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21世纪是海洋经济大发展的时代,利用科学技术不断深化海洋生物资源开发将助推海洋经济快速持续健康发展。大连市海洋生物资源十分丰富,开发潜力巨大。在分析海洋生物资源开发现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了海洋生物资源开发的思路、原则、重点及相关对策建议。  相似文献   

21世纪是海洋经济大发展的时代,利用科学技术不断深化海洋生物资源开发将助推海洋经济快速持续健康发展。大连市海洋生物资源非常非富,开发潜力巨大。在分析海洋生物资源开发现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了海洋生物资源开发的思路、原则、重点及相关对策建议。  相似文献   

1.海洋生物资源量估计海洋是生物资源宝库。据生物学家统计,海洋中约有20万种生物,其中已知鱼类约1.9万种,甲壳类约2万种。许多海洋生物具有开发利用价值,为人类提供了丰富食物和其他资源。关于海洋生物资源的数量,特别是其中鱼类资源的数量,是人们十分关心的问题,生物学家曾做过许多研究,有些专家用全球海洋净初级生产力(浮游植物年产量)和以估算世界海洋渔业资源数量基础,其结果为:世界海洋浮游植物产量5000亿t。折合成鱼类年生产量约6亿t。假如以50%的资源量为可捕量,则世界海洋中鱼类可捕量约3亿t。2.…  相似文献   

海洋生物资源知多少   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋是生物资源宝库。据生物学家统计.海洋中约有20万种牛物,其中巳知鱼类约1.9万种,甲壳类约2万种。许多海洋生物具有开发利用价值、为人类提供了丰富食物和其他资源。关于海洋生物资源的数量,特别是其中鱼类资源的数量,足人们卜分关心的问题,生物学家曾做过许多研究,  相似文献   

海洋生物资源特性对立法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋生物资源具有多样性、关联性和可更新性等自然特性,以及价值性、公共性和复杂性等社会特性,这些特性所蕴含的客观规律深刻影响着海洋环境资源立法.目前我国海洋环境资源立法对这些特性的要求有一定的反映,但存在明显不足.遵循这些特性所蕴含的客观规律完善相关立法,是海洋环境资源保护立法的新思路.  相似文献   

海洋生物资源由于保护不力、开发过度、海水污染等问题而面临严峻挑战,编制海洋生物资源资产负债表以实现资产化管理刻不容缓。党的十八届三中全会明确提出探索编制自然资源资产负债表,然而海洋生物资源资产负债表涉及的基本概念尚缺乏研究。本文探索性解析与海洋生物资源资产负债表相关的基本概念,界定海洋生物资源资产、负债及净资产等会计要素的定义,深入剖析三者的内涵与联系;借鉴企业资产负债表与国家资产负债表编制经验,依据海洋生物资源特点,阐述海洋生物资源资产负债表内涵,以期为海洋生物资源资产负债表编制奠定理论基础,推动海洋生物资源资产负债表的形成与发展。  相似文献   

海洋生物资源高值利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李鹏程 《海洋与湖沼》2020,51(4):750-758
近年来随着人口增长和社会发展,人类对生物资源的需求不断增加,各沿海国家都将目光投向了尚未获得有效开发的海洋生物资源,从而掀起了世界性开发海洋生物资源的浪潮。海洋生物中蕴藏着许多与陆生生物不同、结构新颖、功能独特的活性物质。如果能将这些活性物质开发成新型海洋药物、生物材料、农用制品、功能食品等高值化产品,将有望解决当前我国海洋生物产业发展面临的技术水平较低、附加值不高等瓶颈问题。为此,本文重点针对我国近年来在藻、虾、鱼和水母类等海洋大宗生物资源的高值化利用方面取得的研究进展和成果进行梳理和评述,对当前我国海洋生物资源高值利用存在的问题和不足进行分析和总结,并对未来的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

病毒是一类主要的致病微生物.在目前已知的1000多种病毒中,有多数可以直接攻击人类,或在其它生物和人之间传递。世界范围内的统计结果显示:病毒感染性疾病近年无论是在发病率上、还是在病种上均呈现快速上升趋势。然而,长期以来病毒性疾病的相关治疗药物却发展缓慢,迄今为止,仅有为数不多的几种药物如泛昔洛韦、齐多夫定、阿糖腺苷、六环鸟苷、干扰素等限制性地应用于临床,这一方面是由于病毒结构、增殖和感染方式的特殊性造成的;另一方面,现有药源以陆地植物和微生物为主,能发现的新化合物和新结构越来越少。  相似文献   

This paper gives an overview of the main living marine resources of Namibia. It focuses on the scientific research conducted during the past decade as input to the management of these resources. The distribution and habitats of the most important harvested species and the main seabird populations are briefly described and discussed. The life histories of the major exploited species are summarized, with emphasis on spatial and temporal spawning patterns, dispersal of early life stages, migration patterns of recruits and adults, and diet, the latter particularly as it relates to potential competition between species. A number of commercially important species, such as the hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, deep-sea red crab Chaceon maritae, West Coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii, skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis, southern albacore Thunnus alalunga and to a lesser extent Cape horse mackerel Trachurus capensis, southern African sardine Sardinops sagax and Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis, are distributed across national boundaries, requiring regional cooperation in research and management. The history and current status of the major fisheries is discussed. Over the past 30–40 years total annual catches have declined from a peak of around 2 million tons in the late 1960s to less than a million tons in the 1990s. This decline has been due, mainly, to a collapse in the sardine stock in the late 1960s and 1970s, and a reduction in the catches of hake and horse mackerel under a conservative management strategy in the past decade. Changes in the abundance and distribution of commercially important species, as determined by acoustic and trawl surveys and catch-based analytical methods, are presented. The effect of major environmental anomalies on the distribution and abundance of the resources in recent years is discussed. The most dramatic anomaly in recent years was the wide-scale advection of low-oxygen water into the northern Benguela from the Angola Dome in 1994, and the subsequent Benguela Niño of 1995, which appear to have severely impacted the Namibian sardine population and many other resources. The present socio-economic value of the Namibian fishing industry is given together with the broad policy, legislation and formal structures for managing the living marine resources.  相似文献   

This is a review of the study on the oceanic environments relating to the marine living resources carried out since 1947, during more than 35 years which are the period of the authors oceanographic research life for fisheries. Its content consists of describing the outlines of, (1) the oceanographic study of the Subarctic Region of the Northwestern Pacific as the salmon living waters, (2) the study on dilution processes of the effluent in the coastal waters in relation to marine pollution, (3) the oceanographic study on transportation and diffusion of fish eggs and larvae in relation to the recruitment of living resources and (4) the study on forecasting of the fisheries and oceanographic conditions, and a short note on direction of fisheries oceanography expected to be studied in the future.  相似文献   

This article seeks to identify and analyze the most important political issues at stake with respect to the ongoing process regarding the future management of living resources in the high seas of the Arctic Ocean. Through assessing the potential for future commercial utilization of marine resources in the Arctic Ocean and analyzing the differences between the interests of engaged stakeholders in the process, the article seeks to answer whose interests and norms seem to most strongly influence the unfolding political processes and preliminary outcomes. The article concludes by identifying how the five Arctic coastal states have retained the upper hand in this process through skilled political entrepreneurship, the devotion of necessary resources and the political commitment of their respective governments.  相似文献   

The conceptual basis for understanding and management of living marine resources is built on three basic ecological principles developed in the first half of the past century: the law of the minimum, competitive exclusion, and succession. This paper highlights aspects of these principles that make them insufficient as a sound foundation for understanding and managing marine ecosystems, points out dangers of continuing to use approaches built on them, and presents alternatives which might be more appropriate and of lower risk.To do this, the paper considers variability of marine ecosystems on annual, medium and long-term time scales, highlighting that these scales correspond to less than, approximately equal to, and much greater than, the generation times of dominant predators in the systems. It also considers how each interval of variability may affect directly ecosystems which are controlled from the bottom up, top down, and middle outward, and how position and duration of forcing affect five types of responses: growth, maturation, recruitment, predation, and competition. Generally these five processes have manifestations at the scale of individuals, populations, and ecosystems, attention is drawn to which manifestations are the most significant for each duration and position of forcing.Effects of some combinations of duration of forcing and position of forcing can be explained reasonably well by conventional ecological theory. For other combinations, particularly forcing at time scales of predator generations on top-down or middle-out ecosystems, theory based on contest competition and equilibria are likely to be misleading. In these systems the major dynamics are transients, when many ecosystems are far from their carrying capacities, so scramble competition dominates, and the carrying capacity is not helpful in explaining the system dynamics. This review clarifies the sorts of questions that we should be asking, in order to begin to understand the transient behaviour of these non-equilibrium ecosystems. The answers to the new classes of questions may lead to great improvements in how ecosystems are managed, as well as how their variation is explained.  相似文献   

Following the legal recognition of subsistence fishers in 1998 through the promulgation of the Marine Living Resources Act, a Subsistence Fisheries Task Group (SFTG) was appointed by national government to provide recommendations on the management of subsistence fishing in South Africa. To achieve effective management, the SFTG recognized that fishers' needs, perceptions and concerns must be understood and incorporated into future management strategies. As a result, information from fishers was gathered through a five-month research programme that included questionnaire surveys, focus-group meetings, a "roadshow" and a national workshop. Research findings indicated that the fishers' responses centred on four key themes related to (1) the criteria for defining a subsistence fisher, (2) current management practices, (3) resource use and (4) livelihood strategies. Feedback from fishers revealed several issues that have led to uncertainty and dissatisfaction among informal and subsistence fishers. However, these perceptions need to be contextualized within the historical circumstances of fisheries management in South Africa, and it must be recognized that attitudes will only change when management approaches embrace the needs, perceptions and concerns of the users. The information outlined in this paper was instrumental in guiding the formulation of the SFTG recommendations regarding the definition of subsistence fishers and their future management in South Africa.  相似文献   

面向海域管理的海洋资源资产负债表编制框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
编制海洋资源资产负债表是海洋生态文明建设的重要举措,然而目前对海洋资源资产负债表的研究相对薄弱,存在关键概念缺乏科学定义、核算方法可行性不足、报表体系设计不完善等问题。本文基于"生态管海、生态用海"的理念,针对现有问题探讨了海洋资源资产负债表编制框架:首先,根据自然资源资产负债表编制的目的和要求,界定了海洋资源资产负债表编制过程中的关键概念,并基于此,进一步考虑海洋资源属性、开发利用特点和当前海域管理重点任务确定了海洋资源资产的核算范围,包括海洋生物资源资产、海洋空间资源资产与海洋矿产资源资产;其次,针对不同海洋资源的特性,提出了具有较高可行性的海洋资源资产实物量和价值量核算方法;再次,根据不同海洋资源的价值特点,确认了资源过度耗减、环境破坏与生态损害三种负债形式并提出了相应的核算方法;最后,基于以上研究,形成了较为完善的海洋资源资产负债表报表体系,以期为海洋资源精细化管理和科学配置提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The Australian Government recently ratified the “Oceans Policy” which provides a policy framework to effectively manage the resources and uses of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. The Oceans Policy is to be implemented through Regional Marine Plans that are based on the notion of large marine ecosystems and have the objective to integrate sectoral commercial interests and conservation objectives. This paper makes a theoretical contribution to the development of Regional Marine Plans which will demand the specification of detailed policies for regulating the various marine uses and impacts in the respective marine regions. The paper discusses a wide range of policy instruments and exemplifies their potential role for the management of marine resources and uses. The term incentive instrument includes financial and economic instruments as well as legal and regulatory instruments, education, co-management, voluntary approaches, community-based mechanisms and research. A set of criteria is established for the evaluation of individual incentive instruments. They are further placed in the context of a series of principles for policy design. The paper explores potential management instruments to: improve water quality of streams, estuaries and oceans, create sustainable fisheries, ensure sustainable marine tourism and recreation, manage conflict between user and interest groups, ensure environmentally sound marine transport and petroleum exploration and mining.  相似文献   

海洋旅游和海洋旅游资源的分类   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文对海洋旅游的定义重新进行界定,在此基础上提出了海洋旅游资源禀赋谱和海洋游憩活动谱,并结合国家旅游资源分类标准对海洋旅游资源禀赋谱和海洋游憩活动谱进行了细化。  相似文献   

Four major phases in the exploitation of Antarctic marine living resources are identified and briefly described, viz. exploitation of seals, whales, finfish and krill Euphausia superba Dana. The pattern of exploitation has shifted from one group of resources to another. The recent efforts of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources are considered in relation to management of finfish exploitation and to the development of a scientifically based management plan for krill. Special emphasis is given to the data required for the effective management of the krill fishery, per se, given the current limited knowledge of the potential yield of the resource and in the face of uncertainty concerning key aspects of the species' biology/ecology. A recent South African initiative aimed at developing a practical management strategy for the Antarctic krill resource is described.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,全球性的生态恶化、资源短缺、人口激增等问题日益严重,景观生态研究受到重视,而文化景观的经济价值和生态价值亦受到了相当的重视,在旅游开发、区域规划与城市规划、农业发展、海洋发展、环境保护等领域已经得到开发利用,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。本着弘扬中华海洋文化,发挥海洋人文景观优势的宗旨,文章对中国现存的海洋人文历史景观进行较为系统全面的分类和梳理,从海洋文化、旅游开发、城市规划、海洋发展以及生态保护的角度认识这些宝贵的人类海洋文化遗产至关重要。  相似文献   

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