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Dante Canil   《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):375-393
The abundances of the mildly incompatible elements Al, Cr, V, Sc and Yb in more than 1700 mantle peridotite bulk rock analyses are interpreted in the light of a fractional melting model based on experimentally measured partition coefficients (D) and melting reaction stoichiometries. All peridotites examined, irrespective of sample type (abyssal peridotites, orogenic massifs, ophiolites, on/off craton xenoliths), tectonic environment (divergent/convergent/passive margin, intraplate) or the pressure (P) they last equilibrated at in the mantle (plagioclase-, spinel- , or garnet facies), originated as residues at less than 3 GPa, mainly within the spinel-facies. Mantle rocks currently in the garnet facies likely were originally spinel-facies lithosphere underthrust or subducted to greater depths in convergent margins. This view is inescapable even within the widest range of D values employed in the calculations, and is furthermore strengthened when metasomatic effects on the abundances of the mildly incompatible elements in residues are considered. A pressure of origin of below 3 GPa for most mantle lithosphere creates difficulties for any model ascribing a significant volume of deep, cratonic mantle roots to plume sub-cretion or any other vertical tectonic mechanism.  相似文献   

S. S. Schmidberger  D. Francis 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):195-216
The recently discovered Nikos kimberlite on Somerset Island, in the Canadian Arctic, hosts an unusually well preserved suite of mantle xenoliths dominated by garnet–peridotite (lherzolite, harzburgite, dunite) showing coarse and porphyroclastic textures, with minor garnet–pyroxenite. The whole rock and mineral data for 54 Nikos xenoliths indicate a highly refractory underlying mantle with high olivine forsterite contents (ave. Fo=92.3) and moderate to high olivine abundances (ave. 80 wt.%). These characteristics are similar to those reported for peridotites from the Archean Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons (ave. olivine Fo=92.5), but are clearly distinct from the trend defined by oceanic peridotites and mantle xenoliths in alkaline basalts and kimberlites from post-Archean continental terranes (ave. olivine Fo=91.0). The Nikos xenoliths yield pressures and temperatures of last equilibration between 20 and 55 kb and 650 and 1300°C, and a number of the peridotite nodules appear to have equilibrated in the diamond stability field. The pressure and temperature data define a conductive paleogeotherm corresponding to a surface heat flow of 44 mW/m2. Paleogeotherms based on xenolith data from the central Slave province of the Canadian craton require a lower surface heat flow (40 mW/m2) indicating a cooler geothermal regime than that beneath the Canadian Arctic. A large number of kimberlite-hosted peridotites from the Kaapvaal craton in South Africa and parts of the Siberian craton are characterized by high orthopyroxene contents (ave. Kaapvaal 32 wt.%, Siberia 20 wt.%). The calculated modal mineral assemblages for the Nikos peridotites show moderate to low contents of orthopyroxene (ave. 12 wt.%), indicating that the orthopyroxene-rich mineralogy characteristic of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons is not a feature of the cratonic upper mantle beneath Somerset Island.  相似文献   

Chromitites from a single section through the mantle in the Oman ophiolite are of two different types. Low-cr# chromitites, of MORB affinity are found in the upper part of the section, close to the Moho. High-cr# chromitites, with arc affinities are found deeper in the mantle. Experimental data are used to recover the compositions of the melts parental to the chromitites and show that the low-cr# chromitites were derived from melts with 14.5–15.4 wt% Al2O3, with 0.4 to 0.9 wt% TiO2 and with a maximum possible mg# of 0.76. In contrast the high-cr# chromitites were derived from melts with 11.8–12.9 wt% Al2O3, 0.2–0.35 wt% TiO2 and a maximum melt mg# of 0.785. Comparison with the published compositions of lavas from the Oman ophiolite shows that the low-cr# chromitites may be genetically related to the upper (Lasail, and Alley) pillow lava units and the high-cr# chromitites the boninites of the upper pillow lava Alley Unit. The calculated TiO2–Al2O3 compositions of the parental chromitite magmas indicate that the high-cr# chromitites were derived from high-Ca boninitic melts, produced by melting of depleted mantle peridotite. The low-cr# chromitites were derived from melts which were a mixture of two end-members—one represented by a depleted mantle melt and the other represented by MORB. This mixing probably took place as a result of melt–rock reaction. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


西克尔新生代玄武岩中的二辉橄榄岩包体矿物主量元素、单斜辉石(Cpx)微量元素及Sr同位素被用来揭示塔里木西北缘岩石圈地幔经历的交代改造作用。依据岩相学和矿物化学特征,西克尔二辉橄榄岩可分为A、B、C三个组。A组二辉橄榄岩具有较高的橄榄石含量(57%~65%)和Mg#(>90),代表了较为古老且适度难熔的岩石圈地幔,其Cpx富集大离子亲石元素,具有较高的(La/Yb)N、低的Ti/Eu比值,指示碳酸盐交代。根据Cpx的Sr同位素及高场强元素(HFSE)的异常特征,A组又可以细分为两个亚组(A1和A2):A1亚组Cpx核部呈现高的87Sr/86Sr(0.70451~0.70485)和HFSE的强烈负异常,而A2亚组Cpx核部呈现低的87Sr/86Sr(0.70353~0.70389)和HFSE的轻微负异常,分别代表着俯冲沉积碳酸盐和软流圈来源碳酸盐交代作用。B组和C组二辉橄榄岩具有较低的橄榄石Mg#(< 90),代表了经受改造后饱满的岩石圈地幔。其中B组的Cpx具极低的Zr/Hf,以及与A1亚组相似的特征,可能与蚀变洋壳熔融所产生富CO2硅酸盐熔体交代有关;C组尖晶石高的TiO2含量和Cpx高的重稀土含量,指示明显高熔/岩比的熔体-橄榄岩反应印迹,Cpx勺型的轻稀土配分、较低的(La/Yb)N、高的Ti/Eu比值、及HFSE强烈亏损的特征,表明其后期经历小体积富水硅酸盐熔体渗透的影响。此外A组Cpx的海绵边和B、C组包体与寄主岩交界处Cpx的反应边呈现与核部不一致的成分特征,同时B、C组包体与寄主岩交界处的斜方辉石也呈现被替代的现象。这些指示了橄榄岩在被携带至地表前不久或在此过程中熔体渗透引发的Cpx不一致熔融及熔岩反应的改造过程。多期次的地幔交代作用指示塔里木西北缘岩石圈地幔所经历的复杂改造历史。


邹东雅  张宏福 《岩石学报》2023,39(1):104-118



Mafic-ultramafic rocks of Archaean age constitute a significant component of the Eastern Indian Craton. These occur in two different modes. In the eastern belt these occur as a long, linear enclave within the Singhbhum granite and the primary banding in them is subvertical. In the more extensive western belt along the periphery of the Singhbhum granite, the disposition of the primary banding is subhorizontal. The major rock type in both the belts is meta-basalt with minor peridotitic komatiite and basaltic komatiite occurring in the eastern belt. Rare ultramafic rocks with cumulate textures are present in both the belts. The larger volume of the basaltic rocks preclude the possibility of their being derived by fractional crystallization of the high-MgO components. On the basis of trace element and REE characters the rocks may be classified into three groups. One of the groups shows a tholeiitic trend and include samples mostly from the eastern belt while the second consisting mostly of samples from the western belt shows a calc-alkaline trend. The third group includes samples having elemental ratios intermediate between these two groups. Zr/Nb ratios for the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline samples are different suggesting their sources to be different. The tholeiitic samples have been generated from a source having chondritic REE characters, while the calc-alkaline samples have been generated from a source with LREE enriched character. The high-MgO components in both the groups are suggested to represent high degrees of melting compared to the basalts in each group. It is further suggested that the tholeiitic basalts have been generated relatively early from a chondritic source. Down-buckling of this material has added LREE enriched melts to the source, thereby changing its character into a LREE enriched one. Melting of a source with such changed character has subsequently produced the calc-alkaline melts. Rocks with variable but intermediate characters between these two groups have been generated as a result of contamination between these two groups.  相似文献   

Temperature estimates and chemical composition of mantle xenoliths from the Cretaceous rift system of NW Argentina (26°S) constrain the rift evolution and chemical and physical properties of the lithospheric mantle at the eastern edge of the Cenozoic Andean plateau. The xenolith suite comprises mainly spinel lherzolite and subordinate pyroxenite and carbonatized lherzolite. The spinel lherzolite xenoliths equilibrated at high-T (most samples >1000 °C) and P below garnet-in. The Sm–Nd systematics of compositionally unzoned clino- and orthopyroxene indicate a Cretaceous minimum age for the high-T regime, i.e., the asthenosphere/lithosphere thermal boundary was at ca. 70 km depth in the Cretaceous rift. Major elements and Cr, Ni, Co and V contents of the xenoliths range between values of primitive and depleted mantle. Calculated densities based on the bulk composition of the xenoliths are <3280 kg/m3 for the estimated PT conditions and indicate a buoyant, stable upper mantle lithosphere. The well-equilibrated metamorphic fabric and mineral paragenesis with the general lack of high-T hydrous phases did not preserve traces of metasomatism in the mantle xenoliths. Late Mesozoic metasomatism, however, is obvious in the gradual enrichment of Sr, U, Th and light to medium REE and changes in the radiogenic isotope composition of an originally depleted mantle. These changes are independent of the degree of depletion evidenced by major element composition. 143Nd/144Ndi ratios of clinopyroxene from the main group of xenoliths decrease with increasing Nd content from >0.5130 (depleted samples) to ca. 0.5127 (enriched samples). 87Sr/86Sri ratios (0.7127–0.7131, depleted samples; 0.7130–0.7134, enriched samples) show no variation with variable Sr contents. Pbi isotope ratios of the enriched samples are rather radiogenic (206Pb/204Pbi 18.8–20.6, 207Pb/204Pbi 15.6–15.7, 208Pb/204Pbi 38.6–47) compared with the Pb isotope signature of the depleted samples. The large scatter and high values of 208Pb/204Pbi ratios of many xenoliths indicates at least two Pb sources that are characterized by similar U/Pb but by different Th/Pb ratios. The dominant mantle type in the investigated system is depleted mantle according to its Sr and Nd isotopic composition with relatively radiogenic Pb isotope ratios. This mantle is different from the Pacific MORB source and old subcontinental mantle from the adjacent Brazilian Shield. Its composition probably reflects material influx into the mantle wedge during various episodes of subduction that commenced in early Paleozoic or even earlier. Old subcontinental mantle was already replaced in the Paleozoic, but some inheritance from old mantle lithosphere is represented by rare xenoliths with isotope signatures indicating a Proterozoic origin.  相似文献   

张慧婷  张宏福 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3785-3798



The petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts from Fanshi, the central North China Craton (NCC), provide constraints on the evolution of sub-continental lithospheric mantle. These peridotite xenoliths are mainly spinel-facies lherzolites with minor harzburgites. The lherzolites are characterized by low forsterite contents in olivines (Fo < 91) and light rare earth element (LREE) enrichments in clinopyroxenes. In contrast, the harzburgites are typified by high-Fo olivines (> 91), high-Cr# spinels and clinopyroxenes with low abundances of heavy REE (HREE). These features are similar to those from old refractory lithospheric mantle around the world, and thus interpreted to be relics of old lithospheric mantle. The old lithospheric mantle has been chemically modified by the influx of melts, as evidenced by the Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of clinopyroxenes and relatively lower Fo contents than typical Archean lithospheric mantle (Fo > 92.5). The Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of harzburgites are close to EM1-type mantle, and of the lherzolites are similar to bulk silicate earth. The latter could be the result of recent modification of old harzburgites by asthenospheric melt, which is strengthened by fertile compositions of minerals in the lherzolites. Therefore, the isotopic and chemical heterogeneities of the Fanshi peridotite xenoliths reflect the refertilization of ancient refractory lithospheric mantle by massive addition of asthenospheric melts. This may be an important mechanism for the lithospheric evolution beneath the Central NCC.  相似文献   

Orthopyroxene-rich olivine websterite xenoliths (OWB2) in Palaeogene basanites in East Serbia are mostly composed of tabular low-Al2O3 orthopyroxene (> 70 vol.%, Mg# 85–87) containing tiny Cr spinel inclusions. Orthopyroxene shows a slightly U-shaped primitive mantle-normalized trace element pattern with strong peaks at U and Pb, similar to that of orthopyroxene from normal regional peridotitic mantle. In between the orthopyroxenes are interstitial spaces composed of partially altered olivine (Mg# 85–87), clinopyroxene, Ti-rich spinel, Mg-bearing calcite, K-feldspar, apatite, ilmenite and relicts of a hydrous mineral. Clinopyroxene appears as selvages around orthopyroxene and as coarser euhedral crystals. Trace element patterns of the clinopyroxene selvages resemble those of adjacent orthopyroxene, whereas the coarser ones have flatter and more LREE- and LILE-enriched patterns, similar to that of metasomatic clinopyroxene. The OWB2 xenoliths are interpreted as having formed in two stages. During Stage I orthopyroxene crystallized, along with some spinel, olivine and probably hydrous phase(s). This original OWB2 lithology was a hydrous olivine-bearing orthopyroxenite that crystallised from subduction-related SiO2-saturated, boninite-like magmas. During Stage II the interstitial minerals formed due to infiltration of a low-SiO2, high-CaO and CO2-rich external melt, accompanied by decomposition of original H2O-bearing minerals. The calculated composition of the infiltrating liquid corresponds to a mafic alkaline melt similar to the basanitic host but more enriched in CO2, LREE and LILE. Metasomatism is interpreted in terms of small degree melts related to the Palaeogene mafic alkaline magmatism.  相似文献   

樊祺诚  隋建立  孙谦  李霓  赵勇伟  杜星星 《岩石学报》2008,24(11):2495-2500
根据北部湾涠洲岛晚更新世火山岩中尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的矿物化学和形成条件推测,它们是来自地下约40km-50km的大陆岩石圈地幔样品。涠洲岛地幔橄榄岩中同时出现高硅(64%~68%)和低硅(49%~57%)两种熔体成分,它们普遍富碱、Al2O3和H2O、CO2等挥发组分(2%-5%)。研究认为,两种熔体存在不同的成因机制。高硅熔体可能与软流圈上升的玄武质岩浆和斜方辉石反应或下地壳物质循环进入地幔后的部分熔融有关。低硅熔体直接提供了富硅熔体与橄榄石发生交代作用的证据。这可以用富SiO2熔体+Ol→贫SiO2熔体+Opx反应解释,其结果是消耗橄榄石生成斜方辉石。涠洲岛橄榄岩中两种熔体的发现,进一步提供了发生在大陆岩石圈地幔流(熔)体与橄榄岩交代作用的普遍性、复杂性,以及地幔熔体多样性的新证据。  相似文献   

晚太古代Sanukite(赞岐岩)与地球早期演化   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9  
Shirey and Hanson(1984)将某些太古代的高镁闪长岩套称为sanukite(赞岐岩),类似于日本中新世(11~15Ma)Setouchi火山岩带的高镁安山岩。Sanukitoids由闪长岩-二长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩组成,不同于TTC岩套(奥长花岗岩-英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩)。Sanukitoids具有下列地球化学特征:富Mg,Mg~#>0.60,Ni和Cr>100μg/g,Sr和Ba>500μg/g,LREE富集(大于球粒陨石100倍),无Eu异常。高镁安山岩在太古代很少见,而其相应的侵入岩高镁闪长岩或sanukitoids,虽然数量也很少,但却是各地晚太古代地体中随处可见的。Sanukitoids的原始岩浆是交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的,随后可能经历了广泛的分离结晶作用。TTC和sanukitoids岩套可以相伴产出,二者均与板片熔融有关,TTG与其直接有关,sanukitoids可能与其间接有关。全球Sanukitoids主要集中在晚太古代时期,可能暗示板块的消减作用在~3.0Ga以后才起了重要的作用。  相似文献   

About half the diamonds studied from the Cenozoic placer deposits along the Namibian coast belong to the peridotitic suite. The peridotitic mantle source is heterogeneous ranging from lherzolitic to strongly Ca depleted (down to 0.24 wt.% CaO in garnet) and shows large variations in Cr/Al ratio, illustrated by very low to very high Cr2O3 contents in garnet (2.6–17.3 wt.%). The Cr-rich end of this range includes exceptionally high Cr2O3 contents in Mg-chromite (70.7 wt.%) and clinopyroxene (3.6 wt.%). Garnet-olivine thermometry appears to indicate two groups, one that equilibrated at temperatures between 1200 and 1220°C and a second between 960 and 1100°C. Combined estimates of pressure and temperature based on garnet-orthopyroxene pairs indicate a large variance in geothermal gradients, corresponding to 38–42 mW/m2 surface heat flow.

The trace-element composition of peridotitic garnet inclusions (determined by SIMS) also indicates large diversity. Two principal groups, corresponding to different styles of metasomatic source enrichment, are recognized. The first group ranges from extremely LREEN-depleted patterns, through trough-shaped REEN to sinusoidal patterns with the position of the first peak gradually moving from the LREEN to the MREEN. This series of REE patterns is interpreted to reflect a range of metasomatic agents with decreasing LREE/HREE. Only in the case of the two garnets with REEN peaking at Sm–Eu is this process connected with enrichment in Zr, without significant introduction of Y and Ti. The metasomatism responsible is interpreted as reflecting percolation of CHO-fluids through harzburgite under sub-solidus conditions. A second group of garnets shows an increase from LREEN–MREEN and almost flat (lherzolitic garnet) to moderately declining MREEN–HREEN at super-chondritic levels. This second style of metasomatism is caused by an agent carrying HFSE and showing only moderate enrichment in LREE over HREE, which points towards silicate melts.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene-rich, poorly metasomatised spinel lherzolites are rare worldwide but predominate among xenoliths in five Quaternary basaltic eruption centres in Tariat, central Mongolia. High-precision analyses of the most fertile Tariat lherzolites are used to evaluate estimates of primitive mantle compositions; they indicate Mg#PM = 0.890 while lower Mg# in the mantle are likely related to metasomatic enrichments in iron. Within a 10 × 20 km area, and between ~45 and ≥60 km depth, the sampled xenoliths suggest that the Tariat mantle does not show km-scale chemical heterogeneities and mainly consists of residues after low-degree melt extraction at 1–3 GPa. However, accessory (<1%) amphibole and phlogopite are unevenly distributed beneath the eruption centres. Ca abundances in olivine are controlled by temperature whereas Al and Cr abundances also depend on Cr/Al in coexisting spinel. Comparisons of conventional and high-precision analyses obtained for 30 xenoliths show that high-quality data, in particular for whole-rocks and olivines, are essential to constrain the origin of mantle peridotites. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Garnet peridotite xenoliths in the Quaternary Pali-Aike alkali olivine basalts of southernmost South America are samples of the deeper portion of continental lithosphere formed by accretion along the western margin of Gondwanaland during the Phanerozoic. Core compositions of minerals in garnet peridotites indicate temperatures of 970 to 1160°C between 1.9 and 2.4 GPa, constraining a geothermal gradient which suggests a lithospheric thickness of approximately 100 km below this region. Previously, this lithosphere may have been heated and thinned to ≤80 km during the Jurassic break-up of Gondwanaland, when widespread mafic and silicic volcanism occurred in association with extension in southern South America. Subsequent cooling, by up to >175°C, and thickening, by about 20 km, of the lithosphere is reflected in low-temperature (<970°C) spinel peridotites by chemical zonation of pyroxenes involving a rimward decrease in Ca, and in moderate- and high-temperature (>970°C) peridotites by textural evidence for the transformation of spinel to garnet. A recent heating event, which probably occurred in conjunction with modal metasomatism related to the genesis of the Pali-Aike alkali olivine basalts, has again thinned the lithosphere to <100 km. Evidence for this heating is preserved in moderate- and high-temperature (>970°C) peridotites as chemical zonation of pyroxenes involving a rimward increase in Ca, and by kelyphitic rims around garnet. The majority of moderate- and high-temperature (>970°C) xenoliths are petrochemically similar to the asthenospheric source of mid-oceanic ridge basalts: fertile (>20% modal clinopyroxene and garnet), Fe-rich garnet lherzolite with major element composition similar to estimates of primitive mantle, but large-ion-lithophile and light-rare-earth element depletion relative to heavy-rare-earth elements, and with Sr, Nd, Pb, Os, and O isotopic compositions similar to MORB. In contrast, infertile, Mg-rich spinel harzburgite is predominant among low-temperature (<970°C) xenoliths. This implies a significant chemical gradient and increasing density with depth in the mantle section represented by the xenoliths, and the absence of a deep, low density, olivine-rich root below the southernmost South American crust such as has been inferred below Archean cratons. With respect to both temperature/rheology and chemistry/density, the subcontinental mantle lithosphere below southernmost South America is similar to that below oceanic crust. It is interpreted to have formed by tectonic capture, during the Paleozoic, of a segment of what had previously been oceanic lithosphere generated at a late Proterozoic mid-oceanic spreading ridge.  相似文献   

徐荣  刘勇胜  张艳飞  邹宗琪  张军波 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3771-3784



华北龙岗第四纪玄武岩:岩石成因和源区性质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
华北克拉通东北缘龙岗第四纪玄武岩的地球化学研究为大陆碱性玄武岩的成因以及源区的性质提供了重要的依据.龙岗第四纪玄武岩为碱性玄武岩,具有类似OIB的REE和微量元素分配特征.岩石的Sr-Nd同位素轻度亏损(87Sr/86Sr =0.7044~0.7048,εNd=0.6~2.1),具有Dupal异常的高放射性成因Pb同位素组成(^206 Pb/^204 Pb=17.734~18.194,^207 Pb/^204 Pb=15.553~15.594,^208 Pb/%204 Pb=38.322~38.707).这种地球化学特征指示了原始岩浆起源于<70km深度的地幔,并经历了一定程度的橄榄岩、单斜辉石和钛.铁氧化物的结晶分异.岩浆源区中以来类似MORB软流圈物质的熔体为主,另外有少量来自EM Ⅰ性质的富集岩石圈地幔以及俯冲流体/熔体的物质贡献,显示了深部岩石圈-软流圈一定程度的相互作用以及太平洋板块俯冲的影响.岩浆源区多种端元组分的存在表明该地区岩石圈的减薄/置换受到多种因素的影响.  相似文献   

东波超镁铁岩体产在雅鲁藏布江缝合带的西段,与周边白垩纪沉积岩地层和火山岩以断层接触.航磁资料显示该岩体约400km2规模,地表出露连续,地下有一定延深.超镁铁岩体由亏损的地幔橄榄岩组成,主要有高镁的方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和少量二辉橄榄岩.方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩中橄榄石和斜方辉石属高镁型,分别为Fo=89.5~91.5和Mg#=90~91.5.但二辉橄榄岩中的Al2O3和CaO含量明显高于方辉橄榄岩.方辉橄榄岩中单斜辉石Mg#=92~95,二辉橄榄岩的Mg#=92~93,两者的值也重叠.二辉橄榄岩中的Al2O3和CaO含量要明显高于方辉橄榄岩.这些均为阿尔卑斯型地幔橄榄岩的典型特征.纯橄岩中的橄榄石Fo=92~93.2,其斜方辉石和单斜辉石的Mg#=~93,但Al2O3和CaO的含量比方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩的低.三种岩石的成分变化规律,反映了地幔部分熔融程度的差异.二辉橄榄岩铬尖晶石的Cr#值20~30,反映为典型深海橄榄岩特征,指示MOR环境.与其不同的是,方辉橄榄岩的铬尖晶石的Cr#=20~75,指示MOR和SSZ两者兼有环境.岩石的原始地幔标准化的REE和微量元素蛛网图模式支持了上述的认识.东波地幔橄榄岩中的岩石学特征与产有大型铬铁矿床的罗布莎地幔橄榄岩可对比,岩体中已多处发现块状铬铁矿石,其铬铁矿的Cr2O3含量56%~59%,表明东波是寻找铬铁矿大矿和富矿甚具前景的一个超镁铁岩体.  相似文献   

长白山地区位于华北克拉通东北部,广泛出露富含地幔橄榄岩包体的新生代玄武岩,为研究岩石圈地幔的性质和演化提供了优越条件。本文对长白山地区天池和龙岗新生代火山岩群中尖晶石相橄榄岩包体进行了岩石学、全岩主微量元素、矿物主量元素、单斜辉石微量元素和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析。研究结果表明,尖晶石相橄榄岩包体由二辉橄榄岩和少量的方辉橄榄岩组成,Mg#值为87.4~91.2,表现出新生饱满的特征,平衡温度为900~1100℃。橄榄石的Mg#值(% Fo)为85.6~91.3。单斜辉石包括四种类型:(1)轻稀土元素严重亏损型;(2)轻稀土元素亏损型;(3)向右微倾型和(4)"勺型"。单斜辉石表现出Sr同位素(87Sr/86Sr=0.702749~0.707276)整体亏损,部分样品富集的特征,单斜辉石的Nd-Hf同位素呈现出亏损特征(143Nd/144Nd=0.512886~0.51333、εHf=+17.7~+49.8)。长白山地区二辉和方辉橄榄岩分别经历了小于10%和略大于10%的部分熔融作用,并受到富水硅酸盐熔体的地幔交代作用。太平洋板块向西俯冲作用使得软流圈上涌并携带大量壳源物质进入地幔深部,与岩石圈地幔发生橄榄岩-熔体反应,形成了长白山地区不均一的岩石圈地幔,以新增生饱满地幔为主,夹有少量古老难熔岩石圈地幔碎片。  相似文献   

The abundance of apatite in Phanerozoic mantle may be greatly underestimated. This study shows that apatite has a widespread occurrence in Phanerozoic lithospheric mantle and can be divided into two geochemically distinct types using halogen content, presence or absence of structural CO2, Sr and trace element (especially U, Th, and light rare earth) ratios and abundances, and association with either metasomatised mantle wall-rock peridotites (Apatite A) or high-pressure magmatic crystallisation products (Apatite B). Apatite A is inferred to result from metasomatism by CO2- and H2O-rich fluids derived from a primitive mantle source region, while Apatite B compositions are consistent with crystallisation from magmas within the carbonate–silicate compositional spectrum.

The presence of significant apatite in the lithospheric mantle is important not only for the geochemical budget but also for assessing heat production and heat flow in the mantle. The measured U and Th contents of mantle apatite average 60 and 200 ppm, respectively and 0.5% apatite would dominate heat production. Metasomatised mantle may also contain amphibole and mica with K2O and clinopyroxene with detectable U and Th. In lithospheric mantle with a thickness of 70 km, this abundance of apatite would result in mantle heat flow contribution of about 12 mW/m2, a significant proportion of the total “normal” mantle heat flow of about 18 mW/m2.  相似文献   

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