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以四川省为研究区域,利用数理统计方法及GIS技术,采用资源丰裕度指数、变异系数、均衡度指数及均衡比系数,对A级旅游景区空间分布差异进行测度。结果表明:整体层面,旅游景区空间分布均衡程度由大到小依次是5A级景区、4A级景区、3A级景区、所有景区、2A级景区;市际层面,各州市旅游景区空间分布差异较大,旅游景区分布最多、丰裕度最高的是成都;四类均衡比系数显示,交通均衡比系数较小,其次是经济均衡比,表明交通和经济因素对四川省旅游景区空间分布影响最大,经济越发达,交通越通达,旅游景区空间分布越均衡;在此差异测算基础上,提出四川省旅游景区空间布局优化建议。  相似文献   

宜州下枧河景区的可持续发展应以营造纯自然、纯壮族的旅游氛围为战略方针,打造以山歌比赛为主题的歌节和壮乡歌仙会、有情人鹊桥会,并统一规划和建设景区旅游环境设施、开发经营旅游项目,以促进旅游市场的繁荣.  相似文献   

今年1月9日,张家界、庐山和五大连池收到联合国教科文组织的黄牌警告,要求其在"向公众科普地球科学知识"等方面整改.1月26日,新疆取消了10家3A级景区资质,对18家景区发出整改警告,要求30家景区限期整改.这些新闻告诉我们,旅游景区对于品牌创建与维护,要有端正和认真的态度. "拿牌"与"发牌"皆动机不纯 一个旅游景区从无到有,面临的第一个任务是在全国上万个旅游景区中树立自己的品牌,达到五"可"(可向往、可进入、可停留、可消费、可回味)的第一步——"可向往".  相似文献   

旅游景区近年之所以屡屡拿到"黄牌警告",表面原因是景区拿牌之时先天不足,拿牌之后维护不力.其深层的原因,是景区的管理机制. 中国的景区,大景区基本上是国有事业单位,小景区基本上是民营企业单位.后者自然以利益为导向,前者虽然有财政拨款,可以应对日常办公,但景区宣传、建设的经费不够,要靠想方设法提高门票收入,要靠引进社会企业资金,总体上,旅游景区在走向"企业化"."自然保护区"、"风景名胜区"对于开发建设的限制、 "地质公园"对于教育大众的要求,对于景区来说,自然是心不甘情不愿的.个别的景区,恨不得直接拿到一块自然保护区的"红牌",摘掉自然保护区的帽子,好放开手脚开发建设挣大钱.现在国内的景区门票不断上涨,例如进黄山要406元,包括门票230元、缆车160元、接驳中巴16元.  相似文献   

出游时长与旅游行为密切相关。基于携程网游记数据,综合利用文本挖掘、地理信息系统空间分析、社会网络分析等方法,挖掘1~3 d、4~6 d和7~10 d三种出游时长下旅游景区到访特征。结果表明:(1)短途旅游受景区知名度、可达性与城市配套的影响,随时长增加,旅游景区“多核摄动”且密织成网;(2)旅游景区到访空间异质性显著,随出游时长增加,从金三角逐步发展为钻石四边形结构,知名景区溢出效应显著;(3)短时旅行只能走马观花,时间充裕有助于灵活多样的线路设计;(4)三种出游时长下旅游景区共现网络整体密度较低,且随出游时长的增加而逐渐变密,均呈现显著的等级层次性和核心–外围结构特性。  相似文献   

利用数理统计和地理信息空间分析方法,从定量和定性两方面探讨四川省221个A级旅游景区的空间分布结构,分析其空间分布规律。结果表明:四川省A级旅游景区的空间分布类型属于集聚型,且区域间差异较大,空间分布均匀度较低,不均衡性显著;四川省A级旅游景区规模等级结构表现为中间大两头小的纺锤形结构,中端的市场供给占据上风;四川省A级旅游景区空间分布受地理区位、交通条件、景区地域组合状况和经济发展水平等多种因素综合影响。  相似文献   

大九寨核心景区旅游气候资源研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过几寨沟、红原、松潘和若尔盖以及九寨沟内几个自动气象站的温、压、湿、风、太阳辐射等气象观测资料的统计计算,分析了大九寨核心旅游景区的光照、热量、水分、气压和风速等旅游气候资源.分析表明,大几寨旅游景区海拔1407~3493m,年平均气温为1.1℃~12.7℃,年平均降水量551.6~769.2mm,日照充足,干、湿季节分明,适宜旅游期可达8个月,加上丰寓的气候旅游景观,足世界上最佳的生态旅游目的地.提出了如何保持大九寨最佳生态旅游资源的可持续开发和利用是有待进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

旅游资源开发的人性化,属于旅游管理中以人为本的理论范畴,是旅游事业成败的关键。广西旅游资源丰富,许多景区取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益,但各景区在资源开发规划、设施配备、行业的管理、服务的人性化程度等方面存在一定差距。文章论述了旅游开发人性化的理念,对广西景区人性化建设方面进行了考察和对比,并就此提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

天门山旅游区是张家界国家地质公园的四大核心景区之一,地质遗迹资源丰富多彩.文章从地质旅游的角度,归纳了天门山地质遗迹景观特色,分析了其地质遗迹景观旅游开发优势,提出了其地质遗迹景观旅游开发建议.  相似文献   

崇左市雨花石景区以丹霞地貌景观为特色,在丹霞山的腹部呈现岩溶洞穴景观,地质地貌景观奇特,造型多样。文章介绍了该景区地质特点及其旅游资源,并与广西其他丹霞地貌景区比较,认为该景区的丹霞地貌景观别具一格,建议将景区打造成省(自治区)级地质公园,以保护其地质地貌不受破坏,并建设成为崇左市具有丹霞和岩溶双重特色的旅游景区,以推动崇左市旅游业的发展。  相似文献   

Protected areas have become important tourism products that promoted as attractions by the tourism industry. Taking the Changbai Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China as a case, this study addresses visitor needs as a basis for developing a tourism strategy aimed at enhancing tourist opportunities at this reserve. A factor-cluster approach was employed to identify visitor segment profiles based on their visit motivations. Through random sampling, a pencil-and-paper questionnaire in Chinese language was collected from 637 domestic tourists in the study area. A principal components analysis of motivations revealed eight motivational factors, and four distinct groups of tourists – Nature travelers, Cultural landscape tourists, Food shopping enthusiasts, and Eclectic adventurers – were identified. Understanding the differences in these visitor segments will help the management authority effectively analyze nature reserve attributes and provide alternative activities and services to tourists. Finally, within the dual framework of market segmentation and destination management some management recommendations and marketing implications are suggested.  相似文献   

游艇作为新型休闲旅游项目在中国迅速兴起。海南的游艇旅游在政策支持、资源环境等方面优势突出。三亚作为海南建设国际旅游岛的排头兵,对游艇旅游的发展给予了充分的重视。但游艇俱乐部在运营管理方面反映出的绩效不佳。通过回顾相关研究成果,并实际调查三亚游艇俱乐部的运营现状,重点对运营机制与管理模式进行剖析,归纳游艇俱乐部面临的发展难题,提出游艇俱乐部通过明确市场定位、创新业务类型、推动与关联行业融合发展、开辟营销公关新思路、完善投资机制等途径实现管理模式优化,进而使游艇俱乐部的内部管理适应环境变化。  相似文献   

Shift-share analysis has been confirmed a useful approach in the study of regional economics and many kinds of extended shift-share models have been advanced and put into practice in economic studies, but few have hitherto been introduced and applied to the tourism research in China. Moreover understanding the spatially competitive relationship is of paramount importance for marketers, developers, and planners involved in tourism strategy development. Based on international tourism receipts from 1995 to 2004, this study aims at probing into the spatial competitiveness of interna- tional tourism in Jiangsu Province in comparison with its neighbors by applying a spatially extended shift-share model and a modified dynamic shift-share model. The empirical results illustrate that exceptional years may exist in the ap- plication of dynamic shift-share models. To solve this issue, modifications to dynamic shift-share model are put forward. The analytical results are not only presented but also explained by the comparison of background conditions of tourism development between Jiangsu and its key competitors. The conclusions can be drawn that the growth of international tourism receipts in Jiangsu mainly attributes to the national component and the competitive component and Zhejiang is the most important rival to Jiangsu during the period of 1995-2004. In order to upgrade the tourism competitiveness, it is indispensable for Jiangsu to take proper positioning, promoting and marketing strategies and to cooperate and integrate with its main rivals.  相似文献   

Nowadays, tourism has become an increasingly significant driving force of modern urbanization in China. However, it has caused varieties of problems, such as resource unreasonable utilization, society unfair play, and environment pollution, etc. Thus, the establishment of an efficient and sustainable space partition model for tourism urbanization, from the geographical perspective, is highly necessary and urgent. Herein, a new evaluation model of tourist town space, referred to as Tourism Sectorization Opportunity Spectrum (TSOS), is established on the relationships between production-living-ecology spaces. TSOS is a kind of quantitative evaluation model involving such factors as urban living area, ecological conservation area and the tourism industry. Furthermore, the analysis of quantitative production-living-ecology spatial overlap has been utilized for space division in a tourism urbanization area. This paper, using both the TSOS model and GIS technology, analyzes the spatial restructure of the Mayangxi ecotourism area. The result demonstrates that tourism industrial space takes the Shanchong Village as a core which shows a pattern of local regional agglomeration and a fuzzy edge extending along the entire Mayangxi River. The urban living area should be consolidated in the Shili village with the supporting facilities and living space for tourism. In addition, Tianzhu Mountain forest park should be the key environmental protection area. The case study on the Mayangxi ecotourism area verifies that the TSOS model has strong operability. Therefore, TSOS model provides a scientific foundation for the space reconstruction of new urbanization area, and an effective tool for optimizing the space partition of a tourism urbanization area.  相似文献   

随着旅游者对休闲娱乐类旅游需求的不断增加,山地型旅游区已成为最受欢迎的旅游目的地之一,利用新兴且高效的轨迹记录方式挖掘山地型旅游区游客在小尺度范围内动态的时空行为特征和制约因素,对旅游区线路设计和旅游产品优化尤为重要,也将为山地型旅游区的深化发展和科学管理提供建议。本文以湖北省恩施州恩施大峡谷为案例地,基于“六只脚”平台的GNSS轨迹及位置照片数据,结合GIS在线地图绘制的景区路网和从BigMap平台获取的POI数据,选择GNSS轨迹栅格化的概念模式解析出恩施大峡谷游客轨迹的时空行为特征,尝试探讨与其他类别旅游区时空行为特征的差异,从而总结出山地型旅游区的行为特征,并通过网络点评数据和游记文本等网络文本挖掘行为特征形成的影响因素。研究表明:(1)月份和季相层面,游客行为5月游客量处于峰值,节日效应明显,短假期效应较强;淡旺季游客行为轨迹呈非集聚性,旺季游客量主要受气候条件影响呈不稳定态势;(2)游客行为轨迹于11:00—14:00游客量达到顶峰,日内结束时间相对较早,且兴趣点选择偏向知名度高的七星寨景区;(3)空间分布特征层面,受时空因素控制,单一路径景区轨迹集中度较强;(4)不同性别...  相似文献   

浙江省丹霞地貌比较发育,具有丰富的旅游资源.本文在考察浙江中西部地区比较典型的丹霞地貌、旅游资源的基础上,分析了丹霞地貌的特征和旅游资源及其开发现状.  相似文献   

Valley economy is a type of economy that comprehensively utilizes the natural economic and social resources of the region based on environmental protection. This economy utilizes the basic role of the market in disposing resources and achieving regional development and social progress. In this paper we studied the town of Yanqi, a valley resort that has developed tourism-based valley economy for several years in the mountainous area of Beijing. This research identifies the spatial differentiation of tourism-related economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impact and level of support for tourism according to the perception and attitude of residents of Yanqi. The research area was divided into three zones (i.e., core, transition, and peripheral) according to the standard proposed by Jaakson. The residents in all three zones showed a positive attitude toward the tourism industry, and the residents in the core zone had a stronger perception toward the impact of tourism. However, several items indicated the converse. Correlation analysis and analysis of variance were used to explore the correlative factors associated with the attitudes of residents toward the tourism industry. Results indicated major differences among the three zones. Multiple factors, including natural conditions, policies, scenic spots, dependence on the tourism industry, and external investment in the three zones resulted in the spatial differentiationof the perception and attitude of residents toward the impact of tourism.  相似文献   

In China,many scenic and tourism areas are suffering from the urbanization that results from physical development of tourism projects,leading to the removal of the vegetative cover,the creation of areas impermeable to water,in-stream modifications,and other problems. In this paper,the risk of soil erosion and its ecological risks in the West Lake Scenic Spots (WLSS) area were quantitatively evaluated by integrating the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a digital elevation model (DEM) and geographical information system (GIS) software. The standard RUSLE factors were modified to account for local climatic and topographic characteristics reflected in the DEM maps,and for the soil types and vegetation cover types. An interface was created between the Arcinfo software and RUSLE so that the level of soil erosion and its ecological risk in the WLSS area could be mapped immediately once the model factors were defined for the area. The results from an analysis using the Arcinfo-RUSLE interface showed that the risk value in 93 % of the expanding western part of the WLSS area was moderate or more severe and the soil erosion risk in this area was thus large compared with that in the rest of the area. This paper mainly aimed to increase the awareness of the soil erosion risk in urbanizing areas and suggest that the local governments should consider the probable ecological risk resulting from soil erosion when enlarging and developing tourism areas.  相似文献   

In China, many scenic and tourism areas are suffering from the urbanization that results from physical development of tourism projects, leading to the removal of the vegetative cover, the creation of areas impermeable to water, in-stream modifications, and other problems. In this paper, the risk of soil erosion and its ecological risks in the West Lake Scenic Spots (WLSS) area were quantitatively evaluated by integrating the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) with a digital elevation model (DEM) and geographical information system (GIS) software. The standard RUSLE factors were modified to account for local climatic and topographic characteristics reflected in the DEM maps, and for the soil types and vegetation cover types. An interface was created between the Areinfo software and RUSLE so that the level of soil erosion and its ecological risk in the WLSS area could be mapped immediately once the model factors were defined for the area. The results from an analysis using the Areinfo-RUSLE interface showed that the risk value in 93 % of the expanding western part of the WLSS area was moderate or more severe and the soil erosion risk in this area was thus large compared with that in the rest of the area. This paper mainly aimed to increase the awareness of the soil erosion risk in urbanizing areas and suggest that the local governments should consider the probable ecological risk resulting from soil erosion when enlarging and developing tourism areas.  相似文献   

The reasonable development and utilization of mountainous regions closely relates to local economic development and ecological security. The wine production region in the eastern foothills of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with its excellent terroir, is emerging as one of China’s three major geographical attractions. Based on surveys of tourism resources and spatial analysis for this wine producing region, we propose a highly representative and practicable path for wine tourism development. Based on China’s national standard in Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources (GB/T 18972-2003), which recommended the types and grades of tourism resources in one area, we conduct an analysis of resource characteristics and the current state of development. Using ArcGIS software, spatial autocorrelation analysis, average nearest neighbor analysis, as well as clustering and outlier analysis, we are able to derive the spatial distribution characteristics of tourism resources. Our survey showed that tourism resources in this area are relatively abundant and have good quality and clear combination advantages. Nonetheless, there are resources shortage for wine tourism and poor integration of wine production with the tourism industry. Regarding the spatial distribution of resources, we revealed the current states of and issues surrounding regions with concentrated resources, as well as characteristics of this clustering. Finally, we proposed a development path for wine tourism in this region based on the five dimensions of management mode, industrial path, product development, spatial optimization, and market development.  相似文献   

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