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Based on the measurements obtained at 64 national meteorological stations in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region between 1970 and 2013, the potential evapotranspiration (ET0) in this region was estimated using the Penman–Monteith equation and its sensitivity to maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), wind speed (Vw), net radiation (Rn) and water vapor pressure (Pwv) was analyzed, respectively. The results are shown as follows. (1) The climatic elements in the BTH region underwent significant changes in the study period. Vw and Rn decreased significantly, whereas Tmin, Tmax and Pwv increased considerably. (2) In the BTH region, ET0 also exhibited a significant decreasing trend, and the sensitivity of ET0 to the climatic elements exhibited seasonal characteristics. Of all the climatic elements, ET0 was most sensitive to Pwv in the fall and winter and Rn in the spring and summer. On the annual scale, ET0 was most sensitive to Pwv, followed by Rn, Vw, Tmax and Tmin. In addition, the sensitivity coefficient of ET0 with respect to Pwv had a negative value for all the areas, indicating that increases in Pwv can prevent ET0 from increasing. (3) The sensitivity of ET0 to Tmin and Tmax was significantly lower than its sensitivity to other climatic elements. However, increases in temperature can lead to changes in Pwv and Rn. The temperature should be considered the key intrinsic climatic element that has caused the "evaporation paradox" phenomenon in the BTH region.  相似文献   

Identification of key SST zones is essential in predicting the weather / climate systems in East Asia. With the SST data by the U.K. Meteorological Office and 40-year geopotential height and wind fields by NCAR / NCEP, the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon and north Pacific SSTA is studied, which reveals their interactions are of interdecadal variation. Before mid-1970's, the north Pacific SSTA acts upon the summer monsoon in East Asia through a great circle wavetrain and results in more rainfall in the summer of the northern part of China. After 1976, the SSTA weakens the wavetrain and no longer influences the precipitation in North China due to loosened links with the East Asian summer monsoon. It can be drawn that the key SST zones having potential effects on the weather / climate systems in East Asia do not stay in one particular area of the ocean but rather shift elsewhere as governed by the interdecadal variations of the air-sea interactions. It is hoped that the study would help shed light on the prediction of drought / flood spans in China.  相似文献   

Recent trends in seasonal cycles in China are analyzed, based on a homogenized dataset of daily temperatures at 541 stations during the period 1960–2008. Several indices are defined for describing the key features of a seasonal cycle, including local winter/summer (LW/LS) periods and local spring/autumn phase (LSP/LAP). The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition method is applied to determine the indices for each year. The LW period was found to have shortened by 2–6 d (10 yr)-1, mainly due to an earlier end to winter conditions, with the LW mean temperature having increased by 0.2°C–0.4°C (10 yr)?1, over almost all of China. Records of the most severe climate extremes changed less than more typical winter conditions did. The LS period was found to have lengthened by 2–4 d (10 yr)?1, due to progressively earlier onsets and delayed end dates of the locally defined hot period. The LS mean temperature increased by 0.1°C–0.2°C (10 yr)-1 in most of China, except for a region in southern China centered on the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In contrast to the winter cases, the warming trend in summer was more prominent in the most extreme records than in those of more typical summer conditions. The LSP was found to have advanced significantly by about 2 d (10 yr)-1 in most of China. Changes in the autumn phase were less prominent. Relatively rapid changes happened in the 1980s for most of the regional mean indices dealing with winter and in the 1990s for those dealing with summer.  相似文献   

The TEEOF method that expands temporally is used to conduct a diagnostic study of the variation patterns of 1, 3, 6 and 10 years with regard to mean air temperature over the globe and Southern and Northern Hemispheres over the course of 100 years. The results show that the first mode of TEEOF takes up more than 50% in the total variance, with each of the first mode in the interannual oscillations generally standing for annually varying patterns which are related with climate and reflecting long-term tendency of change in air temperature. It is particularly true for the first mode on the 10-year scale, which shows an obvious ascending trend concerning the temperature in winter and consistently the primary component of time goes in a way that is very close to the sequence of actual temperature. Apart from the first mode of all time sections of TEEOF for the globe and the two hemispheres and the second mode of the 1-year TEEOF, interannual variation described by other characteristic vectors are showing various patterns, with corresponding primary components having relation with long-term variability of specific interannual quasi-periodic oscillation structures. A 2 T test applied to the annual variation pattern shows that the abrupt changes for the Southern Hemisphere and the globe come closer to the result of a uni-element t test for mean temperature than those for the Northern Hemisphere do. It indicates that the T 2 test, when carried out with patterns of multiple variables, seems more reasonable than the t test with single elements.  相似文献   

选择喜马拉雅山南北两侧有代表性的13个气象站1951—2010年的气温、降水资料,分析这些台站气候变化总体趋势、年代际变化及突变特征,结果表明:1961—2010年整个喜马拉雅山区的气温总体呈显著上升趋势,平均升温速率为0.38℃/10a。1970—1990年代升温在加速,2000年代升温速率则有所放缓。中段地区各站在2000年左右发生一次显著的升温突变,而西段和东段虽都出现升温突变,但出现的时间差异较大。1971—2010年喜马拉雅山区的降水在西段呈减少趋势,中段、东段大致呈现出微弱增加趋势,但总体变化趋势不明显。降水的年代际变化也表现为1970—1990年代略有增加,2000年代则有所减少。降水突变在西段以减少为主,在中段和东段以增加为主,但各站发生突变的年代很不一致。  相似文献   

Analyzing observations of wintertime air temperature in both indoor and outdoor surroundings in Kunming, a city lying in low latitudes, characteristics of temperature and humidity have been studied for the interior of rooms facing north-south under different weather conditions. Significant warming effect has been identified in terms of lowest and daily-mean indoor temperature in the area of Kunming. The heating amplitude ranges from 7.7°C to 10.0°C and from 4.6°C to 5.8°C for the interior part of rooms facing the south and from 4.6°C to 7.0°C and from 1.3°C to 4.4°C for the interior part of rooms facing the north, respectively for the two elements. The highest air temperature is higher indoor than outdoor for rooms facing the south, but otherwise is usually true for rooms facing the north. Additional findings point out that buildings not only help maintain relatively warm indoor temperature but delay its variation. The diurnal cycle of temperature indoor is smaller and ranges by 40% ~ 48% for south-facing rooms, and by 20% ~ 30% for north-facing rooms, than outdoor, and the highest temperature is about 2 hours late inside the room than outside. It shows how inertly indoor temperature varies. The work also finds that relative humidity is less indoor in southward rooms than in northward ones and difference is the largest on fine days but the smallest when it is overcast. For the diurnal variation, the indoor relative humidity is large at nighttime with small amplitude but small during daytime with large amplitude. The above-presented results can be served as scientific foundation for more research on climate in low-latitude cities and rational design of urban architectures.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the decadal variability of tropical cyclones (TC) over the Western North Pacific (WNP) and how these changes are related to the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO). It was done with the help of the Real-time Multivariate MJO index from the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, TC data from the Joint Typhoon Warming Center best track datasets, and daily and monthly datasets from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis center. The results show that the TC frequency in the WNP exhibited a statistically significant decrease during 1998–2010 compared to during 1979–1997. The decrease in TC frequency in the WNP mainly occurred during MJO active phases (i.e., phases 4, 5, 6, and 7). Further investigation of the climate background and the propagation differences of the MJO between 1979–1997 and 1998–2010 was performed. The La Ni?a-like tropical sea surface temperature cooling caused stronger Walker circulation and thus induced unfavorable atmosphere conditions for WNP TC genesis including a low-level easterly anomaly, a negative relative vorticity anomaly, an increase in sea-level pressure, and stronger vertical wind shear. Moreover, shortening of the MJO cycle, decline in the duration of the active phases in the WNP, and easterly anomaly and shrinkage of the convection area during MJO active phases may also partly explain the decadal variation of TC.  相似文献   

By employing the CCM1(R15L12)long-range spectral model, study is undertaken of the effects of sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) for tropical Indian ocean on circulation transformation in the early summer in East Asia in 1991. The results indicate that warmer SSTA contributes to the increasing of the temperature over the Plateau in early summer, resulting in the intensification of tropical easterly jet on 100 hPa and northward shift of Northern Hemisphere subtropical westerly jet in May. It is obviously favorable for the subtropical high enhancement over western Pacific Ocean in May and subtropical westerly jet maintaining at 35~40 °N in June, making the Mei-Yu come earlier and stay over the Changjiang basin in 1991. Furthermore, warmer SSTA is also advantageous to averaged temperature rise in East Asia land region and Nanhai monsoon development. These roles are helpful in accelerating the seasonal transition for East Asia in early summer.  相似文献   

Using the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set(ICOADS) and ERA-Interim data, spatial distributions of air-sea temperature difference(ASTD) in the South China Sea(SCS) for the past 35 years are compared,and variations of spatial and temporal distributions of ASTD in this region are addressed using empirical orthogonal function decomposition and wavelet analysis methods. The results indicate that both ICOADS and ERA-Interim data can reflect actual distribution characteristics of ASTD in the SCS, but values of ASTD from the ERA-Interim data are smaller than those of the ICOADS data in the same region. In addition, the ASTD characteristics from the ERA-Interim data are not obvious inshore. A seesaw-type, north-south distribution of ASTD is dominant in the SCS; i.e., a positive peak in the south is associated with a negative peak in the north in November, and a negative peak in the south is accompanied by a positive peak in the north during April and May. Interannual ASTD variations in summer or autumn are decreasing. There is a seesaw-type distribution of ASTD between Beibu Bay and most of the SCS in summer, and the center of large values is in the Nansha Islands area in autumn. The ASTD in the SCS has a strong quasi-3a oscillation period in all seasons, and a quasi-11 a period in winter and spring. The ASTD is positively correlated with the Nio3.4 index in summer and autumn but negatively correlated in spring and winter.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations of daily maximum temperature(Tmax), daily minimum temperature(Tmin), daily maximum precipitation(Pmax) and daily maximum wind speed(WSmax) were examined in China using Mann-Kendall test and linear regression method. The results indicated that for China as a whole, Tmax, Tmin and Pmax had significant increasing trends at rates of 0.15℃ per decade, 0.45℃ per decade and 0.58 mm per decade,respectively, while WSmax had decreased significantly at 1.18 m·s~(-1) per decade during 1959—2014. In all regions of China, Tmin increased and WSmax decreased significantly. Spatially, Tmax increased significantly at most of the stations in South China(SC), northwestern North China(NC), northeastern Northeast China(NEC), eastern Northwest China(NWC) and eastern Southwest China(SWC), and the increasing trends were significant in NC, SC, NWC and SWC on the regional average. Tmin increased significantly at most of the stations in China, with notable increase in NEC, northern and southeastern NC and northwestern and eastern NWC. Pmax showed no significant trend at most of the stations in China, and on the regional average it decreased significantly in NC but increased in SC, NWC and the mid-lower Yangtze River valley(YR). WSmax decreased significantly at the vast majority of stations in China, with remarkable decrease in northern NC, northern and central YR, central and southern SC and in parts of central NEC and western NWC. With global climate change and rapidly economic development, China has become more vulnerable to climatic extremes and meteorological disasters, so more strategies of mitigation and/or adaptation of climatic extremes,such as environmentally-friendly and low-cost energy production systems and the enhancement of engineering defense measures are necessary for government and social publics.  相似文献   

我国东部地区NDVI与气温、降水的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用东部地区的1982—2001年归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料以及131个标准气象台站的气温、降水资料,用相关分析、奇异值分析(SVD)方法研究了该地区的植被与气温、降水的相互作用,得到以下几点认识:NDVI的最大值滞后于气温最高值的时间尺度在一个月左右。前期气温与后期NDVI的相关系数在春夏为负值,在秋冬却以正值为主。前期植被与后期气温的相关系数以负值为主。NDVI最大值滞后于降水最大值的时间尺度在两个月左右,同期NDVI与降水的相关系数为负值,而无论降水超前于NDVI或者NDVI超前于降水的时间尺度大于1个月时,二者的相关系数转为正值。由SVD方法得到东部地区7月份的NDVI与8月份的气温、降水有较好的相关关系。河南西南部及东北部区域NDVI与大部分地区的气温为正相关;长江流域NDVI与32 °N以南地区的降水有较好的负相关。因此,前期植被的变化特征可以作为后期气温、降水的预报的一种参考因子。  相似文献   

城市区域下垫面性质和位置差异对太阳辐射平衡的影响   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
介绍了时间序列的经验模态分解(EMD)方法,将EMD方法应用于近400年北半球重建平均气温资料的分析,从气候时间序列中提取气候信号中各个尺度的变化,进而分析气候的周期性振荡在20世纪的20年代变暖、40年代变冷及70年代变暖的可能作用。  相似文献   

Monthly mean surface air temperatures and precipitation at 20 meteorological stations in the Jinsha River Valley(JRV) of southwest China were analyzed for temporal-spatial variation patterns during the period 1961-2010.The magnitude of a trend was estimated using Sen's Nonparametric Estimator of Slope approach.The statistical significance of a trend was assessed by the MK test.The results showed that mean annual air temperature has been increasing by 0.08℃/decade during the past 50 years as a whole.The climate change trend in air temperature was more significant in the winter(0.13℃/decade) than in the summer(0.03℃/decade).Annual precipitation tended to increase slightly thereafter and the increasing was mainly during the crop-growing season.Both the greatest variation of the annual mean temperature and annual precipitation were observed at the dry-hot valley area of middle reaches.Significant warming rates were found in the upper reaches whereas the dry-hot basins of middle reaches experienced a cooling trend during the past decades.Despite of the overall increasing in precipitation,more obvious upward-trends were found in the dry-hot basins of middle reaches whereas the upper reaches had a drought trend during the past decades.  相似文献   

近百年全球平均气温年际变化型态的低频变率特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
利用时间上扩展的经验正交函数(TEEOF)分析方法,对近百年全球及南北半球平均气温一年、三年、六年和十年的变化形态及其频率进行诊断,结果表明,TEEOF第一模态占总方差贡献的50%以上,各种年际振动的第一模态基本上代表了与气候变化有关的年变化型,并能反映出气温的长期趋势变化,特别是十年际的第一模态,冬季气温湿示出较强的上升趋势,相应的第一时间主分量趋势与实际温度序列的走势非常一致。全球及南北半球各时域TEEOF除第一模态及一年TEEOF的第模态外,其它特同量所表示的年际变化型态各有差异,相应主分量都与一定的年际准周期振动结构的长期变率有关。年变化型态的T^2检验表明,南半球及全球的突变时间与年平均气温单要素t检验结果差异不大,而北半球的差异明显,表明T^2检验,对具有多变量的型态突变的检测比单要素的t检验理为合理。  相似文献   

华东高温期的大气环流特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和地面气象站点资料,对1951—2005年华东高温日数较多(少)月和高温过程各阶段的500 hPa位势高度、850 hPa温度和相对湿度及700 hPa垂直速度的环流特征进行对比分析。结果表明:在高温日数较多月,副高西伸,850 hPa温度较高而相对湿度较低,华东中南部下沉气流明显,华东多为位势高度、温度和垂直速度正距平及相对湿度负距平;而在高温日数较少月,副高东退,850 hPa温度较低而相对湿度较高,整个华东为上升气流,并为位势高度、温度和垂直速度负距平及相对湿度正距平。与高温前期和衰退期相比,高温盛期副高北抬西进,华东850 hPa温度较高而相对湿度较低,华东南部下沉气流强盛,各要素距平值增加,多数要素距平中心移向华东或其周边。高温间断期则比盛期各要素距平减弱。大气环流要素场及其距平场的变动可以作为预报华东7—8月高温日数多寡和高温进程的参考依据。  相似文献   

近百年江苏中部和南部地区气温趋势及其变化率估计   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
本文探讨苏中和苏南地区气温长期变化趋势的阶段特征,着重研究各不同时期气温趋势的显著性和置信区间。结果表明,(I)近百年该区气温有显著的上升趋势,且与北半球总变化趋势基本一致;(Ⅱ)除冬季以外,本区经历了两次升温和两次降温时期,各不同阶段具有不同的趋势特征;(Ⅲ)近百年气温最高的十年,除了夏季出现在本世纪60年代外,其余各季及全年平均都出现在本世纪40年代,这一特点与北半球最暖的十年出现于80年代以后是有一定差异的。  相似文献   

有关东亚季风的形成及其变率的研究   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
季风是全球气候系统中一种重要的大气环流系统,随着气候学研究及季风动力学研究的深入,国内外学者对季风的形成及其变率问题的研究取得了很大进展.回顾了近年来国内外关于亚洲季风的认识与形成机制的研究,特别是对东亚季风爆发及其过程的影响因子的认识.此外,对于东亚季风的季节性变化、低频振荡、年际和年代际变化及其可能机制也进行了分析、讨论.最后提出了在季风动力学研究方面需要进一步探讨的问题.  相似文献   

引用序贯抽样的思想,应用Radok提出的持续性变化检测方法,并结合经验正交函数的分析,揭示了我国江淮流域42年来气温和降水持续性变化的主要特征。  相似文献   

中国南方双季稻播种面积占到全国水稻的85%以上, 研究该区域对气候变化的响应有助于科学地规划和管理双季稻生产。以江南、华南双季稻区为研究对象, 选取1961—2010年南方双季稻区275个数据完整性较好的气象观测站点, 对双季稻区平均气温、日照时数、降水量等气候资源演变规律及其可能变化的分析表明: 该研究区域正处于气温显著上升阶段, 气候倾向率为2℃/(10 a), 尤其是1997年气温突变之后升温幅度进一步增大, 气候倾向率增大为5℃/(10 a), 且秋冬季增温更为显著。研究区域降水年际波动较大, 无明显增减趋势; 从季节上看, 春秋降水有减少趋势, 而冬夏有增加趋势, 且使降水分布更为集中。从空间演变看, 双季稻区气候资源的演变趋势存在较大的差异, 其中华南稻区呈暖湿化, 对喜温好水的双季稻生产是利大于弊; 而江南稻区则呈暖干化趋势, 对水稻生产不利; 同时秋旱风险加大, 尤其是西部地区将面临水资源减少、水稻种植用水不足。另一方面, 随着双季稻区气候变暖, 早稻适宜播种期提前、早晚稻生长季延长, 热量资源增加以及薄膜育秧技术广泛应用等, 都将使双季稻种植格局调整。双季稻区高温日数增多, 早晚稻生长发育无效热量也随之增加, 整体上江南热量资源的有效性低于华南, 尤其是江西和湖南两省, 热量有效性均 < 85%;华南大部地区热量有效性均高于95%。因而, 各地可根据所处区域气候资源要素演变规律及热量有效性分布选取产量与品质更好的中晚熟品种种植, 提高水稻种植积极性, 促进早晚稻安全生产。   相似文献   

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