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多环带中值滤波法实现重力区域场与局部场的划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重力区域场与局部场的划分是重力资料解释中的重要步骤之一。在考察空间域和波数域划分重力区域场与局部场常用方法的基础上, 提出了多环带中值滤波法。该方法以计算点为中心建立多个环带, 计算出各个环带的中值和均方差, 按照事先设定的条件进行筛选, 将满足条件的环带中值作为该点的区域场值, 从重力异常中减去区域场后得到局部场。理论模型与实际资料的处理结果表明, 该方法适应性强, 划分出的场畸变小, 并且能够很好地保留异常之间的界限特征。  相似文献   

The continental tectosphere and Earth's long-wavelength gravity field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To estimate the average density contrast associated with the continental tectosphere, we separately project the degree 2–36 non-hydrostatic geoid and free-air gravity anomalies onto several tectonic regionalizations. Because both the regionalizations and the geoid have distinctly red spectra, we do not use conventional statistical analysis, which is based on the assumption of white spectra. Rather, we utilize a Monte Carlo approach that incorporates the spectral properties of these fields. These simulations reveal that the undulations of Earth's geoid correlate with surface tectonics no better than they would were it randomly oriented with respect to the surface. However, our simulations indicate that free-air gravity anomalies correlate with surface tectonics better than almost 98% of our trials in which the free-air gravity anomalies were randomly oriented with respect to Earth's surface. The average geoid anomaly and free-air gravity anomaly over platforms and shields are significant at slightly better than the one-standard-deviation level: −11±8 m and −4±3 mgal, respectively. After removing from the geoid estimated contributions associated with (1) a simple model of the continental crust and oceanic lithosphere, (2) the lower mantle, (3) subducted slabs, and (4) remnant glacial isostatic disequilibrium, we estimate a platform and shield signal of −8±4 m. We conclude that there is little contribution of platforms and shields to the gravity field, consistent with their keels having small density contrasts. Using this estimate of the platform and shield signal, and previous estimates of upper-mantle shear-wave travel-time perturbations, we find that the average value of ∂lnρ/∂lnνs within the 140–440 km depth range is 0.04±0.02. A continental tectosphere with an isopycnic (equal-density) structure (∂lnρ/∂lnνs=0) enforced by compositional variations is consistent with this result at the 2.0σ level. Without compositional buoyancy, the continental tectosphere would have an average ∂lnρ/∂lnνs≈0.25, exceeding our estimate by 10σ.  相似文献   

The results from a recent North—South gravity traverse across eastern Timor show that the Bouguer gravity field is characterized by a strong, 6 mGal/km, gradient on the north coast. This gradient appears to be a fundamental feature of Timor and of the Outer Banda Arc. Preliminary computer models suggest that, to a first approximation, the gradient is due to a vertical fault at the north coast of Timor separating oceanic crust from continental crust. The fit between the computed and observed gradient can be improved significantly by assuming a northward-dipping lithospheric slab, north of Timor. The model further indicates that the Australian continental crust extends at least as far as the north coast of Timor.  相似文献   

This paper considers the question of how sensitive inertially guided systems are to variations in the gravity field. There are systems which use other kinds of information for guidance, such as terrain. But, they will not be considered here.  相似文献   

The recovery of gravity field parameters using various heterogeneous data is performed according to the input/output system theory (IOST) method. The combination of different data sets is carried out by the application of a multiple input — multiple output system. The theory of the algorithm is presented and some conclusions on the assumptions made for the data properties are drawn. Comparisons between a combined system and individual uncorrelated systems are made and the proper use of the data sets in each case is discussed. Finally, an application is presented, where input data, such as shipborne gravity anomalies and sea surface heights (SSHs) derived from different satellite missions, are optimally combined in order to estimate marine geoid heights and sea surface topography (SST).  相似文献   

During recent years altimetry from the two geodetic missions of GEOSAT and ERS-1 has enabled the derivation of high resolution near global gravity field from altimetry [Andersen and Knudsen, 1995, 1996; Sandwell and Smith, 1997].Altimetric gravity fields are unique in the sense that they provide global uniform gravity information with very high resolution, and these global marine gravity fields are registered on a two by two minute grid corresponding to 4 by 4 kilometres at the equator.In this presentation several coastal complications in deriving the marine gravity field from satellite altimetry will be investigated using the KMS98 gravity field. Comparison with other sources of gravity field information like airborne and marine gravity observations will be carried out and two fundamentally different test areas (Azores and Skagerak) will be studied to investigated the different role of these different sources of gravity information.  相似文献   

Approximately 39,000 km of marine gravity data collected during 1975 and 1976 have been integrated with U.S. Navy and other available data over the U.S. Atlantic continental margin between Florida and Maine to obtain a 10 mgal contour free-air gravity anomaly map. A maximum typically ranging from 0 to +70 mgal occurs along the edge of the shelf and Blake Plateau, while a minimum typically ranging from −20 to −80 mgal occurs along the base of the continental slope, except for a −140 mgal minimum at the base of the Blake Escarpment. Although the maximum and minimum free-air gravity values are strongly influenced by continental slope topography and by the abrupt change in crustal thickness across the margin, the peaks and troughs in the anomalies terminate abruptly at discrete transverse zones along the margin. These zones appear to mark major NW—SE fractures in the subsided continental margin and adjacent deep ocean basin, which separate the margin into a series of segmented basins and platforms. Rapid differential subsidence of crustal blocks on either side of these fractures during the early stages after separation of North America and Africa (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) is inferred to be the cause of most of the gravity transitions along the length of margin. The major transverse zones are southeast of Charleston, east of Cape Hatteras, near Norfolk Canyon, off Delaware Bay, just south of Hudson Canyon and south of Cape Cod.Local Airy isostatic anomaly profiles (two-dimensional, without sediment corrections) were computed along eight multichannel seismic profiles. The isostatic anomaly values over major basins beneath the shelf and rise are generally between −10 and −30 mgal while those over the platform areas are typically 0 to +20 mgal. While a few isostatic anomaly profiles show local 10–20 mgal increases seaward of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA: inferred to mark the ocean-continent boundary), the lack of a consistent correlation indicates that the relationship of isostatic gravity anomalies to the magnetic anomalies and the ocean—continent transition is variable.Two-dimensional gravity models have been computed for two profiles off Cape Cod, Massachusetts and Cape May, New Jersey, where excellent reflection, refraction and magnetic control appear to define 10 and 12 km deep sedimentary basins beneath the shelf, respectively and 10 km deep basins beneath the rise. The basins are separated by a 6–8 km deep basement ridge which underlies the ECMA and appears to mark the landward edge of oceanic crust. The gravity models suggest that the oceanic crust is between 11 and 18 km thick beneath the ECMA, but decreases to a thickness of less than 8 km within the first 20–90 km to the southeast. In both profiles, the derived crustal thickness variations support the interpretation that the ECMA occurs over the ocean-continent boundary. The crust underlying the sedimentary cover appears to be 12 to 15 km thick on the landward side of the ECMA and gradually thickens to normal continental values of greater than 25 km within the first 60 to 110 km to the northwest. Multichannel seismic profiles across platform areas, such as Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod, indicate the ocean-continent transition zones there are much narrower than profiles across major sedimentary basins, such as the one off New Jersey.  相似文献   

重力场定义的澄清   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
曾华霖  万天丰 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):595-599
《朗曼现代英文词典》(LongmanModernEnglishDictionary)、《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(OxfordAdvancedLearner’sEnglish ChineseDictionary)、《韦氏词典》(Merriam Webster’sNewCollegiateDictionary)、作为地球物理专业词汇定义源的《勘探地球物理百科词典》(EncyclopedicDictionaryofExplorationGeo physics)以及中国的一些重力教科书、专著及词典 ,把重力场定义为重力或重力作用存在的空间 ,重力效应可以测量的空间 ,即 :力或重力存在的空间。这个定义不同于国外英文地球物理教科书、专著及中、英、俄文场论教科书对重力场的定义 :空间中的重力。定义重力场为重力存在的空间 ,混淆了“场”本身及“场域”的概念 ,并不是一个标准的物理或地球物理定义 ,是一种误导。物理场是空间中存在的一种物理作用或效应 ,分布于引起它的场源体周围。两个物体之间存在着的相互作用力 ,通过每个物体引起的引力场给予另一个物体。重力场可以定义如下 :地球内部及其附近空间一点处存在的重力作用 ,或单位质量受到的重力。重力场是一种力或力场 ,存在于地球表面及其附近的空间。重力场不是空间 ,重力场的测量应当是在重力场存在的空间或场域中 ,而不是在重力场中进行。  相似文献   

提出利用铅垂柱体薄片作为面元的面元积分法,计算三度体球冠重力异常的计算公式,用三度体球冠模型模拟三度背斜体,计算了均匀密度球冠模型、非均匀密度储油球冠模型的重力异常。最后通过误差分析,验证了该方法的可行性。采用波数域重力归一化总梯度计算方法,计算了均匀密度球冠模型、非均匀密度储油气球冠模型G^H场,发现似三度背斜体与二度背斜体有相似的G^H场等值线特征,似三度贮油气藏背斜构造的G^H场亦表现出明显的“两高夹一低”的储油典型标志。所以,可以用非均匀密度三度体储油球冠模型模拟三度贮油气藏背斜构造。  相似文献   

For the territory of Northern Eurasia (6°E–165°W; 30–75°N) the distribution of anomalous masses in the lithosphere has been estimated in accordance with the lithosphere isostatic model. The method of model construction is based on the admittance technique. The experimental admittance presents a relation between the part of the outer load uncompensated by the Moho undulations and the residual gravity field and is used to select the best model. The 1 × 1° averaged values of topography elevations, basement and Moho depths, sedimentary cover density and gravity anomalies have been used as initial data. According to the correlation equation relating the outer load and Moho depths, the mean density contrast between the lower crust and the subcrustal lithosphere is 0.43 g/cm3, but the Moho undulation can not provide complete isostatic equilibrium. In some areas, the part of the outer load uncompensated by Moho undulations may be as large as 107 kg/m2 and the residual gravity field is as intensive as + 260 mGal. Assuming that for loads of wavelength > 200 km, local isostatic compensation is valid, in accordance with the admittance analysis, the anomalous masses compensating for the part of the outer load, which is not compensated by Moho undulations, have to be located partly in the lower crust and in the subcrustal layer. The regional trend of anomalous compensating masses is negative under Western Europe, the Mediterranean, Eastern Asia and adjacent marginal seas, and positive under the East European Platform and Western and Central Asia. The local compensating masses correspond to particular tectonic units. The isostatic gravity anomalies of Northern Eurasia have been determined and the long-wave component of the field reflecting anomalous masses under the isostatic compensation level has been evaluated.  相似文献   

卫星重力资料在恢复地球重力场方面具有全球高覆盖率、高空间分辨率、高精度和高时间重复率等优点,为大地测量和地球物理学科的发展开辟了新的途径。本文简要回顾了卫星重力的发展历程,介绍了四种卫星重力探测技术的原理和发展状况,并分析了三颗重力卫星的优点和不足,最后对卫星重力在地球科学中的的应用情况进行了简要总结。  相似文献   

Description and release of Australian gravity field model testing data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gravimetric geoid and/or quasigeoid models are routinely evaluated using co-located GPS-levelling and/or astrogeodetic vertical deflections, globally and regionally. This short note describes these ground-truth data for Australia as of August 2017, which are provided as Electronic Supplementary Material. We provide ~7500 GPS-derived ellipsoidal heights, normal-orthometric heights from the 1971 adjustment of the Australian Height Datum, normal heights from a readjustment of levelling constrained to a model of the ocean's mean dynamic topography, and ~1000 historical astrogeodetic vertical deflections. Updates to these data will be posted on the Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping GitHub repository (https://github.com/icsm-au), together with a readme.txt file describing them.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the structure of the American-Antarctic Ridge based on analysis of the gravity field. Analysis of the gravity field in different reductions and its transforms allowed the revelation of zonal, regional, and local specific features in the field’s structure and their correlation with contemporary notions on the tectonic zoning of the American-Antarctic Ridge and adjacent regions. The lineament structures of the field allowed locating the areas of spreading zones and principal transform and fracture zones. Comparison between the location of these structural features and the interpretation results of shipboard magnetic measurements confirmed the reliability of the received data. Results of the performed investigations presented in the form of structural schemes are a basis for constructing a model of the tectonosphere under the American-Antarctic Ridge.  相似文献   

基于卫星测高重力异常的分辨率不高且具有较强的平滑效果,很难反应出局部高频异常信息。据此需要利用蕴含高频信息、测量精度高的船测重力异常与卫星重力异常数据进行融合,并研究多源重力数据的融合方案,进而提高重力异常场的精度及高频成分。笔者设计了一种采用小波分析方法融合多源重力数据的方法流程,探讨小波函数的选取方法、高低频系数各自的融合规则等;最终融合中国南海及邻域内卫星测高重力异常与船测重力异常,并定量化地评价融合结果的精度。  相似文献   

本文统计分析了大中型内生金属矿床与重磁场特征及其推断岩体或隐伏岩体、深部构造的关系.指出重磁场零值线、岩体外接触带、结晶基底隆起区、莫氏面变异区及局部构造幔凸或幔凹区、北东向深大断裂带或其交汇部位是大中型内生金属矿床的主要分布区.  相似文献   

为了研究银根-额济纳旗盆地的构造特征,为该区油气资源远景调查评价提供依据,系统地收集、研究了已有的重力调查资料,分析了研究区重力场的特征及其成因,推断了研究区的断裂构造体系。研究区区域重力异常主要是由莫霍面起伏变化引起的,剩余重力异常重力高与重力低相间分布的特征,可能一方面反映了研究区凹陷与隆起分布的范围及展布特征,另一方面反映了凹陷与隆起之间发育非对称的断裂。研究区主要发育北东东向(北东向)、北西西向2组断裂,这2组断裂对基底结构、性质、隆坳格架及中生代盆地展布起重要的控制作用。基底断裂将研究区分割成多个块体,使盆地形成凹、凸相间的结构特征。  相似文献   

肯尼亚Anza盆地东南部地处东非裂谷系,发育了巨厚的中—新生界沉积盖层。然而,该区域勘探程度较低,制约了对其构造体系的认识及油气勘探潜力的评价。文章基于研究区的重力异常数据,针对其构造特征的认识进行了数据处理及解释。研究结果表明,受中非剪切带右旋剪切应力的影响,研究区发育规模较大的北西向基底断裂和规模较小的北东向盖层断裂,且北东向断裂切断北西向断裂;基底深度差异大,总体呈"两凹夹一隆"的特征,凹陷区沉积了巨厚的中—新生界盖层;受北西向拉张断裂和沿构造软弱带发育的北东向断裂的控制,研究区划分为东部凹陷、中部凸起、南部隆起和西部凹陷4个构造单元,呈现"东西分带、南北分块"的构造格局。   相似文献   

湿度应力场理论的证明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白冰  李小春 《岩土力学》2007,28(1):89-92
在某些工作环境下,多孔介质中流体同固体骨架之间可能发生复杂的物理化学相互作用,吸附就是各种相互作用的表观现象之一。各种相互作用都伴随能量的转化或转移。吸附引起的固体骨架的膨胀是由于固体和流体之间复杂的能量转化或转移引起的,在此认识基础上,从热力学第一定律和建立本构方程的一般方法出发,将湿度(吸附量)当作系统的状态变量,对缪协兴提出的湿度应力场理论作了严格证明,并详细分析了该理论模型的适用条件及其力学意义。认为湿度应力场本构模型同经典弹性本构模型一样,确定了一种理想物质模型,它也只是实际材料本构关系的一种理想化。  相似文献   

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