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Summary  A measurement programme was conducted in G?teborg Sweden, to examine the spatial variations of incoming longwave irradiance on calm, cloudless nights. Both regional and local spatial variations were examined. Incoming longwave irradiance data was obtained from mobile car transects, and at a fixed site on a building roof at the city centre. Ancillary data included sky view factor at various transect locations, and balloon soundings of air temperature and humidity on one night. Measurements revealed that on average, incoming longwave irradiance at the fixed urban site was 11 W m −2 higher than at the rural station, with varying differences for intervening sites. Bulk apparent sky emissivity was higher at the most rural station compared to the fixed urban site, by about 0.03 on average. Nighttime balloon measurements and a sensitivity analysis with a radiative transfer model argue that the bulk apparent sky emissivity differences stem mainly from the temperature structure of the lower boundary layer which changes markedly from rural to urban areas. A good relationship was found between sky view factor and incoming longwave irradiance for a range of urban and park locations. The relationship applies to both individual nights and average data. Using a simple obstruction model, canyon wall temperatures are derived, and the relationship between sky view factor and wall temperature is examined. Received December 23, 1999 Revised May 5, 2000  相似文献   

Frictional torque is an important mean for momentum exchange between the atmosphere and earth, and significantly influences the variation in atmospheric angular momentum. Using NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1948–2011, we examined the spatial and temporal patterns of frictional torque. It was found that the globally integrated frictional torque turned from positive to negative in 1972, suggesting that angular momentum was transferred from the earth to the atmosphere before 1972, but from the atmosphere to the earth thereafter. The global frictional torque steadily declined from 1948 to 1994, but has been increasing since 1995. It was also found that the global frictional torque is mainly determined by the wind systems in the mid and low latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (SH), where large changes in frictional torque occurred during the study period. Westerly wind increased continuously in the midlatitudes after 1948, while easterly wind decreased in the tropics of the SH after the 1980s.  相似文献   

Variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) between 1979 and 2008 are documented using the operational ocean analysis, the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS), at the National Centers for Climate Prediction (NCEP). The maximum AMOC at 40°N is about 16?Sv in average with peak-to-peak variability of 3–4?Sv. The AMOC variations are dominated by an upward trend from 1980 to 1995, and a downward trend from 1995 to 2008. The maximum AMOC at 26.5°N is slightly weaker than hydrographic estimates and observations from mooring array. The dominant variability of the AMOC in 20°–65°N (the first EOF, 51% variance) is highly correlated with that in the subsurface temperature (the first EOF, 33% variance), and therefore, with density (the first EOF, 25% variance) in the North Atlantic, and is consistent with the observational estimates based on the World Ocean Database 2005. The dominant variabilities of AMOC and subsurface temperature are also analyzed in the context of possible links with the net surface heat flux, deep convection, western boundary current, and subpolar gyre. Variation in the net surface heat flux is further linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index which is found to lead AMOC variations by about 5?years. Our results indicate that AMOC variations can be documented based on an ocean analysis system such as GODAS.  相似文献   

The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) is the main component of intraseasonal variability of the tropical convection, with clear climatic impacts at an almost-global scale. Based on satellite observations, it is shown that there are two types of austral-summer MJO events (broadly defined as 30–120 days convective variability with eastward propagation of about 5 m/s). Equatorial MJO events have a period of 30–50 days and tend to be symmetric about the equator, whereas MJO events centered near 8°S tend to have a longer period of 55–100 days. The lower-frequency variability is associated with a strong upper-ocean response, having a clear signature in both sea surface temperature and its diurnal cycle. These two MJO types have different interannual variations, and are modulated by the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Following a negative IOD event, the lower-frequency southern MJO variability increases, while the higher-frequency equatorial MJO strongly diminishes. We propose two possible explanations for this change in properties of the MJO. One possibility is that changes in the background atmospheric circulation after an IOD favour the development of the low-frequency MJO. The other possibility is that the shallower thermocline ridge and mixed layer depth, by enhancing SST intraseasonal variability and thus ocean–atmosphere coupling in the southwest Indian Ocean (the breeding ground of southern MJO onset), favour the lower-frequency southern MJO variability.  相似文献   

The variations of and in the drainage flow in the Brush Creek valley of western Colorado are investigated using data from Doppler acoustic sodars and instrumented towers. The data were obtained on two experimental nights during the 1984 ASCOT field study. There is good agreement between the variations derived from low-level observations of the sodars and those derived from the towers located throughout the valley. The observed hourly average and in the nocturnal drainage flow are about 20 ° to 25 ° and 5 °, respectively; these values are much larger than those generally observed over flat terrain during nighttime stable conditions. After sunrise (about 0600 MST), as the valley warms and the flow direction changes to up-valley, these parameters increase sharply to their peak values at about 0800 MST and then decrease to their normal daytime values after about two hours.In the drainage flow, the hourly average varies inversely with wind speed according to the relation u 0.7ms-1. The vertical standard deviation is much less enhanced by complex terrain than the horizontal standard deviation. The observed values are predicted fairly well by the local similarity theory.Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 andOak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Summer Research Participant at ATDD in 1987 and  相似文献   

The source region of the Yangtze River is experiencing ever-faster glacier retreat and land deterioration as a result of climate change; however, understanding the past climate variability in the region is still limited by lack of long-term climate records. Here, we report a temperature-sensitive annual stable carbon isotope (??13C) series of Tibetan juniper (Sabina tibetica) tree rings from 1850 to 2002 in natural forests in the source region of the Yangtze River on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The stable carbon discrimination (??13C) is significantly negatively correlated with the regional mean summer (May, June, and July) temperature, as well as with large-scale temperature variations. The reconstructed mean summer temperature explained about 44.3% of the total variance. It also agreed well with neighboring temperature proxies, including the ice-core ??18O series from the Guoqu glacier and from Dasuopu glacier and other tree-ring proxies. The cold and warm periods indicated by the climate reconstruction also coincide well with documented glacier advances and retreats in the eastern and southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The significant correlations among the reconstructed temperature, sea surface temperature (SSTNino3), and the Southern Oscillation index suggest the influences of synoptic atmospheric circulation on low-frequency variations in temperature on the region of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Peculiarities are investigated of the air temperature variation tendencies at some stations of the Far East in 1976–2005. The estimate of linear trend equation coefficients is computed according to the air temperature observation data using the least squares method. It is demonstrated that the air temperature trend in northern regions possesses a small probability at small values of residual variability. In the southern regions, the trend significance increases for almost all seasons at small values of residual variability. At midlatitude stations, the trend significance in January and February decreases considerably due to the large values of residual variability.  相似文献   

By comparing correlation of sea surface temperature (SST) and vertical circulation with canonical El Niño and El Niño Modoki, we find that El Niño Modoki has an effect on the Indian Ocean different from traditional El Niño. There exists obvious Indian Ocean basin mode (IOBM) after canonical El Niño, while insignificant SST anomalies exist in the Indian Ocean after El Niño Modoki. Anomalous downdraft and updraft appear over the eastern and western Indian Ocean, respectively, during canonical El Niño, while anomalous updraft is weak over the Indian Ocean during El Niño Modoki. Besides, the strength of El Niño Modoki is slightly weaker than that of canonical El Niño. According to previous studies, two mechanisms can explain IOBM after canonical El Niño: tropospheric temperature (TT) mechanism and ocean dynamics. However, both of them do not exist during El Niño Modoki. Comparing with the complicated oceanic processes, it is convenient to verify the observed TT anomalies and test the possible mechanism using the simple model. Therefore, we pay more attention on the question why TT mechanism does not work during El Niño Modoki. Using a linear barocinic model (LBM), we demonstrate that the strength of SST anomalies and cold SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific have an influence on TT anomalies. Especially, cold SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific cancel the effects of warm SST anomalies in the central Pacific on TT anomalies. It suggests that the SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific are important for the TT mechanism in two types of El Niño.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont développé une instrumentation permettant de mesurer les changements d'épaisseur d'un tronc d'arbre avec une précision d'environ 0,001 mm.Les phénomènes de croissance d'un examplaire de Pirus malus, et un nombre de facteurs microclimatologiques ont été enregistrés continuellement pendant 9 jours consécutifs du mois de juin 1963.L'analyse statistique montre clairement l'influence prépondérante des facteurs du milieu sur les changements de diamètre du corps ligneux, par sa déshydratation, suite au décalage de l'absorption d'eau par rapport à la transpiration.
Summary The authors have developed an electrically-operating dial gage dendrograph which permits continuous recording of the variations of tree growth. The basic component of the instrumentation used consists of a displacement transmitter Vibro-Meter, sa, TS 1230. Radial tree growth resulting in a shaft displacement is via the output of a bridge unit, fed by a Power-Oscillator, Unit, measured by a recording millivoltmeter.Daily shrinkage phenomena in relation to cyclic microenvironmental factors were followed on a Pirus malus of about 10,6 cm diameter during 9 consecutive days in june 1963.Mean hourly values of all variables were fitted with a three-term-Fourier curve. A statistical analysis proved the influence of the environmental factors (especially those who influence the internal water balance) on daily shrinkage phenomena.

Zusammenfassung Es wird eine neue, auf den Bewegungen eines induktiven Gebers beruhende Apparatur beschrieben, die gestattet, den Radialzuwachs von Bäumen in seinem zeitlichen Ablauf durch Messungen mit einer Genauigkeit von 0,001 mm zu erfassen und in Beziehung zu den Umweltfaktoren zu setzen. Solche Schwankungen wurden zusammen mit verschiedenen mikroklimatologischen Elementen während 9 aufeinanderfolgenden Tagen im Juni 1963 an einem Stamm von Pirus malus registriert, der einen mittleren Durchmesser von 10,6 cm hatte. Die Stundenwerte aller Variabeln wurden mit einer dreigliedrigen Fourier-Reihe dargestellt und in Fig. 1 wiedergegeben. Die statistische Analyse ergibt den Einfluß der verschiedenen Umgebungsfaktoren speziell durch die Wasserverluste.

Avec 1 Figure  相似文献   

The reproducibility of boreal summer intraseasonal variability (ISV) and its interannual variation by dynamical models are assessed through diagnosing 21-year retrospective forecasts from ten state-of-the-art ocean–atmosphere coupled prediction models. To facilitate the assessment, we have defined the strength of ISV activity by the standard deviation of 20–90 days filtered precipitation during the boreal summer of each year. The observed climatological ISV activity exhibits its largest values over the western North Pacific and Indian monsoon regions. The notable interannual variation of ISV activity is found primarily over the western North Pacific in observation while most models have the largest variability over the central tropical Pacific and exhibit a wide range of variability in spatial patterns that are different from observation. Although the models have large systematic biases in spatial pattern of dominant variability, the leading EOF modes of the ISV activity in the models are closely linked to the models’ El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is a feature that resembles the observed ISV and ENSO relationship. The ENSO-induced easterly vertical shear anomalies in the western and central tropical Pacific, where the summer mean vertical wind shear is weak, result in ENSO-related changes of ISV activity in both observation and models. It is found that the principal components of the predicted dominant modes of ISV activity fluctuate in a very similar way with observed ones. The model biases in the dominant modes are systematic and related to the external SST forcing. Thus the statistical correction method of this study based on singular value decomposition is capable of removing a large portion of the systematic errors in the predicted spatial patterns. The 21-year-averaged pattern correlation skill increases from 0.25 to 0.65 over the entire Asian monsoon region after applying the bias correction method to the multi-model ensemble mean prediction.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variations of eastern China spring rainfall are identified via empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of rain-gauge (gridded) precipitation datasets for the period 1958–2013 (1920–2013). The interannual variations of the first two leading EOF modes are linked with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with this linkage being modulated by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The EOF1 mode, characterized by predominant rainfall anomalies from the Yangtze River to North China (YNC), is more likely associated with out-of-phase PDO–ENSO events [i.e., El Niño during cold PDO (EN_CPDO) and La Niña during warm PDO (LN_WPDO)]. The sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) distributions of EN_CPDO (LN_WPDO) events induce a significant anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) over the western North Pacific stretching northward to the Korean Peninsula and southern Japan, resulting in anomalous southwesterlies (northeasterlies) prevailing over eastern China and above-normal (below-normal) rainfall over YNC. In contrast, EOF2 exhibits a dipole pattern with predominantly positive rainfall anomalies over southern China along with negative anomalies over YNC, which is more likely connected to in-phase PDO–ENSO events [i.e., El Niño during warm PDO (EN_WPDO) and La Niña during cold PDO (LN_CPDO)]. EN_WPDO (LN_CPDO) events force a southwest–northeast oriented dipole-like circulation pattern leading to significant anomalous southwesterlies (northeasterlies) and above-normal (below-normal) rainfall over southern China. Numerical experiments with the CAM5 model forced by the SSTA patterns of EN_WPDO and EN_CPDO events reproduce reasonably well the corresponding anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns and spring rainfall modes over eastern China, validating the related mechanisms.  相似文献   

The spatial–temporal properties of aerosol types over China are studied using the radiance measurements and inversions data at four Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) stations in China. Based on a cluster analysis, five aerosol classes were identified including a coarse-sized dominated aerosol type (presumably dust) and four fine-sized dominated aerosol types ranging from non-absorbing to highly absorbing fine aerosols. The optical properties and seasonal variations of these aerosol types are investigated. The results of analysis show that: (1) the highly absorbing aerosols usually occur in winter, (2) non-absorbing aerosols are frequently observed in summer; (3) coarse-sized dominated aerosols are frequently occurred in spring.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity, which shows a potential risk of soil loss caused by water erosion, is an important factor in soil erosion process. In consideration of the critical condition of soil erosion induced by rainfall in Guangdong Province of southern China, this study analyzed the spatial and temporal variations in rainfall erosivity based on daily rainfall data observed at 25 meteorological stations during the period of 1960–2011. The methods of global spatial autocorrelation, kriging interpolation, Mann–Kendall test, and continuous wavelet transform were used. Results revealed that the annual rainfall erosivity in Guangdong Province, which spatially varied with the maximum level observed in June, was classified as high erosivity with two peaks that occur in spring and summer. In the direction of south–north, mean annual rainfall erosivity, which showed significant relationships with mean annual rainfall and latitude, gradually decreased with the high values mainly distributed in the coastal area and the low values mainly occurring in the lowlands of northwestern Guangdong. Meanwhile, a significant positive spatial autocorrelation which implied a clustered pattern was observed for annual rainfall erosivity. The spatial distribution of seasonal rainfall erosivity exhibited clustering tendencies, except spring erosivity with Moran’s I and Z values of 0.1 and 1.04, respectively. The spatial distribution of monthly rainfall erosivity presented clustered patterns in January–March and July–October as well as random patterns in the remaining months. The temporal trend of mean rainfall erosivity in Guangdong Province showed no statistically significant trend at the annual, seasonal, and monthly scales. However, at each station, 1 out of 25 stations exhibited a statistically significant trend at the annual scale; 4 stations located around the Pearl River Delta presented significant trends in summer at the seasonal scale; significant trends were observed in March (increasing trends at 3 stations), June (increasing trends at 4 stations located in the Beijiang River Basin), and October (decreasing trends at 4 stations) at the monthly scale. In accordance with the mean annual rainfall over Guangdong Province, the mean annual rainfall erosivity showed two significant periodicities of 3–6 and 10–12 years at a confidence level of 95 %. In conclusion, the results of this study provide insights into the spatiotemporal variation in rainfall erosivity in Guangdong Province and support for agrolandscape planning and water and soil conservation efforts in this region.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to statistically examine changes of surface air temperature in time and space and to analyze two factors potentially influencing air temperature changes in China, i.e., urbanization and net solar radiation. Trends within the temperature series were detected by using Mann-Kendall trend test technique. The scientific problem this study expected to address was that what could be the role of human activities in the changes of temperature extremes. Other influencing factors such as net solar radiation were also discussed. The results of this study indicated that: (1) increasing temperature was observed mainly in the northeast and northwest China; (2) different behaviors were identified in the changes of maximum and minimum temperature respectively. Maximum temperature seemed to be more influenced by urbanization, which could be due to increasing urban albedo, aerosol, and air pollutions in the urbanized areas. Minimum temperature was subject to influences of variations of net solar radiation; (3) not significant increasing and even decreasing temperature extremes in the Yangtze River basin and the regions south to the Yangtze River basin could be the consequences of higher relative humidity as a result of increasing precipitation; (4) the entire China was dominated by increasing minimum temperature. Thus, we can say that the warming process of China was reflected mainly by increasing minimum temperature. In addition, consistently increasing temperature was found in the upper reaches of the Yellow River basin, the Yangtze River basin, which have the potential to enhance the melting of permafrost in these areas. This may trigger new ecological problems and raise new challenges for the river basin scale water resource management.  相似文献   

A spring-composite index (s-CI) is proposed in this study that involves slightly altering the use of the accumulated precipitation from the composite index (CI) comparing the value with other three commonly used indices (standardized precipitation index, SPI; self-calibrated Palmer drought severity index, sc-PDSI; and CI). In addition, the spatial–temporal variation of the s-CI in the Songnen Plain (SNP) was investigated using the Mann–Kendall test and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) methods. The results indicated that the proposed s-CI could identify most drought events in 1990s and 2000s and performed relatively better than SPI, sc-PDSI, and CI in this region. Compared with the other three indices, the s-CI had a higher correlation with relative soil moisture in April and May. The recent spring droughts (2000s) were the most severe in April or May. The weather was drier in May compared with April in the 1980s, whereas the weather was wetter in May than in April in the 1960s and 1970s. Moreover, the spatial patterns of the first EOFs for both April and May indicated an obviously east–west gradient in the SNP, whereas the second EOFs displayed north–south drought patterns. The proposed index is particularly suitable for detecting, monitoring, and exploring spring droughts in the Songnen Plain under global warming.  相似文献   


Seasonal and interannual variations of the SST 16–19°C zone in the western North Pacific are described. Temperatures ranging from 16 to 19°C correspond with those of the Subtropical Mode Water (SMW) first reported and named by Masuzawa (1969). In the cooling season, this zone gradually moves southward and about December crosses latitudes 35–37°N where the Kuroshio axis lies. From January to April, the zone stagnates and spreads from the Kuroshio axis to about 28°N, i.e. to a width of about 700 km at 145°E in midwinter. This stagnation and widening are a manifestation of the existence of a thick mixed layer of SMW, i.e. the formation of a large amount of SMW, which is confirmed by several examples of the subsurface temperature distribution. In the heating season, the zone migrates northward with a narrow width as a result of the warming of the surface layer through the air‐sea interface. SST maps in March, and other related data, show the large interannual variations of the zone, especially in the sea west of the Izu Ridge.  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Mean annual and monthly averages of mean (Tmean), maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) air temperature from seven stations in Iraq were analysed to detect the...  相似文献   

Global solar radiation is of great significance to the balance of ground surface radiation, the energy exchange between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere, and the development of weather and climate systems in various regions. In this study, the monthly global radiation recorded at 23 stations over the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) was utilized to estimate global solar radiation (Q) from sunshine duration and to obtain improved fits to the variation coefficients of the monthly Angström–Prescott model (APM). The modeling results were evaluated by calculating the statistical errors, including mean bias error, mean absolute error, root mean square error, and mean relative error. We demonstrate that the monthly Q values can be predicted accurately by APM over the QTP. We also assess the variations of Q values at 116 meteorological stations by APM over the QTP during 1961–2000. The analysis shows that the annual mean sunshine duration amounted to more than 3,000 h over the whole plateau, implying promising prospects for economic applications of solar energy. During the past 40 years, the mean global solar radiation has been relatively high in the western QTP, extending northward to the Inner Mongolian Plateau. Although its decadal variations in the QTP and surrounding regions were inconsistent, the anomaly values of global solar radiation were generally positive during the 1960s and 1970s, indicating that the QTP’s global solar radiation has increased during those periods. The anomaly values were negative during the 1980s and 1990s, showing that the plateau’s global solar radiation has decreased during those periods. Global solar radiation over the QTP is negatively proportional to latitude but positively proportional to altitude and relative sunshine duration. Three factors, the sunshine duration, latitude, and altitude, exert great influence on global surface radiation, of which sunshine duration is most significant. A high-variation-coefficient zone of global solar radiation occurred in the western part of the QTP but, on average, the variation coefficient of the plateau’s global solar radiation was only 0.031, suggesting that the variation in global radiation was relatively stable over the whole QTP.  相似文献   

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