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The intra-crystalline cation partitioning over T- and M-sites in a synthetic Mg(Fe,Al)2O4 spinel sample has been determined as a function of temperature by Rietveld structure refinements from powder diffraction data, combining in situ high-temperature neutron powder diffraction (NPD; POLARIS diffractometer, at ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK), to determine the Mg and Al occupancy factors, with in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, to fix the Fe3+ distribution. The results obtained agree with a two-stage reaction, in which an initial exchange between Fe3+ and Mg, the former leaving and the latter entering tetrahedral sites, is successively followed by a rearrangement involving also Al. The measured cation distribution has then been compared and discussed with that calculated by the Maximum Configuration Entropy principle, for which only NPD patterns have been used. The cation partitioning has finally been interpreted in the light of the configuration model of O’Neill and Navrotsky.  相似文献   

 The densification and structural changes in SiO2 glass compressed up to 43.4 GPa by shock experiments are investigated quantitatively by the X-ray diffraction technique. Direct structural data (average Si–O and Si–Si distances and Si–O–Si angles, coordination number of the Si atom) of these shock-densified SiO2 glasses have been obtained by analyzing the radial distribution function curves, RDF(r), calculated with X-ray diffraction data. The coordination number of all densified glasses is about 4 and shows almost no pressure variation. The SiO2 glass has shown density increase of 11% at a shock compression of 26.3 GPa. This density evolution could not be explained by the coordination change. The reduction of the average Si–O–Si angle (144° at 0 GPa to 136° at 26.3 GPa) obtained from RDF(r) data may account for this density increase. This Si–O–Si angle change may be caused by shrinkage of the network structure and the increase of small rings of SiO4 tetrahedra. For higher shock pressure, a decrease in the Si–O–Si angle to 140° was observed. This is consistent with the decrease in density at 32.0 and 43.2 GPa. This decrease in the Si–O–Si angle and density could be attributed to an annealing effect due to high after-shock residual temperature. This pressure dependence of average Si–O–Si angles in shock-densified SiO2 glass agrees with the results of our previous Raman spectroscopic study. On the other hand, the pressure variation for the first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) was analyzed to estimate the evolution of intermediate range structures. It is suggested that the mean d value (d m ) obtained from the position of FSDP strongly depends on the shock and residual temperature, as well as shock pressure. Received: 29 June 2001 / Accepted: 14 November 2001  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the unstable mineral alumoklyuchevskite K3Cu3AlO2(SO4)4 [monoclinic, I2, a = 18.772(7), b = 4.967(2), c = 18.468(7) Å, β = 101.66(1)°, V = 1686(1) Å] was refined to R 1 = 0.131 for 2450 unique reflections with F ≥ 4σF hkl. The structure is based on oxocentered tetrahedrons (OAlCu 3 7+ ) linked into chains via edges. Each chain is surrounded by SO4 tetrahedrons forming a structural complex. Each complex is elongated along the b axis. This type of crystal structure was also found in other fumarole minerals of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption (GTFE, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, 1975–1976), klyuchevskite, K3Cu3Fe3+O2(SO4)4; and piypite, K2Cu2O(SO4)2.  相似文献   

The structural changes of CaSnO3, a GdFeO3-type perovskite, have been investigated to 7 GPa in a diamond-anvil cell at room temperature using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Significant changes are observed in both the octahedral Sn–O bond lengths and tilt angles between the SnO6 octahedra. The octahedral (SnO6) site shows anisotropic compression and consequently the distortion of SnO6 increases with pressure. Increased pressure also results in a decrease of both of the inter-octahedral angles, Sn–O1–Sn and Sn–O2–Sn, indicating that octahedral tilting increases with increasing pressure, chiefly equivalent to rotation of the SnO6 octahedra about the pseudocubic <001>p axis. The distortion in the CaO12 and SnO6 sites, along with the octahedral SnO6 tilting, is attributed to the SnO6 site being less compressible than the CaO12 site.Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge with gratitude the financial support for this work from NSF grant EAR-0105864. Ruby pressure measurements were conducted with the Raman system in the Vibrational Spectroscopy Laboratory in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech with the help of Mr. Charles Farley.  相似文献   

The structural response of buddingtonite [N(D/H)4AlSi3O8] on cooling has been studied by neutron diffraction. Data have been collected from 280 K down to 11 K, and the crystal structure refined using the Rietveld method. Rigid-body constraints were applied to the ammonium ion to explore the structural properties of ammonium in the M-site cavities at low-temperature. Low-temperature saturation is observed for almost all the lattice parameters. From the present in situ low-temperature neutron diffraction studies, there is no strong evidence of orientational order–disorder of the ammonium ions in buddingtonite.  相似文献   

The phase relations and compression behavior of MnTiO3 perovskite were examined using a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell, X-ray diffraction, and analytical transmission electron microscopy. The results show that MnTiO3 perovskite becomes unstable and decomposes into MnO and orthorhombic MnTi2O5 phases at above 38 GPa and high temperature. This is the first example of ABO3 perovskite decomposing into AO + AB2O5 phases at high pressure. The compression behavior of volume, axes, and the tilting angle of TiO6 octahedron of MnTiO3 perovskite are consistent with those of other A2+B4+O3 perovskites, although no such decomposition was observed in other perovskites. FeTiO3 is also known to decompose into two phases, instead of transforming into the CaIrO3-type post-perovskite phase and we argue that one of the reasons for the peculiar behavior of titanate is the weak covalency of the Ti–O chemical bonds.  相似文献   

 Planewave pseudopotential calculations of supercell total energies were used as bases for first-principles calculations of the CaCO3–MgCO3 and CdCO3–MgCO3 phase diagrams. Calculated phase diagrams are in qualitative to semiquantitative agreement with experiment. Two unobserved phases, Cd3Mg (CO3)4 and CdMg3(CO3)4, are predicted. No new phases are predicted in the CaCO3–MgCO3 system, but a low-lying metastable Ca3Mg(CO3)4 state, analogous to the Cd3Mg(CO3)4 phase is predicted. All of the predicted lowest-lying metastable states, except for huntite CaMg3(CO3)4, have dolomite-related structures, i.e. they are layer structures in which A m B n cation layers lie perpendicular to the rhombohedral [111] vector. Received: 6 May 2002 / Accepted: 23 October 2002 Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by NSF contract DMR-0080766 and NIST.  相似文献   

Crystals of hydronium jarosite were synthesized by hydrothermal treatment of Fe(III)–SO4 solutions. Single-crystal XRD refinement with R1=0.0232 for the unique observed reflections (|Fo| > 4F) and wR2=0.0451 for all data gave a=7.3559(8) Å, c=17.019(3) Å, Vo=160.11(4) cm3, and fractional positions for all atoms except the H in the H3O groups. The chemical composition of this sample is described by the formula (H3O)0.91Fe2.91(SO4)2[(OH)5.64(H2O)0.18]. The enthalpy of formation (Hof) is –3694.5 ± 4.6 kJ mol–1, calculated from acid (5.0 N HCl) solution calorimetry data for hydronium jarosite, -FeOOH, MgO, H2O, and -MgSO4. The entropy at standard temperature and pressure (So) is 438.9±0.7 J mol–1 K–1, calculated from adiabatic and semi-adiabatic calorimetry data. The heat capacity (Cp) data between 273 and 400 K were fitted to a Maier-Kelley polynomial Cp(T in K)=280.6 + 0.6149T–3199700T–2. The Gibbs free energy of formation is –3162.2 ± 4.6 kJ mol–1. Speciation and activity calculations for Fe(III)–SO4 solutions show that these new thermodynamic data reproduce the results of solubility experiments with hydronium jarosite. A spin-glass freezing transition was manifested as a broad anomaly in the Cp data, and as a broad maximum in the zero-field-cooled magnetic susceptibility data at 16.5 K. Another anomaly in Cp, below 0.7 K, has been tentatively attributed to spin cluster tunneling. A set of thermodynamic values for an ideal composition end member (H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 was estimated: Gof= –3226.4 ± 4.6 kJ mol–1, Hof=–3770.2 ± 4.6 kJ mol–1, So=448.2 ± 0.7 J mol–1 K–1, Cp (T in K)=287.2 + 0.6281T–3286000T–2 (between 273 and 400 K).  相似文献   

Room-temperature-polarized single-crystal Raman spectra have been measured for both GdAlO3 and YAlO3. Both aluminates crystallize in the orthorhombic (Pbnm) perovskite structure. Of the 24 possible Raman modes in 4 symmetries, 20 and 17 modes were observed for gadolinium and yttrium aluminates, respectively. Comparisons of the Raman spectra of these two aluminates to those of 28 other orthorhombic ABO3 perovskites revealed remarkably similar spectral patterns, regardless of chemistry or valency of the cations. Closer examination of the effect of mass, valencies, and size of the cations on the Raman spectra versus composition revealed that for the observed modes, the A cation plays the dominant role in determining the Raman shift. In particular, the one to two lowest energy modes in each symmetry are determined by cation mass and valency no matter what the chemistry. For some perovskites with common A cations, higher energy modes were also strikingly similar. In particular, the calcium perovskites had almost all Ag modes at the same energies despite the greatly varying B cations. The second to the lowest mode in Ag and B1g depended only on A cation mass for all perovskites. The volume plays a minor role throughout but is hard to separate from mass effects because the most massive cations are also the largest. However, if the B-cation is common, for example, aluminates or ferrites, the volume has a minor effect on the higher energy modes. These trends were not observed for all perovskites. Notable exceptions were found if a perovskite is near a phase transition or metastable, as found for three manganites. The effect of increased valency of the A cation from 2–4 to 3–3 perovskites expresses itself as relatively larger Raman shifts for the lowest energy modes. Analog studies of MgSiO3 perovskites should be undertaken with only 2–4 perovskites. The increased understanding for the mode distributions of perovskites allows for better estimates of their thermodynamic properties through vibrational modeling.  相似文献   

Mn2+Sb2S4, a monoclinic dimorph of clerite, and benavidesite (Mn2+Pb4Sb6S14) show well-individualized single chains of manganese atoms in octahedral coordination. Their magnetic structures are presented and compared with those of iron derivatives, berthierite (Fe2+Sb2S4) and jamesonite (Fe2+Pb4Sb6S14). Within chains, interactions are antiferromagnetic. Like berthierite, MnSb2S4 shows a spiral magnetic structure with an incommensurate 1D propagation vector [0, 0.369, 0], unchanged with temperature. In berthierite, the interactions between identical chains are antiferromagnetic, whereas in MnSb2S4 interactions between chains are ferromagnetic along c-axis. Below 6 K, jamesonite and benavidesite have commensurate magnetic structures with the same propagation vector [0.5, 0, 0]: jamesonite is a canted ferromagnet and iron magnetic moments are mainly oriented along the a-axis, whereas for benavidesite, no angle of canting is detected, and manganese magnetic moments are oriented along b-axis. Below 30 K, for both compounds, one-dimensional magnetic ordering or correlations are visible in the neutron diagrams and persist down to 1.4 K.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy and heat capacity measurements have been used to study the post-perovskite phase of CaIr0.5Pt0.5O3, recovered from synthesis at a pressure of 15 GPa. Laser heating CaIr0.5Pt0.5O3 to 1,900 K at 60 GPa produces a new perovskite phase which is not recoverable and reverts to the post-perovskite polymorph between 20 and 9 GPa on decompression. This implies that Pt-rich CaIr1−xPtxO3 perovskites including the end member CaPtO3 cannot easily be recovered to ambient pressure from high P–T synthesis. We estimate an increase in the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter across the post-perovskite to perovskite transition of 34%, of similar magnitude to those for (Mg,Fe)SiO3 and MgGeO3, suggesting that CaIr0.5Pt0.5O3 is a promising analogue for experimental studies of the competition in energetics between perovskite and post-perovskite phases of magnesium silicates in Earth’s lowermost mantle. Low-temperature heat capacity measurements show that CaIrO3 has a significant Sommerfeld coefficient of 11.7 mJ/mol K2 and an entropy change of only 1.1% of Rln2 at the 108 K Curie transition, consistent with the near-itinerant electron magnetism. Heat capacity results for post-perovskite CaIr0.5Rh0.5O3 are also reported.  相似文献   

Using density functional simulations within the generalized gradient approximation and projector-augmented wave method together with thermodynamic modelling, the reciprocal solubilities of MgSiO3 and CaSiO3 perovskites were calculated for pressures and temperatures of the Earth’s lower mantle from 25 to 100 GPa and 0 to 6,000 K, respectively. The solubility of Ca in MgSiO3 at conditions along a mantle adiabat is found to be less than 0.02 atoms per formula unit. The solubility of Mg in CaSiO3 is even lower, and most important, the extent of solid solution decreases with pressure. To dissolve CaSiO3 perovskite completely in MgSiO3 perovskite, a solubility of 7.8 or 2.3 mol% would be necessary for a fertile pyrolytic or depleted harzburgitic mantle, respectively. Thus, for any reasonable geotherm, two separate perovskites will be present in fertile mantle, suggesting that Ca-perovskite will be residual to low degree melting throughout the entire mantle. At the solidus, CaSiO3 perovskite might completely dissolve in MgSiO3 perovskite only in a depleted mantle with <1.25 wt% CaO. These implications may be modified if Ca solubility in MgSiO3 is increased by other major mantle constituents such as Fe and Al.  相似文献   

Compression behaviors of CaIrO3 with perovskite (Pv) and post-perovskite (pPv) structures have been investigated up to 31.0(1.0) and 35.3(1) GPa at room temperature, respectively, in a diamond-anvil cell with hydrostatic pressure media. CaIrO3 Pv and pPv phases were compressed with the axial compressibility of β a > β c > β b and β b > β a > β c, respectively and no phase transition was observed in both phases up to the highest pressure in the present study. The order of axial compressibility for pPv phase is consistent with the crystallographic consideration for layer structured materials and previous experimental results. On the other hand, Pv phase shows anomalous compression behavior in b axis, which exhibit constant or slightly expanded above 13 GPa, although the applied pressure remained hydrostatic. Volume difference between Pv and pPv phases was gradually decreased with increasing pressure and this is consistent with the results of theoretical study based on the ab initio calculation. Present results, combined with theoretical study, suggest that these complicate compression behaviors in CaIrO3 under high pressure might be caused by the partially filled electron of Ir4+. Special attention must be paid in case of using CaIrO3 as analog materials to MgSiO3, although CaIrO3 exhibits interesting physical properties under high pressure.  相似文献   

High-precision unit-cell volume data of stibnite, collected in the pressure range of 0–10 GPa, was used for fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state. The zero-pressure volume, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were found to be 487.73(6) Å3, 26.91(14) GPa and 7.9(1), respectively. A series of X-ray intensity data was collected in the same pressure range using a CCD-equipped Bruker diffractometer. The high-pressure structures were all refined to R1(|F0|>4) values of approximately 0.03. Crystal-chemical parameters as polyhedron volume, centroid and eccentricity were calculated for the seven coordinated cation positions using the software IVTON. The cation eccentricity appears to be a very useful tool for quantification of the lone electron pair activity. U2S3, Dy2S3 and Nd2Te3 are all isostructural with stibnite, but the cations in these materials have no lone electron pair. Their eccentricity is much smaller than that of Sb, and close to zero. This confirms that the stibnite structure type alone does not force eccentricity upon the cations involved and it is the lone electron pairs of Sb that generate the eccentricity of cation positions in the structures of stibnite. At increasing pressure the eccentricity of Sb is decreasing. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the lone electron pair activity is decreasing with increasing pressure.  相似文献   

The high-pressure behavior of a vanadinite (Pb10(VO4)6Cl2, a = b = 10.3254(5), = 7.3450(4) Å, space group P63/m), a natural microporous mineral, has been investigated using in-situ HP-synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction up to 7.67 GPa with a diamond anvil cell under hydrostatic conditions. No phase transition has been observed within the pressure range investigated. Axial and volume isothermal Equations of State (EoS) of vanadinite were determined. Fitting the PV data with a third-order Birch-Murnaghan (BM) EoS, using the data weighted by the uncertainties in P and V, we obtained: V 0 = 681(1) Å3, K 0 = 41(5) GPa, and K′ = 12.5(2.5). The evolution of the lattice constants with P shows a strong anisotropic compression pattern. The axial bulk moduli were calculated with a third-order “linearized” BM-EoS. The EoS parameters are: a 0 = 10.3302(2) Å, K 0(a) = 35(2) GPa and K′(a) = 10(1) for the a-axis; c 0 = 7.3520(3) Å, K 0(c) = 98(4) GPa, and K′(c) = 9(2) for the c-axis (K 0(a):K 0(c) = 1:2.80). Axial and volume Eulerian-finite strain (fe) at different normalized stress (Fe) were calculated. The weighted linear regression through the data points yields the following intercept values: Fe a (0) = 35(2) GPa for the a-axis, Fe c (0) = 98(4) GPa for the c-axis and Fe V (0) = 45(2) GPa for the unit-cell volume. The slope of the regression lines gives rise to K′ values of 10(1) for the a-axis, 9(2) for the c-axis and 11(1) for the unit cell-volume. A comparison between the HP-elastic response of vanadinite and the iso-structural apatite is carried out. The possible reasons of the elastic anisotropy are discussed.  相似文献   

We present here a numerical modelling study of dislocations in perovskite CaTiO3. The dislocation core structures and properties are calculated through the Peierls–Nabarro model using the generalized stacking fault (GSF) results as a starting model. The GSF are determined from first-principles calculations using the VASP code. The dislocation properties such as collinear, planar core spreading and Peierls stresses are determined for the following slip systems: [100](010), [100](001), [010](100), [010](001), [001](100), [001](010), and All dislocations exhibit lattice friction, but glide appears to be easier for [100](010) and [010](100). [001](010) and [001](100) exhibit collinear dissociation. Comparing Peierls stresses among tausonite (SrTiO3), perovskite (CaTiO3) and MgSiO3 perovskite demonstrates the strong influence of orthorhombic distortions on lattice friction. However, and despite some quantitative differences, CaTiO3 appears to be a satisfactory analogue material for MgSiO3 perovskite as far as dislocation glide is concerned.  相似文献   

Hydroxylborite, a new mineral species, an analogue of fluoborite with OH > F, has been found at the Titovsky deposit (57°41′N, 125°22′E), the Chersky Range, Dogdo Basin, Sakha-Yakutia Republic, Russia. Prismatic crystals of the new mineral are dominated by the {10\(\overline 1 \)0} faces without distinct end forms and reach (1?1.5) × (0.1?0.2) mm in size. Radial aggregates of such crystals occur in the mineralized marble adjacent to the boron ore (suanite-kotoite-ludwigite). Calcite, dolomite, Mg-rich ludwigite, kotoite, szaibelyite, clinohumite, magnetite, serpentine, and chlorite are associated minerals. Hydroxylborite is transparent colorless, with a white streak and vitreous luster. The new mineral is brittle. The Mohs’ hardness is 3.5. The cleavage is imperfect on {0001}. The density measured with equilibration in heavy liquids is 2.89(1) g/cm3; the calculated density is 2.872 g/cm3. The wave numbers of the absorption bands in the IR spectrum of hydroxylborite are (cm?1; sh is shoulder): 3668, 1233, 824, 742, 630sh, 555sh, 450sh, and 407. The new mineral is optically uniaxial, negative, ω = 1.566(1), and ε = 1.531(1). The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O measured with the Penfield method, wt %) is 18.43 B2O3, 65.71 MgO, 10.23 F, 9.73 H2O, 4.31-O = F2, where the total is 99.79. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 6 anions pfu is as follows: Mg3.03B0.98[(OH)2.00F1.00]O3.00. Hydroxylborite is hexagonal, and the space group is P63/m. The unit-cell dimensions are: a = 8.912(8) Å, c = 3.112(4) Å, V = 214.05(26) Å3, and Z = 2. The strongest reflections in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å (I, %)(hkil)] are: 7.69(52)(01\(\overline 1 \)0), 4.45(82)(11\(\overline 2 \)0), 2.573(65)(03\(\overline 3 \)0), 2.422(100)(02\(\overline 2 \)1), and 2.128(60)(12\(\overline 3 \)1). The compatibility index 1 ? (K p/K c) is 0.038 (excellent) for the calculated density and 0.044 (good) for the measured density. The type material of hydroxylborite is deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (inventory number 91968) and the Geological Museum of the All-Russia Institute of Mineral Resources, Moscow (inventory number M-1663).  相似文献   

The segregation of ten isovalent impurities (Al3+ Cr3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Ho3+, La3+, Lu3+, Nd3+, Tb3+, Y3+) to the and the (0001) surfaces of haematite (-Fe2O3) have been studied using atomistic simulation where the forces between the atoms are modelled using the Born model of solids. Segregation is found to be energetically favoured in virtually every case. The results for the surface show that the most favourable impurity surface concentration is 33.33%. The (0001) surface has two possible terminations, one terminated by iron atoms and the other by oxygen. No minimum is calculated for the Fe termination of the (0001) surface at low temperatures, but when the effect of raising the temperature is considered, an energy minimum is found, also at 33.33% impurity coverage. In contrast, the O terminated (0001) surface has a minimum in the segregation energy for between 16.67 and 33.33% depending on the cation being considered.  相似文献   

The mineral ussingite, Na2AlSi3O8(OH), an interrupted tectosilicate, has strong hydrogen bonding between OH and the other nonbridging oxygen atom in the structure. Infrared spectra contain a strongly polarized, very broad OH-stretching band with an ill-defined maximum between 1500 and 1800 cm–1, and a possible OH librational bending mode at 1295 cm–1. The IR spectra confirm the orientation of the OH vector within the triclinic unit cell as determined from X-ray refinement (Rossi et al. 1974). There are three distinct bands in the 1H NMR spectrum of ussingite: a predominant band at 13.5 ppm (TMS) representing 90% of the structural hydrogen, a second band at 15.9 ppm corresponding to 8% of the protons, and a third band at 11.0 ppm accounting for the remaining 2% of structural hydrogen. From the correlation between hydrogen bond length and 1H NMR chemical shift (Sternberg and Brunner 1994), the predominant hydrogen bond length (H...O) was calculated to be 1.49 Å, in comparison to the hydrogen bond length determined from X-ray refinement (1.54 Å). The population of protons at 15.9 ppm is consistent with 5–8% Al–Si disorder. Although the ussingite crystal structure and composition are similar to those of low albite, the bonding environment of OH in low albite and other feldspars, as characterized through IR and 1H NMR, is fundamentally different from the strong hydrogen bonding found in ussingite.  相似文献   

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