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An experimental study of the initial flow field downstream of a step change in surface roughness is presented. The roughness length of the downstream surface was approximately tenfold that of the upstream roughness and, unlike all previous studies, attention was concentrated on the roughness sublayer region beneath the inertial (log-law) region. The experiments were conducted at a boundary layer Reynolds number of about 6 × 104 (based on layer thickness andfree-stream velocity) and around a longitudinal location where the (downstream) roughness length, zo2, was about 1% of the boundary-layer thickness atthe roughness change point.The thickness of the roughness sublayer was found for the two roughness. It was observed that the vertical profiles of mean velocity and turbulence characteristics started to show similarity after about 160z02 downstream of the roughness change. The presence of a shear stress overshoot is shown to depend strongly on the precise location (with respect to the roughness elements) at which the measurements are made and the thickness of the equilibrium layer is shown to be very sensitive to the way it is defined. It is demonstrated that the growing equilibrium layer has first to encompass the roughness sublayer before any thickness of inertial sublayer can be developed. It follows that, in somepractical cases, like flows across some urban environments, the latter(log-law) region may never exist at all.  相似文献   

The growth of a two-dimensional internal boundary layer (IBL), which develops when a neutral or unstably stratified flow over a uniform terrain encounters a step-change in surface roughness, is numerically investigated by a higher-order turbulence closure theory. It is found that the thickness of the IBL increases as ~ x n, where x is the downstream distance from the roughness-transition line. For a given set of upstream conditions, the value of the exponent n depends only on the Monin-Obukhov length L, and it is approximately independent of the roughness-change parameter M = In (z01/z02). At large fetches, increases markedly with increasing instability.NRC-NAS Resident Research Associate at AFCRL, 1973–74  相似文献   

Simultaneous particle-image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence combined with large-eddy simulations are used to investigate the flow and pollutant dispersion behaviour in a rural-to-urban roughness transition. The urban roughness is characterized by an array of cubical obstacles in an aligned arrangement. A plane fence is added one obstacle height h upstream of the urban roughness elements, with three different fence heights considered. A smooth-wall turbulent boundary layer with a depth of 10h is used as the approaching flow, and a passive tracer is released from a uniform line source 1h upstream of the fence. A shear layer is formed at the top of the fence, which increases in strength for the higher fence cases, resulting in a deeper internal boundary layer (IBL). It is found that the mean flow for the rural-to-urban transition can be described by means of a mixing-length model provided that the transitional effects are accounted for. The mixing-length formulation for sparse urban canopies, as found in the literature, is extended to take into account the blockage effect in dense canopies. Additionally, the average mean concentration field is found to scale with the IBL depth and the bulk velocity in the IBL.  相似文献   

Effects of Wall Heating on Flow Characteristics in a Street Canyon   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We develop a large-eddy simulation (LES) model based on a meteorological numerical model for a real scale street-canyon flow with rough building facets heated by a given temperature. The model is applied to a canyon with the aspect ratio of unity for two idealized heating scenarios: (1) the roof and the entire upstream wall are heated, named as ‘assisting cases’, and (2) the roof and the entire downstream wall are heated, named as ‘opposing cases’. These facets were heated up to 15 K above the air temperature. A wall function for temperature is proposed for a rough facet with an assumption that the thermal roughness length, z 0T, is much smaller than the aerodynamic roughness length, z 0. It is demonstrated that the sensible heat flux and canyon-air temperature are significantly influenced by the near-facet process that is parametrized by z 0T as the primary factor; other processes such as in-canyon mixing and roof-level exchange are secondary. This new finding strongly suggests that it is vital to choose an appropriate value of z 0T in a numerical simulation of street-canyon flows with the facet-air exchange processes of heat or any scalar. The finding also raises an awareness of the demand for carefully designed laboratory or field experiments of quantifying z 0T values for various urban surfaces. For the opposing cases, an unsteady penetrating narrow updraft zone appears occasionally along the heated wall and this feature is consistent field observations. The unique result indicates the superior capability of LES. The results of this study can be used to guide the parametrization of turbulent processes inside the urban canopy layer.  相似文献   

A stable thermal internal boundary layer (IBL) develops when warm air is advected from warmer land upstream to a cooler sea downstream. It is shown that the analytical model for estimating the height (h) of this stable IBL as formulated by Garratt (1987) is verified. It is also demonstrated that a simpler equation, % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWGObGaeyisIS% RaaGymaiaaiAdacaWGybWaaWbaaSqabeaadaWcgaqaaiaaigdaaeaa% caaIYaaaaaaaaaa!390B!\[h \approx 16X^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \] (where h is in meters and X, the fetch downwind, is in kilometers), is useful operationally as a first approximation.  相似文献   

Wind profile data within the first two kilometres of a coast have been used to study the wind field modification downstream of this surface discontinuity. The land area is generally very flat, having an overall roughness length of 0.04 m. A wind model, suitable for practical applications and inexpensive to run, has been tested against the data and was found to give satisfactory results. Knowing the climatological statistics of wind and stratification, e.g., at the coast, the model may thus be used to estimate, on a climatological basis, how the wind field is modified with distance inland, at least in areas with only minor topography. This type of information is of great importance when locating wind turbines. It is in these cases also important to know the statistics of the internal boundary-layer (IBL) height, as the turbulence intensity may be quite different in and above the IBL, which in turn may influence load and fatigue calculations. Using the wind profile data, the IBL height was clearly discernible in the majority of cases. Having very unstable stratification over land, the IBL height could, however, not be determined from the wind profiles, as the wind in these cases did not decrease inland. This result was also obtained using the wind model. A simple model of the type z IBL = a · x b, was instead tested, and was shown to give reasonable results.  相似文献   

A finite-volume numerical model is employed to investigate the adaptation of the atmospheric boundary layer to a change in the underlying surface roughness, such as that existing in the transition from land to the free surface of a water body. Numerical results are validated by comparison with neutral stratification atmospheric data and compared with the internal boundary-layer (IBL) heights computed using a number of existing empirical formulae. The numerical analysis allows an extension of the fetch range in which the existing formulae, calibrated only by comparison with short fetch data, may be applied. An argument is offered that the spatial variability of the water surface roughness should be also taken into account for the IBL development over the surface of a water body.  相似文献   

An experimental study has been made of stagnation points and flow splitting on the upstream side of obstacles in uniformly stratified flow. A range from small to large values of Nh/U (where N is the buoyancy frequency, hm is the maximum obstacle height and U is the undisturbed fluid velocity) has been covered, for three obstacle shapes which are, respectively, axisymmetric, and elongated in the across-stream and in the downstream directions. Upstream stagnation for the first two of these models does not occur until Nhm/U > 1.05, where it occurs at zhm/2. On the central line below this point the flow descends and diverges, and we term this ‘flow splitting’. For the third model (elongated in the downstream direction), stagnation upstream first occurs at Nhm/U ≈ 1.43, at z ≈ 0. Results for this obstacle are not consistent with the ‘Sheppard criterion’, and this upstream flow stagnation is not apparently related to lee wave overturning, in contrast to flow over two-dimensional obstacles.  相似文献   

The internal boundary layer — A review   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A review is given of relevant work on the internal boundary layer (IBL) associated with:
  1. Small-scale flow in neutral conditions across an abrupt change in surface roughness,
  2. Small-scale flow in non-neutral conditions across an abrupt change in surface roughness, temperature or heat/moisture flux,
  3. Mesoscale flow, with emphasis on flow across the coastline for both convective and stably stratified conditions.
The major theme in all cases is on the downstream, modified profile form (wind and temperature), and on the growth relations for IBL depth.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the zero-plane displacement, d, and roughness length, z 0, for tall vegetation is described. A new relationship between d and z 0 is developed by imposing the condition of mass conservation on the logarithmic wind profile. Further, d and z 0 can be evaluated directly if independent measurements of friction velocity are available in addition to wind profile measurements. The proposed method takes into account the existence of a transition layer immediately above the vegetation where the logarithmic wind profile law is not valid. Only one level of wind speed measurements is necessary within the inertial sub-layer.The method is applied to wind profile and eddy correlation measurements taken in and above an 18.5 m pine forest to yield d = 12.7 m and z 0 = 1.28 m. The choice of height for the upper level of measurement and problems with measuring canopy flow are discussed.Work carried out while on leave at the Institute of Hydrology.  相似文献   

A wind-tunnel experiment was designed and carried out to study the effect of a surface roughness transition on subfilter-scale (SFS) physics in a turbulent boundary layer. Specifically, subfilter-scale stresses are evaluated that require parameterizations and are key to improving the accuracy of large-eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer. The surface transition considered in this study consists of a sharp change from a rough, wire-mesh covered surface to a smooth surface. The resulting magnitude jump in aerodynamic roughnesses, M = ln(z 01/z 02), where z 01 and z 02 are the upwind and downwind aerodynamic surface roughnesses respectively, is similar to that of past experimental studies in the atmospheric boundary layer. The two-dimensional velocity fields used in this study are measured using particle image velocimetry and are acquired at several positions downwind of the roughness transition as well as over a homogeneous smooth surface. Results show that the SFS stress, resolved strain rate and SFS transfer rate of resolved kinetic energy are dependent on the position within the boundary layer relative to the surface roughness transition. A mismatch is found in the downwind trend of the SFS stress and resolved strain rate with distance from the transition. This difference of behaviour may not be captured by some eddy-viscosity type models that parameterize the SFS stress tensor as proportional to the resolved strain rate tensor. These results can be used as a benchmark to test the ability of existing and new SFS models to capture the spatial variability SFS physics associated with surface roughness heterogeneities.  相似文献   

A numerical model of airflow in the lowest 50–100 m of the atmosphere above changes in surface roughness and temperature or heat flux has been developed based on boundary layer approximations, the Businger-Dyer hypotheses for the non-dimensional wind shear and heat flux and a mixing length hypothesis.Results have been obtained for several situations, in particular, airflow with neutral upstream conditions encountering a step change in surface temperature or heat flux with no roughness change. In these cases large increases in shear stress at the outer edge of the internal boundary layer are predicted. The case of unstable upstream flow encountering a step change to zero heat flux is also considered.Two situations that may be encountered near the shores of the Great Lakes are considered.Notation B Businger-Dyer constant (= 16.0) in form for M, H - c p Specific heat at constant pressure - g Acceleration due to gravity - H Upward vertical heat flux - H 0 , H 1 Surface heat fluxes for x < 0, x 0 - k von Kármán's constant ( = 0.4) - l Mixing length - L Monin-Obukhov length - L 0 Upstream value of L - m Ratio of roughness lengths (= z 1/z 0) - RL * Non-dimensional parameter, see Equations (20, 22 and 24) - RL 1 * Same as RL * but with z 1 scaling (= mRL *) - T Scaled temperature - T 0 (z) Upstream temperature profile - u 0, u 1(x) Surface friction velocities for x < 0, x 0 - U, W Horizontal and vertical mean velocities - U 0 (z) Upstream velocity profile - x, z Horizontal and vertical coordinates - z i Local roughness length  相似文献   

A differential equation is obtained to describe the concentration of passive admixtures (water vapor, sensible heat, pollutants, CO2, etc.) of turbulent flow inside a dense and uniform vegetational canopy. The profiles of eddy diffusivity, wind speed and shear stress are assumed to be exponential decay functions of depth below the top of the canopy. This equation is solved for the case of a vegetation with constant concentration of the admixture at the foliage surfaces. The solution is used to formulate bulk mass or heat transfer coefficients, which can be applied to practical problems involving surfaces covered with a vegetation or with similar porous or fibrous roughness elements. The results are shown to be consistent with experimental data presented by Chamberlain (1966), Garratt and Hicks (1973) and Garratt (1978). Calculations with the model illustrate that, as compared to its behavior over surfaces with bluff roughness elements, ln(z 0/z 0c ) (wherez 0 is the momentum roughness andz 0c , the scalar roughness) for permeable roughness elements is relatively insensitive tou * and practically independent ofz 0.  相似文献   

A simple new model is proposed to predict the distribution of wind velocity and surface shear stress downwind of a rough-to-smooth surface transition. The wind velocity is estimated as a weighted average between two limiting logarithmic profiles: the first log law, which is recovered above the internal boundary-layer height, corresponds to the upwind velocity profile; the second log law is adjusted to the downwind aerodynamic roughness and local surface shear stress, and it is recovered near the surface, in the equilibrium sublayer. The proposed non-linear form of the weighting factor is equal to ln(z/z 01)/ln(δ i /z 01), where z, δ i and z 01 are the elevation of the prediction location, the internal boundary-layer height at that downwind distance, and the upwind surface roughness, respectively. Unlike other simple analytical models, the new model does not rely on the assumption of a constant or linear distribution for the turbulent shear stress within the internal boundary layer. The performance of the new model is tested with wind-tunnel measurements and also with the field data of Bradley. Compared with other existing analytical models, the proposed model shows improved predictions of both surface shear stress and velocity distributions at different positions downwind of the transition.  相似文献   

Micro-scale turbulent transport processes over the marginal ice zone have been studied by use of a two-dimensional numerical model. It has been found that internal boundary layers (IBLs) of horizontal mean velocity, temperature, and specific humidity reveal a near field and a far field. In the near field, the change in surface roughness dominates the height and growth rate of a velocity IBL. The change in surface heat flux governs the near field of a temperature and humidity IBL. In the far field, approximately x/¦L *2 ¦ ~ 20, where L *2 is the downstream Obukhov length, the downstream stratification more and more influences the growth rate of IBLs basically by modifying the eddy viscosity.Above more complex terrain consisting of an ensemble of ice strips and leads, a merging height h M develops, below which the horizontal variability of the surface modification is clearly observed; h M varies with the length scale L of surface modification approximately in proportion to h M /L ~ 1/20 – 1/10, as a rule of thumb. Above the merging height, an enveloping IBL exists, whose growth depends on the ice cover, i.e., on the integral of surface modification, but changes very little with L.Local advection of momentum, heat, and moisture clearly affects the local surface heat fluxes. Sensible and latent heat fluxes are found to show also a near and far field. However, if areally averaged surface fluxes are to be deduced from grid-averaged flow variables, then details of local advection can be neglected to a reasonably good approximation.  相似文献   

An experiment was set-up to investigate the adjustment of turbulence over a roughness transition (moorland to forest). Results from this experiment support the development of an internal boundary layer (IBL) at the transition, which propagates upwards by turbulent diffusion as a function of distance downwind from the transition. Spectra and length-scale results uphold the hypothesis that, over a transition to a rough surface, the variance distribution shifts towards smaller wavelengths/length scales. However, results suggest that the adjustment of streamwise velocity variance may be faster than the adjustment of the vertical velocity variance. The concept of an equilibrium layer developing above the new surface is supported. Fetch requirements for equilibrium are, however, found to differ between first order and second order (flux) statistics, with second order statistics requiring a longer fetch. Results indicate that fetch should exceed 25 times the height of the measurement above the zero plane, which is a 2° (±0.5) growth angle, for flux equilibrium.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of wind speed, temperature and humidity were used to estimate the roughness lengths for momentum (z 0), heat (z H ) and moisture (z Q) over smooth ice and snow surfaces. The profile-measurements were performed in the vicinity of a blue ice field in Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica. The values ofz 0 over ice (3·10–6 m) seem to be the smallest ever obtained over permanent, natural surfaces. The settling of snow on the ice and the loss of momentum at saltating snow particles serve as momentum dissipating processes during snow-drift events, expressed as a strong dependence ofz 0 on u#.The scalar roughness lengths and surface temperature can be evaluated from the temperature and humidity profile measurements if the ratioz H /z Q is specified. This new method circumvents the difficult measurement of surface temperature. The scalar roughness lengths seem to be approximately equal toz0 for a large range of low roughness Reynolds numbers, despite the frequent occurrence of drifting snow. Possible reasons for this agreement with theory of non-saltating flow are discussed.  相似文献   

The roughness length, z 0u , and displacement height, d 0u , characterise the resistance exerted by the roughness elements on turbulent flows and provide a conventional boundary condition for a wide range of turbulent-flow problems. Classical laboratory experiments and theories treat z 0u and d 0u as geometric parameters independent of the characteristics of the flow. In this paper, we demonstrate essential stability dependences—stronger for the roughness length (especially in stable stratification) and weaker but still pronounced for the displacement height. We develop a scaling-analysis model for these dependences and verify it against experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the practical importance of stability, baroclinicity, and acceleration in the bulk ABL similarity formulations, in light of the random errors inherent in field measurements. This is done by propagating the measurement uncertainties through a theoretical model for the bulk ABL similarity functionsA 0 andB 0, under a range of assumed (but always unstable) conditions. It is shown that random measurement errors and acceleration effects may overwhelm most effects of baroclinicity and stability, once conditions are at least slightly unstable. Because of this, it is hard to discern a clear functional dependence ofA 0 andB 0 on degree of instability. Thus, for a given value ofh i/z0, whereh i is the inversion height andz 0 is the surface roughness, the geostrophic drag coefficient, which depends onA 0 andB 0, and weakly onh i/z0, may also be taken to be nearly independent of degree of instability.  相似文献   

The turbulent heat flux from arctic leads   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The turbulent transfer of heat from Arctic leads in winter is one of the largest terms in the Arctic heat budget. Results from the AIDJEX Lead Experiment (ALEX) suggest that the sensible component of this turbulent heat flux can be predicted from bulk quantities. Both the exponential relation N = 0.14R x 0.72 and the linear relation N = 1.6 × 10–3 R x+ 1400 fit our data well. In these, N is the Nusselt number formed with the integrated surface heat flux, and R x is the Reynolds number based on fetch across the lead. Because of the similarity between heat and moisture transfer, these equations also predict the latent heat flux. Over leads in winter, the sensible heat flux is two to four times larger than the latent heat flux.The internal boundary layer (IBL) that develops when cold air encounters the relatively warm lead is most evident in the modified downwind temperature profiles. The height of this boundary layer, , depends on the fetch, x, on the surface roughness of the lead, z 0 and on both downwind and upwind stability. A tentative, empirical model for boundary layer growth is % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaadaWcaaqaaiabes% 7aKbqaaiaadQhadaWgaaWcbaGaaGimaaqabaaaaOGaeyypa0JaeqOS% di2aaeWaaeaacqGHsisldaWcaaqaaiaadQhadaWgaaWcbaGaaGimaa% qabaaakeaacaWGmbaaaaGaayjkaiaawMcaamaaCaaaleqabaGaaGim% aiaac6cacaaI4aaaaOWaaeWaaeaadaWcaaqaaiaadIhaaeaacaWG6b% WaaSbaaSqaaiaaicdaaeqaaaaaaOGaayjkaiaawMcaamaaCaaaleqa% baGaaGimaiaac6cacaaI0aaaaaaa!472D!\[\frac{\delta }{{z_0 }} = \beta \left( { - \frac{{z_0 }}{L}} \right)^{0.8} \left( {\frac{x}{{z_0 }}} \right)^{0.4} \] where L is the Obukhov length based on the values of the momentum and sensible heat fluxes at the surface of the lead, and is a constant reflecting upwind stability.Velocity profiles over leads are also affected by the surface nonhomogeneity. Besides being warmer than the upwind ice, the surface of the lead is usually somewhat rougher. The velocity profiles therefore tend to decelerate near the surface, accelerate in the mid-region of the IBL because of the intense mixing driven by the upward heat flux, and rejoin the upwind profiles above the boundary layer. The profiles thus have distinctly different shapes for stable and unstable upwind conditions.  相似文献   

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