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About 400 pumice clasts collected from the Central Indian Ocean Basin(CIOB)were studied for their morphology and were classified based on their shape and size.A majority of the samples range between<1 cm and 36 cm and in the Zinggs shape diagram plot in the equant and oblate fields.The Corey Shape Factor for most of the samples is close to 0.7,which is common for volcaniclastic material. The physical properties such as density,specific gravity,void ratio,porosity,moisture content and degree of saturation...  相似文献   

The relative impacts of the ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) events on Indian summer (June–September) monsoon rainfall at sub-regional scales have been examined in this study. GISST datasets from 1958 to 1998, along with Willmott and Matsuura gridded rainfall data, all India summer monsoon rainfall data, and homogeneous and sub-regional Indian rainfall datasets were used. The spatial distribution of partial correlations between the IOD and summer rainfall over India indicates a significant impact on rainfall along the monsoon trough regions, parts of the southwest coastal regions of India, and also over Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. ENSO events have a wider impact, although opposite in nature over the monsoon trough region to that of IOD events. The ENSO (IOD) index is negatively (positively) correlated (significant at the 95% confidence level from a two-tailed Student t-test) with summer monsoon rainfall over seven (four) of the eight homogeneous rainfall zones of India. During summer, ENSO events also cause drought over northern Sri Lanka, whereas the IOD events cause surplus rainfall in its south. On monthly scales, the ENSO and IOD events have significant impacts on many parts of India. In general, the magnitude of ENSO-related correlations is greater than those related to the IOD. The monthly-stratified IOD variability during each of the months from July to September has a significant impact on Indian summer monsoon rainfall variability over different parts of India, confirming that strong IOD events indeed affect the Indian summer monsoon.
Karumuri AshokEmail:

Characteristics of trace gases (O3, CO, CO2, CH4 and N2O) and aerosols (particle size of 2.5 micron) were studied over the Arabian Sea, equatorial Indian Ocean and southwest part of the Bay of Bengal during the monsoon transition period (October–November, 2004). Flow of pollutants is expected from south and southeast Asia during the monsoonal transition period due to the patterns of wind flow which are different from the monsoon period. This is the first detailed report on aerosols and trace gases during the sampled period as the earlier Bay of Bengal Experiment (BOBMEX), Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX) and Indian Ocean Experiments (INDOEX) were during monsoon seasons. The significant observations during the transition period include: (i) low ozone concentration of the order of 5 ppbv around the equator, (ii) high concentrations of CO2, CH4 and N2O and (iii) variations in PM2.5 of 5–20μg/m3.  相似文献   

The Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) basalts are plagioclase-rich, while olivine and pyroxene are very few. The analyses of 41 samples reveal high FeOT (~10–18 wt%) and TiO2 (~1.4–2.7 wt%) indicating a ferrobasaltic composition. The basalts have high incompatible elements (Zr 63–228 ppm; Nb ~1–5 ppm; Ba ~15–78 ppm; La ~3–16 ppm), a similar U/Pb (0.02–0.4) ratio as the normal mid-oceanic basalt (0.16±0.07) but the Ba/Nb (12.5–53) ratio is much larger than that of the normal mid-oceanic ridge basalt (~5.7) and Primitive Mantle (9.56). Interestingly almost all of the basalts have a significant negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.78–1.00) that may have been a result of the removal of feldspar and pyroxene during crystal fractionation. These compositional variations suggest that the basalts were derived through fractional crystallization together with low partial melting of a shallow seated magma.  相似文献   

探讨了南印度洋海区总有机磷(TOP)、总有机氮(TON)以及溶解无机营养盐的分布规律。分析结果表明:研究海区内溶解无机营养盐受水体中生物活动和物理过程的综合影响,表层水体由于生物活动的消耗,其磷酸盐等无机营养元素的含量一般是采样水深范围内最低的;中深层水体由于生物活动的降低以及有机质矿化作用的影响,无机营养元素的变化范围较小。表层水体中TOP和TON含量占TP和TN的主要部分,说明表层水体中的氮和磷主要以有机态形式存在,且沿着37.8°S从西向东,TOP和TON的含量以及TOP/TP和TON/TN的比值呈降低的趋势。研究海区叶绿素a的分析结果表明,初级生产力的变化可能是控制研究海区TON和TOP空间分布的主要因素。不同形态氮、磷营养元素的相关分析表明,有机营养盐和无机营养盐之间互为补充,且表层水体中有机氮和磷是水体初级生产所需营养盐的重要来源,总氮、总磷的关系表明研究区初级生产力并不受氮、磷的限制。  相似文献   

The study of seamount parameters in the tectonically most-complicated and least-understood Indian Ocean assumes importance since their properties vary as a function of tectonic setting, physics of lithosphere, conduit geometry and chemical composition of magma. More than 100 such seamounts ranging in summit height (h) from 300 to 2870 m, are indentified in the oceanic crust between Indian continent and Mid-Indian Ridge (MIR) and South-East Indian Ridge (SEIR). Most of the minor seamounts (h > 1000) are found in the southern part of the study area. Major seamounts (h < 1000 m) are roughly distributed in two groups—the northern group on Cretaceous Oceanic Crust and southern group on Pliocene-Miocene Oceanic Crust. On an average northern group seamounts (SM 1 to 6) are taller, wider and flatter than those from the southern group. These seamounts appear to be the result of continuous growth from tapped, moving magma chamber while stress depleted magma and inconsistent Indian Plate movement during Mid-Tertiary are attributed to the origin of southern group of smaller seamounts. Distribution and morphology of seamounts as a whole indicate their formation either from Reunion hotspot or from two separate hotspots in the geological past.  相似文献   

方念乔  丁旋  张振国  刘豪  魏华玲 《地质科学》2009,44(4):1181-1198
东北印度洋存在两种典型的深水沉积序列,它们分别分布在孟加拉深海扇与东经90°海岭。深海扇以浊流沉积和半远洋沉积作用为主,沉积组份主要来自喜马拉雅山系直接剥蚀的物质材料; 海岭以远洋沉积作用为主,沉积组份主要来自海洋环境下生成的钙质浮游生物壳体。两类沉积序列在物质组成和形成机理上存在着根本差别,但在聚积过程中都受到以喜马拉雅隆升为代表的构造运动的显著影响。本文应用DSDP218、ODP717、ODP758及其它来自东北印度洋的资料和样品,通过沉积学、微古生物学与古海洋学的综合研究,实现了9 Ma以来扇区近源相、远源相和岭区沉积记录中的事件对比。我们的工作表明,在东北印度洋所记录的众多与喜马拉雅山系隆升有关的地质事件中, 35 Ma和08 Ma代表了最具规模和影响的两个演化阶段。  相似文献   

The net influx of the circumpolar water on the western (approximately along 10°E) and eastern (approximately 115°E) boundaries of the Indian Ocean, adopting the method of Montgomery and Stroup is computed on bivariate distribution of potential thermosteric anomaly and salinity to identify the characteristics of the flux. The zonal flux at both the boundaries indicates an alternate strong easterly and westerly flow between 36°S and 45°S, south of which the flow is mainly easterly but weak up to 56°S. At the western boundary the easterly flow is 146 Sv and westerly is 98.07 Sv, while at the eastern boundary (115°E) the corresponding fluxes are 123.46 Sv and 27.20 Sv respectively, indicating a net outflux of 48.33 Sv. This water should have been accounted by the melting of ice and influx of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Water.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments in parts of the Pacific Ocean were recently found to contain remarkably high concentrations of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) of possible economic significance. Here we report similar REY-rich mud in a core section from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 213 in the eastern Indian Ocean. The sediments consist mainly of siliceous ooze, with subordinate zeolitic clay that contains relatively high REY concentrations. The maximum and average total REY (ΣREY) contents of this material are 1113 and 629 ppm, respectively, which are comparable to those reported from the Pacific Ocean. The REY-rich mud at Site 213 shows enrichment in heavy rare-earth elements, negative Ce anomalies, and relatively low Fe2O3/ΣREY ratios, similar to those in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the major-element composition of the Indian Ocean REY-rich mud indicates slight enrichment in lithogenic components, which probably reflects a contribution from southern African eolian dust. A volcaniclastic component from neighboring mid-ocean ridges or intraplate volcanoes is also apparent. Elemental compositions and X-ray diffraction patterns for bulk sediment, and microscopic observation and elemental mapping of a polished thin section, demonstrate the presence of phillipsite and biogenic apatite, such as fish debris, in the REY-rich mud. The strong correlation between total REY content and apatite abundance implies that apatite plays an important role as a host phase of REY in the present deep-sea sediment column. However, positive correlations between ΣREY and elements not present in apatite (e.g., Fe2O3, MnO, and TiO2) imply that the REY-rich mud is not formed by a simple mixture of REY-enriched apatite and other components.  相似文献   

We examined more than fifty indurated sediments recovered from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB) during the course of collection for manganese nodules and crusts. The samples occur as slabs either over which ferromanganese oxides are present or over a substrate of altered oceanic basalt in conjunction with palagonite or within the nucleus of manganese nodules. Mineralogically and compositionally, the samples show a mixture of phillipsite, palagonite and montmorillonite. We suggest that the volcanogenic precursors occurring in the CIOB were subjected to varying degrees of alteration under the influence of low temperature conditions, resulting in the formation of zeolitic claystones. The CIOB samples have similarities to those reported from various sites in the world oceans.  相似文献   

Eight ferromanganese crusts (Fe-Mn crusts) with igneous and sedimentary substrates collected at different water depths from the Afanasiy-Nikitin Seamount are studied for their bulk major, minor and rare earth element composition. The Mn/Fe ratios < 1.5 indicate the hydrogenetic accretion of the Fe-Mn hydroxides. These Fe-Mn crusts are enriched in Co (up to 0.9%, average ∼ 0.5%) and Ce. The Ce-content is the highest reported so far (up to 3763 ppm, average ∼ 2250 ppm) for global ocean seamount Fe-Mn crusts. In spite of general similarity in the range of major, minor, and strictly trivalent rare earth element composition, the dissimilarity between the present Fe-Mn crusts and the Pacific seamount Fe-Mn crusts in Co and Ce associations with major mineral phases indicates inter-oceanic heterogeneity and region-specific conditions responsible for their enrichment. The decrease in Ce-anomaly (from ∼ 8 to ∼ 1.5) with increasing water depth (from ∼ 1.7 km to ∼ 3.2 km) might suggest that the modern intermediate depth low oxygen layer was shifted and sustained at a deeper depth for a long period in the past.  相似文献   




The present review deals with the distributions of dissolved trace metals in the Indian Ocean in relation with biological, chemical and hydrographic processes. The literature data-base is extremely limited and almost no information is available on particle processes and input and output processes of trace metals in the Indian Ocean basin and therefore much research is needed to expand our understanding of the marine chemistries of most trace metals. An area of special interest for future research is the Arabian Sea. The local conditions (upwelling induced productivity, restricted bottom water circulation and suboxic intermediate waters) create a natural laboratory for studying trace metal chemistry.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene limestones on the island of Aldabra in the western Indian Ocean preserve a detailed record of the Last Interglacial interval. Sedimentological analysis has revealed that this interval, formerly regarded as reflecting rapid sea-level rise, during global warming, followed by a more gradual fall towards the low sea level of the Last Glacial Maximum, in fact shows much greater variation. Although data do not support an accurate chronology, there is evidence that reversals in sea-level trend caused both pauses in deposition and concurrent erosion during sea-level rise, and both stillstands and erosion during sea-level fall. Data include sea-level related variations in coral morphology, discontinuities and boundaries within depositional sequences, and changes in biofacies. These may explain inconsistencies in the radiometric ages of deposits within the unit, but question the nature of the interglacial cycle, the mechanisms driving it and, in particular, whether comparable variation occurred elsewhere.  相似文献   

东北印度洋地理位置独特,其沉积物记录了青藏高原隆升及孟加拉扇的“源-汇”过程、印度季风与东亚季风的“海-气”交互作用、印-太暖池热传输的演变与高纬气候之间的相位关系等关键信息,是喜马拉雅地区“构造-气候-沉积”耦合演化的良好记录载体,是探讨多圈层相互作用、探索古气候与古环境演化的理想“窗口”。本文系统总结了近年来有关东北印度洋季风与表层环流特征、沉积物组成及物源、气候环境演化以及环境磁学记录等方面的研究进展。分析表明,东北印度洋为典型的季风风场,表层环流受季风影响强烈,夏季和冬季环流差异明显。沉积物类型丰富,包括河流输运而来的陆源碎屑、钙质和硅质为主的生物沉积以及火山物质等。但目前对于该区域的沉积物的具体组成、“源-汇”过程、迁移历史、季风演化与青藏高原隆升、高纬气候变化之间相互关系等方面的认识尚存在较大的分歧。同时,受样品获取难度大、磁学信号稀释严重等因素的限制,环境磁学作为一种在示踪沉积物物质来源、恢复古气候和古环境等方面被普遍认可的技术手段,在东北印度洋区并没有得到充分的发挥与应用。因此,未来需要在前人研究的基础上,将目光向东北印度洋更南、更深处延伸,对其“源-汇”过程进行全面分析。在研究方法上进一步拓展,采用更高精度的技术手段提取磁学信号,加大环境磁学的应用,寻找有效的替代性指标,解决该地区季风演化、古海洋环境变化等气候环境问题,为该地区环境气候研究提供新认识。并尝试开展地磁场长期变化(paleosecular variation, PSV)研究,建立东北印度洋的PSV记录,辅助修正全球地磁场模型,探究地球深部动力过程。  相似文献   

Following the catastrophic “Great Sumatra–Andaman” earthquake- tsunami in the Indian Ocean on the 26th December 2004, questions have been asked about the frequency and magnitude of tsunami within the region. We present a summary of the previously published lists of Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) and the results of a preliminary search of archival materials held at the India Records Office, at the British Library in London. We demonstrate that in some cases, normal tidal movements and floods associated with tropical cyclones have been erroneously listed as tsunami. We summarise archival material for tsunami that occurred in 1945, 1941, 1881, 1819, 1762 and a little known tsunami in 1843. We present the results of modelling of the 2004, 1861 and 1833 tsunami generated by earthquakes off Sumatra and the 1945 Makran earthquake and tsunami, and examine how these results help to explain some of the historical observations. The highly directional component to tsunami propagation illustrated by the numerical models may explain why we are unable to locate archival records of the 1861 and 1833 tsunami at important locations like Rangoon, Kolkata (formally Calcutta) and Chennai (formally Madras), despite reports that these events created large tsunami that inundated western Sumatra. The numerical models identify other areas (particularly the central and southern Indian Ocean islands) where the 1833 tsunami may have had a large enough effect to produce a historic record. We recommend further archival research, coastal geological investigations of tsunami impacts and detailed modelling of tsunami propagation to better understand the record and effects of tsunami in the Indian Ocean and to estimate their likelihood of occurring in the future.  相似文献   

The Andaman arc in the northeastern Indian Ocean defines nearly 1100 km long active plate margin between the India and Burma plates where an oblique Benioff zone develops down to 200 km depth. Several east-trending seismologic sections taken across the Andaman Benioff Zone (ABZ) are presented here to detail the subduction zone geometry in a 3-D perspective. The slab gravity anomaly, computed from the 3-D ABZ configuration, is a smooth, long-wavelength and symmetric gravity high of 85 mGal amplitude centering to the immediate east of the Nicobar Island, where, a prominent gravity “high” follows the Nicobar Deep. The Slab-Residual Gravity Anomaly (SRGA) and Mantle Bouguer Anomaly (MBA) maps prepared for the Andaman plate margin bring out a double-peaked SRGA “low” in the range of − 150 to − 240 mGal and a wider-cum-larger MBA “low” having the amplitude of − 280 to − 315 mGal demarcating the Andaman arc–trench system. The gravity models provide evidences for structural control in propagating the rupture within the lithosphere. The plate margin configuration below the Andaman arc is sliced by the West Andaman Fault (WAF) as well as by a set of sympathetic faults of various proportions, often cutting across the fore-arc sediment package. Some of these fore-arc thrust faults clearly give rise to considerably high post-seismic activity, but the seismic incidence along the WAF further east is comparatively much less particularly in the north, although, the lack of depth resolution for many of the events prohibits tracing the downward continuity of these faults. Tectonic correlation of the gravity-derived models presented here tends to favour the presence of oceanic crust below the Andaman–Nicobar Outer Arc Ridge.  相似文献   

通过在中印度洋海盆结核区外的印度洋其他海域内收集到的298处多金属结核站位的分布、成分和赋存环境等地质特征,圈定了5处资源潜力区.文章对这些区域内海洋长周期沉积速率、底层水含氧量、底质类型、夏季海面平均生物生产力、底栖宏生物量密度、海底地形地貌特征和海底表层沉积物有机碳含量等数据信息进行加权评估,揭示各区域结核分布密度的高低状况,辅以结核主要有用组分含量的分类,确定了印度洋内各结核区资源潜力的划分标准.笔者认为加斯科因平原结核区为印度洋多金属结核高资源潜力区,马达加斯加海盆结核区和南澳大利亚海盆西部结核区为中等资源潜力区,克洛泽海盆结核区和南澳大利亚海盆东部结核区为低资源潜力区.未来在这些区域内,尤其是加斯科因平原结核区中有希望通过进一步调查研究,精确锁定具有更高资源潜力的次级面积结核勘探区,检验和完善资源潜力评估方法,精细量化揭示这些区域的资源潜力.  相似文献   

The tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean transported thousands of meters-long boulders shoreward at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. We investigated size, position and long axis orientation of 467 boulders at the cape. Most of boulders found at the cape are well rounded, ellipsoid in shape, without sharp broken edges. They were fragments of reef rocks and their sizes were estimated to be < 14m3 (22.7t). The distribution pattern and orientation of long axis of boulders reflect the inundation pattern and behavior of the tsunami waves. It was found that there is no clear evidence indicating monotonous fine/coarse shoreward trends of these boulders along each transect line. On the other hand, the large boulders were deposited repeatedly along the three arcuate lines at the intertidal zone with a spacing of approximately 136m interval. This distribution pattern may suggest that long-lasting oscillatory flows might have repositioned the boulders and separated the big ones from small. No boulders were found on land, indicating that the hydraulic force of the tsunami wave rapidly dissipated on reaching the land due to the higher bottom friction and the presence of a steep slope. We further conducted numerical calculation of tsunami inundation at Pakarang Cape. According to the calculation, the sea receded and the major part of the tidal bench (area with boulders at present) was exposed above the sea surface before the arrival of the first tsunami wave. The first tsunami wave arrived at the cape from west to east at approximately 130min after the tsunami generation, and then inundated inlands. Our calculation shows that tsunami wave was focused around the offshore by a small cove at the reef edge and spread afterwards in a fan-like shape on the tidal bench. The critical wave velocities necessary to move the largest and average-size boulders by sliding can be estimated to be approximately 3.2 and 2.0m/s, respectively. The numerical result indicates that the maximum current velocity of the first tsunami wave was estimated to be from 8 to 15m/s between the reef edge and approximately 500m further offshore. This range is large enough for moving even the largest boulder shoreward. These suggest that the tsunami waves that were directed eastward, struck the reef rocks and coral colonies, originally located on the shallow sea bottom near the reef edge, and detached and transported the boulders shoreward.  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of the ~600 km long arcuate Amirante Ridge and Trench Complex (ARTC) is a significant geomorphic–structural feature in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The WIO contains evidence of at least two major magmatic episodes followed by continental rifting within the span of a little more than 20 million years. This involved the splitting of Madagascar from India at around 85 Ma and then separation between India and the Seychelles at 64–63 Ma as a possible consequence of two powerful volcanic eruptions from the Marion and Reunion hot spots, respectively. Formation and evolution of the ARTC represents this tumultuous period in the Indian Ocean, approximately between 85 and 60 Ma (Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary).

We integrated geophysical, palaeomagnetical, and petrological data to examine three existing models that attempt to explain the formation of ARTC. In contrast, our study hints at several stages of extension and compression responsible for its formation. Our integrated data also suggest that the Carlsberg Ridge may have played a prominent role in the evolution of the ARTC that seems to have formed through a ridge-jump process after the conjugate spreading centres – Mascarene and Palitana ridges formed earlier during the India–Madagascar separation – ceased spreading because of violent eruption of the Reunion hot spot at around 65 Ma. The eruption disturbed the plumbing system of magma ascent, resulting in cessation of spreading along the conjugate spreading centres, forcing a ridge jump.

A collage of seismic refraction and reflection, free-air gravity, magnetic anomaly data, and Ar dating of rocks indicates that as the Carlsberg Ridge swept the Seychelles towards south, the crust between Madagascar and the Seychelles was increasingly compressed, with the abandoned northern Mascarene spreading centre absorbing the maximum stress. With continued compression, the western limb of the abandoned spreading ridge was thrust below the eastern limb to a limited degree. This partial subduction agrees with the gravity and seismic results. Our new study also accounts for the anomalous presence of 14 km-thick oceanic crust beneath the ARTC and its characteristic difference in petrology with other established subduction zones in the world.  相似文献   

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