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南极冰穹C (Dome C)的选址结果显示:Dome C具有寒冷干燥、红外背景辐射低、可连续3~4个月观测、空气明净、透过率高、风速低等特征,是比地面上任何中纬度台址都好的天文观测台址.而由我国最先登陆的内陆最高点冰穹A (Dome A)被国际天文界广泛认为可能是比Dome C更好的天文台址.近3 yr来,中国科学院南极天文中心领导开展Dome A的台址测量工作,初步结果表明Dome A作为天文台址具有巨大优势.但是到目前还没有获得直接用于衡量天文台址在光学观测方面的主要参数—视宁度数据.介绍了中国科学院南京天文光学技术研究所自行研制的我国首个用于Dome A的自动视宁度测量仪,基于一台口径35 cm的商用望远镜进行硬件改造和软件开发,使其能在Dome A低温低压环境下进行自动观测和数据处理.目前该仪器已随“雪龙号,科考船起运南极,于2011年初安装到Dome A并开始测量.起运前,在兴隆观测站与中国科学院国家天文台(国台)选址组的一台视宁度监测仪进行了对比测量,对软件、硬件和装调方法进行了检验验证.  相似文献   

在南极洲高原的冰穹C有望发现非凡的天文观测条件,受此鼓舞,许多国际小组协同努力对该地的大气条件作全面的测量.评述对冰穹C的选址现况,讨论过去、现在和计划中的选址仪器,迄今已得到的结果,以及这些结果的天文含意.  相似文献   

中国的南极天文成长小记 2005平,字阮生节队甲国雨极内陆考祭队成功登上冰写A,冗成了人类对南极高原之巅的初次探访;2006年,中国南极天文中心于中国科学院紫金山天文台成立;2008年,中国天文学家周旭和朱镇熹研究员随中国内陆考察队再次远赴冰穹A,书写了中国天文学家首次参加南极内陆科考并开展天文科学研究的新篇章;  相似文献   

2007/2008中国第24次南极科考,将中国首架南极望远镜阵CSTAR和自动天文观测站到运送到Dome A进行天文选址和天文观测,这是中国天文事业发展的重要里程碑,也是国际天文办期待与注目的重大事件,同时也是中国天文界的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

Philip Yock 《天文学报》2006,47(4):410-417
太阳系外的类地行星可借助1米级望远镜用微引力透镜技术探测.基本的要求是能对银河核球进行连续观测的能力.置于南极洲冰穹A或冰穹C的望远镜特别合适.这里叙说两种可能的观测方案,一是使用一架1米的可见光望远镜(Ⅴ和Ⅰ通带),另一是用一台2米的大视场近红外望远镜.利用它们可以在数年内对类地行星在银河系内的丰度作一粗略测量,也可以对恒星大气作有用的测量.  相似文献   

天光背景是天文台址的一个重要指标。利用2009年位于南极冰穹A的CSTAR望远镜两个波段的观测数据,对南极冰穹A的天光背景进行了统计和分析。结果表明约74%的g波段天光背景的ADU值小于每像素100/s;90.5%的r波段的天光背景的ADU值小于每像素100/s。在不考虑大气消光的情况下,定标后的结果为2009年冰穹A的观测数据中天光背景亮度的中值:g波段为19.9mag/arcsec^2,r波段为20.1mag/aresec^2。  相似文献   

《天文爱好者》1995年总目录科学普及太重要了,必须全社会共同参与2:7南极天文学纵横谈3:10天文发现十八法4:2,5:8空间天文学——现代科学前沿4:4“尤利西斯”测日记5:2考古天文学的100年5:33发生在7月26日北国夜空的奇光6:2本刊专...  相似文献   

(注:本题库试题难度分“小学”“初中”“高中”三个难度,供不同年级同学复习使用。‘“小学”和“初中”难度会在题目中标注,“初中”难度包含“小学”难度试题,“高中’难度包含全部试题.)一、选择题:,、喜欢天文学的同学们周末的时候到哪里可以了解和学习到丰富的天文知识并且能够学会拍摄美丽的天文照片。(小学)A、东城青少年科技馆天文组日、历史博物馆C、军事博物馆O、北京动物园2、光年是天文学中的_。(,J、学)A、时间单位日、长度单位C、光速单位O、质量单位3、地球到月亮的平均距离是_。(单位:公里)(小学)A、384 .000公里B、40…  相似文献   

南极高原拥有独特的天文观测优势,为了对南极中山站夜天文观测条件进行实测研究,中国科学院云南天文台专门研制了一套具有耐低温、自动除雪除霜等适应南极气候特征的全自动全天信息采集系统,该系统可以提供实时的全天云量、天光背景和全天图像,并将信息推送到网页实时显示。介绍了系统的研制及为适应南极气候进行的耐低温实验,统计分析了中山站2016~2017年的全天信息数据,结果显示,中山站2016和2017年的可观测时间为772.21 h和437.38 h,可观测夜数为93 d和51 d,天光背景最大真实值为22.05 Mag/arcsec 2,年平均气温为-10.6℃,最高气温19.1℃,最低气温为-44℃,2016年平均相对湿度为55.2%。  相似文献   

我国的南极天文光学望远镜目前架设在环境恶劣的南极冰穹A地区,观测时处于无人值守的状态。由于观测时部分光学镜面暴露在外部环境中,镜面表面的冰雪霜会降低光学系统的透光效率和反射效率。望远镜镜面除霜系统旨在降低或消除冰雪霜对光学系统的影响。基于故障树分析法建立了望远镜镜面除霜系统失效的故障分析树,通过对故障树的定性和定量分析,得到系统的最小割集和引起故障的各基本事件的结构重要度排序。结合实测结果,有效地找出系统的薄弱环节,对于提高系统的可靠性,改进和完善系统提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

Antarctica provides a unique environment for astronomers to practice their trade. The cold, dry and stable air found above the high Antarctic plateau, as well as the pure ice below, offers new opportunities for the conduct of observational astronomy across both the photon and the particle spectrum. The summits of the Antarctic plateau provide the best seeing conditions, the darkest skies and the most transparent atmosphere of any earth-based observing site. Astronomical activities are now underway at four plateau sites: the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Concordia Station at Dome C, Kunlun Station at Dome A and Fuji Station at Dome F, in addition to long duration ballooning from the coastal station of McMurdo, at stations run by the USA, France/Italy, China, Japan and the USA, respectively. The astronomy conducted from Antarctica includes optical, infrared, terahertz and sub-millimetre astronomy, measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, solar astronomy, as well as high energy astrophysics involving the measurement of cosmic rays, gamma rays and neutrinos. Antarctica is also the richest source of meteorites on our planet. An extensive range of site testing measurements have been made over the high plateau sites. In this article, we summarise the facets of Antarctica that are driving developments in astronomy there, and review the results of the site testing experiments undertaken to quantify those characteristics of the Antarctic plateau relevant for astronomical observation. We also outline the historical development of the astronomy on the continent, and then review the principal scientific results to have emerged over the past three decades of activity in the discipline. These range from determination of the dominant frequencies of the 5 min solar oscillation in 1979 to the highest angular scale measurements yet made of the power spectrum of the CMBR anisotropies in 2010. They span through infrared views of the galactic ecology in star formation complexes in 1999, the first clear demonstration that the Universe was flat in 2000, the first detection of polarization in the CMBR in 2002, the mapping of the warm molecular gas across the ~ 300 pc extent of the Central Molecular Zone of our Galaxy in 2003, the measurement of cosmic neutrinos in 2005, and imaging of the thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect in galaxy clusters in 2008. This review also discusses how science is conducted in Antarctica, and in particular the difficulties, as well as the advantages, faced by astronomers seeking to bring their experiments there. It also reviews some of the political issues that will be encountered, both at national and international level. Finally, the review discusses where Antarctic astronomy may be heading in the coming decade, in particular plans for infrared and terahertz astronomy, including the new facilities being considered for these wavebands at the high plateau stations.  相似文献   

The atmospheric properties above three sites (Dome C, Dome A and the South Pole) on the Internal Antarctic Plateau are investigated for astronomical applications using the monthly median of the analyses from ECMWF (the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Radiosoundings extended on a yearly time-scale at the South Pole and Dome C are used to quantify the reliability of the ECMWF analyses in the free atmosphere as well as in the boundary and surface layers, and to characterize the median wind speed in the first 100 m above the two sites. Thermodynamic instability properties in the free atmosphere above the three sites are quantified with monthly median values of the Richardson number. We find that the probability to trigger thermodynamic instabilities above 100 m is smaller on the Internal Antarctic Plateau than on mid-latitude sites. In spite of the generally more stable atmospheric conditions of the Antarctic sites compared to mid-latitude sites, Dome C shows worse thermodynamic instability conditions than those predicted above the South Pole and Dome A above 100 m. A rank of the Antarctic sites done with respect to the strength of the wind speed in the free atmosphere (ECMWF analyses) as well as the wind shear in the surface layer (radiosoundings) is presented.  相似文献   

The expectation that exceptional conditions for astronomy would be found at Dome C on the high Antarctic plateau has motivated a coordinated effort by a number of international teams to comprehensively measure the atmospheric conditions at this site. This paper presents an overview of the current status of site testing at Dome C. We discuss the past, present, and planned instrumentation, the main results obtained to date, and the implications of these results.  相似文献   

AST3是将要安装于位于南极内陆冰穹A的昆仑站的3台口径50 cm的施密特望远镜,寻找变源(尤其是瞬间变源)是其科考目标之一,需要通过图像相减测光方法实现.首先需要根据初期的观测数据生成标准模板图像,而后在长期观测过程中,将模板图像与新观测到的图像进行相减测光处理,从而发现变源.模板在观测中起着举足轻重的作用,给出了模板制作的流程,并且验证了其可实现性和功能的正确性.  相似文献   

Dome A in Antarctica has been demonstrated to be the best site on earth for optical, infrared, and terahertz astronomical observations by more and more evidence, such as excellent free-atmosphere seeing,extremely low perceptible water vapor, low sky background, and continuous dark time, etc. In this paper,we present a complete picture of the development of astronomy at Dome A from the very beginning, review recent progress in time-domain astronomy, demonstrate exciting results of the site testing, and address the challenges in instrumentation. Currently proposed projects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Antarctic site-testing campaigns have shown that Dome C is an excellent astronomical site on the earth, it is better than any of existing mid-latitude astronomical sites in the world, because of its cold and dry weather, low infrared background radiation, continuously observable time as long as 34 months, clear and highly transparent atmosphere, low wind speed, and the absence of dust and light pollution. And in the international astronomical community it is generally believed that Dome A with a higher altitude may be better than Dome C as a potential excellent astronomical site. In the past 3 years, although held by the Center for Antarctic Astronomy of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the site testing at Dome A has preliminarily con?rmed the many advantages of Dome A as an excellent astronomical site, but the data about the atmospheric seeing, which is an important parameter for assessing the site quality for optical observations, have not been obtained until now. Hence, on the basis of a commercial telescope with the diameter of 35 cm, we have made the hardware reformation and software development to have it operate as a DIMM (Differential Image Motion Monitor), which can simultaneously monitor both the seeing and isoplanatic angle at Dome A automatically. At present this instrument has been shipped to Antarctica by the “Xuelong” exploration ship, and will be installed at Dome A, and begin to work in early 2011. Before the shipment, by through the comparative measurements together with an existing seeing monitor at the Xinglong astronomical station, the software, hardware, as well as the installation and adjustment of the instrument, are further veri?ed by testing.  相似文献   

This article reviews the situation for robotization of telescopes and instruments at the Antarctic station Concordia on Dome C. A brain‐storming meeting was held in Tenerife in March 2007 from which this review emerged.We describe and summarize the challenges for night‐time operations of various astronomical experiments at conditions “between Earth and Space” and conclude that robotization is likely a prerequisite for continuous astronomical data taking during the 2000‐hour night at Dome C. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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