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熊耳山地区不同级别的构造对金矿成矿的控制作用十分显著。具体表现为:深大断裂和区域性不整合面控制金矿成矿带的分布;深大断裂或不整合面与北东向断裂的交汇区控制金矿田、金矿床的分布;北东向断裂的等距性控制金矿床、矿脉群的分布。控制金矿(化)体的断裂具有明确的方向性;断裂交叉或分支处,断面产状变化处控制矿体或富矿体产出;容矿断裂在成矿期内的活动性质控制矿体、矿石的产出类型。  相似文献   

康山金矿田围岩蚀变主要为硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化及黄铁矿化。蚀变具有明显的分带性 ,蚀变与金矿化关系密切 ,是金的找矿标志。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地南部环形影像特征及地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究鄂尔多斯盆地中-新生代时期的演化,采用遥感技术与地球物理资料综合分析方法,对CBERS和ETM 卫星影像的处理,在鄂尔多斯盆地南部发现直径大于300 km的环形构造,环形中心位于甘肃省东部的东华池附近。该环形构造内西部为西峰油田,中东部有古生界—中生界大型煤田,东南和西北部都有铀矿的发现,4种能源矿产(石油、天然气、煤和铀)居于环中。地球物理和地震资料综合分析证明,该环形构造为一相对独立的块体,其活动既有升降,又有旋转,受深部控制,主要是中—新生代造山作用(印支运动、燕山运动和喜山运动)联合作用的结果,对多能源矿产同盆共存具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

托克妥环形构造处于昆中断裂的次级构造带上,形成于三叠纪,为一火山构造,属于火山颈相。随着青藏高原的抬升,其一直处于剥蚀阶段,至目前最有利于铜成矿的火山口构造已被剥蚀,只留下了火山颈的部分。经研究认为找铜的方向应在火山构造与围岩的接触带上,特别是接触带产状较缓的部位。  相似文献   

熊耳群火山岩中产出各种类型的金矿床,碲化物型(构造蚀变岩型)是金矿主要类型,该类型余矿以出现大量碲化物或富碲、硒为特征.硫化物δ ̄(34)S以较大的负值为特征,本文通过综合研究及与国内外行关矿床对比,认为该碲化物型金矿δ ̄(34)S负值的主要原因是地表水的渗透参与导致成矿热液物理化学条件改变,fo_2升高、pH值降低,从而引起硫同位素强烈分馏形成的。有关铅同位素组成具深源壳幔混合(染)特征,显示成矿物质来源于熊耳群富钾火山岩系。该类型金矿床成矿作用为上升岩浆与下渗地表水共同作用形成浅成热液系统,在剪切带内氧化环境下液体的稀释和冷却是金沉淀的主要原因。其成因类型应属浅成低温热液富碲化物型金矿。  相似文献   

栾川北部处于东秦岭北部地区,中生代以来曾发生过早期大规模的推覆构造及晚期的剥离伸展构造。在剥离伸展构造发生的过程中,熊耳山逐步隆起,导致山顶的岩层重力失稳,沿熊耳山南坡发生重力滑动。本文介绍了滑覆体内部构造特征,探讨了重力滑动构造的发生、发展及形成过程,并讨论了与其有关的一些区域构造问题。  相似文献   

马超营断裂带为熊耳山南坡最大的NWW向区域性大断裂。该断裂带由三条逆冲断层组成,对金矿的形成起了决定性控制作用,既是金矿的导矿构造,也是金矿的容矿构造。在马超营断裂两侧,金矿东西成带、北东成行等间距分布。矿体一般赋存于主断裂与Ⅱ级断裂的交汇处,在大断裂带中也有中小型矿体赋存。因此,进一步研究深大断裂带的控矿特征具有重要的找矿意义和理论意义。  相似文献   

招-平断裂带位于胶西北隆起区东南缘,是我国最重要的金成矿区之一,其中段发育有大尹格庄断裂带、后仓断裂带、南周家断裂带、栾家河断裂带等,这几条断裂带对招-平断裂带均有明显的错断现象,对还原金矿床有良好的指导作用。通过对几条构造的研究,结合成矿地质背景、矿床成因的研究,对该区的成矿规律、构造控矿规律进行探讨,指出了招-平断裂带中段深部找矿远景。  相似文献   

招平断裂带北段以玲珑金矿田的石英脉型金矿而闻名于世。21世纪以来,随着深部找矿的不断深入,地质工作者突破传统的石英脉型金矿找矿思路,将深部找矿的方向聚焦于招平断裂带北段的主干断裂蚀变破碎带上,蚀变岩型金矿找矿取得了重大的突破,截至2018年5月,累计探获新增金资源量超过800t。通过对招平断裂带北段空间展布、构造演化、构造控矿、构造-蚀变-矿化时空关系等方面的研究,发现NNE向的九曲蒋家断裂带及NE向破头青断裂在构造活动时间、蚀变特征、控矿特征等方面具有高度一致性,认为二者均为招平断裂带的分支。通过对两条断裂带的构造发育程度、蚀变强度、控制矿体规模等方面的对比研究,提出九曲蒋家断裂带为主干断裂,其深部找矿潜力更大,应为今后地质找矿的主要对象。  相似文献   

河南西半部27个煤、铝、金、萤石、水泥原料等矿区的放射性测量结果证明,除铝土矿层放射性本底偏高外,其他地域的天然放射性环境均具低、中本底水平。人们工作、生活在这些环境内无辐射污染,更无危害;铝土矿层的本底值尽管偏高,但也低于国家最低防护标准;长期观测证明,宇宙射线降落量较稳定。各地勘单位今后在河南西半部进行的各类矿种勘探矿区(放射性矿床除外),一般只需一次性测量环境辐射本底即可,勿需测“至少一年的天然放射性本底数据”。  相似文献   

山体保护对集"山-泉-湖-河-城"为一体的济南市在泉水保护、水源涵养、空气净化、生态环境改善方面具有重要意义。但随着城市建设的不断加快,山体被侵占、景观遭到破坏等问题日益突出。本文在野外调查的基础上,结合《济南市山体保护办法》,提出山体保护线划定的山体完整性、生态景观保护、地质灾害防治、建筑物退让等原则。采用野外调查测量与遥感影像解译相结合的手段确定山脚线,初步划定山体保护区范围,与规划、管理信息对接核定、调整确定最终的山体保护红线。以济南中心城市建设区外山体为研究对象,应用山体保护线划定方法,划定了济南市260座山体的保护控制线,建立了济南市山体保护数据库,通过实地勘测定界,埋设了山体保护界桩,明确了山体保护范围,为《山体保护规划(2018—2025)》提供参考,为济南市山体保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

The authors took the ETM multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sensing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed.  相似文献   

河南省冬小麦快速遥感制图   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在省域尺度上,冬小麦遥感识别中存在冬小麦物候不一致、地表环境复杂、数据处理复杂、遥感数据冗余、选择适当的分类样本困难、分类精度低等问题,而遥感数据云平台为解决这些问题提供了良好的数据基础和数据处理能力。以河南省为研究区,以谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine)云平台为支撑,基于2015年和2002年前后年份河南省冬小麦识别关键期内的2296景Landsat遥感影像,采用NDVI重构增幅算法建立冬小麦大区域遥感快速制图模型,实现了2015年和2002年的河南省冬小麦分布制图。结果表明:2015年和2002年冬小麦种植面积分别为56 055.79 km2和47 296.11 km2,与统计数据比,精度达到97%;2002-2015年,河南省冬小麦种植分布存在明显变化,总体播种面积呈增加趋势,2015年比2002年增加8759.69 km2,增幅为18.52%。与传统计算机冬小麦制图方法相比,基于Google Earth Engine云平台的数据处理和制图效率均获得千倍以上的提升。  相似文献   

河南内乡夏馆-西峡二郎坪一带金矿床(点)广泛分布,成矿类型多样,产出条件复杂,岩体与围岩接触带以及中元古代和早古生代地层中都有金矿形成.根据成矿物质、成矿流体来源和成矿机制,将产于接触带和地层中的金矿体分为5种类型,它们是在火山、火山沉积和正常沉积等不同背景下,由岩浆热液、变质热液或地下水热液叠加改造(再造)形成的,每类矿床都经历了多期多阶段成矿过程,以后期热液交代、充填成矿为主.构造对金矿形成有明显控制作用,区域性深大断裂控制金成矿带,二级韧脆性剪切带控制金矿床分布,三级层间破碎带、断裂裂隙带和接触带构造控制矿体就位.构造热液的叠加改造或再造主导了成矿作用.  相似文献   

The authors took the ETM + multi-spectra data as the data information and correlation coefficient for each band and carried out their information volume statistics. According to certain criteria, the authors also determined the optimum band-combined image. The image clarity is improved by various enhancements and fusions method. Based on remote sensing geological interpretation in detail, the relationship between remote sens- ing geological characters and gold mine were analyzed systemically. Using all kinds of remote sensing structure information, combining other research data, the authors determined mainly ore-controlling ore structure. Several prospective areas of gold ores were determined and furthermore significant finding mine target areas was confirmed.  相似文献   

According to the Geological settings and the distributed laws of ore bodies and previous research results, combining with latest theories and new methods of geological prospecting, the authors proposed prospecting thoughts for substituted resources in Laozuoshan gold deposit. After ore prospecting in two years, nine new blind ore bodies were found, among which four ore bodies contain 4218.1 kg inferred intrinsic economic resources (333), and mitigate the crisis situation of mine reserves. At the same time, lots of significant geophysical and geochemical anomalies were found in the peripheral, which provide a basis for further prospecting.  相似文献   

The authors presented geochronology and geochemical data of diorites from Nancha gold deposit in Tonghua region,with the aim to constraining its formation age,magma source and tectonic setting.LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating results of zircons from the diorites indicate that the rocks were formed in the Middle Jurassic( 171± 2 Ma,MSWD = 1.19).Geochemically,these rocks have Si O_2 concentrations of 52.52%--54.90%,K_2 O of2.14%--3.84%,Na_2 O of 3.17%--3.35%,Mg O of 7.43%--9.34% and high Mg~# of 68.57-72.57.These rocks are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements( LILE,such as K,Ba,Rb and Sr) and light rare earth elements( LREE),relatively depletion in high field strength elements( HFSE,such as Ta,Nb,Ti and Zr),and heavy rare earth elements( HREE).These characteristics suggest that primary magma of the rocks were derived from the partial melting of mantle with miner crustal contamination,which may related to partial melting of mantle wedge by addition of sediment melt from subducting oceanic crust.Based on former and present studies,the authors consider that the Nancha ore deposit high-Mg diorites were formed in compressional structural setting which is similar to volcanic arc.It could be related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

面向新时期水利行业"补短板"和"强监管"的应用需求,遥感的前沿技术高光谱遥感凭借较高的光谱分辨率和图谱合一等优势,在水生态、水环境等水利行业的应用中发挥了重要作用,同时在水灾害、水资源等层面中也存在着一定的应用潜力.本文介绍了高光谱遥感的成像原理,回顾了成像光谱仪的发展,列举了目前国内外典型的高光谱载荷.重点介绍了高光...  相似文献   

Based on X-ray diffraction,optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Dachang gold ore,it is showed that the sulfide of ore is the main carrier minerals of gold. A majority of gold is embedded in pyrite and tetrahedrite as the form of inclusion and a small amount intergrowth with pyrite and gangue mineral,occasionally the presence is in form of monomer natural gold. The main factors which influence the recovery rate are sulfide mineral particle size,and the fine grained sulfide is beneficial for the dissociation and flotation of gold bearing minerals. The monomer dissociation degree of gold bearing minerals can reach91. 3%,when the grinding fineness is less than 0. 074 mm and grain level accounts as 80%. It is not conducive to the flotation of sulfide if the grinding fineness is low or high. It is difficult to completely dissociate the monomer if there is a small amount of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the ore. Therefore,before leaching the gold,it must conduct pretreatment to reach the ideal recovery rate of the gold,like roasting oxidation,pressure oxidation and biological oxidation. The fine microscopic gold has little influence on the gold recovery rate.  相似文献   

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