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We analyze the relationship between the coronal hole (CH) area/position and physical characteristics of the associated corotating high-speed stream (HSS) in the solar wind at 1 AU. For the analysis we utilize the data in the period DOY 25 – 125 of 2005, characterized by a very low coronal mass ejection (CME) activity. Distinct correlations between the daily averaged CH parameters and the solar wind characteristics are found, which allows us to forecast the solar wind velocity v, proton temperature T, proton density n, and magnetic field strength B, several days in advance in periods of low CME activity. The forecast is based on monitoring fractional areas A, covered by CHs in the meridional slices embracing the central meridian distance ranges [−40°,−20°], [−10°,10°], and [20°,40°]. On average, the peaks in the daily values of n, B, T, and v appear delayed by 1, 2, 3, and 4 days, respectively, after the area A attains its maximum in the central-meridian slice. The peak values of the solar wind parameters are correlated to the peak values of A, which provides also forecasting of the peak values of n, B, T, and v. The most accurate prediction can be obtained for the solar wind velocity, for which the average relative difference between the calculated and the observed peak values amounts to %. The forecast reliability is somewhat lower in the case of T, B, and n ( , 30, and 40%, respectively). The space weather implications are discussed, including the perspectives for advancing the real-time calculation of the Sun – Earth transit times of coronal mass ejections and interplanetary shocks, by including more realistic real-time estimates of the solar wind characteristics.  相似文献   

Wang  Huaning  Yan  Yihua  Sakurai  Takashi  Zhang  Mei 《Solar physics》2000,197(2):263-273
The photospheric vector magnetic fields, H and soft X-ray images of AR 7321 were simultaneously observed with the Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka and the Soft X-ray Telescope of Yohkoh on October 26, 1992, when there was no important activity in this region. Taking the observed photospheric vector magnetic fields as the boundary condition, 3D magnetic fields above the photosphere were computed with a new numerical technique. Then quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs), i.e., regions where 3D magnetic reconnection takes place, were determined in the computed 3D magnetic fields. Since Yohkoh data and Mitaka data were obtained in well-arranged time sequences during the day, the evolution of 3D fields, H features and soft X-ray features in this region can be studied in detail. Through a comparison among the 3D magnetic fields, H features and soft X-ray features, the following results have been obtained: (a) H plages are associated with the portions of QSLs in the chromosphere; (b) diffuse coronal features (DCFs) and bright coronal features (BCFs) are morphologically confined by the coronal linkage of the field lines related to the QSLs; (c) BCFs are associated with a part of the magnetic field lines related to the QSLs. These results suggest that as the likely places where energy release may occur by 3D magnetic reconnection, QSLs play an important role in the chromospheric and coronal heating in this active region.  相似文献   

The sunspot-associated sources at the frequency of 17 GHz give information on plasma parameters in the regions of magnetic field about B=2000 G at the level of the chromosphere-corona transition region. The observations of short period (from one to ten minutes) oscillations in sunspots reflect propagation of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in the magnetic flux tubes of the sunspots. We investigate the oscillation parameters in active regions in connection with their flare activity. We confirm the existence of a link between the oscillation spectrum and flare activity. We find differences in the oscillations between pre-flare and post-flare phases. In particular, we demonstrate a case of powerful three-minute oscillations that start just before the burst. This event is similar to the cases of the precursors investigated by Sych et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 505, 791, 2009). We also found well-defined eight-minute oscillations of microwave emission from sunspot. We interpret our observations in terms of a relationship between MHD waves propagating from sunspots and flare processes.  相似文献   

Mackay  D.H.  Galsgaard  K.  Priest  E.R.  Foley  C.R. 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):93-116
In recent papers by Priest et al., the nature of the coronal heating mechanism in the large-scale solar corona was considered. The authors compared observations of the temperature profile along large coronal loops with simple theoretical models and found that uniform heating along the loop gave the best fit to the observed data. This then led them to speculate that turbulent reconnection is a likely method to heat the large-scale solar corona. Here we reconsider their data and their suggestion about the nature of the coronal heating mechanism. Two distinct models are compared with the observations of temperature profiles. This is done to determine the most likely form of heating under different theoretical constraints. From this, more accurate judgments on the nature of the coronal heating mechanism are made. It is found that, due to the size of the error estimates in the observed temperatures, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between some of the different heat forms. In the initial comparison the limited range of observed temperatures (T>1.5 MK) in the data sets suggests that heat deposited in the upper portions of the loop, fits the data more accurately than heat deposited in the lower portions. However if a fuller model temperature range (T<1.0 MK) is used results in contridiction to this are found. In light of this several improvements are required from the observations in order to produce theoretically meaningful results. This gives serious bounds on the accuracy of the observations of the large-scale solar corona in future satellite missions such a Solar-B or Stereo.  相似文献   

It is of great importance to track the solar wind back to its photospheric source region and identify the related current sheets; this will provide key information for investigating the origin and predictions of the solar wind. We report a statistical study relating the photospheric footpoint motion and in-situ observation of current sheets in the solar wind. We used the potential force-free source–surface (PFSS) model and the daily synoptic charts to trace the solar wind back from 1 AU, as observed by the Wind spacecraft, to the solar surface. As the footpoints move along the solar surface we obtain a time series of the jump times between different points. These jumps can be within a cell and between adjacent cells. We obtained the distribution of the jump times and the distribution for a subset of the jump times in which only jumps between adjacent cells were counted. For both cases, the distributions clearly show two populations. These distributions are compared with the distribution of in-situ current sheets reported in an earlier work of Miao, Peng, and Li (Ann. Geophys. 29, 237, 2011). Its implications on the origin of the current sheets are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that active-region (AR) upflowing plasma, observed by the EUV-Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode, can gain access to open-field lines and be released into the solar wind (SW) via magnetic-interchange reconnection at magnetic null-points in pseudo-streamer configurations. When only one bipolar AR is present on the Sun and is fully covered by the separatrix of a streamer, such as AR 10978 in December 2007, it seems unlikely that the upflowing AR plasma can find its way into the slow SW. However, signatures of plasma with AR composition have been found at 1 AU by Culhane et al. (Solar Phys. 289, 3799, 2014) that apparently originated west of AR 10978. We present a detailed topology analysis of AR 10978 and the surrounding large-scale corona based on a potential-field source-surface (PFSS) model. Our study shows that it is possible for the AR plasma to move around the streamer separatrix and be released into the SW via magnetic reconnection, which occurs in at least two main steps. We analyse data from the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) in a search for evidence of the chain of magnetic reconnections that we propose. We find a noise storm above the AR and several varying sources at 150.9 MHz. Their locations suggest that they might be associated with particles accelerated during the first-step reconnection process at a null point well outside of the AR. We find no evidence of the second reconnection step in the radio data, however. Our results demonstrate that even when it appears highly improbable for the AR plasma to reach the SW, indirect channels involving a sequence of reconnections can make it possible.  相似文献   

P. Démoulin 《Solar physics》2009,257(1):169-184
In-situ observations of the solar wind (SW) show temperature increasing with the wind speed, whereas such a dependence is not observed in interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs). The aim of this paper is to understand the main origin of this correlation in the SW and its absence in ICMEs. For that purpose both the internal-energy and momentum equations are solved analytically with various approximations. The internal-energy equation does not provide a strong link between temperature and velocity, but the momentum equation does. Indeed, the observed correlation in the open magnetic-field configuration of the SW is the result of its acceleration and heating close to the Sun. In contrast, the magnetic configuration of ICMEs is closed, and moreover the momentum equation is dominated by magnetic forces. This implies no significant correlation between temperature and velocity, as observed.  相似文献   

Singh  Jagdev  Sakurai  Takashi  Ichimoto  Kiyoshi  Muneer  S. 《Solar physics》2003,212(2):343-359
Spectra around the 6374 Å [Fex] and 7892 Å [Fexi] emission lines were obtained simultaneously with the 25-cm coronagraph at Norikura Observatory covering an area of 200 ×500 of the solar corona. The line width, peak intensity and line-of-sight velocity for both the lines were computed using Gaussian fits to the observed line profiles at each location (4 ×4 ) of the observed coronal region. The line-width measurements show that in steady coronal structures the FWHM of the 6374 Å emission line increases with height above the limb with an average value of 1.02 mÅ arc sec–1. The FWHM of the 7892 Å line also increases with height but at a smaller average value of 0.55 mÅ arc sec–1. These observations agree well with our earlier results obtained from observations of the red, green, and infrared emission lines that variation of the FWHM of the coronal emission lines with height in steady coronal structures depends on plasma temperatures they represent. The FWHM gradient is negative for high-temperature emission lines, positive for relatively low-temperature lines and smaller for emission lines in the intermediate temperature range. Such a behaviour in the variation of the FWHM of coronal emission lines with height above the limb suggests that it may not always be possible to interpret an increase in the FWHM of emission line with height as an increase in the nonthermal velocity, and hence rules out the existence of waves in steady coronal structures.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field are well described by the sum of two power law distributions. It has been postulated that these distributions are the result of two independent processes: turbulence, which contributes mainly to the smaller fluctuations, and crossing the boundaries of flux tubes of coronal origin, which dominates the larger variations. In this study we explore the correspondence between changes in the magnetic field with changes in other solar wind properties. Changes in density and temperature may result from either turbulence or coronal structures, whereas changes in composition, such as the alpha-to-proton ratio are unlikely to arise from in-transit effects. Observations spanning the entire ACE dataset are compared with a null hypothesis of no correlation between magnetic field discontinuities and changes in other solar wind parameters. Evidence for coronal structuring is weaker than for in-transit turbulence, with only ∼ 25% of large magnetic field discontinuities associated with a significant change in the alpha-to-proton ratio, compared to ∼ 40% for significant density and temperature changes. However, note that a lack of detectable alpha-to-proton signature is not sufficient to discount a structure as having a solar origin.  相似文献   

The declining phases of solar cycles are known for their high speed solar wind streams that dominate the geomagnetic responses during this period. Outstanding questions about these streams, which can provide the fastest winds of the solar cycle, concern their solar origins, persistence, and predictability. The declining phase of cycle 23 has lasted significantly longer than the corresponding phases of the previous two cycles. Solar magnetograph observations suggest that the solar polar magnetic field is also ~?2?–?3 times weaker. The launch of STEREO in late 2006 provided additional incentive to examine the origins of what is observed at 1 AU in the recent cycle, with the OMNI data base at the NSSDC available as an Earth/L1 baseline for comparisons. Here we focus on the year 2007 when the solar corona exhibited large, long-lived mid-to-low latitude coronal holes and polar hole extensions observed by both SOHO and STEREO imagers. STEREO provides in situ measurements consistent with rigidly corotating solar wind stream structure at up to ~?45° heliolongitude separation by late 2007. This stability justifies the use of magnetogram-based steady 3D solar wind models to map the observed high speed winds back to their coronal sources. We apply the WSA solar wind model currently running at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center with the expectation that it should perform its best at this quiet time. The model comparisons confirm the origins of the observed high speed streams expected from the solar images, but also reveal uncertainties in the solar wind source mapping associated with this cycle’s weaker solar polar fields. Overall, the results illustrate the importance of having accurate polar fields in synoptic maps used in solar wind forecast models. At the most fundamental level, they demonstrate the control of the solar polar fields over the high speed wind sources, and thus one specific connection between the solar dynamo and the solar wind character.  相似文献   

We discuss the detection and evolution of a complex series of transient and quasi-static solar-wind structures in the days following the well-known comet 2P/Encke tail disconnection event in April 2007. The evolution of transient solar-wind structures ranging in size from <105 km to >106 km was characterised using one-minute time resolution observation of Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) made using the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar system. Simultaneously, the global structure and evolution of these features was characterised by the Heliospheric Imagers (HI) on the Solar TERrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft, placing the IPS observations in context. Of particular interest was the observation of one transient in the slow wind, apparently being swept up and entrained by a Stream Interaction Region (SIR). The SIR itself was later detected in-situ at Venus by the Analyser of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-4) instrument on the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft. The availability of such diverse data sources over a range of different time resolutions enables us to develop a global picture of these complex events that would not have been possible if these instruments were used in isolation. We suggest that the range of solar-wind transients discussed here may be the interplanetary counterparts of transient structures previously reported from coronagraph observations and are likely to correspond to transient magnetic structures reported in in-situ measurements in interplanetary space. The results reported here also provide the first indication of heliocentric distances at which transients become entrained.  相似文献   

Dikpati and Choudhuri (1994, 1995) developed a model for the poleward migration of the weak diffuse magnetic field on the Sun's surface. This field was identified with the poloidal component produced by the solar dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, and its evolution was studied by considering the effects of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. The earlier model is extended in this paper by incorporating the flux from, the decay of tilted active regions near the solar surface as an additional source of the poloidal field. This extended model can now explain various low-latitude features in the time-latitude diagram of the weak diffuse fields. These low-latitude features could not be accounted for in the earlier model, which was very successful in modeling the behavior at high latitudes. The time-latitude diagrams show that regions of a particular polarity often have tongues of opposite polarity. Such tongues can be produced in the theoretical model by incorporating fluctuations in the source term arising out of the decaying active regions.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical estimates of the emissivity of fundamental and harmonic radiation in type III solar radio bursts are combined with calculations of electron beam evolution, radiation scattering and propagation delays to estimate dynamic spectra at a remote observer. The burst intensity, brightness temperature, temporal evolution, and dominant mode of emission are then calculated. A simple explanation of the recently observed low-frequency cutoff to type III emission is found and it is noted that some type III beams may propagate without significant radio emission. Criteria for observation of harmonic structure in dynamic spectra are also obtained. The results are shown to be consistent with a wide range of observations.  相似文献   

A model of type III solar radio bursts is developed that incorporates large-angle scattering and reabsorption of fundamental emission amid ambient density fluctuations in the corona and solar wind. Comparison with observations shows that this model accounts semiquantitatively for anomalous harmonic ratios, the exponential decay constant of bursts, burst rise times, and the directivity of fundamental emission. It is concluded that the long emission tail on interplanetary type III bursts is mostly fundamental emission, while much of the anomalous time delay of fundamental relative to harmonic emission from a given location must be ascribed to other causes.  相似文献   

The parameters of type III solar radio sources have been observed to vary approximately as powers of the heliocentric distance. Recent theoretical studies of fundamental and harmonic emission are used to express the power-law exponents in terms of five basic ones. The results are then used to obtain a best fit to these five exponents, consistent with observed values of a set of 13 exponents.  相似文献   

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