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A model of the dispersion of splash droplets from a single raindrop impact on a sloping soil surface is combined with a theory of the entrainment of mineral particles from a disaggregated mixture in splash droplets to obtain a model of the dispersion of such particles by a raindrop impact. Stochastic modelling techniques extend this further to a model of the spatial redistribution of soil on a plot after a period of rainfall. Since the model is probabilistic and physically based it enables the incorporation of further advances in the understanding of splash erosion at all stages and can simulate the effect of the stochastic nature of rainfall and soil properties on the process. Several different situations are simulated. These include the movement of marked soil particles from point sources and the spatial patterns of erosion on a sloping plot. The model can also simulate the differential erosion of different soil particle size fractions.  相似文献   

Laboratory rainfall simulation experiments indicate greater splash losses for hydrophobic (water repellent) than for wettable sandy loam soils at different rainfall intensities, durations and soil surface inclinations. Using synchronized video cameras with different shutter speeds and stroboscopically illuminated 35 mm still photography, differences in splash droplets and ejection trajectory characteristics are examined. For hydrophobic soil, raindrop impact gives rise to fewer, larger, slower-moving daughter ejection droplets which carry more sediment and hence follow shorter range trajectories compared with wettable soil. Implications for erosion of hydrophobic soils are discussed.  相似文献   

Rainfall drop-size distributions were measured at a site in northern England using the ‘oflour-pellet’ technique. A relationship between intensity and kinetic energy is presented. Even at the low rainfall intensities observed (< 5 mm h?1 average over an hour) measureable amounts of rainsplash movement took place, and these movements have been related to rainfall parameters.  相似文献   

The surficial characteristics and precipitation regime of sparsely vegetated hillslopes in the montane zone of the Colorado Front Range suggest that rainsplash may be an important component of the surficial debris cascade. Site sediment flux data from two study periods reveal marked spatial and temporal variability. Comparison of these date with sediment movement data from splashcups suggests the following conclusions: (1) Detachment rates of the rainsplash process appear great enough to account for the sediment flux in the open Gerlach-type traps; (2) Areal extrapolation of rainsplash transport suggest that 88 per cent of the fine sediment flux in 1982 can be attributed to rainsplash; (3) Estimates of rainfall energy and changes in the potential energy of hillslopes by mass transport suggests a process efficiency of 0.05 per cent for rainsplash. If this procedure is applied to sediment flux values from open traps, the low precipitation-energy cascade of 1982 appears to be largely rainsplash-transported sediment. Extrapolation with the 1981 data suggests more aggressive overland flow erosion and transport.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies of the variation of soil transport with increase in slope angle have appeared, few include an information on the interaction of sheetwash and rainsplash on high slope angles, which is necessary to test Horton's proposed polynomial relationship. Virtually no studies are available which compare the influence of changes in soil type or antecedent moisture on established relationships. This paper reports the testing of eight soils from Alberta, Canada, under simulated rainfall on ten slopes from 3° to 30°. Material eroded was separated into that transported by rainsplash and that by sheetwash. In general, it was found that the influence of changes in slope angle on soil transport is best described by polynomial relationships, but these are shown to vary considerably between rainspash and sheetwash, between different soil types and for different antecedent moisture conditions. Despite careful control of all factors other than slope angle very high variability of results was experienced. Causes of variability are examined and the need for evaluation of the effect of test plot size on variability of results is suggested.  相似文献   

Rain and throughfall drops were sampled during rain events in a New Zealand beech forest and the frequency distributions of drop mass and kinetic energy calculated. The kinetic energy of throughfall under the canopy was always greater than that of rainfall in the open, notwithstanding interception losses. During a typical rain event in which 51 mm fell in 36 h, the total kinetic energy of throughfail was 1.5 times greater than that of rainfall, and the mean amount of sand splashed from sample cups was 3.1 times greater under the canopy than in the open. It appears that where mineral soil is exposed at the surface, by animal trampling or burrowing for example, rates of soil detachment by splash under a forest canopy will probably exceed those in the open.  相似文献   

Bedrock erosion rates in natural landscapes are usually slow, of the order of millimeters per year or less, and sophisticated techniques have been developed to measure them. Different techniques have proved to be valuable depending on the spatial and temporal scale on which information is needed, on the environment and on the scientific question that is asked. Here, we give an overview of the various methods that have been developed. We introduce their working principles and outline their advantages and disadvantages. Further, we provide comprehensive references to relevant literature, both on the methods and on scientific examples of their application. © 2016 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

A model has been developed which predicts the dispersion of splash droplets produced by the impact of a water drop on a sloping soil surface. Experimental results of the ejection velocities and ejection angles of the splash droplets are generalized to a planar slope and the resulting splash distances are calculated taking into account the effects of air resistance. The predictions are presented in terms of the numbers of splash droplets from the impact point to surrounding squares arranged in a grid on the slope. The model explains many experimentally observed features of raindrop splash in terms of the mechanics of the processes involved and can make predictions of the effects of slope, wind, raindrop size, and soil properties on droplet dispersion. The component of the raindrop velocity parallel to the surface of the slope is identified as the main factor determining the degree and the direction of the asymmetry in the splash droplet dispersion. By combining the model with a theory of the entrapment of soil in the splash droplets it is possible to extend it to predict the dispersion of soil particles by raindrop impact, which is the basis of a model of soil erosion by rainsplash.  相似文献   

This is the first substantial field measurement of river-bank erosion around fallen logs in rivers. Whilst numerous studies have established that living trees can stabilize river banks, and that fallen trees can cause scour of the river bed, knowledge of bank erosion effects from logs is largely restricted to qualitative observations. Recent flume studies suggest that a single log can increase near-bank velocity (and thus erosion) and this increase is related to the blockage ratio of the log and the distance between the log and bank. However, hydraulic interactions between logs can reduce this increase or even decrease the near-bank velocity. These theories, developed in a straight flume, have not been tested in the field. We measured erosion rates (relative to controls) on river banks adjacent to 35 large logs for 2 years, and velocity distributions around 11 logs during a near-bankfull flow in anabranching channels of the River Murray, SE Australia. These channels have abundant large instream logs, consistent bank material, and consistent regulated high flows. The field results generally supported the velocity changes caused by single and multiple logs in the flume studies, with single logs increasing near-bank velocity, but with the hydraulic interactions between successive logs tending to reduce this increase. Flow patterns caused by logs adjacent to curved banks were more complicated as the local effects of logs reinforced or weakened recirculating flows. Instream logs did not change overall, average, bank erosion rates, but they tended to shift the erosion from bank top to bank toe. However, individual logs increased or decreased bank erosion rates in patterns that generally concur with the near-bank velocity changes predicted in flume studies: that isolated logs increased erosion rates whilst hydraulically interacting logs did not increase erosion rates. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed for simulating runoff generation and soil erosion on hillslopes. The model is comprised of three modules: one for overland flow, one for soil infiltration, and one for soil erosion including rill erosion and interrill erosion. Rainfall and slope characteristics affecting soil erosion on hillslopes were analysed. The model results show that the slope length and gradient, time distribution rainfall, and distribution of rills have varying influence on soil erosion. Erosion rate increases nonlinearly with increase in the slope length; a long slope length leads to more serious erosion. The effect of the slope gradient on soil erosion can be both positive and negative. Thus, there exists a critical slope gradient for soil erosion, which is about 45° for the rate of erosion at the end of the slope and about 25° for the accumulated erosion. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies, the effect of slope on interrill erosion is not clearly established. Several interactions exist between erosion parameters that are not taken into account under experimental laboratory measurements and results need to be validated in the field. The influence of slope steepness (2 to 8 per cent) on soil loss for a crusted interrill area and the detachment and transport processes involved in the interaction between slope, rain characteristics and plot size were investigated. Sediment discharge and runoff rates were measured in bounded plots (1 m2 and 10 m2) under natural and simulated rainfall, allowing the analysis of a combination of detachment and transport processes at various scales in the field. Runoff rate increased from 20 to 90 per cent with increasing slope and rain intensity for both plot sizes, whereas sediment concentration increased from 2 to 6 g l−1 with increasing slope only for the 10 m2 plots. At the 1 m2 scale, erosion was transport‐limited due to the reduced rain‐impacted flow. Interactions between slope angle and rain intensity were observed for detachment and transport processes in interrill erosion. Results show the importance of an adapted experimental set‐up to get reference data for interrill erosion model development and validation. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Point rainfall triggers the complex processes of overland flow and surface erosion. The probability density functions of rainfall duration and intensity are coupled with a physically based dynamic formulation of rainfall-runoff-sediment transport relationships for upland areas. When considering a single storm, rainfall depth alone is a poor predictor of sediment transport because of the dispersion introduced by the effect of rainfall intensity. On a long terms basis, however, the total amount of rainfall can be used to predict total erosion losses.  相似文献   

Soil loss rates due to piping erosion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compared with surface soil erosion by water, subsurface erosion (piping) is generally less studied and harder to quantify. However, wherever piping occurs, it is often a significant or even the main sediment source. In this study, the significance of soil loss due to piping is demonstrated through an estimation of soil volume lost from pipes and pipe collapses (n = 560) in 137 parcels under pasture on loess‐derived soils in a temperate humid climate (Belgium). Assuming a period of 5 to 10 years for pipe collapse to occur, mean soil loss rates of 2.3 and 4.6 t ha?1 yr?1 are obtained, which are at least one order of magnitude higher than surface erosion rates (0.01–0.29 t ha?1 yr?1) by sheet and rill erosion under a similar land use. The results obtained for the study area in the Flemish Ardennes correspond well to other measurements in temperate environments; they are, however, considerably smaller than soil loss rates due to subsurface erosion in semi‐arid environments. Although local slope gradient and drainage area largely control the location of collapsed pipes in the study area, these topographic parameters do not explain differences in eroded volumes by piping. Hence, incorporation of subsurface erosion in erosion models is not straightforward. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a field investigation aimed to characterize the morphology of both rills monitored at Sparacia experimental area and two ephemeral gullies (EGs) located in the Tremamargi basin, Sicily, Italy. At first, the available literature data together with the measurements carried out in this investigation were used to show that the EG length is a key parameter for the estimation of the eroded volume. Then, the comparison among the pairs length and volume corresponding to measured rills, EGs and gullies showed that the exponent of the power relationship is independent of the channelized erosion type (rill, EG and gully), while a different scale factor has to be used for each erosion process. Finally, a single relationship applicable to all channelized erosion processes was deduced applying the dimensional analysis and the self‐similarity theory. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Erosion caused by concentrated flows in agricultural areas is responsible for important soil losses, and rapid sediment transfer through the channel network. The main factors controlling concentrated flow erosion rates include the erodibility of soil materials, soil use and management, climate and watershed topography. In this paper, two topographic indices, closely related to mathematical expressions suggested by different authors, are used to characterize the influence of watershed topography on gully erosion. The AS1 index is defined as the product of the watershed area and the partial area‐weighted average slope. The AS2 index is similar to the AS1 but uses the swale slope as the weighting factor. Formally, AS2 is the product of the watershed area and the length‐weighted average swale slope. From studies made using different ephemeral gully erosion databases, it is shown that a high correlation consistently exists between the topographic indices and the volume of eroded soil. The resulting relationships are therefore useful to assess soil losses from gully erosion, to identify the most susceptible watersheds within large areas, and to compare the susceptibility to gully erosion among different catchments. This information is also important in studying the response of natural drainage network systems to different rainfall inputs. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River incision is fundamental in shaping the Earth's surface. In mountainous regions with steep river beds, fluvial bedrock erosion by bedload transport is an important mechanism forming channels. However, there are only a few complete field datasets that can be used to improve process understanding and evaluate erosion models, especially at the process scale. To provide a simultaneous dataset of hydraulics, bedload transport and bedrock erosion at high temporal and spatial resolution, a new measuring device has been installed in the Erlenbach, a gauged stream in the Swiss Pre‐Alps. In this stream, bedload transport rates can be calculated from surveying deposits and from geophone plate sensors and bedload transport samples can be taken directly by an automated moving basket system. To measure bedrock erosion rates simultaneously, two natural stone slabs were mounted flush with the channel bed in a steel frame hosting various measurement devices. Force sensors below the slabs record normal stress and shear stress. At‐a‐point erosion rates on the slab surfaces are continuously measured at sub‐millimetre precision at three locations on each slab. In addition, the slab topography is monitored following erosive flood events. In this article (i) the ‘erosion scale’ device is described, (ii) data resolution and data quality is assessed by means of tests and event data, and (iii) the first transport event is discussed. The erosion scales are confirmed to provide data at high spatio‐temporal resolution for process analysis. The preliminary data show evidence for the tools effect in bedrock erosion. The bedrock slabs can be exchanged to obtain measurements for catchments with different lithologies for comparison. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Following recommendations by the 19th Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, the area, causes and rates of upland soil erosion in England and Wales were investigated between 1997 and 1999. This paper describes the methods and results of the field survey of 1999 in which the extent of eroded ground was determined. 2. The area of degraded soil and the volume of eroded material were both determined from the dimensions of individual erosion features at 399 field sites located on an orthogonal grid across the uplands. Using measurements of individual erosion features, degraded soil extent in upland England and Wales was estimated at almost 25 000 ha, 2·46 per cent of the total upland area surveyed. Half this eroded area was revegetated and no longer subject to continued accelerated soil loss in 1999. The total volume of eroded material was estimated at 0·284 km3. Although deposition of eroded material occurred within 20 per cent of eroded field sites, the total volume of redeposited material was less than 1 per cent of the total volume of eroded soil. 3. Erosion was more extensive on peat soils than on dry, wet mineral or wet peaty mineral soils. In addition, the higher incidence of erosion at high altitudes and on low slopes reinforced the relationship between erosion and areas of peat formation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of gravitational erosion in rill systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A self-organizing model was developed for simulating rill erosion process on slopes with particular attention to the role of gravitational erosion.For a complete simulation circle,processes such as precipitation,infiltration,runoff,scouring,gravitational erosion and elevation variation were fully considered.Precipitation time(or runoff time) was regarded as iteration benchmark in the model.To specify the contribution of gravitational erosion to the process of rill formation and development,a gravitational erosion module was inserted into the model.Gravitational erosion in rill development was regarded as a Gaussian random process.A model was calibrated by our experimental data,and further validated satisfactorily with 22 runs of experimental results from different investigators. Systematic comparison was made between sediment yields with and without consideration of gravitational erosion module.It was demonstrated that the model could reasonably simulate the rill erosion process under a variety of slope gradients,rainfall intensities and soil conditions upon the gravitational erosion being considered.However,the role of gravitational erosion on sediment yields in rill systems varies significantly under different conditions,although it is of the utmost importance in steeper slopes.The process of gravitational erosion in rill development was studied by a newly-defined parameter a>,which is defined as the volume ratio of gravitational erosion over hydraulic-related erosion.The gravitational contribution to the total erosion could be over 50%for the rill systems with higher rainfall intensity and steeper slopes.  相似文献   

A typical gully sub-basin with a complex geomorphological form is used to do a model test of gravity erosion of loess by considering the sequence of slopes in a prototype gully creating a sequence of underlying surface forms in the upper reaches. The results show that the runoff from heavy rainfall is the main external force for the erosion of loess, and also is an important influencing factor to stimulate and intensify the development of gravity erosion. The soil structure and the height of the...  相似文献   

Data from 10 small farm dams in SE Australia show that shoreline erosion due to farm livestock access to the dams can account for a significant proportion (up to 85%) of sediment contained in the dam. The volumes of sediment resulting from such shoreline erosion may be of the same order as the volumes produced by gully erosion in the dams' catchments, prompting caution in using farm dams to which livestock have access to determine small catchment erosion rates. Other issues, related to the trap efficiency, also mean that erosion estimates based on farm dam sedimentation should be treated with caution. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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