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A comparative analysis of solar and heliospheric magnetic fields in terms of their cumulative sums reveals cyclic and long-term changes that appear as a magnetic flux imbalance and alternations of dominant magnetic polarities. The global magnetic flux imbalance of the Sun manifests itself in the solar mean magnetic field (SMMF) signal. The north – south asymmetry of solar activity and the quadrupole mode of the solar magnetic field contribute the most to the observed magnetic flux imbalance. The polarity asymmetry exhibits the Hale magnetic cycle in both the radial and azimuthal components of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). Analysis of the cumulative sums of the IMF components clearly reveals cyclic changes in the IMF geometry. The accumulated deviations in the IMF spiral angle from its nominal value also demonstrate long-term changes resulting from a slow increase of the solar wind speed over 1965 – 2006. A predominance of the positive IMF B z with a significant linear trend in its cumulative signal is interpreted as a manifestation of the relic magnetic field of the Sun. Long-term changes in the IMF B z are revealed. They demonstrate decadal changes owing to the 11/22-year solar cycle. Long-duration time intervals with a dominant negative B z component were found in temporal patterns of the cumulative sum of the IMF B z .  相似文献   

1994年1月5日日面上产生的1次1N/M1.0耀斑爆发,射电1.42GHz高时间分辨率观测也同时接收到,在小爆发过程里伴有53个脉冲信号叠加在连续辐射背景上,是很罕见的现象。在AR7646的黑子前导区域,5日有2处新浮的小黑子对,磁场分别成细小磁流管平行和交又状态,是产生爆发的根源;脉冲信号是微耀斑在射电方面的瞬时辐射现象,由耀斑连续产生微能量释放而出现,单个的能量释放为(0.3—3.3)×1010焦耳。在能量释放过程里,非热电子加速起到重要作用。  相似文献   

R. P. Kane 《Solar physics》2007,246(2):471-485
Many methods of predictions of sunspot maximum number use data before or at the preceding sunspot minimum to correlate with the following sunspot maximum of the same cycle, which occurs a few years later. Kane and Trivedi (Solar Phys. 68, 135, 1980) found that correlations of R z(max) (the maximum in the 12-month running means of sunspot number R z) with R z(min) (the minimum in the 12-month running means of sunspot number R z) in the solar latitude belt 20° – 40°, particularly in the southern hemisphere, exceeded 0.6 and was still higher (0.86) for the narrower belt > 30° S. Recently, Javaraiah (Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 377, L34, 2007) studied the relationship of sunspot areas at different solar latitudes and reported correlations 0.95 – 0.97 between minima and maxima of sunspot areas at low latitudes and sunspot maxima of the next cycle, and predictions could be made with an antecedence of more than 11 years. For the present study, we selected another parameter, namely, SGN, the sunspot group number (irrespective of their areas) and found that SGN(min) during a sunspot minimum year at latitudes > 30° S had a correlation +0.78±0.11 with the sunspot number R z(max) of the same cycle. Also, the SGN during a sunspot minimum year in the latitude belt (10° – 30° N) had a correlation +0.87±0.07 with the sunspot number R z(max) of the next cycle. We obtain an appropriate regression equation, from which our prediction for the coming cycle 24 is R z(max )=129.7±16.3.  相似文献   

In this work we use an already-published method to infer a variation profile for the solar meridional circulation over the last 250 years. We feed this variation profile into a numerical dynamo code, and we reconstruct a sunspot time series that acts as a proxy for solar cycle activity. We perform three simulations with slightly different parameters, and the results are compared with the observational data. The medium and large correlation coefficients between reconstructed and observational time series seem to indicate that variations in meridional circulation play an important role in the modulation of solar activity.  相似文献   

We compare a variety of nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation algorithms, including optimization, magneto-frictional, and Grad – Rubin-like codes, applied to a solar-like reference model. The model used to test the algorithms includes realistic photospheric Lorentz forces and a complex field including a weakly twisted, right helical flux bundle. The codes were applied to both forced “photospheric” and more force-free “chromospheric” vector magnetic field boundary data derived from the model. When applied to the chromospheric boundary data, the codes are able to recover the presence of the flux bundle and the field’s free energy, though some details of the field connectivity are lost. When the codes are applied to the forced photospheric boundary data, the reference model field is not well recovered, indicating that the combination of Lorentz forces and small spatial scale structure at the photosphere severely impact the extrapolation of the field. Preprocessing of the forced photospheric boundary does improve the extrapolations considerably for the layers above the chromosphere, but the extrapolations are sensitive to the details of the numerical codes and neither the field connectivity nor the free magnetic energy in the full volume are well recovered. The magnetic virial theorem gives a rapid measure of the total magnetic energy without extrapolation though, like the NLFFF codes, it is sensitive to the Lorentz forces in the coronal volume. Both the magnetic virial theorem and the Wiegelmann extrapolation, when applied to the preprocessed photospheric boundary, give a magnetic energy which is nearly equivalent to the value derived from the chromospheric boundary, but both underestimate the free energy above the photosphere by at least a factor of two. We discuss the interpretation of the preprocessed field in this context. When applying the NLFFF codes to solar data, the problems associated with Lorentz forces present in the low solar atmosphere must be recognized: the various codes will not necessarily converge to the correct, or even the same, solution. On 07/07/2007, the NLFFF team was saddened by the news that Tom Metcalf had died as the result of an accident. We remain grateful for having had the opportunity to benefit from his unwavering dedication to the problems encountered in attempting to understand the Sun’s magnetic field; Tom had completed this paper several months before his death, leading the team through the many steps described above.  相似文献   

We analyze the Wolf number daily series WN (1849 to present) as well as two other related series characterizing solar activity. Our analysis consists in computing the amplitude of a given Fourier component in a sliding time window and examining its long-term evolution. We start with the well-known 27.03- and 27.6-day periods and observe strong decadal variations of this amplitude as well as a sharp increase of the average value starting around 1905. We then consider a packet of 31 lines with periods from 25.743 to 28.453 days, which is shown to be a better representation of the synodic solar rotation. We first examine the temporal evolution of individual lines, then the energy of the packet. The energy of the packet increases sharply at the beginning of the 20th century, leading by more than two decades the well-known increase of the Wolf number. The nonaxisymmetry of sunspots increases before the total increase of activity and may be considered as a precursor. We discuss briefly and tentatively this observation in terms of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   

利用1998年10月3日北京天文台怀柔太阳观测站的高质量磁图,对给定的太阳宁静区两种不同极性的磁场进行了功率谱分析.结果表明,空间功率谱在超米粒和中米粒尺度具有明显的尖峰结构,这对应于空间周期性分布的网络和内网络磁结构.结果也显示出,超米粒边缘所包含的两种极性场中,其中的一种极性占优势.通过瞬态功率谱的分析,得出网络和内网络场寿命之间的比例关系,这一结果和其他学者得出的超米粒和中米粒对流寿命之间的关系相符.  相似文献   

本文采用一个表征高能耀斑强度的综合指数,分析了太阳活动21周以来(1976.7—1991.2)级别≥M1.0的X射线耀斑和能量≥10Mev的质子耀斑综合指数的时空分布,提出在研究时段内太阳上的13个高能耀斑“热点”。这些热点活动区反复回转,爆发了占总指数58.1%的高能耀斑。本文还讨论了高能耀斑热点的特征及其与大尺度磁场演化的关系。结果表明,高能耀斑热点与大尺度磁场的演化关系密切,前者受后者的调制。  相似文献   

本文分析了现有几种常用的确定太阳磁场横向分量方位角的方法,如势场法,Krall法、吴-艾法和"方位角连续"法,作者认为这些方法各有不同的适用范围,其中任何一种方法都不能单独确定太阳横向磁场。在此分析的基础上,提出了确定太阳横向磁场方位角的综合方法。该法的要点是:用势场法和Krall法分别处理同一磁场观测资料,比较这两种方法所得到的横场分布图,找出它们的相同区域和有差别区域。从相同区域出发,利用"无力因子相近"假定,可以推断有差异区域的横场方位角。本文提供的应用实例初步显示了综合方法的有效性。  相似文献   

太阳耀斑的光球磁场和色球速度场观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳磁场望远镜安装了CCD图象接收处理系统后,得到许多精细结构的两维、实时磁场、速度场图。本文对其中观测的两群黑子,做耀斑磁场、速度场分析。在此基础上指出,异极性磁区相互渗透是普遍存在的,耀斑亮核均发生在异极性磁区相互挤压的前锋。这就为挤压无力场耀斑模式提供了有力的证据。同时发现,在耀斑发生的区域,流场的方向是向下的。  相似文献   

分析了太阳的观测磁图所涉及的磁场位形 ,以及磁场观测研究中的一些问题。  相似文献   

Propagation of torsional waves along isothermal and initially-untwisted magnetic-flux tubes embedded in the solar atmosphere is studied analytically. Conditions for wave propagation along thin and wide magnetic-flux tubes are determined, and it is shown that the propagation along thin tubes is cutoff free; however, for wide tubes the propagation is affected by a cutoff frequency. A method to determine the cutoff frequency is presented and applied to a specific model of solar magnetic flux tubes. An interesting result is that the cutoff frequency is a local quantity in the model and that its value at a given height determines the frequency that torsional tube waves must have to propagate at this height.  相似文献   

用云南天文台太阳黑子观测资料,对太阳活动19、20、21、22周及23周上升段日面高纬度区域(大于±40°)的黑子群进行统计。结果表明,高纬度黑子具有数量少,结构较简单,在日面存在时间不长等特点,是太阳活动周期更换的表征  相似文献   

K. J. Li 《Solar physics》2009,255(1):169-177
Five solar-activity indices – the monthly-mean sunspot numbers from January 1945 to March 2008, the monthly-mean sunspot areas during the period of May 1874 to March 2008, the monthly numbers of sunspot groups from May 1874 to May 2008, the monthly-mean flare indices from January 1966 to December 2006, and the numbers of solar filaments per Carrington rotation in the time interval of solar rotations 876 to 1823 – have been used to show a systematic time delay between northern and southern hemispheric solar activities in a cycle. It is found that solar activity does not occur synchronously in the northern and southern hemispheres, and there is a systematic time lag or lead (phase shift) between northern and southern hemispheric solar activity in a cycle. About an eight-cycle period is inferred to exist in such phase shifts. The activity on the Sun may be governed by two different and coupled processes, not by a single process.  相似文献   

We summarize studies of helical properties of solar magnetic fields such as current helicity and twist of magnetic fields in solar active regions (ARs), that are observational tracers of the alpha-effect in the solar convective zone (SCZ). Information on their spatial distribution is obtained by analysis of systematic mag-netographic observations of active regions taken at Huairou Solar Observing Station of National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main property is that the tracers of the alpha-effect are antisymmetric about the solar equator. Identifying longitudinal migration of active regions with their individual rotation rates and taking into account the internal differential rotation law within the SCZ known from helioseismology, we deduce the distribution of the effect over depth. We have found evidence that the alpha-effect changes its value and sign near the bottom of the SCZ, and this is in accord with the theoretical studies and numerical simulations. We discuss  相似文献   

Photospheric ephemeral regions (EPRs) cover the Sun like a magnetic carpet. From this, we update the Babcock – Leighton solar dynamo. Rather than sunspot fields appearing in the photosphere de novo from eruptions originating in the deep interior, we consider that sunspots form directly in the photosphere by a rapid accumulation of like-sign field from EPRs. This would only occur during special circumstances: locations and times when the temperature structure is highly superadiabatic and contains a large subsurface horizontal magnetic field (only present in the Sun’s lower latitudes). When these conditions are met, superadiabatic percolation occurs, wherein an inflow and downflow of gas scours the surface of EPRs to form active regions. When these conditions are not met, magnetic elements undergo normal percolation, wherein magnetic elements move about the photosphere in Brownian-type motions. Cellular automata (CA) models are developed that allow these processes to be calculated and thereby both small-scale and large-scale models of magnetic motions can be obtained. The small-scale model is compared with active region development and Hinode observations. The large-scale CA model offers a solar dynamo, which suggests that fields from decaying bipolar magnetic regions (BMRs) drift on the photosphere driven by subsurface magnetic forces. These models are related to observations and are shown to support Waldmeier’s findings of an inverse relationship between solar cycle length and cycle size. Evidence for significant amounts of deep magnetic activity could disprove the model presented here, but recent helioseismic observations of “butterfly patterns” at depth are likely just a reflection of surface activity. Their existence seems to support the contention made here that the field and flow separate, allowing cool, relatively field-free downdrafts to descend with little field into the nether worlds of the solar interior. There they heat by compression to form a hot solar-type Santa Ana wind deep below active regions.  相似文献   

本文从能量原理出发,导出了半圆拱无力场的能量积分的普遍形式,并证明所有半圆拱无力场都是稳定的。  相似文献   

R. P. Kane 《Solar physics》2007,246(2):487-493
Three series (1876 – 1986, 1886 – 1996, and 1896 – 2006) of 111 annual values of sunspot number R z in each were subjected to spectral analysis to detect periodicities by the maximum entropy method (MEM), and the periodicities so obtained were used in a multiple regression analysis (MRA) to estimate the amplitudes and phases. All series showed roughly similar spectra with many periodicities (24 or more), but most of these were insignificant. The significant periodicities (far exceeding 2σ) were near 5, 8 – 12, 18, and 37 years. Using the amplitudes and phases of these, we obtained reconstructed series, which showed good correlations (+ 0.7 and more) with the original series. When extrapolated further in time, the reconstructed series indicated R z(max) in the ranges 80 – 101 (mean 92) for cycle 24 during years 2011 – 2014, 112 – 127 (mean 119) for cycle 25 during years 2022 – 2023, 115 – 120 (mean 118) for cycle 26 during years 2032 – 2034, and 100 – 113 (mean 109) for cycle 27 during 2043 – 2045.  相似文献   

采用二维三分量磁流体力学模型,对日冕三重无力场电流片的磁场重联进行了数值研究,揭示了重联过程的基本物理特征.这类重联过程将加热和加速日冕等离子体,并导致多个高温、高密度、高磁螺度的磁岛的形成和向上喷发.这表明,多重无力场电流片的重联可能在日冕磁能释放、上行等离子体团的形成和太阳磁场螺度向行星际空间的逃逸方面起重要的作用.  相似文献   

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