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Tectonic activity, sea-level changes, and the climate controlled sedimentation in Late Paleozoic basins of western Argentina. The role of each factor is investigated from the geologic record of the Río Blanco and Paganzo basins using three hierarchical orders of stratigraphic bounding surfaces. First-order surfaces correspond to regional unconformities, second-order ones to local unconformities with a lesser regional extent, and third-order surfaces represent locally extended sedimentary truncation. Using this methodology, the Carboniferous–Permian record of the Paganzo and Río Blanco basins may be divided into two megasequences, four sequences, and 12 stratigraphic sections. Megasequences are bounded by regional unconformities that result from tectonic events important enough to cause regional paleogeographic changes. Sequences are limited by minor regional extension surfaces related to local tectonic movements or significant sea-level falls. Finally, stratigraphic sections correspond to extended sedimentary truncations produced by transgressive events or major climatic changes. Sequence I is mainly composed of marine deposits divided into basal infill of the basin (Section 1) and Tournaisian–Visean transgressive deposits (Section 2). Sequence II is bounded by a sharp erosional surface and begins with coarse conglomerates (Section 3), followed by fluvial and shallow marine sedimentary rocks (Section 4) that pass upward into shales and diamictites (Section 5). The base of Sequence III is marked by an extended unconformity covered by Early Pennsylvanian glacial sedimentary rocks (Section 6) that represent the most important glacial event along the western margin of Gondwana. Postglacial deposits (Section 7) occur in the two basins and comprise both glaciolacustrine (eastern region) and transgressive marine (central and western regions) deposits. By the Moscovian–Kasimovian, fluvial sandstones and conglomerates were deposited in most of the Paganzo Basin (Section 8), while localized volcanic activity took place in the Río Blanco Basin. Near the end of the Carboniferous, an important transgression is recorded in the major part of the Río Blanco Basin (Section 9), reaching the westernmost portion area of the Paganzo Basin. Finally, Sequence IV shows important differences between the Paganzo and Río Blanco basins; fluvial red beds (Section 10), eolian sandstones (Section 11), and low-energy fluvial deposits (Section 12) prevailed in the Paganzo Basin whereas volcaniclastic sedimentation and volcanism dominated in the Río Blanco Basin. Thus, tectonic events, sea-level changes and climate exerted a strong and complex control on the evolution of the Río Blanco and Paganzo basins. The interaction of these allocyclic controls produced not only characteristic facies association patterns but also different kinds of stratigraphic bounding surfaces.  相似文献   

新疆西天山伊犁地块晚古生代火山岩地质特征及构造意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对新疆西天山伊犁盆地晚古生代火山岩时空分布和地质特征、岩石化学等进行系统总结,认为该盆地晚古生代火山岩主要由晚泥盆世至早二叠世的火山岩组成,其形成与南北天山洋盆演化有关.晚泥盆—早石炭世大哈拉军山组火山岩为天山南北洋盆大洋板块俯冲而成的钙碱性火山岩,晚石炭世伊什基里克组火山岩为挤压环境向拉张环境过渡的钙碱性火山岩和碱性火山岩,早二叠世乌郎组火山岩为后造山具裂谷特征的双峰式火山岩组合.  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔晚古生代以来构造样式与变形序列研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
断裂构造的发育是不同地质历史、不同应力场条件下地壳应变的叠加。针对某一地域断裂构造的研究,理清其发育序次和不同阶段断裂系统对应的构造应力场,是了解区域大地构造性质演变的重要环节。新疆西准噶尔地区构造运动和岩浆活动非常强烈,是认识中亚构造域性质的重要研究基地,同时也为断裂构造和变形序次研究提供了很好的野外实验室。通过对研究区1500个构造面理产状数据的统计与分析,认为新疆西准噶尔地区主要发育以下几组构造面理:(1)290°走向;(2)10°~20°和80~90°走向;(3)40°~45°和320°~325°走向;(4)60°~70°和340°~350°走向。通过对野外构造现象、断裂之间的交切关系、断裂与相关地层及岩体的切割关系等的综合分析,结合遥感图像解译,确立了走滑断裂是西准噶尔地区晚古生代以来主要的构造样式,并建立了相应的变形序列:(1)大约在二叠纪晚期-三叠纪,由于准噶尔与中天山汇聚末期的区域性水平运动,受到北西-南东向的挤压应力作用,发育最早一期北西西向(290°左右)右旋走滑断裂;(2)侏罗纪-白垩纪,地层产状平缓,没有发现区域性构造变形证据;(3)古近纪,主要受制于太平洋构造域,受到北西-南东向挤压应力作用,发育北北东向(10°~20°)左旋与近东西向(80°~90°)右旋共轭走滑构造;(4)新近纪早期,受印度大陆和欧亚大陆碰撞的远程效应影响,应力场为近南北向,发育北东向(40°~45°)、北西向(320°~325°)走滑构造,新近纪晚期应力场发生了小角度顺时针旋转,构造形迹又转变为北东东向(60°~70°)和北北西向(340°~350°)。  相似文献   

新疆西准噶尔晚古生代大地构造演化的岩浆活动记录   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
晚石炭世-早二叠世是新疆北部最为重要的金属矿床成矿期.西准噶尔的区域大地构造、蛇绿岩、沉积岩、花岗岩、埃达克岩、富镁闪长岩以及广泛出露的中基性岩墙研究显示,该地区直到早二叠世早期(290Ma)仍有残余洋盆存在,并可能存在相关的俯冲活动.在290Ma之后,伴随着红色磨拉石的产出,西准噶尔地区进入碰撞造山阶段,伴有地壳快速...  相似文献   

The identification of unconformities is the key to reconstructing tectonic evolution, revealing crust movement and establishing tectonic cycle. For a long time, there were some controversial issues on the episodes of Variscan cycle (especially on the period of Carboniferous-Permian stages) of the Tianshan area. The essential questions fall on the numbers and property of unconformities in this area, for example, in the western Tianshan area. Previous research only recognized three or four fold movements. Detailed regional geological mapping of 1:50000 in the Tekes Daban area, western Tianshan have allowed us to characterize the seven unconformities within the Carboniferous-Permian strata and understand its implications for tectonic reconstruction of the Tianshan orogen. Seven angular unconformities, which indicate that seven tectonic episodes occurred in the Late Paleozoic Period, were identified in this area. Therein, the newly discovered unconformities based on the angle-unconformity between the Dongtujinhe and Keguqinshan Formations, and angle-unconformity between the Wulansayi and Wulang Formations, respectively indicates the Tekes episode and Gongliu episode. The unconformity between the Dongtujinhe and Yishijilike Formations is angle-unconformity instead of parallel unconformity indentified by previous research, so the former Bogda ascending can be revised as Bogda movement. Therefore, these newly identified seven episodes, including the Tekes episode, suggest that there are seven tectonic movements in the Tianshan area at least. This has significant implications for reconstruction of the Late Paleozoic tectonics in the Tianshan Area, NW China  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地晚古生代基底继承了奥陶纪中部高、东部和西部低及西陡东缓的古构造面貌。利用大量钻井分层数据,绘制了晚古生代各个时期残存地层厚度图,其空间变化反映了鄂尔多斯盆地晚古生代古构造格局特征。结合东西向及南北向地层厚度对比、演化剖面的研究,认为晚古生代鄂尔多斯盆地的沉积在本溪期—太原期主要受中央古隆起的控制,地层空间展布东西分带明显;山西期中央古隆起对沉积作用的控制不是很明显,地层从东西分异逐渐过渡到南北分异,这种沉积格局的转变与古地理演化具有一致性,从而说明了古构造对沉积的控制作用。  相似文献   

广西晚古生代硅岩的地球化学及其形成的大地构造环境   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王忠诚  邝国敦 《岩石学报》1995,11(4):449-455
广西晚古生代泥盆、石炭纪和二叠纪地层中广泛发育放射虫硅岩,在桂西百色、那坡一带这些地层中的硅岩与玄武岩伴生。而钦州、柳州及河池一带未见到玄武岩。对这些地区硅岩的主元素、微量元素及稀土元素的研究表明:不同地区的硅岩有不同的成因,百色、那坡地区的硅岩形成在深水远洋环境并受到海底火山及热液作用的影响;钦州板城地区的硅岩以生物成因为主;而柳州、河池的硅岩属于离火山、热液活动稍远的生物成因。玄武岩的发现及硅岩成因的判别对探讨广西晚古生代大地构造环境及演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在对四川西部巴塘县波格西地区晚古生代地层剖面研究的基础上,从岩性、岩相分析入手,将该区地层划分为6个组级岩石地层单位。根据所含化石确定地层形成时代为泥盆纪至二叠纪。在与邻区岩石地层对比基础上,将木里小区前人已建立的崖子沟组延入本区,修订了波格西组和龙巴组含义,新建了那来组、夺给组和帮相组,选定了剖面层型。从而完善了稻城小区晚古生代岩石地层系统。  相似文献   

贵州西部晚古生代裂陷作用及其成矿系列   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨贵州西部晚古生代裂陷作用及其与成矿作用的关系,文章系统识别了贵州西部裂陷构造,分析了各级别构造发展阶段特点、各类别地质环境特点及其与成矿作用的关系,并对贵州西部晚古生代成矿系列进行了修订和完善。研究得出,全区共有3个矿床成矿系列、7个亚系列、18个矿床式,其中部分与晚古生代裂陷构造作用有密切关系:1贵州西部晚古生代因板内拉张形成了裂陷构造,以及裂陷槽盆与台地相间排列的古地理格局;2峨眉地幔热柱活动是在地壳岩石受裂谷作用破坏最强烈的阶段沿着构造薄弱地段发生的,裂谷构造对岩浆活动产物的就位有一定控制作用;3海西期以陆内裂陷为主,主要形成了多种沉积型矿产的矿体及一些后生热液型矿种的矿源层,其中同生断裂对于沉积、成矿产生了积极作用;4印支期以升降运动为主,而燕山期以水平运动为主,因此主要是燕山期导致大规模褶皱造山和断裂活动,导致晚古生代地质体产生了后生成矿作用,形成了较多的金、铅锌、汞、锑等低温热液矿产。  相似文献   

Based on detailed and systematic researches of the geology of ore deposits, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry etc., and regarding the Late Paleozoic fluid system of the Yuebei Basin as an integrated object in this paper, we have revealed the temporo-spatial evolution law of the basin's fluid system and discussed its ore-forming effects by simulating and analyzing the distribution of ore-forming elements, the fluid thermodynamics and dynamics of evolution processes of this basin. The results show that Late Paleozoic ore-forming fluid systems of the Yuebei Basin include four basic types as follows. (1) The sea floor volcanic-exhalation system developed during the rapid basin slip-extension stage in the Mid-Late Devonian, which affected the Dabaoshan region. It thus formed the Dabaoshan-type Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sea floor volcanic-exhalation sedimentary deposits. (2) The compaction fluid system developed during the stable spreading and thermal subsidence-compression stage of the basin in the Mid-Late Devonian. The range of its effects extended all over the whole basin. It resulted in filling-metasomatic deposits, such as the Hongyan-type pyrite deposits and pyrite sheet within the Fankou-type Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposits. (3) The hot water circulation system of sea floor developed during the stage of basin uplifting and micro-aulacogen from the late Late Carboniferous to Middle Carboniferous. The range of its effects covered the Fankou region. It thus formed MVT deposits, such as the main orebody of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn-S deposits. (4) The gravity fluid system developed during the stage of fold uplifting and the basin closed from Middle Triassic to Jurassic, forming groundwater hydrothermal deposits, e.g. the veinlet Pb-Zn-calcite orebodies of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn- S deposits. Migration and concentration of the ore-forming fluids were constrained by the state of temporo-spatial distribution of its fluid potential. Growth faults not only converged the fluids and drove them to move upwards, but also the fluids often crossed the faults to the edges of the basin at the bottom of these faults and the lithologic interfaces, and even migrated to the basin's edges from top to bottom along the faults, which may be one of the basic reasons for the stratabound deposits to cluster mainly along the contemporaneous faults on the inner border of the basin. The superposed mineralization resulting from the multi-stage activity of contemporaneous faults and ore-forming fluid systems in the basin may be one of the key factors for forming superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   

古土壤是地质历史时期气候变化的重要记录者,通过古土壤记录的信息,可以定性和定量重建深时古环境和古气候,为认识地质历史时期的各种地质事件提供依据。前人大多对特定区域展开古土壤研究,对全球性古土壤数据的整理和古气候、古环境研究相对较少。基于古土壤的干湿情况对古气候环境的指示作用,我们按照植物根迹、根系结构与根化石、黏土矿物以及古土壤的结构构造等依据,将前人报道的古生代(410~255 Ma)古土壤分为干旱古土壤和湿润古土壤两种类型。将古土壤干湿特征与其他气候敏感性沉积物进行对照,显示为干旱古土壤分布与钙质结核以及蒸发岩等指示干旱气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致,湿润古土壤分布与高岭石、煤以及铝土矿等指示湿润气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致。干旱古土壤大都分布在晚古生代中低纬度干旱地区;湿润古土壤大都分布在晚古生代赤道附近及中纬度湿润地区。通过以上分析认为,古土壤干湿特征可以作为一个新的气候敏感指标指示古气候环境,进而作为划分气候带的有力依据。  相似文献   

The Cerro Durazno Pluton belongs to a suite of Paleozoic granitoid intrusions in NW-Argentina, that are central for understanding the tectonic setting of the western margin of Gondwana in Ordovician and Silurian times. The pluton and its host rocks were tectonically overprinted by metamorphic mineral shape fabrics formed under middle greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions and associated with the nearby Agua Rosada Shear Zone. Kinematic analysis of the shear zone based on the geometric relationship between individual segments of the shear plane and principal axes of mineral fabric ellipsoids indicates reverse-sense of shear with a minor component of left-lateral displacement. This is compatible with the kinematics of other ductile deformation zones in this area, collectively forming a network, which accomplished orogen-parallel extension in addition to vertical thickening. Using the Rb–Sr isotopic system, an undeformed pegmatite dike of the Cerro Durazno Pluton was dated at 455.8 ± 3.6 Ma and mineral fabrics of the Agua Rosada Shear Zone formed at middle greenschist-facies metamorphism gave deformation ages of 437.0 ± 3.8 Ma and 428.4 ± 4.5 Ma. Thus, tectonic overprint at low metamorphic grade occurred about 20–30 Ma after terminal magmatism in the Cerro Durazno area. Our data from the Cerro Durazno area and regional considerations suggest that the western margin of Gondwana was characterized by orogen-parallel extension in addition to crustal thickening as well as episodes of magmatism and ductile deformation that varied greatly in time and space.  相似文献   

黑龙江省嫩江至黑河一带发育大量的晚古生代花岗岩类岩石,同位素测年结果显示主要集中在3个时代:早石炭世、晚石炭世和早二叠世。岩石类型从花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩-正长花岗岩-碱长花岗岩等均有不同出露,石炭纪部分岩石遭受韧性剪切变质变形作用改造形成花岗质糜棱岩。岩石整体具有高硅、富钾钠特征;稀土元素总量偏高,铕负异常明显;微量元素具明显的大离子亲石元素(LILE)K、Rb、Th富集和高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、P、Ti亏损特征。其中石炭纪花岗岩类地球化学特征显示陆缘弧及同碰撞花岗岩特点,二叠纪花岗岩则表现后造山花岗岩特点。二者反映了由碰撞造山向板内后造山阶段转变的构造环境特点,也反映了嫩江-黑河构造带汇聚拼合与伸展的活动史。  相似文献   

塔里木板块周缘晚古生代以来的构造演化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
刘训 Graham  S 《地球科学》1994,19(6):715-725
塔里木板块在晚古生代以来,经历了一系列碰撞和拼合事件,受北侧哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块碰撞的影响,南天山石炭纪再生洋盆于早二叠世末隆起,并导致天山山前陆盆地形成。这一时期塔木西部强烈的热活动事件,反映了一次地壳开裂活动,并导致天山山前的前陆盆地形成,这一时期里木西部强烈的热活动事件,反映了一次地壳开裂活动,同时进一步推动了塔里木向天山下插的陆内俯冲活动及前陆盆地的形成,中生代时期,特提斯洋盆的活动及先  相似文献   

西准噶尔成矿带晚古生代花岗岩类岩浆活动及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚造山带是晚古生代地壳显著生长与大规模成矿的重要地区。本文采集了中亚造山带西部的西准噶尔成矿带哈图-别鲁阿嘎希及其附近地区11个岩体共33件花岗岩类样品,对其开展了岩石地球化学与同位素示踪等研究,厘定了该地区晚古生代岩浆活动的特点与大地构造环境,并与哈萨克斯坦境内的巴尔喀什成矿带晚古生代岩浆活动进行了对比。研究表明,哈图地区晚石炭世花岗岩类主要为后碰撞伸展构造环境的A型花岗岩类,别鲁阿嘎希等地区存在洋内俯冲与岛弧环境的埃达克岩,显示了西准噶尔晚古生代构造环境时空变化的复杂性。该地区花岗岩类εNd(t)值较高(+4.62~+7.53)、εSr(t)值为(-57.61~+18.21),具有中亚造山带花岗岩类的共同特征,为古生代增生的新生陆壳,其源区与亏损地幔组分具有亲缘关系,这与巴尔喀什成矿带东段的花岗岩类具有一致性。花岗岩的~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb和~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb比值范围分别为18.2776~19.1677、15.5260~15.5796和38.2080~39.0821,为造山带花岗岩类。  相似文献   

板块构造理论形成以来,不同板块之间的相对作用得到深入阐述,但对多板块聚合的运动过程的研究常被忽略。依据全球古地磁数据和古板块再造,可以获得板块运动轨迹,这些板块轨迹指示全球主要大陆在志留纪(约443Ma)-二叠纪(约250Ma)期间发生向北半球中纬地区的汇聚,具体表现为在泛大陆的形成过程中,全球板块运动具有顺时针旋转的特征,并且大板块(南美、波罗的、西伯利亚、澳大利亚等)纬向移动速率和板块自转速率明显高于小陆块的(华北、塔里木、扬子陆块等)。一些主要陆块显示不对称的"e"型顺时针旋转的漩涡轨迹,汇聚中心在中亚地区,以哈萨克斯坦马蹄形的最终形成和保留为标志。板块聚合的涡旋状运动轨迹,受控于上地幔流动过程产生长期的漩涡运动。这种对流运动在一定时间内(晚古生代)保持相对稳态的流动形式,导致泛大陆的形成。  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic intracratonic basins in northwest Gondwana, i.e. the Amazonas, Parnaiba and Acera basins, probably opened during late Caradoc and Ashgill times. The fluviatile sedimentation later changed to littoral at the basinal margins. A transgression from the north-west region of Gondwana slowly overlapped the margins of the intracratonic basins. The transgression reached its maximum in the Rawtheyan (late Ashgill), as evidenced by fossiliferous shallow marine sediments in the Amazonas Basin. The Hirnantian glaciation in north Gondwana lowered the sea level, and in the Amazonas Basin a littoral sedimentation followed on shallow marine strata. From the opening of the basins onwards, a shallow sea probably existed close to the epicontinental basins in north-west Gondwana. The basins were connected via a narrow passage between the Guayana and Ivorian cratons.  相似文献   

通过区域不整合面、沉积体系转换面、构造应力场转换面和水上暴露面等层序界面的识别,对研究区进行层序地层划分,指出鄂尔多斯盆地东北缘晚古生代陆表海含煤岩系发育7个三级层序。在此基础上,认为陆表海层序仍然具有“三元”结构,由低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域组成。在盆地北部发育的多期河道砂岩具有低位体系域的下切谷充填特点——面状充填,如晋祠砂岩、桥头砂岩以及北岔沟砂岩等。煤层在层序格架中的定位与海平面变化的转换时期有关,主要发育在陆表海环境的海侵体系域下部以及陆相环境的高位体系域上部。  相似文献   

多头山矿床是东天山阿奇山?雅满苏成矿带铁铜矿床的典型代表,矿床成因与区内岩浆岩有紧密联系。矿区出露的侵入岩主要有花岗斑岩、二长花岗岩、钾长花岗岩及英安玢岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究获得花岗斑岩、二长花岗岩及英安玢岩的年龄分别为316.3±8.1 Ma、318.3±3.0 Ma和197.2±3.5 Ma。花岗斑岩A/CNK介于0.82~1.01之间,显示偏铝质特征,为Ⅰ型花岗岩;同时样品富集大离子亲石元素Th、U、Pb,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Ti,显示弧岩浆特征。钠质蚀变导致了花岗斑岩显示出富Na、贫K、Rb、Ca、Sr的特征。钠化花岗斑岩Nb/Ta为12.4~16.0,具有较高的ε_(Nd)(t)(5.76~6.24)值和较低的I_(Sr)值(0.70353~0.70532),与安第斯中生代岩基地球化学特征相似,结合样品中出现古老锆石的捕掳晶,表明其源区为新生的下地壳,混合有少量幔源物质,并伴随有地壳混染。二长花岗岩与钠化花岗斑岩具有相近的形成年龄和相似的地球化学特征,如Nb/Ta比值(14.2),亏损高场强元素、富集大离子亲石元素,同为准铝质(A/CNK=0.97)弧岩浆,暗示它们可能具有相似的源区。而早侏罗世的英安玢岩具有高Sr(552×10~(-6))含量和较高的Sr/Y(73.6)比值,显示出钙碱性埃达克岩的特征,同时样品具有较高的K_2O(3.27%)含量、Mg~#指数(55),表明其来源于拆沉下地壳的熔融并混有少量幔源岩浆。综合区域研究资料、年代学、地球化学及同位素特征,我们认为多头山所在的阿奇山?雅满苏成矿带可能是晚古生代洋壳向南俯冲至中天山地块之下形成的大陆边缘弧。  相似文献   

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