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Abstract. The presence of Haplosyllis spongicola G rube 1855 Polychaeta, Syllidae in two sponge species from the Indian Ocean Tanzania, Theonella swinhoei G ray 1868 and Liosina paradoxa THIELE 1899, was detected. Polychaetes lived exclusively inside the aquiferous system of the sponges, reaching a mean density of 68 individuals · cm-3 in T. swinhoei and 148 individuals · cm-3 in L. paradoxa Acetone extractions were prepared from sponge tissues of T. swinhoei and L. paradoxa and from the gut contents of their respective inhabiting polychaetes. Absorption spectra matched for each sponge/polychaete pair. These data confirm that polychaetes exploit the soft parts of the sponges in which they live. In addition, in L. paradoxa direct confirmation of a predatory activity of worms on sponge internal tissues was obtained on the basis of the finding of terrigenous sediments, which typically reinforced the sponge canal walls, in the gut lumen of the inhabiting polychaete. No evident ultrastructural changes of the host tissue due to endobionts have been observed. These results confirm the parasitic/micropredatory habits of H. spongicola. Data on different morphological characteristics of H. spongicola living in the two sponge species are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Platynereis dumerilii is found in large numbers in parchment-like tubes attached to sublittoral accumulations of detached maroalgae (principally Laminaria saccharina) in Kames Bay, Isle of Cumbrae and Lochranza, Isle of Arran. Its rôle in weed decomposition has been examined by comparing its responses (behavioural choice, growth rates, absorption efficiencies of both carbon and protein, gut retention times and rate of faecal output) to fresh and rotting weed. Worms grew significantly on either diet, with older individuals gaining more weight than small individuals. Animals of a standard size (derived from measurements of maximum bite size) feeding on fresh weed, however, grew significantly faster than those feeding on rotting weed. The former had a significantly higher protein absorption efficiency which was linearly related to protein content of ingested weed. This was not so on rotting weed. Organic carbon absorption efficiencies did not differ significantly between the two groups, neither did gut retention times nor rates of faecal output. Given a choice, Platynereis chooses to build its tube, and to feed, on fresh kelp—a strategem which ensures both maximum scope for occupancy before fronds decay and a superabundance of preferred food. Platynereis feeds around its tube entrance, recropping small areas for 2–3 days, prior to switching to another area nearby. Ciliate population densities on Platynereis faeces are much lower than on either homogenized or intact weed, associated with their lower, nutritional value (at first). Platynereis bubes act to bind kelp fronds together stabilizing the faecal input to infaunal detritivores. Platynereis is an example of a detritivore which exploits the detrital substratum directly.  相似文献   

Abstract. Reproductive parameters of the females of Penaeus semisulcatus regarding the process of ovary maturation, the degree of synchronization of the ova maturation stage within an ovary, the correlation between female length and both maturity and fecundity, as well as the relationship between moulting, copulation and ovarian maturity stage were investigated.
The seasonal and spatial pattern of the reproduction of the female population of P. semisulcatus along the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean was determined.
Average ova diameter, morphological appearance of the ova, presence of sperm, characteristics of the spermatophore, and hardness of the cuticle were used in order to study the above parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract. Branchiosyllis oculata is a small, errant polychaete that lives only on the surface of sponges: among inshore Bermudian sponges, 9 out of 16 species surveyed were infested. All of these sponges were conspicuously colored, but the bodies and gut contents of associated polychaetes matched the sponge color only for Tedania ignis (red), Cinachyra alloclada (yellow) and Sphecio-spongia othella (brownish-black). For the remaining 6 sponge species, the polychaete bodies were uncolored and the polychaete gut contents were inconspicuously brown or grey. Uncolored polychaetes with grey gut contents were removed from a dark green Tethya actinia and placed on a red Tedania ignis: 2 days later, the polychaete gut contents were red, although the tissues were still uncolored. Acetone extractions of Tedania ignis and Cinachyra alloclada were prepared from sponge tissue and from the gut-free tissue of their respective polychaetes: absorption spectra matched for each sponge/polychaete pair. To test the influence of ingested sponge pigments on polychaete body color, red polychaetes from Tedania ignis were induced to autotomize their posterior ends, transplanted to other sponge species and allowed to regenerate new posterior segments for 20 days. At the end of the experiment the original segments were still red, but the regenerated ones were either yellow (for polychaetes transplanted onto Cinachyra alloclada, on which resident worms are yellow) or colorless (for polychaetes transplanted onto Chondrilla nucula or Tethya actinia, on which resident worms are uncolored). The foregoing observations suggest that (1) the polychaetes consume the soft parts of the sponges on which they live and (2) the pigments vary among sponge species: pigments from some sponges are stored in the polychaete body, while pigments from other sponges are not. Additional information on the morphology, distribution and natural history of Branchiosyllis oculata is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

基于中国科学院海洋生物标本馆历年收藏的标本对明管虫属开展了分类学研究,共发现两种明管虫:Hyalinoecia tubicola (Müller,1776)(明管虫)和H.papillata Imajima,1999(乳突明管虫)。二者均采集于南海北部海域沙质基底,Hyalinoecia tubicola广泛分布于广东省沿岸海域向南至西沙群岛,H.papillata则首次报道于中国南海,其区别于H.tubicola在于第一疣足具伸长舌状、两侧边缘具有乳突的前刚叶( vs.耳状前刚叶、边缘光滑)。本文详细提供了二者的形态学描述和绘图。  相似文献   

The life cycle of a brackish water population of Marphysa sanguinea (Polychaeta Eunicidae), from the Venice Lagoon (Italy), was investigated from April 1993 to August 1994. Marphysa sanguinea is a large‐sized gonochoric species with annual iteroparous strategy and synchronous spawning at population level. The sex‐ratio was close to 1:1. There were no morphological differences between males and females and spawning occurred without epitokal metamorphosis. The gonadial activity was maximum during summer period in both sexes. From May to September in the females, the greater number of immature oocytes could be observed; starting from November immature oocytes decreased and progressively those with a wider diameter increased in number. Spawning took place in April–May and generally not all eggs were spawned, a small proportion being kept as a reserve material for the following gamete production. The pelagic phase (trochophore and metatrochophore stages) was short (2–3 days). The reduction in the dispersal phase, together with the development of a strong anterior musculature, brought to an early acquisition of the benthic habit, which was attained with the construction of the mucous tube inside of which the larva lived. The results highlighted that colonization of brackish environments took place thanks to morphological and physiological features that allow this species to live in a sediment layer characterized by the stability of the physical and chemical characteristics of the substratum.  相似文献   

-In a study of meiofauna polychaete from the Huanghai Sea, two new species belonging to Exogane and Sphaerosyllis were found and described in this paper. The two new species differ from the other species in the two genera mainly by the dorsal cirri, chaetation and distribution of papillae.  相似文献   

1987~1991年在黄海进行小型多毛类调查时,采到的裂虫科小型种标本,经鉴定有18种,其中9种在我国是首次记录。  相似文献   

Enric  Ballesteros 《Marine Ecology》1994,15(3-4):233-253
Abstract. Peyssonnelia bed distribution on continental shelf bottoms of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) ranges from 40 to 90 m depth. Different species of Peyssonnelia dominate these bottoms and, according to multivariate techniques, two main assemblages have been distinguished: the Peyssonnelia rosa-marina beds and the Peyssonnelia sp. beds, together with some transition samples between Peyssonnelia and maërl beds. Erect red algae are always abundant. Although average yearly irradiance reaching these beds is only 6.4-0.3% of subsurface irradiance, the species richness averages 45 species per sample (1600 cm2) and mean biomass is 2835 g dw. m-2. The high carbonate content of the living algae of these bottoms suggests that they are important contributors to the production of sediments in the Balearic continental shelf.  相似文献   

We analysed several life history traits of the marine isopod Idotea balthica basteri (Pallas, 1772) from the Bizerte lagoon, Southern Mediterranean Sea. Growth was continuous throughout the life of the animal with a high growth rate in the first life phase, and the growth curve was described according to von Bertalanffy's model. The lowest growth rate (0.23 mm) was recorded in winter (December, January and February) and the maximum rate (2.31 mm) between April and June. The total number of hatched eggs or embryos was positively correlated with the body length of ovigerous females. This population of I. balthica basteri was iteroparous, showing distinct strategies of reproduction. Large ovigerous females with high fecundity were collected during the whole sampling period, while breeding in smaller females with low fecundity was restricted to the period from late spring to early autumn, Manca size increased significantly with increasing female body size and there was also a significant trade‐off between manca size and the number of eggs per brood. Reproductive allocation, ranging between 17.1 ± 1.2% in winter and 23.2 ± 1.8% in summer, was positively correlated with female weight. Accordingly, parental investment in producing a juvenile varied between 1.02% per manca in winter to 3.38% in spring. Evaluated traits show that late summer and autumn cohorts have a K‐strategy, whereas cohorts born in winter and spring, and which exhibit a shorter life time, exhibit faster development, earlier reproduction and a smaller parental investment tending towards an r‐selected strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The sponge fauna of three neighbouring submarine caves of the Island of Majorca (Balcaric Islands) is studied along a light gradient; 45 species have been recorded and systematic data are given for those showing morphological, pigmentary, or spicule differences. Adaptation to darkness and precarious trophic conditions is also discussed.  相似文献   

本文报道了在黄海首次发现的多毛类3种小型砂问海女虫(其中有两个是亚种),对其形态、地理分布进行了描述.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal changes in zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition were studied at a neritic station in the Balearic Sea between April 1993 and May 1994. Sampling was carried out every 10 days in a zone influenced by the main current circulating through the Mallorca channel. Three main peaks of zooplankton biomass and abundance were observed: (1) at the beginning of summer when the thermocline developed, (2) in autumn when the thermocline broke down, and (3) in early spring. The smaller zooplankton fraction (100–250 μm) comprised on average 32 % of the total biomass and 73 % of total abundance. Copepods were the predominant group (64 % of the total abundance) with Clausocalanus, Oithona and Paracalanus being the most abundant genera. Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus furcatus, Acartia clausi, Oithona plumifera, Temora stylifera, Centropages typicus and Oncaea mediterranea were found to be the most important species in the area. Other abundant groups were cladocerans (15 %) and meroplankton larvae (12 %), both of which were particularly numerous during the stratified period. The copepod community was characterized by the above‐cited perennial species, which were abundant during the cycle studied. However, the influence of the hydrological conditions of the Balearic Sea, such as the Atlantic water influx and the physical structure of the water column (stratification and mixing), promoted the observed variability in zooplankton as well as the appearance of characteristic species during the annual cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract. .The reproductive cycle of the brittlestar Ophioderma brevispinum is described using histological and organ index data for a population in Massachusetts, U.S.A. The cycle consists of a one month mid-summer spawning phase followed by gametogenesis and gradual gonadal growth during the winter, and greatly accelerated gonadal growth from May to June. At the end of the spawning season, oogonia proliferate near the base of the ovary, and a continuous layer of spermatogonia lines the testis. As oocytes grow to a maximum diameter of 350 um, yolk granules accumulate and the cytoplasm becomes less basophilic. Prior to spawning, the testis becomes branched and sulcate, and a whorl of spermatozoa produced by columns of spermatids accumulates in the lumen. Comparisons between the reproductive cycles of different populations of O. brevispinum and its congeners support the hypothesis that temperature may be a critical exogenous factor, but definitely not the only factor, in the initiation and duration of the growth and spawning phases of the ophiuroid reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

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