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The Heliospheric Imager (HI) instruments on the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) observe solar plasma as it streams out from the Sun and into the heliosphere. The telescopes point off-limb (from about 4° to 90° elongation) and so the Sun is not in the field of view. Hence, the Sun cannot be used to confirm the instrument pointing. Until now, the pointing of the instruments have been calculated using the nominal preflight instrument offsets from the STEREO spacecraft together with the spacecraft attitude data. This paper develops a new method for deriving the instrument pointing solutions, along with other optical parameters, by comparing the locations of stars identified in each HI image with the known star positions predicted from a star catalogue. The pointing and optical parameters are varied in an autonomous manner to minimise the discrepancy between the predicted and observed positions of the stars. This method is applied to all HI observations from the beginning of the mission to the end of April 2008. For the vast majority of images a good attitude solution has been obtained with a mean-squared deviation between the observed and predicted star positions of one image pixel or less. Updated values have been obtained for the instrument offsets relative to the spacecraft, and for the optical parameters of the HI cameras. With this method the HI images can be considered as “self-calibrating,” with the actual instrument offsets calculated as a byproduct. The updated pointing results and their by-products have been implemented in SolarSoft.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to calculate an accurate large-scale flatfield for the STEREO HI-1 instruments. This is done by analysing the variation in intensity of stars in the background starfield as they pass across the CCD. In order to use the background starfield, a photometric calibration is performed which defines a HI magnitude scale and a conversion between this scale and measured intensity. The photometric calibration uses stellar spectra folded through the instrument response to make initial intensity predictions. However, a secondary prediction method based on the photometric calibration, which blends the R-, V- and B-magnitudes of a star, is derived for stars with no spectral information.  相似文献   

During the 2007 – 2008 minimum of solar activity, the internally occulted coronagraphs SECCHI-COR1 onboard the STEREO space mission recorded numerous jet-like ejections over a great range of latitudes. We have found more than 10000 white-light jets in the above-mentioned period. Sometimes they can be identified on the disk with bright points observed in ultraviolet images by EUVI. In this study we present a catalog consisting of jets observed by the SECCHI-COR1 instrument and their association with lower coronal activity (bright points, UV jets). Furthermore, their association with bright points in the context of previously proposed models is discussed. From the complete catalog we have selected 106 jets observed in both STEREO-A and STEREO-B images for which it is possible to derive their kinematics and point of origin.  相似文献   

Observations indicate that solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are closely associated with reconnection-favored flux emergence, which was explained in the emerging flux trigger mechanism for CMEs by Chen & Shibata based on numerical simulations. We present a parametric survey of the triggering agent: its polarity orientation, position, and the amount of the unsigned flux. The results suggest that whether a CME can be triggered depends on both the amount and location of the emerging flux, in addition to its polarity orientation. A diagram is presented to show the eruption and non-eruption regimes in the parameter space. The work is aimed at providing useful information for the space weather forecast.  相似文献   

The World Coordinate System (WCS) is a standard for embedding coordinate information in a Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) header. Its first extensive use within solar physics is by the Sun Earth Connections Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI) telescope suite onboard the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO). The WCS formalism assists in SECCHI data analysis in several ways: First of all, the spherical effects associated with the extremely wide fields-of-view of the Heliospheric Imager (HI) telescopes can be handled in a completely unambiguous and standard fashion. Of particular importance is that WCS positional keywords allow spacecraft-ephemeris information to be embedded within the FITS header without depending on mission-specific keywords. Ephemeris data is critical to the three-dimensional analysis that the STEREO mission is designed for. We also show how the WCS software in SolarSoft\textsf{SolarSoft} can be used to relate STEREO data to other missions such as the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). The ability of WCS to support a parallel celestial right ascension (R.A.)/declination (Dec) coordinate system and the use of WCS for COR1 synoptic maps are also discussed. The advantages that STEREO derived from WCS can equally be applied to other solar missions, in particular Solar Orbiter, and should be adopted by all future missions.  相似文献   

We present a study of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) which impacted one of the STEREO spacecraft between January 2008 and early 2010. We focus our study on 20 CMEs which were observed remotely by the Heliospheric Imagers (HIs) onboard the other STEREO spacecraft up to large heliocentric distances. We compare the predictions of the Fixed-?? and Harmonic Mean (HM) fitting methods, which only differ by the assumed geometry of the CME. It is possible to use these techniques to determine from remote-sensing observations the CME direction of propagation, arrival time and final speed which are compared to in-situ measurements. We find evidence that for large viewing angles, the HM fitting method predicts the CME direction better. However, this may be due to the fact that only wide CMEs can be successfully observed when the CME propagates more than 100° from the observing spacecraft. Overall eight CMEs, originating from behind the limb as seen by one of the STEREO spacecraft can be tracked and their arrival time at the other STEREO spacecraft can be successfully predicted. This includes CMEs, such as the events on 4 December 2009 and 9 April 2010, which were viewed 130° away from their direction of propagation. Therefore, we predict that some Earth-directed CMEs will be observed by the HIs until early 2013, when the separation between Earth and one of the STEREO spacecraft will be similar to the separation of the two STEREO spacecraft in 2009??C?2010.  相似文献   

Fitting observed power and cross spectra of medium-degree p modes in velocity (V) and intensity (I) has been widely used for getting information about the p-mode excitation process and, in particular, for trying to determine the type and location of the acoustic sources. Numerical simulations of solar convection allow one to “observe” velocity and temperature (T, used as proxy for I) fluctuations in different reference frames. Sampling the oscillations on planes of constant optical depth (τ-frame) closely corresponds to the observer’s point of view, whereas sampling the oscillations at constant geometrical height (z-frame) is more appropriate for comparison with predictions from theoretical models based on Eulerian hydrodynamics. The results of the analysis in the two frames show significant differences. Considering the effects introduced on oscillations by the steep temperature gradient of the photosphere and by the temperature- and pressure-dependent continuum opacity, we develop a new model for fitting the simulated V and T power and cross spectra both in the τ- and z-frames and discuss its merits and limitations.  相似文献   

We have estimated the speed and direction of propagation of a number of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) using single-spacecraft data from the STEREO Heliospheric Imager (HI) wide-field cameras. In general, these values are in good agreement with those predicted by Thernisien, Vourlidas, and Howard in Solar Phys. 256, 111?–?130 (2009) using a forward modelling method to fit CMEs imaged by the STEREO COR2 coronagraphs. The directions of the CMEs predicted by both techniques are in good agreement despite the fact that many of the CMEs under study travel in directions that cause them to fade rapidly in the HI images. The velocities estimated from both techniques are in general agreement although there are some interesting differences that may provide evidence for the influence of the ambient solar wind on the speed of CMEs. The majority of CMEs with a velocity estimated to be below 400 km?s?1 in the COR2 field of view have higher estimated velocities in the HI field of view, while, conversely, those with COR2 velocities estimated to be above 400 km?s?1 have lower estimated HI velocities. We interpret this as evidence for the deceleration of fast CMEs and the acceleration of slower CMEs by interaction with the ambient solar wind beyond the COR2 field of view. We also show that the uncertainties in our derived parameters are influenced by the range of elongations over which each CME can be tracked. In order to reduce the uncertainty in the predicted arrival time of a CME at 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) to within six hours, the CME needs to be tracked out to at least 30 degrees elongation. This is in good agreement with predictions of the accuracy of our technique based on Monte Carlo simulations. Within the set of studied CMEs, there are two clear events that were predicted from the HI data to travel over another spacecraft; in-situ measurements at these other spacecraft confirm the accuracy of these predictions. The ability of the HI cameras to image Corotating Interaction Region (CIR)-entrained transients as well as CMEs can result in some ambiguity when trying to distinguishing individual signatures.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) tomographic analysis of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images is used to place empirical constraints on the corona’s temperature and density structure. The input data are images taken by the EUVI instrument on STEREO A and B spacecraft for Carrington Rotation 2069 (16 April to 13 May 2008). While the reconstructions are global, we demonstrate the capabilities of this method by examining specific structures in detail. Of particular importance are the results for coronal cavities and the surrounding helmet streamers, which our method allows to be analyzed without projection effects for the first time. During this rotation, both the northern and southern hemispheres exhibited stable polar crown filaments with overlying EUV cavities. These filaments and cavities were too low-lying to be well observed in white-light coronagraphs. Furthermore, due to projection effects, these cavities were not clearly discernible above the limb in EUV images, thus tomography offers the only option to study their plasma properties quantitatively. It is shown that, when compared to the surrounding helmet material, these cavities have lower densities (about 30%, on average) and broader local differential emission measures that are shifted to higher temperatures than the surrounding streamer plasma.  相似文献   

We are investigating the geometric and kinematic characteristics of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) using data obtained by the LASCO coronagraphs, the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI), and the SECCHI imaging experiments on the STEREO spacecraft. The early evolution of CMEs can be tracked by the LASCO C2 and C3 and SECCHI COR1 and COR2 coronagraphs, and the HI and SMEI instruments can track their ICME counterparts through the inner heliosphere. The HI fields of view (4?–?90°) overlap with the SMEI field of view (>?20° to all sky) and, thus, both instrument sets can observe the same ICME. In this paper we present results for ICMEs observed on 24?–?29 January 2007, when the STEREO spacecraft were still near Earth so that both the SMEI and STEREO views of large ICMEs in the inner heliosphere coincided. These results include measurements of the structural and kinematic evolution of two ICMEs and comparisons with drive/drag kinematic, 3D tomographic reconstruction, the HAFv2 kinematic, and the ENLIL MHD models. We find it encouraging that the four model runs generally were in agreement on both the kinematic evolution and appearance of the events. Because it is essential to understand the effects of projection across large distances, that are not generally crucial for events observed closer to the Sun, we discuss our analysis procedure in some detail.  相似文献   

The “strahl” is a specific population of the solar wind, constituted by strongly field aligned electrons flowing away from the Sun, with energies >60 eV. Using the Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) onboard STEREO, we investigate the short time scale fluctuations of this population. It is shown that its phase space density (PSD) at times presents fluctuations larger than 50% at scales of the order of minutes and less. The fluctuations are particularly strong for periods of a few tens of hours in high-speed streams, following the crossing of the corotating interaction region, when the strahl is also the most collimated in pitch angle. The amplitude of the fluctuations tends to decrease in conjunction with a broadening in pitch angle. Generally, the strongly fluctuating strahl is observed when the magnetic field is also highly perturbed. That SWEA is able to perform a very rapid 3D analysis at a given energy is essential since it can be demonstrated that the observed magnetic turbulence can only marginally perturb the PSD measurements.  相似文献   

We investigate the M1.8 solar flare of 20 October 2002. The flare was accompanied by quasi-periodic pulsations (QPP) of both thermal and nonthermal hard X-ray emissions (HXR) observed by RHESSI in the 3?–?50 keV energy range. Analysis of the HXR time profiles in different energy channels made with the Lomb periodogram has indicated two statistically significant time periods of about 16 and 36 s. The 36 s QPP were observed only in the nonthermal HXR emission in the impulsive phase of the flare. The 16 s QPP were found in thermal and nonthermal HXR emission both in the impulsive and in the decay phases of the flare. Imaging analysis of the flare region, the determined time periods of the QPP, and the estimated physical parameters of the flare loops allowed us to interpret the observed QPP in terms of MHD oscillations excited in two spatially separated, but interacting systems of flaring loops.  相似文献   

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) provides the first opportunity to triangulate the three-dimensional coordinates of active region loops simultaneously from two different vantage points in space. Three-dimensional coordinates of the coronal magnetic field have been calculated with theoretical magnetic field models for decades, but it is only with the recent availability of STEREO data that a rigorous, quantitative comparison between observed loop geometries and theoretical magnetic field models can be performed. Such a comparison provides a valuable opportunity to assess the validity of theoretical magnetic field models. Here we measure the misalignment angles between model magnetic fields and observed coronal loops in three active regions, as observed with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) on STEREO on 30 April, 9 May, and 19 May 2007. We perform stereoscopic triangulation of some 100?–?200 EUVI loops in each active region and compute extrapolated magnetic field lines using magnetogram information from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). We examine two different magnetic extrapolation methods: (1) a potential field and (2) a radially stretched potential field that conserves the magnetic divergence. We find considerable disagreement between each theoretical model and the observed loop geometries, with an average misalignment angle on the order of 20°?–?40°. We conclude that there is a need for either more suitable (coronal rather than photospheric) magnetic field measurements or more realistic field extrapolation models.  相似文献   

Imaging microwave observations of an eruptive, partially occulted solar flare on 18 April 2001 suggest that the global structure of the event can be described by the helical kink instability of a twisted magnetic flux rope. This model is suggested by the inverse gamma shape of the source exhibiting crossing legs of a rising flux loop and by evidence that the legs interact at or near the crossing point. The interaction is reflected by the location of peak brightness near the crossing point and by the formation of superimposed compact nonthermal sources most likely at or near the crossing point. These sources propagate upward along both legs, merge into a single, bright source at the top of the structure, and continue to rise at a velocity >1000 km s−1. The compact sources trap accelerated electrons which radiate in the radio and hard X-ray ranges. This suggests that they are plasmoids, although their internal structure is not revealed by the data. They exhibit variations of the radio brightness temperature at a characteristic time scale of ∼ 40 s, anti-correlated to their area, which also support their interpretation as plasmoids. Their propagation path differs from the standard scenario of plasmoid formation and propagation in the flare current sheet, suggesting the helical current sheet formed by the instability instead.  相似文献   

An interferometer antenna system to observe polarized radio emission from the solar corona at different frequencies in the range 30?–?110 MHz has been commissioned recently by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics at the Gauribidanur Radio Observatory (latitude 13°3612′′N and longitude 77°2707′′E), about 100 km north of Bangalore (http://www.iiap.res.in/centres_radio.htm). This paper describes the antenna system, associated analog/digital receiver setup, calibration scheme, and preliminary results.  相似文献   

Obridko  V.N.  Shelting  B.D. 《Solar physics》1999,184(1):187-200
H observations of solar large-scale fields were used to reconstruct the heliosphere structure for the time interval of 1915–1996. A special method of polar correction was developed. The expansion coefficients in Legendre polynomials were calculated. An atlas of the heliosphere structure was compiled. Inferred strength of the polar and equatorial field in 1915–1996 years was calculated. Cyclic variations of the polar field and the number of polar plages were compared to show a satisfactory agreement. The q parameter, characterizing the divergence of the polar plumes in the epochs of the solar minimum, was calculated and its quasi-periodic behaviour with a period of the order of 70 years was revealed. Our calculations were tentatively compared with the interplanetary magnetic field structure.  相似文献   

We present the analysis of the morphology of the light curves of WZ Sge based on simultaneous multicolour highspeed photometry durings the superoutburst in 2001. Observations started around the middle of the main superoutburst and continued for several nights in each of the subsequent phases of its evolution. For the first time for WZ Sge in a superoutburst a significant difference between the morphology of the U and BVRI light curves was detected. This is interpreted as a consequence of a substantial distinction of the structure and radiation between the inner and outer parts of the accretion disc. Using the space observatory WSO-UV for UV monitoring of the WZ Sge-stars throughout the entire superoutburst cycle one would have an opportunity to explore innermost regions of the accretion discs in these systems, which is important for understanding the physics of accretion processes and the nature of their activity.  相似文献   

This paper presents observations of plasma blobs by nightglow OI 630.0 nm emissions using ground-based techniques, all sky imager and photometer from Kolhapur. The nightglow observations have been made at low latitude station, Kolhapur (16.42°N, 74.2°E, and 10.6°N dip lat.) during clear moonless nights for period of October 2011–April 2012. Generally, these occur 3 h after sunset (18:00 IST). Herein we have calculated velocities of plasma blobs using scanning method, introduced by Pimenta et al. (Adv Space Res 27:1219–1224, 2001). The average zonal drift velocity (eastward) of the plasma blobs were found to be 133 ms?1 and vary between 100 and 200 ms?1. The width (east–west expansion) and length (north–south expansion) of plasma blobs is calculated by recently developed method of Sharma et al. (Curr Sci 106(08):1085–1093, 2014b). Their mean width and length were in the range of 70–180 and 500–950 km respectively. The study shows that localized eastward polarization electric field plays an important role in the generation of plasma blobs.  相似文献   

In a superhigh magnetic field, direct Urca reactions can proceed for an arbitrary proton concentration. Since only the electrons with high energy E (E>Q, Q is the threshold energy of inverse β-decay) at large Landau levels can be captured, we introduce the Landau level effect coefficient q and the effective electron capture rate Γ eff . By using Γ eff , the values of L X and L ν are calculated, where L X and L ν are the average neutrino luminosity of AXPs and the average X-ray luminosity of AXPs L X , respectively. The complete process of electron capture inside a magnetar is simulated numerically.  相似文献   

Various observations indicate that coronal holes generally appear as low brightness temperature regions (LTRs) in the centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges. However, within their borders local enhancements of radiation, that is, high brightness temperature regions (HTRs), often occur. The theory behind the described behavior is not fully understood and therefore we analyze full-disk solar images obtained at a wavelength of 8 mm at Metsähovi Radio Observatory and compare them with data simultaneously taken in other wavelength ranges. The observational finding that the average brightness temperature of coronal holes is not much different from the quiet-Sun level (with localized deviations toward higher and lower intensities on the order of a few percent) is compared with theoretical models of the thermal bremsstrahlung radiation originating in the solar chromosphere, transition region, and corona. Special attention is devoted to the interpretation of the localized enhancements of radiation observed inside coronal holes at millimeter wavelengths. The main conclusion is that the most important contribution to the brightness temperature comes from an increased density in the transition region and low corona (i.e., at the heights where the temperature is below 106 K). This can explain both the LTRs and HTRs associated with coronal holes.  相似文献   

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