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中国历代诗人创作的大量诗词时常提及的地名是诗人空间感知的自然流露。研究历代诗人创作诗词涉及的地名,有助于认识中国历史地理环境的变化过程。目前少有研究涉及这一范围,分析也有待深入。本研究基于GIS技术,以中国历代著名诗词为数据源,提取地名3 657个,按朝代先后分为9组,应用最近邻指数、核密度、平均中心、标准差椭圆等点分布模式分析算法,研究其时空格局及原因。结果表明:(1)时间上,历代空间感知重心存在绕历史总重心逆时针旋转的趋势,靠后朝代的感知格局除反映自身外还受到过往朝代的叠加影响。(2)空间上,中国诗人空间感知呈核心—轴线—背景面格局,核心是诗人的常住地,轴线是诗人在常住地间流动留下的迁徙轨迹,背景面是核心和轴线围成的弱感知区。(3)诗人的生命历程决定其空间感知,而个人的生命历程又处于社会历史大环境之中,因此,历代诗人的空间感知时空格局与中国经济、政治、文化重心时空格局基本一致。这一研究对分析中国历史重心的转移有参考意义。  相似文献   

时空轨迹分类旨在为一条轨迹预测类别。时空轨迹分类在城市规划、个性化用户推荐等方面具有重要应用价值,其过程主要包括轨迹数据预处理、特征提取、建立分类器3个阶段。本文综述了近年来时空轨迹分类的研究进展,首先对时空轨迹分类的过程进行概述;然后将时空轨迹分类算法按特征提取的方式分为基于运动特征的轨迹分类算法、基于分类规则的轨迹分类算法和基于图像信号分析的轨迹分类算法3类,分别论述了这些算法的基本思想和优缺点;之后对现有的轨迹分类算法从数据来源、分类器、特征提取方式等方面进行对比分析;最后讨论现有的时空轨迹分类算法面临的挑战。  相似文献   

从应用GIS对中华姓氏历史进行分析与模拟的视角出发,提出一个基于事件的姓氏时空谱系数据模型,弥补了现有时空数据模型对姓氏时空分析存在的不足,为GIS对姓氏历史的时空分析研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对地籍空间对象、非空间对象及其之间的相互联系,提出了时间、空间和属性一体化管理的地籍时空模型,该模型包含了地籍的主体即权利人、地籍的客体即地块以及地籍权利对象的时间变化建模,文章对该模型的应用及存储进行了分析。  相似文献   

时空轨迹数据是记录移动对象时间和空间的位置序列,它是研究移动对象最为重要的数据来源。时空轨迹数据的分析挖掘是空间数据挖掘的一个研究热点,它包括轨迹检索、轨迹分类、模式挖掘、异常检测等。在分析挖掘过程中,轨迹之间的相似性度量是一个关键问题。本文研究时空轨迹相似性度量方法,首先从理论意义和应用价值的角度分析时空轨迹相似性度量的重要性,然后根据度量方式的不同将时空轨迹相似性度量方法分为两大类:基于轨迹点的相似性度量方法和基于轨迹段的相似性度量方法。由于基于轨迹点的各种相似性度量方法的应用场景和对相似性的定义不同,再将其细分为全局匹配度量法和局部匹配度量法。对时空轨迹相似性度量方法进行分类的同时,也对各个类别中常用的相似性度量方法进行了详细阐述,分析它们的优缺点及应用场合,为时空轨迹分析挖掘提供参考。  相似文献   

国家海洋局近期对我国西沙海岛地名进行普查,这是我国近20年来第一次全面系统地对西沙海岛地名情况进行普查,  相似文献   

人类时空行为是地理学、物理学、规划学、流行病学等多学科共同关注的研究主题。时空GIS面向地理时空数据的建模与分析需求,注重时间与空间的一体化表达,为人类行为特征分析与规律探索提供基础方法支撑。然而,现有时空GIS在人类行为时空过程表达以及人类行为与时空场境交互分析等方面存在不足。本文通过深度融合时间地理学理论,提出一种面向人类行为研究的时空GIS方法,以丰富与完善现有的时空GIS方法体系。在深入解读时间地理学中“情境”、“企划”等核心概念的基础上,本文分别从情境要素存在性动态表达、情境要素相关性动态理解及情境要素变化的动态感知等方面探讨拓展现有时空GIS方法的可行性。  相似文献   

根据国务院的相关要求,全国各省市已经圆满完成了第二次全国地名普查任务,建设了国家地名信息库,并科学有序地推进地名普查成果转化利用工作.当前,北京市正处于成果转化利用尾声,开展了年度地名信息数据采集更新工作.文章基于北京市地名信息数据采集更新项目,建立地名信息数据共享交换机制,研究地名信息数据采集更新基本原则,总结地名信...  相似文献   

针对基于山水林田湖草是生命共同体的系统思想,本文研究设计了一套基于混合建模的自然资源时空数据模型构建方法.该方法集成并扩展了实体表达、时空演变、地球空间网格、业务关系等多种模型,从而满足了自然资源在时间、空间、语义、管理、服务等方面一体化表达的需要.  相似文献   

信息化管理是城市地下管线综合管理的重点发展方向,管线相关信息量的增加及动态化更新给信息管理系统及数据库开发带来一定难度。分析GIS时空数据模型在城市地下管线数据库中的应用,分析探讨基于城市地下管线的GIS时空数据模型及时空数据库的建立和应用,供相关人员参考借鉴。  相似文献   

Based on the new data of the Quaternary along the coast of Hainan Island, China, this paper puts forward that the Holocene in Hainan Island can be divided into four formations: Wanning formation (Q41), Sanya formation (Q42-1), Qiongshan formation (Q42-2) and Ledong formation (Q43). Spore-pollen analysis shows that there are 6 spore-pollen zones existed, reflecting two cycles of climatic fluctuation from warm-dry to hot-humid. The climax of hot-humid period occurred 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. Based on the 14C dating data of the 38 samples representing the positions of ancient sea level, a breakthrough curve representing the sea level change during the Holocone is obtained, in which , a sea level change caused by tectonic movement is subtracted. Two cycles of rise-drop of sea level with three periods of high sea level were found. The period with the highest sea level is some 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. According to the rise-drop rate of sea level, four periods of the sea level change can be distinguished in the  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingonunderwaterpartsofman mademarinestructuresisamajoreconomicandtechni calproblemhavinginternationaldimensionsforthedevelopmentofoceanengineeringbecauseitnotonlyincreasesstaticandhydrodynamicloading,butalsoaffectscorrosioncharacteristicsandim pedesunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance (CallowandEdyvean ,1 990 ) .Duetodifferencesingeographicalpositionsandenvironmentalconditions,thedistributionofsessileorganismsvarieswitharea .Therefore ,understandingtheformationofbiofoulin…  相似文献   

There is a great difference in starting conditions among Hainan Island, the special economic zones and the economic and technological development zones in China, and "the Four Small Dragons" of Asia. Hainan's major superiority is superiority of the special economic zone. The superiority includes two main parts of natural resources and geographical location. In order to give play to the superiority it is necessary to develop the export-oriented economy. As for giving full play to the location superiority, it must be solved that the problems on the investment, the talent and the development models. It is very important to rely on the superiority of natural resources to develop the products which is necessary for our country and can replace the imports. The rational adjustment on the economic departments in Hainan Province comprises two aspects. The departments of exploiting natural resources must enlarge the processing depth of agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and increase the additiona  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingcancauseroughnessofsubmergedsurfacesofmarinestructures(Chakrabarti,1991),increasehydrodynamicloadings(WolframandTheophanatos,1985),acceleratecorrosionprocess(Patiletal.,1988),andimpedeunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance(Houghton,1978).Thelackofd…  相似文献   

Decreasing the risks and geohazards associated with drilling engineering in high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) geologic settings begins with the implementation of pre-drilling prediction techniques (PPTs). To improve the accuracy of geopressure prediction in HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs offshore Hainan Island, we made a comprehensive summary of current PPTs to identify existing problems and challenges by analyzing the global distribution of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs, the research status of PPTs, and the geologic setting and its HTHP formation mechanism. Our research results indicate that the HTHP formation mechanism in the study area is caused by multiple factors, including rapid loading, diapir intrusions, hydrocarbon generation, and the thermal expansion of pore fluids. Due to this multi-factor interaction, a cloud of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs has developed in the Ying-Qiong Basin, but only traditional PPTs have been implemented, based on the assumption of conditions that do not conform to the actual geologic environment, e.g., Bellotti’s law and Eaton’s law. In this paper, we focus on these issues, identify some challenges and solutions, and call for further PPT research to address the drawbacks of previous works and meet the challenges associated with the deepwater technology gap. In this way, we hope to contribute to the improved accuracy of geopressure prediction prior to drilling and provide support for future HTHP drilling offshore Hainan Island.  相似文献   

长沙市热岛效应时空特征变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于1991-2015年长沙市9景Landsat TM/ETM影像,采用单窗算法反演了长沙市建成区的地表温度,提取了土地利用/覆盖类型,并结合相关资料对长沙市热岛效应时空变化特征以及城市热环境与城市土地利用/覆盖变化之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明长沙市热岛范围随着建成区范围的扩大不断增大,并且热岛的时空演变与建成区扩大的趋势一致:1991-1996年,长沙市热岛向东发展迅速,截至1996年东部热岛面积增加达53.54 km2 ;1996-2003年,受城市建成区扩展影响,热岛向西部延伸,增加面积达39.88 km2;2003-2007年,建成区热岛向西部、南部加速发展,热岛增加总面积达33.55 km2;2007年后,长沙市建成区与热岛范围开始向东、西、南、北4个方向全面扩展。此外,建成区土地利用/覆盖情况发生了很大的变化,大量绿地转变为建设用地和耕地,极大地影响了地表温度的空间分布,各土地类型之间的温度差异显著缩小,水体良好的吸热性能明显地体现出来,建筑用地和裸地则对地表温度的贡献显著增大。  相似文献   

Li  Min  Xie  Lingling  Zong  Xiaolong  Li  Junyi  Li  Mingming  Yan  Tong  Han  Ronglei 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2022,40(2):438-455
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Using the 25-h continuing hydrographic observations at three successive stations in February 2012 and the mooring time series of current observations from...  相似文献   

A synoptic-scale upwelling event that developed off the east coast of the Hainan Island(EHIU) in the summer of 2010 is defi ned well via processing the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) sea surface temperature(SST) data. The Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS) with high spatial resolution has been used to investigate this upwelling event. By comparing the ROMS results against tide station data, Argo fl oat profi les and MODIS SST, it is confi rmed that the ROMS reproduces the EHIU well. The cooler-water core(CWC) distinguished by waters(27) 27.5°C in the EHIU, which occurred in the east Qiongzhou Strait mouth area and was bounded by a high temperature gradient, was the focus of this paper. Vertical structure of the CWC suggests that interaction between the westward fl ow and the bathymetry slope played a signifi cant role in the formation of CWC. Numerical experiments indicated that the westward fl ow in the Qiongzhou Strait was the result of tidal rectifi cation over variable topography(Shi et al., 2002), thus tides played a critical role on the development of the CWC. The negative wind stress curl that dominated the east Qiongzhou Strait mouth area suppressed the intensity of the CWC by 0.2–0.4°C. Further, nonlinear interaction between tidal currents and wind stress enhanced vertical mixing greatly, which would benefi t the development of the CWC.  相似文献   

Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter(DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale.In order to improve the understanding of origin,composition,and fate of DOM in mangrove-fringed estuarine and coastal areas,dissolved humic substances(DHS) were isolated from one mangrove pore-water sample and one near-shore seawater sample downstream the mangrove pore-water site in the eastern coast of Hainan Island,South China.Fulvic acids,humic acids and XAD-4 fractions were obtained from the two water samples by using a two-column array of XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins.Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the features of these DHS.Compared to the mangrove pore-water DHS,the near-shore seawater DHS were found rich in 13 C with lower C/N ratios and more aliphatic compounds and carbohydrates,but less aromatic structures and carboxyl groups.As for the three fractions of the two DHS,XAD-4 fractions contain more aliphatics,carbohydrates,carboxyl groups,and enrich in 13 C with respect to both fulvic and humic acids.Photo-oxidation transformation and contribution from marine-derived DOM were considered as the main reasons resulted in the difference in compositional features for these DHS in this study.  相似文献   

海南岛独特的区域和国家战略位置,使得了解和掌握该地区气溶胶时空格局特征及其大气污染物传输来源是海南大气环境质量监测和污染防治中重要的关注问题。选取MODIS 3 km分辨率气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品MOD04_3K,对海南岛2003—2017年AOD时空变化特征进行分析;以海口市为起始点,采用HYSPLIT模式对8次典型大气污染事件在10、500、1000 m 3个相对地面高度上进行48 h后向轨迹计算,以探究该区域大气污染物来源。结果表明:① 海南岛AOD在空间上呈较为明显的三级阶梯状分布,从西北方向向东南递减,2003—2017年在不同阶梯的空间变化趋势差异十分显著;② 2003—2017年海南岛AOD年均值为0.095,各年均值整体呈轻微升高趋势;季节均值差异表现为“春季>秋季>冬季>夏季”,此差异除受区域天气系统与地方风向特征的影响外,本区旅游业发展造成的大气污染物排放也不可忽视;③ 海南岛(海口市)2013—2017年典型大气污染事件发生期间大气污染气流在3个高度上(10、500、1000 m)的后向轨迹基本保持一致,均主要来自于海南岛东北方向。据此,位于该方向毗邻的珠江三角洲地区陆源大气污染物在东北盛行风的影响下被输送至海南岛,在区域天气系统(如大陆冷高压)和局部天气系统(如海风辐合)共同作用下,是促成该地区大气污染事件发生的重要因素。研究结果对深入理解海南岛近十多年来大气环境状况的变化规律、完善该区域大气污染联防联控机制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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