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Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy - We are dealing with the averaged model used to study the secular effects in the motion of a body of the negligible mass in the context of a spatial...  相似文献   

The theoretical aspects of the modified linearization method, which makes it possible to solve a wide class of nonlinear problems on optimizing low-thrust spacecraft trajectories (V. V. Efanov et al., 2009; V. V. Khartov et al., 2010) are examined. The main modifications of the linearization method are connected with its refinement for optimizing the main dynamic systems and design parameters of the spacecraft.  相似文献   

A new phase of Venus research has started in Russia; the Federal Space Program includes the Venera-D design with the launch of the spacecraft scheduled for 2016. The mission comprises an orbiter, a descent vehicle, and balloon probes. The balloon probes will be placed at different altitudes in the cloud layer and under the clouds, where they are intended to last for a long time in the atmosphere of Venus. The successful implementation of the design will allow solving of quite a number of scientific tasks for comparative planetology.  相似文献   

The orbital state of a satellite in a central force field can be uniquely described by its velocity hodograph, a circle, rather than the Keplerian conic. Also, its coordinate-frame rotation about the attracting center is definable, without singularity, by the four-parameter set of Euler parameters. A unified state model of orbital trajectory and attitude dynamics has previously been developed by use of state variables of the orbital velocity hodograph and Euler parameters. The dynamical constraint equations of this orbital state model are especially effective in advanced techniques of state estimation, used for orbit determination and prediction. External observations of orbital vehicles, such as provided by optical and radar sensors of tracking systems, are transformable into corresponding velocity state maps, as presented in this paper. These transformations and the consequent state maps are essential for development of the orbit observation matrix used with the unified state matrix, in recursive estimators such as the Kalman filters. Line-of-sight rays and range spheres (or hemispheres) of observations map conformally into orthogonal spherical surfaces in velocity space, as the result of the point-contact transformations. In bispherical coordinates, the field of observation maps for a ground-based tracking system site is shown to be a reduced (or degenerate) form of the general field of observation maps for a satellite-based tracking site. These orbital state maps and transforms are directly useful in development of observation matrices for candidate observation sets, such as range only, angle only, or range plus range-rate tracking schemes. Also, surface coverage patterns can be generated for proposed new tracking systems, in mission analysis and system synthesis studies.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the possibility of the use of a gravity-assist maneuver for flight to Jupiter. The advantage of the Earth gravity-assist maneuver in comparison with the direct transfer in terms of reduction of amount of energy required per transfer is considered. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of two transfer profiles are given.  相似文献   

To send humans beyond Mars, a Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE) mission has been studied for new spacecraft concepts and technologies. In this paper, an interplanetary trajectory and a preliminary spacecraft design are presented for the HOPE visit to Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons. To design a round-trip trajectory for the mission, the characteristics of the spacecraft and its trajectories are analyzed. A detailed optimization approach is formulated to utilize a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) engine with capabilities of variable specific impulse, variable engine efficiency, and engine on-off control. It is mainly illustrated that a 30 MW powered spacecraft can make the mission possible in a 5-year round trip constraint around the year 2045. Trajectories with different power and reactor options are also discussed. The results obtained in this study can be used for formulating an overall concept for the mission.  相似文献   

Prelaunch planetary protection protocols on spacecraft are designed to reduce the numbers and diversity of viable bioloads on surfaces in order to mitigate the forward contamination of planetary surfaces. In addition, there is a growing appreciation that prelaunch spacecraft cleaning protocols will be required to reduce the levels of biogenic signature molecules on spacecraft to levels that will not compromise life-detection experiments on landers. The biogenic molecule, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was tested for long-term stability under simulated Mars surface conditions of high UV flux, low temperature, low pressure, Mars atmosphere, and clear-sky dust loading conditions. Data on UV-induced ATP degradation rates were then extrapolated to a diversity of global conditions using a radiative transfer model for UV on Mars. The UV-induced degradation of ATP tested at 4.1 W m−2 UVC (200-280 nm), −10 °C, 7.1 mb, 95% CO2 gas composition, and an atmospheric opacity of τ=0.1 yielded a half-life for ATP of 1342 kJ m−2; or extrapolated to approximately 22 sols on equatorial Mars with an atmospheric opacity of τ=0.5. Temperature was found to moderately affect ATP degradation rates under martian conditions; tests at −80 or 20 °C yielded ATP half-lives of 2594 or 1183 kJ m−2, respectively. The ATP degradation rates reported here are over 10 orders of magnitude slower than the UV-induced biocidal rates reported in the literature on the inactivation of strongly UV-resistant bacterial spores from Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 [Schuerger, A.C., Richards, J.T., Newcombe, D.A., Venkateswaran, K.J., 2006. Icarus 181, 52-62]. Extrapolating results to global Mars conditions, residence times for a 99% reduction of ATP on spacecraft surfaces ranged from 158 sols on Sun-exposed surfaces to approximately 32,000 sols for the undersides of landers similar to Viking. However, spacecraft materials greatly affected the survival times of ATP under martian conditions. Stainless steel was found to enhance the UV degradation of ATP by over 2 orders of magnitude compared to ATP-doped iridited aluminum, graphite, and astroquartz coupons. Extrapolating these results to global conditions, ATP on stainless steel might be expected to persist between 2 and 320 sols for upper and lower surfaces of landers. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry data supported the conclusion that UV irradiation acted to remove the γ-phosphate group from ATP, and no evidence was observed for the UV-degradation of d-ribose or adenine moieties. Long residence times for ATP on spacecraft materials under martian conditions suggest that prelaunch cleaning protocols may need to be strengthened to mitigate against possible ATP contamination of life-detection experiments on Mars landers.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in a Mars simulation chamber (MSC) to characterize the survival of endospores of Bacillus subtilis under high UV irradiation and simulated martian conditions. The MSC was used to create Mars surface environments in which pressure (8.5 mb), temperature (-80, -40, -10, or +23 degrees C), gas composition (Earth-normal N2/O2 mix, pure N2, pure CO2, or a Mars gas mix), and UV-VIS-NIR fluence rates (200-1200 nm) were maintained within tight limits. The Mars gas mix was composed of CO2 (95.3%), N2 (2.7%), Ar (1.7%), O2 (0.2%), and water vapor (0.03%). Experiments were conducted to measure the effects of pressure, gas composition, and temperature alone or in combination with Mars-normal UV-VIS-NIR light environments. Endospores of B. subtilis, were deposited on aluminum coupons as monolayers in which the average density applied to coupons was 2.47 x 10(6) bacteria per sample. Populations of B. subtilis placed on aluminum coupons and subjected to an Earth-normal temperature (23 degrees C), pressure (1013 mb), and gas mix (normal N2/O2 ratio) but illuminated with a Mars-normal UV-VIS-NIR spectrum were reduced by over 99.9% after 30 sec exposure to Mars-normal UV fluence rates. However, it required at least 15 min of Mars-normal UV exposure to reduce bacterial populations on aluminum coupons to non-recoverable levels. These results were duplicated when bacteria were exposed to Mars-normal environments of temperature (-10 degrees C), pressure (8.5 mb), gas composition (pure CO2), and UV fluence rates. In other experiments, results indicated that the gas composition of the atmosphere and the temperature of the bacterial monolayers at the time of Mars UV exposure had no effects on the survival of bacterial endospores. But Mars-normal pressures (8.5 mb) were found to reduce survival by approximately 20-35% compared to Earth-normal pressures (1013 mb). The primary implications of these results are (a) that greater than 99.9% of bacterial populations on sun-exposed surfaces of spacecraft are likely to be inactivated within a few tens of seconds to a few minutes on the surface of Mars, and (b) that within a single Mars day under clear-sky conditions bacterial populations on sun-exposed surfaces of spacecraft will be sterilized. Furthermore, these results suggest that the high UV fluence rates on the martian surface can be an important resource in minimizing the forward contamination of Mars.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a concept of a microrocket system meant for the injection of nano-, pico-, and femtoscale satellites into near-Earth orbit. Requirements for the appearance and basic design parameters of the micro-rocket system are substantiated. Characteristics of possible prototypes and analogues of this system are analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the invariant manifold and its application in transfer trajectory problem from a low Earth parking orbit to the Sun-Earth \(L_{1}\) and \(L_{2}\)-halo orbits with the inclusion of radiation pressure and oblateness. Invariant manifold of the halo orbit provides a natural entrance to travel the spacecraft in the solar system along some specific paths due to its strong hyperbolic character. In this regard, the halo orbits near both collinear Lagrangian points are computed first. The manifold’s approximation near the nominal halo orbit is computed using the eigenvectors of the monodromy matrix. The obtained local approximation provides globalization of the manifold by applying backward time propagation to the governing equations of motion. The desired transfer trajectory well suited for the transfer is explored by looking at a possible intersection between the Earth’s parking orbit of the spacecraft and the manifold.  相似文献   

Large ΔV amounts are often required to maintain the relative geometry which is needed to implement a formation flying concept. A wise use of the orbital environment makes the orbit keeping phase easier, reducing the overall propellant consumption. A first important step in this direction is the selection of formation configurations and orbits which, while still satisfying the mission requirements, are less subject to perturbations resulting naturally in closed relative motion. Within this frame, a number of studies have been recently carried out in order to identify possible sets of invariant relative orbits under the effects of the Earth oblateness, a conservative force commonly referred to as J2 which is also the most important perturbation for Low Earth Orbit. These efforts clearly marked the difficulties connected with achieving genuine periodic relative motion under J2 effect, but they also showed the existence of a set of conditions on the orbital parameters which allow for quasi-periodic J2 trajectories. This paper presents these particular trajectories, by means of deeper theoretical explanations, showing the dependency of the shape of the relative configurations on the orbital inclination. Since the quasi-periodic trajectories cannot be written analytically, and moreover, they are very sensitive with respect to the initial conditions, difficulties arise when trying to exploit these paths as reference for the control of a formation. This paper proposes a novel approach to find, from the actual quasi periodic natural trajectories, minimal control periodic reference trajectories. Next, it evaluates quantitatively the amount of propellant which is needed to control a spacecraft formation along these paths. The choice of Hill’s classical circular projected configuration as a nominal trajectory is considered as a comparison, showing the clear advantages of the proposed guidance design, which assumes low-perturbed periodic reference orbits as nominal trajectories.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the instantaneous triple-probe method can be applied to the direct display of parameters; particularly in the case of probe application during measurements carried out from spacecraft. The theory of the triple-probe method has been extended for the very high speed flowing collisionless plasma condition, i.e. in which the spacecraft speed U ≈ the most probable electron thermal velocity ve > the most probable ion thermal velocity vi. This condition is particularly important both in the case of re-entry of spacecraft and in the solar wind plasma. Experiments have been conducted in a free molecular beam plasma chamber for Si = U/vi > 10. The experimental results and their relationship to the appropriate theory are presented.  相似文献   

We have estimated the dark matter content in galaxy pairs and triplets selected from SDSS DR5 by a higher-order Voronoi tesseleration method. Specifically, the median mass-to-light ratios M vir/L are 12 M /L for isolated pairs, 44 M /L for isolated triplets, and 7 (8) M /L for compact pairs (triplets) with a characteristic distance between the galaxies of R < 50 (100) kpc. We show that the less isolated a system, the larger its mass-to-light ratio. This suggests that galaxy groups in a denser environment have a higher velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

We describe the Univiewer utility for visualizing the celestialmaps in the HEALPix pixelization scheme, which is widely used in data reduction for various experiments involving observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). The utility can be used to view the FITS files containing one or several extensions containing HEALPix maps of temperature, intensities, Stokes parameters, integration time per pixel values, etc. The user can interactively change the visualization parameters, apply a coordinate grid, project sky areas onto a plane for further detailed analyses, and compute power spectra. The utility uses OpenGL and wxWidgets cross-platform libraries.  相似文献   

A way to fully exploit the large collecting area of modern 8–10m class telescopes is high resolution spectroscopy. Many astrophysical problems from planetary science to cosmology benefit from spectroscopic observations at the highest resolution currently achievable and would benefit from even higher resolutions. Indeed in the era of 8–10m class telescopes no longer the telescope collecting area but the size of the beam – which is related to the maximum size in which reflection gratings are manufactured – is what mainly limits the resolution. A resolution‐slit product Rφ ≃ 40,000 is the maximum currently provided by a beam of 20 cm illuminating the largest grating mosaics. We present a conceptual design for a spectrograph with Rφ ≃ 80,000, i.e. twice as large as that of existing instruments. Examples of the possible exploitation of such a high Rφ value, including spectropolarimetry and very high resolution (R ∼ 300,000), are discussed in detail. The new concept is illustrated through the specific case of a high resolution spectropolarimeter for the Large Binocular Telescope.  相似文献   

In this work we address the problem of simultaneous multifrequency detection of extragalactic point sources in the maps of the cosmic microwave background. We apply a new linear filtering technique, the 'matched matrix filters', that incorporates full spatial information, including the cross-correlation among channels, without making any a priori assumption about the spectral behaviour of the sources. A substantial reduction of the background is achieved thanks to the optimal combination of filtered maps. We describe the new technique in detail and apply it to the detection of radio sources and estimation of their parameters in realistic all-sky Planck simulations at 30, 44, 70 and 100 GHz. Then, we compare the results with the single-frequency approach based on the standard matched filter, in terms of reliability, completeness and flux accuracy of the resulting point source catalogues. The new filters outperform the standard matched filters for all these indexes at 30, 44 and 70 GHz, whereas at 100 GHz both kinds of filters have a similar performance. We find a notable increment of the number of true detections for a fixed reliability level. In particular, for a 95 per cent reliability we practically double the number of detections at 30, 44 and 70 GHz.  相似文献   

The identification of non-Gaussian signatures in cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps is one of the main cosmological challenges today. We propose and investigate alternative methods to analyse CMB maps. Using the technique of constrained randomization, we construct surrogate maps which mimic both the power spectrum and the amplitude distribution of simulated CMB maps containing non-Gaussian signals. Analysing the maps with weighted scaling indices and Minkowski functionals yields in both cases statistically significant identification of the primordial non-Gaussianities. We demonstrate that the method is very robust with respect to noise. We also show that Minkowski functionals are able to account for non-linearities at higher noise level when applied in combination with surrogates than when only applied to noise added CMB maps and phase randomized versions of them, which only reproduce the power spectrum.  相似文献   

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