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The Argentine Precordillera, a rifted fragment of Laurentian crust and sedimentary cover, collided with Gondwana in Middle Ordovician time; the time of collision (Ocloyic orogeny) is similar to that of the Taconic orogeny of eastern Laurentia. Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain Ordovician docking of the Precordillera with western Gondwana: (A) the Precordillera microcontinent was rifted from Laurentia in Cambrian time and, following solitary drift, collided with Gondwana, independent of the Laurentian Taconic orogeny; (B) a continentcontinent collision of Laurentia with Gondwana, producing a continuous Taconic–Ocloyic orogenic belt, was followed by rifting that left the Precordillera attached to Gondwana; and (C) the Precordillera at the tip of a distal plateau on greatly stretched Laurentian crust collided with Gondwana and subsequently separated from Laurentia.Contrasts in several aspects of Taconic and Ocloyic orogenic history provide for discrimination between the microcontinent and continent–continent-collision hypotheses. Stratigraphic gradients and lithologic assemblages within the synorogenic clastic wedges are incompatible with a single continuous orogenic belt, which, in palinspastic location, places the thin, fine-grained southern fringe of the Taconic clastic wedge adjacent to the thickest and coarsest part of the Ocloyic clastic wedge. Separate temporal and spatial distribution patterns of volcanic ash (bentonite) beds in Laurentia and the Precordillera indicate originally separate dispersal systems. Late Ordovician Hirnantian Gondwanan glacial deposits in the Precordillera indicate substantial latitudinal separation from Laurentia. Post-collision faults with large vertical separation in the Precordillera have no coeval counterparts on the Laurentian foreland. These contrasts indicate originally separate (not initially continuous, and subsequently dismembered) orogenic belts, favoring the microcontinent hypothesis and eliminating the continent–continent-collision hypothesis.Initial Taconic tectonic loading near the southern corner of the Alabama promontory of Laurentia and the lack of post-Taconic extension there are inconsistent with the tectonic history required by the plateau hypothesis, but are consistent with the tectonic history required by the microcontinent hypothesis. Paleobiogeography, distribution of bentonite beds, and the Hirnantian glacial deposits, all indicate wide separation (Iapetus Ocean) between the Precordillera and southern Laurentia at the time of the Ocloyic and Taconic orogenies, further favoring the microcontinent hypothesis.  相似文献   

Victor A. Ramos   《Gondwana Research》2004,7(4):1009-1026
A review of the early history of the Cuyania terrane and the numerous pioneering works of the past century provides the present robust framework of evidence supporting a derivation from Laurentia, travel towards Gondwana as an isolated microcontinent, and final amalgamation to the protomargin of western Gondwana in Middle to Late Ordovician times. The major remaining uncertainties and inconsistencies, such as the time of deformation and collision with Gondwana, the lack of evidence of Famatinian-derived zircons, the effects of strike-slip displacements proposed along the suture, as well as the potential sutures defined by ophiolite assemblages, are discussed. The precise boundary along the northern and southern limits is not yet well defined.

The most suitable hypothesis based on present data is that Cuyania originated as a conjugate margin of the Ouachita embayment, south of the Appalachian platform during Early Cambrian times. The subsequent travel toward the Gondwana protomargin is clearly depicted by the changing faunal assemblages in the carbonate platform. New geochemical and age data on K-bentonites presented by several authors reinforce the strong connection between Cuyania ash-fall tuffs and Famatina volcanics by 468–470 Ma, indicating Cuyania and Gondwana were in close proximity at that time.

Extension related to flexural subsidence, preceded by the drowning of the carbonate platform in early Llanvirnian times, is recorded by abrupt facies changes in the sedimentary cover during late Llanvirnian and early Caradocian times. This episode marked the beginning of contact between Cuyania and Gondwana. The subsequent evolution of the foreland basin indicates that deformation lasted until latest Silurian-Early Devonian times.

The time of collision is tracked by the cessation of arc-related magmatic activity in the upper plate (Gondwana protomargin), at about 465 Ma in western Sierras Pampeanas, and ages around 454 Ma corresponding to syncollisional and postcollisional magmatism. The age of the collision is also preserved in the lower plate (Cuyania), where both angular unconformities in the sedimentary cover and the ages of peak of regional metamorphism in the basement rocks point to 460 Ma as the most probable age for the beginning of the collision. Evidence from the upper plate is essentially identical with an age of 463 Ma. Thermal gradients along this suture vary from 13°C/km in the lower plate, to 18°C/km in the fore arc upper plate, reaching more than 30°C/km along the Famatinian arc. Based on these data, a Llandelian-Caradocian age for the collision can be postulated on firm grounds. Deformation continued through most of the early Paleozoic until amalgamation of the Chilenia terrane by the Late Devonian.  相似文献   

The Lower Ordovician La Silla Formation of the Precordillera of west‐central Argentina is part of the west‐facing early Palaeozoic, tropical carbonate platform succession that comprises the core of the Cuyania terrane. Up to 360 m thick, it is exposed in several thrust sheets over a distance of some 250 km along and across depositional strike over a palinspastically unrestored distance of about 35 km. La Silla Formation is a strikingly pure limestone with subordinate finely crystalline dolomite and rare chert. It accumulated on a more or less uniformly subsiding passive margin. Copious precipitation of microcrystalline calcite, probably influenced by microbial activity to varying degrees, led to the generation of peloids, ooids and aggregates of these grains, as well as small amounts of lime mud, intraclasts, stromatolites and thrombolites. Rare bioclasts are limited mostly to scattered gastropods and trilobite sclerites; bioturbation is present locally. The array of carbonate rock types is grouped into eight recurring lithofacies, in order of decreasing abundance: (i) peloidal grainstone; (ii) laminated dolostone; (iii) intraclastic rudstone; (iv) microbial laminite; (v) peloidal packstone; (vi) ooidal grainstone; (vii) thrombolite boundstone; and (viii) mudstone. These facies represent sediments that formed solely in a shallow subtidal marine environment, with no evidence of restricted conditions, hypersalinity or subaerial exposure. No events of eustatic sea‐level change are recorded. By far the dominant facies is grainstone composed of well‐sorted, fine sand‐sized peloids and peloidal aggregates in homogeneous, tabular to gently undulating, medium to thick beds; cross‐lamination is scarce. Clusters of sub‐metre‐sized microbial patch reefs developed sporadically. The shallow platform is envisaged to have been covered by extensive peloidal sand flats and low‐relief banks, and little lime mud was generated. The setting was probably microtidal and may not have been affected by strong trade winds. It was washed by frequent, relatively gentle wave action but without experiencing powerful storms. In the middle member, anomalous lenses of intraclastic rudstone and laminated dolostone occur as graded beds overlying sharply downcut scoured surfaces up to 20 cm deep; these are interpreted to indicate a phase when accretion was punctuated occasionally by tsunamis generated from rift‐faulting seaward of the platform margin. The remarkably uniform peloidal grainstone composition over a broad area shows that, given the appropriate combination of climate, environmental and ecological factors, large portions of some early Palaeozoic platforms were dominated by grainy sediment and remained under well‐agitated conditions within fair‐weather wave‐base, without distinct lateral facies differentiation or tidal‐flat aggradation.  相似文献   

Recent and new faunal data from the Cambrian to Silurian rocks of the Precordillera, Famatina and Northwest Argentina basins are used to discriminate between different paleogeographic models, and especially to establish to what extent they are compatible with a previous conclusion that the Precordillera is a Laurentian-derived microcontinent. There is no paleontological evidence to support a para-autochthonous Gondwanan origin of the Precordillera. The strong differences in the Cambrian trilobite faunas and lithologic successions preclude a common origin of the Precordillera terrane, eastern Antarctica and South Africa. Recent discoveries of brachiopods and organisms of the Phylum Agmata strengthened Laurentian affinities during the Cambrian. The latest Cambrian-early Ordovician faunas that inhabited the autochthonous Northwest Argentina basin, including the western Puna volcaniclastic successions, are mostly peri-Gondwanan. The early Ordovician brachiopods, ostracods and trilobites display mixed Laurentian, Baltic and Avalonian biogeographical links supporting a drifting of the Precordillera across the Iapetus Ocean. Increasing Gondwanan elements during the Llanvirn, along with varied geological evidence, indicate that the first stages of collision may have begun at that time, involving a major change in the plate kinematics. The distribution of facies and faunas, basin development, and timing of deformation are interpreted as resulting from a north to south diachronous closing of the remnant basin during the last phases of convergence and oblique collision of the Precordillera terrane with the Gondwana margin. The high level of endemism of Caradoc faunas may be a consequence of the rearrangement and partial isolation of sedimentary areas during the strike-slip movement of the colliding Precordillera plate with respect to the Gondwana margin. Suggested relationships between facies distribution, geographic barriers and faunal migrations before and during the collision are depicted in a series of schematic reconstructions at five time slices from late Cambrian to Silurian.  相似文献   

Well-preserved siliciclastic domal stromatolites, up to 2 m wide and 1·5 m high, are found in a 10 to 15 m thick interval within the Late Ordovician Eureka Quartzite of Southern Nevada and Eastern California, USA. These stromatolites appear as either isolated features or patchy clusters that contain more than 70% by volume quartz grains; their association with planar, trough and herringbone cross-bedding suggests that they were formed in an upper shoreface environment with high hydraulic energy. In this environment, sand bars or dunes may have provided localized shelter for initial microbial mat colonization. Biostabilization and early lithification of microbial mats effectively prevented erosion during tidal flushing and storm surges, and the prevalence of translucent quartz sand grains permitted light penetration into the sediment, leading to thick microbial mat accretion and the formation of domal stromatolites. Decimetre-scale to metre-scale stromatolite domes may have served as localized shelter and nucleation sites for further microbial mat colonization, forming patchy stromatolite clusters. Enrichment of iron minerals, including pyrite and hematite, within dark internal laminae of the stromatolites indicates anaerobic mineralization of microbial mats. The occurrence of stromatolites in the Eureka Quartzite provides an example of microbial growth in highly stressed, siliciclastic sedimentary environments, in which microbial communities may have been able to create microenvironments promoting early cementation/lithification essential for the growth and preservation of siliciclastic stromatolites.  相似文献   

The time when Gondwana finally formed is still debatable (Powell and Pisarevsky, 2002; Meert, 2003). Paleomagnetic data have demonstrated that the appar-ent polar wander paths (APWPs) for the main conti-nental blocks of Gondwana are in good agreement from Early Cambrian to at least 260 Ma under the widely accepted Gondwana fit (see Li & Powell, 2001, Fig. 6). This is especially the case for Australia and Africa, of which APWPs are best defined and near identical. This indicates that the main amalgamation of East Gondwana and African blocks has likely com-pleted since the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

Numerous, thin-bedded, tabular pale-yellowish clay bands are interlayered with black shales in a biostratigraphically constrained Early Ordovician volcano-sedimentary succession at Famatina, western Argentina. This region was part of a fairly continuous upper-plate, convergent volcanic chain that fringed western Gondwana. Mineralogy on both clay and non-clay fractions, whole rock chemistry and field observations on these distinctive event-beds indicate that they originated as relatively coarse fallout tephras, altered first into bentonites and later, through burial metamorphism, into K-bentonites (metabentonites). These tephras were deposited as single crystals and glassy dust or pumiceous fragments in a restricted subtidal environment. The region of Famatina has previously been inferred as the source of abundant distal K-bentonites recorded in the adjacent lower-plate allochthonous Precordillera terrane. However, these K-bentonites within the proximal arc site were unknown and rather unexpected since they are generally better preserved like distal deposits, associated either with central vent plinian–ultraplinian eruptions or with accompanying co-ignimbrite ash clouds. Their chemistry and comparison with those K-bentonites in the Precordillera allow tracing an evolution from volcanic arcs into continental crust. K-bentonites described in this paper are much older than those recorded in the adjacent Precordillera terrane and seem to be associated with a first eruptive period along western Gondwana that has no counterpart in the Argentine Precordillera, suggesting a significant longitudinal separation between these two regions by the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

The Las Matras Block in Central Argentina constitutes the southernmost part of the Cuyania terrane, which was accreted to the southwestern margin of Gondwana during the Early to Mid Ordovician Famatinian orogeny. The Grenville-aged rocks of the Las Matras Block are represented by the tonalitic to trondhjemitic Las Matras pluton. A new U-Pb conventional zircon age of 1244±42 Ma confirms previous Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isochron ages of this pluton. Mineral composition data are consistent with the tonalitic-trondhjemitic character of the pluton, and constrain its emplacement level to 1.9 to 2.6 kb. This shallow level of emplacement and the undeformed character of the pluton are distinctive features of this southernmost basement. A regional comparison indicates that the igneous-metamorphic evolution of the Grenville-aged basement rocks of the Cuyania terrane occurred over a period of more than 200 million years, with ages older than 1200 Ma up to those close to 1000 Ma. The shallowest crustal level is found in Las Matras, suggesting a southward shallowing of the exposed level of basement. The deformation and metamorphism associated with the collisional Famatinian orogeny affect both the Cuyania terrane and the adjacent western margin of Gondwana, and the Gondwana margin was also the locus of the related arc magmatism, but the compressive effects of the collision decrease in intensity toward the south. The Famatinian metamorphism and magmatism continue even further south into the Patagonia region, but the southern continuity of the Cuyania terrane into this region remains uncertain.  相似文献   

In the early Paleozoic the Sino-Korean Craton (SKC) and South China Craton (SCC) were situated along the margin of east Gondwana. The SKC was connected to core Gondwana by an epeiric sea which was the site for deposition of lower Paleozoic sequences of SKC. The SKC and SCC may have drifted away from core Gondwana sometime during the mid-Paleozoic and would have been outboard microcontinents in the late Paleozoic, until they collided to form the East Asian continent in the Triassic. The breakup of SCC from Gondwana was suggested to have taken place at ∼380 Ma, while no reliable suggestions have hitherto been made for breakup of SKC from Gondwana. This study presents a convincing evidence for breakup of SKC from Gondwana, based on the recognition of Late Ordovician volcanism in Korea. New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages, 445.0 ± 3.7 Ma and 452.5 ± 3.2 Ma, are obtained from trachytic rocks of the Ongnyeobong Formation of Taebaeksan Basin in Korea which occupied the marginal part of the SKC in the early Paleozoic. This Late Ordovician volcanism along with previous records of Ordovician volcanic activities along the western margin of the SKC is interpreted indicating the development of an incipient oceanic ridge. The oceanic ridge uplifted the SKC including the epeiric sea, which subsequently resulted in terminating the early Paleozoic sedimentation of the epeiric sea. The paucity of lower Paleozoic volcanic rocks across much of the SKC however suggests that the oceanic ridge did not extend into the epeiric sea. Instead, spreading of oceanic ridge entailed dextral movement of associated transform faults, which may have played a major role in breakup of SKC from mainland Gondwana by the end of Ordovician.  相似文献   

青藏高原羌塘盆地晚三叠世古地磁数据及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羌塘盆地作为青藏高原主要的地体之一,其中生代的地质演化对于研究古特提斯洋关闭和冈瓦纳大陆解体都具有重要的指示意义。为查明羌塘盆地中生代的演化过程,在南、北羌塘坳陷上三叠统扎拉组和土门格拉组地层中共采集200余件砂岩样品进行古地磁对比研究。热退磁实验显示,大部分样品均含有两个磁组分,并揭示出一组高温特征剩磁分量,在95%置信度下通过正倒转检验和正褶皱检验,说明这组高温分量很可能代表岩石形成时的原生剩磁。南、北羌塘坳陷中样品的平均特征剩磁方向分别为D/I=28°/45.5°(a95=3.6°)和D/I=35.3°/46.5°(a95=4.0°);其相近的古地磁极和古纬度表明,南、北羌塘在晚三叠世已经属于一个统一的地块,并且具有北纬27°的古纬度。再结合前人研究成果发现,羌塘盆地晚古生代位于南半球中纬度地区,晚二叠世时已靠近赤道,并逐渐从冈瓦纳大陆北缘裂解开来向北漂移。羌塘盆地与塔里木地块在晚三叠世实现了碰撞拼合;中白垩世时,又与拉萨地块完成了板块碰撞。至此,羌塘盆地与周缘各地块基本上完成了碰撞拼合。  相似文献   


In its type area around Narooma, the Narooma Terrane in the Lachlan Orogen comprises the Wagonga Group, which consists of the Narooma Chert overlain by the argillaceous Bogolo Formation. Conodonts indicate that the lower, largely massive (ribbon chert) part of the Narooma Chert ranges in age from mid-Late Cambrian to Darriwilian-Gisbornian (late Middle to early Late Ordovician). The upper Narooma Chert consists of shale, containing Eastonian (Late Ordovician) graptolites, interbedded with chert. Where not deformed by later faulting, the boundary between the Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation is gradational. At map scale, the Narooma Terrane consists of a stack of imbricate thrust slices caught between two thrust faults that juxtaposed the terrane against the coeval Adaminaby Superterrane in Early Silurian time. These slices are best defined where Narooma Chert is thrust over Bogolo Formation. The soles of such slices contain multiply foliated chert. Late extensional shear bands indicate a strike-slip component to the faulting. The Narooma Terrane, with chert overlain by muddy ooze, is interpreted to be an oceanic terrane that accumulated remote from land for ~50 million years. The upward increase in the terrigenous component at the top of the Wagonga Group (shale, argillite, siltstone and sandstone of the upper Narooma Chert and Bogolo Formation) records approach of the terrane to the Australian sector of the Gondwana margin. Blocks of chert, argillite and sandstone reflect extensional/strike-slip disruption of the terrane as it approached the transform trench along the Gondwana-proto-Pacific plate boundary. Blocks of basalt and basalt breccia represent detritus from a seamount that was also entering the trench. There is no evidence that the Narooma Terrane or the adjacent Adaminaby Group formed in an accretionary prism/ subduction complex.  相似文献   

A.S. Gaab  M. Jank  U. Poller  W. Todt 《Lithos》2006,87(3-4):261-275
Magmatic protoliths of Ordovician age have been identified in the metamorphic rocks of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex, Veporic Unit (Central Western Carpathians). Vapor digestion single zircon U–Pb dating yields an intrusion age of 464 ± 35 Ma (upper intercept) for the granite protolith. A lower intercept age of 88 ± 40 Ma records amphibolite-facies metamorphic overprint in the Cretaceous, during the Alpine orogeny. Geochemical and isotopic data suggest crustal origin of the orthogneiss. Ndinitial are between − 2.6 and − 5.0 and TDMNd between 1.3 and 1.5 Ga (two-step approach). 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratios vary between 0.7247 and 0.7120, and a steep REE pattern further constrains the crustal affinity of these rocks. Associated amphibolite bodies have Ndinitial values of 6.5, 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratio of 0.7017, and a flat REE pattern. They are interpreted as MORB derived metabasites. Whole-rock Pb isotope analyses define a linear array in a 206Pb / 204Pb vs. 207Pb / 204Pb diagram with an age of ca. 134 Ma, consistent with intense Alpine metamorphism and deformation.

These basement rocks of the Central Western Carpathians are interpreted as Ordovician magmatic rocks intruded at an active margin of Gondwana. They represent the eastern prolongation of Cambro–Ordovician units of the European Variscides, which were part of the peri-Gondwana superterrane and accreted to Laurussia during the Variscan orogeny. Variscan metamorphic overprint is not recorded by the isotopic data of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex. Alpine metamorphism is the most dominant overprint.  相似文献   

New structural, geochronological and paleomagnetic data were obtained on dolerite dikes of the Nola region (Central African Republic) at the northern border of the Congo craton. In this region, metavolcanic successions were thrust southward onto the craton during the Panafrican orogenic events. Our structural data reveal at least two structural klippes south of the present-day limits of the Panafrican nappe suggesting that it has once covered the whole Nola region, promoting the pervasive hydrothermal greenschist metamorphism observed in the underlying cratonic basement and also in the intrusive dolerite dikes. Paleomagnetic measurements revealed a stable dual-polarity low-inclination magnetization component in nine dikes (47 samples), carried by pyrrhotite and magnetite. This component corresponds to a paleopole at 304.8°E and 61.8°S (dp = 5.4, dm = 10.7) graded at Q = 6. Both metamorphism and magnetic resetting were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method on amphibole grains separated from the dikes at 571 ± 6 Ma. The Nola pole is the first well-dated paleomagnetic pole for the Congo craton between 580 and 550 Ma. It marks a sudden change in direction of the Congo craton apparent polar wander path at the waning stages of the Panafrican orogenic events.  相似文献   

The only Iberian lower Jurassic paleomagnetic pole come from the “Central Atlantic Magmatic Province”-related Messejana Plasencia dyke, but the age and origin of its remanence have been a matter of discussion. With the aim of solving this uncertainty, and to go further into a better understanding of its emplacement and other possible tectonic features, a systematic paleomagnetic investigation of 40 sites (625 specimens) distributed all along the 530 km of the Messejana Plasencia dyke has been carried out. Rock magnetic experiments indicate PSD low Ti-titanomagnetite and magnetite as the minerals carrying the NRM. The samples were mostly thermally demagnetized. Most sites exhibit a characteristic remanent component of normal polarity with the exception of two sites, where samples with reversed polarities have been observed. The paleomagnetic pole derived from a total of 35 valid sites is representative of the whole structure of the dyke, and statistically well defined, with values of PLa = 70.4°N, PLo = 237.6°E, K = 47.9 and A95 = 3.5°. Paleomagnetic data indicates that: (i) there is no evidence of a Cretaceous remagnetization in the dyke, as it was suggested; (ii) most of the dyke had a brief emplacement time; furthermore, two dyke intrusion events separated in time from it by at least 10,000 y have been detected; (iii) the high grouping of the VGPs directions suggests no important tectonic perturbations of the whole structure of the dyke since its intrusion time; (iv) the pole derived from this study is a good quality lower Jurassic paleopole for the Iberian plate; and (v) the Messejana Plasencia dyke paleopole for the Iberian plate is also in agreement with quality-selected European and North American lower Jurassic paleopoles and the magnetic anomalies data sets that are available for rotate them to Iberia.  相似文献   

Metamorphism of Grenvillian age (ca. 1.2 Ga; U–Pb zircon dating) is recognized for the first time in the Western Sierras Pampeanas (Sierra de Maz). Conditions reached granulite facies (ca. 780 °C and ca. 780 MPa). Comparing geochronological and petrological characteristics with other outcrops of Mesoproterozoic basement, particularly in the northern and central Arequipa-Antofalla craton, we suggest that these regions were part of a single continental crustal block from Mesoproterozoic times, and thus autochthonous or parautochthonous to Gondwana.  相似文献   

This paper presents new paleomagnetic results on Cenozoic rocks from northern central Asia. Eighteen sites were sampled in Pliocene to Miocene clays and sandy clays of the Zaisan basin (southeastern Kazakhstan) and 12 sites in the upper Oligocene to Pleistocene clays and sandstones of the Chuya depression (Siberian Altai).Thermal demagnetization of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) showed that hematite and magnetite are the main ferromagnetic minerals in the deposits of the Zaisan basin. Stepwise thermal demagnetization up to 640–660 °C isolated a characteristic (ChRM) component of either normal or reverse polarity at nine sites. At two other sites, the great circles convergence method yielded a definite direction. Measurements of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility showed that the hematite-bearing sediments preserved their depositional fabric. These results suggest a primary origin of the ChRM and were substantiated by positive fold and reversal tests. The mean paleomagnetic direction for the Zaisan basin (D=9°, I=59°, k=19, α95=11°) is close to the expected direction derived from the APW path of Eurasia [J. Geophys. Res. 96 (1991) 4029] and shows that the basin did not rotated relative to stable Asia during the Tertiary.In the upper Pliocene–Pleistocene sandstones of the Chuya depression, a very stable ChRM carried by hematite was found. Its mean direction (D=9°, I=46°, k=25, α95=7°) is characterized by declination close to the one excepted for early Quaternary, whereas inclination is lower. In the middle Miocene to lower Pliocene clays and sandstones, a stable ChRM of both normal and reverse polarities carried by magnetite was isolated. Its mean direction (D=332°, I=63°, k=31, α95=4°) is deviated with respect to the reference direction and implies a Neogene, 39±8° counterclockwise rotation of the Chuya depression relative to stable Asia. These results and those from the literature suggest that the different amount of rotation found in the two basins is related to a sharp variation in their tectonic style, predominantly compressive in the Zaisan basin and transpressive in the Siberian Altai. At a larger scale, the pattern of vertical axis rotations deduced from paleomagnetic data in northern central Asia is consistent with the hypothesis of a large left-lateral shear zone running from the Pamirs to the Baikal. Heterogeneous rotations, however, indicate changes in style of faulting along the shear zone and local effect for the domains with the largest rotations.  相似文献   

The southwestern Pacific region consists of segmented and translated continental fragments of the Gondwanan margin. Tectonic reconstructions of this region are challenged by the fact that many fragmented continental blocks are submerged and/or concealed under younger sedimentary cover. The Queensland Plateau (offshore northeastern Australia) is one such submerged continental block. We present detrital zircon geochronological and morphological data, complemented by petrographic observations, from samples obtained from the only two drill cores that penetrated the Paleozoic metasedimentary strata of the Queensland Plateau (Ocean Drilling Program leg 133, sites 824 and 825). Results provide maximum age constraints of 319.4 ± 3.5 and 298.9 ± 2.5 Ma for the time of deposition, which in conjunction with evidence for deformation, indicate that the metasedimentary successions are most likely upper Carboniferous to lower Permian. A comparison of our results with a larger dataset of detrital zircon ages from the Tasmanides suggests that the Paleozoic successions of the Queensland Plateau formed in a backarc basin that was part of the northern continuation of the New England Orogen and/or the East Australian Rift System. However, unlike most of the New England Orogen, a distinctive component of the detrital zircon age spectra of the Mossman Orogen is also recognised, suggesting the existence of a late Paleozoic drainage system that crossed the northern Tasmanides en route from the North Australian Craton. A distinctive shift from abraded zircon grains to grains with well-preserved morphology at ca 305 Ma reflects a direct drainage of first-cycle sediments, most likely from an outboard arc and/or backarc magmatism.  相似文献   

A single confidently dated species of cephalopod is so far known in the Tremadocian of the southern Central Andean Basin (NW Argentina and southern Bolivia). This species belongs to the Eothinoceratidae and has a strong affinity mainly with Avalonia. During the Floian, a notable increase in diversity took place, with the appearance of a variety of families represented by several genera, in particular, within the Family Eothinoceratidae. In addition to the previously described species from southern Bolivia, we evaluate the other records of that family from the Central Andean Basin, and propose the following new taxa: Saloceras sikus sp. nov., Saloceras quena sp. nov., Mutveiceras gen. nov., and Mutveiceras cienagaensis sp. nov. We also describe Margaritoceras diploide, Margaritoceras sp., and Mutveiceras sp. From a palaeogeographic perspective, the cephalopod fauna shows affinities mainly with those of England, Wales, and the Montagne Noire (cold water Gondwana and peri‐Gondwana). As with other cephalopod faunas of mid to high palaeolatitudes, eothinoceratids occur along with other cephalopods forming assemblages of low morphological diversity. We interpret the forms described here as demersal with a subvertical poise, but capable of making rapid buoyancy changes, living in a wide spectrum of shallow offshore to shoreface settings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Precordillera of western Argentina, an isolated outcrop of Llandeilian siliciclastics and Caradocian limestones (Rio Sassito succession) reveals a complex interplay between the tectonic and the sedimentary history of the Precordillera during Middle and Late Ordovician times. The succession is composed of a lower siliciclastic interval and an upper carbonate interval and is bounded below and above by erosional unconformities. Dating of these unconformities, which in many places merged to form one single surface, demonstrates that the most important erosional event took place prior to the deposition of the Rio Sassito succession. This erosional event is correlated to extensional tectonics during continental breakup and the separation of the Precordillera from Laurentia. Block faulting with the formation of horst and graben structures provided the topography for the establishment of a pelagic carbonate platform during the Caradoc. In our view, there are no indications that these phenomena are related to the accretion of the Precordillera to Gondwana or to the formation of an Ordovician supercontinent. The carbonate sediments are typical of temperate-water settings, characterized by the absence of ooids, oncoids, and algae, and by the presence of abundant abraded bioclasts, intraclasts, and peloids. The inference of a temperate-water environment does not, as previously supposed, indicate the accretion of the Precordillera to Gondwana, but is more likely related to global cooling prior to the Ashgillian glaciation.  相似文献   

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