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Seasonal signals of stable isotopes in precipitation, combined with measurements of isotope ratios in soil water, can be used for quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge rates. This study investigates the applicability of using the piston flow principle and the peak shift displacement method to estimate actual groundwater recharge rates in a humid Nordic region located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Two different sites with and without vegetation (C1 and C2) in an unconfined aquifer were tested by measuring soil water isotope ratios (18O/16O and 2H/1H) and volumetric pore water content. Core samples were obtained along the vadose zone down to the groundwater table at the two sites (2.45 m for Site C1 and 4.15 m for Site C2). The peak shift method to estimate groundwater recharge rates was shown to be accurate only in certain specific conditions inherent to the soil properties and the topographical situation of the investigated sites. Indeed, at Site C2, recharge from the snowmelt could not be estimated because of heterogeneity in the lower part of the vadose zone. At this same site the later recharge after the snowmelt (in the period from late spring to early autumn) could be estimated accurately because the upper part of the vadose zone was homogeneous. Furthermore, at site C1, runoff/runon phenomena hampered calculations of actual infiltration and thus produced inaccurate results for recharge. These two different site effects (heterogeneity in the first site and runoff/runon in the other site) were identified as being limiting factors in the accurate assessment of actual recharge. This study therefore recommends the use of the peak shift method for (1) humid Nordic regions, (2) homogeneous and thick vadose zones, and (3) areas with few or limited site effects (runoff/runon).  相似文献   

The D/H and 18O/16O ratios of water in the active crater lake situated on the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan are about 20 and 6‰, respectively, higher than local meteoric water. The ratios show seasonal variations superimposed on a gradual change over nine years. The isotopic ratios started to increase in early 1990 and decrease in the spring of 1995. The seasonal variation which is high in winter and low in summer correlates with the temperature difference between lake water and ambient air. The large temperature difference in winter enhances the evaporation of lake water and produces the enriched isotopic ratios relative to the ratios in summer. The accumulation of snow and the decrease in the flux of meteoric water into the lake strengthens the winter-time isotopic enrichment. The enriched isotopic ratios of the lake water over a long time result from the addition of an end member with heavy isotopic ratios contained in a thermal fluid supplied to the lake. Considering the water balance in the lake, the isotopic ratios of the thermal fluid were found to be close to the lake water itself, suggesting the circulation of the lake water seeping through lake floor. Based on the correlation between Clconcentration and the isotopic ratios, the contribution by the heavy end member was estimated to be 25–36% relative to the enrichment by evaporation. The heavy end member could be a liquid phase evolved from a parental fluid, which is a mixture of local meteoric water and a magmatic fluid as found in high-temperature volcanic gases.  相似文献   

Lake eutrophication is a large and growing problem in many parts of the world, commonly due to anthropogenic sources of nutrients. Improved quantification of nutrient inputs is required to address this problem, including better determination of exchanges between groundwater and lakes. This first of a two‐part review provides a brief history of the evolution of the study of groundwater exchange with lakes, followed by a listing of the most commonly used methods for quantifying this exchange. Rates of exchange between lakes and groundwater compiled from the literature are statistically summarized for both exfiltration (flow from groundwater to a lake) and infiltration (flow from a lake to groundwater), including per cent contribution of groundwater to lake‐water budgets. Reported rates of exchange between groundwater and lakes span more than five orders of magnitude. Median exfiltration is 0.74 cm/day, and median infiltration is 0.60 cm/day. Exfiltration ranges from near 0% to 94% of input terms in lake‐water budgets, and infiltration ranges from near 0% to 91% of loss terms. Median values for exfiltration and infiltration as percentages of input and loss terms of lake‐water budgets are 25% and 35%, respectively. Quantification of the groundwater term is somewhat method dependent, indicating that calculating the groundwater component with multiple methods can provide a better understanding of the accuracy of estimates. The importance of exfiltration to a lake budget ranges widely for lakes less than about 100 ha in area but generally decreases with increasing lake area, particularly for lakes that exceed 100 ha in area. No such relation is evident for lakes where infiltration occurs, perhaps because of the smaller sample size. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Stable isotopes are powerful research tools in environmental sciences and their use in ecosystem research is increasing. Stable isotope measurements allow the study of evapotranspiration fluxes, soil evaporation and leaf transpiration phenomena. Soil water and leaf water are the sources of the evapotranspiration that transfers large quantities of water from land to the atmosphere; as a result the isotopic composition of water left in the leaves is modified towards enrichment. Evaporation also changes the isotopic composition of water bodies creating a natural isotopic signal. The isotopic identity of soil water affects the oxygen isotopic signature of leaf and stem water. In this paper we present the isotopic data of bulk leaf water, showing the enrichment in isotopic value of oxygen due to evapotranspiration from leaves in conjunction with the isotopic signal of rainwater and other environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. Results suggest that the variation in the values of δ18O of Eucalyptus citriodora, Dalbergia sissoo, Melia azedarach and Pinus roxburghii is due to the seasonal changes in the δ18O of the source water for plants, i. e. rain. It is further observed that leaf water δ18O values are depleted during the months of July, August and September. This occurs due to the following reasons: (a) the sampling areas receive about 50% of the average annual rain during these months, and (b) rainfalls during these months are isotopically depleted compared with winter rains.

Citation Butt, S., Ali, M., Fazil, M. & Latif, Z. (2010) Seasonal variations in the isotopic composition of leaf and stem water from an arid region of Southeast Asia. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 844–848.  相似文献   

肖茜  杨昆  洪亮 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1083-1096
以云贵高原湖泊近30 a来的TM、ETM~+和OLI遥感影像为数据源,采用归一化水体指数(NDWI)、改进归一化水体指数(MNDWI)、新型水体指数(NWI)、增强型水体指数(EWI)和自动水体提取指数5种水体指数提取了1985—2015年云贵高原10个湖泊表面水体面积,并对各种算法进行精度对比分析.针对湖泊各自特点采用不同的水体指数提取其表面水体面积,并进行水体面积变化时空分析.结果表明:云贵高原湖泊表面水体面积总体呈现先增加后缩减趋势,1985—1995年湖泊表面水体面积增加了30.86 km~2,1995—2015年湖泊水体表面面积减少了48.12 km~2,其中,面积变化最大的是杞麓湖与异龙湖.对云贵高原湖泊表面水体面积变化与该区域的年降水量、蒸发量、平均气温、流域植被覆盖面积和人类活动时空进行相关分析,结果表明:1)高原湖泊对区域气候变化的响应具有明显的空间差异性,云贵高原湖泊的表面水体面积与气候相关性较显著,气温升高引起蒸发加速,降水量下降,湖面不断缩小,与逐年上升的气温呈负相关,与逐年波动上升的蒸发量呈负相关,与逐年减少的降水量呈正相关;2)云贵高原湖泊各流域的植被覆盖面积与湖泊面积变化相关性较弱;3)人类活动是影响湖泊面积变化的重要因素,大肆围湖造田、围湖养殖以及旅游开发等人类活动直接导致云贵高原湖泊面积的锐减,并对湖泊生态环境产生重要影响.  相似文献   

N2O concentrations and denitrification-related factors (NO3, SO4, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and CO2) were investigated in the surface groundwater of a catchment in northern Germany, the Fuhrberger Feld Aquifer (FFA). We sampled 79 plots that were selected according to the three criteria of land use, historical land use conversion (1954–1995) and groundwater level. We sampled three sites within each plot. The sampling depth was 0.5 m below the groundwater surface.We found no indication for the occurrence of autotrophic denitrification in the surface groundwater. Heterotrophic denitrification was identified as the main process for N2O accumulation. The variability of N2O concentrations on the plot-scale was extremely high and was poorly explained by the three sampling criteria. Other denitrification-related variables such as NO3, SO4 and DOC were less variable. The selection criteria land use and groundwater level clearly influenced the order of magnitude of N2O concentrations in the surface groundwater. Under arable land, high NO3 concentrations resulted in high N2O concentrations. The surface groundwater under forest and pasture was almost NO3-free and had also very small N2O concentrations. Plots where the distance from the soil surface to the groundwater surface was large (>1 m up to 3.4 m) showed higher N2O concentrations in the surface groundwater than plots where the distance was small (<1 m). A larger distance from the soil surface to the groundwater leads to a longer residence time and more decomposition of DOC in the soil. Consequently the less bioavailable DOC could inhibit the efficiency of the heterotrophic denitrification in the groundwater, yielding more N2O. Elevated organic carbon levels in plots with historic land use conversion (pasture to arable) were very stable and did not influence N2O concentrations. The high within plot variability showed that an upscaling of N2O from the plot-scale to the catchment-scale is possible as long as the groundwater level regime and the land use do not change.  相似文献   

As human water demand is increasing worldwide, pressure on available water resources grows and their sustainable exploitation is at risk. To mimic changes in exploitation intensity and the connecting feedbacks between surface water and groundwater systems, a dynamic attribution of demand to water resources is necessary. However, current global-scale hydrological models lack the ability to do so. This study explores the dynamic attribution of water demand to simulated water availability. It accounts for essential feedbacks, such as return flows of unconsumed water and riverbed infiltration. Results show that abstractions and feedbacks strongly affect water allocation over time, particularly in irrigated areas. Also residence time of water is affected, as shown by changes in low flow magnitude, frequency, and timing. The dynamic representation of abstractions and feedbacks makes the model a suitable tool for assessing spatial and temporal impacts of changing global water demand on hydrology and water resources.  相似文献   

为揭示岩溶湿地表层水体二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的时空分布规律及其扩散通量,以我国最大的岩溶湿地贵州威宁草海为研究对象,分别于2019年7月(丰水期)和12月(枯水期)通过网格布点法,系统采集草海表层湿地水体,测定水样理化指标和离子组成,利用PHREEQCI软件计算水体pCO2,并基于Cole提出的气体扩散模型估算水-气界面二氧化碳(CO2)的扩散通量.结果表明:草海湿地表层水体丰水期pCO2的变化范围为0.44~645.65μatm,平均值为(55.94±124.73)μatm;枯水期变化范围为35.48~707.95μatm,平均值为(310.46±173.54)μatm;丰水期水体整体pCO2低于枯水期,空间上两期水体均呈现东部区域及河流入湖口处pCO2较高,而中西部区域pCO2欠饱和的特征.水-气界面CO2的扩散通量在丰水期变化范围为-43.27~27.16 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-34.49±12.93)mmol/(m2·d),枯水期变化范围为-33.36~28.15 mmol/(m2·d),平均值(-8.02±15.85)mmol/(m2·d),与其他岩溶湖库相比,水生植物丰富的草海在两个极端水文期CO2扩散通量相对较低,总体表现为大气CO2的汇.  相似文献   

18O is an ideal tracer for characterizing hydrological processes because it can be reliably measured in several watershed hydrological compartments. Here, we present multiyear isotopic data, i.e. 18O variations (δ18O), for precipitation inputs, surface water and groundwater in the Shingobee River Headwaters Area (SRHA), a well‐instrumented research catchment in north‐central Minnesota. SRHA surface waters exhibit δ18O seasonal variations similar to those of groundwaters, and seasonal δ18O variations plotted versus time fit seasonal sine functions. These seasonal δ18O variations were interpreted to estimate surface water and groundwater mean residence times (MRTs) at sampling locations near topographically closed‐basin lakes. MRT variations of about 1 to 16 years have been estimated over an area covering about 9 km2 from the basin boundary to the most downgradient well. Estimated MRT error (±0·3 to ±0·7 years) is small for short MRTs and is much larger (±10 years) for a well with an MRT (16 years) near the limit of the method. Groundwater transit time estimates based on Darcy's law, tritium content, and the seasonal δ18O amplitude approach appear to be consistent within the limits of each method. The results from this study suggest that use of the δ18O seasonal variation method to determine MRTs can help assess groundwater recharge areas in small headwaters catchments. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水体甲烷(CH4)主要通过气泡和扩散传输排放到大气,这两种途径在CH4总排放中的相对贡献及环境影响因子目前关注较少.本文以洞庭湖湿地3种生境类型(光滩、苔草、芦苇)为研究对象,通过静态箱法和扩散模型法估算洪水期CH4总排放通量、扩散排放通量和气泡排放通量,并分析其水体环境因子影响.结果表明:苔草地CH4总排放量最高,为6.49±3.12 mg(C)/(m2·h).在3个生境中,CH4扩散排放占总排放通量的1.34%~3.91%,气泡排放占96.09%~98.66%.扩散排放通量受水体pH、电导率和水温的影响,而CH4的总排放和气泡排放主要受水温的影响.当水温低于11.7℃时,水体CH4以扩散排放为主,但当水温高于11.7℃时,水体CH4主要通过气泡排放.但这一温度阈值是否同样适用于其他类型湿地还需要更多实验验证.本研究对于揭示中低纬度内陆湖泊水体CH4排放过程有重要意义.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地土壤含水量和地下水位年内变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地植被空间分布受多个水分因子共同影响,为了探求鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地不同植被类型下地下水、土壤水的变化特征,本文选择鄱阳湖吴城湿地保护区内一个长约1.2 km的典型洲滩湿地为实验区,建立了气象-土壤-水文联合观测系统.对观测的气象、水文要素进行分析发现:(1)洲滩湿地地下水位年内呈单峰变化,季节性差异显著,最大埋深可达10 m,出现在1月份,丰水期8月份地下水位最高时可出露地表,且地下水位与湖泊水位变化具有高度一致性;(2)由远湖区高地至近湖区低地,不同植被带中地下水平均埋深变化为藜蒿带(4.76 m)芦苇带(2.87 m)灰化薹草带(1.61 m).地下水埋深小于50 cm的持续时间分别为:藜蒿带27 d、芦苇带112 d、灰化薹草带170 d;(3)土壤平均含水量沿不同植被带梯度变化为:藜蒿带最小(15.9%),芦苇样带(40.7%)和灰化薹草样带(43.7%)较大.土壤含水量年内变幅为:藜蒿带最大(2.5%~55.2%),芦苇带和灰化薹草带相对较小,分别为22.1%~48.1%和28.4%~54.1%;(4)不同植被带土壤含水量季节变化规律不同,藜蒿带土壤含水量年内呈单峰型,仅夏季土壤含水量较高,其余季节均在10%左右,而芦苇带和灰化薹草样带春、夏、秋季均维持较高含水量(42%以上),仅冬季水分含量较低.  相似文献   

Changkeng Au-Ag deposit is a newly-discovered new type precious metal deposit. N2-Ar-He systematics studies and3He/4He and δD- δ18O composition analyses show that the ore-forming fluid of the deposit is composed mainly of formation water (sedimentary brine) but not of meteoric water, which was thought to be source of the ore-forming fluid by most previous researchers. The content of mantle-derived magmatic water in the ore-forming fluid is quite low, usually lower than 10%. According to the source of the ore-forming fluid, the Changkeng Au-Ag deposit should belong to sedimentary brine transformed deposits. From the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous Period, with deposition and accumulation of thick sediments in Sanzhou Basin, the formation water in the sedimentary layers was expelled from the basin because of overburden pressure and increasing temperature. The expelled fluid moved laterally along sedimentary layers to the margin of the basin, and finally moved upward along a gently-dipping interlayer fault. Because of a decline in pressure and temperature, ore minerals were deposited in the fault. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 495020291, the Natural Science Foundation of Zhongshan University, the Research Foundation of National Key Laboratory of Metallogenesis in Nanjing University (Grant No. 039704) and the Lingnan Foundation.  相似文献   

We provide two new determinations of the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater during the last glacial maximum (LGM). High-resolution oxygen isotopic measurements were made on interstitial waters from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Sites 1168 and 1170 in the southeast Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. We use a diffusion-advection numerical model to calculate the glacial-interglacial change in bottom-water δ18Osw from the pore water δ18O profiles; the first such determinations from this part of the oceans. Statistical analyses of the model runs indicate that Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) δ18Osw changed by 1.0-1.1±0.15‰ since the last glacial maximum (LGM). Our results are consistent with a previous calculation from a South Atlantic Southern Ocean location (ODP Site 1093) also situated within CDW. The new values determined in this study, together with previous estimates, are converging on a global average Δδ18Osw of 1.0-1.1‰.Using the calculated bottom-water δ18Osw, we have extracted the temperature component from the benthic foraminiferal δ18O record at Sites 1168 and 1170. Since the LGM, bottom waters at these two sites warmed by 2.6 and 1.9°C, respectively. The absolute temperature estimates for the LGM (−0.5°C [Θ=−0.6°C] at Site 1168 and −0.2°C [Θ=−0.4°C] at Site 1170) are slightly warmer than those reported from previous studies using the same technique, but are consistent with more homogenous deep-ocean temperatures during the LGM relative to the modern.  相似文献   

甲烷(CH4)是一种重要的温室气体,对全球气候变化有不可忽视的影响.三峡水库是中国最大的水库,其潜在的CH4释放近年来备受关注.然而,此地区现存研究主要集中于水气界面通量观测,对库底沉积物同底层水体CH4浓度变化之间关系的认知仍然欠缺.为探究三峡水库泥沙主要沉降淤积的中段区域库底水体CH4浓度变化及其主要影响因素,本研究于2017年8月2018年11月在涪陵南沱镇、忠县石宝寨、万州小周镇采集库底上覆水体和底泥样本,并结合三峡水库调度运行特征进行分析.结果表明,三峡水库中段库底上覆水CH4浓度范围为0.02~0.91μmol/L,二氧化碳(CO 2)浓度范围为0.006~0.105 mmol/L,沉积物有机碳含量范围为7~90 g/kg,总氮含量范围为0.27~45.6 g/kg.另外,三峡水库低水位运行时期(59月),上游及陆源输入大量异源性有机碳是该时期三峡库中段底部CH4积累的充分条件.在水库高水位运行时期(10月次年4月),水位与径流变化对三峡水库中段底部CH4的影响并不明显,库底自源性有机质相对比重有所增加,温度是该时期影响水库底层水体CH4浓度分布的主要水环境因素.  相似文献   

许秀丽  李云良  谭志强  张奇 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1351-1367
地下水-土壤-植被-大气系统(GSPAC)界面水分传输是湿地生态水文过程研究的关键.本文选取鄱阳湖湿地高位滩地的2种典型植被群落:茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)群落为研究对象,运用HYDRUS-1D垂向一维数值模拟,量化了湿地GSPAC系统界面水分通量,阐明了典型丰水年(2012年)和枯水年(2013年)鄱阳湖湿地植被群落的蒸腾用水规律和水源组成.结果表明:(1)茵陈蒿和芦苇群落土壤-大气界面的年降水入渗量为1570~1600 mm,主要集中在雨季4-6月,占年总量的60%;植物-大气界面的年蒸腾总量分别为346~470 mm和926~1057 mm,其中7-8月植被生长旺季最大,占年总量的40%~46%;地下水-根区土壤界面的向上补给水量受不同水文年水位变化的影响显著,地下水年补给量分别为15~513 mm和277~616 mm,主要发生在蒸散发作用强烈和地下水埋深较浅的时段.(2)植被蒸腾用水分为生长初期(4-6月)和生长旺季(7-10月)2个阶段,丰水年植被的整个生长期蒸腾用水充足,枯水年植被生长旺季的蒸腾用水受到严重水分胁迫,实际蒸腾量仅为潜在蒸腾量的一半左右.(3)不同水文年湿地植被生长旺季的水源贡献不同:丰水年茵陈蒿群落以地下水补给为主,芦苇群落以湖水和地下水补给为主;枯水年茵陈蒿群落以降水和前期土壤水储量为主,芦苇群落以地下水补给为主.本研究结果有助于揭示湿地植被的水分利用策略,为阐明湖泊水情变化与植被演替的作用机理提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, 2Hwater, 18Owater as well as 18Osulphate and 34Ssulphate, were used to study the flow system of shallow groundwater and soil water at the base area of a former leaching heap at the uranium mining area of Ronneburg, Germany. The flow paths and water‐retention times were estimated by comparison of δ2H and δ18O values in groundwater and soil water to the δ2H and δ18O signature of precipitation, giving distinctive inputs of summer or winter precipitation. The points of measuring the groundwater were divided into three categories with different flow conditions: rapid flow, stagnant conditions and a transition zone by hierarchical cluster analysis of δ2H and δ18O values of groundwater. The transit time of groundwater in the rapid flow area is less than 6 months, whereas water in the stagnant zone is stored for at least 1 year. In soil water, a clear response to different input signals is detectable only in the 30‐cm horizon (retention time is about 6 months), whereas at deeper levels a mixing with older water is taking place. The isotopic composition of the dissolved sulphate was used to identify oxidation of sulphides as the source of sulphate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the pCO2 distribution in surface water of the Bering Abyssal Plain and their relationships with the ambient hydrological conditions were discussed using variations of the partial pressure of CO2 in surface water of the Bering Abyssal Plain and the Chukchi Sea. Data in this study are from a field investigation during the First Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 1999. Compared to the high productivity in the Bering Continental Shelf, much lower levels of chlorophyll a were observed in the Bering Abyssal Plain. The effect of hydrological factors on the pCO2 distribution in surface seawater of the Plain in summer has become a major driving force and dominated over biological factors. The Plain also presents a High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC). In addition, the pCO2 distribution in the Bering Abyssal Plain has also been found to be influenced from the Bering Slope Current which would transform to the Anadyr Current when it inflows northwestward over the Plain. The Anadyr Current would bring a high nutrient water to the western Arctic Ocean where local nutrients are almost depleted in the surface water during the summer time. Resupplying nutrients would stimulate the growth of phytoplankton and enhance capacity of absorbing atmospheric CO2 in the surface water. Otherwise, in the Bering Sea the dissolved inorganic carbon brought from freshwater are not deposited down to the deep sea water but most of them would be transported into the western Arctic Ocean by the Alaska Coastal Current to form a carbon sink there. Therefore, the two carbon sinks in the western Arctic Ocean, one carried by the Anadyr Current and another by the Alaska Costal Current, will implicate the western Arctic Ocean in global change.  相似文献   

菹草生长期内可以从水体中吸收大量的营养物质,有效抑制水体富营养化。但在季节交替期,菹草衰亡后,其残体腐解会向上覆水释放大量营养物质,对湖泊生态系统造成瞬时冲击。通过实验室模拟,将菹草分别浸泡在不同稀释比的上覆水中自然腐解,旨在研究菹草残体腐解过程上覆水水质变化及环境因子对浮游细菌的驱动作用。结果表明:(1)在稀释组(B、C组)中,菹草腐解的氮素均出现了短期冲击(第1天),冲击程度与稀释比呈正相关。(2)上覆水水质越好,浮游细菌共有OTUs(operational taxonomic units,操作分类单元)数量占比越高,且浮游菌群结构受氮素冲击的变化越剧烈。实验第30天时,稀释湖水4倍组(C组)共有OTUs占比为61%,高于原水组(A组,OTUs占比40%)和稀释2倍组(B组,OTUs占比45%)。群落结构的剧烈变化主要通过影响厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobiota)、放线杆菌门(Actinobacteriota)和蓝藻菌门(Cyanobacteria)的相对丰度大小实现。(3)变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)是整个腐解过程中的第一大...  相似文献   

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