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落石冲击作用下被动柔性防护网整体结构试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对被动柔性防护网受力系统,介绍了被动柔性防护网在国内外的应用和研究现状,阐明了被动柔性防护网的构成和传力机理,揭示其抵抗落石冲击的基本原理。为分析被动柔性防护网整体受力机理和响应特点,进行了在落石作用下被动柔性防护网足尺模型的冲击试验,分析了被动柔性防护网受到冲击之后的整体变形以及减压环、钢柱等关键构件的耗能及其破坏机理,为被动柔性防护网的结构计算分析与设计提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

危岩是三峡库区主要地质灾害之一,现呈现出多发、频发的趋势。危岩的分类为坠落式、倾倒式和滑塌式。危岩的综合治理措施有清除、支撑、锚固、拦截、封填、灌浆、排水、防护网等。控爆技术,包括洞室控爆技术、深孔控爆技术、光面爆破、预裂爆破、浅眼循环控爆技术等,以及无声破碎和防护网,均适用于危岩排险工程。危岩的爆破不同于一般的工程爆破,针对不同的危岩类型采用不同的控爆技术和综合应用措施,可以充分保护母岩,稳定岩体,达到应急排险的目的。  相似文献   

四川康定民族高等师范专科学校1988年建校以来一直受其前山危岩灾害威胁。实地调查发现,前山危岩具有规模大、分布广、相对高差大、失稳模式多样等特征。经过对危岩崩落的运动特征参数进行计算,提出了采取主、被动相结合的方式,以SNS柔性防护网工程为主的应急治理方案。  相似文献   

山区高速铁路受线路平顺性及地形的限制,部分危岩发育地段无法绕避,给工程建设及运营安全提出了严峻挑战。文章在无人机三维倾斜摄影的基础上利用数字地质调绘技术对拟建济南至枣庄铁路杏花峪隧道进口危岩体的发育特征、规模、变形破坏模式进行了准确的判识,通过将3DEC数值模拟与层次分析法结合,获得了崩塌落石的影响范围和危险性分区图,开展了危险性分区评价,提出了防治措施。研究表明:三维倾斜摄影模型识别出的12处危岩带中,只有5号危岩带威胁隧道洞口和桥台安全,并建议采用“被动防护网+明洞”方式进行综合防治。研究成果为危岩落石灾害的危险性分区评价提供参考,为铁路选线及防灾减灾提供依据。  相似文献   

河北省平山县大柳树村崩塌地质灾害治理设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崩塌与落石是山区常见的一种地质灾害,传统的治理方法多以圬工结构和钢木结构为主,这些方法存在着材料用量大、施工强度大、破坏当地原始生态环境、缺乏可靠的设计技术保障等缺点。为克服传统治理方法的缺点,本文综合考虑平山县大柳树村崩塌发育的地质环境条件,并详细分析地质灾害的发育特征后,进行设计方案比选,采用SNS柔性防护网系统对其进行治理。作者通过现场实际工程地质条件研究,确定基本计算参数和建立计算模型,计算了崩塌落石的运动能量及弹跳高度。根据计算结果,选用5m高RX-050型被动防护网,达到防灾减灾的目的。  相似文献   

将传统的支撑锚固与新型SNS边坡防护技术应用于危岩的治理工程,不但解决了大块危岩治理问题,还解决了松动而无法清除危岩的崩落、掉块问题,且对自然景观破坏小,对旅游公路运营影响小,解决了场地狭窄与工程安全的矛盾,施工方便迅速,工程安全可靠。  相似文献   

马作明 《安徽地质》2007,17(1):63-69
将传统的支撑锚固与新型SNS边坡防护技术应用于危岩的治理工程,不但解决了大块危岩治理问题,还解决了松动而无法清除危岩的崩落、掉块问题,且对自然景观破坏小,对旅游公路运营影响小,解决了场地狭窄与工程安全的矛盾,施工方便迅速,工程安全可靠.  相似文献   

K129滑坡位于陕西镇安县青铜镇梅花铺以东古滑坡体上,高速公路的修建迫使102省道向山侧改线,挖除古滑坡前缘近6×104m3土体,未采取合理的防护措施。2009年10月,古滑坡出现复活,变形迅速发展,造成高速公路路面隆起、挡墙开裂,呈现整体下滑趋势。滑坡一旦失稳,不仅中断西康高速公路和102省道,而且可能堵塞乾佑河,形成滑坡坝和堰塞湖,对上下游人民的生命财产造成严重威胁。针对该滑坡,以地质分析为基础,深入研究了滑坡的失稳破坏模式。分析发现,粉质黏土混碎块石与千枚岩组成的脆弱地质结构和水岩作用是形成滑坡的控制因素,集中降雨是滑坡发生的主要诱发因素,工程开挖削弱滑坡的锁固段,加速了滑坡的变形。同时,利用多种监测成果和施工反馈信息,反映出滑坡的变形速率特征和空间变形特征,即以后部推移为主,前部牵引为辅的基岩接触面滑坡,并及时采取应急抢险工程,调整设计和施工方案,做到动态设计和信息化施工,确保了滑坡治理工程安全顺利完成。  相似文献   

杨少华  刘晓晓  郭英 《城市地质》2015,(Z1):195-199
本文采用了赤平投影的方法,对延庆县南天门崩塌灾害的稳定性进行分析评价,提出采用危岩清理、$5/S防护网等综合治理措施进行治理。实际情况表明,治理措施对防治崩塌灾害是切实有效的。  相似文献   

SNS柔性防护网在北京崩塌防治工程中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  张亮  曹国强 《城市地质》2016,(3):91-95
崩塌是北京山区汛期最常见的一种不良地质现象,北京地区尤其西部和北部山区崩塌的形成主要与长期以来人类工程活动密切相关,通过工程实践与经验积累,柔性防护网技术在国内已经使用的越来越多。这种以钢丝绳为主要构成特征的SNS边坡柔性防护系统,已在铁路、公路、水电站、矿山、市政工程的崩塌落石、浅层坍滑、风化剥落和泥石流等坡面地质灾害防护中得到广泛的推广应用,本文以怀柔老公营崩塌治理工程为例,介绍了SNS柔性防护网在北京市边坡防治工程中的应用。  相似文献   

四川省汶川县城区某斜坡危岩体破坏模式及治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危岩体是西南地区威胁交通和居民区安全的重要隐患。特别是“5.12”地震造成了原危岩体的崩塌,同时又形成了大量新的危岩体。汶川县城区某斜坡危岩体可归纳为三种破坏模式:拉裂-滑移式、整体剪切错落式和弯折-拉裂-倾倒式。危岩体失稳后,落石将会以弹跳、滚动和滑动方式沿坡体下落。运用能量守恒定律和运动学规律来确定落石的动能、落距和弹跳高度,采取GPS2型主动防护网、RX-075型被动防护网及落石槽相结合的措施,确保213国道和居民区的安全。  相似文献   

桂林市穿山公园西侧存在的危岩隐患共有数十处,根据危岩体结构特征和变形破坏迹象,分析了危岩体的3种破坏机制:拉裂―滑移式、拉裂―坠落式、拉裂―倾倒式三种基本类型。在此基础上,运用能量守恒定律和运动学规律研究危岩体失稳落石运动特征。结合RocFall软件对落石运动进行模拟计算,对崩塌落石的途径、方向、跳跃高度,影响范围进行验证,与理论计算结果吻合。结合施工条件,采用清除浮土及危石,岩壁上安装SNSGPS2主动防护网加固,坡脚安装SNSRX050被动防护网来拦截落石,确保公园内游客安全。  相似文献   

采用抗滑桩、挡土板、预应力锚索、被动防护网、主动防护网、截(排)水渠、回填植树等工程措施对兰州市金城关徐家湾不稳定边坡进行综合治理,达到了安全效益、生态效益和经济效益的最优结合。在分析该区域工程地质条件的基础上,提出了设计总体思路和治理目的,重点介绍了各项工程措施的设计及施工要点。  相似文献   

The study was carried out in order to determine the net infiltration in the Gran Sasso Massif, central Italy, a typical central Mediterranean karstic hydrogeological system. It relied on the Thornthwaite water-budget method, which was modified in order to account for the local hydrological setting. The changes to the method were as follows: (1) use of the curve-number (CN) method of the US Soil Conservation Service to estimate runoff; (2) addition of runoff to the water budget of endorheic areas; and (3) assessment of snow melt in mountain areas. The analysis of net infiltration in individual land units in extensive and complex groundwater systems, such as the Gran Sasso, is a useful tool for the indirect study of groundwater flow. The generalized direction of Gran Sasso groundwater flow is toward the south, i.e., from the areas with the highest net infiltration to the areas with the lowest net infiltration, where the largest springs are located at low altitude. The average annual net infiltration, estimated by the above method, is 506 mm/year, i.e., about 53% of the average annual rainfall (945 mm/year). The results of the Gran Sasso water budget, obtained by the modified Thornthwaite method integrated with the CN method, are considered to be satisfactory because the computed inflows (17.3 m3/s) and the measured outflows (17.4 m3/s), which are estimated for a period of about 40 years (1950–1990), are very similar. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Ayonghe  S. N.  Mafany  G. T.  Ntasin  E.  Samalang  P. 《Natural Hazards》1999,19(1):13-27
A swarm of 57 landslides, tension cracks and a rockfall occurred spontaneously on September 5, 1995 killing 3 people and destroying farmlands and forests over an area of 6 k across, at Bafaka, Ndian Division, Cameroon. From analyses of field observations, eyewitness accounts, rainfall data, and soils, the principal causative factors of the disaster are interpreted as meteorological, hydrogeological, and tectonic in origin. High and continuous rainfall which lasted for 3 days prior to the event might have saturated both sedimentary shaly sandstones of Cretaceous Period, and weathered basaltic trachytes of Tertiary Period which are prone to sliding and which lie unconformably on Precambrian gneisses and migmatites. A mapped distribution of the landslides showed their concentration along two deeply incised river valleys which are probably fault zones running in a northwest-southeast direction. This is antithetic to the direction of faults in the area which are predominantly parallel to the northeast-southwest direction of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. A felt earthquake with an estimated intensity of about IV on the Mercalli Intensity Scale must have triggered the landslides, some tension cracks, and the rockfall in the already saturated sedimentary and volcanic rocks, with larger landslides observed around the possible epicenter of the earthquake. The rockfall, from a cliff of basalt, occurred simultaneously with the landslides and this is used to further confirm a tectonic force as a probable trigger to the disaster. The tension cracks which have remained unchanged in shape three years after the disaster are interpreted as aborted landslides. Although disasters of such magnitudes are rare in this volcanic area which has been considered to be dormant, the Cameroon Volcanic Line in general is still tectonically and volcanically active. This is evidenced by the last eruption of Mount Cameroon in 1982 situated about 45 kilometers southwest of the study area, the seismically activated landslide along the Santa Graben in 1982, the Tibati fault displacement with associated seismicity in 1986, and the carbon dioxide gas explosions from Lake Monoun in 1984 and lake Nyos in 1986 which killed 37 and 1746 people respectively.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, rockfall research has increasingly focused on hazard assessment and risk analysis. Input data on past rockfall activity were gathered from historical archives and lichenometric studies or were obtained through frequency–volume statistics. However, historical records are generally scarce, and lichenometry may only yield data with relatively low resolutions. On forested slopes, in contrast, tree-ring analyses may help, generally providing annual data on past rockfall activity over long periods. It is the purpose of the present literature review to survey the current state of investigations dealing with tree-ring sequences and rockfall activity, with emphasis on the extent to which dendrogeomorphology may contribute to rockfall research. Firstly, a brief introduction describes how dendrogeomorphological methods can contribute to natural hazard research. Secondly, an account is provided of the output of dendrogeomorphological studies investigating frequencies, volumes or spatial distributions of past rockfall activity. The current and potential strengths of dendrogeomorphology are then presented before, finally, the weaknesses of tree rings as natural archives of past rockfall activity are discussed and promising directions for further studies outlined.  相似文献   

云南省云龙县狮尾河流域地质灾害治理防护堤工程的施工设计存在不少问题,特别是河道地形变化和防护堤越过已建固床坝这2个问题,严重制约着施工进度,影响着施工质量和工程安全。在分析原施工设计存在的问题的基础上,提出了切实可行的解决办法,并取得了良好的治理效果。  相似文献   

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