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中国测震台网统一地震编目   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从总体构成、技术系统、产出流程、质量控制等方面介绍了我国测震台网现行的统一地震编目工作体系,对统一地震编目产出情况进行了简要统计分析,并与“九五”期间的地震编目产出进行了对比;最后对存在的问题进行了讨论和展望。  相似文献   

安徽省数字测震台网中心自建立以来,数据产出与应用能力极大提高,数据应用范围也有很大拓宽。向预报中心提供波形数据、地震目录、地震观测报告和地震新参数等,进行地震会商和科学研究;向信息中心提供基础波形数据、地震信息,建立数据共享服务,进一步发挥了测震台网在防震减灾中的作用。  相似文献   

张佑龙  金艳  夏仕安  李发 《华南地震》2012,32(1):99-106
安徽测震台网"十五"期间通过升级、改造、新建24个子台并汇集周边6省19个测震台站的数据,建成安徽省省级测震台网,极大提高了测震台网的监测能力、速报能力、数据产出能力。综合分析了安徽测震台网"十五"项目建设后的监测效能,并对进一步提高测震台网效能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

马宝柱 《内陆地震》2008,22(4):298-305
对新疆测震台网数字化记录中的宁夏ML4.4爆破记录进行了分析,新疆台网大部分台站都能记录到上千公里ML4.0以上的工业爆破。又对新疆巴里坤地震台记录的约1200km的宁夏ML3.8、内蒙ML4.2地震和宁夏ML4.4的工业爆破记录进行了分析,发现近距离爆破记录的特征大部分可以在远距离爆破中找到。  相似文献   

地震数据质量直接影响地震监测和速报的准确性及可靠性,对防震减灾事业具有重要意义。以上海测震观测资料为研究基础,采用定性和定量分析相结合的方法,围绕测震台网运行率、波形可用率、台基背景噪声、干扰以及台网布局合理性,对测震观测数据质量进行综合分析。结果发现:上海测震台网总体运行稳定,数据连续率较高;部分地震台站背景噪声偏大;受基岩出露影响,上海东部和西北部地区布设台站较少,导致地震监测能力较弱,测震台网布局有待优化。本项工作的开展对今后地震台站改造以及新台站建设具有参考意义。  相似文献   

根据中国测震台网现有台站布局和实际记录的背景噪声波形资料,通过近震震级公式评估测震台网的理论地震监测能力,并与地震测震台网实际地震监测能力进行对比.结果显示,理论与实际地震监测能力基本相符,即中国中部地区可监测震级下限较低,台站分布稀疏的青藏高原西部、新疆东南部和内蒙古北部边界地区等可监测震级下限较高.  相似文献   

前兆台网历史数据迁移与整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,前兆数据的多系统、多格式、多流程给数据管理和应用带来了很大的复杂性.为此,全国实施了前兆历史数据迁移,将“九五”、模拟和人工观测历史数据迁移到“十五”数据库系统中,并解决了迁移中的代码对应、数据量纲或单位转换、数据衔接、错误纠正、数据库结构差异、数据同步等问题,整合了前兆数据系统,为数据应用带来极大便利,切实提升了前兆数据管理和共享服务能力.本文详细介绍了前兆历史数据迁移的内容、工作流程和工具软件、迁移中的技术难点、取得的成果,以及存在的问题等.  相似文献   

选取2009年新疆测震台网记录的49个ML≥3.0地震,选用相同地震台及相同震相到时数据,分别采用单纯形、Loc Sat和Hypo Sat定位方法重新定位,从定位残差和震中位置对各定位效果进行对比,结果表明:对地震台站包围好的浅源地震,3种定位方法均适合;对地震台站包围不好的浅源地震,Loc Sat定位方法效果较好;对深源地震,Hypo Sat定位方法效果较好。  相似文献   

选取2013-2017年江苏省测震台网记录的49个ML ≥ 2.0地震事件,采用HypoSat、Hyp2000、LocSat定位法,对地震事件进行定位分析。结果表明:与Hyp2000、LocSat方法相比,HypoSat方法对网内、网缘和网外地震定位结果均较好,是目前理想的地震定位方法。  相似文献   

将河北省地震台网2015~2016年地震预警和测震数据从地震触发、地震速报和编目方面着手,在地震三要素及震源深度等方面进行对比研究,梳理三网(测震、强震、烈度)数据融合工作现状,体会地震预警系统数据作用和工作实效,发挥地震台网整体效能。  相似文献   

区域地震台网震相数据是区域地震台网产出的重要成果,是开展地球科学研究的重要资料。整理全国31个省份1973—2008年区域地震台网纸质震相报告和地震卡片,按统一格式录入震相数据,建立数据共享服务系统。文中系统阐述区域地震台网的发展过程、历史震相数据的整合、地震观测报告的主要内容及震级的测定方法,并介绍了历史震相数据共享服务系统和快速索引下载方法,为科研人员提供共享服务。  相似文献   

从数据共享的角度描述了华北地区遥测地震台网联网的基本要求、预期目标、技术途径、总体结构及联网后取得的效益,说明遥测地震台网联网是实现地震观测数据共享的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

An algorithm for the optimum distribution of a regional seismic network—I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary An algorithm for the optimum distribution of any number of regional seismic stations is formulated. The information needed from a given region is the relative distribution of seismic intensity and the travel times of seismic waves used in earthquake location procedure. To define the optimum distribution of a regional network, some generalization of D-planning (minimization of the ellipsoid volume of earthquake location errors) was applied. The D-optimum criterion is generalized for a case where equations describing the process are nonlinear and when the most probable values of the sought parameters (origin time and earthquake focus coordinates) are not known.As an example of the algorithm application, the optimum distribution of seismic stations in the central district of the Lublin Coal Basin in Poland is given.  相似文献   

TheregionalcharacteristicsofseismicactivityinChinaZhen-LiangSHI,JianWANGandXiao-DongZHANG(时振梁,王健,张晓东)(InstituteofGeophysics,S...  相似文献   

通过分析地震数据EDAS Event格式与SEED格式在文件头与数据部分存储的特点与规律,利用Visual Basic语言研发地震波形数据处理软件.利用此软件,可以完成地震记录数据的格式转换,以及数据的抽取与合并,保证数据记录的连续与衔接,提高数据的连续性和利用价值.  相似文献   

Summary Seven optimal networks consisting of 4 to 10 stations are compared for a given region, where velocity-depth profiles and the distribution of seismic intensity are known. Assuming that the standard error of arrival time is t =0.05 s and the standard errors of the parameters of velocity-depth profiles are equal to 5% of their values, the average standard errors of the origin time and focus coordinates are estimated. The application of optimum methods to the planning of seismic networks in the Lublin Coal Basin is presented, and maps of standard errors of origin time , depth and epicenter ( xy ) for the case of an optimum network of 6 seismic stations are given.  相似文献   

We present a method to obtain spatial distributions of seismic anisotropy associated with regional stress and local faulting in the crust from wide-angle seismic data. The method contains three steps. The first step consists of obtaining radial- and transverse-component seismic sections using a pre-stack depth migration algorithm from the S-wave velocity model determined by conventional interpretation of picked intra-crustal seismic events. In the second step, we compute time delays between split shear-waves and polarizations of fast split shear-waves by minimizing the transverse-component seismic energy. The time delay and polarization in each layer are derived using a layer-stripping method. The final step is to estimate the average splitting parameters along the whole profile. Thus, the average time delay and polarization can be regarded as caused by the effects owing to regional structure and stress fields, whereas the residual values of the splitting parameters are considered to be related to local structures and local faulting. Our method allows us to construct multi-layer anisotropic images, which may later be interpreted in terms of intra-layer coupling/decoupling or deformation. We present results from a set of three-component seismic data acquired by a controlled source experiment in the southeast region of China. The results demonstrate that the average polarizations and time delays are consistent with the direction and strength of the stress field, and their lateral variations related to local anisotropy match the spatial distribution of surface faulting crossing the acquisition seismic profile.  相似文献   

对比福建数字地震台网测定的中国台湾中深源地震目录与中国台湾中央气象局公布的相应中深源地震目录,分析震源位置和发震时刻的差别情况,基本认为:福建台网测定中国台湾中深源地震的结果,在震中位置上,纬度偏大,即偏北;经度偏小,即偏向台网方向;采用单纯型方法定位的结果,发震时刻略偏小,震源深度偏小较多;用Locsat方法定位的结...  相似文献   

广西"十五"数字测震台网信道建设与系统集成   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过实施广西"十五"数字测震台网建设项目,在保证地震速报能力的前提下,根据广西区域数字测震台的布局,合理选择台站不同数据传输模式和台网集成方案,以取得系统的优良性价比.  相似文献   

Over the past nearly 20 years, there is a huge development in active fault database related technologies in China, mass of active fault data has provided us important basis for researching on earthquake and disaster reduction, etc. However, with the appearance of huge amount of active fault data, lots of problems have emerged, such as data redundancy, inefficient management and information islands, etc. One of the major reasons is lack of efficient method to share the active fault data we owned.By study and comparison, we find that WebGIS is a good solution to solve the problem of active fault data publishing and sharing. WebGIS has well combined the advantages of traditional GIS and internet technologies, it could also share geographic data quickly, provide abundant browsing, searching and analysis functions. Based on the project of "China Earthquake Active Fault Detection—The North China Tectonic Region", and taking the foundational database information sharing platform of the active fault detection and survey as an example, the paper introduces the key technologies of active fault data sharing platform with latest WebGIS technology. The sharing system, which employs ArcGIS Server 10.0 as the GIS server, and utilizes MS-Silverlight technology at the client side, makes use of three-layer architecture which is popular in current B/S mode. To guarantee the security of the database on the internet, data source in the backend of the system is a simplified version of the active fault database of the North China tectonic region. Finally, the system has realized the publishing and sharing of 1 ︰ 50000 active fault mapping and main geophysical survey lines in North China tectonic region, and moreover, it provides some conventional map operations as well as fault searching and locating functions.The wide use of active fault data decides the significance of sharing system. It is very convenient to use this lightweight data sharing system to provide important basis for relevant industries, such as urban planning, land use and engineering site option, etc.  相似文献   

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