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There is an ongoing search for the agent(s) capable of triggering, catalysing, or indicating the shape of the global magnetism in a spiral galaxy, e.g., the azimuthal magnetic modesm azim = 0 (axisymmetric) orm azim = 1 (bisymmetric). The recent availability of newer, updated, higher quality data on galactic magnetism in the last two years makes it possible to consider anew the earlier, preliminary correlations or results on agents (triggers, catalysts, or indicators) of the magnetic field shapes.This study confirms two possible correlations: between magnetic field shapem azim (0, or 1) versus neutralHi gas mass (high 7 × 109 M , or low 1 × 109 M ), and betweenm azim (0, or 1) versus neutralHi gas distortion or archness VA (low 1 to 2, or high 3 to 4).These confirmations are all the more astounding, because the best theories to date are based on turbulent dynamos which ignore the HI gas completely (current dynamo models rely on ionised HII gas).  相似文献   

A time-independent model for the radial distributions of gas and magnetic field has been applied to the galaxies Milky Way, M31, NGC 7331, and NGC 2841, in order to explain the gaseous ring patterns in spiral galaxies, and to NGC 6946 to see if this model is valid for galaxies without a gaseous ring. The model takes the gas pressure as its input data and solves the MHD equations to calculate the magnetic field responsible for the gas distribution. This field has an azimuthal component only, and can be used to predict synchrotron radio emission. A discussion about the dependence of the synchrotron radiation profiles obtained upon the assumed relationN 0(,B) for the cosmic-ray density per unit energy as a function of gas density and field strength, is here considered in detail. It is shown that a relation of the typeN 0/B, which takes into account the loss of energy of the cosmic-relativistic electrons, yields good agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

We report the results of our search for magnetic fields in a sample of 16 field Be stars, the binary emission‐line B‐type star υ Sgr, and in a sample of fourteen members of the open young cluster NGC3766 in the Carina spiral arm. The sample of cluster members includes Be stars, normal B‐type stars and He‐strong/He‐weak stars. Nine Be stars have been studied with magnetic field time series obtained over ∼1 hour to get an insight into the temporal behaviour and the correlation of magnetic field properties with dynamical phenomena taking place in Be star atmospheres. The spectropolarimetric data were obtained at the European Southern Observatory with the multi‐mode instrument FORS1 installed at the 8m Kueyen telescope. We detect weak photospheric magnetic fields in four field Be stars, HD 62367, μ Cen, o Aqr, and ε Tuc. The strongest longitudinal magnetic field, 〈Bz〉 = 117 ± 38 G, was detected in the Be star HD 62367. Among the Be stars studied with time series, one Be star, λ Eri, displays cyclic variability of the magnetic field with a period of 21.12 min. The binary star υ Sgr, in the initial rapid phase of mass exchange between the two components with strong emission lines in the visible spectrum, is a magnetic variable star, probably on a timescale of a few months. The maximum longitudinal magnetic field 〈Bz〉 = –102 ± 10 G at MJD 54333.018 was measured using hydrogen lines. The cluster NGC3766 seems to be extremely interesting, where we find evidence for the presence of a magnetic field in seven early B‐type stars out of the observed fourteen cluster members (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analyze new observational data obtained at the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the multimode SCORPIO instrument and the Multi-Pupil Fiber Spectrograph for the group of galaxies NGC 7465/64/63. For one of the group members (NGC 7465), the presence of a polar ring has been suspected. We have constructed the large-scale brightness distributions, the ionized-gas velocity and velocity dispersion fields for all three galaxies as well as the line-of-sight velocity curves based on emission and absorption lines and the stellar velocity field in the central region for NGC 7465. As a result of our analysis of the data obtained, we have discovered an inner stellar disk (r ?? 0.5 kpc) and a warped gaseous disk in NGC 7465, in addition to the main stellar disk. Based on a joint study of our photometric and spectroscopic data, we have established that NGC 7464 is an irregular IrrI-type galaxy whose structural and kinematic peculiarities most likely resulted from its gravitational interaction with NGC 7465. The velocity field of the ionized gas in NGC 7463 turns out to be typical of barred spiral galaxies, and the warp of the outer parts of its disk could arise from a close encounter with one of the galaxies of the environment.  相似文献   

We present the results of our photometric (BV R) and spectroscopic CCD observations of NGC 304 and NGC 7625, candidate polar-ring galaxies, performed with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope. For NGC 304, such a study has been carried out for the first time. We have obtained basic integrated characteristics of the galaxies and determined their morphological types (S0 for NGC 304 and Sa for NGC 7625). The absolute magnitudes of the galaxies, M B = ?20m.81 for NGC 304 and M B = ?19m.34 for NGC7625, are indicative of their fairly high luminosities. The disk and bulge parameters have been determined forNGC 304 (µ0 = 20m.60, h = 3.86 kpc, µ e = 21m.59, r e = 1.26 kpc in the B band); these correspond to the parameters of S0-type objects. The rotation velocity for NGC 304 (200 km s?1) reaches its maximum at a galactocentric distance of 3.1 kpc, which yields a mass estimate for the galaxy of 2.8 × 1010 \(\mathcal{M}_ \odot \). The observed photometric features at the center of NGC 304 indicate that it may have an inner ring structure, although we have failed to confirm the existence of two kinematic systems based on our spectroscopic observations. In NGC 7625, the disk makes a dominant contribution to the total brightness. The derived integrated color indices (B-V = 0m.81 and V-R = 0m.61) agree with previous determinations of other authors. We have estimated the учештсешщт in the inner galactic regions. In the outer regions, we have detected structures with bluer colors (B-V = 0m.60), which may be indicative of a polar ring with a minor stellar component.  相似文献   

A study of four open clusters on Tautenburg Schmidt plates in the direction to the Galactic Centre (l = 17.0°, b = +0.8°) is presented. In a field of 8.95 square degrees proper motions and B, V magnitudes were determined for about 36 500 stars up to the limiting magnitudes B = 17m.9, V = 16m.8. For stars brighter than B = 16m an accuracy of about 3 mas/year has been estimated for proper motions. The rms errors of stellar magnitudes and (BV) colours is about 0.1 mag. There are two open clusters already known in this sky area: Trumpler 32 (C 1814-133) and NGC 6611 (C 1816-138). By the inspection of the plates two additional anonymous clusters were identified near the double star ADS 11285 or BD −14°5014 (C 1819-146) and near the star BD −14°5016 (C 1820-146). The cluster membership determination was carried out using information on spatial and proper motion distributions of stars in the field. The colour-magnitude diagrams up to the limiting stellar magnitude were constructed. For each cluster interstellar extinction AV, diameters of the core and corona, ages and spatial velocity components (V, W) relative to the LSR in the Y, Z-galactic directions were derived. The distances to the clusters were obtained to 1720 pc, 2260 pc, 2130 pc and 2130 pc for Trumpler 32, NGC 6611, C 1819-146 and C 1820-146, respectively. All clusters are situated in the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm. Their spatial location confirms the assumption that galactic spiral arms are close to logarithmic spirals with a characteristic angle of about 20 degrees.  相似文献   

The inner disk rotation of NGC 6946 and the Milky Way is dominated by gravity but magnetism is not negligible at radii where the rotation curve becomes flat, and indeed could become dominant at very large radii. Values of the order of 1 μG, or even less, produce a centripetal force when the absolute value of the slope of the curve [B φ , R ] (azimuthal field strength versus radius) is less than the slope of a B φ ‐profile proportional to R –1. The ∝ R –1‐profile is here called the critical profile. From the hypothesis of magnetically driven rotation curves, the following is to be expected: at large radii, a “subcritical” profile (slope flatter than R –1); at still larger radii a B φ ‐profile becoming asymptotically critical as the density becomes asymptotically vanishing. Recent observations of magnetic fields in NGC 6946 and the Milky Way are in very good agreement with these predictions. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A study of four open clusters in the direction of the Galactic anticentre (l = 186°, b = +2°) is presented. In a field of 8.32 square degrees proper motions and B magnitudes for about 79 000 stars down to 19.5 were determined on Tautenburg Schmidt plates. For more than 15 500 of them U magnitudes down to 17.3 could be obtained. Additionally, OCA Schmidt plates were used to determine V, R magnitudes in a larger field of 24.45 square degrees for 271 000 stars down to V = 18.2. For stars brighter than V = 15.5 an accuracy of about 1.5 mas/yr has been estimated for proper motions. The rms errors of stellar magnitudes and colour indices are 0.09 – 0.12 mag. Several open clusters have been already known in this direction of the sky, e.g. NGC 2168 or M 35 (C 0605+243), NGC 2158 (C 0604+241) and IC 2157 (C 0601+240). Inspecting the plates and analysing the colour-magnitude diagrams and published data, we could identify an additional anonymous cluster C 0605+242 with a projection on the sky near the centre of M 35 but at a larger distance from the Sun. The cluster membership determination was carried out using information on spatial and proper motion distributions of stars in the field. The colour-magnitude diagrams were derived down to the limiting stellar magnitude. For each cluster the interstellar extinction Av, the diameters of the core and corona, the ages and spatial velocity components (V,W) relative to the LSR in the Y,Z – Galactic directions were determined. The distances to the clusters of 960 pc, 2 600 pc, 2 520 pc and 3 700 pc were obtained for M 35, IC 2157, C 0605+242 and NGC 2158. They show the loci of the clusters in the Local and Perseus spiral arms and at external border of Perseus arm, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on archival Hubble Space Telescope images, we have performed stellar photometry of several fields in the isolated spiral galaxies NGC 6503 and NGC 6946 with high peculiar velocities. Based on the TRGB method, we have determined the distances to the galaxies: D = 6.30 ± 0.10 Mpc for NGC 6503 and D = 6.72 ± 0.15 Mpc for NGC 6946. The current stellar content of the galaxies does not differ from that of other similar galaxies. The metallicity for young stars in NGC 6503 is Z = 0.02 (corresponding to the solar metallicity), while the metallicity for stars in NGC 6946 reaches Z = 0.05. Very few old globular clusters have been found in NGC 6946, while they have not been found at all in NGC 6503. The number density distribution of stars with different ages in NGC 6503 does not differ from the analogous distributions in other galaxies. The large sizes of the thick disk in NGC 6503, which is clearly seen up to 6 kpc from the galactic disk plane and whose possible extension is noticeable up to 8.6 kpc from the plane, are a difference. The sizes of the region occupied by red giants of the disk in NGC 6503 are 51 × 17 kpc, which are not much larger than the sizes of this galaxy from H I radio observations.  相似文献   

A deep H I survey with the VLA of the spiral galaxy NGC 2403 has revealed the existence of a thick, low density layer of neutral gas surrounding the thin ‘cold’ disk. This layer has a mean rotation velocity 25–50 km s-1 lower than that of the disk and a 10–20 km s-1inflow towards the centre of the galaxy. In the central parts there are velocity differences from rotation of up to 150 km s-1.Chandra observations of NGC 2403 show a diffuse, hot X-ray emitting gas component with a temperature of a few 106 K. These results point at galactic fountain type of flows between disk and halo. ‘Halo’ gas with similar characteristics has also been observed in other spiral galaxies(e.g. NGC 6946, NGC 891). Such gas is probably similar to the IVCs and to some of the HVCs of the Milky Way.  相似文献   

Multicolor BVRI surface photometry of the low-luminosity (M V ≈?18m) spiral galaxy NGC 4136 is presented. The photometric parameters of its components and the color distribution over the galactic disk are estimated. The color indices and the corresponding effective ages are determined for the brightest star-forming regions. The disk-to-dark halo mass ratio is derived from the measured rotation curve of the galaxy. The disk mass dominates within the optical boundaries of the galaxy, so its disk can be considered as a self-gravitating system.  相似文献   

PhotoelectricUBV magnitudes and colours have been determined for stars in the field of NGC 1931. The reddening across the cluster varies from 0 . m 33 to 1 . m 20. A distance of 2.16 kiloparsecs has been estimated for the cluster. It is concluded that the age of the cluster lies between the ages of NGC 6231 and NGC 2362 groups.  相似文献   

The density distributions of the two main components in interstellar hydrogen are calculated using 21 cm line data from the Berkeley Survey and the Pulkovo Survey. The narrow, dense component (state I of neutral hydrogen) has a Gaussianz-distribution with a scale-height of 50 pc in the local zones (the galactic disk). For the wide, tenuous component (hydrogen in state II) we postulate a distribution valid in the zones where such a material predominates (70 pc?z? 350 pc the galactic stratum) i.e., $$n_H \left( z \right) = n_H \left( 0 \right)exp \left( { - \left( {z/300{\text{ }}pc} \right)^{3/2} } \right).$$ Similar components are found in the dust distribution and in the available stellar data reaching sufficiently highz-altitudes. The scale-heights depend on the stellar type: the stratum in M III stars is considerably wider than in A stars (500–700 pc against 300 pc). The gas to dust ratio is approximately the same in both components: 0.66 atom cm?3 mag?1 kpc in the galactic plane. A third state of the gas is postulated associating it the observed free electron stratum at a scale-height of 660 pc (hydrogen fully ionized at high temperatures). The ratio between the observed dispersions in neutral hydrogen (thermal width plus turbulence) and the total dispersions corresponding to the real inner energies in the medium is obtained by a comparison with the dispersion distribution σ(z) of the different stellar types associated with the disk and the stratum $$\sigma ^2 \left( {total} \right) = \sigma ^2 \left( {21{\text{ cm line}}} \right) \cdot {\text{ }}Q^2 ,$$ from which we graphically obtainedQ 2=2.9 ± 0.3, although that number could be lower in the densest parts of the spiral arms. Its dependence on magnetic field and cosmic rays is analysed, indicating equipartition of the different energy components in the interstellar medium and consistency with the observed values of the magnetic field: i.e., fluctuations with an average of ~ 3 μG (associated with the disk) in a homogeneous background of ~ 1 μG (associated with the stratum). A minimum and maximumK z-force are obtained assuming extreme conditions for the total density distribution (gas plus stars). TheK z-force obtained from the interstellar gas in its different states using approximations of the Boltzmann equation is a reasonable intermediate case between maximum and minimumK z. The mass density obtained in the galactic plane is 0.20±0.05M pc?3, and the results indicate that the galactic disk is somewhat narrower and denser than has usually been believed. The effects of wave-like distributions of matter in thez-coordinate are analysed in relation with theK z-force, and comparisons with theoretical results are performed. A qualitative model for the galactic field of force is postulated together with a classification of the different zones of the Galaxy according to their observed ranges in velocity dispersions and the behaviour of the potential well at differentz-altitudes. The disk containing at least two-thirds of the total mass atz<100 pc, the stratum containing one-third or less of the total mass atz≤600–800 pc, and the halo at higherz-altitudes with a small fraction of such a mass which is difficult to evaluate.  相似文献   

Continuing the study of faint young open clusters as tracers of spiral features in our Galaxy, photoelectric and photographic photometry of 39 stars was done in the field of the faint open cluster NGC 2236 ≡ OCl 501 in the direction of Monoceros constellation. Out of these stars, a total of 22 down tom v ≃ 15.4 mag have been found to be probable members. There is apparently a variable extinction across the field of the cluster with E(B - V) ranging between 0.84 mag and 0.68 mag. The median age of this cluster is estimated to be 7.6 × 107 years and the cluster is thereby considered as belonging to the marginally old category. Thus, it cannot be specifically used as a spiral arm tracer in the study of our Galaxy. This cluster is located at a distance of 3.72 ± 0.13 kpc, which places it at the inner edge of the outer Perseus spiral feature of the Milky Way.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rotation curves for the galaxies and the distribution of mass and angular momentum within the galaxies is examined. The theory of angular momentum transfer is applied to the observed properties of the galaxies. The coupling between the dynamical mass of a spiral galaxy and its luminosity is studied. Most of the spiral galaxies in subclusters surrounding NGC 4889, NGC 4874, and NGC 4839 in the Coma cluster are galaxies that have lower luminosities, with MB fainter than −21m.5. These galaxies are characterized by a higher mass-to-luminosity ratio than that of the galaxies with higher luminosities MB brighter than −21m.5, which suggests the presence of a large fraction of dark matter in the spiral galaxies of the subclusters. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 75–84 (February 2009).  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (non-axisymmetric) model for the solar mean magnetic field generation is studied. The sources of generation are the differential rotation and mean helicity in the convective shell. The system is described by two equations of the first order in time and the fourth order in space coordinates. The solution is sought for in the form of expansion over the spherical function Ynm. The modes of different m are separated. A finite-difference scheme similar to the Peaceman-Rachford scheme is constructed so to find coefficients of the expansion depending on the time and radial coordinates. It is shown that a mode with a smaller azimuthal number m is primarily excited. The axisymmetric mode m = o describes the 22 year solar cycle oscillations. The modes of m o have no such periodicity, the oscillate with a period of rotation of the low boundary of the solar convective shell, The solutions which are symmetric relative to the equator plane are excited more easily compared with the antisymmetrical ones. The results obtained are confronted to the observational picture of the non-axisymmetric large-scale solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The spiral pattern in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 has been studied using the wavelet transformation technique, applied to galaxy images in polarized and total non-thermal radio emission at λλ 3.5 and 6.2 cm, in broadband red light, in the λ 21.1 cm H  i line and in the optical Hα line. Well-defined, continuous spiral arms are visible in polarized radio emission and red light, where we can isolate a multi-armed pattern in the range of galactocentric distances 1.5–12 kpc, consisting of four long arms and one short spiral segment. The 'magnetic arms' (visible in polarized radio emission) are localized almost precisely between the optical arms. Each magnetic arm is similar in length and pitch angle to the preceding optical arm (in the sense of galactic rotation) and can be regarded as its phase-shifted image. Even details like a bifurcation of an optical arm have their phase-shifted counterparts in the magnetic arms. The average relative amplitude of the optical spiral arms (the stellar density excess over the azimuthal average) grows with galactocentric radius up to 0.3–0.7 at r ≃5 kpc, decreases by a factor of two at r =5–6 kpc and remains low at 0.2–0.3 in the outer parts of the galaxy. By contrast, the magnetic arms have a constant average relative amplitude (the excess in the regular magnetic field strength over the azimuthal average) of 0.3–0.6 in a wide radial range r =1.5–12 kpc. We briefly discuss implications of our findings for theories of galactic magnetic fields.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the observed variation in the flattening of galaxies with the density of galaxies in the subclusters of Coma surrounding NGC 4889, NGC 4874, and NGC 4839 based on data from the Abastumani Combined Catalog of Galaxies. The mean values of the observed ratios of the diameters of the galaxies, as well as histograms of their distributions, indicate that in the central, dense regions of the subclusters within a volume of 0.5h 75 −1 Mpc3, E and S0 type galaxies are close to spheroidal. A significant reduction in the mean values of the diameters of the galaxies in the subclusters is noted, regardless of their morphology relative to the galaxies in the halo of the Coma cluster. In the subclusters, spiral galaxies are found with a hydrogen deficit that is more than 5 times the hydrogen deficit in spirals within the halo of the cluster. According to their 3-D coordinates, most of the galaxies with a hydrogen deficit are located closer to the south-east edge of the subcluster surrounding NGC 4874 near an extended gas filament in the x-ray region. This may indicate that the subcluster is moving toward a central condensation of faint galaxies in the Coma cluster and a possible merger with it. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 355–368 (August 2007).  相似文献   

The propagation of spiral density waves in a differentially rotating, self-gravitating, magnetoactive and highly flattened disk is investigated by using the asymptotic theory for tightly wound spirals developed by Lin and his collaborators. We adopt the continuum fluid model as the primary basis, and our treatment will be largely analytical. The disk plasma is studied in the frozen field approximation and inhomogenceous magnetic fields in the plane of the disk are considered in detail.In a differentially rotating disk with strong magnetic fields, the field lines will be considerably distorted and the mutual influence of magnetic fields and differential rotation is by no means obvious.In this paper we present a new asymptotic dispersion relation for tightly wound spiral density waves with magnetic fields along the spiral armsB (r). The effects of the magnetic fields lead to such terms likek 2(a 2 +V A 2 ), wherek is the wave number,a represents the speed of sound,V A = (B 2/4)1/2 is the Alfvén speed,B denotes the field strength, and is the plasma density. These terms depict the well-known magnetoacoustic waves and could have been anticipated without a detailed computation. However the interaction of magnetic fields and differential rotation may give rise to other significant terms which are not so easy to foresee.We also present a more exact local dispersion relation by using the WKB approximation and study the effects of magnetic fields on the growth rate through the parametersQ andJ defined in the literature.Although the effects of the magnetic fields are rather insignificant for applications to Galactic dynamics, the effects of the magnetic fields are important for applications to star formation and problems related to the solar nebula.  相似文献   

韩金林 《天文学进展》2001,19(2):201-204
脉冲星的偏振信息是理解脉冲星辐射区的重要手段,利用澳大利亚的64m射电望远镜进行大量的脉冲星观测,得到了一批脉冲星的偏振轮廓和偏振参数,编辑了几乎所有发表的脉冲星轮廓资料,系统总结了脉冲星圆偏辐射的规律,为理论上解释脉冲星辐射这一重要难题提供观测依据和物理限制,利用脉冲星作为探针,研究了银河系磁场结构和模型,确定了银河系BS磁场模型,发现了银河系上下反对称的环向磁场,并首次对星系尺度的发电机类型进行判别,证认出A0型发电机运行于银河系,发现了银晕中的垂直磁场和M31及银盘中的非常延展的磁场,探测到NGC2997星系中由内到外的旋涡磁场,并提出可能有两种发电机在这个星系的不同区域运行。  相似文献   

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