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The limb event of 13 August 1973, observed by Skylab in soft X-rays, has all the typical characteristics of the giant post-flare arches observed by HXIS and FCS on board SMM in the 1980s. Skylab images provide us with 4–5 times better angular resolution than the SMM experiments and thus, for the first time, make it possible to distinguish the real fine structure of a giant post-flare arch. The image processing of the 13/14 August 1973 event is now in progress.  相似文献   

K. Maute  G. Elwert 《Solar physics》1981,70(2):273-291
Due to the broad wings of the point spread function of the Wolter telescopes used in the Skylab mission for taking X-ray pictures of the solar corona, the images are blurred around bright emission regions. As a result, the maps of temperature and emission measure are distorted. A procedure for the iterative deconvolution of X-ray pictures is given and applied to the images taken by the AS & E Inc. and the Aerospace Corporation instruments.  相似文献   

The giant post-flare arch of 6 November 1980 revived 11 hr and 25 hr after its formation. Both these revivals were caused by two-ribbon flares with growing systems of loops. The first two brightenings of the arch were homologous events with brightness maxima moving upwards through the corona with rather constant speed; during all three brightenings the arch showed a velocity pattern with two components: a slow one (8–12 km?1), related to the moving maxima of brightness, and a fast one (~ 35 km s?1), the source of which is unknown. During the first revival, at an altitude of 100000 km, temperature in the arch peaked ~ 1 hr, brightness ~ 2 hr, and emission measure ~ 3.5 hr after the onset of the brightening. Thus the arch looks like a magnified flare, with the scales both in size and time increased by an order of magnitude. At ~ 100000 km altitude the maximum temperature was ?14 × 106K, max.n e? 2.5 × 109cm?3, and max. energy density ? 11.2 erg cm?3. The volume of the whole arch can be estimated to 1.1 × 1030 cm3, total energy ?1.2 × 1031 erg, and total mass ?4.4 × 1015g. The density decreased with the increasing altitude and remained below 7 × 109 cm?3 anywhere in the arch. The arch cooled very slowly through radiation whereas conductive cooling was inhibited. Since its onset the revived arch was subject to energy input within the whole extent of the preexisting arch while a thermal disturbance (a new arch?) propagated slowly from below. We suggest that the first heating of the revived arch was due to reconnection of some of the distended flare loops with the magnetic field of the old preexisting arch. The formation of the ‘post’-flare loop system was delayed and started only some 30–40 min later. Since that time a new arch began to be formed above the loops and the velocities we found reflect this formation.  相似文献   

We present observations of another post-flare arch following an eruptive flare, detected in X-ray lines above the western solar limb on 2 May 1985.  相似文献   

An asymmetric, expanding arch, photographed in the inner corona with an X-ray telescope on 13 August, 1973, is identified as the source of the mass ejected in a white light transient in the outer corona. The morphology, angular position, estimated mass and apparent rate of upward acceleration of the lower coronal arch are similar to those of the arch seen passing through the outer corona. The mass of material removed from the lower corona is estimated at 2 × 1015 g, and the upward movement is consistent with a constant acceleration of 12.5 m s–2 between 1.3 and 5 R.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The coronal structure overlying, and presumably associated with, an isolated active region, McMath 12686, is identified during its west limb passage 15–17 January 1974. The region had a flaring site on its border close to a plage filament and exhibited various forms of activity, including type III burst production, during the three days of study. Although the coronal structure overlying the region was of small scale, its estimated electron density was 10 × that of the background corona, and it varied in density by a factor of two over a time scale of hours. Some implications of such a structure on the interpretation of type III emission are considered.On leave from Meudon Observatory, D.A.S.O.P., E.R.A. 07306, Meudon, France.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In the solar corona the opacities of some of the prominent X-ray emission lines are on the order of 1 over typical coronal path lengths. We present and discuss a particular solution of the radiative transfer problem involving an extended, spherically symmetric coronal shell radiating isotropic, homogeneous emission in which single-scattering also takes place. Within the context of this simplified model we find that scattered radiation is an important contribution to the total emergent resonance line flux and that for the He-like family of resonance (r), intercombination (i), and forbidden (f) lines, the ratio G=(f + i)/r would decrease as a function of optical depth for disk-center emission in an extended spherically symmetric corona.  相似文献   

The physical parameters for the kernels of three solar X-ray flare events have been deduced using photographic data from the S-054 X-ray telescope on Skylab as the primary data source and 1–8 and 8–20 Å fluxes from Solrad 9 as the secondary data source. The kernels had diameters of 5–7 and in two cases electron densities at least as high as 3 × 1011 cm–3. The lifetimes of the kernels were 5–10 min. The presence of thermal conduction during the decay phases is used to argue: (1) that kernels are entire, not small portions of, coronal loop structures, and (2) that flare heating must continue during the decay phase.We suggest a simple geometric model to explain the role of kernels in flares in which kernels are identified with emerging flux regions. The flare is triggered at the neutral sheet between the EFR and a larger loop structure. We associate the X-ray kernels with H kernels, which previously associated (incorrectly, we believe) with the nonthermal impulsive phases of flares.Most of this work was completed while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.  相似文献   

Hudson  Hugh S.  Khan  Josef I.  Lemen  James R.  Nitta  Nariaki V.  Uchida  Yutaka 《Solar physics》2003,212(1):121-149
Recent extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations from SOHO have shown the common occurrence of flare-associated global coronal waves strongly correlated with metric type II bursts, and in some cases with chromospheric Moreton waves. Until now, however, few direct soft X-ray detections of related global coronal waves have been reported. We have studied Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) imaging observations to understand this apparent discrepancy, and describe the problems in this paper. We have found good X-ray evidence for a large-scale coronal wave associated with a major flare on 6 May 1998. The earliest direct trace of the wave motion on 6 May consisted of an expanding volume within 20 Mm (projected) of the flare-core loops, as established by loop motions and a dimming signature. Wavefront analyses of the soft X-ray observations point to this region as the source of the wave, which began at the time of an early hard X-ray spike in the impulsive phase of the flare. The emission can be seen out to a large radial distance (some 220 Mm from the flare core) by SXT, and a similar structure at a still greater distance by EIT (the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) on SOHO. The radio dynamic spectra confirm that an associated disturbance started at a relatively high density, consistent with the X-ray observations, prior to the metric type II burst emission onset. The wavefront tilted away from the vertical as expected from refraction if the Alfvén speed increases with height in the corona. From the X-ray observations we estimate that the electron temperature in the wave, at a distance of 120 Mm from the flare core, was on the order of 2–4 MK, consistent with a Mach number in the range 1.1–1.3. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1022904125479 deceased  相似文献   

The coronal response to six solar X-ray flares has been investigated. At a time coincident with the projected onset of the white-light coronal mass ejection associated with each flare, there is a small, discrete soft X-ray enhancement. These enhancements (precursors) precede by typically 20 m the impulsive phase of the solar flare which is dominant by the time the coronal mass ejection has reached an altitude above 0.5 R . We identify motions of hot X-ray emitting plasma, during the precursors, which may well be a signature of the mass ejection onsets. Further investigations have also revealed a second class of X-ray coronal transient, during the main phase of the flare. These appear to be associated with magnetic reconnection above post-flare loop systems.NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A solar flare on June 15, 1973 has been observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by the S-054 grazing-incidence X-ray telescope on Skylab. Both morphological and quantitative analyses are presented. Some of the main results are: (a) the overall configuration of the flare is that of a compact region with a characteristic size of the order of 30 at the intensity peak, (b) this region appears highly structured inside with complex systems of loops which change during the event, (c) a brightening over an extended portion of the active region precedes the flare onset, (d) the impulsive phase indicated by the non-thermal radio emission is a period during which a rapid brightening occurs in loop structures, (e) the X-ray emission is centered over the neutral line of longitudinal magnetic field, and the brightest structures at the flare onset bridge the neutral line, (f) loop systems at successively increasing heights form during the decay phase, finally leading to the large loops observed in the postflare phase, (g) different parts of the flare show distinctly different light curves, and the temporal development given by full disk detectors is the result of integrating the different intensity vs time profiles.The implications of these observations for mechanisms of solar flares are discussed. In particular, the flux profiles of different regions of the flare give strong evidence for continued heating during the decay phase, and a multiplicity of flare volumes appears to be present, in all cases consisting of loops of varying lengths.On leave from Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

We have measured the lifetimes of all compact emission features visible on three sets of high time resolution soft X-ray images. The spectrum of lifetimes is found to be heavily weighted toward short lifetimes. The number of features present on the disk which live 2–48 hours is at least ten times as great as the number living more than 48 hours. The distribution of lifetimes can be fit in all three cases by a four-parameter function N(t) = N s exp(-t/ s ) + N L exp(-t/ L ), with s = 8.7±0.2, L = 35±4 and N s 10N L . Features living two days or less have a very broad latitude distribution (Golub et al., 1974, 1975) whereas nearly all longer-lived features are found within 30° of the equator. The growth rates of long-lived vs short-lived points are the same to within 20%, the major difference being that long-lived points continue to grow and generally reach larger sizes.Harvard College Observatory/Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.  相似文献   

We have analyzed X-ray images of the solar corona obtained by the S-054 telescope on Skylab, together with H filtergrams from the Catania Astrophysical Observatory and EUV and magnetic data, to study the morphology and the evolution of the coronal structures associated with prominences (coronal cavities).X-ray cavities are associated with prominences and are enclosed by series of loops of hot plasma typically higher than 5 × 109 cm. Helmet streamers can be observed only at very large heights (> 1 solar radius). The cavities show a higher luminosity when prominences have temporarily disappeared. The density in one of these X-ray cavities ( 3 × 108cm–3) is insufficient to allow formation of dense ( 1011 cm–3) prominences by local condensation from the corona.Prominences associated with young (up to three solar rotations) and old (greater than eight) magnetic neutral lines are significantly less stable than those associated with middle-aged neutral lines. Downward bending of the top of the inner magnetic loop, necessary in some models of prominences, is not detected in these X-ray observations. The relevance of these results to models of prominence formation is discussed.Presently at Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy.  相似文献   

One-hundred fifty-six large-scale enhancements of X-ray emission from solar active regions were studied on full-disk filterheliograms to determine characteristic morphology and expansion rates for heated coronal plasma. The X-ray photographs were compared with H observations of flares, sudden filament disappearances, sprays and loop prominence systems (LPS). Eighty-one percent of the X-ray events were correlated with H filament activity, but only forty-four percent were correlated with reported H flares. The X-ray enhancements took the form of loops or arcades of loops ranging in length from 60 000 km to 520 000 km and averaging 15 000 km in width. Lifetimes ranged from 3 hr to >24 hr. Event frequency was 1.4 per day. X-ray loop arcades evolved from sharp-edged clouds in cavities vacated by rising H filaments. Expansion velocities of the loops were 50 km s-1 immediately after excitation and 1–10 km s-1 several hours later. These long-lived loop arcades are identified with LPS, and it is suggested that the loops outlined magnetic fields which were reconnecting after filament eruptions. Another class of X-ray enhanced loops stretched outside active regions and accompanied sprays or lateral filament ejections. H brightenings occurred where these loops intersected the chromosphere. Inferred excitation velocities along the loops ranged between 300 and 1200 km s-1. It is suggested that these loops outlined closed magnetic fields guiding slow mode shocks from flares and filament eruptions.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation has been made for the dynamics of non-thermal electrons (> 10keV) injected with spatial, temporal and velocity distributions into a model coronal loop. The time variations of the spatial intensity distribution and the spectrum for the expected hard X-rays are computed for many models in order to find the important physical parameters for those characteristics.The most important one is the column density of plasma, CD, along the loop. If CD is smaller than 1020 cm–2, the expected X-rays behave like the solar impulsive hard X-ray bursts, that is the spatial maximum of X-rays shifts to the top of the loop in the later phase of the burst accompanying a spectral softening. On the other hand, if CD is greater than this value, quasi-steady decay appears in the later phase. In this case the intensity distribution of X-rays above about 20 keV along the loop shows a broad maximum away from the loop top giving an extended spatial distribution of hard X-rays, and spectral hardness is kept constant. These characteristics are similar to the solar gradual hard X-ray bursts (the so-called extended burst which is not a hot thermal gradual burst).  相似文献   

Images from the AS & E X-ray telescope on Skylab were examined for evidence of a flare build-up during the 20 minute periods preceding eight small X-ray flares. In two cases no activity could be seen up to 2 min before the flare onset. In no case did a preflare brightening occur in and only in the region which flared.  相似文献   

The work of Brown and Hoyng (1975) on the betatron acceleration of hard X-ray source electrons trapped in a vibrating flux tube is generalised to include Fermi acceleration by the varying transverse field. This development can explain the trajectory of bursts in a plot of equivalent thick-target electron flux versus spectral index as inferred from observations obtained by ESRO TD1A. Specifically the loops observed in this , diagram, unexplained in Brown and Hoyng's anslysis are accounted for by a changing phase relationship between the varying field strength f(t) and magnetic scale length g(t)- Application of the formalism to the detailed TD1A observations of the large events of 1972, August 4 and 7, allows inference of the evolution of f(t), g(t) in these events.Now at: Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A 90 s time resolution study of the soft X-ray emission from three active region loops shows the emission to be constant to about two percent over the half hour period of observation. Soft X-ray observations in two wavebands are used to deduce the temperature and density of these loops. The data unambiguously demonstrate that energy is supplied to each loop during the observations. If heating is due to discrete events, the time interval between events is shown to be less than 10 min, which is short relative to the radiative cooling time of the loops.Skylab Solar Workshop Post-Doctoral Appointee, 1975–1977. The Skylab Solar Workshops are sponsored by NASA and NSF and managed by the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research.  相似文献   

Photographic averaging of cine-camera data-frames from the 7 March 1970 eclipse provided a record of the inner white light corona with unusually high resolution for low-contrast features. We report that a coronal void, similar to high corona structures associated with prominence formation (MacQueen et al., 1983), extended low into the corona. During eclipse totality, a coronal rain prominence condensed from the base of the void.  相似文献   

We studied the morphology and spatial distribution of loops in an active region, using coordinated observations obtained with both the S082A XUV spectroheliograph and the S056 grazingincidence X-ray telescope on Skylab. The active region loops in the temperature range 5 × 105 –3 × 106 K fall basically into two distinctive groups: the hot loops with temperatures 2–3 × 106 K as observed in coronal lines and X-rays, and the relatively cool loops with temperature 5 × 105 –1 × 106 K as observed in transition-zone lines (Ne vii, Mg ix). The brightest hot coronal loops in the active region are mostly low-lying, compact, closely-packed, and show greater stability than the transition-zone loops, which are fewer in number, large, and slender. The observed aspect ratio of the hot coronal loops is in the range of 0.1 and 0.2, which are almost two orders of magnitude larger than those for the Ne vii loops. Brief discussion of the MHD stability of the loops in terms of the aspect ratio is presented.  相似文献   

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