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Many natural phenomena exhibit size distributions that are power laws or power law type distributions. Power laws are specific in the sense that they can exhibit extremely long or heavy tails. The largest event in a sample from such distribution usually dominates the underlying physical or generating process (floods, earthquakes, diamond sizes and values, incomes, insurance). Often, the practitioner is faced with the difficult problem of predicting values far beyond the highest sample value and designing his system either to profit from them, or to protect against extreme quantiles. In this paper, we present a novel approach to estimating such heavy tails. The estimation of tail characteristics such as the extreme value index, extreme quantiles, and percentiles (rare events) is shown to depend primarily on the number of extreme data that are used to model the tail. Because only the most extreme data are useful for studying tails, thresholds must be selected above which the data are modeled as power laws. The mean square error (MSE) is used to select such thresholds. A semiparametric bootstrap method is developed to study estimation bias and variance and to derive confidence limits. A simulation study is performed to assess the accuracy of these confidence limits. The overall methodology is applied to the Harvard Central Moment Tensor catalog of global earthquakes.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional spatial distribution of precious stones, such as diamonds in alluvial and coastal deposits, shows a high degree of clustering. Usually, stones tend to gather in relatively small clusters or traps, made by potholes, gullies, or small depressions in the rough bedcock. Therefore, when taking samples of such deposits, discrete distributions of the number of stones counted in each sample yield an extreme skewness. Most samples have no stones, whereas samples containing a few hundred stones are not unusual. This paper constructs a model and a method for fitting a new and general family of counting distributions based on the Neyman-Scott cluster model and the mixed Poisson process, which can be used to model a differing degree of clustering. General recursion equations for the discrete probabilities of these distributions are derived. Application of this model to simulated data shows that information such as cluster size, number of point events per cluster, and number of clusters per measurement unit can be extracted easily from this model. Fitting the model to data of two real diamond deposits of a totally different nature—small rich clusters of Namibia versus larger but less rich clusters of Guinea—demonstrates its flexibility.  相似文献   

Composition of terrestrial planets records planetary accretion, core–mantle and crust–mantle differentiation, and surface processes. Here we compare the compositional models of Earth and Mars to reveal their characteristics and formation processes. Earth and Mars are equally enriched in refractory elements (1.9 × CI), although Earth is more volatile-depleted and less oxidized than Mars. Their chemical compositions were established by nebular fractionation, with negligible contributions from post-accretionary losses of moderately volatile elements. The degree of planetary volatile element depletion might correlate with the abundances of chondrules in the accreted materials, planetary size, and their accretion timescale, which provides insights into composition and origin of Mercury, Venus, the Moon-forming giant impactor, and the proto-Earth. During its formation before and after the nebular disk's lifetime, the Earth likely accreted more chondrules and less matrix-like materials than Mars and chondritic asteroids, establishing its marked volatile depletion. A giant impact of an oxidized, differentiated Mars-like (i.e., composition and mass) body into a volatile-depleted, reduced proto-Earth produced a Moon-forming debris ring with mostly a proto-Earth's mantle composition. Chalcophile and some siderophile elements in the silicate Earth added by the Mars-like impactor were extracted into the core by a sulfide melt (∼0.5% of the mass of the Earth's mantle). In contrast, the composition of Mars indicates its rapid accretion of lesser amounts of chondrules under nearly uniform oxidizing conditions. Mars’ rapid cooling and early loss of its dynamo likely led to the absence of plate tectonics and surface water, and the present-day low surface heat flux. These similarities and differences between the Earth and Mars made the former habitable and the other inhospitable to uninhabitable.  相似文献   

Impact diamond is one of perspective natural type of superhard carbon materials,forming huge resources sometimes,such as Popigai impact structure counting the largest diamond storage on the Earth.By present,there are two known types of impact diamonds-after-graphitic and after-coal varieties formed from different carbon precursors.Here we present for the first time a new impact diamond type-diamond fossils,named by "karite",formed about 70 Ma from unmetamorphosed organics in the giant Kara impact crater(Pay-Khoy,Russia).A full complex of the diamond fossil characteristics is described proving its nature and phase state.Karite is presented with supernanocrystalline diamond aggregates,nicely preserves tiny cell morphology and relict features of lignin and cellulose.The diamond fossils are spread widely through the Kara impactites,point to possible wider distribution of impact diamonds within large impact occurrences around the world,can be used for impact modeling,astrobiological and material studies.  相似文献   

The exploration of "Deep Sea, Deep Earth and Deep Space" provides opportunities and challenges for the development of geoscience, and geographical science begins to meet the climax of deep space exploration represented by Mars. In China, Martian exploration will be launched in 2020, which will carry out global and comprehensive surrounding exploration of Mars, patrol detection in some local areas, researchers need to be well prepared for the study of planetary geosciences including aeolian geomorphology based on these coming data. Aeolian geomorphology is divided into three stages based on the development history and trend: classical research focusing on single dune observation, modern research with earth system ideology and future research mainly on extra-terrestrial planets. The characteristics of each developing stage were summarized, and we believe that the planetary aeolian research will come naturally. Then, the development and achievement of planetary aeolian research are summarized, the existing problems and future developing trend were also discussed here. Study shows that there are many types of aeolian landforms on Mars, Venus and Titan, and the aeolian process is the most active modern surface process. Aeolian geomorphology in different planets has good similarity, but the difference is also obvious, which means that they have similar formation mechanism, but different formation and evolution conditions, therefore, the theory of aeolian geomorphology will be improved and enriched gradually through the comparative study on different planets. There are obvious advantages in revealing the formation laws and mechanism of aeolian geomorphology in extraterrestrial planets because of the simple formation conditions, and the research of aeolian geomorphology in the era of deep space exploration is in the ascendant.  相似文献   

The knowledge of Martian salts has gone through substantial changes during the past decades. In the 70th of last century, Viking landers have noticed the existence of salts on Mars. Several salt species have been suggested from then on, such as sulfates and chlorides. However, their origin was a mystery due to the lack of observations. The recent explorations and related studies at the beginning of this century revealed that the crustal composition of Mars is similar to that of Earth, and it was hypothesized that almost one third of Martian surface was covered by oceans and lakes in the early stage of Mars. The huge water bodies may have dissolved a large quantity of ions from Martian primary rocks during the whole Noachian and Hesperian epoch. After the enormous drought event happened during the late Hesperian and the early Amazonian, these dissolved ions have formed huge salts deposits and most of them were preserved on Mars until today. To date, carbonates, sulfates, chlorides have all been detected by orbital remote sensing and by landers and rovers. However, the salt mineral assemblages on Mars seems to have some differences from those on Earth, e.g., rich in sulfates and lack of massive carbonates. To explain this difference, we propose that most of the surface carbonates precipitated from the ancient oceans may have been dissolved by the later ubiquitous acidic fluids originated from the global volcanism in the Hesperian era, and formed the enormous sulfate deposits as detected, and this hypothesis seems to be supported by the evidence that most of the sulfate deposits distribute around the Tharsis volcanic province while the survived carbonates located far from it. This process can release most of the carbon on Mars to the atmosphere in the form of CO2 and then be erased by the late heavy bombardments, which might have profound influence on the climate change happened in the Hesperian age. The positive correlation between the GRS results of the potassium distributions and the distribution of chlorides on Mars, together with the high Br concentration measured from the evaporate sediments at two Mars exploration rover landing sites, indicate that the brines in the regions where the chlorides deposited may have reached the stage for potassium salts deposition, thus we propose for the first time that potassium salts deposits might be prevalent in these regions.  相似文献   

国内外对天体撞击地球的撞击构造研究的新进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
覃功炯  欧强  常旭 《地学前缘》2001,8(2):345-352
以 31届国际地质大会有关论文为基础 ,综述了国内外撞击构造研究的最新进展 ,分 4个方面 :(1)新的撞击坑发现与报道 :除已知的 145个之外 ,还有巴西的 14个撞击坑 ,其中 7个目前已经证实 ;蒙古的 2 0个撞击坑 ,其中 11个已经证实 ;中国自 2 0世纪 70年代以来发现和报道的 8个撞击坑和对它们的研究简况。 (2 )撞击构造与地球演化 :涉及到地球的起源 ,天体撞击在地球形成中的作用 ,撞击周期 ,撞击与地磁 ,地轴变动的关系 ,撞击作用与板块构造 ,撞击与地球内动力的关系 ,太阳系其他行星上的撞击作用对比。 (3)撞击构造研究方法 :包括对复杂撞击坑中心隆起的深钻研究成果 ,对海洋巨型撞击坑的地震测量 ,撞击熔岩的分异与蚀变的物理化学实验计算 ,深部流体与撞击作用的研究进展 ,撞击压力测量的新方法 ,撞击变质作用在矿物学上的进展 ,撞击数学模型的建立与应用。 (4 )撞击构造与经济矿产 :包括金刚石 ,宝玉石 ,Au ,Ag ,Cu ,Ni,Co ,Se ,Te ,Pb ,Zn ,PGE ,REE ,U ,Th等多种元素与矿产以及石油、煤、天然气与撞击构造的关系 ,这些矿产在成因、分布规律、控制作用与撞击构造的关系。  相似文献   

撞击坑是太阳系内大多数类地行星表面的一种重要地质过程,文中介绍了撞击坑形成的机制和撞击坑研究中的数值模拟方法。首先介绍模拟撞击成坑过程的基本理论与策略,着重指出状态方程在数值模拟中具有重要作用。然而,相对于客观世界物质复杂多样,在撞击坑数值模拟中仅有少数物质的状态方程,因此在研究中不可避免地使用其他物质的状态方程进行替换。详细阐述了状态方程替换的概念和原则,即它们的雨贡纽曲线必须相似。其次进一步从理论上分析这种替代过程对物理属性以及溅射速度的影响。最后,开展两个小型撞击坑的数值模拟,靶区分别使用花岗岩和石英岩,模拟结果显示了两次模拟中的峰值压力、温度以及密度的相似性和差异性。这种分析能够有助于行星科学领域的研究,尤其是在目前从月球、火星以及其他星体正在获取越来越多数据的阶段。  相似文献   

根据行星探测的资料,综合分析了水星、金星、地球(包括月球)、火星的大气层和水体的发育特征,对比了金星、火星的大气层与水体同地球的差异。类地行星质量小、体积小、密度大、旋转慢、卫星少甚至没有、挥发性元素较类木行星少、距离太阳较近,早期残留的原始大气层已经被早期太阳在金牛变星阶段的强烈太阳风所驱赶,加上巨大而频繁的撞击作用,使原始大气层被驱赶殆尽。现在的大气层是次生的,是由行星内部的去气作用形成的。类地行星的大气层、水体的发育和表生作用的特征与行星的质量大小(表征行星内部能量的大小和构造活动的强烈及持续时间)及行星与太阳的距离等因素有关。在类地行星中,地球和金星质量最大,逃逸速度最大,可将更多的气体“束缚”在它们表面,因此它们的大气有着复杂的组成和较大的密度。火星质量较小,逃逸速度不到地球的一半,在漫长的演化历史中,大气逐渐逸散进入太空,大气密度变得很稀薄。水星质量更小,而且最靠近太阳,不仅太阳风的驱赶作用强烈,而且表面温度高,气体分子的热运动更加剧烈,加剧了大气的逸散,所以水星的大气层极为稀薄,并且主要为太阳风成分。月球质量最小,几乎没有大气层,更没有水体的发育。行星的热演化历史对大气层和水体发育具有重要的制  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to apply spatial pattern analysis techniques to a seismic data catalog of earthquakes beneath the Red Sea to try and detect clusters and explore global and local spatial patterns in the occurrence of earthquakes over the years from 1900 to 2009 using a geographical information system (GIS). The spatial pattern analysis techniques chosen for this study were quadrant count analysis, average nearest neighbor, global Moran’s I, Getis–Ord general G, Anselin Local Moran’s I, Getis–Ord Gi*, kernel density estimation, and geographical distributions. Each of these techniques was implemented in the GIS so that computations could be carried out quickly and efficiently. Results showed that (1) these techniques were capable of detecting clusters in the spatial patterns of the occurrence of the earthquakes; (2) both global and local spatial statistics indicate that earthquakes were clustered in the study area beneath the Red Sea; (3) earthquakes with higher magnitudes on the Richter scale were notably concentrated in the central and southern parts of the Red Sea where seismic activities were most active; and (4) earthquakes with moderate magnitudes on the Richter scale were particularly concentrated in the northern part of the Red Sea where there is an area of late-stage continental rifting comprised of a broad trough without a recognizable spreading center, although there were several small, isolated deep troughs. We conclude that the pattern analysis techniques applied to the seismic data catalog of earthquakes beneath the Red Sea could detect clusters in the occurrence of earthquakes from 1900 to 2009.  相似文献   

Impact craters are distinctive landforms on Moon, Mars, Venus and other bodies of the Solar System. In contrast, the Earth has few craters, due to the dynamic nature of the planet, where craters and other geological structures are destroyed, modified or covered. Planetary missions have also shown that in other worlds where craters are numerous and well preserved, the crater record has been modified, through the identification of buried structures. Studies of the concealed crater record have major implications for the crater‐size frequency distribution and crater‐counting chronologies. On Earth, Chicxulub is an example of a large multi‐ring buried basin. Its study provides clues for the investigation other planetary surfaces. In addition, geophysical surveys have unravelled its deep 3‐D structure, providing data and constraints for new planetary missions.  相似文献   

Recent robotic missions to Mars have offered new insights into the extent, diversity and habitability of the Martian sedimentary rock record. Since the Curiosity rover landed in Gale crater in August 2012, the Mars Science Laboratory Science Team has explored the origins and habitability of ancient fluvial, deltaic, lacustrine and aeolian deposits preserved within the crater. This study describes the sedimentology of a ca 13 m thick succession named the Pahrump Hills member of the Murray formation, the first thick fine‐grained deposit discovered in situ on Mars. This work evaluates the depositional processes responsible for its formation and reconstructs its palaeoenvironmental setting. The Pahrump Hills succession can be sub‐divided into four distinct sedimentary facies: (i) thinly laminated mudstone; (ii) low‐angle cross‐stratified mudstone; (iii) cross‐stratified sandstone; and (iv) thickly laminated mudstone–sandstone. The very fine grain size of the mudstone facies and abundant millimetre‐scale and sub‐millimetre‐scale laminations exhibiting quasi‐uniform thickness throughout the Pahrump Hills succession are most consistent with lacustrine deposition. Low‐angle geometric discordances in the mudstone facies are interpreted as ‘scour and drape’ structures and suggest the action of currents, such as those associated with hyperpycnal river‐generated plumes plunging into a lake. Observation of an overall upward coarsening in grain size and thickening of laminae throughout the Pahrump Hills succession is consistent with deposition from basinward progradation of a fluvial‐deltaic system derived from the northern crater rim into the Gale crater lake. Palaeohydraulic modelling constrains the salinity of the ancient lake in Gale crater: assuming river sediment concentrations typical of floods on Earth, plunging river plumes and sedimentary structures like those observed at Pahrump Hills would have required lake densities near freshwater to form. The depositional model for the Pahrump Hills member presented here implies the presence of an ancient sustained, habitable freshwater lake in Gale crater for at least ca 103 to 107 Earth years.  相似文献   

Impact cratering was an important — even dominant — process affecting the crustal evolution of the small terrestrial planets. The fundamental highlands/maria dichotomy of the Moon's surface can be traced to a late heavy bombardment by basin-forming, asteroid-sized bodies which produced not only a topographic division in the lunar crust but also localized the later eruptions of mare basalts. Major impact basins with diameters in excess of 200 km are recognized throughout the inner solar system from Mars to Mercury. Similar craters must have formed on the Earth prior to 4 Ga ago, and the minimum number of such basin-forming impacts can be calculated by scaling from the observed (minimum) number preserved on the Moon. When allowance is made for differences in impact velocity, gravitational cross-section and the effects of gravity on crater diameter, it is found that at least 50% of a presumed global sialic crust would have been converted into impact basins by 4 Ga ago. Among the effects resulting from the impact of an asteroidal object on the early crust were: (a) establishment of a topographic dichotmy of 3–4 km (after isostatic adjustment), (b) pressure-release partial melting of the upper mantle and rapid flooding of the basin floor by basalt, and (c) enhancement of thermal gradients in the sub-basin lithosphere and upper asthenosphere. Comparative planetary data such as impact scaling can be used as important constraints on models of the early terrestrial crust. For example, the topography resulting from impact bombardment produced discrete oceans and dry land by 4 Ga ago, making unreasonable models of a globe-encircling ocean on the Earth after that time.  相似文献   

The evolution of terrestrial planets (the Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Moon) was proved to have proceeded according to similar scenarios. The primordial crusts of the Earth, Moon, and, perhaps, other terrestrial planets started to develop during the solidification of their global magmatic “oceans”, a process that propagated from below upward due to the difference in the adiabatic gradient and the melting point gradient. Consequently, the lowest melting components were “forced” toward the surfaces of the planets in the process of crystallization differentiation. These primordial crusts are preserved within ancient continents and have largely predetermined their inner structure and composition. Early tectono-magmatic activity at terrestrial planets was related to the ascent of mantle plumes of the first generation, which consisted of mantle material depleted during the development of the primordial crusts. Intermediate evolutionary stages of the Earth, Moon, and other terrestrial planets were marked by an irreversible change related to the origin of the liquid essentially iron cores of these planets. This process induced the ascent of mantle superplumes of the second generation (thermochemical), whose material was enriched in Fe, Ti, incompatible elements, and fluid components. The heads of these superplumes spread laterally at shallower depths and triggered significant transformations of the upper shells of the planets and the gradual replacement of their primordial crusts of continental type by secondary basaltic crusts. The change in the character of the tectono-magmatic activity was associated with modifications in the environment at the surface of the Earth, Mars, and Venus. The origin of thermochemical mantle plumes testifies that the tectono-magmatic process involved then material of principally different type, which had been previously “conserved” at deep portions of the planets. This was possible only if (1) the planetary bodies initially had a heterogeneous inner structure (with an iron core and silicate mantle made up of chondritic material); and (2) the planetary bodies were heated from their peripheral toward central portions due to the passage of a “thermal wave”, with the simultaneous cooling of the outer shells. The examples of the Earth and Moon demonstrate that the passage of such a “wave” through the silicate mantles of the planets was associated with the generation of mantle plumes of the first generation. When the “wave” reached the cores, whose composition was close to the low-temperature Fe + FeS eutectic, these cores started to melt and gave rise to superplumes of the second generation. The “waves” are thought to have been induced by the acceleration of the rotation of these newly formed planets due to the decrease of their radii because of the compaction of their material. When this process was completed, the rotation of the planets stabilized, and the planets entered their second evolutionary stage. It is demonstrated that terrestrial planets are spontaneously evolving systems, whose evolution was accompanied by the irreversible changes in their tectono-magmatic processes. The evolution of most of these planets (except the Earth) is now completed, so that they “dead” planetary bodies.  相似文献   

The 27.2 km diameter Tooting crater is the best preserved young impact crater of its size on Mars. It offers an unprecedented opportunity to study impact-related phenomena as well the geology of the crust in the Amazonis Planitia region of Mars. For example, the nearly pristine condition enables the partial reconstruction of the sequence of events for crater formation, as well as facilitates a comparison to deposits seen at the Ries crater in Germany. High-resolution images taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft have revealed a wealth of information on the distribution of features within the crater and beyond the rim: a large central peak, pitted material on the floor and terrace blocks, lobate flows interpreted to be sediment flows, impact melt sheets, four discrete layers of ejecta, and an asymmetric secondary crater field. Topographic data derived from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and stereo HiRISE and CTX images show that the central peak is ~1100 m high, the lowest point of the crater floor is 1274 m below the highest part of the rim, and the crater rim has ~600 m of variability around its perimeter. Layering within the cavity walls indicates ~260 m of structural uplift of the target material, which constitutes ~35% of the total relief of the rim. Abundant evidence is found for water flowing down the cavity walls, and on the surface of the ejecta layers, both of which took place sometime after the impact event. Thickness measurements of the ejecta layers reveal that the continuous blanket is remarkably thin (~3–5 m) in some places, and that the distal ramparts may be ~60 m high. Crater counts made on the ejecta layers indicate a model age of <3 Ma for the formation of Tooting crater, and that the target rocks have a model age of ~240–375 Ma. It is therefore possible that this may be the source of certain basaltic shergottite meteorites ejected at ~2.8 Ma that have crystallization ages which are comparable to those of the basaltic lava flows that formed the target materials for this impact event. The geology and geomorphology of Tooting crater may help in the interpretation of older large impact craters on Mars, as well as the potential role of target volatiles in the impact cratering process.  相似文献   

丁毅  侯征  吴云霞 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67041095-67041104
本文综述了全球陨石坑研究的研究历史和最新成果、基本的概念、陨石坑的识别要点、世界著名的陨石坑、陨石撞击地球可能引起的岩浆活动、陨石撞击与生命演化等内容。确定一个陨石坑,要从有一定弧度的地貌开始,鉴别低平圆形地质体是陨石还是其他原因造成的,综合确定岩石的岩石学特征、岩石中是否有撞击变质矿物、残余陨石、重力异常。陨石撞击太阳系的所有行星。由于地球表面遭受严重的风化和侵蚀,地质学家很难发现陨石坑。截至2021年3月31日,全球陨石坑数据库中有190个经确认的陨石坑,但中国只有一个,中国地质学家在发现陨石坑方面应当积极努力。对一个陨石坑认识可能不很成熟,但往往能改变对一个地区的地质成因理论的认识,形成完整的陨石坑证据链可能需要几代科学家的不断努力。  相似文献   

丁毅  侯征  吴云霞 《地质论评》2021,67(3):67040019-67040019
本文综述了全球陨石坑研究的研究历史和最新成果、基本的概念、陨石坑的识别要点、世界著名的陨石坑、陨石撞击地球可能引起的岩浆活动、陨石撞击与生命演化等内容。确定一个陨石坑,要从有一定弧度的地貌开始,鉴别低平圆形地质体是陨石还是其它原因造成的,综合确定岩石的岩石学特征、岩石中是否有撞击变质矿物、残余陨石、重力异常。陨石撞击太阳系的所有行星。由于地球表面遭受严重的风化和侵蚀,地质学家很难发现陨石坑。截至2021年3月31日,全球陨石坑数据库中有190个经确认的陨石坑,但中国只有一个,中国地质学家在发现陨石坑方面应当积极努力。对一个陨石坑认识可能不很成熟,但往往能改变对一个地区的地质成因理论的认识,形成完整的陨石坑证据链可能需要几代科学家的不断努力。  相似文献   

It now appears probable that all of the terrestrial planets underwent some form of global chemical differentiation to produce crusts, mantles, and cores of variable relative mass fractions. There is direct seismic evidence for a crust on the Moon, and indirect evidence for distinct crusts on Mars and Venus. Substantial portions of these crusts have been in place since the time that heavy bombardment of the inner solar system ceased 4 Ga ago. There is direct evidence for a sizeable core on Mars, indirect evidence for one on Mercury, and bounds on a possible small core for the Moon. Core formation is an important heat source confined to times prior to 4 Ga ago for Mercury and the Earth, but was not closely linked to crustal formation on the Moon nor, apparently, on Mars. The tectonic and volcanic histories of the surfaces of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mars, and Mercury can be used, with simple thermal history models, to restrict the earliest chemical differentiation to be shallow (outer 200–400 km) for the first two bodies and much more extensive for Mercury. Extension of these models to an Earth-size planet leads to the prediction of a hot and vigorously convecting mantle with an easily deformable crust immediately following core formation, and of the gradual development of a lithosphere and of plates with some lateral rigidity in Late Archean—Proterozoic times.  相似文献   

采用国际地球自转服务中心(IERS)发布的日长变化(Length of the Day,LOD)数据和美国国家地震信息中心(NEIC)公布的地震目录中的震级在5.0级(含5.0级)以上的地震数据,对1973年以来的每日地球自转变化时间序列与地震时间序列之间的Granger因果关系进行检验,结果表明:地球自转变化与地震之间存在着双向Granger因果关系,即地球自转变化可能导致地震发生,地震也会对地球自转变化产生影响,检验结果暗示了两者之间可能存在着复杂的动力机制。  相似文献   

迄今为止,人类已经通过火星轨道探测器、火星着陆器及火星漫游车在火星上发现了碳酸盐、硫酸盐及氯化物等一 系列的盐类矿物,尽管整体上火星盐类矿物组合与地球上基本一致,但在许多细节方面还是和地球上有所不同。文中首先 对于火星盐类认知的现状作了简要综述;基于地球火星蒸发盐沉积及成盐作用规律的对比,预测火星表面及次表面可能存 在着广泛分布的钾盐;此外,发现火星轨道伽玛光谱仪所获的火星表面 K 的分布与火星表面已探测到的氯化物的分布有比 较强的相关性,喻示火星表面氯化物沉积地区的卤水浓度已经接近或达到钾盐形成的条件,同时指出这些地区存在钾盐的 可能性很大。  相似文献   

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