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烟囱模型动力试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟囱结构的地震反应及其破坏机理是地震工程界长期讨论的问题,对高耸烟囱结构的模型试验研究是研究此工程问题的重要方法,作者通过对45m和180m高大烟囱结构的动力模型试验,对烟囱结构的地震反应及其破坏机理进行了模型试验研究,得出了有意义的结论,为这一问题的理论研究提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

通过对2个钢筋混凝土框架梁节点试件进行冲击荷载试验,研究了钢筋混凝土框架柱下支撑移去后框架梁的剪切破坏机理。试验中在两端固定的钢筋混凝土梁的1/4跨、1/2跨、3/4跨位置,通过施加荷载的方式来模拟次梁和现浇板传来的荷载,梁跨中通过自制的自动脱钩器移去等效柱来模拟结构在失去边跨中柱,框架梁跨度成倍增长时力学性能的变化。研究结果表明:当梁发生剪切破坏时,拱效应不能充分发挥,使得梁的极限承载力降低,所以在建筑结构抗倒塌设计时必须按照"强剪弱弯"的原则进行抗剪设计。  相似文献   

高速地铁列车是一种运行速度可达160 km/h远高于普通地铁最高速度80 km/h的新型地铁列车。其车辆力学特性与高铁列车基本相同,其轨道运行条件与普速列车轨道运行条基本相同。地铁列车竖向振动影响列车上部结构供电及受力性能,目前高铁及普速列车在各自轨道上运行时列车的振动特性研究较为成熟,但高铁列车在普速铁路上运行时的振动特性的研究尚属空白。聚焦高速地铁列车在普速轨道上运行时的车辆振动特性,基于OpenSees软件建立普速及高速地铁列车的车-轮-轨二维有限元模型;利用我国普速轨道谱考虑其频谱特征随机生成20个440 m长轨道不平顺样本;通过有限元法分析了普速和高速地铁列车在不同运行速度及不同平顺程度下的竖向位移响应及统计参数,研究了高速及普速地铁列车竖向振动随运行速度的变化规律。研究表明:高速地铁列车与普速地铁列车的不平顺轨道振动远大于平顺轨道振动。高速列车与普速列车在竖向振动随速度变化特性上存在差异,高速列车的竖向振动位移幅值远小于普速列车,相较于普速列车振动更加稳定。  相似文献   

土木水利工程结构的惯性绝对振动测量中,瞬态冲击信号测量是一个难点,有时测量信号和真实信号差距甚大。针对土木水利工程结构的瞬态冲击信号的惯性绝对测量,分析得到惯性传感器的瞬态反应是造成瞬态冲击信号测量失真的原因,对传感器的瞬态反应问题进行了讨论。从瞬态冲击信号,尤其是单个脉冲持续时间较长的瞬态冲击信号及测量传感器(指惯性式绝对振动测量传感器)两方面对瞬态冲击信号测量问题进行了分析,指出了长持时瞬态冲击信号测量效果不好主要是因为传感器的通频带带宽不够,尤其是低频带宽不够,总结了加速度、速度及位移瞬态冲击信号测量应注意的一些事项。因为位移信号通常由速度信号积分而来,对积分造成的瞬态信号测量严重失真的问题进行了讨论,并给出了一组对比结果。最后,进行了总结并给出了一些结论。  相似文献   

本文阐述了嫩江公路大桥原型及模型动力试验,通过实测数据分析,给出了该桥的动态特性及振动响应。  相似文献   

冲击作用下地层振动衰减规律的现场试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对郑州某胶质土层采用振冲法处理地基时产生的振动影响进行了现场试验,分析不同数目钻机同时施工时引起的振动在各层土体中的衰减规律以及波的传播规律,评价振动对周边建筑物的影响.研究表明:采用振冲法施工时,地基会产生较大的振动,这种振动在地表和地层内部衰减较快冲击振动产生的振动波主要以两种途径传播:(1)沿钻孔壁形成面波,并很...  相似文献   

单桩竖向抗压静载试验数据分析与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对单桩竖向抗压静载试验数据的分析,对单桩竖向抗压极限承载力的确定条件进行探讨,提出单桩竖向抗压静载试验数据分析应注意的事项,以便提高单桩竖向抗压静载试验结果的准确性。  相似文献   

洪水对山区乡村房屋冲击作用的试验研究成果,可为山区乡村房屋的抗洪设计和抗洪能力评价提供依据。试验主要研究到溃口不同距离处的乡村房屋所受的洪水冲击作用。采用3种开洞率模型进行试验,研究洪水在不同距离、不同开洞率的情况下对房屋结构的冲击荷载分布、冲击力大小以及冲击弯矩的影响,得出了荷载分布规律和冲击力、冲击弯矩的变化规律。研究结果表明,迎水面冲击荷载沿水平方向的变化无明显规律,沿竖直方向随着高度的增大而逐渐减小;冲击力随着房屋到溃口距离的增大而增大,而开洞率对其影响不明显;冲击弯矩、冲击作用力随着距离的增大而增大,随着开洞率的增大而减小。  相似文献   

Base isolation is a well known technology that has been proven to reduce structural response to horizontal ground accelerations. However, vertical response still remains a topic of concern for base‐isolated buildings, perhaps more so than in fixed‐base buildings as isolation is often used when high performance is required. To investigate the effects of vertical response on building contents and nonstructural components, a series of full‐scale shaking table tests were conducted at the E‐Defense facility in Japan. A four‐story base‐isolated reinforced concrete building was outfitted as a medical facility with a wide variety of contents, and the behavior of the contents was observed. The rubber base isolation system was found to significantly amplify vertical accelerations in some cases. However, the damage caused by the vertical ground motions was not detrimental when peak vertical floor accelerations remained below 2 g with three exceptions: (1) small items placed on shelves slid or toppled; (2) objects jumped when placed on nonrigid furniture, which tended to increase the response; and (3) equipment with vertical eccentricities rocked and jumped. In these tests, all equipment and nonstructural components remained functional after shaking. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on slab vibration and a horizontal‐vertical coupling effect observed in a full‐scale 5‐story moment frame test bed building in 2 configurations: isolated with a hybrid combination of lead‐rubber bearings and cross‐linear (rolling) bearings, and fixed at the base. Median peak slab vibrations were amplified—relative to the peak vertical shake table accelerations—by factors ranging from 2 at the second floor to 7 at the roof, and horizontal floor accelerations were significantly amplified during 3D (combined horizontal and vertical) motions compared with 2D (horizontal only) motions of comparable input intensity. The experimentally observed slab accelerations and the horizontal‐vertical coupling effect were simulated through a 3D model of the specimen using standard software and modeling assumptions. The floor system was modeled with frame elements for beams/girders and shell elements for floor slabs; the insertion point method with end joint offsets was used to represent the floor system composite behavior, and floor mass was finely distributed through element discretization. The coupling behavior was partially attributed to the asymmetry of the building that was intensified by asymmetrically configured supplemental mass at the roof. Horizontal‐vertical coupled modes were identified through modal analysis and verified with evaluation of floor spectral peaks.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether a balanced impact damper (BID) with a vertically suspended impact body colliding with shock absorbing rubber can suppress vibrations of a floor slab subjected to walking and vertical seismic excitations. The impact body is suspended by coil springs to sustain its deadweight and centralize it within the gap, and collides with the stopper when its amplitude exceeds the specified gap width. The stopper is covered by a shock‐absorbing rubber made of polyurethane gel. The installed BID was evaluated in a single degree‐of‐freedom model of a floor slab subjected to vertical excitations. Simulations revealed that the installed BID properly controls the vibrations. Next, the effects of the BID installed on a steel plate were investigated in shaking table tests. The BID effectively suppressed vertical vibrations of the plate subjected to sinusoidal waves, seismic motions, and walking excitations. In addition, the shaking table tests were accurately simulated by the developed mathematical model of the damper. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are several kinds of analyzing models for vertical crustal movements, every one of them has different advantages and disadvantages, and adapts to different situations. This paper deals with the theory of the optimizing combining models for vertical crustal movements. The purpose for this optimization is to improve the fitting ability of models. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

本文研究了不同力学参数地球模型对三峡库首区地壳垂直变形的影响,结果表明,PREM比Gutenberg-Bullen模型更接近基于三峡地壳分层结构和弹性参数改化的PREM模型的结果,并与之相差很小,但要获得高精度的模拟结果,地球模型中必须利用三峡地壳的弹性参数;利用了地球物理学中较完善的负荷格林函数法,结合精密的蓄水荷载模型和合适的地球模型,其垂直变形模拟结果对监测与地震关系密切的断层运动有重要意义;通过GPS观测和模拟结果的对比,发现2003年蓄水在香溪出现最大幅值约20mm的残差沉降,我们合理地解释为该地段的岩溶渗水荷载的效应.  相似文献   

Analyses of rare earth and trace element concentrations of native sulfur samples from the Kueishantao hydrothermal field were performed at the Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity Laboratory of the Key Labo-ratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Using an Elan DRC II ICP-MS, and combining the sulfur isotopic compositions of native sulfur samples, we studied the sources and formation of a native sulfur chimney. The results show, when comparing them with native sulfur from crater lakes and other volcanic areas, that the native sulfur content of this chimney is very high (99.96%), the rare earth element (REE) and trace element constituents of the chimney are very low (ΣREE<21×10?9), and the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the native sulfur samples are similar to those of the Kueishantao andesite, implying that the interaction of subseafloor fluid-andesite at the Kueishantao hydrothermal field was of short duration. The sulfur isotopic compo-sitions of the native sulfur samples reveal that the sulfur of the chimney, from H2S and SO2, originated by magmatic degassing and that the REEs and trace elements are mostly from the Kueishantao ande-site and partly from seawater. Combining these results with an analysis of the thermodynamics, it is clear that from the relatively low temperature (<116 ℃ ), the oxygenated and acidic environment is favorable for formation of this native sulfur chimney in the Kueishantao hydrothermal field.  相似文献   

本文介绍了天文时间和纬度观测资料的残差值在天体测量仪器周围一定范围内的地震发生前夕出现短期异常波动的现象,及不同地区天体测量仪器的观测残差与地震关系的特征,认为地方铅垂线的震前异常变化是造成天文时纬观测资料的残差值出现异常波动的主要原因.相关的研究结果曾两次获得中国科学院科技进步奖.本文还论述了该现象发展成为有效的短期地震前兆的可能性和目前该研究面临的情况,及利用天体测量仪器监测垂线变化及对其开展深入研究的意义.讨论了利用一定数量的天体测量仪器组建试验观测网对认识什么构造区带上的什么类型的地震更容易使处于何种构造区带上的时纬仪器提前出现残差异常,异常特征和时间提前量出现差别的主要原因是什么,异常与地震三要素的定量或半定量的关系,以及优化观测和提取有效信息的方法的必要性.讨论了组建观测网所需观测仪器的性能,简要介绍了中国科学院国家天文台与山东科技大学测绘学院合作试制的新仪器的特征.再次提出了在多震的华北、西北地区组建试验观测网的建议,讨论了组网的意义、可行性和有关问题.  相似文献   

为研究不同贮料状态下钢筋混凝土柱承式立筒群仓结构的动力特性及其在地震作用下的动力响应规律,对缩尺比例为1:25的3×3组合柱承式立筒群仓结构模型进行了振动台试验。试验结果表明:柱承式筒仓结构具有"上刚下柔"的特性,使其加速度响应和整体变形均沿高度呈折线型,折点在刚度突变的柱顶和仓壁连接部位;贮料状态对立筒群仓结构动力特性的影响较大,随着贮料质量的增加,群仓模型加速度响应、位移响应的弯折效应均更加明显,边仓和角仓的加速度响应均逐渐增大;贮料及其与仓体间相互作用对耗能的贡献随着台面加载等级的增加而逐渐加大。  相似文献   

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