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周羽漩  胡海虔  代辉  谭超  杨文光  张洪亮 《地质通报》2020,39(10):1527-1537
在重庆市云阳县新津乡中侏罗统新田沟组中发现了大量恐龙化石,且恐龙化石产出层位呈现出与双壳类、鱼类、龟鳖类和蛇颈龙类化石整体混杂埋藏的特征,这是新田沟组中首次发现。通过野外实测剖面、岩石特征、沉积构造、古生物特征、粒度特征,初步判定研究区新田沟组为滨-浅湖亚相沉积,局部为洪泛亚相。重庆地区新田沟组古生物化石组合的首次发现为四川盆地中生代古生物化石及其古环境的研究提供了更多依据。  相似文献   

李欣伟  马浪  惠瑞瑞 《地质通报》2022,41(11):2081-2086
在安塞地区野外地质考察过程中, 在直罗组顶部的一套砂岩地层中发现4枚恐龙足迹, 其中3枚为三趾型恐龙足迹; 另外还观察到3枚疑似恐龙足迹。根据足迹形态对比和足迹特征研究, 推断P3观察点三趾型恐龙足迹造迹者为大型肉食性兽脚类恐龙, 其他足迹的造迹者难以确认。该发现不仅扩大了鄂尔多斯盆地中侏罗世恐龙足迹的分布范围, 也为研究直罗组晚期的古环境提供了素材。  相似文献   

2016年8月,在位于西昌盆地边缘的四川美姑县中侏罗统沙溪庙组底部薄层粉砂岩之上,发现有恐龙足迹化石。恐龙足迹共3个,均与跷脚龙足迹相似。该发现对于古气候、古地理和地层对比都具有重要的意义,足迹详细分类有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

<正>1研究目的(Objective)恐龙足迹是恐龙生活时留下的印记,它能够提供恐龙运动特征、社会行为、生活习性等多方面大量信息。中国恐龙足迹化石分布广泛,将近百余年来,中国大多数省市自治区等都曾发现过恐龙足迹化石。然而,目前已发现的恐龙足迹时代多集中在早—中侏罗世以及白垩纪,晚侏罗世恐龙足迹则鲜有报道。尽管近些年山西地质博物馆  相似文献   

那东洋岛大地构造位置位于班公湖-怒江板块缝合带西段,洋岛型岩石组合平行于蛇绿混杂岩带南侧展布,夹持于侏罗系木嘎岗日群之中。那东洋岛玄武岩与木嘎岗日群复理石砂板岩呈过渡接触关系。那东洋岛岩石组合主要由3种岩石组成:玄武岩、玄武质砾岩、灰岩或礁灰岩,那东洋岛的岩石组合具有多旋回性。对那东洋岛中的玄武岩进行地球化学分析,玄武岩为OIB型玄武岩。以往研究认为班公湖-怒江洋盆在侏罗纪处于大洋演化阶段,那东洋岛的发现对揭示班公湖-怒江洋在侏罗纪的演化历史具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>1研究目的(Objective)三江盆地位于黑龙江省东北部三江平原,盆地呈北东方向延伸,其油气勘探工作始于1959年,但目前还未取得油气勘探突破。中国地质调查局油气资源调查中心在三江盆地开展了油气基础地质调查,主要紧抓"四新"(新区、新领域、新层系、新类型),进行油气基础地质条件的研究。  相似文献   

笔者等在张家口市宣化区—涿鹿县一带中—上侏罗统髫髻山组底部首次发现玄武岩组合,其时代归属、地球化学性质及地质意义需要开展研究。本文对玄武岩开展地质学、岩石学、地球化学和同位素年代学研究。玄武岩SiO2含量为39. 49%~49. 74%,Mg#为28~65,里特曼指数σ主要为2. 61~33. 12。玄武岩获得LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb年龄为164. 3±2. 6 Ma,时代为中侏罗世,代表髫髻山组底界年龄。玄武岩属于碱性玄武岩系列,与上覆粗面岩构成双峰式火山岩组合,表明髫髻山组早期火山岩形成于大陆板内拉张环境。该套玄武岩是髫髻山组中性火山岩的玄武质岩浆底侵作用的地质学、岩石学和大地构造学证据。  相似文献   

闽北地区中侏罗世火山岩的发现及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
中侏罗世火山岩在东南沿海分布极少,但对区域中生代构造-岩浆活动过程及大地构造演化的研究具有重要意义。在闽北地区大面积白垩纪火山岩区调查中,在政和铁山地区发现中侏罗世火山岩,用LA-ICP-MS同位素测试技术测得的锆石U-Pb年龄为173.63±0.80Ma。火山岩属钙碱性系列流纹质熔结凝灰岩,显示过铝质、富钾、富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素等地球化学特征,推断其形成于陆缘弧环境,与古太平洋板块早期俯冲作用有关。  相似文献   

白春东  许凡  李泽阳  孟家葆  朱本鸿 《地质论评》2023,69(6):2023060001-2023060001
笔者等在张家口市宣化区—涿鹿县一带中—上侏罗统髫髻山组底部首次发现玄武岩组合,其时代归属、地球化学性质及地质意义需要开展研究。本文对玄武岩开展地质学、岩石学、地球化学和同位素年代学研究。玄武岩SiO2含量为39. 49%~49. 74%,Mg#为28~65,里特曼指数σ主要为2. 61~33. 12。玄武岩获得LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb年龄为164. 3±2. 6 Ma,时代为中侏罗世,代表髫髻山组底界年龄。玄武岩属于碱性玄武岩系列,与上覆粗面岩构成双峰式火山岩组合,表明髫髻山组早期火山岩形成于大陆板内拉张环境。该套玄武岩是髫髻山组中性火山岩的玄武质岩浆底侵作用的地质学、岩石学和大地构造学证据。  相似文献   

根据数百件赵氏小盗龙(Microraptor zhaoianus)、顾氏小盗龙(Microraptor gui)、赫氏近鸟龙(Anchiornis huxleyi)和圣贤孔子鸟(Confuciusornis sanctus)标本的观察研究,在数理统计的基础上,获得几点认识:(1)顾氏小盗龙与赵氏小盗龙为同物异名,赵氏小盗龙为有效名称;(2)在研究的标本中,只有部分标本可以观察到这些物种的跖骨部分保存有羽毛印痕;(3)此种现象应该是恐龙的性双形现象,而不是所谓的"四翼恐龙";(4)这种现象表明,这些物种与今鸟类的关系较远,它们应该是恐龙向鸟类进化中的绝灭旁支;(5)在恐龙向鸟类演化的过程中,应该存在一个"滑翔"阶段,而不是"四翼恐龙"阶段。  相似文献   

The Arman flora from the volcanogenic-sedimentary beds of the Arman Formation is systematically studied using materials from the Arman River basin and the Nelkandya-Khasyn interfluve (Magadan oblast, Northeastern Russia). Seventy-three species of fossil plants belonging to 49 genera are described. They consist of liverworts, horsetails, ferns, seed ferns, cycadaleans, bennettitaleans, ginkgoaleans, czekanowskialeans, conifers, gymnosperms of uncertain systematic affinity, and angiosperms. The Arman flora shows a unique combination, with relatively ancient Early Cretaceous ferns and gymnosperms occurring alongside younger Late Cretaceous plants, primarily angiosperms. The similarity of the Arman flora to the Penzhina and Kaivayam floras of northwestern Kamchatka and the Tylpegyrgynai flora of the Pekul’nei Ridge allows the Arman flora to be dated as Turonian and Coniacian (Late Cretaceous), which is corroborated by isotopic (U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar) age determination for the plant-bearing layers.  相似文献   

Yuriy Sokolov 《GeoJournal》1992,26(4):497-502
The discovery of a new continent that was later called America by Christopher Columbus some five hundred years ago, has in one way or another, influenced people the World over. The extraordinary significance of this event for mankind is displayed by the dimension of the consequences and the variety of reactions among nations and communities of the “Old World”.  相似文献   

Leaf fragments of Herbifolia antiqua A. Frolov et Enushchenko gen. et sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic (Aalenian) of the Irkutsk Coal Basin (Eastern Siberia, Russia) are reported. The following features are characteristic of H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.: the presence of leaf sheaths, linear smooth-edged leaves with parallel venation, anastomoses between the veins, anomocytic stomata, rhomb-shaped ordinary epidermal cells. Such a combination of characters is widespread in modern monocotyledonous plants and is absent in fossil and modern cryptogam and gymnosperms. Due to the lack of evidence of an enclosed ovule in H. antiqua gen. et sp. nov.we attribute it to a typological angiosperm, based on its unique leaf structure characteristic of monocotyledons. The leaf epidermal structure of Herbifolia gen. nov. is most similar to those of modern Asparagales and Liliales.  相似文献   

2019—2020年,笔者在贵州省毕节市大方县元宝箐与七星关区叶家田发现了2个恐龙足迹点。元宝箐的足迹产于自流井组马鞍山段底部,类型为基干鸟臀类的异样龙足迹和中型蜥脚类足迹,其中,异样龙足迹为四川盆地下侏罗统首次记录该类足迹。叶家田的足迹产于上沙溪庙组,类型为大型蜥脚类足迹,其造迹者可能与该组繁盛的马门溪龙、峨眉龙等大型蜥脚类有潜在的关联性。该发现对更好地理解四川盆地南缘侏罗纪早中期古脊椎动物群提供了帮助。  相似文献   

Sediment successions from the Kanin Peninsula and Chyoshskaya Bay in northwestern Russia contain information on the marginal behaviour of all major ice sheets centred in Scandinavia, the Barents Sea and the Kara Sea during the Eemian-Weichselian. Extensive luminescence dating of regional lithostratigraphical units, supported by biostratigraphical evidence, identifies four major ice advances at 100-90, 70-65, 55-45 and 20-18 kyr ago interbedded with lacustrine, glaciolacustrine and marine sediments. The widespread occurrence of marine tidal sediments deposited c. 65-60 kyr ago allows a stratigraphical division of the Middle Weichselian Barents Sea and Kara Sea ice sheets into two shelf-based glaciations separated by almost complete deglaciation. The first ice dispersal centre was in the Barents Sea and thereafter in the Kara Sea. It is possible to extract both flow patterns from ice marginal landforms inside the southward termination. Accordingly, it is proposed that the Markhida line and its western continuation are asynchronous and originate from two separate glaciations before and after the marine transgression. The marine sedimentation occurred during a eustatic sea-level rise of up to 20 m/1000 yr, i.e. the Mezen Transgression. We speculate that the rapid eustatic sea-level rise triggered a collapse of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet at the MIS (Marine Isotope Stage) 4 to 3 transition. This is motivated by lack of an early marine highstand, the timing of events, and the marginal position of Arkhangelsk relative to open marine conditions.  相似文献   

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