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华南暴雨及中尺度对流系统发展对土壤湿度的敏感性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用WRF及其耦合的Noah LSM陆面过程模式,通过对发生在2009年3月28日(个例1)和2010年5月6日(个例2)两次暴雨过程的24 h模拟,研究了华南暴雨及中尺度对流系统(MCS)发展对初始土壤湿度(SM)的敏感性问题。首先采用源自NCEP-FNL和NASA-GLDAS的两种不同SM资料驱动模式进行对比试验,在此基础上,以NASA-GLDAS资料模拟结果为控制试验,通过不同程度(20%、60%)增减初始SM开展多个敏感性试验。对比试验分析表明,两种资料应用对24 h累积降水分布的模拟结果影响不大,但某种程度上可影响降水量的大小。预报技巧评分结果表明,采用NASA-GLDAS SM资料进行模拟得到的结果比采用NCEP-FNL SM资料的模拟结果有所改进,尤其是50 mm以上的暴雨预报,TS评分最大可提高5%。敏感性试验分析发现,两次暴雨过程降水与SM之间主要呈正反馈作用,但其表现出的特征不完全相同。暴雨过程中MCS的组织发展形式对SM与降水之间的反馈作用有影响,具有午后局地降水性质、对流组织性发展较弱的个例1,SM增大仅引起微弱的降水增多,SM减少则明显导致降水强度减弱,降水对SM的减少更为敏感;而具有持续降水性质、对流组织性发展较强的个例2,降水对SM的增大更为敏感,SM增大可带来更明显的降水增多。此外还发现,对流系统不同发展阶段的这种反馈作用也存在差异,MCS组织性发展较弱的个例,强的反馈作用主要出现在对流发展初期阶段,而MCS组织性发展较好的个例,强的反馈作用则主要出现在对流系统发展后期。   相似文献   

华南暖区暴雨中尺度对流系统的分析   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
利用自动站降水资料、卫星综合降水CMORPH资料、卫星TBB资料、雷达回波资料以及NCEP再分析资料等,分析了2007年5月26日发生在华南地区的一次暴雨过程,主要研究了与暴雨过程相关的中β尺度对流系统(M?css)的发展演变特征。结果表明:(1) 本次暴雨过程形成于地面低压倒槽及西南低空急流的左侧,暴雨区斜压特征不明显,是一次比较典型的暖区暴雨过程;(2) 暴雨至少与三个连续生消的M?css的活动直接相关,不同暴雨落区中降水峰值出现的时间与相应M?css发展强盛期对应关系良好;(3) M?css的发展演变表现为后向次第发展的形式,与华南另一种较为常见的前向次第发展类型不同,即新的对流系统主要在原M?css的后部形成;(4) 引发暴雨的中β尺度对流系统形成于850 hPa西南低空急流左侧的辐合区,高层200 hPa有明显辐散气流。但与典型华南前汛期暴雨区上空对应为南亚高压东侧向外辐散的类型不同,本次暖区暴雨位于入海南亚高压西侧的偏东和偏南气流的辐散区下方。(5) 低空急流不仅为暴雨区输送了丰富的暖湿空气,有利于中低层高不稳定能量存储区形成,相应的暖空气平流对对流系统的形成可能有更直接的作用。从地面中尺度流场出发,对这些暖区暴雨对流系统形成和发展的可能触发机制进行了有意义的讨论。  相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料、地面加密降水资料和风云-2卫星红外云图,对2004年云南初夏的一次强降水过程的大尺度环流背景、中尺度系统和水汽输送特征及来源情况进行了较为详尽的分析研究。结果表明:(1) 高低空环流的有利配置、印缅槽与东亚冷槽的相互作用,为此次云南地区暴雨的产生提供了有利条件;(2) 暴雨至少与四个连续生消的对流云团活动直接相关,强降水落区与云南的地形特征相关不大,只与低层辐合线有很好的一致性,而辐合线的发展演变与冷暖空气的势力对比相关;(3) 对降水区三维结构的分析表明,中尺度对流系统强烈发展区的低层为强辐合、正相对涡度,高层为辐散、负相对涡度;中低层有较强的上升运动,低层湿度较大、有不稳定能量的蓄积和释放;(4) 对云南水汽输送分析表明,直接影响此次云南强降水的水汽输送主要来源于孟加拉湾,并且引起此次云南强降水的水汽辐合是由风场辐合引起的,而水汽平流在这一地区为弱的干平流;同时,在较强的西南气流下,水汽辐合可存在于较高的气压层。   相似文献   

利用NCEP再分析资料和常规观测资料,对1996年8月3—5日发生在河北和山西的特大暴雨过程进行了分析和模拟研究,并对模拟结果用部分特殊观测资料进行了证实。天气形势的分析表明,“96.8”暴雨过程中登陆减弱的台风低压并未出现“75.8”暴雨中的台风与中纬度西风槽发生相互作用,入侵的弱冷空气是由华北高压南侧的偏东风引导至台风倒槽外围,是属于比较少见的登陆台风北上受高压阻挡停滞类型;台风倒槽内发生发展的2个中尺度对流云团是造成此次暴雨的直接影响系统,对流层低层的偏南风低空急流对中尺度对流云团的发展具有重要作用;暴雨期间,低空急流不仅强度大,而且伸展高度也相对较高;伴随强对流系统的主要入流和出流气流分别有2支,其中对流层高层的高空中尺度急流中心主要由强出流气流形成。分析还表明太行山对对流系统的阻挡可能是导致强降水长时间维持在石家庄附近的原因之一。  相似文献   

通过有无凝结加热和地表通量影响的数值模拟对比研究,分析了非绝热过程对一次华南暴雨MCS发生发展过程的影响。结果表明:(1)凝结加热对MCS的降水影响很大,在MCS发展的各个时期,如不考虑凝结加热,MCS的降水强度很快减弱,无法继续发展。(2)凝结加热在MCS涡旋的形成期最为重要,在涡旋形成之后,影响相对减弱。(3)凝结加热通过对MCS发展过程的影响从而也影响了MCS环境场中尺度低空急流、高层辐散等中尺度结构特征的形成。(4)地表感热、潜热通量等边界层非绝热过程对MCS的形成也有重要影响;在暴雨MCS发生前期,地表非绝热过程造成气压下降,导致华南南部来自海洋的偏南风加大,辐合加强,从而使低层的湿度增大,气层变得更加不稳定,有利于对流的启动。  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall event caused by a mesoscale convective system (MCS), which occurred over the Yellow River midstream area during 7–9 July 2016, was analyzed using observational, high-resolution satellite, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, and numerical simulation data. This heavy rainfall event was caused by one mesoscale convective complex (MCC) and five MCSs successively. The MCC rainstorm occurred when southwesterly winds strengthened into a jet. The MCS rainstorms occurred when low-level wind fields weakened, but their easterly components in the lower and boundary layers increased continuously. Numerical analysis revealed that there were obvious differences between the MCC and MCS rainstorms, including their three-dimensional airflow structure, disturbances in wind fields and vapor distributions, and characteristics of energy conversion and propagation. Formation of the MCC was related to southerly conveyed water vapor and energy to the north, with obvious water vapor exchange between the free atmosphere and the boundary layer. Continuous regeneration and development of the MCSs mainly relied on maintenance of an upward extension of a positive water vapor disturbance. The MCC rainstorm was triggered by large range of convergent ascending motion caused by a southerly jet, and easterly disturbance within the boundary layer. While a southerly fluctuation and easterly disturbance in the boundary layer were important triggers of the MCS rainstorms. Maintenance and development of the MCC and MCSs were linked to secondary circulation, resulting from convergence of Ekman non-equilibrium flow in the boundary layer. Both intensity and motion of the convergence centers in MCC and MCS cases were different. Clearly, sub-synoptic scale systems in the middle troposphere played a leading role in determining precipitation distribution during this event. Although mesoscale systems triggered by the sub-synoptic scale system induced the heavy rainfall, small-scale disturbances within the boundary layer determined its intensity and location.  相似文献   

1998年7月20~23日 (“98.7”) 发生在鄂东和鄂西南地区的特大暴雨过程, 不仅与700 hPa上低涡切变线的生成和持续发展密切相关, 而且与沿低涡切变线相继生成和强烈发展的MαCS与MβCS直接关联。利用非静力模式MM5.V2.12成功模拟提供的高分辨输出资料对这次特大暴雨中尺度系统发展的热量和水汽收支进行了诊断。结果发现:当有强对流发生并伴有强降水时, 就会有强的视热源Q1和视水汽汇Q2出现, 而强的Q1与Q2和强降水区基本是对应的; Q1随高度增高而增大, 最大加热位面基本上都在486.1 hPa (σ=0.54) 附近; 在对流层深厚的中空加热层是积云对流活跃和强暴雨持续发生、发展的一种重要热力机制; 在对流层上半部的相对冷层为暴雨区上空积云对流提供了极为有利的热力不稳定条件, 积云对流在中、低空的凝结潜热不仅加热对流层中层大气, 而且向高层输送, 加热高层的环境大气; 在暴雨初期, Q2的双峰结构与低空层积云及中空积云对流凝结变干有关; Q2的中空峰值大体与Q1的峰值相应, Q2的深厚变干层与Q1的深厚加热层非常一致。 诊断结果表明, 用非静力中尺度模式成功模拟的高分辨输出资料对Q1和Q2进行数值诊断是可行的。通过对强暴雨过程Q1和Q2的诊断, 可为改进积云对流参数化中加热和增湿廓线提供可靠的物理依据。  相似文献   

华南沿海一次暴雨中尺度对流系统的形成和发展过程   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7  
应用观测分析和数值模拟方法研究了2004年5月13~14日发生在华南西部沿海的一次暴雨中尺度对流系统(MCS)。结果发现:MCS开始发生在低层切变线南侧的偏南气流中,强盛时其水平范围达中口尺度,生命史近10个小时。在MCS的形成和发展过程中,低层的涡旋环流不明显,但其上空对流层中层500hPa上有流场的扰动与之对应。观测分析及数值模拟结果均表明沿海地形引起的辐合在对流的启动中有重要的影响。而对流发展起来后,由于凝结加热的作用,中层的扰动得到加强和发展,主要表现为涡度的增大,气旋性环流在500hPa高度附近表现最为明显,并在MCS东移发展的过程中起着重要的组织作用。MCS在有利地形触发作用下发生。并通过对流层中层扰动组织发展的过程,有别于华南其它一些暴雨过程常伴有低层涡旋系统向上发展的形式,有其独特的特征。还对中层扰动的增强过程和物理机制进行了分析,并提出了一个用于解释中层扰动对MCS组织发展影响的观点。  相似文献   

利用WRF v4.0中尺度模式及0.25°×0.25°高分辨率的GDAS分析资料,对2017年6月15日发生在华南的一次典型暖区暴雨过程进行数值研究。多源观测资料对比分析表明,Thompson aerosol aware云微物理方案与YSU边界层方案组合合理再现了此次暴雨的演变过程。观测与模拟的强风速下传、低层风场切变及降水之间存在较好的对应关系,强的雷达反射率与水汽通量散度中心一致。在中尺度对流系统(MCS)发展和成熟阶段,冷池的出流抬升是新生对流的重要触发条件,地形的动力抬升作用并非主导。云微物理分析指出,由于华南上空充沛的水汽及过冷雨水,雪的最大来源项表现为水汽凝华成雪,而霰的最大来源项为过冷雨滴碰并冰晶、雪并冻结成霰。在零度层之下的1.5 km区域,冰相粒子的融化率可达暖雨过程(1×10-4g/(kg·s)的2倍,暗示其在融化层对雨水形成的支配作用,而雪霰的重力沉降扮演了重要角色。此外,相变过程显著影响着大气的温度变化,当对流云底较低时,低层的水汽凝结将抵消雨水蒸发导致的冷却作用,减弱地面冷池的强度。  相似文献   

Observational analysis shows that a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) occurred on May 13- 14 2004 along the coastal area in South China. The MCS initiated among the southwesterly flows within a west-east orientation low-level shear line. Associated with the system, in its subsequent development stages, no distinct vortex circulation developed in low-level. Instead, a cyclonic flow disturbance was observed in the mid-troposphere. How the convection starts to develop and evolve into a MCS? With observational analysis and numerical simulation, the problem has been studied. The high-resolution MM5 simulation shows that topographic convergence along the coastal line and the nearby mountains in western South China plays an important role to initiate the MCS convection. Once the convection occurs, due to the condensation heating, a cooperative interaction between the preexisting mid-level disturbance and convection is created,which may greatly affect the MCS development during periods when the system continues moving eastward.Compared to some typical MCS that happen in Southern China, which are usually accompanied with upward development of cyclonic vorticity, the development and evolution of the investigated MCS shows distinguishing features. In this article, the physical mechanisms responsible for the intensification of mid- level disturbance are discussed, and a viewpoint to interpret the effects of mid-level disturbance on the MCS organizational development is proposed.  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observations collected during the SCSMEX,a mesoscale convective system (MCS) occurring over South China during 23-24 May 1998 has been studied with a numerical simulation using the Fifth Generation Penn-State/NCAR Mesoseale Modeling System (MMS).The successful simulations present us some interesting findings.The simulated MCS was a kind of meso-β scale system with a life cycle of about 11 hours.It generated within a small vortex along a cold front shear line.The MCS was characterized by severe convection.The simulated maximum vertical velocity was greater than 90 cm s-1,and the maximum divergence at about 400 hPa.The rainfall rate of MCS exceeded 20 mm h-1.To the right of the simulated MCS,a mesoscale low-level jet (mLLJ) was found.A strong southwesterly current could also be seen to the right of MCS above the mLLJ.This strong southwesterly current might extend up to 400 hPa.A column of cyclonic vorticity extended through most part of the MCS in the vertical direction.Additionally,the simulated MCS was compared favorably with the observational data in terms of location,precipitation intensity and evolution.  相似文献   

对流云团资料在局地暴雨数值模拟预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用PSU/NCAR中尺度数值模式,对两次暴雨实例进行了数值模拟试验。结果表明:相对应用地面及高空常规资料作为初始场的控制试验而言,就用实时卫星对流云团资料增强局部湿度场的敏感性试验,可使暴雨及邻近地区对流层中低层气流辐合上升运动增强,  相似文献   

利用奇异值分解(SVD)方法和山东省26个代表站1951~2000年6~8月降水量、NCEP/NCAR再分析1958~1998年1~12月925~300hPa5层月平均比湿和风场资料,分析了山东夏季降水与前期(冬季、春季)及同期(夏季)南海到西太平洋地区水汽输送之间相关场的分布型,从中找出了遥相关的“关键区”,并对找到的“关键区”的可靠性进行了验证。研究表明,山东夏季降水与前期(冬季、春季)和同期(夏季)南海到西太平洋地区水汽输送相关较好,春季的相关程度最高,冬季次之,夏季最小。  相似文献   

The correlation analysis has been used to study the relationship between spring soil moisture over China and East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). It is shown that EASM has a strong positive correlation with spring soil moisture over southwest China and the Great Bend region of the Yellow River. A standard soil moisture index (SMI) has been defined using the observed soil moisture of the two regions. The results show that SMI has a strong correlation with EASM. The years of strong (weak) SMI are associated with stronger (weaker) summer monsoon circulation. In the years of strong SMI, the west Pacific subtropical high is much northward in position and weaker in intensity; the westerlies zone is also more to the north. All of these make EASM circulation move northward and cause the rainfall belt to relocate to North China and Northeast China. SMI can reflect the variation of the summer rainfall anomaly over eastern China. In the years of strong SMI, the rainfall belt is mainly located over the northem part of China.However, during the weak years, the summer rainfall belt is largely located over the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River. Additionally, the SMI has obvious oscillations of quasi 4-6 years and quasi 2 years. Moreover, negative SMI predicts EASM better than positive SMI.  相似文献   

中国春季土壤湿度与东亚夏季风的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用1981~2002年全国土壤湿度资料,利用相关分析发现东亚夏季风和河套地区及西南地区春季土壤湿度之间存在较大的正相关,利用这两个区域的春季土壤湿度定义了一个标准化春季土壤湿度指数(SMI),结果发现:(1)SMI和东亚夏季风的强弱相关较好。高指数年东亚季风区低空西南夏季风气流和高层东风气流明显偏强,表明这一年夏季风偏强,低指数年则相反;(2)强SMI年,西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北,强度偏弱,西风扰动带偏北,有利于夏季风北推,不利于北方冷空气南下与之交汇,使得锋区偏北,位于华北、东北地区。弱SMI年则反之;(3)SMI能够较好地反映东部地区夏季降水,在强SMI年,长江流域降水明显偏少,而华北和河套地区的降水明显增多,而弱SMI年正好相反,这与东亚夏季风降水的环流形势也较为吻合(;4)SMI指数存在明显的4~6年和准2年的周期振荡,但其振幅和周期又有明显的周期变化。在对东亚夏季风强度的预报能力上,负的SMI对弱东亚夏季风的预报能力要强于正SMI对强东亚夏季风的预报能力。  相似文献   

登陆热带气旋暴雨突然增幅和特大暴雨之研究进展   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
热带气旋暴雨突然增幅和特大暴雨往往是酿成洪涝、山体滑坡、泥石流、山洪爆发等巨灾的直接诱因,因此,登陆热带气旋引发暴雨突然增幅和特大暴雨研究受到了气象学者的高度关注,也是热带气旋研究领域的难点之一.着重从以下5个方面系统地综述了国内外相关机理研究的主要进展:(1) 行星尺度环流背景、天气尺度系统和中尺度系统的多尺度相互作用;(2) 下垫面条件的影响;(3) 环境垂直风切变的作用;(4) 能量的制造及转换理论;(5) 涡旋Rossby波和重力惯性波的激发传播理论.最后对当前现状中的存在问题和未来工作设想进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Warm-sector heavy rainfalls along the south China coast from April to June during 2009–2014 can be divided into two main types based on their low-level circulations. Type I is the southerly pattern with meridional convergence line at the west of the Pearl River estuary, which is formed by the convergence of southeasterly, southerly, and southwesterly flows. Type II is the southwesterly pattern with a latitudinal convergence line at the east of the Pearl River estuary, which is formed by the convergence of westerly and southwesterly flows. Statistics on 6-hourly heavy rainfall events indicates that, during the afore-mentioned 6 years, there were on average 73.2 occurrences of the southerly pattern and 50.3 occurrences of the southwesterly pattern per year. After the onset of summer monsoon in the South China Sea, the occurrence frequencies of both patterns increase remarkably. The synthetic diagnosis of pattern circulation shows that, at 500 hPa, for the southerly pattern, there is a broad warm high ridge, and a temperature ridge is behind the high ridge, which causes an obvious warm advection at the high ridge area. There is no frontal region. For the southwesterly pattern, the circulation is a weak trough with a temperature trough behind it. The position of the frontal region is near Yangzi River, and the south China coast is in the warm-sector of the frontal region. At the vertical cross-section of each of the two categories of heavy rainfall, there is a strong vertical motion center stretching to 400 hPa, where the convergence layer in the rainfall region is deep and with several vertical convergence centers overlapping one another. Both types of heavy rainfalls are with abundant water vapor, accompanied with deep convective instability energy layers, and with strong release of latent heat caused by condensation of water vapor. The release of latent heat leads to the warming-up and stretching of the air column, thus strengthens deep convergence and vertical velocity upward. There is a stronger latent heat-release in the southwesterly pattern than in the southerly pattern, while in the southerly pattern, the warm advection at middle and upper levels is stronger than the latent head release. To study the thermo-dynamic development mechanisms, weather research and forecasting model (WRF) numerical simulations are made and the results show that, in the two rainstorm regions, latent heat release warms up the air column, hence significantly increase the depth and strength of the vertical velocity. Moreover, the release of latent heat strengthens convergent circulation at lower levels and weakens divergent circulation at middle levels, whose influence can be as strong as 30%–50% of the wind circulation strength of the two types of the warm-sector heavy rainfall over the south China coast, and further enhances deep convection, promoting warm-sector storm development.  相似文献   

华南中尺度暴雨数值预报的不确定性与集合预报试验   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
陈静  薛纪善  颜宏 《气象学报》2003,61(4):432-446
利用非静力MM5模式,分析了不同积云对流参数化方案对华南暖区暴雨数值预报的不确定性影响,进行了中尺度暴雨模式扰动集合预报试验。不同对流参数化方案的对流凝结加热引起不同的局地温度扰动,通过大气内部的热力动力过程,导致垂直速度的差异,进而影响网格尺度和次网格尺度降水时间、地点和强度。后续降水再通过凝结潜热释放形成新的扰动源。不同积云对流参数化方案还可引起扰动源能量传播方式不同,最终使模拟大气的动力和热力结构有差异。针对物理过程的不确定性,使用两种模式扰动方法构造集合预报扰动模式,第一种方法是随机组合不同积云对流参数化方案和边界层方案,第二种方法是扰动Grell积云对流参数化方案中主要参数振幅。集合预报结果表明,第一种方法的集合预报效果优于第二种方法,仅扰动参数振幅值似乎还不足以反映华南暴雨预报的不确定性。单一的确定性预报在暴雨落区和强度方面的可信度不稳定,集合产品能给华南暴雨过程提供更有用价值的指导预报,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

The heavy rainfall in the summer of 1998 over China has been simulated with the NCCRegional Climate Model(RegCM_NCC).It was successful for RegCM_NCC to reproduce thelocation and seasonal shift of the seasonal rain belt in the summer of 1998 over China.The rainyseason in the summer of 1998 over China can be divided into 7 episodes,including the pre-summerrainy season in South China.the Meiyu onset over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin,shortappearance of North China rain season and the retreat of seasonal rain belt,the second Meiyuseason over the Yangtze River Valley,the rainy period over the Yellow and Huaihe River Valleyand the seasonal retreat of rain belt over North China.The shortcoming of the RegCM_NCC isover-estimation of precipitation amounts.The regions with large latent heat flux,upper soilmoisture and total runoff are located in the rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt duringthe different episodes.On the contrary,the regions with small sensible heat flux are located in thesimulated rainy area and move with the simulated rain belt during the different episodes.  相似文献   

一次强降水过程的中尺度对流系统模拟研究   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
1998年5月23~24日在珠江三角洲地区发生的特大暴雨过程是华南暴雨试验(HUAMEX)加密观测期间的一个典型个例,卫星云图与降水分布表明这是锋面附近与锋前暖区发生的两个中尺度对流系统(简称MCS)造成的强降水。使用非静力原始方程模式MM5较为成功地模拟了这次暴雨过程。根据数值模拟的结果,本文着重分析了发生在锋面上和锋前暖区的两类MCS的中尺度特征,并探讨了这两类MCS的差别。结果表明,两类MCS具有某些共同的中尺度特征,即对流系统的底层和顶部分别存在β尺度的低压和高压中心;低层流场辐合而在对流雨团的顶部辐散出流;对流系统内部具有暖心结构等,但锋面上的MCS较暖区中的对流系统具有更强的斜压性;二者内部的流场与三维运动结构也具有不同的特征,来自西南和偏南方向的空气从底部流入锋前暖区MCS时受到中低压的气压梯度力作用而加速;而锋面上MCS中不仅有来自锋前的暖湿空气,而且还有来自锋后的冷空气参加对流。MCS高空反气旋式发散气流和空气的加速运动反映出MCS顶部存在中尺度高压及向外的气压梯度力,轨迹分析也证明了MCS上空气流的这种非地转特征。  相似文献   

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