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Porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization and mantle plumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对正在勘查中的西藏驱龙斑岩铜矿床,任何关于基础矿床地质认识上的改变,都可能会引发勘查方向上的重大变动.驱龙铜矿的勘探工作是围绕矿区内出露的几套斑岩体进行的.然而,野外调查发现,矿区西部斑岩体(指原Ⅱ、Ⅲ及Ⅳ号斑岩)却表现出与东部斑岩体(原Ⅰ号斑岩)截然不同的蚀变、矿化及岩石学特征:西部斑岩蚀变以石英-绢云母化为主,局部可见青磐岩化;矿化主要为黄铁矿化,黄铜矿很少;通常产于斑岩铜矿外围的黄铁矿D脉发育.这些特征均表明,西部斑岩整体处于斑岩矿化系统的绢英岩化带,局部甚至处于青磐岩化蚀变带内,并非像东部斑岩(出现以斑岩体为中心、呈同心环状分带的蚀变及矿化系统)一样.西部斑岩还发生了明显的韧性变形,经历了比东部斑岩更为复杂的地质演化过程,其形成时间明显早于东部斑岩.因此,推断西部斑岩对成矿的贡献不大.为证实野外观察的正确性,作者对西部斑岩开展了详细的岩石学、岩石地球化学及年代学研究,结果显示,西部斑岩为高钾钙碱性系列,具有明显的Eu负异常,富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,但不亏损Ta,其锆石U-PbSHRIMP年龄为(182.3±1.5)Ma,为早侏罗世的产物,明显不同于形成于中新世的东部斑岩.因此,驱龙铜矿床未来的勘探工程布置方案更加清晰,应紧紧围绕东部斑岩所形成的矿化系统进行.由于西部斑岩出露面积较大,与叶巴组火山岩一样,仅为围岩,并没有形成自己的蚀变与矿化系统,建议不要对该斑岩布置太多的勘查工程.在矿床勘探过程中,详细的野外观察,辅以适当的科学分析手段,往往能够避免投入过多无谓的勘查工程,减少浪费.  相似文献   

西藏玉龙铜矿床——鼻状构造圈闭控制的特大型矿床   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
文章研究了背斜圈闭构造控制玉龙斑岩-矽卡岩型铜(钼)矿的形成和矿体的分布。通过对成矿体系中各矿体的产出和形态特征、矿床地球化学原生晕分布特征、圈闭构造的古构造应力场恢复等的研究,认为玉龙铜矿的斑岩型(Ⅰ号矿体)、矽卡岩型(Ⅱ、Ⅴ号似层状原生矿体、Ⅴ号矿体上层矿体)、矽卡岩-次生氧化富集型(Ⅱ、Ⅴ号似层状次生氧化矿体)、角岩型(接触带角岩中硫化物矿体)、隐爆角砾岩型等矿体的分布受甘龙拉背斜的南段倾伏端的构造圈闭控制。因此,超大型玉龙铜(钼)矿床的形成与良好的背斜圈闭构造有关。  相似文献   

Alpine porphyry copper ores located in West Romania belong to the major Alpine belt developed from the Carpathians up to the Eastern Asia. They occurred along subduction zones in regions of thin continental crust characteristic of the complicated geotectonic Thetian environment during Laramian and Neogene metallogenic events. The porphyry copper ores consist of small size subvolcanic bodies with concentric alteration zones and Cu-Mo (Au) mineralization which exhibit similitudes with the Lowell and Guilbert model during Laramian times and with the diorite model during Miocene times. The magmatism related to porphyry copper mineralization is commonly Cu rich and restricted to insignificant sialic contamination. The spatial distribution of the ores is controlled by N-S Laramian tectonomagmatic alignments (Banat) and NW trending Neogene basins along extransverse faults (Metaliferi Mountains).
Résumé Les minéralisations de cuivre porphyriques de la Roumanie occidentale appartiennent à la ceinture majeure qui s'étend depuis les Carpates jusqu' à l'Asie orientale. Leur occurrence le long des zones de subduction dans les régions à croûte continentale mince est caractéristique pour le compliqué milieu géotectonique thetien, au cours de la métallogenèse laramienne et néogène. Le cuivre porphyrique du type Cu-Mo (Au) est représenté par des corps subvolcaniques de dimensions réduites, à zonalité d'altération concentrique; la minéralisation laramienne peut être assignée au modèle de Lowell et Guilbert et la minéralisation néogène au modèle dioritique. Le magmatisme générateur est, en général, riche en cuivre et limité à une contamination sialique modique. La distribution spatiale des minéralisations est contrôlée par des alignements tectonomagmatiques laramiens orientés N-S (Banat), ainsi que par la disposition NO-SE des basins néogènes formès aux dépens des anciennes fractures transversales (Monts Metaliferi).

The Koloula Igneous Complex comprises 26 different intrusive phases that have been divided into two major magmatic episodes — cycle 1 intrusions (4.5 Ma) and cycle 2 intrusions (2.4 to 1.5 Ma). The cycle 2 intrusions are further divided into the Inamumu Zoned Pluton (IZP) which is composed of 6 concentrically disposed quartz diorite and tonalite units; and several satellite intrusions. The IZP is host to porphyry-copper mineralization, whereas the cycle 1, and cycle 2 satellite intrusions are barren. Presently exposed mineralization in the IZP (A system) represents the deeply eroded core of a porphyry copper system, where widely-spaced veinlet alteration envelopes ( 1 mm thick) are separated by large volumes of unaltered rock.Compositional trends in biotites and amphiboles from both individual grains and throughout the differentiation series of the IZP, indicate fluctuating but generally increasing existed through the sequence from early magmatic late magmatic early hydrothermal conditions. In amphiboles, compositional domains (Mg-rich) that are indicative of high are correlated with episodes of fluid exsolution, independent evidence of which is provided by multiple generations of fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts. These high domains in amphiboles have higher Si, Mn, and Ca contents, but are depleted in Fe, Ti, Na, K, and Cl relative to the less oxidizing domains. The latter elements are those that are known from veinlet alteration assemblages and fluid-inclusion evidence to have been preferentially partitioned into the co-existing fluid phase (late magmatic hydrothermal solution).By contrast, amphiboles from barren rock types that are slightly older than, and of the same age as the IZP, exhibit restricted compositional ranges, and are more Fe-rich. Some individual grains and two cycle 2 satellite intrusions indicate Fe-enrichment during progressive crystallization. Siliceous deuteric amphiboles are commonly as Mg-rich as the high amphibole domains from the IZP, but are easily distinguished from them by their lack of smooth compositional trends versus Si, and by their highly variable Mg and Fe contents.Biotites from the IZP also indicate progressive oxidation, whereas biotites from the barren rock types show either little compositional variation or progressive Fe-enrichment. Biotites from the barren intrusions are richer in Cl, Li and Rb and poorer in Ba than those of the mineralizing intrusions. fHF was very low ( 0.003 bars) in both barren and mineralizing intrusions. During progressive differentiation, Rb content decreased and Ba content increased in IZP biotites, which is atypical, yet explicable owing to the former presence of a competing fluid phase during biotite crystallization.Because is a function of degree of fluid exsolution, then in igneous systems with sufficient Cu, Cl, and ultimately S, progressively higher should potentially lead to more mineralized intrusions. Higher is reflected by steeper Fe versus Si gradients in amphibole domains. Indeed, such a graph for amphiboles from 5 igneous complexes, indicates that two economically mineralized units produced steeper FeSi than those from weakly mineralized intrusions. Steep FeSi trends that do not continue to amphibole domains more siliceous than Si=7.3 (atoms per 23 oxygens) are unlikely to have resulted from subsolidus crystallization and these intrusions are unlikely to be strongly mineralized.  相似文献   

月山地区铜成矿作用的同位素地球化学研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
周涛发  岳节仓 《矿床地质》1996,15(4):341-350
月山地区矽卡岩型和热液脉型铜矿床氢、氧、硫、铅、和硅笔同位素组成及演化的特征显示,区内具工业价值铜矿的成矿物质主要由闪长质岩浆经熔-流分离作用提供,主要成 在放阶段的成矿热液以岩浆水为主,地矿中晚期大气降水混入量逐渐增多,三叠系和部分前三叠系提供了部分硫源和少量成矿物质。  相似文献   

大通河盆地二叠系沉积相及铜矿化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大通河盆地为一上古生代—中新生代断陷盆地,沉积持续时间长,后期构造作用强烈。通过对盆地内二叠系沉积相及铜矿化特征分析,认为铜矿化物质来源于北祁连古陆核,经剥蚀—沉积形成了含铜二叠系陆相杂色砂岩,后期断裂构造及热液活动更加强化了铜矿化的作用。  相似文献   

普朗斑岩铜矿岩浆混合作用:岩石学及元素地球化学证据   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
普朗斑岩铜矿花岗闪长斑岩中存在大量的随机分布的镁铁质微粒包体,包体与寄主岩存在渐变接触关系。包体成分为闪长质,具有岩浆结构,存在针状磷灰石,显示了快速冷却结晶的特征。包体内可见具有暗色矿物镶边的眼球状石英,表明存在岩浆混合作用。寄主岩岩体规模较小,呈岩枝状产出,包体和寄主岩均为似斑状结构,说明两种岩浆侵位和发生岩浆混合作用的深度较浅。元素地球化学特征显示包体与寄主岩的之间有成分交换。包体和寄主岩强不相容元素均富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti均表现出显著的负异常,具有典型的岛弧岩浆岩的微量元素特征,包体和寄主岩Mg#较高,在同等Si条件下比玄武岩部分熔融体富K2O和MgO,意味着源区必须有幔源岩浆的贡献。普朗斑岩铜矿蚀变矿化模式反映了其成矿环境偏基性,暗示镁铁质岩浆的加入对成矿具有贡献。  相似文献   

Deposits of the “porphyry” family (essentially porphyry copper and gold-porphyry copper, gold-bearing porphyry molybdenum-copper, gold-containing porphyry copper-molybdenum and porphyry molybdenum deposits) are associated in time and space with granitoid magmatism mainly in Phaerozoic volcano-plutonic belts. Whatever their age, the deposits belong to two types of belts: basaltic belts, representing axial zones of island arcs, or andesitic belts formed within active continental (Andean-type) margins.The petrochemistry of ore-bearing magmatism related to the nature of the substratum of volcano-plutonic belts, reveals a number of essential characteristics, both in composition and zonation of wallrock alteration and ore mineralization. These characterisics enabled previous researchers to establish four models of porphyry copper deposits based on their lithologic associations, e.g., “diorite”, “granodiorite”, “monzonite” and “granite”.Pophyry copper deposits are thought to be the product of self-generating “two-fluid mixing” ore-magmatic systems. Porphyry intrusions are pathways for energy and metals from deep-seated magma chambers, of which the upper mineralized parts are accessible for observation. The relationship between magmatic fluids and meteoric water participating in the ore-forming processes (dependent on the structural-petrophysical conditions of formation), provide a subdivision for the porphyry copper ore-magmatic systems into three types: “open”, “closed” and “transitional”.Concurrently, a common trend in the evolution of the systems has been established, from a nearly autoclave regime of structural-and ore-forming processes to a gradual increase in the importance of hydrothermal recycling. The completeness of the OMS (ore-magmatic system) development according to this scheme, which determines the existence of various OMS types, depends on many factors, the most important being the depth of formation of porphyry intrusive bodies, the petrophysical peculiarities of the host rocks and the palaeohydrogeological conditions of ore deposition.Although rock fracturing (especially defluidization: second boiling) and contraction are caused by the same mechanisms, the stockwork growth in “open” and “closed” systems, relative to the wall rock, takes place in opposite directions, primarily due to different petrophysical parameters of the near-stock environment.In “open” systems structural and ore metasomatic processes are finalized. Fractures extend progressively from porhyry stocks into the marginal parts of the intrusive framework and extension of large-scale recycling of magmatic and activated meteoric water, in the same direction, result in the formation of ore-bearing stockworks. These are large in all dimensions, cover mainly hanging-wall zones and are characterized by clearly defined concentric mineral zoning and extensive geochemical haloes.In a “closed” OMS with centripetal growing fractures, hydrothermal convection is stunted. The vertical extension of recycling cells is restricted and the volume of meteoric water involved in circulation during the period of ore deposition is relatively small. As a result, relatively small intra-intrusive lenticular stockworks are developed which are characterized by close co-existence of several generations of mineralization with fragmentary preservation of the earliest ones. These are characterized by the elements of “reverse” zoning, increased density of the veinlets and metal content, as well as poorly developed hanging-wall dispersion haloes.  相似文献   

殷勇  殷先明 《岩石学报》2009,25(5):1239-1252
埃达克岩是以往20年中特别引起人们兴趣和关注的与成矿有关的中酸性岩浆岩之一,而喜马拉雅型花岗岩是最近提出来的也与地壳加厚有关的花岗岩类。本文的研究表明,在西秦岭北缘存在印支期的埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩,而且它们均与金、铜、钼等成矿作用有关。研究表明,本区阿姨山和德乌鲁-黑河地区的埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩具有较高的Mg#数值,可能是加厚地壳底部幔源岩浆和壳源岩浆混合形成的,而温泉和柴家庄地区的埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩Mg#低,应当是加厚的下地壳部分熔融形成的。文中介绍了西秦岭北带斑岩铜-钼-金矿带的地质背景,讨论了埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩的特征及其与成矿作用的关系,提出了进一步找矿工作的建议。研究表明,三叠纪时期的西秦岭造山带地壳厚度大,岩浆活动频繁,找矿潜力巨大,是我国新一轮的铜钼金找矿区之一,发展前景很大。  相似文献   

Dealt with in this paper are some geochemical characteristics of porphyry copper mineralization, especially those observed in intrusive bodies, wall rocks, alteration zones, ores and pyrites. Ore bearing bodies have been correlated with barren ones from such aspects as major and trace elements, copper contents of biotite and pyrite, and distribution pattern of copper. In the mineralized rocks, trace elements show apparent zoning surrounding ore bodies; major and trace elements seem to show some regularities with respect to their variations in the process of alteration, and as a result each alteration zone displays its own peculiar element association. Trace elements in ores can provide information on the genetic types of ore deposits, thus of great help in distinguishing ore types, while those in pyrites may be indicative of the main mineralizing stage, providing clues for distinguishing ore-bearing from barren rocks, and of the extent of denudation of ore bodies.  相似文献   

Copper mineralization along the Mount Gordon Fault Zone in northwest Queensland contains sufficient mercury to permit mercury pathfinder techniques to be used for exploration for further deposits in the area. At the Mammoth mine, the No. 1 orebody contains 310–14000 ppb Hg, with the highest contents in “sooty chalcocite” which may be of supergene origin. The B orebody contains 100–4300 ppb Hg, with highest concentrations at the top of the deposit. Other deposits in the Mammoth area contain 10–1600 ppb Hg, with mean mercury contents > 200 ppb in fault-related mineralization.There is a strong positive correlation between mercury and copper, sulfur, silver, arsenic, bismuth, lead, antimony and thallium contents in the deposits which suggests mercury was introduced during the mineralizing process. However, most of the mercury occurs on the surfaces of sulfide minerals, indicating its introduction at a late stage of mineralization.Mercury in the No. 1 orebody is partly of supergene origin whereas primary mineralogy may control mercury distribution in the B orebody. The presence near the Mammoth Fault of a lens of pyrite containing high concentrations of mercury (geometric mean 820 ppb) suggests that the mercury content of pyrite encountered in future exploration programmes in the region might be used to indicate proximity to mineralized fault zones.Gossans derived from copper deposits contain more than five times the amount of mercury in ironstones developed over unmineralized or poorly mineralized fault zones. The mercury contents of iron-rich rocks may be used to discriminate gossans from the numerous fault ironstones in the Mammoth area.  相似文献   

库车盆地铜矿化与盐丘系统的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
库车盆地新近系发育一系列盐丘体,遥感解译和野外地貌调查共发现36个盐丘体,主要分布在南部的秋里塔格构造带和北部的克拉苏构造带,沿近东西向断裂呈带状分布.在盐丘体的发育过程中,盐丘体、围岩及围岩中发育的断裂与破碎带等构成一个盐丘体系统.调查显示铜矿化发育在盐丘体附近,位于盆地南、北两大构造带(背斜带)轴部偏两翼处,共有砂岩型、泥岩型、灰岩型3种类型,主要矿物为氯铜矿,矿化层位于上新统的康村组和中新统的吉迪克组.扫描电镜分析发现,盐丘体中盐岩样品含有自然铜、氯铜矿,表明盐丘体可以为地表铜矿化提供铜源,而卤水中的盐分来自盐丘体中盐、膏的溶解.盐丘系统不但为地表铜矿化提供铜源,而且其卤水对铜的富集、运移起到载体作用.存在于盐丘系统围岩并与后期盐丘体相伴生的断裂、节理、破碎带,为含铜卤水的迁移提供通道,盐丘体后期的构造挤压力,成为含铜卤水的运移动力.因此,盐丘系统发育过程对碎屑岩型铜矿形成起到关键性控制作用.  相似文献   

Chemical composition, unit cell parameters, and trace elements of tourmalines from Mesozoic gold-quartz-sulphide and gold-bearing copper-porphyry ore-magmatic systems of the Trans-Baikal area and Mongolia show that they belong to the specific schorl-dravite highly ferruginous oxytourmaline series. They are low in alumina (Al2O3 = 16–33%) and have MgO contents (up to 10%) and Fe2O3 (1%). There is a direct correlation of unit cell parameters (a,c,V) with total iron, which permits composition estimates from X-ray diffraction analyses. As a rule, these tourmalines contain high concentrations of Au, Pb and Cu, which are mainly hosted by inclusions of native gold and ore minerals. The highest As abundances are contained in the tourmalines of the copper-porphyry field.Two trends of isomorphic replacement are related to increasing Fe content of oxyferruginous tourmalines:(1) “Acid leaching” trend (less ferruginous part of the series) Mg + Fe2+ + 4Al + 40 4Fe3+ + 2 + 4(OH,F); and (2) “conjugate deposition” trend Mg + 1.5Fe2+ + 1.5Al + 4(OH,F) 4Fe3+ + 4O.These features distinguish tourmalines from gold-bearing systems from schorl-dravites of tin and rare-metal deposits. They may be used in metallogenic analyses, interpretation of the origin of primary and secondary anomalies, and assessment of the type and zonation of ore fields.  相似文献   

The Changfagou Cu deposit is a newly discovered porphyry deposit located in the southern Jilin Province of Northeastern China, on the northeastern margin of the North China Craton. To better understand the formation of the Cu deposit, we report the zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os dating, and Sr-, Nd-, and Hf- isotopic data of the granite porphyry. LA-ICP-MS dating of zircon grains from two mineral zones in the granite porphyry yield ages of 115.7 ± 0.8 and 115.3 ± 0.6 Ma, which is interpreted as the emplacement age of the granite porphyry. The molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 112.5 to 113.8 Ma, an isochron age of 113.3 ± 1.3 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 113.0 ± 0.7 Ma, which represents the age of the Cu mineralization quite well. The Changfagou granite porphyry samples lack amphibole and muscovite, and are compositionally characterized by high SiO2, high Na2O+K2O, and low P2O5, enriched in some Rb, Th, U, and Pb, and depleted in Nb, Ta, Ti, P, and Eu. Mineralogical and geochemical features suggest that the Changfagou granite porphyry samples are slightly peraluminous and are of highly fractionated I-type granitoids. The granitic rocks also have relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.71199 to 0. 71422), and both low εNd(t) (?14.56 to ?13.19) and εHf(t) values (?14.916 to ?8.644), which suggest that Changfagou granite porphyry are derived from mixed sources of crustal and mantle, and diagenesis and mineralization were possibly related to the switch in subduction direction of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate in the late phase of Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

倪培  潘君屹  迟哲 《矿床地质》2020,39(5):754-784
华南地区是中国最重要的金属矿产资源聚集区,其燕山期大规模成矿作用尤其引人注目。文章围绕华南燕山期大规模铜成矿作用,系统收集了该区内30余个主要矿床的地质和同位素年代学资料,初步总结了华南燕山期铜矿床的主要类型和时空分布特征。统计结果表明,斑岩型和浅成低温热液型矿床是华南燕山期最重要的铜成矿类型。对此,文章结合华南地区近年来铜及相关金、钼等金属的最新找矿勘查进展和矿床成因机制研究成果,分别以德兴矿集区、德化矿集区、紫金山矿集区和治岭头矿集区为例,提出了华南燕山期斑岩-浅成低温热液铜多金属成矿系统的几种成矿模式和找矿方向。  相似文献   

试论玉龙斑岩铜矿带内矿床的蚀变和矿化分带   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
周宜吉 《矿床地质》1985,4(2):23-30
西藏东部玉龙斑岩铜矿带(以下简称矿带),由玉龙、马那松多、多霞松多、莽总和扎那朵等已查明的矿床及一系列有远景的待查矿点组成的,该矿带,系我国目前所知较大的斑岩铜矿带。笔者曾在玉龙矿带进行过十余年地质工作,现将个人对矿床蚀变和矿化分带之浅见介绍如下。  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈伸展与斑岩铜矿成矿作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华南地区自古生代以来一直属于陆内构造演化环境。华南陆内伸展型斑岩铜矿主要形成于早侏罗世、晚侏罗世和早白垩世3个时期,其中晚侏罗世成矿期与华南中生代大规模钨锡成矿作用的形成基本属于一个时期。这些斑岩型矿床的时空分布与同时期的俯冲带在时间上和空间上具有明显不协调的关系,且与俯冲有关的、后俯冲伸展背景以及陆陆碰撞有关的斑岩铜矿的线性分布特点明显不同,尤其是早白垩世斑岩铜矿的分布明显呈面状分布,与华南中生代地壳明显减薄的区域基本一致。虽然这3个时期的斑岩型铜矿在地球化学上显示出弧岩浆岩的特点,但是地质事实证明在这3个时期,华南岩石圈发生了明显的伸展作用,尽管每个时期华南不同地区岩石圈伸展的程度可能不同。因此,我们把华南这种类型的斑岩铜矿归称之为"陆内伸展型"斑岩铜矿。陆内伸展型斑岩铜矿的成矿机制可能是岩石圈伸展背景下软流圈上涌导致陆下岩石圈地幔或者下地壳被改造有关。  相似文献   

A Middle Tertiary volcanic belt in the High Andes of north-central Chile hosts numerous precious- and base-metal epithermal deposits over its 150 km north-south trend. The El Indio district, believed to be associated with a hydrothermal system in the late stages of development of a volcanic caldera, consists of a series of separate vein systems located in an area of 30 km2 which has undergone intense argillic-sericitic-solfataric alteration. The majority of the known gold-copper-silver mineralization occurs within a structural block only 150 by 500 m in surface area, with a recognized vertical extent exceeding 300 m. This block is bounded by two high-angle northeast-trending faults oriented subparallel to the mineralized veins.Hypogene mineralization at El Indio is grouped into two main ore-forming stages: Copper and Gold. The Copper stage is composed chiefly of enargite and pyrite forming massive veins up to 20 m wide, and is accompanied by alteration of the wall rocks to alunite, kaolinite, sericite, pyrite and quartz. The Gold stage consists of vein-filling quartz, pyrite, native gold, tennantite and subordinate amounts of a wide variety of telluride minerals. Associated with this stage is pervasive alteration of the wall rocks to sericite, kaolinite, quartz and minor pyrophyllite. The transition from copper to gold mineralization is marked by the alteration of enargite to tennantite and by minor deposition of sphalerite, galena, huebnerite, chalcopyrite and gold. Mineral stability relations indicate that there was a general decrease in the activity of S2 accompanied by variations in the activity of Te2 during the Gold stage.Fluid-inclusion data show homogenization temperatures ranging from about 220 to 280°C, with salinities on the order of 3–4 eq. wt. % NaCl for the Copper stage. The Gold-stage inclusions indicate a similar range in homogenization temperatures, but significantly lower salinities (0.1–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl). Fluid inclusions of transition minerals show a weak inverse relationship between homogenization temperatures (190–250°C) and salinities (3.4–1.4 eq. wt. % NaCl), which may represent mixing of hotter Gold-stage fluids with cooler late-Copper-stage fluids. No evidence of boiling was found in fluid inclusions, but CO2 vapor-rich inclusions were identified in wall-rock quartz phenocrysts which pre-date copper and gold mineralization.Mineral stability calculations indicate that given a fairly restricted range of solution compositions, the Copper-, Transition- and Gold-stage minerals at El Indio could have been deposited from a single solution, with constant total dissolved sulfur which underwent reduction through time. Limited sulfur-isotope data indicates that pyrite from the Copper stage was not in isotopic equilibrium with Copper-stage alunite or Transition-stage sphalerite. The sulfur-isotope and fluid-inclusion data indicate that two fluids with comparable temperatures but different compositions flowed through the El Indio system. The earlier fluid deposited copper attended by sericite-alunite-kaolinite alteration, and later epithermal fluids deposited gold with quartz-sericite-kaolinite-pyrite alteration.  相似文献   

塔里木陆块西北缘滴水铜矿成矿流体特征与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伟 《地质与勘探》2018,54(3):441-455
塔里木陆块滴水铜矿是库车盆地新生代砂岩型铜矿的典型代表,多位学者曾对其成因进行研究,但均缺乏详细的地球化学证据。本次研究认为该矿床成矿期分为成岩成矿期和改造成矿期,以成岩成矿期为主。本文通过对该矿床两个成矿期流体包裹体显微测温、成分分析及氢、氧、碳、硫同位素的研究,探讨该矿床成矿流体形成演化与成矿作用的关系。结果表明,该矿床成岩期成矿流体成分主要为CH_4、H_2S、H_2O,代表还原性流体,具有中低温(82.4~181.6℃)、中高压(235.42~454.44MPa)的特点;改造期成矿流体成分主要为H_2O、CO_2、CH_4,代表弱氧化性流体,亦具有中低温(146.2~268.1℃)、中高压(267.83~457.64MPa)的特征;成岩成矿期石英的δD=-107.6‰~-78.3‰、δ~(18)O_(H_2O)=-4.50‰~4.06‰,改造成矿期石英的δD=-109.5‰~-84.9‰、δ~(18)O_(H_2O)=-4.26‰~5.14‰,指示该矿床两个成矿期成矿流体主要为大气降水与盆地卤水的混合。该铜矿矿石中辉铜矿δ~(34)S=-31.6‰~-21.3‰,表明硫主要源自硫酸盐细菌与有机质还原。成矿流体在新近系康村组矿源层中经水岩作用,演化形成含矿热卤水。该矿床碳同位素特征(δ~(13)C值-25.3‰~-22.4‰)、包裹体成分分析表明含矿热卤水中CH_4等有机质应为油田卤水成分。油田卤水中有机质成分在成岩期、改造期均参与了该矿床成矿作用,在滴水铜矿成矿过程中起重要的还原作用。本次研究表明,有机质与滴水铜矿成矿作用关系密切,该矿床是油田卤水参与成矿作用的沉积-改造型矿床。  相似文献   

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