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洪泽湖轮虫群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
2010年5月至2011年2月对洪泽湖轮虫进行季度采样,分析了洪泽湖轮虫的种类组成、时空分布及其群落结构与环境因子的关系.结果表明,洪泽湖共观察到轮虫17属34种,优势种为螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、前节晶囊轮虫(Asplanchna priodonta)、长肢多肢轮虫(Polyarthra dolichoptera)、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)和曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga).轮虫种类的空间分布格局呈现较大差异,种类数在北部成子湖最高(27种),西南部湖区次之(26种),东部沿岸带最低(19种);而密度则表现为西南部湖区略高于成子湖,东部沿岸带最低.轮虫的群落结构季节差异明显,密度和生物量在春季最高,秋季次之,而夏季最低.典范对应分析结果表明,水温、溶解氧及叶绿素a等因子对轮虫种类的季节变化及密度生物量的影响最大;总磷、总氮及可溶性无机氮等水体中的营养盐也是影响轮虫群落结构的重要因素.  相似文献   

Murchison Bay is a shallow embayment in the north-western part of Lake Victoria, strongly influenced by urban pollution from the Ugandan capital Kampala. Two stations, representing the semi-enclosed innermost part of the bay and the wider outer part of the bay, were sampled in the period from April 2003 to March 2004, in order to assess the phytoplankton community and the nutrient status in the bay. Murchison Bay was highly eutrophic with average concentrations (n=25) of total phosphorous >90 μg L−1 and total nitrogen >1100 μg L−1 in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community was dominated by a variety of cyanobacterial species and diatoms. Cyanobacteria were dominant in the whole bay, whereas diatoms were more abundant in the outer part of the bay. Moreover, the proportion of N-fixing species like Anabaena sp. was higher in the outer part of the bay, whereas species like Microcystis sp. were more abundant in the inner part of the bay. The phytoplankton community, especially in the outer part of the bay, may be influenced by light limitation. Low NO3-N concentrations in the bay may also indicate a possible N-limitation, thus favouring growth of N-fixing cyanobacteria. The open bay is, however, a complex system, and additional environmental factors and loss processes most likely affect the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

为探究呼伦湖浮游植物群落的季节变化特征及其与环境因子的关系,本研究分别于2019年3、5 10月对呼伦湖浮游植物的种类、细胞密度和生物量及湖水水质进行调查.结果显示,共鉴定出120种浮游植物,隶属于7门72属.从浮游植物群落季节组成差异上来看,春季绿藻门种类数最多,其次是硅藻门、蓝藻门;夏秋季绿藻门种类数最多,蓝藻门次之;冬季硅藻门种类数最多,绿藻门次之.呼伦湖浮游植物优势种主要为硅藻门的梅尼小环藻(Cyclotella meneghiniana)、蓝藻门的卷曲长孢藻(Anabaena circinalis)和细小平裂藻(Merismopedia minima),种类数在春季最多,秋冬季最少.浮游植物细胞密度在春季(123.52×104cells/L)和冬季(16.41×104cells/L)较夏季(280.80×104cells/L)和秋季(380.63×104cells/L)低,春冬季绿藻门细胞密度最高,夏秋季蓝藻门细胞密度最高.就浮游植物生物量而言,夏季(0.38mg/L)最大,其次是秋季(0...  相似文献   

开展高原湖泊酵母菌多样性研究,能够为湖泊生态系统的保护提供理论依据,并为其中特殊酵母菌资源的开发及利用奠定基础.结合经典分类法及26S rDNA D1/D2区域序列分析,对分离自云南抚仙湖湖水中的553株酵母菌进行系统分类,运用SPSS 19.0软件比较不同区域酵母菌多样性,并采用多元统计方法定量分析酵母菌空间分布特征及其与理化因子之间的关系.结果显示:抚仙湖水体中分布22属52种和1个潜在新分类单元的酵母菌.理化因子差异性分析表明,北沿岸区总有机碳浓度明显高于南沿岸区.Pearson分析则表明,抚仙湖湖水总有机碳浓度与酵母菌丰度呈显著正相关.另外,酵母菌-环境冗余分析显示,抚仙湖酵母菌种群结构与总有机碳浓度存在明显相关.研究显示云南抚仙湖酵母菌资源比较丰富,人类活动对其中酵母菌空间分布具有一定影响.  相似文献   

杞麓湖作为典型的富营养化高原湖泊,其藻华暴发引发的微囊藻毒素(microcystins, MCs)污染问题会危害水生态安全并造成人体健康风险。为了评估杞麓湖流域MCs的秋冬季节污染现状以及健康风险情况,对湖内和7条主要入湖河流入湖口的表层水进行采样检测,分析MCs主要异构体的时空分布特征,研究MCs与水质和浮游植物等环境因子的关系,并通过人体非致癌健康风险评价MCs的风险等级。结果发现,MCs浓度自秋季到冬季呈下降趋势,秋季湖内胞内MCs(IMCs)占比超过99%,冬季IMCs与胞外MCs(EMCs)浓度接近。MC-RR和MC-LR是主要的MCs异构体类型,其中MC-RR在秋季浓度占比高于MC-LR和MC-YR,而冬季MC-LR最高。MCs与微囊藻密度等生物因子呈极显著正相关关系,与TN、TP和NH3-N营养盐呈显著负相关关系。杞麓湖EMCs污染的风险指数范围为0.004~0.110,处于极低或低风险,冬季风险略高于秋季,因南岸入湖EMCs污染以及湖内IMCs释放带来的风险需要进一步关注。  相似文献   

青海湖水位变化与湖区气候要素的相关分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
马钰 《湖泊科学》1996,8(2):103-106
对湖区现有气象和水文资料作相关分析后得出,影响青海湖水位或水量的主要气象因子是前期降水量、当年蒸发量、水汽压饱和差及融冰期开始后的气温。影响湖周水系流量的气象因子则视发源地远近而异:源于近处的短程河溪的流量受制于当时降水量;源于冰山雪岭的较长河流的流量,由发源地及其流域的固态水储量和当时热状况而定。  相似文献   

Magdi M. Ali   《Limnologica》2003,33(4):305-315
The shoreline vegetation of Lake Nubia in Sudan was studied by means of morphological characteristics and functional traits of plants established-phase as published in literature reviews. The 57 species recorded in 83 sampling sites were classified according to 15 morphological traits into six Plant Functional Types (PFTs), using Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN). Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to evaluate the homogeneity of these groups in terms of their traits. The resulting PFTs were related to the physicogeographical variables measured (soil texture, soil moisture, soil thickness and elevation) using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The ratios in occurrences of the functional types were calculated per each moisture segment, and can be used as an indicator of the shoreline dynamics.  相似文献   

The freshwater microalgal species, Gonyostomum semen, has increased in abundance and distribution in boreal lakes during the past few decades, concerning ecologists and water managers. Due to its rapid spread, G. semen has often been referred to as an invasive species, although it was first described in the 1800s. We hypothesized that G. semen is not an invasive species in Norwegian lakes, and that the increasing success is due to beneficial changes in environmental conditions for this species during the past century. We tested these hypotheses by performing a paleolimnological study of a Norwegian Lake, Skjeklesjøen, with known mass occurrence of G. semen. A specific G. semen pigment biomarker, heteroxanthin, was used to detect this species in layers of a sediment core with known age determinations. Environmental factors in both lake and catchment were further investigated and the relationships with the amounts of G. semen was tested. Our results suggested that G. semen was in fact not an invasive species in this lake the past decades. Several factors were identified as plausible drivers for G. semen in this boreal lake. Between 1874–2016, the increasing levels of G. semen in Lake Skjeklesjøen was most closely correlated with Carbon (C), lake color (measured as absorbance of sediment extracts), Nitrogen (N) and spring temperature. Our results suggest that the rapid increase in G. semen population in this boreal lake over the past 70 years was probably due to a combination of climate change and local anthropogenic activities in the catchment, causing increased browning and increased inputs of organic matter and nutrients.  相似文献   

The study of the multiannual thermal dynamics of Lake Iseo, a deep lake in the Italian pre‐alpine area, is presented. Interflow was found to be the dominant river entrance mode, suggesting future susceptibility of the lake thermal structure to the overall effects of climate change expected in the upstream alpine watershed. A lake model employed the results of a long‐term hydrologic model to simulate the effects of a climate change scenario on the lake's thermal evolution for the period 2012–2050. The model predicts an overall average increase in the lake water temperature of 0.012 °C/year and a reinforced Schmidt thermal stability of the water column in the winter up to 800 J/m2. Both these effects may further hinder the deep circulation process, which is vital for the oxygenation of deep water. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖冰光谱特征是湖冰遥感反演的物理基础,是研究湖冰光学特性和空间分布的理论依据。本文以查干湖为例,使用ASD Field Spec 4便携式地物光谱仪采集冰封期不同类型湖冰、积雪和水体光谱,利用Savitzky-Golay滤波法和包络线去除法分析白冰、灰冰、黑冰、雪冰、积雪和水体的反射光谱特征,探索气泡对湖冰反射光谱特征的影响。积雪和雪冰、白冰和灰冰、黑冰和水体的反射特征随着波长的变化特征基本一致,冰的反射率介于积雪和水体之间,其中白冰的反射率高于灰冰和黑冰,在包络线去除结果中,黑冰和水体在440 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积为5.184和10.878、吸收深度为0.052和0.106,雪、雪冰、白冰、灰冰在800和1030 nm吸收谷处的吸收面积和吸收深度的变化表现为雪<雪冰<灰冰<白冰。气泡是影响湖冰光谱特征的重要因素,气泡使白冰反射率减小和黑冰反射率增大,并且气泡使得白冰在800/1030nm和黑冰在440 nm处的吸收面积和吸收深度减小,其中气泡大小和疏密程度的不同会导致湖冰反射率的影响程度存在差异。同时,本文选取时间同步的Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像,在完成辐...  相似文献   

The abundance and the biomass of bacterial, phytoplanktonic, and ciliate communities were estimated at different depths during the spring planktonic development in an oligo-mesotrophic lake (the Pavin lake).The bacterial population, which consists mainly of free bacteria (94% of the total bacterial abundance), displays only low cell densities (0.6 to 7 × 105 cells · ml–1) and represents low biomass values (0.9 to 11.5 µgC·l–1) The bacteria represent from 0.9 to 23.8% (M = 9.7%) of the microplanktonic biomass (with the exclusion of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, i.e. bacteria + phytoplankton + ciliates, size range 0.2–160 µm). The abundance of the phytoplankton varies between 0.5 and 1.8 × 106 cells·l–1, and the biomass values between 12 and 118 µC·l–1. The phytoplankton population constitutes the largest part of the microplanktonic biomass (51.9 to 96.6%, M = 80.6%), and the diatomMelosira italica subsp.subarctica is the largely dominant species of this community. The population of ciliates, essentiallyOligotrichida andScuticociliatida, displays densities between 1.3 and 38.3 × 103 cells·l–1 (M = 6.7 × 103 cells·l–1), and biomass values vary from 0.10 to 16.30 µgC·l–1 (M = 6.01 µgC·l–1). The ciliates constitute thus from 0.1 to 26.4% (M = 9.8%) of the microplanktonic biomass. Whereas the oligotrichs are best represented in the euphotic zone, the small-sized scuticociliates dominate in the hypolimnion. Besides, species having symbionts and considered to be mixotrophic (Strobilidium gyrans, Strombidium viride, Stokesia vernalis) develop preferentially in the epilimnion and constitute more than 50% of the total ciliate biomass.  相似文献   

为了解南四湖大型底栖动物群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系,于2010年对南四湖15个采样点的底栖动物和生态环境进行4次调查研究.结果表明:共检出底栖动物23种,栖息密度和生物量为311.57 ind./m2和44.39 g/m2;群落物种优势度指数较高,优势种集中于羽摇蚊幼虫(Chironomus plumosus)和霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri),分别占个体总数的77.45%和11.39%;水生植物生物量为1613 g/m2,盖度为33%,存在显著季节变化与空间差异,但底栖动物群落特征与之无显著相关性;南四湖水域主要污染物为氮,其次为磷,最后为高锰酸钾指数;2010年度除底栖动物物种数与水体CODMn含量呈显著负相关以及栖息密度与水体相关加权综合营养状态指数呈显著正相关外,其余底栖动物群落特征与水生植物、水质理化指标及营养状态间均未表现出显著相关性;依据底栖动物Goodnight-Whitley生物指数和水质相关加权综合营养状态指数评价结果,南四湖除局部区域受到严重的外源污染外,总体为清洁-中度营养类型.  相似文献   

青海湖盆地35万年来的植被演化及环境变迁   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
本文依据青海湖南岸二郎剑阶地QH-86孔(深155m)中200余个孢粉样品的分析资料,将该孔深78m以上的孢粉图式,从下至上划分出七个区域性孢粉带,并结合铀系法测年数据,论述了350ka B.P.来的湖区植被和环境演变。其气候曲线与毗邻的柴达木盆地,甚至与深海钻孔及洛川黄土,具有可对比性。  相似文献   

基于2019-2020期间在盘锦市含章湖利用浮式观测平台开展湖冰原型观测试验,分析不同因素对湖冰变化造成的影响.结果 表明:99 d冰期内湖冰的生消过程可概述为:湖泊封冻(3 a)-稳定生长(62 d)-冰厚稳定(7 d)-加速消融(24 d)—破碎分解(3 d).生长期冰厚的平均增长速率为0.4 cm/d,最大冰厚为...  相似文献   

High-levels of microplastic pollution in a large,remote, mountain lake   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Despite the large and growing literature on microplastics in the ocean, little information exists on microplastics in freshwater systems. This study is the first to evaluate the abundance, distribution, and composition of pelagic microplastic pollution in a large, remote, mountain lake. We quantified pelagic microplastics and shoreline anthropogenic debris in Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia. With an average microplastic density of 20,264 particles km−2, Lake Hovsgol is more heavily polluted with microplastics than the more developed Lakes Huron and Superior in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Fragments and films were the most abundant microplastic types; no plastic microbeads and few pellets were observed. Household plastics dominated the shoreline debris and were comprised largely of plastic bottles, fishing gear, and bags. Microplastic density decreased with distance from the southwestern shore, the most populated and accessible section of the park, and was distributed by the prevailing winds. These results demonstrate that without proper waste management, low-density populations can heavily pollute freshwater systems with consumer plastics.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中S、C及其比值的环境意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以浅淡水湖固城湖和微咸水湖岱海为例,研究沉积物中有面碳,总硫和其比值(OC/TS)的垂向分布规律及其沉积环境(沉积时期的气候冷暖及干湿变化等),古盐度及环境污染等方面的意义,固城湖沉积物的氧化还原交界面(5cm深处)上硫高碳低,OC/TS突然变小,岱海在高水位年代OC/TS增高,低水位年则降低,分别属于冷湿和冷干气候条件下的沉积特征,论证了OC/TS指标从海洋沉积研究移植到湖泊沉积研究的可用性及其应用前景。  相似文献   

于2009年2-11月对洱海轮虫进行月际采样,分析洱海轮虫的多样性及其群落结构季节动态特征.洱海作为一个高原湖泊,其轮虫种类组成仍然呈现出热带-亚热带的主要特征.本研究共鉴定轮虫68种,多数种类为广布性或暖水性种类,隶属17科25属,异尾轮属、腔轮属和臂尾轮属是种类最多的三个属,占鉴定轮虫种类的37%.Lecane arcuata和Tricho-cera inermis为我国新纪录种.轮虫生物量的季节分布呈"双峰型",并分别出现在休渔期的中期和捕鱼期前期.在休渔期中期,轮虫主要以前节晶囊轮虫为优势种;在捕鱼期前期,轮虫先以螺形龟甲轮虫和广生多肢轮虫为优势,后以前节晶囊轮虫为优势.季节性休渔不仅使鱼类对轮虫的捕食压力出现季节性变化,而且还通过影响枝角类的群落结构改变枝角类对轮虫的竞争压力.在捕食和竞争的双重作用下,轮虫主要以大型杂食性种类———前节晶囊轮虫为优势种类,并呈现"双峰型"的季节分布模式.  相似文献   

Inlay Lake is the second largest natural lake in Myanmar. Located in Shan State, in the eastern part of the country, it is a known biodiversity hotspot. The lake is negatively affected by an increasing local human population and rapid growth in both agriculture and tourism. In recent decades, several studies have listed faunistic and floristic groups in Inlay Lake, but there is still a general lack of knowledge about the aquatic macrophyte and phytoplankton community composition and abundance, and their interactions. To fill this knowledge gap, field surveys of biological and physical and chemical parameters were carried out in the period 2014–2017. They show that Inlay Lake is a shallow, clear water and calcareous lake, with nutrient concentrations indicating mesotrophic-eutrophic conditions. However, close to the shore, nutrient concentrations are generally higher, reflecting pollution from inflowing rivers, shoreline villages and floating gardens. Both the richness and abundance of aquatic macrophytes in Inlay Lake were high, with several species forming extensive stands in most of the lake over the whole survey period. Total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial biomass were low, but cyanobacteria included toxin-producing strains of Microcystis, suggesting that cyanobacterial and total phytoplankton biomass need to be kept low to avoid potentially harmful cyanobacterial blooms. Submerged macrophyte abundance and phytoplankton biomass were inversely correlated in the heavily vegetated northern lake area. Our survey suggests a great importance of the submerged macrophytes to the general water quality and the clear water state in Inlay Lake. Maintaining high macrophyte abundances should therefore be a goal in management strategies, both for Inlay Lake and other lakes in Myanmar. It is highly desirable to include macrophytes and phytoplankton in the lake monitoring in Myanmar.  相似文献   

洱海近50a来沉水植被演替及其主要驱动要素   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
依据文献报道的洱海水质、水文(水位)和沉水植被(物种组成、生物量及分布面积)数据,分析了近50年来洱海的水质变化、水位波动情况以及沉水植被的演替过程,探讨了驱动洱海沉水植被演替的主要环境因子.分析表明,洱海沉水植被群落经历了原生、过渡、顶级和衰退等主要阶段;自1980s以来,流域入湖营养盐增加、水质持续下降、藻类生物量逐年升高、沉水植被群落结构简单化和抑藻功能退化等因素是驱动洱海沉水植被演替与分布的原动力,水位大幅波动加速了洱海水生态系统由清水态向浊水态转变,并导致沉水植物大量衰退和某些特有物种消失.因此,在洱海水生态系统的治理以及沉水植被的恢复过程中,应优先考虑降低外源营养盐输入和优化水位调控.  相似文献   

新疆布伦托海轮虫群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文于2006年秋至2008年夏,对新疆布伦托海轮虫的群落组成、时空分布及其与环境因子的相关性进行了系统的调查.结果表明,本次调查采集到布伦托海轮虫30种,主要优势种有针簇多枝轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、长三肢轮虫(Filina longiseta)、奇异六腕轮虫(Hexarthra mira)、方形臂...  相似文献   

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