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GeoJournal - Maize is one of the potential crops can help in regional food production with self-sufficiency of foods in the drought prone areas of East Java in Indonesia. The purpose of this...  相似文献   

Irregular patterns of precipitations from temporal as well as spatial perspectives not only cause destructions but also waste surface water resources. Hence, controlling surface water and leading the flood to underground stores improve the efficiency of water usage. Selecting appropriate sites for optimal use of water floods is one of the most important factors in recharging underground water tables in dry lands where the agricultural and rangelands are vulnerable. Traditional methods of site selections are, however, time consuming and error prone. This paper attempts to; analyze existing schemes of site selection; introduces an appropriate method of locating flood-spreading sites using Geospatial Information System; implements the strategy in a case study; and scientifically assesses its results. The study area of this research is Samal sub-basin covering 31571.7 ha of Ahrom basin in Boushehr province. In the present research, factors pertain to earth sciences (quaternary units, slope and landuse) and hydrology (runoff infiltration rate and aquifers’ depth) are considered. Information layers are weighted, classified and integrated through several models such as boolean logics, index overlay and fuzzy logics. The results are then checked against the existing sites to estimate their accuracy. The results of this research demonstrated that fuzzy logic operators including gamma=0.1, gamma=0.2 and products of fuzzy logics yield the best when compared to control fields and therefore, the models are introduced as the most suitable site selection strategies for flood spreading.  相似文献   

An approach is presented for the evaluation of groundwater potential using remote sensing, geographic information system, geoelectrical, and multi-criteria decision analysis techniques. The approach divides the available hydrologic and hydrogeologic data into two groups, exogenous (hydrologic) and endogenous (subsurface). A case study in Salboni Block, West Bengal (India), uses six thematic layers of exogenous parameters and four thematic layers of endogenous parameters. These thematic layers and their features were assigned suitable weights which were normalized by analytic hierarchy process and eigenvector techniques. The layers were then integrated using ArcGIS software to generate two groundwater potential maps. The hydrologic parameters-based groundwater potential zone map indicated that the ‘good’ groundwater potential zone covers 27.14% of the area, the ‘moderate’ zone 45.33%, and the ‘poor’ zone 27.53%. A comparison of this map with the groundwater potential map based on subsurface parameters revealed that the hydrologic parameters-based map accurately delineates groundwater potential zones in about 59% of the area, and hence it is dependable to a certain extent. More than 80% of the study area has moderate-to-poor groundwater potential, which necessitates efficient groundwater management for long-term water security. Overall, the integrated technique is useful for the assessment of groundwater resources at a basin or sub-basin scale.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis using remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS), in the recent study, has become an efficient method in the assessment of groundwater potential of a river basin. The present study focused on the morphometric analysis of Araniar river basin using RS and GIS techniques in the identification of groundwater potential zones for effective planning and management of groundwater resources of the basin. The study area was divided into six subbasins for the purpose of micro-level morphometric analysis. The main stream of the basin is of fifth order and drainage patterns of subbasins are mostly of dendritic and parallel type. Based on the linear, areal and relief parameters of subbasins, the groundwater potential zones of the basin were identified and the results substantiated with geomorphology map derived from RS data. The elongated shape, favourable drainage network, permeable geologic formation and low relief of the subbasins WS3, WS5 and WS6 make them the promising groundwater potential zones of Araniar river basin. The statistical analysis and overlay analysis of the morphometric parameters also indicated the subbasins WS3, WS5 and WS6 as high groundwater potential zones. The groundwater potential zone map when overlaid with groundwater fluctuation map indicated the suitable sites for artificial recharge structures.  相似文献   

The methodology for assessing the vegetation damaged by the Wenchuan earthquake by using the technologies of remote sensing and GIS was discussed in Dujiangyan city of Sichuan Province, China. The model of extracting vegetation from CBERS images was formulated using the differentiation knowledge of vegetation and non-vegetation discovered by image analysis and geographic analysis. The damage degree index (DDI) of the vegetation was defined here, which was the difference of the normalized difference vegetation index before the earthquake and that after earthquake. The China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS)-02’s images acquired, respectively, on 6 May and 27 June 2008, the model of extracting vegetation, and DDI were used to obtain the information about the area and degree of the damage vegetation in the study. There was 87.94 square kilometers vegetation damaged by Wenchuan earthquake, which accounted for 7.9% of the total area in Dujiangyan city. The area percentage of the damage vegetation in each grade related strongly and positively to the elevation grade and slope grade and weakly related to the aspect type. The distribution characteristics of the damage vegetation were useful for making plan of restoring vegetation here.  相似文献   

对地观测卫星遥感能够提供广泛可靠的空间信息,是洪水风险识别与动态模拟的重要支撑技术之一。为阐明卫星遥感技术对洪水研究的推动作用,回顾了洪水风险识别与动态模拟研究的发展历程及技术需求,以对地观测卫星遥感三大阶段的发展轨迹为主线,分析了遥感空间信息在洪水研究中的历史性贡献和阶段性效用,讨论总结了危险分区法、水文模型和微波遥感监测等3种洪水研究典型方法的应用进展。提出未来洪水风险识别与动态模拟研究的重点:遥感空间信息与模型算法的深度结合,遥感反演算法与系统的开发及应用,典型洪水研究方法集成系统的开发与应用,大数据方法与手段的应用。以期为提升洪水应急响应能力与灾害风险管理水平提供有效参考。  相似文献   

Hydrological parameters are among the widely used parameters in assessing flood risk. On the other hand, anticipated flood damages, in case of flooding, are estimated with the help of expected losses in areas nearer to the watercourse. The major source of almost every-year flooding in Pakistan is the Indus River system that comprises the major rivers of Pakistan. We first use observed data to construct simulated data models based on various probability distributions namely normal, lognormal, Weibull, largest extreme value, gamma-3, and log-Pearson type-3 distributions and thereby compute probable maximum flood. Secondly, we perform log-Pearson type-3 analysis with and without historic adjustment on the observed data series of 17 years to forecast floods with return periods T of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 years. We also categorize the river structures based on the risk of flooding. Lastly, we estimate risk of flood damages in terms of expected losses based on observed data. The present study reveals that the log-Pearson type-3 distribution is relatively better for estimating probable maximum flood. We use exceedence probability to assess the risk of flooding in the various structures of the said rivers. The analysis shows that flood damages in Pakistan may be reduced by increasing the design capacity of the structures and also by giving awareness to people about the flood-generating factors.  相似文献   

The frequency in occurrence and severity of floods has increased globally. However, many regions around the globe, especially in developing countries, lack the necessary field monitoring data to characterize flood hazard risk. This paper puts forward methodology for developing flood hazard maps that define flood hazard risk, using a remote sensing and GIS-based flood hazard index (FHI), for the Nyamwamba watershed in western Uganda. The FHI was compiled using analytical hierarchy process and considered slope, flow accumulation, drainage network density, distance from drainage channel, geology, land use/cover and rainfall intensity as the flood causative factors. These factors were derived from Landsat, SRTM and PERSIANN remote sensing data products, except for geology that requires field data. The resultant composite FHI yielded a flood hazard map pointing out that over 11 and 18% of the study area was very highly and highly susceptible to flooding, respectively, while the remaining area ranged from medium to very low risk. The resulting flood hazard map was further verified using inundation area of a historical flood event in the study area. The proposed methodology was effective in producing a flood hazard map at the watershed local scale, in a data-scarce region, useful in devising flood mitigation measures.  相似文献   

A practical, DEM-based practical method is proposed to enhance flood risk management in fluvial areas by quantifying relative risk as a function of vulnerability to inland and evacuation difficulty. Both measures are based mainly on the topography of the region, so the method does not require detailed data on the physical characteristics of the land. First, we use the deterministic 8-node method on a digital elevation map (DEM) to trace storm waterways. Second, we repeat the process on a reversed DEM to trace evacuation routes that avoid the waterways and zones dangerously close to the rivers. Finally, on the basis of such two flow lines of evacuee and storm water, we proposed the protocol to evaluate the flood risk at every point on the map taking into account both the minimum time required for floodwater to arrive and duration of an evacuation from that location. The time that must be allocated for safe evacuation is defined as the potential flood risk of evacuation (PFRE). The method is demonstrated on a fluvial area of the Kaki River in Nagaoka city, Japan. In addition, we illustrated the application of the PFRE map to divide the region into areas of greater or lesser evacuation urgency.  相似文献   

Glacial hazards relate to hazards associated with glaciers and glacial lakes in high mountain areas and their impacts downstream. The climatic change/variability in recent decades has made considerable impacts on the glacier life cycle in the Himalayan region. As a result, many big glaciers melted, forming a large number of glacial lakes. Due to an increase in the rate at which ice and snow melted, the accumulation of water in these lakes started increasing. Sudden discharge of large volumes of water with debris from these lakes potentially causes glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in valleys downstream. Outbursts from glacier lakes have repeatedly caused the loss of human lives as well as severe damage to local infrastructure. Monitoring of the glacial lakes and extent of GLOF impact along the downstream can be made quickly and precisely using remote sensing technique. A number of hydroelectric projects in India are being planned in the Himalayan regions. It has become necessary for the project planners and designers to account for the GLOF also along with the design flood for deciding the spillway capacity of projects. The present study deals with the estimation of GLOF for a river basin located in the Garwhal Himalaya, India. IRS LISSIII data of the years 2004, 2006 and 2008 have been used for glacial lake mapping, and a total of 91 lakes have been found in the year 2008, and out of these, 45 lakes are having area more than 0.01?km2. All the lakes have been investigated for vulnerability for potential bursting, and it was found that no lake is vulnerable from GLOF point of view. The area of biggest lake is 0.193, 0.199 and 0.203?km2 in the years 2004, 2006 and 2008, respectively. Although no lake is potentially hazardous, GLOF study has been carried out for the biggest lake using MIKE 11 software. A flood of 100-year return period has been considered in addition to GLOF. The flood peak at catchment outlet comes out to be 993.74, 1,184.0 and 1,295.58 cumec due to GLOF; 3,274.74, 3,465.0 and 3,576.58 cumec due to GLOF; and 100-year return flood together considering breach width of 40, 60 and 80?m, respectively.  相似文献   

Building seismic vulnerability assessment plays an important role in formulating pre-disaster mitigation strategies for developing countries. The occurrence of high-resolution satellite sensors has greatly motivated it by providing a promising approach to obtain building information. However, this also brings a big challenge to the accurate building extraction and its coherent integration with the assessment model. The main objective of this paper is to investigate how to extract building attributes from high-resolution remote sensing imagery using the object-based image analysis (OBIA) method, so as to accurately and conveniently assess building seismic vulnerability by the combination of in situ field data. A general framework for the assessment of building seismic vulnerability is presented, including (1) the extraction of building information using OBIA, (2) building height estimation, and (3) the support vector machine (SVM)-based building seismic vulnerability assessment. Particularly, an integrated solution is proposed that merges the strengths of multiple spatial contextual relationships and some typical image object measures, under the unified framework to improve building information extraction at different scale levels as well as for different interest objects. With the aid of 35 building samples from two powerful earthquakes in China, the cloud-free WorldView-2 images and some building structure parameters from field survey were used to quantity the grades of building seismic vulnerability in Wuhan Optics Valley, China. The results show that all 48 buildings among the study area have been well detected with an overall accuracy of 80.67 % and the mean error of heights estimated from building shadow is less than 2 m. This indicates that the integrated analysis strategy based on OBIA is suitable for extracting the building information from high-resolution remote sensing imagery. Additionally, the assessment results using SVM show that the building seismic vulnerability is statistically significantly related to structure types and building heights. Both the proposed OBIA method and its integration strategy with SVM are easily implemented and provide readily interpretable assessment results for building seismic vulnerability. This reveals that the proposed method has a great potential to assist urban planners for making local disaster mitigation planning through the prioritization of intervention measures, such as the reinforcement of walls and the dismantlement of endangered houses.  相似文献   

Knowledge of Himalayan cryosphere seems to be an outstanding requirement for assessment of glacier storage, water balance analysis, planning of water resources and flood hazard monitoring. A stepwise approach through mapping glaciers and glacial lakes using satellite remote sensing data and investigating potential glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) hazards was adopted for the three Hindukush, Karakoram and Himalayan (HKH) ranges of Pakistan. The findings of the study revealed 5,218 glaciers in the cryosphere of HKH ranges. The cumulative glacial cover of over 15,000 km2 contains ice reserves of about 2,738 km3. About 46 % of the Karakoram glaciers are contributing 77 % to the total glacial cover and 87 % to the cumulative ice reserves of the country. The 33 % Himalayan glaciers and 21 % Hindukush glaciers contribute only 3 and 10 % ice reserves, respectively. Among 2,420 glacial lakes identified in the three HKH ranges, 52 were classified as critical lakes that can pose GLOF hazard for the downstream communities. Most of the potential hazardous lakes lie in the Karakoram and Himalayan ranges, the monitoring of which is crucial to reduce high risk of future floods hazard in this fragile mountain ecosystem of the Himalayan region.  相似文献   

Since 1990, Mongolia has experienced a radical change away from centralized livestock production to more traditional rangeland management practices. As the herders now have increased access to the pastures, they need to be able to evaluate the sustainable level of exploitation of the rangeland. This paper demonstrates how pertinent information on the state of the rangeland resources can be made available to herdsmen by using a Geographical Information System (GIS). The focus is on the importance of having a sound data and information framework when assessing rangeland resources. The three main requirements are: first, knowledge of the production system; second, a natural resource inventory; and third, an assessment of the natural resource exploitation. Workshops held in the field brought together herdsmen, administrators, scientists and project personnel to identify and discuss issues of range management. From topographic maps, a digital elevation model was created using GIS, which together with a recent land-cover map elaborated from a SPOT satellite image made it possible to map the important areas suitable for winter grazing. The exact locations of the family winter settlements were recorded and linked to annual livestock statistics using GIS to identify the areas being grazed and to calculate the stocking rates by household. It was shown for the administrative unit of Arbayasgalan that the ratio of stocking rates to carrying capacity exceeded one, which indicates overstocking. However, the uneven distribution of grazing pressure over the study area enabled the proposal of actions to mitigate serious overgrazing. A discussion of range management practices was facilitated by providing the herdsmen with information on the extent and location of the problem. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Natural hazards such as earthquakes threaten millions of people all around the world. In a few decades, most of these people will live in fast-growing, inter-connected urban environments. Assessing risk will, therefore, be an increasingly difficult task that will require new, multidisciplinary approaches to be tackled properly. We propose a novel approach based on different imaging technologies and a Bayesian information integration scheme to characterize exposure and vulnerability models, which are among the key components of seismic risk assessment.  相似文献   

The natural resources are considered more efficient and appropriate for necessary survey and investigation for the assessment, subsequent planning and implementation of various developmental programmes. Hence, it is necessary to increase the land and water resources levels for future demands. Morphometric, land use/land cover and hydrogeomorphic analyses have been carried out by visual interpretation method of remote sensing data of IRS, 1D-LISS III and IRS, P6-LISS III, and FCCs of band combination 2, 3 and 4. The interpreted data is supplemented as well as cross checked by field visits. The remote sensing and GIS tool could be helpful in getting the precise and valuable spatial information in understanding the present scenario contemplating with the past data and predicting the future trends. Morphometric analysis was done to determine the drainage characteristics of Bankukara watershed. The drainage pattern of the study area is predominantly dendritic to sub-dendritic in nature; however, locally structurally controlled drainage pattern is also seen. The development of stream segments is affected by slope and local relief. The bifurcation ratio indicates that the drainage pattern is structurally controlled. The land use/land cover change detection for 2001 and 2005 showed an increase in uncultivated land by 1.37%, dense forest by 0.17%, wasteland by 1.46% and rock quarry by 0.10%. There has been a decrease in the area under cultivated land by 1.99%, open forest by 0.12%, open scrub by 0.54% and water body by 0.40%. Hydrogeomorphic units identified through visual interpretation of FCC include alluvial plain, valley fills, plateau, buried pediment, pediments and intermontane. Based on land use/land cover change detection and hydrogeomorphological mapping, the Bankukara watershed has qualitatively been categorized into four groundwater potential zones, viz. good to very good, moderate to good, poor to moderate and very poor to poor.  相似文献   

遥感与GIS技术在生态环境脆弱性评价中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章远钰  李远华 《世界地质》2009,28(2):249-253
为探讨生态环境脆弱性评价与遥感、GIS之间的关系, 在解读生态环境脆弱性评价的基础上, 从理论与应用两个方面展开分析。研究表明: 遥感、GIS技术可在模型建立、技术支持、数据源提供和展示平台构建等方面为生态环境脆弱性评价提供强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The sustainable development and management of groundwater resource needs quantitative assessment, based on scientific principle and recent techniques. In the present study, groundwater potential zone is being determined using remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques using various thematic layers viz. geomorphology, geology, drainage density, slope, rainfall, soil texture, groundwater depth, soil depth, lineament and land use/ land cover. The Analytic Hierarchy Approach (AHP) is used to determine the weights of various themes for identifying the groundwater potential zone based on weights assignment and normalization with respect to the relative contribution of the different themes to groundwater occurrence. Finally, obtained groundwater potential zones were classified into five categories, viz. low, medium, medium-high, high and very high potential zone. The result depicts the groundwater potential zone in the study area and found to be helpful in better development and management planning of groundwater resource.  相似文献   

Water is a fluctuating resource making it difficult to measure in time and in space. To demonstrate the efficiency of the geographic information system (GIS) for groundwater studies, information on the parameters controlling groundwater such as lithology, geomorphology and lineament analysis were analyzed. LISS-III and Landsat satellite image of the area was used to infer information on the geologic lineaments and geomorphology. To delineate linear features enhancement and direction, filtering was performed on single bands of Landsat images. Thematic maps for geology, slope, geomorphology and lineament were prepared and integrated in GIS by assigning the weights and ranking to various parameters controlling the occurrence of groundwater to generate the groundwater potential map for the study area. The results indicate that the floodplain of river and its adjoining areas have very good groundwater potential, whereas the steeply sloping area in the northern part having high relief and slope possesses poor groundwater potential.  相似文献   

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