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A new species of the nereidid annelid, genus Nicon Kinberg, 1866, from KIOST Seamount, Northwest Pacific deep water is described. Nicon is a genus characterized by lacking paragnaths or papillae on the pharynx and composed of nine species worldwide, distributed from shallow water to deep sea. Nicon ablepsia sp. nov. here described is characterized by the lack of eyes on the prostomium, prolonged tentacular cirri reaching to chaetiger6, notochaetae homogomph spinigers, neurochaetae homogomph spin...  相似文献   

于1988年,中国科学院南海海洋研究所在南沙群岛进行综合考察,在采集到的多毛类标本中,发现了背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia的一新种,其与代表种背褶沙蚕T.fauveli和东方背褶沙蚕T.orientalis在眼、双背须出现的刚节数以及背须的形状等有明显的区别,故定名为中华背褶沙蚕Tambalagamia sinica,模式标本保存于中国科学院南海海洋研究所。  相似文献   

Euniphysa, originally a genus of the family Eunicidae, was erected by Wesenberg-Lund in 1949, and for a longtime there has been only one species in this genus. The present report is based on our samples collected from the South China Sea, and we consider that the differences between Euniphysa and Eunice are very significant: Five occipital tentacles distributed unequidistantly; the jaw consists of 6 pairs of maxillary plates; the body may be divided into anterior region and posterior region, etc. Therefore we suggest that Euniphysa should be separated from Eunicidae, and become a new family Euniphysi-dae. At present this family includes 3 genera, namely, Euniphysa , Paraeuniphysa and 1 new genira Heterophysa; Totally there are 7 species, including 3 new species and 1 new combination species.  相似文献   

黄加祺 《海洋学报》1999,21(4):92-95
中国海域水螅虫纲(Hydrozoae),花水母目(Anthmedusae),棒状水母科(Corymorphidae)的真囊水母属(Euphysora)经研究有3个新种:褐色真囊水母(Euphysora brunnescentis sp.nov.)、刺胞真囊水母(Euphysora knides sp.nov.)和硬手真囊水母(Euphysora solidonema sp.nov.),对此予以详细的描述报道.模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋系.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIn January 2003, undisturbed sediments were tak-en from a grid of 22 sampling stations (from 32.5° to37°N, 122° to 125°E) during the cruise of an ecologi-cal survey of the over-winter ground for anchovy inthe Huanghai Sea. Meiofaunal abundance varied from55.3 to 152.0 ind/cm2 [(95.4 ±27.0) ind/cm2], with81% to 93% [(83.1 ±22.7) ind/cm2] of the specimensbeing nematodes. Up to now, twenty-nine species ofmarine nematodes have been recorded from theHuanghai Sea (Zhang and P…  相似文献   

I~IOXCymatium Pleare is a speCies of carnivorous m~astrDgh. It is a key predator on cultured bivalves and causes mass mortality and great econondcal lOSS in ffenan and some otherwarmer waters of China (Xie, 1995; Zhou and Pan, 1999). In predatory speCies, thestructure and function of its digestive system are directly related to its predatory behavior, sothat studies on the digestive system of C. pleare will help to understand its predation and toadopt p~r control methods. AlthoUgh there…  相似文献   

毛嵌线螺(Cymatium pileare)的消化系统包括口腔、食道、胃、肠、肛门、唾液腺和肝脏.其头部有可伸缩的“Argobuccinum”型吻,口腔位于吻前端,其中有1对颚片和1条齿舌带.颚片表面有整齐排列的小齿;齿舌的齿式为:2·(7)1·(5~6)1(5~6)·1(7)·2.在食道中央有一膨大的嗉囊,它能暂时储存和初步消化食物;胃呈U形,腹面有2个肝管的入口;肠较短,前肠的内壁上皮为复层柱状上皮,后肠的内壁上皮为假复层纤毛柱状上皮.毛嵌线螺的唾液腺已特化为毒腺,其分泌的毒素对辅助捕食具重要作用;肝脏只有1叶,为复管泡状腺,肝细胞内有线粒体、粗面型内质网、高尔基复合体和溶酶体等细胞器.  相似文献   

浮游介形类是海洋生态系统中极为丰富的一类小型甲壳动物,是海洋浮游动物的重要组成部分。吸海萤科是介形纲吸海萤目下的一大类群,其中,浮萤族已记述21属的生物。本文报道和描述了新近采自南海中部的一个浮萤族新属新种--复合多腺浮萤。该新物种与相关属和种可通过综合相关特征进行区分:位于右不对称腺体上方的侧角腺开口于近后缘;沿其壳腹缘具有一列排列密集的边缘腺;其前器官形状的综合特点与族内其他属物种均不同;第一触角的e刚毛不具有毛或刺;第二触角内肢乳状突表现为一具有腹面中央凹的椭圆隆起,第一外肢具有一根小背前缘刺,第一与第二外肢愈合,第三与第四外肢不具有刚毛或刺;大颚的第一内肢具一根长腹侧刚毛,第二内肢具一根腹侧刚毛;小颚第一内肢具两根基部刚毛;第五肢的第一外肢仅具一根腹侧刚毛;第六肢的第一与第二外肢不具有腹侧刚毛。其壳上主要腺体及开口位置与其他已记录属种的显著区别是该新属的主要特征。  相似文献   

描述了采自东海陆架沉积物中自由生活线虫HopperiaNemanema属的两个新种。新种大化感器霍帕线虫主要特征是螺旋形化感器5圈,较大;弓形交接刺近端宽大具有中肋,延伸至三分之一处;引带具有弯曲的引带突;6个乳突状的肛前辅器;锥柱状尾具有膨大的末端和尾端刚毛。新种小线虫的主要特征是身体大小是属内最小的;具有较大的椭圆形化感器;尾锥状;交接刺细,具有腹面翼膜,近端弯钩状;引带环形;1个肛前辅器乳突状,其上着生3条刚毛。更新完善了Hopperia属17个种的二岐检索表。  相似文献   

Five new species of the family Lichomolgidae associated with solitary ascidians are described from the east coast of Korea. Two new genera are proposed: Protomolgus n. gen. to incorpotate Protomolgus duplex n. sp. and P. singularis n. sp., and Dontimolgus n. gen. to incorporate Dontimolgus brevicaudatus n. sp. Protomolgus n. gen. characteristically has a four-segmented female maxilliped and a bipartite mandible. Dontimolgus n. gen. possesses a large, tooth-like process on the first maxillary segment and three spines on the third exopodal segment of leg 3. Other two new species described are Lichomolgus infirmus n. sp. and L. pectinatus n. sp.  相似文献   

似三核线虫属的两个新种似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)和似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)在本文中分别被描述,标本分别采自中国厦门同安湾红树林和海门岛红树林。两个新种都具有6根较粗的外唇刚毛,雄性标本不具有肛前附器,尾部圆锥圆柱形且不具有末端突起。似三核线虫红树林种(Tripyloides mangrovensis n.sp.)口器分成两部分,化感器圆形,尾部具有显著的近端圆锥形和远端纤细的圆柱形,圆柱形部分占尾部的2/3。似三核线虫厦门种(Tripyloides amoyanus n.sp.)口器分成3部分,具有小齿,化感器小,双环状,尾部1/3部分为圆柱形,引带有4个小齿。  相似文献   

于1985年7月-1988年10月,在香港新界北部,进行螺类生态调查。对采集的标本鉴定表明,有两种瓶螺-光滑瓶螺、大瓶螺,是在香港首次发现。这对香港地区今后采取生物控制措施、防止近年来引入的孟氏血吸虫的中间宿主-藁杆双脐螺的蔓延具有实际意义。  相似文献   

本文记录采自福建省东山湾的底栖介形类真喜萤属一新种:多刺真喜萤Euphilomedes spinulosasp.nov对其进行绘图和详细的描述,并与它的相似种非洲真喜萤Euphilomedes africanus(Klie,1940)进行特征比较,确定其新种地位。多刺真喜萤Euphilomedes spinulosasp.nov鉴别特征:(1)左壳腹缘内侧中部具13束短刺毛束;(2)第1、2、4、6对尾叉爪为主爪且细长,第3、5和7~11对尾叉爪为副爪,其中,第3和第5对爪夹于主爪之间;(3)第7附肢末端的开口下缘仅具1弯刺。  相似文献   

In the course of identifying the samples of Siphonophora from the East China Sea and South China Sea, a new Siphonophora, Vogtia microsticella sp. nov. , was noted. The new species is distinguished from other five species in the genus in nectophore as follows: Parahorse-shoe shaped with five bluntly rounded projections, the two projections below the ostium, i. e. the basal projections, approach each other. The dorsal facet is smooth without any gelatinous prominence. Smaller are the nectosac and the ostium.  相似文献   

Four species of pycnogonid previously recorded from the Snares Islands are recorded from new localities. A juvenile Cheilopallene trappa had a proboscis typical of the Callipallenidae, and not the highly specialised form characteristic of adults.  相似文献   

冰区四季通用灯浮标是一种为满足北方冬季冰冻港口一年四季的助航服务需求研制的新型灯浮标,二阶波浪力对其漂浮姿态和漂移运动有较大影响。文中研究了浮标受到的二阶波浪力的数值计算方法,计算了不同流速下罐形和锥形灯浮标的二阶波浪力。研究结果显示,罐形和锥形灯浮标受到的一阶波浪力相差不大,罐形的二阶波浪力明显小于锥形,具有一定的外形优势。  相似文献   

Alentiana has only one member, A. aurantiaca(Verrill, 1885), commensal with sea anemone(Bolocera tuediae).Here, Alentiana palinpoda sp. nov., a second member in the genus Alentiana(subfamily Lepidastheniinae), a new commensal polynoid is described, based on a specimen collected from a deep-water seamount in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. The new species is characterized by large elytra that completely cover the dorsum and are present in every third segment in the posterior regions. Neuropodia are ...  相似文献   

描述了从广东湛江南三岛沿岸采集、分离的等鞭金藻1新种———湛江等鞭金藻,应用电镜技术观察了湛江等鞭金藻运动细胞的超微结构.电镜观察证明,其运动细胞表面覆盖2~4层鳞片,鳞片有两种类型,一种较大,椭圆形;另一种较小,圆形.细胞顶端具有2条等长的平滑的鞭毛,两鞭毛间具有一条退化的定鞭(haptonema),很短,仅有1~2条微管.湛江等鞭金藻鞭毛过渡区中央轴丝与周边微管之间有5~6条螺旋条纹.两个金褐色色素体位于细胞两侧.3条类囊体为一组,无带片层.每个质体内侧具1个单层膜包裹的裸露的蛋白核.蛋白核内常具1对横列的类囊体.高尔基器位于鞭毛基体基部.线粒体长管状,具多个不分枝或分枝的脊.细胞中下部具1个至多个金藻昆布糖(Chrysolaminaran)颗粒.细胞核位于两质体之间、细胞基部.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudostomella from North Stradbroke Island, Australia, P. klauserae n. sp. and P. megapalpator n. sp., are characterised by scaled triancres, cuticular structures that until now were known only from one other member of the genus. The structure of the scaled triancres in both species is new: the triancre base is diamond‐ or triangular‐shaped with three shafts that arise to form feather‐like scales. P. klauserae n. sp. is characterised by scales arising from a diamond‐shaped triancre base, the distribution of cephalic papillae, and the abundance and distribution of anterior and lateral adhesive tubes. P. megapalpator n. sp. is distinguished by scales arising from a rounded‐triangular triancre base, large dorsal, digitiform papillae, and ventral adhesive tubes. The presence of two new species with scaled triancres allows for the formation of a novel species complex within the genus. An amended key to the species is included.  相似文献   

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