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Using multiwavelength observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), we investigate the mechanism of two successive eruptions (F1 and F2) of a filament in active region NOAA 11444 on 27 March 2012. The filament was inverse J-shaped and lay along a quasi-circular polarity inversion line (PIL). The first part of the filament erupted at \(\sim2{:}30\) UT on 27 March 2012 (F1), the second part at around 4:20 UT on the same day (F2). A precursor or preflare brightening was observed below the filament main axis about 30 min before F1. The brightening was followed by a jet-like ejection below the filament, which triggered its eruption. Before the eruption of F2, the filament seemed to be trapped within the overlying arcade loops for almost 1.5 h before it successfully erupted. Interestingly, we observe simultaneously contraction (\(\sim12~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) and expansion (\(\sim20~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) of arcade loops in the active region before F2. Magnetograms obtained with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) show converging motion of the opposite polarities, which result in flux cancellation near the PIL. We suggest that flux cancellation at the PIL resulted in a jet-like ejection below the filament main axis, which triggered F1, similar to the tether-cutting process. F2 was triggered by removal of the overlying arcade loops via reconnection. Both filament eruptions produced high-speed (\(\sim1000~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\)) coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Leping Li  Jun Zhang 《Solar physics》2013,282(1):147-174
From 16 to 21 August 2010, a northern (???N60) polar crown filament was observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Employing the six-day SDO/AIA data, we identify 69 barbs, and select 58 of them, which appeared away from the western solar limb (???W60), as our sample. We systematically investigate the evolution of filament barbs. Three different types of apparent formation of barbs are detected, including i)?the convergence of surrounding moving plasma condensations, comprised 55.2?% of our sample, ii)?the flows of plasma condensations from the filament, comprised 37.9?%, and iii)?the plasma injections from the neighboring brightening regions, comprised 6.9?%. We also find three different ways that barb disappear, involving: i)?bi-lateral movements (44.8?%), and ii)?outflowing of barb plasma (27.6?%) results in the disappearance of a barb, as well as iii)?disappearance of a barb is associated with a neighboring brightening (27.6?%). The evolution of the magnetic fields, e.g. emergence and cancellation of magnetic flux, may cause the formation or disappearance of the barb magnetic structures. Barbs exchange plasma condensations with the surrounding atmosphere, filament, and nearby brightenings, leading to the increase or drainage of barb material. Furthermore, we find that all the barbs undergo oscillations. The average oscillation period, amplitude, and velocity are 30?min, 2.4?Mm, and 5.7?km?s?1, respectively. Besides the oscillations, 21 (36?%) barbs manifested sideward motions having an average speed of 0.45?km?s?1. Small-scale wave-like propagating disturbances caused by small-scale brightenings are detected, and the barb oscillations associated with these disturbances are also found. We propose that the kinematics of barbs are influenced or even caused by the evolution of the neighboring photospheric magnetic fields.  相似文献   

We present observations of an activated quiescent filament obtained in Hα from the high-resolution Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) on 20 August 2010. The filament developed a barb in 10 min, which disappeared within the next 35 min. A data set from the DOT spanning 2 h was used to analyse this event. Line-of-sight velocity maps were constructed from the Doppler images, which reveal flows in filament spine during this period. Photospheric magnetograms were used from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) to determine the changes in magnetic flux in the region surrounding the barb location. The analysis shows flows in the filament spine towards the barb location preceding its formation, and flows in the barb towards the spine during its disappearance. Magnetograms reveal patches of minority polarity flux close to the end of the barb at its greatest elongation. The flows in the spine and barbs are along numerous threads that compose these typical filament structures. The flows are consistent with field-aligned threads and demonstrate that the replacement time of the mass in barbs, and by inference, in the spine is very rapid.  相似文献   

We statistically analyzed the kinematical evolution and wave pulse characteristics of 60 strong large-scale EUV wave events that occurred during January 2007 to February 2011 with the STEREO twin spacecraft. For the start velocity, the arithmetic mean is 312±115 km?s?1 (within a range of 100?–?630 km?s?1). For the mean (linear) velocity, the arithmetic mean is 254±76 km?s?1 (within a range of 130?–?470 km?s?1). 52 % of all waves under study show a distinct deceleration during their propagation (a≤?50 m?s?2), the other 48 % are consistent with a constant speed within the uncertainties (?50≤a≤50 m?s?2). The start velocity and the acceleration are strongly anticorrelated with c≈?0.8, i.e. initially faster events undergo stronger deceleration than slower events. The (smooth) transition between constant propagation for slow events and deceleration in faster events occurs at an EUV wave start-velocity of v≈230 km?s?1, which corresponds well to the fast-mode speed in the quiet corona. These findings provide strong evidence that the EUV waves under study are indeed large-amplitude fast-mode MHD waves. This interpretation is also supported by the correlations obtained between the peak velocity and the peak amplitude, impulsiveness, and build-up time of the disturbance. We obtained the following association rates of EUV wave events with other solar phenomena: 95 % are associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME), 74 % to a solar flare, 15 % to interplanetary type II bursts, and 22 % to coronal type II bursts. These findings are consistent with the interpretation that the associated CMEs are the driving agents of the EUV waves.  相似文献   

We study the topology of the 3D magnetic field in a filament channel to address the following questions: Is a filament always formed in a single flux tube? How does the photospheric magnetic field lead to filament interruptions and to feet formation? What is the relation between feet-related field lines and the parasitic polarities? What can topological analyses teach us about EUV filament channels? To do so, we consider a filament observed on 6 October 2004 with THEMIS/MTR, in Hα with the full line profile simultaneously and cospatially with its photospheric vector magnetic field. The coronal magnetic field was calculated from a “linear magnetohydrostatic” extrapolation of a composite THEMIS-MDI magnetogram. Its free parameters were adjusted to get the best match possible between the distribution of modeled plasma-supporting dips and the Hα filament morphology. The model results in moderate plasma β≤1 at low altitudes in the filament, in conjunction with non-negligible departures from force-freeness measured by various metrics. The filament here is formed by a split flux tube. One part of the flux tube is rooted in the photosphere aside an observed interruption in the filament. This splitted topology is due to strong network polarities on the edge of the filament channel, not to flux concentrations closer to the filament. We focus our study to the northwest portion of the filament. The related flux tube is highly fragmented at low altitudes. This fragmentation is due to small flux concentrations of two types. First, some locally distort the tube, leading to noticeable thickness variations along the filament body. Second, parasitic polarities, associated with filament feet, result in secondary dips above the related local inversion line. These dips belong to long field lines that pass below the flux tube. Many of these field lines are not rooted near the related foot. Finally, the present model shows that the coronal void interpretation cannot be ruled out to interpret the wideness of EUV filament channels.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient and automatic method for detecting filament disappearances. This method was applied to the Big Bear Solar Observatory's (BBSO) full-disk H images. The initial step is to detect the filaments in the solar image, then determine if they are growing, stable or disappearing. If a disappearing filament is found, the solar community can be automatically alerted in near real time. This system is proven to be accurate and fast. In addition, three statistical studies of the appearance and disappearance of all filaments in 1999 are presented.  相似文献   

S. Y. Oh  Y. Yi 《Solar physics》2012,280(1):197-204
The intensity?Ctime profile of Forbush decrease (FD) events observed by neutron monitors (NMs) looks like that of a geomagnetic storm as defined by the Dst index. Oh, Yi, and Kim (J.?Geophys. Res. 113, A01103, 2008) and Oh and Yi (J.?Geophys. Res. 114, A11102, 2009) classified FD events based on the amount of overlap and simultaneity of their main phase in Universal Time (UT). Oh and Yi define an FD event as simultaneous if the main phases observed by NMs distributed evenly around the Earth overlap in UT, and nonsimultaneous if they overlap only in the local time of some stations. They suggested that the occurrence mechanisms of two types of FD events may be related to interplanetary (IP) magnetic structures such as IP shocks and magnetic clouds. In their model, the simultaneity of FD events depends on the strength and propagation direction of magnetic structures overtaking the Earth. Recently, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission has been able to visualize the emergence and propagation direction of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in three dimensions in the heliosphere; thus, it is now possible to test the suggested mechanisms. One simultaneous FD event observed on 18 February 2011 may have been caused by a CME heading directly toward the Earth, which was observed on 15 February 2011 by the STEREO mission. Therefore, the simultaneity of FD events is proven to be a useful analysis tool in understanding the geoeffectiveness of solar events such as interplanetary CMEs and IP shocks.  相似文献   

Sylwester  Barbara  Sylwester  Janusz 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):305-325
We consider in detail the evolutionary patterns of few white-light flares observed by Yohkoh. The following data have been used in the analysis: sequences of de-convolved SXT images in X-ray and optical filters, MEM reconstructed HXT images and the other supporting data. The resolution in the de-convolved images is below 1 arc sec. Working with sequences of de-convolved images makes it also possible to investigate the dynamics of these structures with high spatial accuracy. Comparison of the morphology of flare brightenings as observed in hard, soft and optical ranges reveals that these emissions are not co-spatial and are most probably related to different plasma volumes at any instant. These observations cannot be easily accommodated within standard flare scenarios. Traditionally, the hard and optical flare emissions are expected to be co-spatial and the soft X-ray emission is presumed to fill the coronal portion of flaring loop(s) during rise phase. Present observations do not easily fit to such scenario.  相似文献   

Mouradian  Z.  Soru-Escaut  I.  Hiei  E.  McALLISTER  A. H.  Shibasaki  K.  Ohyama  M.  Khan  J. I.  Uchida  Y. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):313-329
The 7 May 1992 filament disappearance in the low corona is analyzed. The cool and hot components of this event are studied, using H, soft X-ray and radio data. We first show the general effect of the disparition brusque (DB) on the life of the filament, which was a quiescent filament in the vicinity of an active region, and then give the history of the development of the 7 May event. The main stages of the event are: (i) the formation of hot arches spanning the cool filament; (ii) rise of the filament, with plasma ejection into the corona, in which we note some spreading of loops from the main body, with two distinct rising velocity phases of the H filament; (iii) formation of X-ray arches below the filament, the foot points of the arcades being two-ribbon H flare patches. The dynamics of H and X-rays features are given.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that lead to the formation and the disappearance of prominences are poorly understood, at present. An arch-shaped prominence was observed with the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) spectrometer on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on 31 March–1 April 1996. The observations were performed at three wave-bands in the Lyman continuum. Ten successive images were obtained at 41-minute time intervals. Based on computed models of Gouttebroze, Heinzel, and Vial (1993), we have determined the temperature distribution of the prominence using the intensity ratio of 876 Å and 907 Å. The observed time sequence shows that parts of the prominence disappear possibly by heating, while other parts exhibit heating and cooling with apparent outward motion. We model the heat input with the linearized MHD equations using a prescribed initial density and a broad-band spectrum of Alfvén waves. We find a good qualitative agreement with observations. In the model the prominence is heated by the resonant absorption of Alfvén waves with frequencies that match the resonant condition for a particular flux tube structure that is determined by the magnetic field topology and plasma density.  相似文献   

The geometric localization technique (Pizzo and Biesecker, Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, 21802, 2004) can readily be used with Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) Space Weather Beacon data to observe coronal mass ejection (CME) propagation within three-dimensional space in near-real time. This technique is based upon simple triangulation concepts and utilizes a series of lines of sight from two space-based observatories to determine gross characteristics of CMEs, such as location and velocity. Since this work is aimed at space weather applications, the emphasis is on use of COR2 coronagraph data, which has a field of view from 2.5R to 15R ; this spatial coverage allows us to observe the early temporal development of a CME, and hence to calculate its velocity, even for very fast CMEs. We apply this technique to highly-compressed COR2 beacon images for several CMEs at various spacecraft separation angles: 21 August 2007, when the separation angle between the two spacecraft was 26°; 31 December 2007 and 2 January 2008, when the separation angle was 44°; and 17 October 2008, when the spacecraft separation was 79°. We present results on the speed and direction of propagation for these events and discuss the error associated with this technique. We also compare our results to the two-dimensional plane-of-sky speeds calculated from STEREO and SOHO.  相似文献   

After decades of effort, the solar activity cycle is exceptionally well characterized, but it remains poorly understood. Pioneering work at the Mount Wilson Observatory demonstrated that other Sun-like stars also show regular activity cycles, and suggested two possible relationships between the rotation rate and the length of the cycle. Neither of these relationships correctly describes the properties of the Sun, a peculiarity that demands explanation. Recent discoveries have started to shed light on this issue, suggesting that the Sun’s rotation rate and magnetic field are currently in a transitional phase that occurs in all middle-aged stars. Motivated by these developments, we identify the manifestation of this magnetic transition in the best available data on stellar cycles. We propose a reinterpretation of previously published observations to suggest that the solar cycle may be growing longer on stellar evolutionary timescales, and that the cycle might disappear sometime in the next 0.8?–?2.4 Gyr. Future tests of this hypothesis will come from ground-based activity monitoring of Kepler targets that span the magnetic transition, and from asteroseismology with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission to determine precise masses and ages for bright stars with known cycles.  相似文献   

Polar crown prominences, that partially circle the Sun’s poles between 60° and 70° latitude, are made of chromospheric plasma. We aim to diagnose the 3D dynamics of a polar crown prominence using high-cadence EUV images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/AIA at 304, 171, and 193 Å and the Ahead spacecraft of the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO-A)/EUVI at 195 Å. Using time series across specific structures, we compare flows across the disk in 195 Å with the prominence dynamics seen on the limb. The densest prominence material forms vertical columns that are separated by many tens of Mm and connected by dynamic bridges of plasma that are clearly visible in 304/171 Å two-colour images. We also observe intermittent but repetitious flows with velocity 15 km?s?1 in the prominence that appear to be associated with EUV bright points on the solar disk. The boundary between the prominence and the overlying cavity appears as a sharp edge. We discuss the structure of the coronal cavity seen both above and around the prominence. SDO/HMI and GONG magnetograms are used to infer the underlying magnetic topology. The evolution and structure of the prominence with respect to the magnetic field seems to agree with the filament-linkage model.  相似文献   

The Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) is being operated on the New Solar Telescope of the Big Bear Solar Observatory. It simultaneously records spectra of Hα and Ca ii 8542 Å lines, and this dual-spectra measurement provides an estimate of the temperature and nonthermal speed components. We observed a loop structure in AR 11305 using the FISS, SDO/AIA, and STEREO/EUVI in 304 Å, and found plasma material falling along the loop from a coronal height into the umbra of a sunspot, which accelerated up to 80 km?s?1. We also observed C2 and C7 flare events near the loop. The temperature of the downflows was in the range of 10?000?–?33?000 K, increasing toward the umbra. The temperature of the flow varied with time, and the temperature near the footpoint rose immediately after the C7 flare, but the temperature toward the umbra remained the same. There seemed to be a temporal correlation between the amount of downflow material and the observed C-class flares. The downflows decreased gradually soon after the flares and then increased after a few hours. These high-speed red-shift events occurred continuously during the observations. The flows observed on-disk in Hα and Ca ii 8542 Å appeared as fragmented, fuzzy condensed material falling from the coronal heights when seen off-limb with STEREO/EUVI at 304 Å. Based on these observations, we propose that these flows were an on-disk signature of coronal rain.  相似文献   

Visual observations collected over 60 years (1944–2003) are analysed. The profiles and values of the population index near the activity peak are rather constant over the entire period and confirm the strong mass segregation within the stream. The peak activity is characterized by a plateau in the profile with a ZHR between 120 and 130 lasting for about 12 h between λ=261.5° and 262.4° (J2000). This is consistent with an age of the Geminid stream of about 6000 years. The position of this plateau is constant. Variations of the ZHR by more than 10% within the peak period are found in data of well-observed returns. These structures of about 0.2° duration can be traced over more than a decade with an average drift of about −0.02° in solar longitude per year  相似文献   

The Heliospheric Imagers (HI) on the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) observe the solar wind and disturbances therein as it propagates from close to the Sun to 1 AU and beyond. In this article we use stellar photometry over much of the mission to date to make a determination of the long-term evolution of the photometric response of the inner (HI-1) cameras. We find very slow degradation rates of the order of 0.1 % per year, similar to those found for HI-2 by Tappin, Eyles and Davies (Solar Phys. 290, 2143, 2015) and significantly slower than rates found for other comparable instruments. We also find that it is necessary to make a small (\({\approx}\,1~\%\)) revision to the photometric calibration parameters used to convert instrument units into physical units. Finally, we briefly discuss the effects of pointing instabilities on the measurement of stellar count rates.  相似文献   

Based on photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), non-potential characteristics of the magnetic field beneath the filament in active region NOAA 9077 are investigated. We focus on the structure and evolution of the magnetic field from 00:08 UT to 10:25 UT of 14 July before the Bastille event. Particular attention is paid to transverse field strength, shear degree and horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight magnetic field around the filament and filament channel. The following characteristics are found. (1) The magnetic non-potentiality has an obviously non-uniform distribution. The shear degree of the transverse field (Hagyard et al., 1984) is very large, up to 75° in some sites beneath the filament, such as the initial brightening site in TRACE 1600 Å images and the breaking site of the filament. The transverse field and the horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight field are very large in some parts corresponding to the hottest and continuously brightening portions. (2) The mean strength and mean shear angle of the transverse field and mean horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight field have obviously dropped in most parts beneath the filament for two hours before the filament eruption and onset of the X5.7/3B flare. After comparing simultaneous UV and EUV images, H filtergrams and Dopplergrams at solar atmosphere, we suggest that magnetic cancellation is likely to quickly transport the magnetic energy and complexity into the higher atmosphere in these two hours. This leads to magnetic instability in the filament and eventually causes the eruption of filament and onset of the flare.  相似文献   

We present a rare observation of direct magnetic interaction between an activating filament and a coronal hole(CH). The filament was a quiescent one located at the northwest of the CH. It underwent a nonradial activation, during which filament material constantly fell and intruded into the CH. As a result, the CH was clearly destroyed by the intrusion. Brightenings appeared at the boundaries and in the interior of the CH, meanwhile, its west boundaries began to retreat and the area gradually shrank. It is noted that the CH went on shrinking after the end of the intrusion and finally disappeared entirely. Following the filament activation, three coronal dimmings(D1–D3) were formed, among which D1 and D2 persisted throughout the complete disappearance of the CH. The derived coronal magnetic configuration shows that the filament was located below an extended loop system, which obviously linked D1 to D2. By extrapolating this result, our observations imply that the interaction between the filament and the CH involved direct intrusion of the filament material to the CH and the disappearance of the CH might be due to interchange reconnection between the expanding loop system and the CH's open field.  相似文献   

We present for the first time a three-dimensional reconstruction of the electron density in the corona at distances from 1.5R to 4R using COR1 STEREO observations. The reconstruction is performed using a regularized tomography inversion method for two biweekly periods corresponding to Carrington Rotations 2058 and 2066. Images from the two STEREO spacecraft are used to compare the reconstructed density structures with coronal features located by triangulation. We find that the location of a bright tip of a helmet streamer obtained from the tomographic reconstruction is in good agreement with the location obtained by triangulation. The reconstructed density structure of the equatorial streamer belt is largely consistent with the variation of the current sheet derived from a potential magnetic field extrapolation for most of the equatorial region and for an MHD model of the corona. A zero-value density region in the reconstruction is identified with a low-density region seen in an EUVI image below the reconstruction domain.  相似文献   

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