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This article analyzes the basic structure of aviation in the Middle East and the development possibilities as a result of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation consequent to the peace process. This paper is a first attempt at estimating the advantages and disadvantages of such cooperation to the Israeli and Palestinian economies. In addition, the research leads to an initial formulation of how to maximize the benefits for both parties.Israeli-Palestinian cooperation offers more than objective economic advantages; such cooperation can also form a functional base for a political-policy framework. In economic terms, both sides can benefit from economies of scale and more efficient utilization of the existing facilities, thus avoiding the waste of valuable resources in establishing two sets of aviation facilities. However these economic criteria are not the only advantage of cooperation. In fact, critical operational and security requirements exist as well, both in terms of passenger security and safety, where air traffic control requiring coordination in a limited airways system. Furthermore, trends in the air travel market point to future bilateral agreements on the basis of blocs of nations and not individual countries. Therefore, Isreali-Palestinian cooperation would enable Israel to maintain the existing framework of favorable bilateral agreement with Europa and the United States.Cooperation of this kind is viable both economically and politically, as it avoids political conflicts by providing infrastructure on an equal basis to the Palestinians, either by lease or purchase of Israeli facilities. The primary advantage of joint ownership is that the Palestinians will save the development and construction costs of new infrastructure, while Israel can both develop the existing infrastructure and free funds for economic development. At the same it is possible to take advantage of economies of scale in order to reap the economic benefits of this process.  相似文献   

郑述平 《安徽地质》2011,21(1):77-80
在计划经济体系中,公益地质事业与公益性地质生产概念混淆,在地勘经济运作中社会公益服务与社会劳动服务混合编制。知识集群和劳动集群不能在市场运作中形成专业化分工,造成地质调查、商业勘采和商业开发在集团化合作中不能实现和谐共荣。建立矿业权研发社会公益服务体系和商业勘采社会劳动服务体系支持找探采矿一体化商业开发。重建地勘经济新秩序,在国退民进中为社会资本打开入市大门。  相似文献   

生态文明与城市绿色发展要解决的问题本质上来说是正确处理人与自然之间的关系。生态文明是建设新时代中国特色社会主义和构建人类命运共同体的战略思想。城市绿色发展是转变人类社会发展模式,实现可持续发展的战略措施。两者之间有着鲜明的时代发展耦合特征,根据发展时序和中国经济社会发展阶段性特征,分为三个发展阶段:初期理论研究与实践探索阶段、逐渐上升为国家行动与理论体系建设阶段和国家行动的全面深化与理论体系的建立阶段。在城市绿色发展过程中,人通过以土地要素为主的生态空间和以产业为主的社会经济活动对自然产生影响,使城市发展在经济系统上实现绿色增长,在自然生态系统上提高绿色财富,在社会系统上提升绿色福利。城市绿色发展的基本思路:在城市发展进程中要始终坚持生态文明的理念,全面推进城市绿色发展;坚持城市空间规划先行方针;大力推进产业结构绿色升级和发展绿色新业态;强化环境保护和生态修复;实施基础设施绿色升级改造和推进绿色基础设施建设;加快制定完善城市绿色发展政策措施。  相似文献   

为应对世界气候变化并丰富能源供给手段,实现碳中和目标,世界主要发达国家和地区均在2020年制定了本国的氢能战略,将发展氢能产业提升到国家能源战略的高度,旨在于2030—2050年间完成CO2减排目标.详细介绍了世界各国的氢能发展战略、发展氢能在解决能源安全和生态安全中起到的作用、氢能制取的技术路线以及发展氢能带来的经济...  相似文献   

浅层地温能资源开发利用发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾英波 《地质与勘探》2013,49(2):379-383
能源是人类生存、经济可持续发展和社会文明进步的重要物质保证和必要推动力,是关系国家经济命脉的重要战略物资。随着全球变暖、温室效应和能源紧缺等问题的日益严重,作为清洁可再生的浅层地温能资源逐渐得到各国政府高度重视,到2010年已有43个国家开发利用这种资源。近年来我国新能源和可再生能源得到了长足的发展,可再生能源利用的技术水平有了很大提高,产业已初具规模,特别是浅层地温能的开发利用,已从20世纪90年代的起步阶段步入快速发展期,据不完全统计,目前我国浅层地温能的服务面积已近2×108m2,成为建筑节能的主力军。本文对国内外浅层地温能资源的开发利用现状进行了概括,特别是热泵技术,有助于了解和掌握浅层地温能开发利用的发展动态,对开展浅层地温能资源评价和工程建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

县域是统筹城乡发展最为关键和迫切的地域单元。统筹城乡发展,须以区域经济社会发展进入一定阶段为前提,涉及城乡经济、社会、文化、基础设施等多个方面,构建统筹城乡发展评价体系具有明显的复杂性。在回顾总结已有测评研究和对统筹城乡发展进行再认识的基础上,构建了3个一级指标、18个二级指标组成的评价指标体系,据此对陕西省华阴市统筹城乡发展水平进行综合评判,提出了统筹城乡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Ethnic enterprises are growing rapidly in urban areas across the United States. Anecdotal evidence from around the country reports many success stories of how ethnic businesses transform communities; however, researchers have not provided a systematic review of the role of ethnic businesses in community developing. In practice, ethnic businesses have not been formally incorporated in local planning and development process. This article provides a systematic review of the multi-faceted ways ethnic businesses contribute to community building and neighborhood development. In addition to surveying the current literature, we also chose three communities for a focused review: Buford Highway in Atlanta, Monterey Park in Los Angeles, and Sunset Park in New York. A framework is developed to evaluate the economic, physical, social/cultural, and political effects that ethnic businesses exert on communities. We find that ethnic businesses can serve local economic interests and community-level cohesion and accrue economic, social, physical, and political benefits to their respective communities. These include serving the unmet market needs of certain neighborhoods and households, creating job opportunities and generating revenues, revitalizing and fueling the commercial development of abandoned communities, organizing and promoting social life and cultural diversity, as well as contributing their collective interest and voice in local communities. We argue that ethnic businesses should be better incorporated into urban policies in community economic development.  相似文献   

Between 1970 and 1980 villages adjacent to the Dong Mun Uplands of Northeastern Thailand were transformed from subsistence communities, based on wet rice production, to a cash economy linked to global markets and the national and international political order. Although formally designated reserves had been created on old growth forests, the new economic opportunities encouraged conversion of forests to agriculture. Attracted by a false belief that land was being made available for settlement, immigrants flooded in and cleared forests to plant dryland cash crops using the newly expanded and improved road network to export their products. Social forestry programs may have assisted community development and encouraged agricultural diversification but were insufficient to prevent the contraction of forests, which now remain only as degraded remnants on the steepest slopes and least accessible sites.To some extent the social, political and economic forces have stabilized in Dong Mun and evidence of a new relationship between humans and their forest land is appearing. The Royal Forest Service is largely reconciled to the loss of domain over most of forest reserve and is pursuing a modified management policy that shows some evidence of a shift from an industrial to a post-industrial mode.In recent years, Buddhist monks in forest temples found through the uplands have achieved some effective forest conservation and restoration. Their efforts stem from the Buddhist precepts of the sanctity of all life and a view that forests are places for contemplation and spiritual renewal. Monks have been able to protect and restore some forest land because their views and wishes are far more likely to be honored than laws and demands of government officials. This reflects a broader phenomenon in Thailand where considerable impetus for a contemporary environmental movement has come from religious sources in contrast to the west where it is largely a secular in origin.  相似文献   

Tim Hall 《Geoforum》2010,41(6):841-845
This review argues that organized crime accounts for a significant proportion of global economic activity but despite this has yet to receive substantive attention from economic geographers. It argues that the study of organized crime would expand the empirical terrain of economic geography and produce more holistic, nuanced accounts of globalisation but also that economic geography has much to offer the existing literatures of organized crime. The paper briefly discusses the nature and extent of the global organized crime economy and then goes onto consider the relatively limited explorations of the spatialities of organized crime to date. It then explores the often blurred distinctions between licit and illicit economic practices before considering what empirical investigations of organized crime might add to our understanding of processes of contemporary globalisation.  相似文献   

Vasile Surd  David Turnock 《GeoJournal》2000,50(2-3):285-304
The Apuseni Mountains are unusual on account of the extreme fragmentation of the settlement pattern particularly in the upper Aries valley. Not only is hamlet settlement very much the rule, but these small units of settlement may be quite widely separated from each other by distance and altitude. Such networks have evolved through clearance of the high surfaces which cannot be efficiently farmed from the valleys in which modern infrastructure has been concentrated over the last century. Important questions therefore arise with regard to the survival capacity of communities which are critical elements in a cultural landscape that constitutes a valuable resource for both Romania and Europe. In other parts of the region dispersal is not so extreme, but there are still depopulation tendencies which are potentially damaging for the cultural landscape. The paper examines the lifestyles associated with outlying settlements and the extent to which centralising tendencies have been resisted in recent times. In the context of the present transition it considers the actions being considered to safeguard fragile mountain communities in a vulnerable area exposed to growing commercial penetration associated with cross-border cooperation on the Hungarian- Romanian frontier. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Grenzebach K 《GeoJournal》1978,2(3):215-224
The spatial analysis of agricultural development is the necessary precondition for research in the rural landscape and for rural planning. Basic data emerging from field investigation and a systematic interpretation of aerial photographs have resulted in a series of thematic maps of Southern Nigeria and parts of Western Cameroon. This comprehensive research work has been organized within the framework of the Afrika-Kartenwerk of the German Research Society.In this paper our recently published population map of the scale of 1:1 million and the map of rural settlement patterns form the basis for some rather general estimates of agricultural potential. Exact spatial information of simple but non the less most important regional processes, like migration, are caused by population pressure. Not bare statistical figures but their transformation by cartographic means forms a fundament for area studies and hypothetical prospects for regional planning as well as for regional analysis.By larger scale observations agricultural carrying capacity, evaluation of rural potential, migration dynamics and changes of land-use systems have to be analyzed. This calls for meticulous studies of individual areas. The first of three such case studies stresses the process of intensification of land utilization near the Nsukka-Escarpment. Linear settlement patterns and chains of regular individually owned stripfields can be seen as inprints of a dynamic transformation within the cultural landscape. Reception of new agricultural technology has been a way for emigrant farmers to exploit traditionally sparsely utilized zones with rich soils, which had been less attractive, because they were hard to cultivate with the hoe.The second case deals with the well known migratory and agro-economic links between the overpopulated food crop belt of Northern Yoruba Savannah Country and the cocoabelt in the rain forest about 100 km further south.In Central Iboland rural overpopulation of more than 1000 persons per km2 and land shortage theoretically could be diminished by opening up uninhabited areas of the Niger flood-plain and the delta for modern agricultural exploitation. But not only the physical obstacles such as there are poor soils, very high rainfall and seasonal floods within the Niger low lands are hindering rural colonization. Social and political factors, like ethnic traditions and historic barriers still seem to be very perserverant. All this hardly allows strangers to get hold of unused land, to exploit valuable natural resources or to introduce modern agricultural technology. But generally speaking, population pressure as well as higher demand for social services and better incomes result in changes in the traditional land-use systems. The impact of growing urban or industrial economic spheres on agriculture acts as accelerating factor in this development. A paradise-landscape for Africa where optimal utilization of all physical resources under best socio-economic conditions may be practiced and where more than ten times of the present population of Africa could exist, as CAROL puts it in one of his scenarios (1973 and 1975), seems to be quite unrealistic and really never will be desirable.  相似文献   

In Britain, concepts of `social mix' and the `balanced community' provide an example of how policy discourses have adapted to changing conceptions of the role of the state in public provision, forms of social division and inequality, and housing market transformations. The recent development of a policy agenda by the Labour government in Britain devised to promote more socially balanced neighbourhoods is not new, and its lineage may be traced back to the origins of housing and urban policy. However, the manner in which this objective has been framed and the intervention it has provoked have varied considerably over time. One is struck more by the episodic and discontinuous nature of the application of mix and balance in British policy than any sense of a coherent set of strategies pursued through changing times. This paper contrasts the place of social mix and balance in the discourses of the immediate post-war period in Britain with the renewed emphasis on such ideas in the policies of the New Labour government elected in 1997. In the first period, the claims of social mix were infused with the language of national reconstruction and the post-war settlement and the development of universal state provision. More recently, interest in social balance has arisen partly as a response to increased management difficulties and the process of `residualisation' in social housing and partly in response to new concepts of the underclass, social exclusion and social capital. The promotion of social mix and balance in contemporary policy has been shaped by notions of the underclass, social exclusion and the development of social capital in poorer communities. Policy intervention is overtly premised on the assumption that more mixed communities will promote more positive social interaction for residents, despite the lack of evidence for this claim. In practice, much of the discourse has now taken on a stronger sense of discipline and control in order to manage social housing estates. The meaning of social balance remains confused, however, and the achievement of this objective through policy intervention is likely to remain fraught with problems.  相似文献   

Jörg Janzen 《Geoforum》1983,14(3):289-309
Sweeping changes have recently taken place in the life and economic circumstances of nomadic peoples in the countries of the Islamic East. In this respect, the ‘small’ oil-rich Gulf states are in a somewhat different position. In contrast to many other countries with nomadic populations, the prospects for the integration of the non-sedentary elements of the population into the process of modern development are more favourable in the Gulf states, chiefly because of their wealth in oil. The Omani government has devoted special attention to the development of the nomadic environment in the southern province of Dhofar following the end of the Dhofar conflict. A speedy expansion of the technological and social infrastructure took place on the basis of a newly created central place system of government centres. This covered the extension or provision of transport facilities, water supply, education, rural health services, religious establishments, the distribution of basic requisites to the population and the stimulation of retail trade. Additional government measures comprised the construction of low-cost housing for refugees, the allocation of building sites, financial assistance to the socially deprived and subsidies to shaykhs, as well as various small-scale programmes for the improvement of agriculture, livestock and fisheries. A further essential contribution to modern development has been the creation of thousands of new jobs, above all in the state's public service sector. The effects of the new opportunities for employment, together with relatively high cash incomes now available for many nomadic families, can be seen in numerous changes. The most important new trends can be summarised as the decline of the caravan trade, the advent of motor transport, an increasing rate of permanent settlement accompanied by a switch to gardening, the practice of commuting to fixed employment instead of nomadism, dependence on external food and outside markets and economic dependence on allowances, standardized tents and stone houses in place of the traditional dwellings. It can generally be confirmed that the nomadic population of Dhofar has shared in modern development in a variety of ways. However, a marked gap in development exists between the coastal area in the south with its settled population and the nomadic living space in the interior of Dhofar. Only the speedy introduction of a development programme that caters for the specific interests of the nomads can satisfactorily achieve their ultimate integration. If such measures fail to materialise one must fear a long-term social and economic decline for the majority of nomads in Dhofar and their reduction to a marginal status.  相似文献   

The majority of rural communities have limited agricultural development opportunities within the hills and mountains of Nepal. While the dominant development model, which focuses on technology transfer and the evolution of commercial production systems, is effective when access to inputs and markets enables farmers to produce and trade successfully, many communities are marginalised from development opportunities by poverty and poor infrastructure. Complementary development approaches that value, conserve, develop and market agrobiodiversity could alleviate the extreme poverty where these conditions prevail as in the hills and mountains, the rural margins of Nepal. Formalised in situ approaches to agrobiodiversity conservation are in their infancy in Nepal, yet suggest that opportunities exist for a complementary agricultural development approach in the rural margins based on working with the local diversity, rather than its elimination. The obstacles of widespread poverty and inadequate infrastructure ensure that effective in situ agrobiodiversity conservation programs must provide for the needs of local people for sustainable development.  相似文献   

The majority of rural communities have limited agricultural development opportunities within the hills and mountains of Nepal. While the dominant development model, which focuses on technology transfer and the evolution of commercial production systems, is effective when access to inputs and markets enables farmers to produce and trade successfully, many communities are marginalised from development opportunities by poverty and poor infrastructure. Complementary development approaches that value, conserve, develop and market agrobiodiversity could alleviate the extreme poverty where these conditions prevail as in the hills and mountains, the rural margins of Nepal. Formalised in situ approaches to agrobiodiversity conservation are in their infancy in Nepal, yet suggest that opportunities exist for a complementary agricultural development approach in the rural margins based on working with the local diversity, rather than its elimination. The obstacles of widespread poverty and inadequate infrastructure ensure that effective in situ agrobiodiversity conservation programs must provide for the needs of local people for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Indonesia is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and situated at the joining point of four major world tectonic plates. Regions of Indonesia are highly prone to various natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Some recent major natural hazard events are the 2004 tsunami in Aceh and Nias and the 2010 Mount Merapi volcanic eruptions in Central Java. In parallel with advancement in knowledge of the existing hazards, the importance of social aspects of vulnerability in mitigating natural hazards has been acknowledged by the Indonesian government. However, to date, there is no institutionalized effort for assessing social vulnerability to natural hazards that would cover all the districts of Indonesia. Accordingly, no comprehensive profile of social vulnerability is available as basis information for developing strategies to prevent larger risk and losses and reduce vulnerability of communities in Indonesia. Only a few studies have been conducted in Indonesia on this field. This study attempts to fill this gap by quantifying the social vulnerability of Indonesian districts to natural hazards, determining its driving factors and mapping its variations. The social vulnerability index (SoVI) approach is utilized in this study. Three main driving factors affecting social vulnerability in Indonesia are found: ‘socioeconomic status and infrastructure,’ ‘gender, age and population growth’ and ‘family structure.’ The combination of SoVI with thematic map utilizing ArcView GIS can be used to identify districts with relative high social vulnerability level. The results can support the prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery programs of the impacts of natural hazards in Indonesia.  相似文献   

Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, it does not occur naturally in large quantities or high concentrations on Earth. Hydrogen must be produced from other compounds such as fossil fuels, biomass, or water and is therefore considered an energy carrier like electricity. Gasification of carbonaceous, hydrogen-containing fuels is an effective method of thermal hydrogen production and is considered to be a key technology in the transition to a hydrogen economy. However, for gasification to play a major role during the transition period, capital and operating cost must be reduced and reliability and performance must be improved.Analyses show that hydrogen produced from coal-based gasification can be competitive with production from natural gas provided the cost of natural gas remains above $4/106 Btu and the high reliability of gasification-based processes can be demonstrated. But for coal to be considered in a carbon-constrained environment, the cost of natural gas would have to be greater than $5.50/106 Btu. The development of advanced technologies, however, offers the potential for significant reductions in capital costs, improved thermal efficiencies, and increased reliability. If these advanced technologies are capable of achieving their goals, the cost of producing hydrogen from coal could be reduced by 25–50%, even with the capture and sequestration of CO2. With these reductions, the cost of natural gas would have to be less than $2.50/106 Btu to compete, a scenario that is very unlikely to occur in the future. This potential cost reduction provides considerable impetus for continuing research and development in the production of hydrogen from coal.  相似文献   

The Majes Project involves the diversion of water from the Atlantic to the Pacific watershed, the construction of a water storage and a control system for hydroelectric-power generation, and the irrigation of 60, 000 ha of desert lands in the S coastlands of Peru. The project envisages the rural and urban settlement of about 160,000 people, based on farming and related economic activities. An initial area of 3,000 ha has already been prepared for cultivation with water from the non-regulated flows of the Colca and Sihuas rivers and development of the first villages is now under way.This article examines the evolution of a capital-intensive, multi-purpose development scheme and the pressure exerted by the region for its execution. The physical planning of the human settlement is appraised in the light of experience gained in the adjacent La Joya Project. Criticism is directed at the lack of flexibility, due to the separation of production and dwelling functions, and the imminent problems of social inequity. The lessons gleaned from actual implementation, however, may provide valuable insights for the elaboration of improved settlement patterns in forthcoming phases of the project.  相似文献   

秦岭  傅稻镰  张海 《第四纪研究》2010,30(2):245-261
遗址资源域分析(Site Catchment Analysis)已被广泛应用于对史前经济和人类行为模式的研究中,有别于西方普遍采用的“遗址外”(off-site)研究模式,本文提倡一种以“遗址内”(on-site)为核心的研究方法。主要通过遗址所见大植物遗存,结合古环境研究成果,模拟复原当时的植被分布,进而讨论遗址资源域及其反映的生业经济特点。第一个案例是长江下游的田螺山遗址,属于河姆渡文化(6900~6500cal.aB.P.),分析表明: 早期的水稻栽培活动是长期伴生于采集经济模式中的;  当时的采集经济具有广域性、专门性、季节性和强调储存性等特点;  这一时期聚落的选址会优先考虑生态环境的多样性,在步行一天的活动半径便可获得大部分植物资源,但也有一些资源分布于12小时半径之外,必须短期露营(可能与狩猎同时进行)方可获取。第二个案例是中原地区的颍河上游,分析以袁桥遗址为中心的仰韶文化聚落(6000cal.aB.P.): 尽管 2~3 小时的步行范围内就有条件获取各类野生植物资源,仰韶文化时期的生业活动已经集中在更小空间范围内的作物栽培上。遗址资源域缩小、对小范围景观进行改造、聚落间产生土地分配和资源共享等社会关系问题——这些构成了农业聚落资源域的一般特点。比较两个案例,农业聚落的产生可以看作是一种景观环境上发生的变化。遗址资源域分析为我们提供了一个新的视角来理解早期农业社会的产生、发展及不同生业社会与周边景观的互动关系。  相似文献   

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