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A covariance-based model-fitting approach is often considered valid to represent field spatial variability of hydraulic properties. This study examines the representation of geologic heterogeneity in two types of geostatistical models under the same mean and spatial covariance structure, and subsequently its effect on the hydraulic response to a pumping test based on 3D high-resolution numerical simulation and field data. Two geostatistical simulation methods, sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) and transition probability indicator simulation (TPROGS) were applied to create conditional realizations of alluvial fan aquifer systems in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) area. The simulated K fields were then used in a numerical groundwater flow model to simulate a pumping test performed at the LLNL site. Spatial connectivity measures of high-K materials (channel facies) captured connectivity characteristics of each geostatistical model and revealed that the TPROGS model created an aquifer (channel) network having greater lateral connectivity. SGS realizations neglected important geologic structures associated with channel and overbank (levee) facies, even though the covariance model used to create these realizations provided excellent fits to sample covariances computed from exhaustive samplings of TPROGS realizations. Observed drawdown response in monitoring wells during a pumping test and its numerical simulation shows that in an aquifer system with strongly connected network of high-K materials, the Gaussian approach could not reproduce a similar behavior in simulated drawdown response found in TPROGS case. Overall, the simulated drawdown responses demonstrate significant disagreement between TPROGS and SGS realizations. This study showed that important geologic characteristics may not be captured by a spatial covariance model, even if that model is exhaustively determined and closely fits the exponential function.  相似文献   

Cautions and Suggestions for Geochemical Sampling in Fractured Rock   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collecting water samples for geochemical analyses in open bedrock boreholes or in discrete intervals of boreholes intersected by multiple fractures is likely to yield ambiguous results for ground water chemistry because of the variability in the transmissivity, storativity, and hydraulic head of fractures intersecting the borehole. Interpreting chemical analyses of water samples collected in bedrock boreholes requires an understanding of the hydraulic conditions in the borehole under the ambient flow regime in the aquifer as well as during sampling. Pumping in open boreholes, regardless of the pumping rate and the location of the pump intake, first draws water from the borehole and then from fractures intersecting the borehole. The time at which the volumetric rate of water entering the borehole from fractures is approximately equal to the pumping rate can be identified by monitoring the logarithm of drawdown in the borehole as a function of the logarithm of time. Mixing of water entering the borehole from fractures with water in the borehole must be considered in estimating the time at which the pump discharge is representative of aquifer water. In boreholes intersected by multiple fractures, after the contribution from the borehole volume has diminished, the contribution of fractures to the pump discharge will be weighted according to their transmissivity, regardless of the location of the pump intake. This results in a flux-averaged concentration in the pump discharge that is biased by the chemical signature of those fractures with the highest transmissivity. Under conditions where the hydraulic head of fractures varies over the length of the borehole, open boreholes will be subject to ambient flow in the water column in the borehole. In some instances, the magnitude of the ambient flow may be similar to the designated pumping rate for collecting water samples for geochemical analyses. Under such conditions, the contributions to the pump discharge from individual fractures will be a function not only of the transmissivity of the fractures, but also of the distribution of hydraulic head in fractures intersecting the borehole. To reduce or eliminate the deleterious effects of conducting geochemical sampling in open boreholes, a straddle-packer apparatus that isolates a single fracture or a series of closely spaced fractures is recommended. It is also recommended that open boreholes be permanently outfitted with borehole packers or borehole liners in instances where maintaining the hydraulic and chemical stratification in the aquifer is of importance. In a field example, a comparison of results from sampling in an open borehole and in discrete intervals of the same borehole showed dramatic differences in the concentrations of chemical constituents in the water samples, even though chemical field parameters stabilized prior to both open borehole and discrete interval sampling.  相似文献   

Cross-borehole flowmeter tests have been proposed as an efficient method to investigate preferential flowpaths in heterogeneous aquifers, which is a major task in the characterization of fractured aquifers. Cross-borehole flowmeter tests are based on the idea that changing the pumping conditions in a given aquifer will modify the hydraulic head distribution in large-scale flowpaths, producing measurable changes in the vertical flow profiles in observation boreholes. However, inversion of flow measurements to derive flowpath geometry and connectivity and to characterize their hydraulic properties is still a subject of research. In this study, we propose a framework for cross-borehole flowmeter test interpretation that is based on a two-scale conceptual model: discrete fractures at the borehole scale and zones of interconnected fractures at the aquifer scale. We propose that the two problems may be solved independently. The first inverse problem consists of estimating the hydraulic head variations that drive the transient borehole flow observed in the cross-borehole flowmeter experiments. The second inverse problem is related to estimating the geometry and hydraulic properties of large-scale flowpaths in the region between pumping and observation wells that are compatible with the head variations deduced from the first problem. To solve the borehole-scale problem, we treat the transient flow data as a series of quasi-steady flow conditions and solve for the hydraulic head changes in individual fractures required to produce these data. The consistency of the method is verified using field experiments performed in a fractured-rock aquifer.  相似文献   

In the area near the village of Jazak (southern part of Fruška Gora mountain, Serbia), hydrogeological investigations were carried out for the purpose of finding a water supply source to provide an adequate volume of water for a mineral water bottling plant. The first exploratory borehole (IBJf-1) penetrated a water-bearing layer of Miocene organogenic limestones. This aquifer has a thickness of about 30 m and a yield of only 2.2 l/s, which falls short of the required water volume (5 l/s).The objective of further exploration was to define the attitude and extension of the aquifer and thus select a more favourable site for a new exploratory borehole that would secure the required volume of water. For this purpose, geophysical exploration was carried out in 2003 through vertical electrical sounding (VES) and high-resolution 3D reflection seismic methods. The VES measurements enabled determination of aquifer depth and indicated that the water-bearing strata extend over the entire area studied. However, because of the equivalence problem, it was not possible to determine the thickness of the water-bearing stratum based solely on the VES data. Thus, the 3D seismic method was used in the second stage of investigation. A low-cost 3D seismic survey was carried out with fixed receiver lines, using a vibrator as the source of the seismic waves.From the 3D seismic data it was possible to determine the aquifer thickness. The depth of the aquifer determined by interpretation of the 3D seismic data was in accordance with the depth determined by the VES method. Based on the assumption that the hydraulic conductivity of this formation is identical or similar over the entire area, as well as the fact that the first well showed the presence of a subartesian aquifer, we proposed drilling another borehole (IBJf-2) in the zone where the data indicated that the water-bearing stratum was much thicker. The data obtained by drilling and coring were in agreement with the predicted aquifer thickness. Pumping tests showed that the water discharge in borehole IBJf-2 was 6 l/s.The results show that the objective of delineating the groundwater body by combined application of two geophysical methods (VES and 3D seismic) was successfully performed.  相似文献   

Borehole dilution tests have been used for characterization of aquifer hydrogeologic properties for several decades. Based on the principles of borehole dilution tests, we conducted what more appropriately may be considered a wellbore fluid displacement test in a limestone aquifer in South Carolina. Our study area is a quarry in the coastal plain of South Carolina. Using a solution of reagent grade NaCl and deionized H2O as a tracer, a brine slug was introduced into a 5 cm (2 in.) diameter Schedule 40 PVC well with a 6-m slotted screen at the bottom. Immediately following addition of the brine, a recording electrical conductivity (EC) sensor was placed in the well opposite the screen and set to record EC in 2-min intervals for 5 days. An alternative to previous methods for analyzing data from wellbore brine displacement tests was developed. Results were analyzed using SEAWAT-2000 to account for the density dependency of brine flow and transport. The high spatial resolution, three-dimensional numerical simulation enabled direct incorporation of well construction peculiarities, including the sand pack and length of screen, in the data analysis. Hydraulic conductivity, effective porosity, and longitudinal dispersivity were adjusted in the simulation model until the best match of simulated wellbore fluid concentrations to observed concentrations was achieved. Using this procedure, we were able to obtain a very close agreement between observed and simulated concentrations and, hence, reliable estimates of the hydrogeologic properties of the aquifer in the vicinity of the test well.  相似文献   

Characterization of a multilayer aquifer using open well dilution tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
West LJ  Odling NE 《Ground water》2007,45(1):74-84
An approach to characterization of multilayer aquifer systems using open well borehole dilution is described. The approach involves measuring observation well flow velocities while a nearby extraction well is pumped by introducing a saline tracer into observation wells and collecting dilution vs. depth profiles. Inspection of tracer profile evolution allows discrete permeable layers within the aquifer to be identified. Dilution profiles for well sections between permeable layers are then converted into vertical borehole flow velocities and their evolution, using an analytic solution to the advection-dispersion equation applied to borehole flow. The dilution approach is potentially able to measure much smaller flow velocities that would be detectable using flowmeters. Vertical flow velocity data from the observation wells are then matched to those generated using a hydraulic model of the aquifer system, "shorted" by the observation wells, to yield the hydraulic properties of the constituent layers. Observation well flow monitoring of pumping tests represents a cost-effective alternative or preliminary approach to pump testing each layer of a multilayer aquifer system separately using straddle packers or screened wells and requires no prior knowledge of permeable layer depths and thicknesses. The modification described here, of using tracer dilution rather than flowmeter logging to obtain well flow velocities, allows the approach to be extended to greater well separations, thus characterizing a larger volume of the aquifer. An example of the application of this approach to a multilayer Chalk Aquifer in Yorkshire, Northeast England, is presented.  相似文献   

In a series of field experiments, we evaluate the influence of a small water pressure change on fracture aperture during a hydraulic test. An experimental borehole is instrumented at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Underground Research Tunnel (KURT). The target fracture for testing was found from the analyses of borehole logging and hydraulic tests. A double packer system was developed and installed in the test borehole to directly observe the aperture change due to water pressure change. Using this packer system, both aperture and flow rate are directly observed under various water pressures. Results indicate a slight change in fracture hydraulic head leads to an observable change in aperture. This suggests that aperture change should be considered when analyzing hydraulic test data from a sparsely fractured rock aquifer.  相似文献   

The knowledge of hydraulic properties of aquifers is important in many engineering applications. Careful design of ground‐coupled heat exchangers requires that the hydraulic characteristics and thermal properties of the aquifer must be well understood. Knowledge of groundwater flow rate and aquifer thermal properties is the basis for proper design of such plants. Different methods have been developed in order to estimate hydraulic conductivity by evaluating the transport of various tracers (chemical, heat etc.); thermal response testing (TRT) is a specific type of heat tracer that allows including the hydraulic properties in an effective thermal conductivity value. Starting from these considerations, an expeditious, graphical method was proposed to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer, using TRT data and plausible assumption. Suggested method, which is not yet verified or proven to be reliable, should be encouraging further studies and development in this direction.  相似文献   

An integrated study using geophysical method in combination with pumping tests and geochemical method was carried out to delineate groundwater potential zones in Mian Channu area of Pakistan. Vertical electrical soundings (VES) using Schlumberger configuration with maximum current electrode spacing (AB/2 = 200 m) were conducted at 50 stations and 10 pumping tests at borehole sites were performed in close proximity to 10 of the VES stations. The aim of this study is to establish a correlation between the hydraulic parameters obtained from geophysical method and pumping tests so that the aquifer potential can be estimated from the geoelectrical surface measurements where no pumping tests exist. The aquifer parameters, namely, transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity were estimated from Dar Zarrouyk parameters by interpreting the layer parameters such as true resistivities and thicknesses. Geoelectrical succession of five‐layer strata (i.e., topsoil, clay, clay sand, sand, and sand gravel) with sand as a dominant lithology was found in the study area. Physicochemical parameters interpreted by World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization were well correlated with the aquifer parameters obtained by geoelectrical method and pumping tests. The aquifer potential zones identified by modeled resistivity, Dar Zarrouk parameters, pumped aquifer parameters, and physicochemical parameters reveal that sand and gravel sand with high values of transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity are highly promising water bearing layers in northwest of the study area. Strong correlation between estimated and pumped aquifer parameters suggest that, in case of sparse well data, geophysical technique is useful to estimate the hydraulic potential of the aquifer with varying lithology.  相似文献   

Most established methods to characterize aquifer structure and hydraulic conductivities of hydrostratigraphical units are not capable of delivering sufficient information in the spatial resolution that is desired for sophisticated numerical contaminant transport modeling and adapted remediation design. With hydraulic investigation methods based on the direct-push (DP) technology such as DP slug tests, DP injection logging, and the hydraulic profiling tool, it is possible to rapidly delineate hydrogeological structures and estimate their hydraulic conductivity in shallow unconsolidated aquifers without the need for wells. A combined application of these tools was used for the investigation of a contaminated German refinery site and for the setup of hydraulic aquifer models. The quality of DP investigation and the models was evaluated by comparisons of tracer transport simulations using these models and measured breakthroughs of two natural gradient tracer tests. Model scenarios considering the information of all tools together showed good reproduction of the measured breakthroughs, indicating the suitability of the approach and a minor impact of potential technical limitations. Using the DP slug tests alone yielded significantly higher deviations for the determined hydraulic conductivities compared to considering two or three of the tools. Realistic aquifer models developed on basis of such combined DP investigation approaches can help optimize remediation concepts or identify flow regimes for aquifers with a complex structure.  相似文献   

Forced gradient tracer tests between two boreholes can be used to study contaminant transport processes at the small field scale or investigate the transport properties of an aquifer. Full depth tests, in which tracer samples are collected just from the discharge of the abstraction borehole, often give rise to breakthrough curves with multiple peaks that are usually attributed to different flow paths through the aquifer that can rarely be identified from the test results alone. Tests in selected levels of the aquifer, such as those between packer‐isolated sections of the boreholes, are time consuming, expensive; and the identification of major transport pathways is not guaranteed. We present a method for simultaneously conducting multiple tracer tests covering the full depth of the boreholes, in which tracer sampling and monitoring is carried out by a novel multilevel sampling system allowing high frequency and cumulative sampling options. The method is applied to a tracer test using fluorescein conducted in the multilayered sandstone aquifer beneath the city of Birmingham, UK, producing six well‐defined tracer breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological investigations were carried out in an arid area of Inner-Mongolia to determine the locations of future water supply resources. The first geophysical survey was conducted near Baiqi to identify favorable boreholes using magnetic resonance sounding (MRS). The yield capacities of 43 sites were investigated, and the extent of the potential groundwater storage was determined. Previous studies have indicated that a major tectonic structure may have a significant impact on the groundwater flow and well yield in the study area. Therefore, high-resolution seismic surveys were applied in the second stage of the investigation to determine the fault locations. After the regional identification, a major structure was investigated in detail to map the fracture patterns. Based on the assumption that the hydraulic conductivity of this formation is similar along the entire strike of the fracture, we proposed drilling a borehole (BQ3) in the zone. However, this well has a yield of only 0.8 L/s, falling short of the required flow rate of 3.0 L/s. Therefore, the objective of the final stage of exploration was to accurately define the attitude and extension of the aquifer and to select a more favorable borehole site that would meet the required water flow rate. The geophysical exploration was carried out using time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and MRS methods. The MRS results suggest optimal locations for water supply boreholes within the subsurface structures mapped by the TDEM inversion method. The data obtained by drilling and coring are in agreement with the predicted aquifer thickness from the TDEM data. Pumping tests indicate that the water discharge of borehole BQ4 was 3.5 L/s. Our results demonstrate that the delineation of the groundwater body using a combined application of three geophysical methods (the MRS, TDEM and 2D seismic methods) was successful.  相似文献   

Borehole flowmeters that measure horizontal flow velocity and direction of groundwater flow are being increasingly applied to a wide variety of environmental problems. This study was carried out to evaluate the measurement accuracy of several types of flowmeters in an unconsolidated aquifer simulator. Flowmeter response to hydraulic gradient, aquifer properties, and well‐screen construction was measured during 2003 and 2005 at the U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. The flowmeters tested included a commercially available heat‐pulse flowmeter, an acoustic Doppler flowmeter, a scanning colloidal borescope flowmeter, and a fluid‐conductivity logging system. Results of the study indicated that at least one flowmeter was capable of measuring borehole flow velocity and direction in most simulated conditions. The mean error in direction measurements ranged from 15.1° to 23.5° and the directional accuracy of all tested flowmeters improved with increasing hydraulic gradient. The range of Darcy velocities examined in this study ranged 4.3 to 155 ft/d. For many plots comparing the simulated and measured Darcy velocity, the squared correlation coefficient (r2) exceeded 0.92. The accuracy of velocity measurements varied with well construction and velocity magnitude. The use of horizontal flowmeters in environmental studies appears promising but applications may require more than one type of flowmeter to span the range of conditions encountered in the field. Interpreting flowmeter data from field settings may be complicated by geologic heterogeneity, preferential flow, vertical flow, constricted screen openings, and nonoptimal screen orientation.  相似文献   

Modeling and laboratory experiments have demonstrated the ability of oscillatory hydraulic tomography (OHT) to characterize heterogeneity in aquifer hydraulic properties. In OHT, a location is stressed via periodic pumping/injection at a set frequency, and the resulting head signal is measured at a number of monitoring locations. The source of oscillations is repeatedly moved, allowing tomographic imaging of aquifer properties. Changing the period of oscillation also results in observations with additional information. In theory, OHT is comparable to other hydraulic tomography methods in that distributed pressure change measurements provide characterization information. In practice, OHT has several benefits including: (1) little to no water injected into or extracted from the aquifer; and (2) an observational signal at a set period that can be easily extracted in the presence of noise. We report the first field application of OHT, carried out at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site (BHRS) using an oscillating signal generator with a very small cycling volume of <2 L, and a period range of 5 to 70 s. For these tests, signals were detected at distances of over 15 m. After processing to extract periodic signal properties, we perform tomography using a frequency-domain numerical model for groundwater flow. In comparing results against prior characterization results from the BHRS, we find moderate to strong positive correlations between K profiles estimated via different methods at multiple wells, with moderate overall correlation between estimated three-dimensional (3D) K volumes.  相似文献   

Water level fluctuations induced by tidal strains can be analyzed to estimate the elastic properties, porosity, and transmissivity of the surrounding aquifer material. We review underutilized methods for estimating aquifer properties from the confined response to earth tides. The earth tide analyses are applied to an open well penetrating a confined carbonate aquifer. The resulting range of elastic and hydraulic aquifer properties are in general agreement with that determined by other investigators for the area of the well. The analyses indicate that passive monitoring data from wells completed in sufficiently stiff, low porosity formations can provide useful information on the properties of the surrounding formation.  相似文献   

Ground water flow in karst terranes generally occurs in the solution channels of carbonate aquifers. A hydrogeologist may utilize borehole geophysical methods to identify these solution channels in aquifers. Two specific methods that are applicable in karst terrains are:
1. Natural gamma ray logging
2. Borehole caliper logging.
Gamma ray logging can detect the presence of inter-bedded strata in the main limestone unit, such as shale, which emit high levels of gamma radiation. Gamma ray logging can also detect clay deposits in solution channels that may act to restrict the flow of ground water. The areal extent of these rock strata or clay-filled solution channels can be determined when gamma ray logs are conducted at several borehole locations across the site of investigation.
Borehole caliper logging can be employed to determine the presences of solution channels within the aquifer when penetrated by a borehole. In addition, since shale layers and clay filling are less resistant than the surrounding limestone, the caliper log may detect both the presence and the thickness of shale or clay layers in the aquifer.
Gamma ray logs can be used in conjunction with caliper logs to provide data on the stratigraphic location and thickness of solution channels and clay and shale layers within a limestone aquifer. This information is valuable to the hydrogeologist performing investigations at sites located in limestone terranes because ground water flow preferentially occurs along solution channels.  相似文献   

Illman WA  Berg SJ  Yeh TC 《Ground water》2012,50(3):421-431
The main purpose of this paper was to compare three approaches for predicting solute transport. The approaches include: (1) an effective parameter/macrodispersion approach (Gelhar and Axness 1983); (2) a heterogeneous approach using ordinary kriging based on core samples; and (3) a heterogeneous approach based on hydraulic tomography. We conducted our comparison in a heterogeneous sandbox aquifer. The aquifer was first characterized by taking 48 core samples to obtain local-scale hydraulic conductivity (K). The spatial statistics of these K values were then used to calculate the effective parameters. These K values and their statistics were also used for kriging to obtain a heterogeneous K field. In parallel, we performed a hydraulic tomography survey using hydraulic tests conducted in a dipole fashion with the drawdown data analyzed using the sequential successive linear estimator code (Yeh and Liu 2000) to obtain a K distribution (or K tomogram). The effective parameters and the heterogeneous K fields from kriging and hydraulic tomography were used in forward simulations of a dipole conservative tracer test. The simulated and observed breakthrough curves and their temporal moments were compared. Results show an improvement in predictions of drawdown behavior and tracer transport when the K tomogram from hydraulic tomography was used. This suggests that the high-resolution prediction of solute transport is possible without collecting a large number of small-scale samples to estimate flow and transport properties that are costly to obtain at the field scale.  相似文献   

Temperature is often used to infer the effect of land use and climate conditions on aquifers. Reliable data are needed to examine the temperature behaviour in the subsurface; thus, the use of robust acquisition techniques is unavoidable. Three temperature measurement techniques were applied to assess the sources of bias that could occur during temperature logging in a shallow Quaternary coastal aquifer in Ferrara (Northern Italy). Open borehole temperature logging, multilevel sampling straddle packers isolated temperature measurements within a flow cell above ground and multilevel sampling straddle packers isolated temperature measurements via an in‐well level logger (MLS‐IW) were compared for several coastal monitoring wells to gain insights on the limitations of each technique. Results show that the source of bias between the three applied techniques are different: (i) the open borehole temperature logging method tends to record heat convection through the open borehole and is not representative of the aquifer temperature distribution; (ii) the multilevel sampling straddle packers isolated temperature measurements within a flow cell above ground method is swayed by the air temperature and the heating of the submersible pump used to lift groundwater above ground; and (iii) the MLS‐IW provides the most reliable vertical thermal profiling both in summer and winter, because groundwater temperature is directly measured at the selected monitoring depth. The implementation of a 1D flow model demonstrates that if precise temperature profiles are needed to infer the influence that land use and climate changes have on groundwater, the MLS‐IW method is a reliable method that could be applied to existing monitoring wells. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bright J  Wang F  Close M 《Ground water》2002,40(5):529-534
The effect of increasing the amount of hydraulic conductivity (K) data on the level of uncertainty about contaminant concentration predictions was examined. Contaminant concentrations were predicted using Monte Carlo numerical simulations with progressively more K information, and were compared to reference data obtained from a physical experiment. Increasing the amount of K data used in generating the aquifer's K field improved the measure of confidence in the predicted contaminant concentration. The normalized concentration interval with 95% confidence decreased from 1.29 to 0.75 when the amount of K data increased from 20 to 71. However, the trade-off is the increase in the costs of aquifer investigation. Conducting Monte Carlo numerical simulations may help design an optimal aquifer investigation scheme, so that it can provide enough input data to predict concentrations with the desired level of confidence and at the same time avoid the excessive costs of aquifer investigation.  相似文献   

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