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In the western part of the Cantabrian Zone, Carlés gold mineralization is related to an igneous stock of granodioritic composition which intruded into devonian limestones, forming a well-developed exo-skarn and quantitatively less important endo-skarn. The skarn is characterized by the presence of garnet, pyroxenes, amphiboles, layers of hornfels corresponding to pelitic intercalations, and a number of opaque oxides and sulfides. Gold inclusions in arsenic minerals are present in quartzveins occurring in the skarn and in the granodiorite, but gold-rich zones are limited to the skarn. The crystallization temperature of arsenopyrite is coherent with T-P conditions (T = 460°C, P = 2200 bars) deduced from intersections of isochores of aqueous and carbonic fluid inclusions studied in samples of cogenetic quartz.  相似文献   

Examination of geochemical exploration data accumulated in France over a period of almost 20 years has led to detailed consideration of the relationship between anomalies and mineral deposits.Geochemical anomalies associated with sulphide mineralizations seem to follow several general rules i.e. Ag and Pb are almost systematically present, As is very frequent, while Cu and Sb may also be present. The behaviour of Zn seems to be controlled by the lithological character of the host rock with anomalies in carbonate media even for occurrences without economic interest and an absence of anomalies in non-carbonate media, even for Zn deposits of considerable size. Moreover, the contents of this element are greatly amplified by contamination from old workings. The abundance (or scarcity) of supergene minerals in the occurrences directly influences the nature of the anomalies. Lead anomalies frequently correspond to the presence of Pb oxides such as pyromorphite while Zn anomalies derive from Zn oxides which are much more common in carbonate media (smithsonite-hydrozincite) than in schistose host rock. High Cu and As contents are most frequently linked to the presence of “ferruginous fragments” (gossans) derived from sulphides. As a general rule, the various geochemical peculiarities or associations encountered in soils are very much similar to those of the oxidized part of the deposits.We are therefore led to assume that, contrary to the usual conceptions, superficial dispersion is basically mechanical and that the anomalies detected near mineralizations are due to the presence in the soils of supergene minerals, gossan microfragments and more or less mineralised rock debris, etc. Mechanical migration of this kind can be explained by the existence in France during the Pleistocene of cold climates of the tundra type with associated permafrost. The thawing in summer of the superficial part of the frozen overburden resulted in massive downslope solifluction favoring mechanical migration over distances in the order of 100 m and contributing to the surface dispersal of the mineralizations. These phenomena are extremely important for geochemical exploration because they allow and justify the use of large grids (200 m × 200 m or even 400 m × 400 m) during soil surveys at least at the initial stage of prospecting on areas of several square kilometers.These conclusions are valid not only for France but for all regions with the same paleoclimate. These form a belt bounded to the north by glacial formations linked to ancient inland ice and to the south by the maximum extension of Pleistocene permafrost, including, in particular, the north of the United States and Central Europe. This paleo-climate belt characterized by traces of solifluction constitutes a well-defined unit in which geochemical prospecting has proved itself extremely effective.  相似文献   

The Sukumaland Greenstone Belt (new name), which is located in north-western Tanzania hosts a large number of gold deposits, prospects and occurrences. The Archean stratigraphy comprises an older basement of granitic gneisses (Dodoman System) overlain by mafic and ultramafic volcanics which are succeeded by felsic volcanic rocks and a banded iron formation (BIF), predominantly as oxide facies. The volcanics and BIF together make up the Nyanzian System. The uppermost part of the Archean stratigraphy (Kavirondian System) consists of conglomerates and quartzites which rest unconformably on the older units. The sequence has been intruded by both syn- and post-orogenic granitoids and by several generations of felsic and intermediate dykes and sills. Gold mineralisation is abundant in all stratigraphic units except for the granitic rocks. Six types of mineralisation can be distinguished. These are BIF-hosted, hear zone type, (quartz-) vein type, clastic sedimenthosted alluvial/eluvial, and massive sulphide type deposits. The last is represented by only one deposit in this area.The location of the BIF-hosted gold mineralisation is controlled by trachytic rocks of both dyke- and sill-like appearance and brecciated shear zones which follow the contacts between BIF and intercalations of tuff. The host rocks around these trachytes and shear zones have been pervasively mineralised with pyrite, auriferous pyrite and native gold, selectively replacing magnetite layers.The mineralisation grades from massively replaced layers at the trachyte/BIF- or tuff/BIF-contact into disseminated layers, rare specks of pyrite and eventually into barren BIF. Permeable features such as veins, fractures, breccia zones and shear zones may contain mineralisation even away from the main ore zones.Ore textures and fire assay results from Geita and Jubilee Reef indicate the introduction of ore fluids via epigenetic conduits into the adjacent wall rocks. Neither a depletion halo in the adjacent BIF (lateral secretion) nor a zone of footwall alteration or stringer ore, which might support a syngenetic/replacement concept for the mineralisation have been found.The main precipitating mechanism was probably a redox reaction of the ascending, reducing ore fluids with the magnetite of the BIF. This reaction resulted in the replacement of magnetite by pyrite, a rise in Eh, and the precipitation of gold together with the pyrite. The authors propose an epigenetic mineralisation process which produced ore-grade mineralisation of different styles in all stratigraphic units. The special physico-chemical trap of the magnetite layers led to the development of pyrite/gold mineralisation of generally stratabound appearance. The ore fluids originated probably from granitic intrusions and the underlying mafic volcanics are a possible gold source. For textural reasons the surrounding BIF is unlikely to have supplied a major portion of the gold.
Zusammenfassung Der Sukumaland Greenstone Belt (neuer Name) im Nordwesten Tanzanias beherbergt eine große Zahl von Goldvorkommen unterschiedlicher wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Die Archaische Stratigraphie umfaßt ein aus granitischem Gneiss bestehendes Grundgebirge (Dodoman-System), auf dem mafische und ultramafische Vulkanite ruhen, die wiederum von felsischen Vulkaniten und hauptsächlich oxydischer banded iron formation (BIF) überlagert werden. Diese Vulkanit- und BIF-Serien stellen die stratigraphische Einheit des Nyanzian-Systems dar. Der Top der Archaischen Stratigraphie wird von Konglomeraten und Quarziten des Kavirondian gebildet, welches diskordant auf den älteren Einheiten liegen. Synund postorogene Granitoide sowie mehrere Generationen von felsischen und intermediären Gängen sind in die Archaische Abfolge intrudiert.Goldindikationen und -vorkommen sind relativ häufig und treten in allen stratigraphischen Einheiten mit Ausnahme der Granitoide auf. Dabei lassen sich sechs Typen von Goldmineralisationen unterscheiden; diese sind: Gold in BIF, in Scherzonen, in Goldquarzgängen, in klastischen Archaischen Sedimenten, in Alluvionen und in massiven Sulfiden. Vom letztgenannten Typ ist bisher lediglich ein Vorkommen im Untersuchungsgebiet bekannt. Die Position der Goldmineralisation in den BIFs wird von trachitischen Dykes und Sills sowie von Scherzonen im Kontaktbereich zwischen BIF und Tuffeinschaltungen kontrolliert. Die Kontaktbereiche zu den brekziierten Scherzonen und trachytischen Gesteinen sind stark mineralisiert, wobei Pyrit, goldhaltiger Pyrit und Freigold selektiv Magnetitlagen verdrängt und sulfidisiert haben.Der Verdrängungsprozeß Magnetit/Pyrit hat im direkten Kontaktbereich zwischen Trachit bzw. Tuffzwischenlagen und BIF zur Bildung von massiven Pyrit-Lagen geführt. Lateral gehen diese massiv sulfidisierten Bereiche in Lagen von Magnetit mit disseminierter Pyritmineralisation über, weiter distal in vereinzelte Pyritkörner und schließlich in sulphidfreie Oxydfazies-BIF. Außerhalb dieser mineralisierten Kon taktzonen, teilweise in erheblichem Abstand zur Hauptmineralisation, enthalten auch Bereiche erhöhter (tektonischer) Permeabilität, wie z. B. kleine Trümer, Klüfte, Brekzien- und Scherzonen, stellenweise reiche Pyrit/Gold-Mineralisationen.Untersuchungen von Erzverteilung und -texturen sowie Goldanalysen (fire assay) von Geita und Jubilee Reef belegen eine Wanderung der Erzlösungen durch epigenetische Strukturen in die Magnetitlagen des umgebenden Gesteins. Es konnten weder Zeichen für Lateralsekretion — vom umliegenden Gestein in Erzzonen oder Goldquarzgänge — noch eine Alterationszone im stratigraphisch Liegenden festgestellt werden; beide Phänomene wären deutliche Argumente für ein syngenetisches Konzept (mit teilweiser späterer Umverteilung der Mineralisation). Die Verteilungsmuster der Goldgehalte sprechen gegen eine intraformationelle Herkunft des Goldes.Der Hauptausfällungsmechanismus dürfte eine Redoxreaktion der aufsteigenden reduzierten Erzlösungen mit den Magnetitlagen der BIF gewesen sein. Diese Redoxreaktion hatte die Verdrängung des Magnetit durch Pyrit (Sulfidisierung) sowie eine drastische Erhöhung des Eh-Wertes zur Folge und bedingte so die Ausfällung des Goldes zusammen mit dem Pyrit.Ein epigenetischer Mineralisationsprozeß führte zur Bildung reicher Goldvererzungen unterschiedlicher Typen in sämtlichen stratigraphischen Einheiten. Innerhalb der BIF bedingte die spezielle physiko-chemische Falle der Magnetitlagen die Bildung schichtgebundener Pyrit/Goldmineralisation epigenetischen Ursprungs. Die Erzlösungen stammten vermutlich von granitischen Intrusionen wobei die mafischen Vulkanite des tieferen Nyanzian als naheliegende Lieferanten des Goldes in Betracht kommen.

Résumé Le «Sukumaland Greenstone Belt» (nouveau nom), situé dans le nord-ouest de la Tanzanie, renferme un grand nombre de venues aurifères, d'importances économiques diverses. Au point de vue stratigraphique, l'Archéen comprend un socle ancien de gneiss granitiques (Système de Dodoman), surmonté de volcanites mafiques à ultramafiques auxquelles succèdent des volcanites felsitiques et une formation ferrugineuse rubanée (BIF = banded iron formation) de faciès essentiellement oxydé. L'ensemble des volcanites de la BIF constitue le Système Nyanzien. La partie supérieure de l'Archéen (Système Kavirondien) consiste en conglomérats et quartzites discordants sur les unités plus anciennes. Le tout a été intrudé par des granitoïdes syn- et post-orogéniques et par plusieurs générations de dykes et sills felsitiques et intermédiaires. La minéralisation en or est abondante dans toutes les unités stratigraphiques, à l'exception des roches granitiques. On peut distinguer six types de minéralisations: celles qui sont contenues dans la BIF, celles qui sont associées à des shear-zones, à des veines de quartz, des paléo-placers, des minéralisations alluviales et éluviales et un type à sulfures massifs, ce dernier représenté seulement par un seul exemplaire.L'emplacement des minéralisations contenues dans la BIF est en relation avec la présence de roches trachytiques en sills ou en dykes et avec des shear-zones bréchiées qui jalonnent le contact entre la BIF et des intercalations de tuf. Les rocheshôtes au voisinage de ces trachytes et de ces shear-zones ont été imprégnées de pyrite, de pyrite aurifère et d'or natif, qui ont remplacé sélectivement les lits de magnétite. Il existe tous les intermédiaires entre les lits remplacés massivement aux contacts trachyte/BIF ou tuf/BIF, les lits à pyrites éparses et les lits stériles. En dehors, et même assez loin de ces zones de contact favorables, des concentrations minéralisées se rencontrent en des endroits perméables, tels que veines, fractures, zones bréchiques et shear-zones.Les textures des minerais ainsi que les analyses (fire assay) du «Geita and Jubilee reef» montrent l'envahissement des roches adjacentes par des solutions minéralisantes circulant dans des conduits épigénétiques. On n'a observé ni halos appauvris dans les roches BIF adjacentes, ni zones d'altération dans les roches stratigraphiquement sous-jacentes, phénomènes susceptibles d'être invoqués à l'appui d'un modèle de remplacement syngénétique.Le mécanisme principal de la précipitation a probablement consisté en une réaction d'oxydo-réduction entre la magnétite de la BIF et les fluides minéralisés réducteurs ascendants. Cette réaction a entraîné le remplacement de la magnétite par la pyrite, une augmentation de Eh et la précipitation simultanée de l'or. Les auteurs proposent un processus de minéralisation épigénétique aboutissant à des dépôts de types divers dans chaque unité stratigraphique. Les pièges physico-chimiques que constituaient les niveaux à magnétite ont conduit à des corps minéralisés de pyrite aurifère d'allure généralement stratiforme. L'origine des fluides minéralisateurs aurifères doit probablement être trouvée dans les intrusions granitiques et les volcanites mafiques sous-jacentes. Des raisons structurales rendent peu probable qu'une fraction importante de l'or provienne de la BIF avoisinante.

Sukumaland'a . , — —, , , . . (BIF). Nyanzian. Kavirondian. . - - , . . 6 : BIF, , , , . . BIF , — . , , . BIF . - , — , , BIF. , , , .: , , , / . , — fire assay — Geita Jubilee . , , . , . . . . , . . BIF - / . , , ; Nyanzian , .

新疆地处中国西北部,矿产丰富.尤其是近10年来,在金矿地质科研和开采提炼方法的研究有了新的突破,使得新疆成为中国最重要的产金地之一.新疆位于西伯利亚板块和印度板块之间,主要由若干个地块和褶皱造山带组成.迄今为止,已发现岩金矿床40余处.依据主要金矿床的构造背景、矿床地质和地球化学特征,可以得到下列认识:①金矿化作用主要发生于前寒武纪和华力西期;②产于华力西褶皱造山带中的主要金矿床类型有:浊积岩型、火山岩型和韧性剪切带型;③金矿床具备良好的成矿地质条件,金在高背景区通过活化、迁移并富集于适宜的断裂活动带中,形成大而富的金矿床;④金矿床的主要控矿因素是地层、岩浆岩和构造,尤其是韧性剪切带;⑤通过成矿作用物理化学条件研究,金矿化作用是在浅成、中低温、低盐度和强还原环境下进行的;⑥稳定同位素资料显示,金矿床的成矿期在245~359 Ma,并主要集中于270 Ma;⑦围岩蚀变主要有硅化、黄铁绢英岩化、黄铁矿化、钾化、钠化等,其中黄铁矿化、黄铁绢英岩化和玉髓化是良好的找矿标志;⑧根据S、C、Si、Sr、Pb同位素资料,成矿物质主要来源于下地壳和上地幔,并受上地壳混染;⑨依据H、O同位素资料,早期成矿过程中成矿流体以岩浆水和变质水为主,中晚期成矿过程中则以天水为主.  相似文献   

A major gold province of the world exists in the Proterozoic Birimian and Tarkwaian supracrustal rocks of West Africa. The bulk of the gold comes from the primary lode occurrences of the Birimian rocks of Ghana (formerly The Gold Coast). Birimian lithofacies is characterised by subaqueous fine-grained sediments with bimodal volcanic material. Metasedimentary rocks include phyllites and metawackes. Metavolcanic rocks are predominantly tholeiitic basalts. Komatiites and banded iron formations (BIF) are absent.Gold is in 5 parallel, evenly spaced, more than 300 km long, northeast-trending volcanic belts separated by basins containing pyroclastic and meta-sedimentary units. The most prominent is the Ashanti volcanic “greenstone” belt, which hosts the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation mines at Obuasi (more than 800,000 kg Au since 1896), the Billiton Bogosu Gold mine at Bogosu, and the State Gold Mining Corporation mines at Prestea, Bibiani and Konongo.Gold, ranging from 2 to 30 ppm, is in quartz veins of laterally extensive major orebodies which deeply penetrate fissures and shear zones at contacts between metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The veins consists mainly of quartz with carbonate minerals, green sericite, carbonaceous partings and metallic sulfides and arsenides of Fe, As, Zn, Au, Cu, Sb, and Pb. Gold occurs in carbonate fillings in fractured quartz veins. Country rocks, which contain rutile, anatase and granular masses of leucoxene, along ore channels, have been hydrothermally altered to carbonates, sericite, silica and sulfide minerals. Fluid inclusion evidences suggest that mineral deposition took place at about 350°C and 140 bar from dilute aqueous solutions. Timing deduced from ore textures, however, show complex multi-stage mineralization events, with higher temperature minerals commonly having formed later than lower temperature ones. Geochemical studies of materials produced by tropical processes, especially soils, are essential in prospecting poorly exposed terranes of west Africa. Trace and major element distributions at mines and mineral occurrences can indicate mineralization otherwise difficult to detect.This paper highlights the features of the Ghanaian gold deposits that may aid the current search for new deposits along the gold belts. Exploration based on geochemistry is highly important, but should be integrated with data from accompanying geological, lithologic, mineralogical, and structural studies.  相似文献   

The Mandan and Deh-now bauxite deposits are located 40 km northeast of the Dehdasht city in the Zagros simply fold belt. These deposits occur in eroded major NW–SE trending anticlines and occupy karst cavities near or at the boundary between the Sarvak and Ilam Formations. Local uplifts at the end of the Cenomanian and the mid-Turonian caused erosion and karstification of the Sarvak Formation. These unconformities in the Upper Cretaceous favoured the formation and enrichment of bauxite deposits in the Zagros fold belt. The bauxite sequence in the Mandan deposit consists of white, gray, black, pisolitic, red, and yellow bauxites. This sequence was repeated in the Deh-Now area, but without gray and black bauxites. The present mineralogical studies of the Sarvak Formation and the Mandan and Deh-now bauxite deposits indicate oxidizing to reducing conditions during the Upper Cretaceous in the Zagros fold belt, which had a significant effect on the compositions of the bauxites. At least two phases of bauxitization can be distinguished in the study area: (i) an oxidizing phase represented by boehmite, diaspore, hematite and kaolinite; and (ii) a reducing phase represented by pyrite and chlorite. Geochemical data show that trace elements, like Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Th, and U, were enriched during bauxitization. The bauxite deposits and carbonate rocks show similar REE patterns, namely they are enriched in REEs although the LREEs are more enriched than the HREEs. Mass change calculations demonstrate that Mg, Mn, Ca, K, and P2O5 were leached out of the weathered system whereas Al, Fe, and Si become concentrated in the residual system. This study indicates that the Mandan and Deh-now deposits are karst-type bauxites formed by karstification and weathering of the Sarvak Formation.  相似文献   

西秦岭礼县-太白地区金、铅锌矿床的地质地球化学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
谭运金  邵世才 《矿床地质》2000,19(3):201-210
礼县一太白地区的金、铅锌矿床产于泥盆纪沉积盆地。它们都是沉积改造矿床,其含矿建造是中泥盆统或中上泥盆统。根据矿床的地质、地球化学特征,该地区的铅锌矿床可以分为2类,厂坝式和邓家山-八方山式矿床。金矿床可分3类,李坝式、八卦庙式和双王式矿床。厂坝式铅锌矿床产于强变质、弱变形地区,属于与变质作用有关的沉积改造型矿床。邓家山-八方山工区铅锌矿床产于强变形、弱变质地区,属于与构造动力作用有关的沉积改造型矿  相似文献   

Bauxite deposits are widespread in NW Sardinia. They formed during the middle Cretaceous, in consequence of a period of emergence of the Mesozoic carbonate shelf. In the Nurra area the geometries derived by the Middle Cretaceous tectonic phases controlled the ore typologies. Two bauxite profiles, laying on different bedrocks, were sampled. The bauxitization proceeded from the surface downward, with the accumulation of Al2O3 and residual ‘immobile’ elements (Al, Ti, HFSE), and corresponding mobility and loss of SiO2 and Fe2O3. Epigenetic kaolinite formed close to faults and joints, probably as a result of silicification, introduced by low temperature hydrothermal solutions. Rare earth elements, especially LREE, are concentrated in Fe-rich bauxite horizons, probably due to scavenging by goethite. REE-enrichment is not observed in the boehmite-rich horizons. Very high REE contents are observed in a Fe-depleted horizon due to the occurrence of REE accessory minerals, probably of the bastnäsite group. Conservative indices, including TiO2/Al2O3 and Ti/Cr ratios, and Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*), suggest that the deposits formed by weathering of sediments derived from mafic rocks of the Hercynian basement. This, in turn, implies that the basement was exposed during middle Cretaceous.  相似文献   

山西堡子湾金矿床地质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴保全 《铀矿地质》2003,19(4):220-224
山西堡子湾金矿床位于华北地台北缘,是以金为主伴生银铜多金属的中型金矿床。赋存地层为太古界集宁群。燕山期岩浆活动形成的石英二长岩及有关的隐爆角砾岩与成矿关系密切。围岩蚀变分布于角砾岩体内,主要为绢云母化、高岭石化、碳酸盐化和硅化。石英二长岩的稀土分布型式和岩石地球化学特征,说明其为重熔型岩浆侵入所形成。矿体中石英的氧同位素δ^18O值接近花岗岩类范围;矿床中硫化物的δ^34S值范围为-3.2‰~-1.2‰,接近陨石硫。堡子湾金矿的成矿物质来源于岩浆,成矿作用与燕山期岩浆期后热液活动以及隐爆作用和流体作用有关。  相似文献   

Bauxite deposits, traditionally the main source of aluminum, have been recently targeted for their remarkable contents in rare earth elements (REE). With ∑REE (lanthanoids + Sc + Y) concentrations systematically higher than ∼1400 ppm (av. = 1530 ppm), the Las Mercedes karstic bauxites in the Dominican Republic rank as one of the REE-richest deposits of its style.The bauxitic ore in the Las Mercedes deposit is mostly unlithified and has a homogeneous-massive lithostructure, with only local cross-stratification and graded bedding. The dominant arenaceous and round-grained texture is composed of bauxite particles and subordinate ooids, pisoids and carbonate clasts. Mineralogically, the bauxite ore is composed mostly of gibbsite and lesser amounts of kaolinite, hematite, boehmite, anatase, goethite, chromian spinel and zircon. Identified REE-minerals include cerianite and monazite-Ce, whose composition accounts for the steady enrichment in light- relative to medium- and heavy-REE of the studied bauxites.Considering the paleo-geomorphology of the study area, we propose that bauxites in the Las Mercedes deposit are the product of the erosion and deposition of lithified bauxites located at higher elevations in the Bahoruco ranges. Based on the available data, we suggest a mixed lithological source for the bauxite deposits at the district scale: bedrock carbonates and an igneous source of likely mafic composition.  相似文献   

Metallogenic specialization is part of a worldwide differentiation of terrestrial substance. This process is closely connected with magmatic processes. Four types of magmatic specialization are outlined. They are characterized by the regional features of mineralization, evolution of mineral composition of ore, selective dispersion or concentration of ore-forming elements during the crystallization of rocks, and the mobilization of ore-forming substance by the postmagmatic solutions. — E. A. Alexandrov.  相似文献   

胶东地区-1000 m以下深部找矿的重大突破,使得探明储量已达5000多t,成为探讨深部金的赋存状态及成矿作用的天然实验室。招贤金矿为焦家成矿带近年深部找矿重大突破之一,矿体主要产于-1260 m以深的晚侏罗世二长花岗岩中,受控于焦家断裂。金属矿物主要为黄铁矿、黄铜矿和银金矿等,脉石矿物包括石英、绢云母、方解石、钾长石等。围岩蚀变以钾长石化、硅化、黄铁绢英岩化、碳酸盐化为主。金矿物以自然金和银金矿为主,呈裂隙金或包体金分布于黄铁矿中,少数不可见金呈晶隙金分布于黄铁矿等矿物中。其中,黄铁矿w(S)=52.227%~54.915%、w(Fe)=44.749%~47.134%,原子个数比S/Fe=1.99~2.11,化学式FeS1.99~FeS2.11;黄铜矿w(S)=34.282%~35.140%、w(Fe)=29.263%~30.268%,w(Cu)=33.130%~34.114%,化学式Cu0.96FeS2.01~Cu1.01FeS2.10,平均化学式为C...  相似文献   

The Bigadiç, Emet and Kirka lacustrine basins of western Turkey may be considered as Tibet-type graben structures that were developed during the Miocene within the Izmir-Ankara suture zone complex. The volcanic-sedimentary successions of these basins are made up of mudstone, carbonate (limestone and dolomite) and detrital rocks, and also of crystal or vitric tuffs about 135 to 200 m thick. The Degirmenli (Bigadiç), Emirler (Bigadiç) Köpenez (Emet) and Karaören (Kirka) tuffs constituting the zeolite deposits are situated beneath four borate deposits (colemanite, ulexite, borax). The most abundant diagenetic silicate minerals are K- and Ca-clinoptilolites in the zeolite deposits, and Li-rich trioctahedral smectites (stevensite, saponite and hectorite) and K-feldspar in the borate deposits. In the Degirmenli, Emirler. Köpenez and Karaören deposits, the following diagenetic faciès were developed from rhyolitic glasses rich in K and poor in Na: (glass + smectite), (K-clinoptilolite + opal-CT), (Caclinoptilolite + K-feldspar ± analcime ± quartz) and (K-feldspar+analcime+quartz). K-feldspar which is also rarely associated with phillipsite (Karaören) and heulandite (Degirmenli and Karaören), succeeds clinoptilolite and precedes analcime in these diagenetic facies where dioctahedral smectites, opal-CT and quartz are the latest minerals. No diagenetic transformations exist between clinoptilolite, K-feldspar and analcime that were formed directly from glass. The lateral facies distributions resulted from the differences in salinity and pH of pore water trapped during deposition of the tuffs, but vertical distributions in vitric tuffs seem to have been controlled by the glass/liquid ratio of the reacting system and the permeability or diffusion rate of alkali elements. The Bigadiç, Emet and Kirka zeolite deposits which were formed in saline basins rich in Ca and Mg ions, show similar chemical changes, i.e. loss of alkalis and gain in alkaline-earth elements that have taken place during the diagenetic transformation of rhyolitic glasses to dioctahedral smectites or clinoptilolite. The absence of sodic zeolites such as mordenite, erionite, chabazite and silica-rich phillipsite is mainly due to the very high K/Na ratio of the starting materials rather than initial alkaline conditions or high Na content in lake waters.  相似文献   

陕西夏家店卡林型金矿床地质地球化学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿床产于南秦岭陡岭古隆起边缘寒武—震旦纪碳-泥-硅质板岩及白云岩沉积容矿岩系中。区域性近EW向镇—板断裂具导矿作用,次级EW,NW和NE向断裂为重要的配矿与容矿构造。成矿具多期、多阶段矿化特征,已发现Ⅰ-Ⅶ号矿化带,Ⅰ号为具工业意义的金矿带。矿石以微细脉-浸染状及二次角砾岩化为特征。微量元素、铅同位素、稀土元素地球化学研究表明成矿对容矿建造具有明显的继承性;氢.氧同位素组成研究表明古流体在构造作用叠加下,显示偏离现代大气降水改造的成矿流体特征,属类卡林型金矿床。  相似文献   

The Parnassos-Ghiona bauxite deposits of Greece are hosted within carbonate rocks and have been formed during different geological ages. The most economically important deposits occur in the B3 bauxite horizon, which is developed over long distance as a continuous layer of 1–10 m in thickness, within Cretaceous limestones. Due to intense tectonics, a significant (approximately 30 vol.%) bauxite ores along and near their contact with faults show a brittle deformation and change in the color from red to black-gray, in a distance of tens of meter. Commonly gray to whitish bauxites are aluminum-enriched (> 65 wt.% Al2O3) and iron depleted.  相似文献   

The Paroo Station Mine lead project is situated near Wiluna in the central part of Western Australia. It is located in an outlier of the Paleoproterozoic Earaheedy Group overlying the southeast Yerrida Basin. The total Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource is currently (as at 31st of December 2014) estimated at 31.8 Mt of ore at 4.4% Pb. The deposits are hosted by deeply weathered carbonate and clastic sediments of the Paleoproterozoic Yelma Formation. The lead-only mineralisation contains only traces of sulfides and is composed of few supergene minerals, predominantly cerussite and anglesite with minor pyromorphite and plumbogummite. The Paroo Station Mine demonstrates a high degree of supergene Pb mobility which has resulted in almost complete destruction of primary Pb distribution pattern and development of characteristic for the oxidation zones coupled depletion zone and subhorizontal enrichment blankets below.The deposits are interpreted to have formed from Mississippi Valley-type (MVT), stratabound relatively low-grade sulfide PbZn mineralisation located within dolomites of the Sweetwaters Well Member of the Yelma Formation. The primary mineralisation based on modelling the Pb distribution was controlled by a network of northeast, northwest and meridional oriented fractures and small faults. Lead isotope study yielded from 1.80 to1.88 Ga ages of the mineralisation based on the Stacey and Kramers (1975) two-stage model; the mineralising event is related to the Capricorn Orogeny. This data is well in line with previous UPb dating of monazites interpreted to be related to the mineralisation (1.82 Ga; Muhling et al., 2012). High μ (238U/204Pb) values (10.26–10.58) are indicative of the Archean basement contribution and/or more likely with sediments originally derived from that basement. The Paroo Station Mine mineralisation is thought to be similar in style and formed synchronously with the MVT prospects in the Teague area in the Earaheedy Basin approximately 120 km to the northeast.The mineralisation at the Paroo Station Mine was significantly upgraded through a multi-stage supergene remobilisation and reprecipitation of lead in the course of long weathering history of the region. Lead was almost completely depleted from the upper zone and accumulated below as subhorizontal enrichment blankets at three levels (from top to bottom): (1) the base of the collapse quartz-clay breccia unit marking the dolomite weathering front; (2) the contact of siltstone and sandstone packages coincident with the feldspar/kaolinite weathering front and; (3) the mid- to lower parts of the sandstone unit close to the base of weathering. The lowest enrichment zone extends as a continuous blanket at a significant, up to 500 m distance (at a 1% Pb cut-off) beyond the upper mineralisation projection. This enrichment is interpreted to be formed by lateral Pb transport in waters close to the groundwater table through the most permeable layers of weathered sandstones. This active lateral lead dispersion is of high exploration significance for the region providing a much larger exploration target and vector to the primary mineralisation.  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic gold deposits of the Ashanti gold belt, Ghana, occur mainly as auriferous quartz veins in graphitic shears proximal to contacts between deformed and metamorphosed turbidites and tholeiitic volcanics (alternately block-faulted Tarkwaian sediments). They are suggested in this article to belong to that class of gold deposits recognized as ‘turbidite-hosted’. Hence, evidence from previous investigations of turbidite-hosted and turbidite-associated gold deposits occurring in circumstances roughly similar to the Ashanti deposits are used, where relevant, to produce an updated genetic model for the latter.Given the relatively significant amounts of graphite associated with the major Ashanti deposits, the role of non-carbonate carbon is assessed in the light of conclusions reached by work on other turbidite-hosted and turbidite-associated gold belts. Conclusions as to the origins of mineralizing fluids and temporary repositories of gold (auriferous interflow sediments) reached by work on these other belts are also analysed.A concept of the tectonic development of the Ashanti belt-Kumasi basin area, introduced in this article, is deemed to be critical to the origin of the Ashanti gold deposits. It encompasses the role of non-carbonate carbon, turbidites, and the primary sources and secondary repositories of Au and As in the genesis of the major Ashanti gold deposits. It examines the significance of the intimate relationship between calc alkaline volcanism and the basin sediments, the occurrences of felsic metasandstones in transition-zone sediments, and TTG granitic material and fragments of chemical sediments in turbidites: all of which are incompatible with one or the other of existing concepts of tectonic development in the area.  相似文献   

干河坝金矿床是秦岭勉县—略阳构造混杂岩带内发现的首例金矿床。矿床形成经历了前勉略洋沉积建造及基底形成阶段、勉略洋盆沉积预富集阶段、秦岭与扬子板块间陆-陆碰撞拼合和造山后派生出构造叠置改造富集阶段。有利的含矿岩系(含Au3.66×10-9)是金矿形成的物质基础,韧-脆性递进构造变形作用是金成矿的关键控制因素;干河坝金矿为两者叠加的重要产物。矿床主成矿期均一温度137~280℃,具有中—低温热液成矿特征;早—中成矿阶段成矿流体盐度(NaCl)变化于4.5%~23.1%。硫同位素以富集重硫为特征,δ34S值为9.91‰~15.45‰,除火山成因硫强烈分馏外,还有大量沉积岩系地壳硫的加入,显示后期地质改造强烈的成矿作用特点。金呈显微细粒的独立矿物,成矿元素组合为Au-Ag-As-Sb-Cu-Pb-Zn,显示蚀变构造岩外貌的类卡林型金矿床地质特征。  相似文献   

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