accurately. Remote sensing data products like aerial photographs and satelite imagery help in the recognition, delineation and satellite imagery help in the recognition, delineation and classification of landforms for genetical studies. Five sample areas selected from heterogeneous climatic environments distinctly reveal geomorphic-soil linkages. In the humid, highly weathered, sedimentary hilly terrain of Tripura, Udalfs, Ochrepts and Orthents are common while in the valleys Aqualfs, and Aquepts occur dominantly. In the arid and hilly terrain of Kutch, shallow Orthents and Orthids form the dominant soils but in the plains, deep Salorthids and Natrargids take a dominant place. The semihumid Malwa plateau and Nagpur consists of Ochrepts and Usterts.  相似文献   

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