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覃锋  徐龙军  谢礼立 《地震学报》2011,33(1):103-113
依据基岩场地上的汶川地震强震记录,分析了地震动地面峰值和核电站抗震标准反应谱的特性,证明了在推导和使用标准反应谱时所考虑的地面峰值加速度与地面峰值速度之比(PGA/PGV)受地面峰值加速度和震中距的影响,将对标准反应谱形状产生明显的影响.另外还发现了基岩场地的竖向峰值加速度可能要远比通常认为水平向峰值加速度的2/3大....  相似文献   

This paper outlines the use of discrete, autoregressive/moving-average (ARMA) models for identification and estimation of parameters in models derived from analysis of uniformly digitized earthquake ground motion acceleration data. Such models are of equal generality as compared to continuous-time models and have a number of significant advantages for purposes of digital analysis and simulation. The structure of ARMA models is briefly described, their relation to continuous models noted, and results of their application to a number of recorded accelerograms summarized.  相似文献   

The Campus Earthquake Program (CEP) of the University of California (UC) started in March 1996, and involved a partnership among seven campuses of the UC—Berkeley, Davis, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz—and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). The aim of the CEP was to provide University campuses with site-specific assessments of their earthquake strong motion exposure, to complement estimates they obtain from consultants according to the state-of-the-practice (SOP), i.e. Building Codes (UBC 97, IBC 2000), and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). The Building Codes are highly simplified tools, while the more sophisticated PSHA is still somewhat generic in its approach because it usually draws from many earthquakes not necessarily related to the faults threatening the site under study.Between 1996 and 2001, the site-specific studies focused on three campuses: Riverside, San Diego, and Santa Barbara. Each campus selected 1–3 sites to demonstrate the methods and procedures used by the CEP: Rivera Library and Parking Lots (PL) 13 and 16 at UCR, Thornton Hospital, the Cancer Center, and PL 601 at UCSD, and Engineering I building at UCSB. The project provided an estimate of strong ground motions at each selected site, for selected earthquake scenarios. These estimates were obtained by using an integrated geological, seismological, geophysical, and geotechnical approach, that brings together the capabilities of campus and laboratory personnel. Most of the site-specific results are also applicable to risk evaluation of other sites on the respective campuses.The CEP studies have provided a critical assessment of whether existing campus seismic design bases are appropriate. Generally speaking, the current assumptions are not acknowledging the severity of the majority of expected motions. Eventually, both the results from the SOP and from the CEP should be analyzed, to arrive at decisions concerning the design-basis for buildings on UC campuses.  相似文献   

结合重庆及邻近地区地震烈度衰减关系,选择有丰富强震记录和地震烈度资料的美国西部作为参考地区,采用转换方法,得到重庆及邻近地区基岩水平地震动加速度峰值与反应谱衰减关系。  相似文献   

It is well known that there are some torsional damages in earthquakes. In Taibai park, Jiangyou city, Sichuan province, most of the stone statues, which were placed upon the banisters of one zigzag bridge, exhibited different torsional phenomena in 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. This paper introduces the torsional phenomena of all the statues on the zigzag bridge firstly. Then one eccentricity model is established and the equivalent rotational accelerations are calculated in order to analyze the causes of the to...  相似文献   

地下地震动频谱特点研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本以美国加州强震观测计划(CSMIP)的6个岩土工程台阵的429条地表和地下地震动程为数据基础,按照各台阵场地土层分布情况将台阵分为七层和“上层/基岩”两类。对于同一类场地,将其中的各次地震,按照震级的大小将其分为三类;对于同一类地震,首先计算各地震的水下分量5%阻尼的反应谱以及相应的标准反应谱,并得到各深度测点相对于最深处测点的反应谱比值,分析比较两类场地下各深度反应谱的特点,另外,傅里叶谱也是本分析的一部分,通过对不同深度地下地震动的反应谱和傅氏谱的比较,得到了一些较有意义的结论,以供工程参考。  相似文献   

A new model to simulate spatially correlated earthquake ground motions is developed. In the model, the main factors that characterize three distinct effects of spatial variability, namely, the incoherency effect, the wave-passage effect and the site-response effect, are taken into account, and corresponding terms/parameters are incorporated into the well known model of uniform ground motions. Some of these terms/parameters can be determined by the root operation, and others can be calculated directly. The proposed model is fi rst verif ied theoretically, and examples of ground motion simulations are provided as a further illustration. It is proven that the ensemble expected value and the ensemble auto-/cross-spectral density functions of the simulated ground motions are identical to the target spectral density functions. The proposed model can also be used to simulate other correlated stochastic processes, such as wave and wind loads.  相似文献   

Linear and especially non-linear analyses of spatially extended structures, such as pipelines and bridges, often requires specification of time histories of ground motion at an array of closely spaced points. As the number of dense accelerograph arrays worldwide is small, and the number of earthquake observations is limited, synthetic motions with desired characteristics become necessary. This paper presents a method for synthesizing such motions, which is an extension of the SYNACC method, developed first in the early 1970s for synthetic accelerations, velocities and displacements at a point, and later extended to synthetic near surface strains, rotations and curvatures of ground motion at a point. It consists of unfolding in time a site specific Fourier amplitude spectrum of ground acceleration, obtained by an empirical scaling model, by representing the ground motion as a superposition of traveling wavelets of Love and Rayleigh waves and body waves, which propagate with phase and group velocities consistent with the dispersion characteristic of the site geology, approximated by parallel layers. Uniform hazard Fourier spectra or any specified target Fourier spectrum can also be used. Derivations of the point strains, rotations and curvatures are also presented. The method is illustrated for scenario M6.5 and M7.5 earthquakes and three dispersion models.  相似文献   

An orthogonal set of principal axes is defined for earthquake ground motions along which the component variances have maximum, minimum and intermediate values and the covariances equal zero. Corresponding axes are defined which yield maximum values for the covariances. The orthogonal transformations involved are identical in form to those used in the transformation of stress. Examination of real accelerograms reveals that the major principal axis points in the general direction of the epicentre and the minor principal axis is nearly vertical. It is concluded that artificially generated components of ground motion need not be correlated statistically provided they are directed along a set of principal axes.  相似文献   

Near-field horizontal and vertical earthquake ground motions   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Strong-motion attenuation relationships are presented for peak ground acceleration, spectral acceleration, energy density, maximum absolute input energy for horizontal and vertical directions and for the ratio of vertical to horizontal of these ground motion parameters. These equations were derived using a worldwide dataset of 186 strong-motion records recorded with 15 km of the surface projection of earthquakes between Ms=5.8 and 7.8. The effect of local site conditions and focal mechanism is included in some of these equations.  相似文献   

In this paper a new generation procedure of multivariate earthquake ground motion is presented. The technique takes full advantage of the decomposition of the power spectral density matrix by means of its eigenvectors. The application of the method to multivariate ground accelerations shows some very interesting physical properties which allows one to obtain significant reduction of the computational effort in the generation of sample functions relative to multivariate earthquake ground motion processes. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An evaluation is made of response spectrum techniques as applied to seismic analysis and design of steel template offshore platforms. Such structures are designed as braced space frames for several loading conditions, including the simultaneous action of three earthquake components. Base shears as well as gross forces and combined stresses in members of three different platforms are computed for 30 real, three-component earthquakes and response spectrum predictions, obtained by several modal-spatial combination methods, are compared to time history solutions. Results are presented in the form of error statistics. The three approximations examined are: (a) combination of modes for one component input, (b) combination of the three partial responses to obtain estimates of total response and (c) combination of gross forces to derive maximum design stresses at a section. Attention is focused on corner piles because these are among the most heavily penalized members by three-component excitations. It is shown that commonly used spatial combination rules may underestimate gross forces in design controlling corner members by 15–30 per cent on the average. This is attributed to correlations between motion components that create additive effects along certain directions. Typical estimates of combined stresses, however, are found to be slightly conservative.  相似文献   

A method for generating a suite of synthetic ground motion time‐histories for specified earthquake and site characteristics defining a design scenario is presented. The method employs a parameterized stochastic model that is based on a modulated, filtered white‐noise process. The model parameters characterize the evolving intensity, predominant frequency, and bandwidth of the acceleration time‐history, and can be identified by matching the statistics of the model to the statistics of a target‐recorded accelerogram. Sample ‘observations’ of the parameters are obtained by fitting the model to a subset of the NGA database for far‐field strong ground motion records on firm ground. Using this sample, predictive equations are developed for the model parameters in terms of the faulting mechanism, earthquake magnitude, source‐to‐site distance, and the site shear‐wave velocity. For any specified set of these earthquake and site characteristics, sets of the model parameters are generated, which are in turn used in the stochastic model to generate the ensemble of synthetic ground motions. The resulting synthetic acceleration as well as corresponding velocity and displacement time‐histories capture the main features of real earthquake ground motions, including the intensity, duration, spectral content, and peak values. Furthermore, the statistics of their resulting elastic response spectra closely agree with both the median and the variability of response spectra of recorded ground motions, as reflected in the existing prediction equations based on the NGA database. The proposed method can be used in seismic design and analysis in conjunction with or instead of recorded ground motions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study characteristics of long-period ground motions from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mj 8.0), a large interplate earthquake, based on spatial distribution maps and attenuation relationships for four kinds of peak ground velocity (PGV) value. The first kind (PGV(WB)) is obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, wide-band velocity seismograms, and the other three kinds (PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30)) are obtained from a maximal value of vector sum of the three-component, narrow band-pass filtered velocity seismograms (the central periods are 10, 20, and 30 s). The spatial distribution maps for all kinds of PGV value show azimuth dependence; the PGV values in Hokkaido, northern side of the epicenter are larger than those in Tohoku, southwestern side of the epicenter, when compared at a comparable distance. We find that the features result from the radiation pattern of long-period surface waves, that is, the source effect. The attenuation relationships show the following trends: The PGV(WB) values are larger than the sum of the PGV(BP10), PGV(BP20), and PGV(BP30) at distances (D) less than 200 km, while the PGV(WB) values are comparable to the sum of the PGV(BP20) and PGV(BP30) at D > 200 km. This indicates that the PGV(WB) values at D < 200 km are affected by ground motions with periods less than 10 s, while long-period surface waves mainly contribute to the PGV(WB) values at D > 200 km. The basin site effects generate a patchy pattern in the spatial distribution maps and a large scattering in the attenuation relationships for the PGV(WB) and PGV(BP10) values. Finally, we conclude that the PGV(WB) values from the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake are controlled by the radiation pattern of long-period S and surface waves and various basin site effects.  相似文献   

This study aims to reveal the multi-scaling behavior and quantify the irregularity of near-fault earthquake ground motions from a new perspective of multifractal theory. Based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, the multifractal characteristic parameters of acceleration time series for typical near-fault ground motions are calculated, and their correlations with two period parameters (i.e., mean period Tm and characteristic period Tc) and box-counting fractal dimensions are analyzed. Numerical results of strong nonlinear dependence of generalized Hurst exponents h(q) upon the fluctuation orders q indicate that near-fault ground motions present the multifractal properties and long-range correlation obviously. Furthermore, the scaling exponent h(2) of near-fault records has a strong correlation with their periods Tm and Tc, and strongly negative correlation with their box dimension. Moreover, h(2) can be regarded as a measure of frequency content and irregularity degree of strong earthquake ground motions. Finally, it is pointed out that the long-range correlation of small and large fluctuation is the major source of multifractality of near-fault ground motions.  相似文献   

选取161条速度脉冲型近断层地震动记录,采用最小二乘法拟合得到近断层地震动抗震设计Newmark三联谱,研究了震级、场地和断层类型对近断层设计谱的影响。结果表明:大震(级)相比小震(级)的影响较为显著,大震(级)下设计谱具有更宽的加速度敏感区段,中长周期段内的反应谱谱值更高;在3类断层类型中,大震(级)下逆斜断层的反应谱加速度敏感区段最宽,谱值最大。对于近断层区域的结构在大震(级)下应该考虑增大特征周期并提高设计谱谱值,还应充分考虑逆斜断层等断层类型的影响。  相似文献   

Two storey bilinear hysteretic structures have been studied with a view to exploring the possibility of using the dynamic vibration absorber concept in earthquake-resistant design. The response of the lower storey has been optimized for the Taft 1952, S69°E accelerogram with reference to parameters such as frequency ratio, yield strength ratio and mass ratio. The influence of viscous damping has also been examined.  相似文献   

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