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近断层强地震动的研究是跨越理论地震学和地震工程学的重要课题,是强地面运动研究的主要内容之一,是造成建筑物破坏的主要动力,造成一系列地质灾害,人员伤亡的主要原因,也是保障人类社会稳定和发展、减少地震灾害的迫切需求.因此,地震动的研究具有重要意义,而地震方向性效应是近场地震动的一个典型特征,因此,地震方向性效应的研究尤为重要.  相似文献   

利用方向性函数确定地震破裂特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文给出了一种确定地震破裂特征的新方法。定义1与台2的P波振幅谱之比为方向性函数DG=|u1(w)|/|u2(w)|,比较记录DG曲线与理论DG曲线可以同时得到双侧破裂的两个不同方向的破裂长度之比,以及破裂面相对于台1的两个可能的方位角。  相似文献   

近断层地震动是造成近断层区工程结构破坏的重要因素,近断层地震动的特征受到诸多因素的影响,其中断层破裂传播的方向性是影响近断层地震动及其分布特征的关键因素之一。方向性效应的影响因素众多,比如断层破裂的速度、破裂的方向、断层的倾角、震源的深度、破裂的模式、破裂起始位置以及断层面上的局部震源参数等。但是这些参数是如何影响方向性效应的呢?特别是一般认为断层的破裂速度接近于剪切波传播速度时,会产生明显的方向性效应,但是当破裂速度超过剪切波传播速度时是否会产生方向性效应?如果存在,又会对近断层地震动的特征产生如何影响?为了回答这些问题,本研究首先分析了方向性效应的相关概念,接着采用数值方法模拟了各种震源相关参数的变化对方向性效应的影响,并且对模拟结果和实际近断层强地震动的方向性特征进行了分析,最后专门研究了地震破裂过程中的超剪切破裂现象及其对近断层地震动方向性效应的影响。研究时分别从地震动的加速度、速度和位移三方面,系统地分析了其三分量的峰值、频谱和持时特征,研究的主要内容和结论如下:  相似文献   

基于2021年云南漾濞MS6.4地震序列的强震动记录,建立了地震动参数预测方程,采用破裂方向性效应拟合方法估计了强震动记录丰富且空间分布均匀的九次地震的震源破裂方向性特征.结果表明:其中的四次地震(1号、4号、8号、9号)表现出破裂方向性效应,且均为不均匀双侧破裂,但优势破裂方向不同(4号和8号为东南向,1号西北向,9号西南向),说明2021年漾濞地震序列的地震破裂较为复杂;由于主震(4号地震)的破裂速度较慢(约为2.2 km/s),其破裂方向性效应较弱且主要对峰值速度有影响,其它三次地震破裂方向性效应十分显著,破裂速度大于主震;此外,四次地震的破裂方向性效应还存在一定的周期相关性.  相似文献   

以台湾集集地震的近断层地震动记录TCU051-EW、TCU052-EW、TCU054-EW、TCU068-EW、TCU068-NS、TCU082-EW作为输入,使用有限差分程序FLAC对北京市拱形断面结构形式的单层三跨典型地铁车站进行了水平向弹塑性动力时程分析,研究了近断层地震动破裂向前方向性与滑冲效应引起的两种不同形...  相似文献   

2016年1月21日青海省门源县发生MS6.4级地震,震中及周围地区震感明显,大量房屋损坏.虽然地震发生在人烟稀少地区但仍有9人受伤.本文开展了门源地震震源参数及破裂过程参数的研究,以期为理解门源地震的发震机理,完善震中区域震后灾害评估体系,进一步探究中等强度逆冲地震的破坏程度空间分布等提供基础信息.首先,利用青海、甘...  相似文献   

采用动力学震源模型,运用谱元法模拟走滑断层单、双侧破裂模式的地面运动,分析模拟2种模式下地震动的方向性效应和脉冲效应,并对比分析2种模式下断层破裂速度、滑移量与滑移速率的异同。研究结果表明:单、双侧破裂模式下的FN分量PGV均表现出明显的方向性效应,而FP分量的PGV方向性效应不明显,且单侧破裂较双侧破裂的地震动方向性效应强;单侧破裂较双侧破裂更易产生脉冲效应,脉冲效应随断层距的增加而减小,表现为脉冲峰值Vp与脉冲周期Tp的减小;脉冲效应与方向性效应的出现使地震动的低频含量提高,且这种效应也将随断层距的增加而减小;单、双侧破裂模式断层的破裂速度与滑移量无明显差异,而最大滑移速率表现出方向性效应,且单侧破裂较双侧破裂明显。  相似文献   

杨迪雄  赵岩 《地震学报》2010,32(5):579-587
选择台湾集集地震和美国北岭地震的近断层地震动记录作为输入,考察了近断层地震动破裂向前方向性与滑冲效应引起的两种不同速度脉冲运动对单自由度体系和长周期橡胶支座隔震建筑结构抗震性能的影响.反应谱分析表明,破裂向前方向性与滑冲效应对工程结构地震响应的影响是随结构周期变化的.在中短周期段,含破裂向前方向性效应地震动的谱加速度值大于含滑冲效应地震动的谱加速度值;而在长周期段,含滑冲效应地震动的谱加速度大于含破裂向前方向性效应的谱加速度值.并且,与无脉冲地震动作用相比,含破裂向前方向性与滑冲效应脉冲的近断层地震动作用下隔震建筑的地震响应显著增大.滑冲效应引起的速度脉冲使隔震建筑底部的层间变形和楼层剪力明显增大,这意味着滑冲效应脉冲比向前方向性效应脉冲对长周期建筑结构的破坏更具危害性.  相似文献   

2017年8月9日的新疆精河MS6.6地震是近年来天山北缘发生的最大地震,震中位于由多条逆冲断层组成的库松木契克断裂带内.由于震源较深、构造形变复杂、区域地震台站相对稀疏,仅根据震源机制解、余震分布和InSAR观测结果等难以直接判定发震构造.本文针对倾滑型地震发展了一种基于区域地震波形的破裂方向性测定方法,利用余震作为参考地震进行路径校正,根据主震和参考地震的波形时移差和Pn-Pg到时差分别确定主震在水平方向和深度方向的破裂尺度,进而推断同震破裂的延展方向和延伸尺度.本文在反演了主震的点源参数后,应用新发展的方法测定了地震的破裂方向性.点源反演结果显示,精河地震是一个发生在中地壳的高角度逆冲地震,矩震级约6.2,质心深度21km,震源持续时间5.5s,两个双力偶节面分别为102°/45°/106°(NP1)和259°/47°/74°(NP2).破裂方向性分析结果显示,地震的破裂面为南倾的NP1节面,地震沿着破裂起始点向西南方向、向下破裂,总破裂长度约11.5km,其中,沿深度的破裂范围约7km,沿水平的破裂范围约9km,平均破裂速度约2.1km·s-1.综合区域地质资料、卫星影像等判定本次地震的发震断层为精河南断层,地震可能只破裂了断层的下段(17~25km),并未破出地表.  相似文献   

破裂扩展方向是影响地震引发地震动方式的重要因素。因此,表征促进潜在破裂扩展方向的因素是极其重要的。本文分析了加州帕克菲尔德附近圣安德烈斯断层上反复发生的地震序列的地震方向性。同一序列中的所有地震都有非常相似的波形并有重叠的地表破裂。我们说明,普通序列地震之间传递函数的微妙变化可以被认为是视破裂持续时间的改变。计算了所有可用台站的成对地震事件以及每个序列的相对视破裂持续时间。我们反演这些测量结果,得到了序列中各单一事件相对于参考事件的视破裂持续时间的估计值。视破裂持续时间随方位的变化证实了破裂方向性。我们说明,大多数所分析的微震显示为东南向破裂。我们还说明,在给定的重复序列中,大多数地震往往显示出相同的破裂方向。  相似文献   

The effect of seismic super-shear rupture on the directivity of ground motions using simulated accelerations of a vertical strike-slip fault model is the topic of this study. The discrete wave number/finite element method was adopted to calculate the ground motion in the horizontal layered half space. An analysis of peak ground acceleration (PGA) indicates that similar to the sub-shear situation, directivity also exists in the super-shear situation. However, there are some differences as tbllows: (1) The PGA of the fault-normal component decreases with super-shear velocity, and the areas that were significantly affected by directivity in the PGA field changed from a cone-shaped region in the forward direction in a sub-shear situation to a limited near-fault region in a super-shear situation. (2) The PGA of the fault-parallel and vertical component is not as sensitive as the fault-normal component to the increasing super-shear velocity. (3) The PGA of the fault-normal component is not always greater than the fault-parallel component when the rupture velocity exceeds the shear wave velocity.  相似文献   

Many destructive earthquakes happened in Tehran, Iran in the last centuries. The existence of active faults like the North Tehran is the main cause of seismicity in this city. According to past investigations, it is estimated that in the scenario of activation of the North Tehran fault, many structures in Tehran will collapse. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the near field rupture directivity effects of this fault into the seismic hazard assessment of important sites in Tehran. In this study, using calculations coded in MATLAB,Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis(PSHA) is conducted for an important site in Tehran. Following that, deaggregation technique is performed on PSHA and the contribution of seismic scenarios to hazard is obtained in the range of distance and magnitude. After identifying the North Tehran fault as the most hazardous source affecting the site in 10000-year return period, rupture directivity effects of this fault is incorporated into the seismic hazard assessment using Somerville et al.(1997) model with broadband approach and Shahi and Baker(2011) model with narrowband approach. The results show that the narrowband approach caused a 27% increase in the peak of response spectrum in 10000-year return period compared with the conventional PSHA. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate the near fault rupture directivity effects into the higher levels of seismic hazard assessment attributed to important sites.  相似文献   

We derive the relative moment rate function for the shocks with Mw > 5 in the 1997-98 central Italy seismic sequence, started with the Mw = 5.7, 09/26/97 00:33 event, by applying an empirical Green functionmethod. By using three conveniently placed broadband MedNet stations we obtain apparent source time functions indicating clear directivity effects for all of the analysed earthquakes, with rupture propagation generally directed outward from the epicentral area of the09/03/97 foreshock sequence. Taking a simple source model, forward modeling is utilized for determining fault parameters such as length, rupture propagation velocity and direction and, for the three major events,slip distribution. The effects of the break propagation directions onthe sequence evolution is discussed. A possible inconsistencyresults for the shallow 04/03/98 shock, which could be avoided if alink with the deep 03/26/98 event is assumed.Our analysis evidences the importance of a quick determination for the fault parameters in order to image the possible induction of fracturing on nearby structures.  相似文献   

A random synthesis procedure based on finite fault model is adopted for near field strong ground motion simulation in this paper.The fault plane of the source is divided into a number of sub-sources,the whole moment magnitude is also divided into more sub-events.The Fourier spectrum of ground motion caused by a sub-event in given sub-source,then can be derived by means of taking the point source spectrum,attenuation with distance,energy dissipation,and near surface effect,into account.A time history is synthesized from this amplitude spectrum and a random phase spectrum,and being combined with an envelope function.The ground motion is worked out by superposition of all time histories from each sub-event in each sub-source,with time lags determining by the differences between the triggering times of sub-events and ddistances of the sub-sources.From the example of simulations at 21 near field points in a scenario earthquake with 4 dip angles of the fault plane,it is illustrated that the procedure can describe the rupture directivity and hanging wall effect very well.To validate the procedure,the response spectra and time histories recorded at three near fault stations MCN,LV3 and PCD during the Northridge earthquake in 1994,are compared with the simulated ones.  相似文献   

The choice of spatial grid size has been being a crucial issue in all kinds of numerical algorithms. By using BIEM (Boundary Integral Equation Method) to calculate the rupture process of a planar fault embedded in an isotropic and homogeneous full space with simple discretization scheme,this paper focuses on what grid size should be applied to control the error as well as maintaining the computing efficiency for different parameter combinations of (Dc,Te),where Dc is the critical slip-weakening dis-tance and Te is the initial stress on the fault plane. We have preliminarily found the way of properly choosing the spatial grid size,which is of great significance in the computation of seismic source rup-ture process with BIEM.  相似文献   

The earthquake was modeled using regional broad-band stations in Greece (epicentral distances up to 340 km). Inversion of the amplitude spectra of complete waveforms (0.05–0.08 Hz), later confirmed by the forward waveform modeling, provided strike = 150°, dip = 70°, rake = 10°, scalar moment M o = 4.1e18 Nm, and depth of 8 km. As the aftershock distribution had the same strike, the earthquake was interpreted as a left-lateral strike slip. The fault length was estimated by combining observed mainshock spectra and synthetic spectra of a weak event, representing impulse response of the medium. This gave the fault length estimate of 16 to 24 km. Similar results were obtained by means of a true M w = 5 aftershock. The waveform modeling (0.05–0.20 Hz) was performed for the 20 × 10 km finite-extent fault, with a homogenous slip of 0.63 m. It showed that the rupture propagation along the 150° strike was predominantly unilateral, from NW to SE.  相似文献   

刘启明  陈晓非 《地震学报》2008,30(5):449-455
离散化网格的空间步长选取在各种数值算法中都是一个很受关注的问题,在全空间均匀介质模型和简单离散化方案下,利用边界积分方程方法研究在自发破裂求解过程中动力学参数组合Dc和Te (Dc为临界滑动弱化位移,Te为有效的断层破裂面上的初始应力)对计算网格划分的影响,初步得到了Dc和Te参数空间中的有效计算网格的选取规律,对合理、有效地运用边界积分方程方法计算地震震源的破裂过程具有重要的指导意义.   相似文献   

While strong directivity effects have been mostly recognized in Mw > 6.5 earthquakes, the paper investigates the case of a strong such effect in a relatively small‐magnitude event on 3 February 2014 in the island of Cephalonia, Greece. The second of two events (both of Mw ≈ 6) produced a pernicious accelerogram in the region's main town, Lixouri. The paper provides evidence from geology, interferometry, and seismology to convince that the motion was the result of constructive interference in front of the direction of rupture of the obliquely‐strike‐slip fault. The nature of the record is explored to demonstrate that its frequency content, its high velocity pulse, and its strong fault‐normal (FN) favorable polarity are associated with directivity. Moreover, the broad spectral acceleration peak (of 1.7 g) of the FN motion, centered at a period (T ≈ 1.4 s) which almost coincides with the period of the velocity pulse, is shown to have also been affected by soil amplification, in quantitative agreement with Bray et al. (2009). Such a directivity‐and‐soil‐affected motion explains much of the profound damage to monuments, slopes, and harbor quaywalls. In particular, toppling (as well as excessive rotation and sliding) of nearly‐all the tombstones in Lixouri cemetery are shown to correlate well with characteristics of the FN component of motion. By contrast, the excellent performance of the building stock — despite the destructive shaking that prevailed — is persuasively attributed to conservatively‐robust construction practices of the past and the high base shear coefficient of the strict latest (2000) seismic code. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

震源时间函数与震源破裂过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了现代数字地震学的两个重要概念。一个是震源时间函数,另一个是地震震源的时空破裂过程。首先,从地震断层位移表示定量出发,介绍震源时间函数和震源破裂过程的基本概念。然后,分别介绍两种从远场地震记录中提取震源时间函数和获取有限断层面上时空破裂过程图像的反演方法。  相似文献   


中小地震破裂方向性研究在确定实际发震面以及地震灾害评估中具有非常重要的意义.本文以2008年8月30日攀枝花MS6.1地震为研究实例, 以较小余震作为经验格林函数地震, 利用表观震源时间函数随台站方位角变化特性, 确定了主震的破裂方向、破裂尺度以及破裂速度, 验证了该方法的适用性和可行性.研究结果表明, 主震的破裂方向为几乎正南的184°, 破裂长度8.05 km, 破裂速度3.35 km·s-1, 进一步确认了主震震源机制解其中沿南北向的节面是地震实际发震面, 主震在水平方向沿着南北向元谋断裂从北往南破裂.攀枝花地震震源破裂速度接近地壳剪切波速度, 这可能是造成此次地震虽然震级不大但破坏性严重的重要原因.本文综合分析主震的矩心深度、震源机制解、破裂方向性以及构造应力背景等信息, 探讨了地震发生的破裂过程以及灾害严重的原因.


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