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纱岭金矿床位于焦家断裂中南段,属于典型的焦家式金矿床,探获金资源量约389.2t,目前是国内平均勘查深度最大的金矿床。为进一步探讨纱岭金矿床深部成矿潜力,该文在野外地质工作的基础上,选取钻孔岩心样品,采用构造叠加晕研究方法,重点研究Ⅰ-2号主矿体地球化学特征、原生晕分带特征,建立构造叠加晕模型并进行深部找矿预测。研究结果表明:矿床的前缘晕指示元素为As-Sb-Hg,近矿晕指示元素为Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn,尾晕指示元素为Bi-Mo-W-Sn;Ⅰ-2号主矿体构造叠加晕出现"反分带"现象,表明纱岭金矿床具有多期成矿成晕特征;在矿体尾部存在前缘晕与尾晕共存叠加现象,指示深部有良好的找矿前景,预测矿体侧伏方向深部(-1600m之下)有盲矿存在,预测靶位标高为-1600m~-2000m。  相似文献   

胶东地区是世界著名的金矿资源基地,截至2023年6月已累计探明金矿资源量已达5757余吨。与金矿成矿密切的中生代花岗岩分布广泛,岩石类型多样,也是山东省最发育、最典型的地区。本文对胶东地区金矿与中生代区域性花岗岩空间展布、形成时代和形成环境等关系进行了分析研究。区域性广泛分布的中生代花岗岩为晚侏罗世玲珑期(166~146Ma)、早白垩世早期郭家岭期(135~123Ma)、早白垩世晚期伟德山期(123~110Ma)和崂山期(118~108Ma),研究认为区域性岩浆事件一般持续10Ma左右,而重熔型花岗岩一般持续20Ma,反映了由基底岩石熔融到侵入结晶的2个阶段,它有一个由基底固体岩石熔融的过程,大致也需要10Ma,既固体岩石熔融10Ma,熔浆活动上侵结晶10Ma。玲珑期重熔型花岗岩是扬子板块和华北板块碰撞的期后产物,郭家岭期岩浆事件代表了中国东部中生代构造体制转换的开始,伟德山期岩浆事件代表了构造体制转换的高峰期,崂山期岩浆事件代表了构造体制转换的结束期。86.8%的金矿赋存在玲珑期花岗岩中,6.9%的金矿赋存于郭家岭期花岗岩中,玲珑期花岗岩和郭家岭期花岗岩Au元素背景值明显高于伟德山期...  相似文献   

一、地质背景及找矿潜力分析 黑龙江多宝山地区位于兴一蒙海西期造山带的东端。该区早古生代的演化受制于兴一蒙洋向东偏北消减于布列亚—佳木斯地块之下,火山弧呈近北西向;晚古生代的演化受制于兴—蒙洋向北西消减于克鲁伦一额尔古纳地块之下,构造线为北东走向。多宝山地区的金属金是多来源的,主要矿源层是中奥陶世弧火山岩,次要矿源层是早泥盆世裂谷火山岩。  相似文献   

卫宁北山地区位于北祁连造山带东段,是宁夏境内金多金属矿床成矿条件最好、成矿迹象最多的地区之一,其中金场子金矿是该地区已知最大的金矿床。在归纳该区近年来找矿成果基础上,对金场子金矿床控矿因素、找矿标志和深部矿化规律进行了总结,构建了基于地-物-化多要素的综合找矿模型,并对矿区及外围、深部找矿靶区进行了圈定。研究表明:金场子金矿控矿因素主要为构造和地层,其中控矿构造表现为东西向断裂、北东向断裂及其次生裂隙为主,控矿地层表现为特定的地层层位及岩性组合。赤铁矿-褐铁矿化、硅化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化、黄钾铁矾化等围岩蚀变,Au-Ag-As-Sb化探组合异常以及中电阻率、中-高极化率地球物理异常为该区主要找矿标志。综合控矿因素和找矿标志,构建了矿区金矿综合找矿模型,并以此圈定地表找矿靶区6处,并进一步根据矿化深部变化规律圈定深部找矿靶区3处。通过对矿区及外围靶区开展地球化学剖面测量以及深部靶区钻探工作,验证了此次靶区圈定的合理性,为今后该地区找矿工作起到了很好的示范作用。  相似文献   

灭格滩矿区位于青海北巴颜喀拉造山带大场金矿田北缘。三叠系巴颜喀拉山群昌马河组砂板岩是矿区主要赋矿地层。矿区内构造发育,矿(化)体主要沿NW向构造破碎带分布,产状受破碎带控制。围岩蚀变主要有硅化、黄铁矿化、毒砂化、绢云母化等。1∶10 000土壤地球化学测量Au、As、Sb、Hg元素丰度明显偏高,异常明显,浓集中心突出,各元素异常套合较好,呈NW向带状分布。剖面上元素含量峰值与矿体位置对应良好,据此构建了地质-地球化学找矿模型,能有效指导隐伏矿体的找矿勘查工作。在综合分析矿区地质及土壤地球化学异常特征的基础上,圈定了找矿靶区和成矿远景区,可以为灭格滩金矿区乃至矿田核心区外围找矿勘查工作提供重要参考。   相似文献   

研究区位于大兴安岭北部,区域上已发现多处砂金、岩金矿床和矿化点。1:2万土壤地球化学测量表明As、Sb与Au异常套合较好,Au异常区有较强硅化、碳酸盐化等蚀变,并发现一条低品位金矿化体,地质背景与砂宝斯金矿相似,有较好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

山东省招远市西北部原疃地区地理位置特殊,位于区域上两大断裂金矿带之间的玲珑复式岩体的核部,与西北部的郭家岭花岗闪长岩疑似为断层接触关系,金矿成矿条件优越。运用激电中梯、高精度磁法测量,基本查明了区内与金成矿有关的岩体、断裂构造的分布情况,圈定激电异常7处,其中1处异常经验证为矿致异常。应用CSAMT,SIP方法对矿带的深部进行探测,确定其沿走向及倾向均有一定延伸,对其深部异常进行钻探验证,证明深部异常仍为矿致异常。综合找矿方法在此次找矿过程中发现了矿致异常,缩小了找矿靶区,为钻探工程的部署提供了依据。  相似文献   

辽宁猫岭金矿综合信息解释及找矿模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猫岭金矿是通过地质与地球物理、地球化学场分布特征进行综合解释来预测的找矿靶区。通过实地勘查发现了金矿点,再根据成矿预测找矿模式,进行了 1∶ 1万地质、物化探 40 km2综合普查 ,并采取了以猫岭已知矿点为基础,向外扩散普查方法,先后发现了黄家营子、南台子等 8处找矿有利地段,经查证新发现了张家堡子、黄家营子、南台子等金矿床,并根据地质、地球物理、地球化学场分布特征建立了找矿模型,为区域性寻找猫岭蚀变岩型金矿提供了找矿标志和依据。  相似文献   

高家岭金矿地处鲁西泰莱断陷与鲁村凹陷之间的隆起地带,矿体发育于铜冶店-孙祖断裂上盘下接触面的构造蚀变带中,通过地质、物化探综合技术手段圈定了物化探异常,指导探矿工程的布设,进而发现高家岭金矿,矿体平均品位5.61×10-6,预测金矿金属量6788kg,达到中型矿床规模,取得了良好的找矿效果。区内综合找矿方法的应用对类似地区金矿的勘查具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了研究地电化学提取技术在青海拉陵灶火中游铜钼多金属矿区的找矿应用效果,对矿区内已知剖面进行了方法有效性试验,试验表明在已知剖面上方出现的地电化学异常与已知矿体位置吻合,说明了在该地区应用地电化学提取技术进行找矿预测工作是切实可行的。同时,通过对找矿未知区进行的地电化学研究工作,最终圈定了2处地电化学异常找矿预测靶区,经过后期在预测靶区的钻探工程验证,验证了地电化学提取技术在青海拉陵灶火中游铜钼多金属矿区的找矿预测准确性,有望后期在同类特殊地球化学景观的找矿工作中提供有利的帮助。  相似文献   

According to the Geological settings and the distributed laws of ore bodies and previous research results, combining with latest theories and new methods of geological prospecting, the authors proposed prospecting thoughts for substituted resources in Laozuoshan gold deposit. After ore prospecting in two years, nine new blind ore bodies were found, among which four ore bodies contain 4218.1 kg inferred intrinsic economic resources (333), and mitigate the crisis situation of mine reserves. At the same time, lots of significant geophysical and geochemical anomalies were found in the peripheral, which provide a basis for further prospecting.  相似文献   

Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values of F3 and F4 show the intervals of barren sectors in the lode. Comprehensive geochemical studies show the high prospection potential below the 14th level and between lines 39-71. It is also prospective to look for blind ore-bodies between lines 15-29 and below the 10th level.  相似文献   

Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values...  相似文献   

The Qilishan gold deposit is located in the southern Zhaolai gold ore belt in the northwestern Jiaodong region.A total of seven gold ore bodies have been found in the mining area.Linglong gneissic biotite granite and the NE trending Lingbei fracture control the output and distribution of the gold deposit.The ore bodies with veined or irregular shape occur in the structural alteration zone.The ore bodies of different sizes are NE trending and SE dipping.The constituent minerals of the ores mainly include pyrite,chalcopyrite,native gold,electrum,argentite,matildite,hematite,quartz and calcite.The ores are characterized by metasomatic dissolution structure,as well as veined and brecciated structures.The ore-forming process is divided into four stages,namely quartz-,pyrite-,polymetallic-and carbonate stages.Study on fluid inclusion shows that the deposit is composed of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions (Ⅰ) and three-phase inclusions containing CO2 (Ⅱ),and that the former dominates.The homogenization temperature is 259.6℃-373.7℃ ; the salinity of three-phase inclusions containing CO2is 5.77%-9.84% (NaCl) ; the salinity of gas-liquid two-phase inclusions is 6.58%-8.54% (NaCl) ; and the estimated ore-forming pressure is 55.2-82.2 MPa.According to the nonlinear relationship between the depth and pressure of the fluid in the fracture zone,the ore-forming depth of the Qilishan gold deposit is calculated as 5.95-7.14 km.It is preliminarily determined that the deposit is a mesophilic and hypothermal gold deposit.  相似文献   

Shangzhuang gold deposit located in the Wangershan fault zone of northwestern Jiaodong is of meso-hypogenic altered rock type. The ore bodies occur at the hanging wall and footwall of Wangershan fault in vein or irregular shapes with the NE strike, NW trend, 30°-60° in dip and the lateral trending of SW. The ores are composed of pyrite, quartz, sericite, bismuthinite, native gold, bismuth sulfosalt minerals, chalcopyrite, etc., shown as brecciated structure and vein structure with metasomatic dissolution textures. The wall rock alteration is mainly described as phyllic alteration and silicification. The mineralization of this deposit is controlled by structure and altered rocks. The ore-controlling fault structures of this deposit is Wangershan fault, of which the intersection of major fault and secondary fault is the main ore-bearing position of this gold deposit, and the larger arc curved position is a favorable part for ore body occurrence. On the plane, the ore body is shown as equidistant pinch-out reproduction.  相似文献   

Haigou gold deposit is a typical orogenic gold deposit. There are a reasonable amount of fluid inclusions in the gold deposit,including three types: CO2-H2O-Na Cl inclusions,pure CO2 inclusions and Na Cl-H2 O inclusions,of which most of them are CO2-bearing inclusions. The fluid salinity is 1. 43%- 9. 08%,mainly concentrated in the range of 4. 69%- 5. 41%,the density of CO2 is 0. 69- 0. 80 g / cm3,indicating that the mineralization fluid is low-medium salinity and low density fluid. A series of studies on gold-bearing quartz vein and fluid inclusions show that there exists a positive correlation between the degree of the gold mi-neralization and the amount of CO2 in the inclusions,which means the more CO2-bearing inclusions there are,the higher the content of gold is. CO2 is mainly derived from mantle fluid,and the ore-forming fluid should be derived from mantle fluid and the crust shallow fluid. The conclusions have important denotative meaning on the metallogenic mechanism of orogenic gold deposit and the deep prospecting on metal deposit.  相似文献   

东峰顶金矿区呈脉状赋存于断裂破碎带中,矿石类型为硫化物石英-重晶石脉型,矿体围岩蚀变强烈,根据矿床地质、地球化学特征.结合矿体矿物共生组合、铅和硫同位素组成及成矿年龄、包裹体成分及特征以及原生金的成色等研究,认为金矿床矿源为重熔岩浆岩。成矿溶液主要来自岩浆水和大气降水的混合溶液,成矿温度140℃~400℃.成矿深度约1.5km。矿床成因类型属中温、中深条件下形成的岩浆热液充填型金矿床。  相似文献   

Based on X-ray diffraction,optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Dachang gold ore,it is showed that the sulfide of ore is the main carrier minerals of gold. A majority of gold is embedded in pyrite and tetrahedrite as the form of inclusion and a small amount intergrowth with pyrite and gangue mineral,occasionally the presence is in form of monomer natural gold. The main factors which influence the recovery rate are sulfide mineral particle size,and the fine grained sulfide is beneficial for the dissociation and flotation of gold bearing minerals. The monomer dissociation degree of gold bearing minerals can reach91. 3%,when the grinding fineness is less than 0. 074 mm and grain level accounts as 80%. It is not conducive to the flotation of sulfide if the grinding fineness is low or high. It is difficult to completely dissociate the monomer if there is a small amount of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the ore. Therefore,before leaching the gold,it must conduct pretreatment to reach the ideal recovery rate of the gold,like roasting oxidation,pressure oxidation and biological oxidation. The fine microscopic gold has little influence on the gold recovery rate.  相似文献   

By means of microscopy and laser Raman spectroscopy,the authors studied the fluid inclusions in petrography.The results show that there exist three-phase CO2 -bearing and two-phase aqueous inclusions in gold ore;the fluid of NaCl-H2O--CO2 system went through immiscibility in ore-forming process.Ore-forming fluids were of low salinity(0.82%-5.40%NaCleqv),low density(0.54-0.93 g/cm3);mineralization tempera-ture were concentrated in 320℃--340℃,with ore-forming pressure in 62-126 MPa and mineralization depth in 6.34-9.35 km.The fluid inclusions in quartz are generally characterized by a small amount of CO2 and N2.Combined with recent results of the isotopic analysis for fluid inclusions and dating data,it was indicated that the main ore-forming fluids derived mainly from source of mantle-derived fluids with a small amount of magmatic fluid and meteoric water.The genetic type was mesothermal gold deposits involved by mantle-derived fluids.  相似文献   

Based on X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analysis of the Dachang gold ore, it is showed that the sulfide of ore is the main carrier minerals of gold. A majority of gold is embedded in pyrite and tetrahedrite as the form of inclusion and a small amount intergrowth with pyrite and gangue mineral, occasionally the presence is in form of monomer natural gold. The main factors which influence the recovery rate are sulfide mineral particle size, and the fine grained sulfide is beneficial for the dissociation and flotation of gold bearing minerals. The monomer dissociation degree of gold bearing minerals can reach 91.3% , when the grinding fineness is less than 0. 074 mm and grain level accounts as 80%. It is not conducive to the flotation of sulfide if the grinding fineness is low or high. It is difficult to completely dissociate the monomer if there is a small amount of pyrite and arsenopyrite in the ore. Therefore, before leaching the gold, it must conduct pretreatment to reach the ideal recovery rate of the gold, like roasting oxidation, pressure oxidation and biological oxidation. The fine microscopic gold has little influence on the gold recovery rate.  相似文献   

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