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Evolution of close binary composed of a white dwarf primary and a Main-Sequence secondary has been calculated. Angular-momentum loss via gravitational radiation and magnetic stellar wind have been taken into account. We have found that magnetic stellar wind with a rate greater than (10–10–10–9)M yr–1 is able to drive the evolution with mass exchange. If the time-scale of switch-off of wind when the primary becomes fully convective is not longer than 106 yr, mass exchange interrupts due to a contraction of the secondary and the system becomes unobservable. Mass exchange resumes when components approach one another due to loss of momentum via gravitational radiation. The location and width of the thus-arising gap in the orbital periods are comparable to those observed.  相似文献   

The conjecture is presented that the gap in the distribution of the orbital periods of cataclysmic variables is related to a particular kind of hydromagnetic dynamo, called an interface dynamo, operating near the base of the convective envelope of their secondary components. Such a dynamo is characterized by the spatial separation of the regions where differential rotation and the α effect operate. Unlike conventional dynamos, the linear growth rate of an interface dynamo becomes negative for highly supercritical dynamo numbers, leading to the disappearance of the dynamo action. If such a result, from linear theory, is confirmed by non-linear calculations, it may provide a physical basis for the so-called disrupted magnetic braking hypothesis, invoked to explain the existence of the period gap by several evolutionary models of cataclysmic variables.  相似文献   

We discuss the properties of 137 cataclysmic variables (CVs) which are included in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic data base, and for which accurate orbital periods have been measured. 92 of these systems are new discoveries from SDSS and were followed-up in more detail over the past few years. 45 systems were previously identified as CVs because of the detection of optical outbursts and/or X-ray emission, and subsequently re-identified from the SDSS spectroscopy. The period distribution of the SDSS CVs differs dramatically from that of all the previously known CVs, in particular it contains a significant accumulation of systems in the orbital period range 80–86 min. We identify this feature as the elusive 'period minimum spike' predicted by CV population models, which resolves a long-standing discrepancy between compact binary evolution theory and observations. We show that this spike is almost entirely due to the large number of CVs with very low accretion activity identified by SDSS. The optical spectra of these systems are dominated by emission from the white dwarf photosphere, and display little or no spectroscopic signature from the donor stars, suggesting very low mass companion stars. We determine the average absolute magnitude of these low-luminosity CVs at the period minimum to be  〈 Mg 〉= 11.6 ± 0.7  . Comparison of the SDSS CV sample to the CVs found in the Hamburg Quasar Survey and the Palomar Green Survey suggests that the depth of SDSS is the key ingredient resulting in the discovery of a large number of intrinsically faint short-period systems.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic variables (CV) and pre-cataclysmic binaries (PCB) are discussed. The main difference between them (accretion or its absence) is shown to be a consequence of the evolutionary process and the properties of their progenitors. Both types of system have a bimodal distribution of their periods, but the extrema are in counterphase. Luminosity-effective temperature diagrams for the primary components are used to show that both systems have approximately the same age, which conflicts with the notion of PCBs as precursors of CVs. Calculations of the maximum distance between components for which the system remains stable show that CVs have passed this limit, while PCBs maintain their stability during this evolution. It is suggested that, after ejecting a common shell, future CVs immediately become semi-detached systems. It this is so, then there must be cataclysmic variables which are the central stars of planetary nebulae. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 427–439 (August 2007).  相似文献   

We present four nights of time-resolved photometry of the cataclysmic variable star HV And. Our time series analysis has revealed a prominent period at 3.368 ± 0.060 h, as well as some low frequency power. We interpret this signal, from saw-tooth waves in the light curve, as evidence of superhumps in HV And.  相似文献   

We present K -band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the nova-like variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2 to M6.
The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of H  i and He  i . The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths that are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10–30 per cent for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K -band flux. In conjunction with the K -band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems.
The spectra of the nova-like variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of H  i and He  i – even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits Na  i , Ca  i and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65 per cent of the observed K -band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the nova-like variables. The implications of this result are discussed.  相似文献   

We present some preliminary results of a time-resolved spectroscopic study of the peculiar cataclysmic system AM CVn. The analysis of Hei lines profile variability, suggests the existence of a 1051 s periodicity. This is one of the known photometric periods, candidate to be the orbital period of the system, or the rotational period of the primary.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astromonical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

A critical analysis of three methods of estimating distances to cataclysmic variables (CVs) is performed. These methods, by Ak et al., Beuermann, and Knigge, all use near-infrared (JHK or Ks) magnitudes and the Barnes-Evans relation. We compare all three methods to distances measured by trigonometric parallax by Thorstensen, with Hubble Space Telescope, and with the HIPPARCOS spacecraft.We find that the method of Ak et al. works best overall for all CVs, predicting distances on the average 4% less than those measured by trigonometric parallaxes. The method of Beuermann overestimates distances by 52%. The method of Knigge underestimates distances by 26%, although this was only ever meant as a lower limit, since it assumes all light comes from the secondary star.  相似文献   

A radial velocity study is presented of the cataclysmic variable V378 Pegasi (PG 2337 + 300). It is found to have an orbital period of 0.13858 ± 0.00004 d (3.32592 ± 0.00096 h). Its spectrum and long-term light curve suggest that V378 Peg is a nova-like variable, with no outbursts. We use the approximate distance and position in the Galaxy of V378 Peg to estimate E(B − V) = 0.095, and use near-infrared magnitudes to calculate a distance of 680 ± 90 pc and MV = 4.68 ± 0.70, consistent with V378 Peg being a nova-like. Time-resolved photometry taken between 2001 and 2009 reveals a period of 0.1346 ± 0.0004 d (3.23 ± 0.01 h). We identify this photometric variability to be negative superhumps, from a precessing, tilted accretion disk. Our repeated measurements of the photometric period of V378 Peg are consistent with this period having been stable between 2001 and 2009, with its negative superhumps showing coherence over as many as hundreds or even thousands of cycles.  相似文献   

GSC 4560-02157 is a new eclipsing cataclysmic variable with an orbital period of 0.265359 days.By using the published V- and R-band data together with our observations,we discovered that the O-C curve of GSC 4560-02157 may show a cyclic variation with a period of 3.51 years and an amplitude of 1.40 min.If this variation is caused by a light travel-time effect via the existence of a third body,then its mass can be derived as M_3 sin i′≈91.08 M_(Jup),and it should be a low-mass star.In addition,several physical parameters were measured.The color of the secondary star was determined to be V-R =0.77(±0.03) which corresponds to a spectral type of K2-3.The secondary star's mass was estimated as M_2 = 0.73(±0.02) M_☉ by combing the derived V-R value around phase 0 with the assumption that it obeys the mass-luminosity relation for main sequence stars.This mass is consistent with the mass-period relation for CV donor stars.For the white dwarf,the eclipse durations and contacts of the white dwarf yield an upper limit on the white dwarf's radius corresponding to a lower limit on mass of M_1≈0.501 M_☉.The overestimated radius and previously published spectral data indicate that the boundary layer may have a very high temperature.  相似文献   

An error in the Hayes and Belton (1977), Icarus32, 383–401) estimate of the rotation period of Neptune is corrected. If Neptune exhibits the same degree of limb darkening as Uranus near 4900 Å, the rotation period is 15.4 ± 3 hr. This value is compatible with a recent spectroscopic determination of Munch and Hippelein (1979) who find a period of 11.2?1.2+1.8 hr. However, if, as indirect evidence suggests, the law of darkening on Neptune at these wavelengths is less pronounced than on Uranus, then the above estimates may need to be lengthened by several hours. Recent photometric data are independently analyzed and are found to admit several possible periods, none of which can be confidently assumed to be correct. The period of Neptune most probably falls somewhere in the range 15–20 hr. The Hayes-Belton estimate of the period of Uranus is essentially unaffected by the above-mentioned error and remains at 24 ± 4 hr. All observers agree that the rotation period of Uranus is longer than that of Neptune.  相似文献   

Comparison of the period distributions of various classes of CVs confirms an extreme bias of the synchronous AM Her systems toward short orbital periods, while the DQ Her systems do not differ significantly from the distribution of non-magnetic systems. This suggests either strong selection effects or enhanced evolution of the AM Her systems. There is as yet no obvious bimodality in either the magnetic field distributions of isolated white dwards or of CV primaries. However, clear differences between the two exist: the strongest being that magnetic primaries are overrepresented among short period CVs by more than an order of magnitude in comparison to the field white dwarfs.Paper presented at the IAU Colloquium No. 93 on Cataclysmic Variables. Recent Multi-Frequency Observations and Theoretical Developments, held at Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg, F.R.G., 16–19 June, 1986.  相似文献   

A new ephemeris,period change analysis and light curve modeling of the W UMa-type eclipsing binary BF Pav are presented in this study.Light curves of the system taken in BVRI filters from two observatories,in Australia and Argentina,were modeled using the Wilson-Devinney code.The results of this analysis demonstrate that BF Pav is a contact binary system with a photometric mass ratio q=1.460 ± 0.014,a fillout factor f=12.5%,an inclination of 87.97 ± 0.45 deg and a cold spot on the secondary component.By applying the distance modulus formula,the distance of BF Pav was calculated to be d=268 ± 18 pc which is in good agreement with the Gaia EDR3 distance.We obtain an orbital period increase at a rate of 0.142 s century-1 due to a quadratic trend in the O-C diagram.Also,an alternative sudden period jump probably occurred which could be interpreted as a rapid mass transfer from the lower mass star to its companion of about ΔM=2.45 × 10~(-6) M_⊙.Furthermore,there is an oscillatory behavior with a period of 18.3±0.3 yr.Since BF Pav does not seem to have significant magnetic activity,this behavior could be interpreted as the light-time effect caused by an undetected third body in this system.In this case,the probability for the third body to be a low mass star with M≥ 0.075 M_⊙or a brown dwarf is 5.4% and 94.6% respectively.If we assume i'=90°,a_3=8.04±0.33 AU.The mass of the secondary component was also determined following two different methods which result close to each other.  相似文献   

We present the first infrared light curves of the binary V1430 Aql, in the bands J and K, plus V, R and I light curves and spectra covering the ranges of Hβ, Hα and Ca II-IRT lines. Our VRIJK data, together with published radial velocity curves, are analyzed to determine the orbital and stellar parameters of the system. Both stellar components present spectroscopic evidence of chromospheric activity, with emission excesses in the Hβ, Hα and Ca II-IRT lines. The measured ratio of the lines Hβ/Hα emission excesses can be interpreted as originated in plages. Our light curves also show photometric evidence of cool spots at least on one of the stars.  相似文献   

The results of long-term photometric and spectroscopic observations of the young compact planetary nebula Vy 2-2 (PNG 045.4-02.7) are presented. The UBV photometry in 1990–2016 has revealed a slight brightness trend in the yearly averaged data, most pronounced in the V band. We have measured the relative fluxes of optical emission lines on the spectrograms taken with the 1.25-m telescope at the Southern Station of the SAI MSU in 1999–2016, estimated the absolute flux in the Hβ line to be F(Hβ) = (2.1 ± 0.4) × 10?12 erg cm?2 s?1, and determined the interstellar extinction constant c(Hβ) = 1.8. The electron temperature and density in the nebula have been estimated from diagnostic line ratios: Te = (10?12) × 103 K and Ne ≥ 105 cm?3. To detect any possible evolutionary changes, we have compared the new observations with the archival data obtained over the entire history of spectroscopic observations of Vy 2-2. No significant changes in the relative intensities of the strongest emission lines and the integrated flux in the Hβ line exceeding the observational errors have been found. We have revealed a tendency for the intensity ratio F(λ4363)/F(λ4959) to decrease with time, which may be related to a decrease in the electron density in the nebula. Based on our photometric and spectroscopic data, we have estimated the luminosity of the central star of Vy 2-2, which corresponds to the evolutionary tracks for the most massive post-AGB stars of the O-rich sequence.  相似文献   

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